An example of a company rebranding announcement. What is and how the rebranding of the company is carried out. Google Company: Successful Rebellion Against Conventional Rules

Rebranding is an active marketing strategy that includes a whole series of activities aimed at changing the company's brand or its components: logo, slogan, product. Here we will look at how the company and its accompanying symbols are re-branded.

Why reposition

There are many reasons for rebranding, but the main reasons are threefold:

  1. Outdated brand. The brand is the “face” of the company, so it should always be interesting. If the existing one is boring and does not cause the same reaction among consumers, an urgent need to rebrand.
  2. ... A beautiful, eye-catching brand, as it were, announces to other market participants that a serious competitor has appeared.
  3. Setting and achieving new tasks. Brand building, as a rule, has a specific foundation related to the achievement of the set goals. If the plans include a change in direction or audience, the brand “repair” is simply necessary. Even a trivial logo change can seriously affect sales growth.

If the plans include a change in direction or audience, the brand “repair” is simply necessary.

Rebranding is an indicator that the company is entering a new stage of development. But it is not always the case. The essence of rebranding is not only in bringing novelty, sometimes restyling helps to save the shaken reputation of the brand.

Rebranding in stages

A change of image is a crucial moment, which can both benefit and harm. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly redesign an enterprise. Generally speaking, the process can be divided into stages, of which there are four:

  1. Marketing audit. At this stage, brand awareness is assessed, an analysis of how loyal consumers are to it. On the basis of the data obtained, barriers are identified that prevent normal perception, assess the “weakness” and “strength” of the current brand, its competitive advantages. At this step, a decision is made on the need for restyling.
  2. If the decision is positively adopted, at the second step, changes are made to the existing brand, after which a number of activities are carried out that allow consolidating the changes in the minds of the target audience.
  3. The third step is to organize a change in the design and external attributes of the brand.
  4. The final stage is the introduction of the new "face" of the company to the masses. For everything to go well, you need to explain to consumers the new characteristics of the updated design.

Repositioning a brand is a lengthy process, and it is impossible to do it in a few days. Such things are entrusted to companies with extensive experience. An incorrectly selected brand and its components can play into the hands of competitors, which has been repeatedly proven by the stories of major failures of the most famous brands.

Rebranding in examples

Let's take a look at examples of successful brand rebranding.

You can recall the tarnished reputation of Burberry, which has always been considered a luxury brand. This brand covered a wide variety of clothing items, from accessories and clothing to fragrances. But at some point gangsters got hooked on her. The latter began to appear so often in the outfits of this brand that some establishments simply stopped admitting people dressed in "bandit clothes".

Then the company was faced with a difficult task, which soon found a solution. Burberry ran a massive advertising campaign where it positioned itself as a comfortable apparel manufacturer. Famous actors were attracted, who enjoyed high popularity with the public and had a good reputation. Thus, without any modification, the company managed to reposition its brand.

By the way, Old Spice products were originally designed for a female audience. And in America and some European countries, among young people, this company was associated with cosmetics for the older generation. Which way the company's marketers decided to go can be seen today. There was no change in the name, label, even the aroma of the product remained the same, but advertising ... Old Spice relied on provocative videos and shocking: half-naked girls who are crazy about the guys who use the company's products. The deed is done - now it is one of the most popular brands of cosmetics among young men.

In Russia, rebranding, although not so often, still occurs. The most striking and memorable changes were made to both private and state structures. Here are just a few of them:

  • VimpelCom (Beeline).
  • Sberbank.
  • Aeroflot.

But what can I say, if in 2011, with a heated discussion, a rebranding procedure took place in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of which the police turned into the police.

Failed rebranding attempts

However, everything does not always go as smoothly as we would like. The history of marketing is full of corporate failures.

Take, for example, Tropicana juice from the famous brand PepsiCo. Initially, a juicy picture with an orange and a straw was presented on the box, which should have caused customers to thirst and want to buy the product. However, for some unknown reason, marketers came up with the idea to place a glass of juice on the packaging instead of the "juicy picture". As a result, the once popular drink became less recognizable, began to get lost on the shelves, which seriously affected sales and not for the better.

As a result, PepsiCo lost millions of dollars and was ridiculed by many of its competitors and consumers for its simple and seemingly insignificant logo redesign. According to the owners of this creation, the changes were due to the company's desire to show the target audience the desire to move forward. But, as it turned out in practice, misunderstanding and misinterpretation brought a lot of losses. Alas, even a brand name developed over tens of years does not at all guarantee that innovations will be welcomed by the consumer.


