Letter of guarantee for the provision of work. Receiving a letter of guarantee on payment of debt. Letter of guarantee to the legal address

About that, it will be interesting to those persons who are interested in receiving some kind of supporting document from the debtor. In it, the borrower undertakes to perform certain actions within the framework of the mutual relations of the parties. A letter of guarantee is used in various fields, we will talk about how to write a letter of guarantee below. A letter of guarantee is a business document drawn up by one of the parties (or an individual) during the transaction, which contains information confirming compliance with the agreed conditions, as well as the performance of any actions.

A letter of guarantee is some way of securing obligations. Not only legal entities are interested in how to write a letter of guarantee, sometimes individuals also need a document of this type.

The letter of guarantee is relevant in the following areas:

Labor law. In this case, when applying for a job, you must write a letter of guarantee. As a rule, it is required when submitting a package of documents to the FMS for migrant citizens.
Contract law. There are many nuances that involve writing such a letter. For example, a lease agreement, a loan, a guarantee document from the owner of the premises or payment of a debt, etc.

Letter of guarantee form- is arbitrary, therefore it is not at all difficult to compose, and the content is based on a specific situation.

You can send a letter of guarantee to the second person in several ways:

1. By registered mail by mail.
2. Personally in hand. In this case, the party who received the letter must sign the second document.
3. Via e-mail.

How to write a letter of guarantee

The law does not provide for the norms for drawing up a letter of guarantee, however, when filling out the form, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

Without fail, the recipient of the document is registered, namely, his full name or the name of the legal entity. person, phone number, address, and other informational information;

The body of the letter assumes a complete inventory - for what reason the legal relationship of the parties arose, what exactly this letter provides, in what time frame the specific actions described in the letter of guarantee will take place, etc.;

You can attach additional documents to the compiled letter if you thought that the recipient should get acquainted with this information;

If the letter of guarantee is drawn up on several pages, then they should all be numbered and stitched, or you can sign on each page;

In most cases, a letter of guarantee is written in response to any claim, so this fact must be reflected in the text of the document;

Be sure to put a signature and date at the end of the document, while the signature is only affixed by an authorized person (an additional seal is required from the legal entity).

Letter form

To write a letter of guarantee correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with its form. It is drawn up on behalf of the legal entity. person and must contain all the details (abbreviated or full name, OGRN, TIN, telephone number, address). If the document is written by physical. face, then an arbitrary order of writing is allowed.

How to write a letter of guarantee?

It is allowed to draw up a document in writing or on an officially approved legal form. persons, or on plain paper nat. face. The guaranteeing party must write specific terms depending on the specific situation. If necessary, you can describe the execution methods that the second party undertakes to implement.

Of course, a letter of guarantee is not considered a binding document, as it is not of a regulatory nature. Nevertheless, when writing it, both parties hope for the honesty in the execution of the debtor. In other words, such a documentary relationship is entirely based on trust.

Example of a letter of guarantee:

Director of JSC "Eurostroy"
Kislichenko Oleg Viktorovich
from Panov Sergei Petrovich
residing at:
Penza, st. Gorky, 2 sq. eight
Contact phone .: +7 111 258 23 58

Letter of guarantee

I, Sergey Petrovich Panov, undertake to pay for the building materials received from Eurostroy, in accordance with the drawn up contract for the provision of building materials dated 17.04.2015 No. 3 in the amount of 20,500 (twenty thousand, five hundred) rubles within the agreed period up to 20.07. 2015.

Signature (decryption)

We tried to consider in as much detail as possible, how to write a letter of guarantee correctly, we hope the presented material will help you in any life situation.


By issuing a letter of guarantee on the performance of work, its author undertakes to perform a certain amount of actions in a timely manner. This document is provided to the customer as a guarantee of the fulfillment of the obligations specified in the letter.

Usually, a letter of guarantee is written in the event that the contractor, for any reason, cannot complete the work within the period specified in the contract. In response to the customer's claims, a letter can be drawn up with a guarantee that the work will be completed as soon as possible. The text should contain the terms for fulfilling the obligations, as well as the responsibility that the author of the letter will incur if the obligations are not fulfilled on time.

The customer may require a letter of guarantee in the event that he doubts the reliability of the contractor or for additional guarantees that the work ordered by him will be performed.

At the bottom of the article, a sample of a letter of guarantee on the performance of work is offered for free download.

How to write correctly (sample)

In order for the letter of guarantee to have any weight in the eyes of the customer, it must be properly drawn up. If the contractor is a legal entity, then it is better to use a company-type form with the details indicated on it. The document must be certified with the seal of the organization, and the director of the organization must also sign the letterhead.

