Does Form 21001 need to be certified by a notary? Fill out an application for opening an IP. Sample fill p21001. sheet a. select okved codes

Before filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you need to download the P21001 form and familiarize yourself with the requirements for its execution. We advise you to pay special attention to this, since any deviation from the norm threatens to receive refusal to register. In this case, you will have to pay the state fee and apply again.

Download the new form Р21001

In the summer of 2016, the Federal Tax Service switched to a new classifier of types of activity - OKVED-2, which was reflected in form 21001. The changes affected the section of the form intended to describe the future activities of the IP.

The application for opening an IP is intended for both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners. You can submit it both at the registration window of the inspection located at the place of residence of the individual. persons, and online via the Internet - using the FTS website service. When visiting the authority in person, you should take with you a package of papers for registering a business, a passport and an invoice for payment of 800 rubles (state duty).

The site offers 2 types of services for individual entrepreneurs: submitting a full folder of documents online, submitting one application. The first is available only to those businessmen who have a personal digital signature, and the second is available to everyone, but it involves submitting only an application, so it will not be possible to issue an IP at a distance in this way.

Filling rules

Filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur is carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in Appendix No. 20 of the Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ММВ-7-6 / 25. The form is intended for automated verification, therefore, even with the slightest deviation from the standard, the IFTS employee will not accept physical. face documents.

How to apply for R21001:

  • use only capital letters and black ink;
  • in computer programs, install the font Courier New 18th size and do not forget to enable Caps Lock;
  • enter each character (letter, number, space, sign) in a separate cell;
  • abbreviate words and write dates according to the rules, which you can read about below in the article;
  • if the sentence consists of several words, leave one empty cell between each as a space;
  • if the word does not fit in one line, transfer it entirely to another, and empty cells, no matter how many there are, will be counted as one space;
  • do not make corrections and do not try to hide them with a corrector;
  • print each page on a separate A-4 sheet, double-sided filling is not allowed;
  • if you have Russian citizenship, do not fill out or print page 3 intended for foreigners;
  • Make sure that all information is entered correctly and is true.

Page #1

The first page of the application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur contains fields for specifying his personal data: full name, TIN, date of birth, citizenship. Indicate the page number 001 at the top of the sheet, and then proceed to fill out.

What and where to write:

  • 1.1 - Full name in Russian. This item is obligatory for everyone - both for Russians and for foreigners. The former write their full name as in the passport, the latter as in the residence permit document. Make sure that the data is written correctly, if the information in the passport and the application turns out to be contradictory, you will be denied registration.
  • 1.2 - Full name in Latin letters. Only foreign citizens enter if their identity documents contain relevant information. Russians cannot fill in paragraph 1.2.

  • 2 - TIN. If you think you don't have one, you are wrong. All citizens who at least once in their lives officially worked, owned property or paid some kind of tax have a TIN. To find out the TIN and check its availability, use the free service of the FTS website "".
    If there is still no code, leave the field blank and the tax office will assign it automatically.
  • 3 - floor. In a cell from one familiarity, insert the required number - 1 or 2.
  • 4 - date/place of birth. Enter the information as you would on your passport, including all punctuation marks and spaces. The correct date format is day/month/year.
  • 5 - citizenship. Citizens of Russia put 1, foreigners - 2. The latter and only they fill out clause 5.1 by entering the country code according to the All-Russian classifier.

Page #2

The second page of the application form for registering an individual entrepreneur in 2019 consists of two sections - the sixth for indicating registration and the seventh for entering information from an identity document. Before filling out, do not forget to indicate at the top of the sheet its serial number - 002.

Filling order:

  • Paragraph 6.1 - postcode.
    If you forgot your index, open the Russian Post website, enter your address in the search bar and click on the word "Find". The service will give you the index you need, and at the same time the work schedule of the post office and its location on the map in Yandex format, if you click on the "Show branch" function.

