How to turn on the Internet on a computer using a mobile phone. Internet via mobile phone - All options How to set up Internet using your phone

Internet via a mobile phone or smartphone that supports 2G and/or 3G communication technology can be configured on the user's computer.

Let's consider all available ways of such adjustment.

Connect a PC to the Internet via a smartphone (Wi-Fi hotspot)

If you use your PC and you urgently need access to the Internet, and there is no cable or router at hand, you can set up your smartphone as an access point.

It will work like a router and you can connect to it from your computer.

Follow the instructions below to connect your laptop or PC to your smartphone with mobile internet:

  • Turn on the wireless network in your computer settings;
  • Now go to the settings of your smartphone or your tablet;
  • Select the wireless menu and then access point. In earlier versions of Android, click on the item "Modem and router mode";
  • In the window that opens, click on router settings;

  • In the window that opens, come up with a name for the access point (any) and a password (at least 8 characters). Click save and then move the slider that turns on the hotspot;
  • Now, from the PC, connect to the mobile router in the same way as you would to any other wifi router.

Connecting a smartphone to a computer as a modem

To connect, you must have a USB cable (to connect your smartphone to a PC).

Follow instructions:

  • Immediately after connecting the smartphone, a dialog box appears on its screen asking you to select the connection mode. Ignore this window and close it;
  • Go to the main menu of the device and then go to the phone settings;
  • Open the USB modem settings window and set it to the "Enabled" mode, as shown in the figure;

  • After turning on the modem mode on your smartphone, the computer will automatically start installing the necessary driver software. Several dialog boxes will appear during the driver installation process.
    The user needs to mark the permission for subsequent connections to the modem, as well as specify the desired type of connection network);
  • After installing the driver, the PC will be connected to the network. The network connection icon will appear in the notification area of ​​the operating system.

Note! Computers with older versions of the operating system, such asWindowsXP/Vista may not automatically start installing the required drivers. Software, in this case, you need to download from the official website of the smartphone manufacturer.

To connect to the Internet faster, select the 3G connection technology in the mobile Internet settings of your smartphone.

Internet access from a computer through a regular cell phone

You can go online from a computer by connecting to it the most common cell phone.

There are several requirements for mobile:

  • it must support 3G, GPRS or EDGE connection technology,
  • the presence of a phone driver installed on the PC,
  • SIM card with configured internet and funds in the account,
  • You also need a USB cable to connect your cell phone to your PC.

Follow the instructions to learn how to connect the Internet on a computer via mobile:

  • Install the modem driver on the personal computer. You can download it from the website of the manufacturer of the mobile device;
  • After installing the driver, you need to initialize the modem. To do this, connect the mobile to the PC and open the device manager;

  • In the tab with modems, select a cell phone, right-click on it and open the properties tab, then find the field for additional initialization parameters and enter the following line in this field: AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "active". Click OK;

  • Now you need to create a connection. Open the network and sharing management window and choose to create a new network, as shown in the figure below;

  • Specify the dial-up number in the window that opens (usually *9**#, the number must be checked with the mobile operator);
  • Enter the information that you received from the operator in the window shown in the screenshot below and click the Create button.

Today, the Internet on the phone through a computer is a very common phenomenon. For high-quality and uninterrupted operation of devices, it is necessary to make their competent connection. At the same time, to connect phones and computers, users use a cable or “bluetooth”, which is turned on in the mobile device itself.

After connecting the phone, on the computer, go to the "Start" menu, then to "Settings", from there - to the "Control Panel", where you need to find the line "Phone and modem". Select "Modem" and click "Add".

To install the Internet on the phone through a computer, you need to install a modem (in this case, its role is played by a mobile phone). The installation process can be performed using a boot disk (if it is included with the phone or cable) or a file that contains the drivers for installation.

The next step in the installation is to select the desired modem from the list, in accordance with the model of the mobile device. When you click the "Next" button, the system will provide a choice of the port on which the modem should be installed. As a rule, this is COM 1. In some situations, a window may appear on the screen warning about possible incompatibility between the modem and the installed operating system. Users in most cases ignore this information and click the "Next" button. In this case, the system displays a message about the successful installation of the modem, which indicates that all previous actions were performed correctly. Next, click "Finish" and proceed with the settings.