A letter of guarantee for payment will help to convince the partner that payment will be received in a timely manner after the delivery of products, the performance of work or the provision of services. It is a type of business correspondence between organizations and confirms the intention of payment in the future, after the preliminary fulfillment of obligations by the partner in the transaction. The letter of guarantee is the basis for entering into the contract such a payment term as a deferred payment. The preparation of this document may end pre-contractual negotiations.

Before writing a letter of guarantee for payment, read the rules for its preparation. Large organizations have special instructions for office work, which contain mandatory requirements for the design of business correspondence. There are programs that facilitate office work in an organization and offer a document management system with developed document forms. If you have a small company and do not have local instructions for office work, it is recommended to apply the general rules of GOST R 6.30-2003 "Requirements for paperwork."

Take your company letterhead or place a corner stamp with your business details on the piece of paper to the left. At the top right, write the addressee to whom you are sending the letter. If you do not know who specifically deals with financial issues in the organization, your letter will be addressed to the company as a whole. Write its name in the nominative case. If you indicate the position and full name of the recipient, then in the dative case. The name of the organization is included in the position. Then the initials and surname follow. If completely, then in the following sequence: surname - name - patronymic. Addressing "mister" (abbreviated as "mr") is optional, but will emphasize respect. On the left, indicate the outgoing number and date of the document, below them there is an empty props for the incoming number and the date of receipt. Below in the center, according to the old habit, many indicate the name of the document - a letter of guarantee of payment. According to modern rules, the name is not indicated. Next, state the essence of the letter with restraint and objectivity. At the end, the signature of the head and chief accountant, the seal of the organization.

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In the text of the letter, indicate the amount and terms of payment, the subject of the contract (what product, work or service), bank details and legal addresses of the parties to the transaction. At the end of the text, use the phrase "we guarantee payment."

Use formal writing, simple, concrete sentences. Do not use participial and adverbial expressions. Avoid vague phrases and lengthy reasoning. Otherwise, your addressee will not understand the essence of your request or will doubt your guarantees. Being kind and sincere will help set your partner up to make an affirmative decision in your favor. Jargon, archaisms (obsolete, unused words) and ambiguous words not for business correspondence. Write correctly and without mistakes. Usually, making important decisions requires fast delivery of information. Letters go by mail for a long time. Therefore, the letter is first sent by fax. The recipient uses the fax copy until the original arrives by mail. The exchange of letters via the Internet is widespread. The original document with seals and signatures is scanned and sent via e-mail.

Correctly drafted guarantee letter of payment and conscientious fulfillment of the obligations assumed will create a good reputation for your company and will be the key to profitable long-term cooperation with business partners.

A letter of guarantee is a business document containing confirmation by one of the parties of certain actions. Examples of letters of guarantee are the topic of this article. They may contain the following information:

  • a request for the sale of certain services or goods, with their subsequent payment;
  • recognition of debt obligations that will be fulfilled within a certain time frame;
  • act as a prior arrangement.

Often letters of guarantee act as one of the ways of settling a pre-trial dispute after receiving a claim. In practice, the letter may contain any guarantees in relation to certain actions.

Legal force of the document

Despite the many examples of letters of guarantee, such a document acquires legal force only if an agreement is signed. And the letter itself is only a confirmation of the fulfillment of a certain clause in the contract. Even in court, if an appeal is provided in confirmation without a contract, then such a document will be considered invalid. Simply put, a letter of guarantee is just the officially expressed intentions of a legal entity.

General compilation rules

An example of a letter of guarantee is part of a business document flow, so it must contain the following mandatory details:

  1. Compilation date and outgoing number.
  2. Recipient data.
  3. The name of the document or the subject of the appeal.
  4. The content sets out the essence of the warranty.
  5. Attachments to the letter, if provided, for example, a debt repayment schedule.
  6. The position and signature of the sender.

As a general rule, letters of guarantee from legal entities are drawn up on the company's letterhead and certified with a seal. Although there are no strict requirements for the design of letters drawn up on official letterheads of legal entities. At the same time, any bank is unlikely to accept a letter of guarantee without a company seal.

Sample letters

Example of a letter of guarantee for payment:

This document on debt reimbursement must necessarily contain the details of the contract and / or account, due to which the debt was formed. Such a letter can be regarded as a kind of bill of exchange, that is, an advance obligation. The signature of the chief accountant or the person responsible for the payment in the document must be affixed.

Director of JSC "Recipient"

To the addressee A.A.

ref. No. xxx. date


Due to temporary financial difficulties at the enterprise, we guarantee to pay on account No. 000 from (date), for a total amount of XXX thousand rubles, for the supply of materials under contract No. 111 from (date), we guarantee to pay by (date).