  • Let's go to point 6.2 - code of the subject of the Russian Federation. To find out, download and find your region of residence. Opposite it will be your code. For example, the code of the subject of Moscow is 77.
  • In points 6.3 - 6.5 describes the type of the address object. If an individual entrepreneur lives in a city, he fills out paragraph 6.4, if in any aul - paragraph 6.3, in a village or village - 6.5.
    The words city, village, aul and others must be abbreviated, adhering to the requirements of the law. Example: city - G, district - R-N, ulus - U, microdistrict - MKR, village - D. A complete list of abbreviations is presented in Appendix No. 2 to the Requirements for processing documents to the registration authority.

  • In field 6.6 on the left we write street (UL), territory (TER), avenue (PR-KT) or something else, and on the right the name.
    Use the same application as above as the abbreviation source.
  • Items 6.7 - 6.9 are intended to indicate the number of the house, building, possession, building, barn, dugout, yurta, apartment and are filled in without abbreviations. That is, we write like this: HOUSE 6, APARTMENT 5, as in the sample below. Please note that the number of the apartment or house should be indicated starting from the left edge of the line.

Let's move on to the seventh section. Prepare your passport - and go:

  • 1 subitem - document type code.
    Citizens of the Russian Federation enter information from their passport, its code is 21.

  • 2 - series and number.
  • 3 - date of issue.
  • 4 - issued by whom, write strictly as in the document.
  • 5 - subdivision code.

Page #3

A sample of filling out page 3 of an application in the form P21001 for registering an individual entrepreneur is needed only by foreign citizens, Russians do not have to fill out this section and may not even download it.

Here they indicate:

  • number 1 or 2, depending on the type of identity document;
  • the number of the document itself;
  • the date of issue of the document and the name of the authority that issued it;
  • validity.

Sheet A

The body of the application is completed, go to sheets A and B.

And here is the attention: if a citizen of the Russian Federation fills out an application for registering an individual entrepreneur, he skips page 3, which means that on sheet A you should indicate the serial number 003, not 004. Foreigners indicate the number 004 here.

Sheet A should contain information about the future economic activities of the IP and consists of only two items:

  • 1 - code of the main activity;
  • 2 - codes of secondary types of work.

The IP determines the necessary codes on its own, but you cannot enter less than 4 characters. All types of work for which an individual entrepreneur is registered should be taken into account. For example, retail and related production of some products, a veterinary clinic and the sale of medicines.

Pay attention to the sample of filling out the application for state registration of an individual entrepreneur below: the codes of auxiliary types of work are entered in it in ascending order from left to right. If you write differently, you will have to refill the application.

Sheet B

Last page of the application filled in 2 copies: 1 will remain with the individual as confirmation that the tax office has accepted the folder of documents for registration, and 2 will be taken by the employee of the instance.

All that needs to be indicated on sheet B is:

  • telephone or email address;
  • a way to obtain a certificate of opening an IP in the form of the number 1, 2 or 3.
Enter your full name and sign at the end of sheet B pen with a tax officer on the day the package of papers is submitted or with a notary if the IP will be opened by your representative.

Should the sheets be stapled?

In 2019, it is not necessary to flash a ready-made sample application for opening an IP, this rule was canceled back in 2014. But the final decision on the need for this procedure remains with the local authorities, so it is better to clarify this nuance with the registrar before submitting documents.

If the individual entrepreneur still needs to flash the application, then sheet B is attached separately from all the others, since one copy of it is returned to the individual entrepreneur. Behind the stitched application, a paper label should be glued with the inscription "So many sheets stitched and numbered." Under the inscription is the signature of the individual entrepreneur.

Before you start filling out an application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, put your passport in front of you. Remember, when a tax authority employee checks an application, he will ask you to present an identity document (passport), and all the data entered in the application will be verified with passport data. Therefore, if, for example, your last name is “Yezhov” in your passport, and you wrote “Yezhev” in the document, then such a statement will not be accepted and you will have to rewrite it.

In our example, we will register Abvgdezhov Konstantin Varfalameevich, a native of Novosibirsk, registered in the city of Izhevsk.

For convenience, we will divide the filling out of the application in the P21001 form into several stages, each of which will begin with a screenshot of the image of this application, and comments on filling out the corresponding part shown in the picture will follow below.

Important! Only one character is allowed per cell. One letter, space, dot, comma, dash, etc.