Before proceeding with the next steps, it is recommended to check the connection again. After that, you need to open the "Toolbars" menu "Modems". After selecting an already installed device, you should enter its properties. In the "Additional communication parameters" an additional initialization command is written. In accordance with the instructions in the user manual, the necessary information is entered.

To set up an Internet connection on your phone via a computer, you must create a new connection in the network connections menu. To ensure correct (stable) operation, the system provides for a "setup wizard". In this open window, you should mark the line "Connect to the Internet", after clicking the "Next" button, you need to make a manual connection. In order for the Internet connection to work on the phone through the computer without failures, the settings must be made in accordance with the information contained on the websites of telecom operators.

Communication settings may vary depending on the type of connection, operator, and cell phone brand. Many users often experience difficulties when trying to set up the Internet on a Chinese phone. Before starting to take actions to change existing and enter new parameters, you need to make sure that the Internet connection service is connected and available. Depending on the mobile service provider, the parameters of the new profile are entered. To do this, open the "Services" folder in the telephone menu, in which there is a "Profile" tab.

To obtain unlimited (within the limits of the operator's services) opportunities for accessing the Network through a mobile device, there is the "unlimited Internet on the phone" service. At the same time, users are given the opportunity to use a high connection speed. However, as a rule, tariff plans provide for some traffic restrictions. You can use unlimited Internet connection only within the connection region. This service does not apply to international and intranet roaming.

To provide mobile access, you will need to establish two connections: between a laptop and a modem, as well as between a modem and a provider, which in this case is a mobile operator.

As a rule, a modem built into a cell phone is used for this: GSM / GPRS modules are rarely built into laptops, and modems based on computer cards are not widely used due to their excessively high cost.

Connecting phone to laptop

Communication between a laptop and a phone can be established in three ways: via a DATA cable, an infrared port, or via a Bluetooth channel. Of course, for this, the interfaces of the phone and laptop must be the same.

The easiest way to connect is to connect with a cable. Sometimes they are sold with phones, but more often they need to be bought separately. With this connection, the mobile phone is displayed as a normal peripheral device. To use it, you will need to install a driver or a special application.

The most affordable connection method is infrared. Infrared ports are available in almost all models of phones, PDAs and laptops. If your communication device does not have such a function, you will have to buy a mobile phone via the Internet or in any offline store. To establish a connection, you need to turn on the appropriate functions, place the eyes of the infrared ports opposite each other and wait for the connection. However, this type of connection is not only the most accessible, but also the most capricious. The distance between the "eyes" of the ports should not exceed 15 cm, there should be no obstacles between them, and even the slightest displacement can lead to a disconnection.

To connect via Bluetooth, you also need to activate the ports on both devices. To use this channel, you need to install a special driver on the laptop, which often comes with a control program that serves to implement various functions (connecting a phone, transferring files, etc.).

Before establishing a connection, you will need to enter a PIN code on both devices. It can be any sequence of numbers, the main thing is that it matches on the phone and on the laptop. This code is used to protect devices from unauthorized access. Connection information is stored in the memory of both devices, which further facilitates the connection process.

The Bluetooth connection is much more stable than the infrared connection. The devices do not have to be in direct line of sight, they can be several meters apart and can be moved freely. There is only one drawback to this connection method: the rapid discharge of device batteries.

Internet access via cell phone

Setting up network access via a mobile phone connected to a computer or laptop is quite simple. It needs to be done only once, after which one mouse click will be enough to connect.

The first step is to install the phone driver in the computer OS. The driver for connecting via infrared is universal for all phones and is included in Windows by default.

If the phone connects via Bluetooth, then the driver will have to be installed manually from the manufacturer's website or from the supplied disk. Often, a Bluetooth connection and a DATA cable connection require different drivers for the same phone model.

After installing the drivers, you need to start creating a new connection. To do this, use the New Connection Wizard (included in the standard Windows package). The parameters that the program will ask you to specify depend on the provider, which in this case is the operator. Theoretically, the ability to connect via a GSM modem is offered by all operators, but in practice such a connection is usually very slow and expensive, so few people use it. Most subscribers prefer the GPRS/EDGE channel.

