Determination of the mission of the organization on the example of a specific situation. Examples of successful brands' missions. Examples of writing a company mission

Company's mission- a statement that reveals the meaning of the organization's existence, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested. The mission is also called the main overall goal of the organization.

It should be noted that the mission is perhaps the most permanent part of the strategic plan. A company can change the tree of goals and strategies, and even more so - the strategic objectives of the company. The mission, as a rule, remains constant. It can, of course, gradually take on an ever more capacious and meaningful form, but in essence it can change only when significant changes in the company take place, for example, the opening of a fundamentally new direction of activity for the company.

Although even such an event may not be the reason for a change in the mission. For example, if we are talking about a diversified holding company, for which the emergence of a new subsidiary with one more line of activity is a "common" thing.

Often, the mission is perceived as some kind of attribute that just has to be, and everyone in the company actually treats this quite formally. Some companies, on the other hand, believe that they need several years to come up with the best version of their mission.

But in practice, it is still better not to rush to one or the other extreme, but to make a complete version of the strategic plan with all its main elements. Yes, even if the mission is still imperfect, but it's not so bad. As they say, practice will fix and polish everything, but for this to happen, the mission must be put into operation.

Therefore, we can conclude that the mission should still be, and move on according to the scheme (see. Rice. one). after it has been formulated.

When one company had a strategy session to develop a strategy, the CEO said, "Until the mission is defined, it doesn't make sense to move on." Although the majority of managers expressed their opinion that the mission could be drawn somehow later.

Nevertheless, the CEO suggested that first hone the mission and only then move on along the scheme. Since this session was mostly training (a quality strategy cannot be developed in two days during a corporate strategic management workshop), we nevertheless continued to move on to demonstrate how all this should happen. At the end of such a session, we received the first (draft) version of the strategic plan, including the mission, which was then refined within a month and a half.

At one of my open seminars on strategic management, a situation arose when one of the participants, on the contrary, suggested that the mission be considered at the very end of the proposed chain of developing a strategic plan (see. Rice. one). For fun, we even arranged a vote to determine what the majority of the seminar participants think about this.

The majority voted not to deviate from the proposed scheme. In fact, when a company develops a strategic plan, it has to go through the entire chain from mission to strategic objectives at least twice. And sometimes we often have to return to strategic analysis. This should be treated quite normally. No one has yet succeeded in developing a comprehensive strategic plan right away. Moreover, this can be repeated at each cycle of strategic planning.

It is necessary to clearly understand why the mission of the company is practically needed.

The purpose of the mission is as follows:

  • the mission is the basis for: - strategy development;
    - making strategic decisions;
    - conflict resolution;
    - building a personnel motivation system;
  • the mission contributes to the formation of unity within the organization, the creation of a corporate spirit and organizational culture.
  • the mission contributes to the formation and consolidation of a certain image of the organization in the representation of the subjects of the external environment:
    - clients;
    - suppliers;
    - investors;
    - partners;
    - labor market.

    Of course, every company needs to learn how to use the mission in these listed areas. It is clear that it is not so easy to get used to "looking back" at the mission every time when making decisions that, for example, are related to the resolution of conflicts in the company or with external contractors. But still, you need to gradually accustom yourself, when making decisions, to assess how much their implementation will bring the company closer to achieving its most important goal - the mission.

    At the same time, sometimes you have to go for a small and temporary decrease in the financial result, which, of course, is very difficult to decide on. In addition, if the motivation system in the company is aimed mainly at achieving momentary benefits, then this situation only exacerbates the complexity of using the mission in the daily work of managers. Here, by the way, one should again pay attention to the fact that the motivation system itself should be developed taking into account the company's mission.

    There are certain requirements for what the mission statement of the company should include.

    The content of the organization's mission should include:

  • targets of the organization;
  • the scope of the organization:
    - products of the organization;
    - the organization's markets;
    - resources used;
  • opportunities and ways to ensure the competitiveness of the company;
  • the system of values ​​of the organization defining traditions, customs and beliefs;
  • interests of society, consumers, owners and personnel.

    It turns out that the mission should include so many things, but at the same time remain fairly short. This is precisely one of the difficulties in creating a mission. It is very difficult to formulate a mission in such a way that it reflects the desired essence and at the same time is short enough for a better perception.

    On the one hand, there are requirements for the content of the mission, and on the other hand, there are rules for the formulation of the mission, therefore the company must adhere to the following requirements for the formulation of the mission.

    The mission of the organization should:

  • be understandable, unambiguous and consistent;
  • create trust, share and support employees;
  • be suitable for use, should not exceed three or four short and laconic sentences;
  • be creative and inspiring;
  • be communicated and explained to every employee of the organization.

    In practice, a mission statement can consist of one or more statements.

    Mission of a large energy company
    “We produce and supply energy and services to the market in the best possible way, reliably and profitably, today and always, multiplying and fully using the accumulated potential for the benefit of society and shareholders.”

    It is a fairly large energy company with three main shareholders (including the state). The mission clearly identifies the product that the company produces and sells. The qualitative characteristics of the sales process itself are also presented (in the best way, reliably and profitably, today and always). And, of course, the mission identifies the main subjects for the benefit of which the company works (for the benefit of society and shareholders).

    A mission, in principle, can consist of several basic statements.

    Mission of a small soybean manufacturing company:

  • We give Russians health.
  • We improve the health of the population of Russia through the production and distribution of soy and other health food products, instilling a culture of their consumption.
  • We use domestic raw materials, technologies and equipment.
  • We conduct research activities in the field of creating new technologies for the production of soy products.

    Of course, this option is not very good, because the mission turns out to be too cumbersome, but on the other hand, it contains all the necessary components. This once again suggests that the formulation of the mission is a rather difficult task, and it cannot be solved so easily. This small soybean company is truly dedicated to its craft.

    There, even the general director was so passionate about production and technological processes that, at times, he himself took an active part in them. That is, the company's employees not only proclaimed the idea of ​​healthy eating, but were themselves adherents of this approach. When we conducted corporate training in this company, then during the breaks we were constantly treated to a wide variety of soy products and at the same time told in great detail about all the features of production and quality properties of products.

    When formulating a mission, you can do the following. Formulate several mission options for all major actors: consumers, shareholders and company employees.