(8.8 Mb)

So, let's begin!

ATTENTION! The innovation obliges to enter instead of "city" and "mountains." just "g". Instead of street - "street"

Section 1. Surname, name, patronymic of an individual

In field 1.1.1 we enter the last name, in 1.1.2 - the first name, in 1.1.3 - the patronymic.
In strict accordance with the passport information. If, for some reason, the “middle name” field in your passport is not filled in, leave it empty in the application.

If you are not a foreign citizen, and have a valid citizenship of the Russian Federation - Let's not waste time and go straight to Section 2:

Section 2. TIN

Write in the comments - if available. It is understood that foreign citizens do not have this document. If you are not one of them, feel free to fill out this field, which consists of 12 digits.

Section 3 Gender

Men put 1, women - 2. If for some reason you began to feel some changes in the body regarding gender, one way or another, the field is also filled in in accordance with the passport, where gender is required.

Section 4 Birth Information

There are cases when a person was born, let's say on December 30, and they registered him in documents only on January 4, he celebrates his birthday exactly on 30 all his life, and considers 30 to be the date of his birth. Not in this case. As recorded officially, then we enter in the “date of birth” field.
In our case: 04/01/1972

The situation with the place of birth is absolutely similar. For example, Sverdlovsk no longer exists, but if you were born in Sverdlovsk according to your passport, we write: mountains. Sverdlovsk. As in the passport!

Section 5 Citizenship

We put one if we are citizens of the Russian Federation. Foreigners put 2, stateless persons - 3.
5.1 is filled in only on the condition that in the previous paragraph you have 2.

Section 6. Address of the place of residence, stay

6.2. The number of the subject of the Russian Federation. As a rule, it coincides with the number that is printed on state automobile signs. Those. Moscow - 77, St. Petersburg - 78, etc.

6.3 - 6.5. If you live in some aul, fill in 6.3 accordingly, for those living in the city - subparagraph 6.4. For villagers and villagers - clause 6.5.

6.6. So we write in capital letters the word “STREET” and next to it the name of our street where you live.

Important! If the name of the street consists of several parts (for example, “Forty Years of Victory Street”, then an empty cell is left between the components, which serves as a space.

6.7. Characteristics of the building. House, property, barn, dugout, etc. More often than not, it's a house. Next write the number
Carefully! We write the number closer to the left edge of the field, and not to the right!

6.8. Building and building number (for buildings consisting of several buildings).

6.9. Characteristics of the room. An apartment, a room, a corner in a yurt, etc. Most of the time it's an apartment. And next we put the number, as shown in the sample.

Section 7. Passport data

7.1. Type of document - enter 21. This is the identification number of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
7.2. Series and number. Remember about empty cells that go beyond spaces!
7.3. Date of issue. There is nowhere to go wrong.
7.4. Issued by. We enter exactly as in the document! If you see that the word does not fit into the line, it is better to transfer it to the bottom one, remember: there is one letter in one cell!
7.5. The subdivision code is also taken from the passport data.

it will be the third in our application for registration! That is why in the topmost field, which is called Page. enter “003” yourself.

On this, the body of the application itself ended and SHEET A of the application and SHEET B of the application follow.

Sheet A of the application

1. Code of the main activity. We select it from . It should correspond to the type of activity for which you start doing business. But there is an opportunity to choose other directions.
2. Codes for additional activities. You can enter many codes, and if, for example, you decide to deal with furniture and you have entered the code for furniture in your main activity, no one bothers to indicate both the wholesale of vegetables and medical services in additional types. It’s better to be safe here than to run around later and enter the code of the business that you suddenly started doing for yourself.

In total, on one sheet, in addition to the main type of OKVED, you can enter as many as 56 codes.

Sheet B of the application

On the next page, first of all, enter its number 004.

We leave the fields for entering the full name and our signature empty, we will fill them in directly with the tax officer. The fields are filled in in the “hand-filled” sample to show the final version of the application.

E-mail is entered when the application is submitted electronically. However, if you indicated an email address, and then decided to submit an application personally to the tax authority, nothing bad will happen.

Everything! This completes the filling out of the application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur. Congratulations! Everything below is the business of tax authorities and does not concern us.