Companies use a variety of methods for rebranding, but their goal always remains the same - increasing brand awareness, increasing the level of loyalty to the products sold and increasing sales. You need to put a lot of money and effort to ensure that the measures taken turn into the expected result, so it is better not to skimp on hiring marketing professionals.

In 2016, many brands have taken care of updating their visual identity. As always, some have succeeded, some have not. Over the past six months, enough rebranding examples have accumulated that would be worth talking about.

British steel

The steel industry is going through hard times today. Perhaps the industry has entered the most difficult period in its history. Against this background, it seems quite logical to update the identity of British Steel, which wants to bring the values \u200b\u200bof the old brand into a new era.

A bit of criticism

British Steel's new logo is ambivalent. It is difficult to tell right away whether this rebranding is successful or not. Some believe that a powerful steel company like British Steel wants to look harmless and safe and expresses this through a new visual identity. But as the industry struggles to survive in a very unfavorable financial climate, one can understand why the company is betting on safety rather than risk.

This rebranding was heavily criticized by designer and director Michael Wolff, who strongly disliked the new logo. He stated that the designers did not do their job and it is very unfortunate. “This work does a disservice to the design business, it refutes the proud claim that the UK is a leader in graphic design and tarnishes the reputation of many UK industrial brands,” said Michael Wolff.

Another point of view

Perhaps Michael Wolff was too harsh in his judgments. British Steel has rebranded itself against the backdrop of an ever-worsening situation in the steel industry, the company has to lay off employees and cut the salaries of those who remain, so it's understandable why British Steel did not contact any well-known design agency. If it became known that the company spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on rebranding during the financial crisis, the public reaction would be very negative. So the new corporate identity can be significant - the company shows that it cares about safety and strives to save money.


The updated visual image of the famous brewing company has acquired many small details in the logo. Earlier, the design of the harp was more laconic.

A bit of criticism

Everything worked out very well. The Guinness logo organically combines old and new and it looks very impressive. Here is what Brand New journalists think of the rebranding: “The new logo is absolutely amazing. Moreover, it does not at all correspond to modern trends, where the spirit of minimalism reigns. The widespread use of the new visual image can be fraught with certain difficulties, but since the logo will be mainly placed on cans and bottles, there will be no particular problems.

Small details of the logo will look impressive on the label and this is generally good, since the old logo looks too simple compared to the new one.

Another point of view

The Guinness branding has remained at its height for decades and this update is no exception. The company has retained the instantly recognizable typeface familiar to many from its commercials, so Guinness remains a truly iconic brand.

Dc comics

One of the most famous brands in the comic book industry, DC Comics, has once again decided to work on its visual identity.

A bit of criticism

DC Comics' new logo evokes mixed feelings. The logo turned out to be quite simple, the designers tried to combine many elements of the old design. Brand New take: “There are many ways to fit DC into a circle and it feels like a few ideas are reflected in a new look. The logo has external and internal "thorns", there are smooth curves, it is quite massive, but fits into the space of the circle. It's not a very nice logo, and all the evidence in its favor is that it resembles a comic book villain. "

Another point of view

To some extent, one can agree with the Brand New review. One of the important factors that influenced the rebranding was the desire to move away from the previous image, which was created in 2012 and was considered very successful. Apparently, the management of DC Comics decided to go back to basics, making the new logo not very modern. The visual, introduced in 1976, has been in use for 30 years, so it's understandable that the company wants to move away from the old design while maintaining its identity.

Ministry of Sound

The renowned music label Ministry of Sound has also re-branded with attention to detail that was present in the previous logo.

A bit of criticism

About the brand's new visual identity, designer Rory McRae said: "The reason I love the new Ministry of Sound logo is because the designers managed to keep the brand's rebellious spirit." Indeed, despite the dramatic changes, the new branding is quite recognizable, despite the fact that the old logo appeared in a completely different era. The identity is very outdated and the new rebranding will allow the company to look fashionable and modern.

Another point of view

It is quite difficult for a modern person to perceive the design of an old logo that was created a long time ago. The new logo is very laconic, it has a lot of sharp edges, but it looks very good and is perfect for a brand working in the segment of club dance music.

Premier League

The largest soccer league in the world, the Premier League, also rebranded in 2016. As a result, the main image of the lion was greatly simplified.

A bit of criticism

Due to the immense popularity of the Premier League around the world, it was not hard to predict the wide variety of public reactions to the new logo. And there were really many opinions. Someone liked the new logo very much, while others were hostile to the changes.

Another point of view

The changes were only good for the brand. The new visual identity is in line with the spirit of the times, the logo is very successful. It pairs well with the brand's signature colors and will look great on any medium, both physical and digital.