    Example of a mission statement for a group of companies
    External mission (to consumers)- professional satisfaction of the needs of a wide range of Russian and foreign clients (wholesale, retail) with quality goods and services at affordable prices.
    Internal mission (for shareholders)- creation of an effective mechanism for corporate and financial management of a group of companies by integrating them into a diversified holding to ensure sustainable business development and profit.
    - increasing the efficiency of employees through a more specific formulation of tasks and distribution of responsibility. Implementation of a system of motivation and incentives for employees, depending on the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them and the result of the company's work. Formation of corporate culture.

    This is an example of a mission statement for a diversified holding company. The holding did not have any restrictions on the areas of activity. The holding had a management company, and it was believed that a project in any industry could be potentially profitable. That is, if there was an opportunity for development either by acquiring a ready-made enterprise, or by creating a business from scratch in a new direction of activity for the holding, this business project was analyzed and, in case of a positive decision, began to be implemented.

    Therefore, the mission in terms of products and services was laid down that the most important thing is to ensure quality at affordable prices. For shareholders, the guarantee of success was to be provided by an effective mechanism for managing existing businesses and creating new businesses. For employees of the company - a clear statement of the problem and a system of motivation, tied to the result.

    An example of a computer holding mission
    External mission (to the consumer)
    Professional satisfaction of the needs of a wide range of Russian clients: wholesale, retail, corporate in computer and telecommunications equipment; serving old customers is a priority.
    Internal mission (to shareholders)
    Creation of effective internal mechanisms of survival in the information technology market through integration into a diversified holding of the accumulated potential in the IT market, financial management and management, more efficient and faster customizable than competitors.
    Internal mission (to employees)
    Improving the efficiency of employees through a more specific formulation of tasks and distribution of responsibilities. Clear priorities in employee tasks. Encouraging an employee solely depending on the performance of his main task and on the overall financial result of the company. Opportunity to work outside the office. Hiring temporary and part-time employees. Flexibility of personnel policy. Priority in the employment of permanent employees of the company.

    The company plans to develop both in the wholesale and retail markets, as well as in the corporate market of computer and telecommunications equipment. At the same time, the mission stipulates that the main emphasis in the corporate client market will be on creating a permanent client base. Again, as in the previous example, shareholders are guaranteed effective business management. Moreover, the mission uses the term "survival". This is due, among other things, to the fact that the mission was developed after the crisis. Company employees should be assigned clear tasks, prioritized in their work, and encouragement to depend on the results achieved.

    It is clear that the last two mission examples are more cumbersome. But if it is convenient and more understandable for the company, then this is how it should be done. Although some experts believe that such a bifurcation or even disorganization of the mission should not be allowed, and the mission, first of all, should be addressed to the external environment of the company, and the presence of several mission options speaks of a formal attitude towards it. I do not insist on any one option. The main thing is that the mission really fulfills its function, and in what form it will be present - this is the second question. A very important point in the practical implementation of the mission is a well-thought-out policy of its promotion in the company. This is a kind of internal PR.

    Mission advancement- this is ensuring the same understanding of the mission by all employees of the enterprise, so that each employee can determine his place in the organization and actively participate in achieving the set goals.

    Quite often, such events are used to promote the mission, which will still be implemented in the company. We are talking about hiring new employees and appraisals. In one company, the director has introduced a procedure for regular appraisal of his employees. At the same time, one of the exam questions was knowledge of the mission. The company had its own transport department (about 15 vehicles). Exams were even taken by the chauffeurs. So in this company, the drivers constantly complained and said that they were forced to engage in nonsense and learn all sorts of incomprehensible slogans. At the same time, for ignorance of the company's mission, employees could be deprived of bonuses.

    Promoting a mission in a company is actually a very difficult task, and it, of course, is not limited to performing some mechanical actions, the implementation of which will certainly provide the desired result. One of the most important factors in the success of a mission must be remembered: first of all, the owners of the company and the CEO must understand and believe in it. If this does not happen, then you can make as many plans as you want to promote the mission in the company, without fulfilling these conditions, all the work will be done in vain. After all, it is very difficult to get someone else to believe in what you yourself do not believe in.

    That is, the plan for the implementation of the mission in the company should be deliberate, there is no need to rush here. Once, while carrying out a project to formulate strategic management in one company, I observed the following situation. At the corporate seminar, the first version of the strategic plan was developed, including the mission. It was clear that this was just a rough draft that still needed to be finalized.

    The purpose of this two-day corporate seminar was not to get a ready-made strategic plan. At the seminar, we had to teach strategic planning techniques and try to immediately apply them to the company. This approach significantly increases the effectiveness of training. But this does not mean that a strategy can be developed in two days.

    At the same seminar, the importance of promoting the mission in the company was also discussed. Literally twenty minutes after the seminar, employees of this company have already climbed on the walls to hang posters with the mission. On the one hand, such a desire to quickly apply the knowledge gained is commendable, but, on the other hand, as already noted, the version of the mission received at the seminar still needed to be finalized. Therefore, I had to restrain a little the ardor of the top managers of this company. During the course of the project, the mission variant was revised several times. It would not be entirely logical after each such time to climb on the wall with a new poster.

    Note: the topic of this article is discussed in more detail at the workshop

  • G. Ford defined the mission of the Ford company as providing people with cheap transport. He well understood that the company's mission should be focused on the consumer and solve primarily the consumer's problems, and not the internal problems of the organization, such as ensuring profit, expanding the market, increasing sales, etc.

    The mission of the renowned company Eastman Kodak is: "To become the world leader in chemical and electronic imaging." Here we see that the statement traces the main long-term goal of the company - "to become a world leader", but also specifies in which industry. At the same time, despite the fact that we know this company more as a manufacturer of photographic products, the company's management does not limit itself to only these products.

    Matsushita Electric sees its mission as “contributing to a better quality of life by providing household appliances as cheap as water”.

    Considering this mission, we see that, on the one hand, it is quite specific, because:

    the field of activity of the company was named - the production of electrical household appliances;

    a global goal is drawn - to improve the quality of life of society;

    it is clear in what way the company is going to achieve its goal - supplying society with cheap electrical appliances.