The EDGE channel is supported by all Russian Big Three operators. The speed of data exchange on it is higher than on the more familiar GPRS, but it is inferior to the latter in terms of coverage. As a rule, phones that support both formats will automatically select the optimal channel. Not all operators open GPRS access by default, sometimes it has to be connected separately.

A cell phone connected to a computer freezes no more than a regular modem. Ways to deal with freezes are standard: turning devices on / off, reinstalling drivers, removing and then restoring the connection via Bluetooth.

Mobile internet cost

Internet access is usually paid by subscribers separately. All Russian telecom operators have a GPRS add-on. It is available in two versions: browsing WAP-sites on the phone itself or using it as a modem.

Payment can be made in two ways: through monthly payments or payment for actually sent and received megabytes of information.

The cost of traffic depends both on the operator and on the specific tariff of one operator. Most operators offer special plans for active mobile Internet users. Typically, the cost of traffic at such tariffs is less, but the cost of regular telephone connections increases. The price of GPRS access may also depend on the time of day. It is usually lower at night than during the day. Many users buy two SIM cards: on one they go to the Internet, on the other they make calls. It is not difficult to buy dual-symbol mobile phones via the Internet or in real life. GPRS-roaming has not yet become widespread in our country, therefore, when going to another region, you should check with the operator for details of using Internet communications in roaming.

Savings with mobile access

For Russian operators, the cost of GPRS is lower than for most European companies. However, the traffic is spent quite quickly. Each session on average "eats" 3-4 megabytes. The fact is that simultaneously with the information posted on the web page, the user is forced to download its "packaging", which often "weighs" several times more than the information itself.

So, for example, most of the e-mails we receive are in HTML format. As a rule, letters are not additionally formatted, but the service information accompanying the letter still significantly exceeds the size of the text. The situation is aggravated if files are attached to the letter even in MSWord format, not to mention pictures or video clips. Do not forget about spam: these unnecessary emails also cause you to spend additional traffic.

However, there are still opportunities for savings. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  1. It is necessary to minimize the volume of outgoing mail. This can be done by using only "flat" text in messages. Attaching files to letters or formatting them using HTML should be done only in extreme cases.
  2. It is not advisable to visit sites with "heavy" pages. They are best viewed on a cheaper and faster connection.
  3. Avoid visiting resources where you need to receive / transmit a large amount of data.
  4. If you need to send or receive large amounts of data, it is better to use alternative connection methods. They can be found, for example, in the nearest business center or Internet cafe. Finding such establishments today is not difficult, and the services they provide will be more profitable than connecting directly via a GPRS channel.
  5. Wherever possible, access points should be used instead of a GPRS connection.
  6. If you access the Internet in order to search for textual information, then before accessing the Internet via a mobile phone, it is better to disable the download of images and multimedia in your browser settings. This will not only speed up the loading of the site pages, but also save traffic.
  7. To save traffic, pop-up blocking will be useful (if it is not supported by the browser, you can install a special program).
  8. If your traffic is not unlimited, then it is better to disable automatic software updates (including Windows). Remember that each update can "eat up" tens of megabytes of traffic.
  9. A good anti-virus program can help save traffic. In addition to malware that simply impairs the operation of software, there are also those that transfer information from your computer or, conversely, download various software to it. You shouldn't skimp on updating anti-virus databases.


Often, smartphone users have problems in order to properly configure the Internet on their phone. If you are an advanced user, then you can connect manually by filling out the appropriate form with data in the operating system. For all other users, automatic configuration is available via an SMS message from the operator.

How to connect mobile internet

You can manually connect mobile data on your phone. Step-by-step instructions for setting up the Internet on Android:

  1. Open the settings menu on your phone.
  2. Select "Connection", "Mobile networks", "Other networks", "More" depending on the device model.
  3. Then select "Access Points".
  4. Click the "Add" button, if it is not displayed separately, then find it in the context menu.
  5. A new profile will open, which must be completed in accordance with the settings of a particular operator.
  6. Save your data, go back up one level and select the profile you just created.
  7. Turn on Mobile Data and restart your phone.