Instagram has carried out one of the most controversial rebrands of the current year. The old Polaroid camera logo has been greatly simplified and given a bright gradient.

A bit of criticism

The reaction to the new logo was very strong, there were many negative reviews. Oddly enough, but users liked the old Instagram identity, the volumetric logo evoked warm nostalgic feelings. But it cannot be denied that the scope of the brand is digital technologies and the company needs to keep up with the times, given new trends. Yes, the old logo was very recognizable, but the changes in the design of the entire application served as an impetus for the rebranding of the visual image.

Another point of view

Despite the fact that the new Instagram logo turned out to be not very successful, the brand deliberately went for it, significantly improving the experience of the application for users. The bulky logo stood out too much against the background of other flat-style logos, so the designers' act is largely a tribute to fashion. Users will make some noise and get used to it, the logo is just very different from the previous one, and many people just don't like changes.

The Co-op

The designers behind The Co-op's new visual identity have looked for inspiration in the past. The new image turned out to be bold, simple, saturated blue became the main color of the corporate identity.

A bit of criticism

There will be no criticism - the rebranding turned out to be very successful. The brand's audience approved of the new design, and the reaction was mostly positive. Designers have clearly heard about the fashion for modern retro and skillfully used the hot trend in their work.

Another point of view

The rebranding of The Co-op is reminiscent of earlier, quieter times. Returning to the previous design, which appeared in 1968, is a rather bold step, but the designers coped with the task. Logos from the 60s and 70s look archaic in modern designs, but this time the rebranding is incredibly successful.

The market, especially the Russian one, is a place where everything is changing rapidly. What was relevant yesterday is outdated today. A company wishing to stay on the crest of the wave must change in accordance with current trends. For this, the rebranding method is often used.

What is rebranding?

Rebranding is a single name for the activities that are required to change the brand as a whole or its elements. In essence, this is an update of the corporate identity in order to return it to its relevance. Typically used by companies with a long history. The main feature of the rebranding is updating while preserving the main symbols by which the brand is recognized. This is not a radical change in the "face" of the company. The purpose of the event is to change consumer associations in the perception of a brand.

IMPORTANT! Rebranding should not be confused with reystaling. The first one means a full-fledged change of the corporate identity, the second one means updating only some of the elements. For example, a brand redesign will not be considered a rebranding.

When do you need to rebrand?

A corporate identity change makes sense under the following circumstances:

  • The brand stopped solving its problems. If TM has lost its former positions in a competitive environment, loyalty (CA), sales figures fall, all this means a loss of brand relevance.
  • A strong competitor has appeared. If a company has a competitor who wins the target audience, it is necessary to take measures at an accelerated pace. Lack of rebranding can lead to TM becoming an outsider.
  • Internal changes in the company. The corporate identity reflects the ideology of the organization, its main product. If significant changes have begun in the company, then the brand must also change. Otherwise, the outer shell will not reflect the inner content.
  • Either the target audience or the needs of its representatives has changed. Central Asia's wishes depend on the financial situation in the country, existing trends. For example, at the moment, consumers are in demand for natural products. Environmental trends are popular. Therefore, when selling products, manufacturers focus on the absence of chemical elements in it.
  • The company changed its activities. Changes can be full or partial (for example, a company starts providing new services, but the old ones also remain).
  • Market conditions have changed. Changes may depend on existing trends, the invention of new products that affect the market situation. For example, the approach to packaging design is changing now.
  • Reforming. Relevant if there have been qualitative changes in the goods that the company produces. For example, unique recipes began to be used in the manufacture of toothpaste. This is an important competitive advantage that it makes sense to reflect in the corporate identity.
  • The company started working in a different price segment... For example, a fashion house has developed a collection of clothing at budget prices. Another example is an alcohol manufacturer started producing elite drinks. All this needs to be reflected through the brand to attract target audience.
  • Informational occasion. Let's look at an example. The company has been on the market for a very long time, but has long lost its former positions. It is required to remind consumers of the brand. Rebranding is an effective news feed.
  • Motivation of company employees. With the help of rebranding, you can attract the attention of not only consumers, but also the employees themselves, who have lost their former enthusiasm.
  • Target audience change. Sometimes a company needs to change its target audience. For example, the manufacturer previously produced clothes for pregnant women, and now has developed a collection of children's clothing.
  • Errors while creating the previous corporate identity. If the company initially positioned itself incorrectly, you need to eliminate your mistakes.
  • The company has more ambitious goals. If a firm wants to go to a new level, it definitely needs to change its positioning. This is how intentions are indicated, and a new target audience is attracted.

Rebranding cannot be done frequently. Consumers need to get used to a particular company style.