    But at the same time

    the aspiration of Matsushita Electric is formulated very broadly and implies the presence of a variety of projects leading to one global result;

    the direction of development is also formulated broadly and gives great freedom in choosing specific ways to achieve this goal.

    The mission statement of Sun Banks, one of the largest financial institutions in the world, is a prime example of a mission statement that is the product of careful and serious development. Sun Banks' mission is to promote the economic development and well-being of the communities it serves by providing quality banking services to citizens and businesses in a manner and to the extent that high professional and ethical standards are met, fair and consistent returns for shareholders, and fair attitude towards the employees of the company.

    Another example of a successful (according to the author) mission is the mission of the Reyter company. It reads like this: "Providing services to those who seek to improve the management system of their company is our only business, customer satisfaction is our main goal." In the statement of the mission, the company does not limit itself to a certain set of clients, but is ready to provide its services to all those who need it, with the maximum benefit for the consumer.

    Despite the fact that Russian companies are just beginning to realize the importance of mission for the functioning of organizations, many companies still have a mission statement. As an example, here are some excerpts from the missions of Russian companies.

    Corporation "Dovgan" - "protected quality, protected health."

    The mission of the Management and Marketing Consulting Center is "to contribute to the economic recovery of Russia and its conquest of a worthy place in the world market through the development of Russian entrepreneurship."

    “Radian” company - “providing the region with modern engineering and technical means of security of the world's leading companies, complex solutions that combine: security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems and restrictions on access to premises, as well as air conditioning and lighting”.

    An example of a differentiating mission is Nokia's Mission Statement: "By connecting people, we help meet the fundamental human need for connection and social contact. Nokia builds bridges between people - whether they are apart or face to face - and helps people get the information they need." It would seem, which of the listed in Nokia's mission are not done by other manufacturers of mobile communications? Absolutely all the same is offered by Motorola, Sony-Ericsson, LG, Panasonic and other players in this market.

    For example, the Forbes-listed Russian industrial company Severstal uses its mission to communicate to employees the company's key priorities and its relationship to them and other interest groups. As a result, if a company employee has a question of how to act in a given situation, whether it is worth looking for non-standard solutions or be content with long-accepted approaches to work, the mission provides answers to these questions.

    In addition, being a large company with an extensive structure, OJSC Severstal invests in the development of infrastructure in the regions where the company's production is located, which is reflected in its mission and values. Such investments not only contribute to the development of the business, but also positively affect the loyalty of the employees of the company - thus they have the opportunity to feel like a part of something important and more than just the production of steel products that they do not even have to deal with in life.

    Mission of JSC Severstal: "To be the best partner for all interested parties: to create competitive advantages for our customers, generate growing and reliable demand for suppliers, guarantee attractive income for shareholders and a decent level of remuneration for the company's employees, and help unleash the creative potential of employees. Most significant and priority standards of behavior in the company are reflected in the strategic values ​​of JSC Severstal: continuous improvement by unleashing the creative potential of employees, result orientation, team spirit, trust and honesty, willingness to accept a challenge, leadership, customer orientation, social responsibility. "

    Citibank Mission: We help people manage their money effectively.

    EBay's Mission: To provide a global marketplace where anyone can sell or buy almost anything.

    Ford Motor Mission: We are a global family and proud of our heritage of personal freedom of movement for people around the world.

    Mary Kay's Mission: To brighten the lives of women around the world by offering quality products to customers, opening new horizons for independent beauty consultants and providing them with unlimited career opportunities, making sure that women who come into contact with Mary Kay can fulfill themselves.

    focusing stakeholder attention on specific aspects of their strategy and specific types of products, customer groups, markets, geographic regions, or ways to achieve business goals. The narrow approach is especially actively used by companies that at one time were the first to introduce some kind of innovation on the market, since it is this that is their main competitive advantage and strategic reference point. Or, the mission is formulated narrowly, if the company's success requires an absolutely clear understanding of every aspect of its activities.

    Examples of a narrow approach to mission statement include, among others, companies and organizations such as IBM, Polaroid, Starbucks, CIA

    IBM Mission: We strive to be a leader in the invention, development and manufacture of the most advanced information technology in the industry, including computer systems, software, storage systems and microelectronics. We transform these technologies into customer value through professional solutions, service and consulting services around the world.

    Polaroid's Mission: To improve the instant photography and digital imaging marketplace to meet the growing need for capturing the faces of friends and family, precious places and fun.

    Starbucks' mission: To become the leading provider of the finest coffees in the world by maintaining our unwavering values ​​(a place where employees are respected; cultural diversity; coffee excellence, customer satisfaction; contributing to the local community; profitability) as the company grows.

    CIA Mission: We are the eyes and ears of a nation, and sometimes its invisible hand. We achieve the mission as follows:

    Collecting only the necessary intelligence.

    By providing relevant, objective and comprehensive analysis - on time.

    Taking protective actions against the President of the United States to prevent threats or to achieve political goals of the United States.

    When creating a company mission, it is logical to familiarize yourself with examples of missions of well-known organizations... We have selected missions of Russian and foreign companies that are interesting in our opinion. We structured them by areas of activity.

    But n do not copy, do not create a mission by analogy - this will worsen the climate in the company, at best won't change anything. M Issia is always individual.


    Examples of missions for distributors, networks, retailers and e-commerce

    • Mission of ROSPRINT: to be a link between publishers and readers.
    • Mission Lenta: We work to ensure that people in Russia live better and richer, saving their money every day.
    • Mission Sportmaster: We make sports accessible! To develop a successful and efficient business, offering Clients an optimal range of quality goods for sports and outdoor activities with an optimal level of service. To contribute to the improvement of the population in the countries of our presence, promoting the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, sports and outdoor activities, improving the quality of life of our clients.
    • SNC mission: To be the undisputed leader in the distribution of FMCG goods in the CIS countries, providing customers with high-quality goods and perfect service, acting in the interests of society and consumers, employees and shareholders.
    • Mission Protek: Our goal is to care for the beauty and health of people. We value the economic, social and ethical values ​​of society, honestly fulfill our obligations to people, partners, investors and the state, thereby setting the standards for doing business.
    • Dixie Mission: Satisfy the daily needs of the majority of Russians with the best value for money - Simple, Nearby, Neighborly
    • Mission Lenta - We work to ensure that people in our country live better and richer, saving their money every day.
    • Mission of TERVOLINA: High-quality, comfortable footwear and excellent service - to every customer!
    • Walmart Mission: We save money for people so they can live better lives.
    • Auchan mission: To offer more and more buyers a wider range of quality products at low prices.
    • Mission of Leroy Merlin East: To make repairs and furnishing of their homes accessible to everyone
    • Castorama's mission is to help buyers make their homes more perfect and more comfortable, transform the time-consuming and costly process of renovation and furnishing into an interesting hobby accessible to everyone.
    • IKEA mission: To improve the daily life of ordinary people.
    • Amazon's mission: to be "the most customer caring company on earth."
    • EBay's Mission: To provide a global marketplace where anyone can sell or buy almost anything.
    • Alibaba's Mission: Remove all barriers between buyer and seller.