Filling out Form No. Р21001 manually

Now about those who do not like or do not know how to fiddle with the keyboard and who find it easier to work with an ordinary ballpoint pen.
The application can be filled out without resorting to computer technology, all you need is a regular ballpoint pen with black ink.

The filling principles remain the same as electronically: in one cell we enter only one character - a letter, a comma, a space, a hyphen, and so on. We write strictly in block letters, preferably without an inclination.

We offer below a sample of filling out an application for registration of physical. face as an IP filled with a regular pen with black ink. Red ink indicates comments that need to be taken into account when filling out the application.

The article will discuss the features of compiling the P21001 form. What kind of document is this, for what purpose is it used, and how to fill it out - further.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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If a person decides to go into business and register as a business entity, he does not need to visit law offices.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, it is enough to fill out the P21001 form.

General aspects

Starting in 2013, a new registration application form P21001 came into effect.

This document is mandatory for submission to the registration authorities. It is allowed to fill out the form by hand and on the computer. It is not necessary to certify it with a notary if the application is submitted in person.

To start a business, individuals need to register with the tax office.

To do this, you must pay the state fee and fill out an application. After successfully registering, a person is assigned. After that, he has the right to carry out activities legally.

By registering, an individual entrepreneur automatically becomes a tax payer OSNO.

For beginners, this is a more difficult option. To switch to a special regime, there are deadlines for applying:

30 days from registration
within 5 days
Up to 10 days.

If the entrepreneur does not plan to hire employees, then he will be automatically registered with the Pension Fund and the FSS.

The data will be taken from the tax office. If there are workers, then the funds will have to be visited in person.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, in addition to a passport, you must prepare the following documents:

  • photocopy - certified by a notary;
  • for foreign citizens - a residence permit (or), also certified;
  • for minors - permission from parents or;
  • the decision of the board of trustees or the court that the individual is capable.

Documentation is submitted in person or sent by mail. Within 5 days, documents will be issued that confirm the registration of individual entrepreneurship.

A notice will be issued on registration with the tax authority and a record sheet of the unified register of individual entrepreneurs. According to the new rules, it is not necessary to flash pages.

The application is considered by employees of the tax service in the first place. If it does not comply with the established form, the entrepreneur will be refused.

As a result, not only time will be lost, but also finances, since the money paid is not returned.

If the application was made on a computer, you must print the form in 2 copies. When filled out by hand, the form is duplicated.

Upon receipt of the documentation, the registrar is obliged to make a note on 2 copies of the receipt of the application and documents.

Regardless of the correctness of filling in all the data, the application form P21001 will not be accepted if the applicant indicates the following types of planned activities:

  • sale of alcoholic beverages - wholesale or retail;
  • production or repair of aviation equipment;
  • security;
  • release of medicines;
  • work with securities.

In this case, the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur will not be accepted. It already requires registration of a legal entity.

What it is

Application for registration of an individual entrepreneur form P21001 - a document for the tax service with a request to register as an individual entrepreneur.

The form of the document is established by law. The document is simple, so you can fill it out without much effort. Form P21001 can be.

The completed form is the main document for those who wish to obtain a certificate of an individual entrepreneur.

Entering data must be approached responsibly - any wrong letter will cause a refusal to register an individual entrepreneur.

For residents of the Russian Federation and non-residents, the form is the same, only the number of pages filled out differs. Citizens of the Russian Federation fill out 4 sheets, foreign persons - 5.

Where to apply when registering an individual entrepreneur

An individual entrepreneur is allowed to do business throughout the Russian Federation, but it is necessary to open an IP at the place of registration.

Documents along with the application are submitted to the tax office or a multifunctional center - in person or remotely.

If the second option is chosen, then you can apply as follows:

You will also need to pick up ready-made documents on opening a private business at the tax office.

The legislative framework

Documentation requirements have been approved.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is regulated by the following regulations and laws:

A sample of filling out an application in the form P21001 in 2019

The first page of the form is completed as follows:

The second page (section 6) is dedicated to the address and is filled in like this:

The third page is not filled in and printed out by citizens of the Russian Federation. In sheet A of the application, the page number in order - 003 - must be indicated at the top.