Rebranding tasks

The tasks of updating the corporate identity are determined on an individual basis. First, specialists must examine the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Consider the typical tasks of rebranding:

  • Updating in line with existing trends.
  • Increasing the loyalty of the target audience.
  • Strengthening competitiveness.
  • Increased product attractiveness.
  • Increasing brand awareness, distinguishing it from competitors.
  • Expanding the target audience.

The main task of updating the style is to increase the commercial profit of the company. A side task is to create a certain image of the TM.

Rebranding stages

The corporate identity update is carried out in accordance with the following stages:

  1. TM audit. In the process, the state of the company, indicators of loyalty of the target audience are studied, strengths and weaknesses are identified. It is also necessary to analyze the optimal depth of rebranding. The update is also carried out on the basis of the financial condition of the company.
  2. Defining a strategy. You have to decide what exactly will be changed. In particular, the specific elements that will be updated are identified. It can be a logo, packaging, a way of product presentation.
  3. Direct rebranding. The planned strategy is being translated into reality.
  4. Communication of the updated corporate identity to the direct consumer... The main goal of a brand is to create certain associations with a product and a company. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize the target audience with the updated elements. Buyers should soon become familiar with all the style elements. For this, the media are usually used.

The quality of direct work on the brand change is largely determined by how thorough the analysis was carried out and how accurately the goals of the entire event were determined.


At first, specialists are engaged in a full audit. It is needed to determine:

  • the real state of the organization and its prospects;
  • strengths and weaknesses;
  • analysis of research of the target audience of the company;
  • analysis of the financial capabilities of the organization.

It is also necessary to predict the possible effect of rebranding and define its tasks.

Based on the audit, a corporate identity renewal program is drawn up. A strategy is developed, the best methods are selected. The following tools are commonly used:

  • Restyling. This is a design update. For example, this can be a change in the logo, TM elements, the dominant color scheme.
  • Viral Marketing. This is one of the guerrilla marketing methods that is quite difficult to execute. Its essence is to create an information product that will gain viral popularity among the consumer.
  • Positioning the company using social networks. Representatives of the target audience will learn about all the changes through social networks. New design elements can also be used there.
  • Sampling. Introduces consumers to a new product. Samples are distributed in public places, tastings are held. The buyer gets acquainted directly with the products.

The specific method is selected depending on the tasks.

What is deep rebranding?

Some people compare rebranding with renovation. Works can be both major and cosmetic. In the first case, a full-fledged approach to updating is practiced, that is, a deep rebranding. Based on existing trends, the presentation of the product, its packaging, and the color scheme used may change. Even the very properties of the product change.

As already mentioned, at the moment, natural products that correspond to the principles of a healthy diet are popular. An enterprise that previously produced conventional goods can focus on their environmental friendliness and naturalness. That is, not only external signs are subject to renewal, but also internal processes. Radical changes are especially needed for companies that have been on the market for a long time and lag behind the leading trends.

Rebranding is a set of measures aimed at changing a brand. Everything or practically everything changes - the corporate identity, logo, brand name, slogans, visual design on the site. In simple terms, rebranding is a clean slate for a brand. Sometimes elements of the old brand can be retained - in this case, only the form of presentation of the trademark changes.

Changes to the Ford Motor Company logo from the inception of the company to the present day

It is worth thinking about rebranding if the target audience begins to lose interest in the brand. In this way, well-known companies with a long history managed to regain their former popularity. Another situation in which rebranding will be necessary is to restore the lost reputation in the eyes of the public. If done correctly, the company will have a chance to retain its place in the market and retain its audience.

In this article, you will learn what changes are taking place during the rebranding process and how to implement it. And as a bonus - interesting examples of brand renewal in Russia and abroad.

What does the rebranding of the company include?

Rebranding is a complex process that includes:

  • change brand positioning ;
  • changing brand philosophy;
  • new brand presentation;
  • change corporate identity .

Usually, the changes concern all aspects of the business - from website design and product packaging to changing the target audience. If individual brand elements change - for example, only the logo - then this is not a rebranding, but a restyling.

Examples of company rebranding in Russia and in the world

It is better to learn about the failures and achievements of brands before rebranding in your own company. Other people's mistakes and success are motivating.

In Russia

Russian Premier League (RPL) - an example of bad rebranding. It all started back in 2016, when the league had a marketing department. It was then that the specialists thought about creating a brand, changing the logo and the concept as a whole.

At the beginning of 2018, the RFPL ordered the development of a new logo. The terms of reference were sent to several companies. The winner was the studio of Artemy Lebedev, which proposed the following logo.