    Examples of missions of manufacturers of consumer goods

    • Mission Baltika: We create a quality product that gives people the joy of communication, makes their life brighter and more interesting.
    • Daria's mission: To free up consumers' time for a fulfilling life by producing high quality, easy-to-cook products.
    • Luxlite mission: leadership in the Russian lighter market for long-term partnership.
    • JTI Mission: Our mission is to create a powerful international tobacco company that operates with the maximum benefit for its shareholders, employees, consumers and society at large, and strives to become a leader in its industry.
    • Unilever's mission is to energize life. We meet the daily needs of people for food and hygiene. Our brands help you feel great, look great and enjoy life.
    • Levi-Strauss Mission: We will deliver the world's most beautiful and popular casual wear to the market. We will dress the whole world.
    • Nike's Mission: To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.
    • Adidas Mission: Our mission is to be the leader among the world's sports brands. We achieve leadership by building on our vision - our passion for sports makes the world a better place. All our work is inspired by the passion for sports that drives us, allowing us to improve ourselves and the world around us.
    • Canon's mission is to help people realize the full potential of their images.
    • Gillette Mission: Every day, over 800 million people around the world trust their faces and skin to innovative Gillette razors and shaving products. We strive to provide people with the very best personal care products, including deodorants and body washes. They are all designed to meet the unique needs of individuals, helping them look, feel and excel every day.

    Examples of missions for catering businesses

    • Mission Teremok: 1. We create a national catering network; 2. We must be loved by customers, offering national dishes of the new generation: pancakes, cereals, stews and kvass, with the best taste in Russia; 3. Our products should be available to the majority of the Russian population; 4. We will always be glad to see people of all ages with us; 5. We must give people joy and pleasure.
    • McDonald's Mission: To be our customers' favorite place to eat or drink. And the formula for achieving this goal is one long-standing McDonald's formula: CCC and D, which stands for Quality, Service Culture, Cleanliness and Affordability.
    • KFC's mission: Bring joy to life.

    Examples of missions of companies in the automotive industry

    • AvtoVAZ mission: We create quality cars for our customers at affordable prices, bringing stable profits to our shareholders, improving the welfare of our employees and increasing the value of our business for the good of the Fatherland.
    • GAZ's mission: To produce commercial vehicles that guarantee the customer benefits from the purchase thanks to uncompromising quality and reliable impeccable service, backed by the highest competence of personnel, partner suppliers, innovation in production and products.
    • URAL mission: Satisfying the society's need for vehicles with a total weight of 12 to 44 tons and creating conditions for maintaining the performance of vehicles during operation.
    • Mission KAMAZ: KAMAZ, built by the whole country, is the basis of transport security and the property of Russia. Anticipating needs, we deliver automotive technology and branded service to help customers achieve inspiring goals. KAMAZ is a socially responsible partner acting for the long-term interests of shareholders and the welfare of employees.
    • Ford Mission: We are a global family and proud of our heritage of personal freedom of movement for people around the world.
    • Toyota Mission: To make our customers feel the pleasure of high quality Toyota vehicles. We are responsible for every vehicle we sell. We create an atmosphere in which Toyota professionals use their years of experience, as well as their knowledge of advanced Toyota technologies, to serve the interests of our discerning customers. The mission of the Company is to maximize customer satisfaction by providing reliable and safe TOYOTA products and providing a network of high quality service and qualified service.
    • BMW Mission: The BMW Group is the world's leading provider of premium products and premium services for personal mobility.
    • Harley-Davidson Mission Statement: We make people's dreams come true with our expertise in creating the very best motorcycles!

    Examples of missions of companies in the field of high technology, electronics

    • Rostelecom's mission: More opportunities for everyone. Rostelecom creates more opportunities for people - both through its services and through the implementation of projects and initiatives that touch upon topics that are important to society. Telecommunications can change and improve people's lives, and this is exactly what Rostelecom strives for in relations with everyone who comes into contact with the activities of our company.
    • Mission of Uralvagonzavod (manufacturer of the ARMATA tank): Strengthening the defense capability and development of the transport infrastructure of the Russian Federation by creating high-tech innovative products for military, special and civil purposes.
    • Apple's Mission: Apple makes Macs the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple continues to revolutionize digital music with its iPod and iTunes. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store and is shaping the future of mobile media and computing with the iPad. (The mission of Apple Computer, Inc. at the beginning of its activity was formulated as follows: We offer computers of the highest quality to people all over the world).
    • Microsoft Mission: Our Microsoft mission is to help people and businesses around the world reach their full potential. Achieving this goal requires talented, energetic, bright and creative people with the following virtues: conscientiousness and honesty, enthusiasm, openness and respect, willingness to solve difficult problems, self-criticism and responsibility.
    • Samsung's Mission: We use the company's human and technological resources to create superior quality products and services, thereby contributing to a better global society.
    • Lenovo Mission Statement: For those who do! At Lenovo, our vision is that Lenovo will create personal devices that will inspire more people, inspired by our own culture, and through which we build a business that is respected around the world. This Vision guides us in pursuing our mission to become one of the world's greatest technology companies. We will accomplish this through: Personal Computers, Convergence and Culture.
    • IBM Mission: We strive to be a leader in the invention, development and manufacture of the most advanced information technology in the industry, including computer systems, software, storage systems and microelectronics. We transform these technologies into customer value through professional solutions, service and consulting services around the world.
    • XEROX mission: Dissemination of knowledge through documents.
    • Sony's Mission: We are a group of young people who are energized for endless creative pursuits.