Director of JSC "Garant" signature, full name

Chief accountant of JSC "Garant" signature full name

Example of a letter of guarantee for payment of a debt:

Director of JSC "Recipient"

To the addressee A.A.

ref. №ххх Date


PE "Debtor" guarantees the payment of debt to PE "Lender" for the services provided for the total amount of XXX rubles before (date), that is, guarantees the fulfillment of clause xx of agreement No. xx dated (date).

In the event that our company does not fulfill its obligations to pay the debt within the agreed period, then the penalty provided for in the contract will be paid, namely, 0.1% of the total amount of the debt for each day of delay.

Bank details of our company:

Director of PE "Debtor" signature full name

Chief accountant of PE "Debtor" signature Full name

Delivery of goods and performance of work

An example of a letter of guarantee for the performance of work:

Director of JSC "Recipient"

To the addressee A.A.

ref. No. xxx Date


JSC "Stroitel", on the basis of contract No. 000 dated (date) with your company, has undertaken to carry out all construction and installation work at the facility (name, address) by (date). By this letter I confirm the previously given guarantees upon completion of work in accordance with clause ... of the above agreement before (date).

Director of JSC "Stroitel" signature, full name

In the case of a letter that does not contain obligations and guarantees to pay a certain amount, the signature of the chief accountant is not required.

Example of a letter of guarantee for the supply of goods:

Director of JSC "Recipient"

To the addressee A.A.

ref. №ххх Date


PE "Buyer" asks you to supply products, according to specification No. xxx from (date), under contract No. xxx from (date). We guarantee the payment to be made by (date).

If the funds are not transferred within the agreed period, then this letter can be regarded as a commercial loan received by our organization. PE "Seller" has the right to charge interest for the use of other people's funds for the entire period of delay. Based on the calculation specified in clause xxx of the aforementioned contract. That is, 1% for each day of delay.

Director of PE "Buyer" signature Full name

Chief accountant of private enterprise "Buyer" signature Full name

An example of a letter of guarantee requires adherence to the accepted terminology in business practice. You should not describe the entire history of relations between legal entities and go into details for what reason this or that situation occurred. The letter should be short and contain clear wording, for example:

Additional requirements

If a letter of guarantee is drawn up for a credit and financial institution, it is recommended to attach a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, so that the bank has the opportunity to confirm the powers of the head who signed the document.

If a letter is drawn up and signed by an authorized person, then documents are attached to it that can confirm the authority of this person. It can be a power of attorney or a protocol. The main thing is that they contain a clear indication of the legality of the actions of the authorized person.

Quite often, when concluding contracts in the field of real estate, performing various works or providing services, the parties discuss the issue of making an advance payment. However, not in all cases prepayment takes place, for example, due to the lack of funds from one of the parties. In this case, it is advisable to draw up a letter of guarantee that payment will be made after, for example, shipment. That is, the preparation of this document allows, by agreement of the parties, to defer payment.

The second option for using such a letter is in the case when a citizen needs to use the services of an organization or an individual, and there is no possibility of paying for these services at the moment.

A letter of guarantee for payment is a document that guarantees payment in the future.

How to write a letter of guarantee for payment

When drawing up a letter of guarantee for payment, we recommend that you pay attention to the following points:

Don't know your rights?

  • in the upper right corner of the document, the name of the organization and the full name of the head (or the full name of an individual) are indicated, then it is written on behalf of whom this letter is drawn up;
  • the text of the letter indicates a request to perform any action - for example, a request to book a boat;
  • then the term of payment for the action performed by the counterparty is indicated;
  • below is the signature and the date of the letter.

The text of the letter should consist of simple and understandable phrases. There is no need to operate with the norms of the law and write florid expressions. The easier the document is to write, the better it will be for both parties.

Form of a letter of guarantee for payment

The legislator does not make clear requirements for the form of a letter of guarantee for payment.

As a general rule, it is considered that the document is drawn up in the form in which the main contract was concluded. But, you must agree that a letter of guarantee orally will not have the same force as in a written one.

Therefore, despite all the promises of the other party, we recommend that you insist on drawing up a guarantee in writing.

If a letter of guarantee is drawn up on behalf of a legal entity, then it is usually written on the letterhead of the organization and certified by the signature of the head (or other authorized person) and the seal of the organization. Individuals can write on an ordinary blank sheet of paper.

Thus, a letter of guarantee for payment is a frequent case of confirmation of the obligations of a party to make payment in the future. In order for this document to have legal force, and the court accepted it as evidence in the case (in case of an unfavorable outcome), use our recommendations and carefully read the text of the document.


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