New RPL logo from Artemy Lebedev studio

RPL does not disclose information about how much was spent on rebranding. Rumor has it that the new logo cost 6 million rubles. The management of the league liked the rebranding, but the sports fans were bewildered. Here are the most tactful comments on the Premier League rebranding:

Output:The league's management most likely did not know why the rebranding was needed. RPL President Sergei Pryadkin could not clearly explain the meaning of the changes. According to football fans, the league wasted money on a new logo, hurting its own brand.

A good example of rebranding in Russia is the transformation of Siberia Airlines into S7. Today this carrier has become a worthy competitor to Aeroflot. Tourists love this airline for the bright colors of the aircraft fuselages and an attractive loyalty program.

But that was not the case until 2008. The airline was plagued by setbacks and crashes. Aircraft "Siberia" fell three times - in 2001, 2004 and 2006. The total number of victims is 254 people. After the third disaster, tourists simply refused to purchase tickets from this airline. Then I had to think about rebranding.

Output: The rebranding of the Siberia company was expensive. The management decided not only to change the visual representation of the brand, but also to purchase new aircraft and improve the qualifications of all employees. In fact, Siberia has become a new company with a positive image and impeccable reputation.

In the world

An example of bad rebranding abroad - company Xe Services LLC... This name probably doesn't mean anything to you. The Xe brand is a privately owned military company called Blackwater. The company had to change its name due to the tragic events of September 16, 2007 in Iraq. Then the PMC employees opened fire on civilians in Nisur Square in Baghdad. During the exchange of fire, 17 people were killed and 20 people were injured.

The head of the company - Eric Prince - had to think about rebranding, as this incident caused a public outcry. In 2009 the company changed its name to Xe Services LLC. A year later, in 2010, another rebranding had to be done, since the intermediate name did not reflect the essence of the brand. This is how the name Academi appeared, which exists to this day.

Changing the logo of a private military company after two rebranding

Output:The double rebranding did not help the company. The Iraqi incident was widely covered in the media, so the public had an image of "Blackwater employees are killers."

Old Spice showed a good example of rebranding... Until 2010, the brand's products were aimed at middle-aged men. Young people considered Old Spice's personal care product to be age-related and their scent sexually unattractive.

Everything changed when the company shot and launched several commercials in which the main character was Isaiah Mustafa. His charisma has drawn attention to the brand.

Isaiah Mustafa in a commercial for Old Spice deodorants

Output:The company did not have to change the logo - the rebranding affected only the perception of the product by the target audience. The young and sexy actor has completely rid Old Spice of the image of "deodorant for oldies".

How to rebrand: goals, objectives, stages

Before rebranding, make a clear plan of action. Define the goals and objectives of rebranding, break the large-scale work into several stages. It will be easier.

Rebranding goals

Rebranding may have the following goals:

  • Change of positioning of the company... Often, new companies do not quite correctly define their positioning in the market. An incorrectly chosen target audience, an unclear image, a bad strategy - all these shortcomings that can destroy a company can really be eliminated through rebranding.
  • Adjusting to new market conditions... Sometimes an existing brand cannot adapt to market conditions. A striking example is the entry of the Coca-Cola brand into the Chinese market. The original name caused laughter and bewilderment among new consumers - "Bite the Tadpole". In order not to lose the target audience and, accordingly, money, the brand in China had to be renamed into Kekoukele, which in translation sounds like "Happiness in the mouth."
  • Increasing brand awareness... Long-standing brands can become boring for consumers. In this case, rebranding will help to draw attention to the company and stimulate sales.
  • Increasing brand prestige... Sometimes it is enough to remove a small detail or one word from the slogan from the logo to stand out from the competitors.
  • Company level change... If a company is going to “capture” new territories, it will have to take into account the opinions of potential consumers in different countries. In this case, not only the logo changes, but the entire ideology of the company.

Rebranding tasks

Rebranding should perform the following tasks:

  1. Achieving brand uniqueness.
  2. Increasing consumer brand loyalty.
  3. Increase in the number of CA.

If a different abstract task is set before rebranding - for example, "something needs to be changed" - then, most likely, the company will simply waste money.

Rebranding stages

Rebranding starts with brand analysis. Experts determine the attitude of consumers to the brand, the pros and cons of the company. During the analysis, the depth of the rebranding is determined. Then goals and objectives are set.

Making changes to the brand is the next step. The company's management finds performers who will change the corporate identity of the company, create a new logo or website design.

The last stage is bringing the new brand concept to consumers. New ideas need to be conveyed as accurately as possible, but persistently. The main thing is not to provoke a negative attitude towards the new brand in the target audience.


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