    Examples of missions of telecommunications and IT companies

    • Yandex mission: To help people solve problems and achieve their goals in life.
    • Google's mission: To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
    • Beeline mission: we help people to get joy from communication, to feel free in time and space.
    • Mission MegaFon: MegaFon will unite Russia, breaking down barriers and developing communications to become everyone's obvious choice. MegaFon proceeds from a special attitude to the company's social mission, which is to create conditions for communication between people, without regard to boundaries and distances.
    • MTS mission: We are working to make MTS the best operator for our clients. We want every person who comes to the MTS salon, calls our call-center, uses the services of the company, to like being an MTS client. Thanks to reliable communications, MTS provides customers with the opportunity to build and improve their lives, and constantly develop. All MTS resources are aimed at making the life of MTS clients more eventful, interesting and filled with new opportunities thanks to the company's services.
    • Yota's mission: to be a leading developer and provider of innovative mobile services that will change people's perceptions and experiences in the field of communication, entertainment and information consumption by at least one iota.
    • Tele2 Mission: Our goal is to challenge, act quickly and offer a wide range of Internet-based services at an affordable price.
    • Youtube mission: to provide fast and easy video access and the ability to share videos frequently.
    • Facebook's mission: To empower people to communicate and make the world more open and united.
    • Twitter's mission: To empower everyone to share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.

    Examples of missions of companies in the oil and gas industry

    • Gazprom's mission: the most efficient and balanced gas supply to Russian consumers, implementation of long-term gas export contracts with a high degree of reliability.
    • Rosneft's mission is to meet society's needs for energy resources in an innovative, environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner. Thanks to a unique resource base, high technological level and a team of professionals committed to their work, the Company ensures sustainable business growth and increased shareholder income. Our activity contributes to social stability, prosperity and progress of the regions.
    • Lukoil's mission: We were created to turn the energy of natural resources for the benefit of people.

    Examples of bank missions

    • Sberbank's mission: We give people confidence and reliability, we make their lives better by helping to realize their aspirations and dreams.
    • Mission Opening: We help our clients, employees, contractors and even competitors to realize their financial capabilities.
    • The Bank of New York's Mission: We strive to be a recognized global leader and preferred partner in helping our clients succeed in a world of rapidly emerging financial markets.
    • Citibank's mission is to be a reliable partner to our clients by responsibly providing them with financial services that contribute to sustainable development and economic progress. In the interests of our clients, our company invests in safe assets, provides them with borrowed funds, makes payments and provides access to capital markets. With experience gained over 200 years of work, we help our clients to solve the most difficult problems and make the best use of the opportunities that open up. We are Citi, a global bank, connecting millions of people in hundreds of countries and cities.

    Examples of missions of government agencies and non-profit structures

    • Mission of the Russian University of Cooperation: Providing high quality education that meets international standards; the formation of a highly moral personality with modern professional and other demanded competencies; real scientific achievements on the basis of the Russian University of Cooperation that meet the needs of society, the state and the individual; mobile and dynamic training that flexibly responds to global changes and ensures the advanced development of the economies of Russia and countries of the world, contributing to the development of youth career management skills.
    • The mission of the State Hermitage Volunteer Service is to foster a sense of responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage.
    • CIA Mission: We are the eyes and ears of a nation, and sometimes its invisible hand. We achieve the mission as follows:

    Collecting only the necessary intelligence.

    By providing relevant, objective and comprehensive analysis on time.

    Perform defensive actions against the President of the United States to prevent threats or to achieve US political goals.

    Examples of service companies' missions

    • Aeroflot's mission - We work to ensure that our customers can quickly and comfortably cover vast distances, which means they can be mobile, meet more often, work successfully and see the world in all its diversity. We give our customers the opportunity to choose thanks to our extensive route network and to various airlines of the Group: from low-cost airlines to premium airlines.
    • Mission of Russian Railways: The mission of Russian Railways (Russian Railways) is to meet the market demand for transportation, increase the efficiency of operations, quality of services and deep integration into the Euro-Asian transport system. Russian Railways brand mission: We are the most important part of the global system of movement of people, goods and technologies. We work for clients, contribute to the unification of peoples, integrate Russia into a single economic space. Our solutions are based on a unique infrastructure, the skill of a team of high-level professionals and innovative technologies.
    • Mission Freight One: To provide the best quality transport and logistics services on the market. Be a leader. To make railroad transportation of goods affordable and attractive for the client.
    • Mission Disneyland: We are working to ensure that adults and children spend more time together.
    • The Ritz-Carlton Mission Statement is to provide the utmost care and comfort to every guest.
    • The Public Library of New York's mission is to inspire lifelong learning, knowledge sharing, and strengthening of our society.

    Examples of missions of consulting companies

    • Mission Strategic decision: Strengthening the Fatherland by helping to develop business!
    • McKinsey & Company Mission: Our mission is to help our clients make individual, lasting and significant improvements in their operations and build a great firm by attracting, inspiring and retaining exceptional people.
    • The Boston Consulting Group's Mission Statement: Our company's mission statement is based on the following simple principles. We analyze, cognize and then act. We bring together people who can challenge the prevailing beliefs and bring about the transformations that are needed. We help clients develop the right competencies and achieve long-term benefits. And we shape the future. Together.

    Examples of missions of companies in the metallurgical industry

    • RUSAL's mission: To become the most efficient aluminum company in the world, which we and our children can be proud of. Through the success of RUSAL - to the prosperity of each of us and society.
    • Metalloinvest's mission: Providing the buyer with high quality metal with the highest level of service.
    • Mission of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant: To be leaders in creation.
    • Mission of the United Metallurgical Company: Production of metallurgical products and products for the fuel and energy complex that best meet the needs of customers due to the optimal ratio of price and consumer properties.

    MISSION is the most important goal of the company. The raison d'être of any organization. The foundation for successful development. Use examples of missions from successful companies, but create your own mission. Each organization is unique.