The table shows the settings of three popular providers, the input of which will allow you to connect the Internet on your cell phone. If, when filling out the profile, you met additional items, then you must skip them and leave the default values:

Automatic setting

If for some reason you were unable to connect the mobile Internet manually, you can always use the automatic setup. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. "Ask" your network operator to send you a special message with settings (such SMS is often marked with an envelope icon with a gear).
  2. Open the received SMS message.
  3. Select the item labeled "Application: Internet".
  4. Click the "Install" button.
  5. If you need a pin code, then enter "0000" or "1234".
  6. If the code does not fit, contact your network operator to find out the correct pin.
  7. Confirm your choice by pressing the "Yes" button and turn on mobile data in the phone blind, restart the device to activate the changes.
  8. On some phone models, the above steps are not required, you just need to order a message from the operator to connect to the Internet.

Connecting via Wi-Fi

You can access the Internet on your phone not through mobile data, but through Wi-Fi. To connect the worldwide network in this way on the Android operating system, use the following instructions.

  1. Unlock the device, go to the main menu.
  2. In the list of icons or in the blind of the operating system, find "Settings" (often this item is denoted by a gear symbol), make the transition.
  3. You will see a list of customizable items, find the line "Wi-Fi" and go to the submenu.
  4. In older versions of the Android operating network, you first need to go to "Wireless networks", and then select "Wi-Fi settings".
  5. If the Wi-Fi router is turned on, all available connections will be displayed immediately.
  6. If the adapter is disabled, the system will prompt you to enable the Wi-Fi module to view available networks.
  7. Select the desired network from the list.
  8. In the dialog box that appears, enter the access password.
  9. If you accidentally entered incorrect data, then click on the network name again, select "Forget" and re-enter the authentication parameters to connect to the Internet.

Article on how to connect mobile(cellular) telephone to a computer and use it as a modem. This gives us such opportunities as much cheaper calls and SMS messages.

If your phone has built-in modem, then, by connecting it to a computer, you can freely access the Internet. This article will help you set up the Internet on computers running Windows XP. First, we need to make sure that the phone itself has all the necessary settings for accessing the Internet. If they are not available, they can be ordered by calling your mobile operator. The operator will send them to the phone and then they only need to be saved in the phone itself.

You can start. Connect phone to computer by any of the listed methods (point 2). The computer will detect it as new equipment (IMPORTANT!!! On some phones, for example Nokia, in the settings there is a switch between a flash card and a phone modem, so in order to determine the modem you need to switch to it) and will offer to install a driver for this equipment . We install the driver from the disk that comes with the phone. Then we restart the computer.
After rebooting, you need to make sure that the modem is connected to the computer and works. To do this, go to Start, Control Panel, Phone and modem. Set the area code to any and click the modems tab. Here in the list of modems we are looking for our own and if it is connected, then in the “Connected to” column it will be indicated which one or from the COM ports. Otherwise, you did something wrong. It is necessary to repeat everything again.

If a modem connected, select it and click Properties. Going to the Diagnostics tab and click Interrogate the modem. If the “modem response” is not received, you will have to “play around” with the system. Usually the problem occurs if there is a simple modem in the system. That's what happened to me. I had a USRobotics modem on COM3 and I did not receive a response from Nokia E52 USB Modem (COM4). After moving USRobotics to COM5, Nokia got up to COM3 and immediately got a response. Until you achieve a “modem response”, then you can not read further, as it will not work anyway.

If everything works, then proceed to creating a connection. Go to Start, Connect, Show all connections. In the window that appears, select Create a new connection, click Next, Connect to the Internet, Set up a connection manually, Through a regular modem. From the list of modems, select “ours”. Enter any name of the service provider. Phone number *99***1# (Siemens, Alcatel); *99# (others). The username and password for each operator is different. For MTS it is mts, for Beeline it is beeline, for the megaphone it is megaphone, for Tele2 it is tele2. Both the name and password are entered in small letters. Click the Done button.

A window will appear. At the bottom of the "Properties" button, click it. At the top, select the modem-phone. Go to the network tab, click Settings. We leave the checkboxes only for Enable LCP extensions and Negotiate multilink connection for single-link connections. Press OK. Click Properties. We put dots only on Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically. Click Advanced. Uncheck Use IP header compression. Then click OK three times.

Enter the modem initialization string:
1. AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" for Beeline.
2. AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" for MTC.
3. AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" for Megafon.
4. AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" for Tele2.
Click OK. All!!! Good luck with your exploration of the Internet.


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