The code of the activity that will be the main one for the IP is filled in. Additional codes are also filled in.

This year, a new reference book 2 is used for registration. The number 004 is put on sheet B.

Here you indicate the desired method of obtaining the finished document, the country code and the phone number - mobile or landline. If the application is submitted via the Internet, then an e-mail address is indicated.

How to draw up a form

The form consists of 5 pages, each must be completed. Be sure to leave your own contact information so that a tax specialist has the opportunity to contact the applicant.

The signature in the form is put only after entering all the data and in the presence of a tax officer. If the application is already submitted with a signature, it will not be accepted.

Compiled by hand or on a computer. The first 3 pages of the form are devoted to general information about the individual.

Video: open IP. Application for opening a sole proprietorship

This is followed by sheet A (it lists OKVED codes) and sheet B (confirms the correctness of the applicant's data). Data entry is carried out in accordance with the structure.

The main information is grouped into the following sections:

  1. Personal data. The name, surname and patronymic are indicated here. The fields are duplicated so that you can fill in foreign letters.
  2. . Its absence is not an obstacle to registering an individual entrepreneur. The code can be obtained during the registration process.
  3. Gender of the applicant.
  4. birth information. In addition to the date, the place of birth is also indicated.
  5. Citizenship.

By filling out the application in accordance with the sample, the document will be drawn up correctly, and the IP registration will not be refused.

Basic document requirements

In 2016, the Federal Tax Service changed the requirements for filling out the form. Private entrepreneurs should consider the following:

  • all letters must be capital;
  • only black paste is allowed;
  • filled in Russian;
  • enter each letter or number in a separate cell;
  • corrections or strikethroughs are unacceptable;
  • if a mistake is made, another form must be taken;
  • information is written out from documents - if the data does not match, registration will be refused;
  • you can abbreviate words according to the established rules;
  • the line indicates the method of obtaining the document;
  • be sure to include a phone number and email address;
  • each sheet is numbered;
  • not only the name of the registering authority is indicated, but also its code;
  • the applicant's signature is required;
  • codes of all types of activities that the IP plans to engage in are indicated;
  • you cannot print the document on both sides;
  • You also need to print in black ink;
  • data need not be duplicated.

If a citizen of another country is registered, then its code is indicated.

Sample document

The first page is the title page. It contains basic information about the applicant. The second page is devoted to registration information.

Difficulties sometimes arise with filling out sheets A and B. Sheet A contains questions regarding the types of activities planned. numeric designations of codes are indicated.

The first paragraph indicates the profile of activity. When circumstances change, the profile changes. Sheet B confirms the authenticity of the application and its compilation on a voluntary basis.

As soon as the document is issued, you will need to pay a state fee. Sample of filling out the form:

Nuances for a foreign citizen

If the applicant is a citizen of a foreign state, then he submits not only photocopies, but also original documents. The tax officer is required to verify the data.

Before starting to conduct entrepreneurial activities, a foreign citizen must confirm legal residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

When filling out an application by a foreign citizen, there are a number of nuances. When entering personal data, the full name is first indicated in Russian - as it is entered in the residence permit, then - in Latin.

3 sheet is also filled out - it indicates information from the document giving the right to reside on the territory of the Russian Federation. Foreign citizens fill out all 5 pages of the application.

When the task of registering an individual entrepreneur arises, one of the first questions that arises is the documents required for this. One of them is "form P21001", as registrars often like to call it among themselves. Or, if it’s correct, then “Application in the form P21001 on state registration of an individual entrepreneur.” It would seem that there is nothing easier in registration actions than registering an individual entrepreneur. But even here, various nuances and questions in filling sometimes pop up.

What is Form P21001

As already mentioned, this statement is in accordance with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. MMV-7-6 / [email protected] form with the index "P21001", used for.

This form, like all the others, was developed by the GNIVTs under the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, put into effect in July 2013, and are still in use today. By 2020, new forms may be adopted, but they have been waiting for a couple of years, so for now we are working with what we have.