    After reading this article, you will learn

    • What is the mission of the company for?
    • The mission of well-known companies: examples

    Why is it necessary Company's mission- a common question to which the heads of Russian companies do not have an unambiguous answer. When creating a company, when a business is struggling for survival and development, forging its relationships with suppliers and customers, the mission is not the main thing that the CEO should focus on. Many managers begin to realize the necessity of the company's mission during the rapid development of their business - when it is necessary not only to attract and retain their customers, but also to look for competent specialists, to revise or formalize management procedures. The mission of the company at this stage helps to overcome the problem of mistrust in the company, the work of employees is directed in a suitable direction, the company appears as a unique participant in the competitive market.

    The mission of the company performs important functions

    1. Clarification of the views of management and employees of the company about the goals of organizing the company.

    2. Understanding the main goals of the enterprise.

    3. Facilitation of work with employees and applicants for existing vacancies. Now they no longer have to tell them about all the nuances of the practical and philosophical underpinnings of the business.

    4. Explanation of the distribution of resources of their company (including human, money, equipment, raw materials). The organization's mission statement provides general guidelines for obtaining and allocating the required resources.

    The mission of the company sets the main directions of its development. Therefore, the definition of the mission is a very important and most significant decision in the field of strategic management. The mission can become the basis for promoting key business values, as well as building the reputation and image of the company.

    This is the CEO speaking

    Dmitry Persheev, General Director of the company "Garant", Moscow

    The mission of the "Garant" company is as follows: "Providing comprehensive professional legal support using modern information technologies." The development of the company and the products it produces have always been in line with this position, but the very understanding and formulation did not arise immediately. "Guarantor" appeared in the distant 1990, then no one thought about such concepts as mission. When an organization consists of several people and they all sit in the same room, the understanding of the mission is in their minds, there is no need to express thoughts on paper. This need arose in the course of the company's growth, when the number of employees increased and they began to work not only in different offices, but also in different cities, many of whom are not familiar with each other. We have 200 regional partners, the regional network employs about 8 thousand people. And although our partners are independent organizations, we have a single service and uniform customer service standards, so we must equally understand our mission.

    The need for a precise formulation of the mission arose in our country around 1995-1996. Let me emphasize that this was a clarification and design of the idea of ​​the company's goals already in our heads. Now each new employee receives a personal copy of the Staff Regulations, from which he learns about the mission and philosophy of the company.

    How to formulate a company's mission

    Stage 1. Realize the need for a mission. To formulate the company's mission, the CEO should treat this task not as fashion trends, but as a working tool for strategic management that will motivate employees, manage the company's reputation and image in the market. Therefore, the General Director is required to:

    1. Willingness to form strategic management. Otherwise, you shouldn't even think about the mission statement.
    2. Consent to invest time and energy, willingness to personally shape the company's mission.
    3. Ability to cope with this task (situations are possible when the manager understands that the creation of a mission is necessary, but does not have the necessary professional knowledge. In this case, the best solution is to invite a third-party consultant-practitioner, whose experience includes already implemented and successful missions).

    This is the CEO speaking

    Vadim Kotelnikov, General Director of the "Congress-Prom-Invest" company, Moscow

    Without knowing the mission of the company, employees will perceive their work only as a duty, it will not inspire them. The Japanese say, "It is useless to row harder if you row in the wrong direction" and "Seeing without action is a dream, and acting without seeing is a nightmare." People are inspired, attracted and energized by the great, and not the small everyday goals.

    Development in and Denia and mission are the business of the General Director of the company. That's why he is a leader to create inspiring employees in and vision of the future. However, not all leaders in Russia understand this yet. I conducted online surveys of Russian and foreign citizens on the topic: "What is the leader's task that people consider the most important." Foreigners put the creation in and Denian first place, while the Russians - only in third (the first lines were taken by the ability to charge people with energy and possession of charisma). It turns out according to the Japanese saying: a leader, possessing charisma, charged people with energy, forcing them to row harder, but did not explain in which direction. However, today the situation is starting to change.

    Stage 2. Create a team. After deciding on the development of the company's mission, you should think about who you plan to involve in the process of its creation. It is recommended to involve managers of all levels for this work, forming a single team from them. They should be tasked with performing a comprehensive analysis of the company and market performance, with a review of mission statements from well-known global companies. The results of the analysis should become the basis for formulating strategic business goals, which must be reflected in the company's mission.

    Stage 3. Your qualities and values. In order to create a competitive, successful company mission, a leader must go beyond the company, trying to look more globally at his business, trying to predict the future. It is necessary to determine the distinctive features of the company, based not on the services or products offered, but on the needs of the market (see. tab. one).


    From defining the purpose of the organization based on the proposed products (services) ...

    Towards a mission statement based on market and customer needs


    Transportation of people and goods

    We manufacture office equipment

    We offer help to improve the productivity of office buildings

    We sell gasoline

    We provide energy for vehicles

    We manufacture vacuum cleaners

    Helping create cleaner, healthier environments

    We manufacture mufflers

    We provide full car service

    Stage 4. The mission must be clear to employees. Correct understanding of the company's mission by employees is a prerequisite, since the success of its implementation and market perception will directly depend on it.

    In order for the entire team to correctly understand the mission of the company, you can resort to different tools. In particular, for a large company, seminars in which senior and middle managers participate are important. For a small company, a general meeting can be recommended. The mission of the company can be displayed in the office reception - confirming its importance, reflecting the developed corporate culture of the organization. The in-house employee manual, foundational materials, has also proven to be excellent. The material dataset may include the following:

    • a message from management that explains the goals and values ​​of the company;
    • explanation of the main principles of relations in the company, peculiarities of ethics, culture, etc.

    This "Welcome to XXX" guideline is used by some of our customers. This is a small brochure on high-quality paper with a beautiful design - it explains all these points in an easy-to-understand language.

    Using such tools for communicating the company's mission, a manager can be sure that internal corporate values ​​will be reflected in the behavior of employees, which in turn will affect the perception of the company by clients and its image.

    This is the CEO speaking

    Boris Polgeim,

    The General Director, relying on the mission of the company, must constantly remind employees of it, then they will begin to act in accordance with it. If we are to bring beauty and joy to people by creating aquariums, then we should not take money from them for each floor of the rise, bargain and make everyone wait - because that way no beauty and joy will come of it. If we talk about efficiency, but at the same time we ourselves work ineffectively, then we are violating our mission, therefore, this state of affairs should cause discomfort to managers and employees of departments. To create a mission and use it in work, it is not necessary to conduct trainings or call consultants, the most important thing is that all your actions - bonuses, promotions, instructions, orders - correspond to it, regardless of whether it hangs on the wall under glass or exists behind the scenes.

    Stage 5. Consider your surroundings. The mission is often viewed as an internal tool of the company, which is why the potential of its influence on external factors - consumers, partners, the state, trade unions, etc. is not sufficiently estimated.When creating a company's mission, it is necessary to take into account 4 main strategic audiences, defining the mission for each of them:

    1. Public - what contribution the company makes to the local community, what problems of society it solves.
    2. Client-side - compliance with the requests and needs of certain segments of the target audience,
    3. Organizational (for employees) - meeting the needs of the organizational system in the structure of which the business operates.
    4. Entrepreneurial (for business partners) - the fulfillment of conditions conducive to the stable development of a business by meeting the needs of its participants and co-owners.

    The 4 strategic objectives approach is especially widely used in the work of banks and industrial companies. After all, the financial activity of the regions in which they are located also depends on their work. Also, the activities of an enterprise often lead to environmental pollution.

    Stage 6. Check the reality of your company's mission. What must be taken into account so that the mission does not become a simple dream of a bright future, having nothing to do with reality? In order to maintain an appropriate balance of the company's aspirations, reality and the requirements of the CEO, it will be optimal to test its mission against 3 requirements:

    • does the mission reflect the principles, expectations and values ​​of the company?
    • Is the mission determined by the company's competitive advantages?
    • is the mission of the enterprise based on the needs of the market?

    When planning a company's mission, examples of successful use in other organizations will also prove to be quite useful.

    This is the CEO speaking

    Boris Polgeim, Creator, main shareholder and strategic manager of Aqua Logo and Business Class companies, Moscow

    When drawing up a company's mission, you need to ask the appropriate questions - "Will the market regret if tomorrow your company will not be there?", "What does the company provide for the world?" that people fell in love with it? "

    If the formulated mission is suitable for several companies, then there is something special in your company. You need to try to bring the mission closer to your company, but you should not land it too much. For example, the company "Aqua Logo" adheres to the unspoken mission "To bring beauty to people by creating aquariums." If you remove the word "aquariums", you get a rather vague mission, although it makes it easy to move to another direction that carries beauty. In particular, we now specialize not only in aquariums, but also in reservoirs. If the leader plans to grow the company, the mission must be formulated in such a way that it is both accurate and other directions analyzed.

    The Business Class company is specialized in business training, we could choose: “We train well”. But we decided to adhere to such a mission "Effective efficiency training". This formulation takes us to a completely new level - it includes both what we teach and how we do it. If the efficiency of Aqua Logo is less important than beauty and joy, then the most important thing for Business Class is efficiency in everything. When you formulate your mission consciously, it will help you achieve practical business value, rather than just a pretty set of words.

    4 options for the company's mission, depending on the audience

    Ridan CJSC is one of the leading manufacturers of plate heat exchangers in Russia. The company adheres to the mission “We create new standards. We take responsibility for changing the standard ways of doing business and the rules of interaction, for replacing them with new ones that are more effective for our clients, partners, employees, and society as a whole. "

    The company decided to formulate a mission statement for 4 external audiences as follows:

    For society: “By doing business according to new standards, we improve the quality of life, give peace of mind and confidence in the future, bring people warmth, comfort and coziness. It's safe with us! "

    For clients:“We are introducing new ways of interacting with customers in our market, combining the reliability of our equipment with a new quality of service. We value human relationships with our clients, develop and support them. It is comfortable to cooperate with us! "

    For staff:“We build honest and open relationships with employees based on mutual respect, professionalism and responsibility. We value a positive approach to life and active involvement in the life of the company. We contribute to the development and training of employees, realizing that this is an investment in the future of the company. We are creating a new quality of life and work! "

    For partners:“We are helping to improve the efficiency and improve the quality of our partners' business. We respect our partners, that's why they trust us! "

    Examples of missions of famous companies

    Wallmart Mission:"We help our customers save money to make their lives better."

    Target Mission:"Become a preferred shopping destination with innovative solutions, exceptional value proposition, exceeding all customer expectations."

    IKEA mission:"Improving everyone's daily life"

    Amazon Mission:"Create a space where everyone can buy online whatever they want."

    CVS mission:"Help people improve their health"

    Google mission:"It is convenient to organize all the information in the world and make it accessible and useful to everyone"

    Microsoft Mission:"Give everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential"

    Skype mission:"To become a platform for communication of people in real time"

    YouTube Mission:"Provide quick and easy access to video content and provide the ability to share videos with each other."

    Twitter Mission:"Instantly connect people everywhere"

    Apple mission:"To provide students, educators, creative professionals around the world with the best personal computers through the use of innovative solutions."

    Adidas Mission:“To become the best sports brand in the world. Never compare quantity with quality. The athlete always comes first. "

    Nike's mission:"To give inspiration and innovative solutions to every athlete in the world"

    Umbro Mission:“Excite and inspire. Let everyone fall in love with the wonderful world of football "

    Coca-cola mission:“Refresh the world, body, mind and spirit; Awaken optimism through our drinks and our deeds; Bring meaning to everything we do "

    Pepsi Mission:“To be the world's best food and beverage company focused on processed foods and beverages. In everything we do, we are guided by three principles - honesty, consistency and fairness. "

    Nestle's mission:"We believe that research and development will help make food better, thereby improving people's lives."

    Danone's mission:"Provide as many people as possible with healthy food"

    Mission Cisco:"The company's software, hardware and services are used to create reliable networks that provide easy access to information anywhere, anytime."

    IBM mission:“Lead in the invention, development and production of information technologies, including software, computers, information storage systems and microelectronics. And help improve the business of our clients around the world with cutting-edge technology. "

    Intel mission:"To create and improve computer technology to connect and improve the life of every person on earth"

    GeneralElectric's mission:“We exist to solve the problems of everyone on earth, be it a company or an individual”

    British Petroleum Mission:"Promoting human progress through the manifestation of the following qualities: honesty, openness of transactions"

    Why profit can't be the company's mission

    Many people believe that the main goal in the operation of any business is profit. However, it is important to consider that the mission is a strategic goal and is the main reason for the very existence of the company.