In paragraph 3, there is nothing complicated - we choose the gender of the applicant, in case of doubt - we look like in the passport =)

Item 4 should contain information about the birth, namely the date and place. Again, you do not need to invent anything, we write as in the passport.

If a citizen decides to start his own business and obtain the status of a business entity, he does not need to apply to a law office and pay a lot of money for their services. State registration of an individual entrepreneur is a fairly simple procedure that can be completed without the involvement of third-party specialists.

Definition and application

In order to register as an individual entrepreneur, individuals need to fill out a special form P21001, which was assigned a personal code 1112501 according to CND. It should be filled out according to the sample that can be downloaded on thematic web resources or found at the stand at the Federal Tax Service.

When entering data into this document, the future entrepreneur needs to monitor their precision and credibility. If an employee of the regulatory authority reveals inaccuracies, then the individual will have to re-fill out the application and submit it for registration.

Russian citizens can submit this form (in duplicate) both to the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence, and via the Internet on the site

If the future individual entrepreneur decides to personally visit the tax office, he needs to have his civil passport and a package of documents for registration with him, which must contain a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Applications for registration of IP and termination of its activities - what are the differences

Application Form Р21001 consists of 2 pages. It comes with two forms:

  • BUT- reflects information about the types of activities that the Individual Entrepreneur plans to develop;
  • AT- is a receipt of an individual confirming the accuracy of the information provided by the Federal Tax Service.

Each sheet of the application is numbered in a three-digit format, after which it is stitched, and a small piece of paper is glued to the ends of the thread. On it, an individual indicates the number of numbered and stitched sheets.

Before state registration, the future entrepreneur must pay a fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

If an individual entrepreneur decides to work on a simplified taxation system, he needs to fill out form 26.2-1 (in duplicate) during the registration process.

When completing Form P21001, individuals must consider following:

  • in the application it is extremely important to indicate not only the name, but also the code of the body that carries out the state registration of the IP;
  • all sheets of the form must be numbered and stitched;
  • if the form is filled out using computer technology, then you need to select the Courier New font, and then print it out;
  • after filling out the form, the future entrepreneur must put his signature in all the marked places;
  • when printing or mechanically filling out a receipt for receipt (sheet B), you need to make 2 copies so that one remains with the applicant with a mark put by an employee of the Federal Tax Service;
  • if an individual is not able to personally submit a package of documents to the regulatory authority, he can authorize his representative (page 3 must be certified by a notary office);
  • in the event that the future Individual Entrepreneur does not have an identification tax number, he must leave the relevant columns empty;
  • all personal data an individual must enter into the form in accordance with the information from the civil passport;
  • if a citizen or resident of another state includes sheet B, drawn up according to OKVED 2007, in the package of documents for state registration, then the regulatory authorities will automatically refuse;
  • in the application form, an individual must indicate all types of activities that he plans to develop in the future (if the entire list does not fit on one sheet No. 1, then the law allows you to fill out several more forms);
  • if during the process of filling out the application some sheets are left blank, then an individual may not flash them and not include them at all in the registration documentation package;
  • in the form P21001 there is a page that is intended to be filled out by citizens of foreign countries (if the application is filled out by Russians, they may not attach it);
  • when filling out the last page of the form, an individual can enter the full name only manually and in the presence of a notary;
  • if the future entrepreneur personally submits a package of documents for state registration to the Federal Tax Service, then he puts his signature in the presence of its employee;
  • the inspector of the regulatory body located at the place of residence of the individual must personally fill out section No. 2, in the presence of the applicant.


When filling out an application R21001, individuals must be guided by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected] dated January 25, 2016 .

If a citizen is denied state registration, then the supervisory authority will refer to Federal Law No. 129.

In the event that a business entity in the application P21001 indicates the wrong codes of activity for which he will work in the future, he will be held liable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ().


Individuals who plan to do business must fill out an application of the established form (P21001), collect a package of documents and submit them to the Federal Tax Service at their place of residence. This can be done personally or entrusted to your official representative.

For the registration procedure on the website of the State Service, you must register a personal account, then select the desired section and, using the prompts, fill in the fields of the proposed form.

You can learn more about filling out the P21001 form from this video.


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