    • Commercial director: job responsibilities and functions

    If the company's mission is to "generate income", then it will face serious difficulties - in the form of poor performance in the market, where the return on invested funds can only be expected after a certain period, passing through non-price competition. When choosing the wording “Our goal is to maximize income”, it is unlikely that the company will turn out to be an interesting partner for buyers and an employer for the team.

    Consequently, the goals of the company cannot be limited to just making money. Income is only one of the results, it becomes a consequence of good management and strategy. It should also be borne in mind that a company in a competitive environment must remember about intangible benefits for its partners and customers. Companies that are more stable at the expense of other values ​​are in better positions. This condition is of particular importance when dealing in volatile, emerging markets.

    Maxim Romadanov

    In this article, we tell you what the mission and values ​​of the company are, when such a subsection is needed on the site, and when there is no point in it.

    What is the mission of the company

    The mission of the company is the raison d'être of its existence besides making money. A mission is a cause you serve. It forms the values, beliefs and principles of business, reflects the purpose of the company, its positioning (difference from other market participants), determines the role that the company wants to play in society.

    The mission subsection can be called differently: "Philosophy", "Anatomy", "Biology", "Brand DNA", "Company Values" and so on - as far as the imagination of the marketing department is enough.

    Variations on a theme:

    In the book by the social entrepreneur from Bangladesh Yunus Muhammad “Creating a World Without Poverty. Social business and the future of capitalism ”is the concept of“ corporate social responsibility ”. It unites all philosophies, missions and the like under one roof - this is the obligation to do good to people and the world around them, or at least not to harm them.

    Why the company does NOT need a mission

    Yunus Muhammad, to whom I have already referred and will continue to do so, says that modern consumers refuse the services of companies with a tarnished image. However, while preparing this article, I did not find any convincing evidence that “negative social brand positioning” is bad for business performance. If you are aware of such studies, please send links in the comments.

    But there is evidence to prove the opposite. In an article on the results of Dieselgate, Bloomberg View analyst Leonid Bershidsky argues that Volkswagen not only did not suffer from the 2015 environmental scandal, but also increased its efficiency. Moreover, it was in the "diesel gate" 2015 that the Volkswagen Group displaced the long-term leader Toyota from the first line in terms of sales in the world. And, according to the latest data, VAG is only increasing its advantage, PR has played only to its advantage.

    Another example: let's compare the rating of the largest cosmetics manufacturers from Brand Rankings with the lists of the international organization PETA, which fights for the ethical treatment of animals. For the entire TOP-10 we see the following picture:

    The abandonment of animal testing has a commercial effect for cosmetics manufacturers who are interested in a narrow audience of animal rights activists. For example, for the manufacturer of environmentally friendly cosmetics Bare Escentual.

    But for a wide audience, this factor does not really matter. Cruel but true.

    Before you tell your clients about the mission, you need to understand one thing: the mission is not for clients, not for partners and not for profit, it is for the business owner personally. If he himself wants to live in a "green" world or that sick children have the opportunity to recover, if he is ready to give part of the profit for these purposes, the company will have a mission.

    But mission costs are not advertising budgets. You cannot expect to invest a certain amount, and then calculate the effectiveness of investments. This is tantamount to the fact that I would give a beggar at the entrance to the "Magnet" 100 rubles, and then ask for a discount in the store. I'm so kind, you feel sorry for what?

    Yunus Muhammad says the same: some corporations view social obligations as a form of advertising. 1% of the profits are directed to helping the poor, and the remaining 99% to industries where the labor of the same poor is exploited in violation of elementary labor laws. Don't be so, be honest with yourself at least.

    But this does not mean that social projects should be hidden away and shyly shrugged if someone finds out and asks. Social projects are pure "white" PR and the right path to regional and federal media. You can and should talk about them, but honestly, without pathos and attempts to manipulate people. This is my personal conviction.

    Why is a mission necessary then?

    To answer this question, you should first ask yourself another:

    To whom should you commit?

    Social obligations can be held to society as a whole.

    Social obligations can be held to a specific group of people.

    Social obligations can be kept to your employees.

    The Sela press service confirmed that the personnel department uses methods to identify the personality traits of job seekers. If the candidate does not show the required qualities, he will not be hired.

    Social commitment can be made to clients.

    So the mission:

    1. Increases public interest in business. Sportmaster's logic is clear: more people go in for sports - more buyers of sports goods.
    2. Attracts employees, clients and partners with similar views, tastes, interests. Several years ago, the Xiaomi brand also advanced on this topic. The manufacturer has consistently created a fan environment: starting with the product line (the principle of "powerful and fast hardware for little money") and ending with the official international MIUI fan site.

    1. Encourages them to take actions that in the long term may lead to the purchase of a product or service.

    1. Activates the emotional factors of choosing a product and service.

    Do I need a subsection with the company's mission on the site

    Do not misunderstand: charity is great, but if you write on your website a few pretentious, but without any phrases, you will not convince those around you that you care about world peace.

    Reading this, I just want to shout: "Guys, you just sell balls and bicycles!" Seriously, what if your client bought a treadmill from you, drove it for a few days and realized that it was too hard and in general sport was not for him? If he did not become cheerful, cheerful, or happy from the purchase, what will you do? Will you take the simulator back and sign up the buyer for body positive courses?

    Less pathos and abstractions, more references to real deeds.

    Submit letters of gratitude and gratitude from public organizations and foundations

    Taxi service from St. Petersburg "Taxovichkof" transports employees of partner charitable foundations and public organizations free of charge. A representative of any social project who needs help with transport can leave an application on the official website. There are several dozen such letters in the “Charity” subsection.

    Tell us what charities your products are going to

    Show how your business processes are improving the environment

    It would seem that there is nothing special here. Many trucking companies buy gas-powered cars and optimize routes - it's just cheaper than gasoline and round trips. But "Gruzovichkoff" translates its principles into an ecological plane and gets a bonus to karma.

    Publish reports on charity events in the news block on the site

    At the same time, you can get into the federal press.


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