Subsidy from the employment center. Subsidy for starting your own business: how to get money from the state when opening an individual entrepreneur and LLC. How to get a subsidy for individual entrepreneurs for business development: step by step instructions

What specific measures of state support can a person who has opened his own business count on?

Subsidies from the employment center

If you are just planning to open your own business, then the first thing you need to know about is the existence of a special program of the Ministry of Economic Development to provide subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses at the regional level. Within the framework of this program, the employment center provides one-time financial assistance in starting their own business.

The amount is provided in the amount of 12 times the maximum unemployment benefit. Previously, it was 58,800 rubles. (assuming that the amount of unemployment benefit was 4900 rubles). However, from January 1, 2019, the maximum allowance will increase from 4900 rubles. up to 8,000 rubles, so the amount of the subsidy may increase. It also provides for one-time financial assistance for the preparation of documents: payment of state duty, performance of notarial acts during state registration, purchase of blank documentation, production of seals, stamps, legal services, consultations. So, for example, in the Moscow region, financial assistance for the preparation of documents is 7,500 rubles.

The subsidy from the employment center is available to citizens who have reached the age of 18. But in order to receive it, they need to register with the employment center, that is, have the status of an unemployed person and receive benefits. It is also worth considering that not everyone is given subsidies, since there are a limited number of them, and they are issued at the beginning of the financial year (you need to try to get in the right period). About these and other subtleties Vasily Puchkov, Deputy Director of the Regional Center for Support of the Olympiad Movement.

Grant Support

Such a measure of state support is usually provided by regional authorities. The grant is provided to a start-up entrepreneur in the form of a lump-sum subsidy, on an irrevocable and gratuitous basis. The maximum amount, as a rule, is 600,000 rubles. But depending on the region, the conditions for obtaining grants may differ. Therefore, it is better to find out all the details on the spot. Money is allocated to those whose applications have passed the competitive selection. Among the selection criteria are the scope of the business, the amount of revenue, the number of jobs, etc.

In 2019, novice farmers can still count on special support from the state. The amount of the grant under the program "Support for Beginning Farmers" can reach 3 million rubles. This amount, for example, is received by novice livestock farmers in the Moscow region if they specialize in cattle breeding, and 1.5 million rubles each. provided to farms operating in other areas. A farm that receives such a grant must create at least one job for every 1 million rubles. grant.

In Tatarstan, for 2019, the amount of grant support under the Beginning Farmer program will be higher - it will amount to 5 million rubles. instead of the previous 3 million. So the conditions and amounts should be clarified in each case.

In addition, there are grants in the amount of up to 30 million rubles. for the development of family livestock farms.

In St. Petersburg, since 2015, the program “Support for Social Entrepreneurship” has been implemented, under which the costs associated with the payment of rental payments and the purchase of equipment are reimbursed: rent of buildings, non-residential premises, rental of equipment and purchase of equipment.

In addition, a program has been developed in St. Petersburg to support entrepreneurs who create children's centers; a program to support handicraft entrepreneurs, and other programs.

To learn more about how to receive grants and subsidies, visit official government websites that provide information on business support measures. So, for example, on the website of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, all areas of state support are described in detail. For the Moscow region, such information is provided by the website of the Center for Entrepreneurship Development of the Moscow Region. The Kuban Small Business website provides a detailed list of subsidies for entrepreneurs working in southern Russia.

It will be easier if you use the search in the section "Support for SMEs in the regions" on the Federal portal of small and medium-sized businesses. Just specify the region in the search - and you will be automatically transferred to the "local" portal of small and medium-sized businesses.

On the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, you can use the list of authorized bodies to support small and medium-sized businesses in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Federal business support programs

This type of business support can be divided into programs from:

  • Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

His area of ​​interest extends to the implementation of the program for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to provide state support to SMEs in the regions (in accordance with and annually issued orders of the Ministry of Economic Development).

Funds are distributed on a competitive basis between the regions and are allocated for activities provided for by regional programs, but on the condition that the costs are co-financed by the regions.

The program of the Ministry of Economic Development provides for direct and indirect support measures that can be counted on by those who are engaged in the production of goods, develop and implement innovative products, specialize in folk art crafts, carry out handicraft activities, promote rural and ecotourism, and develop social entrepreneurship.

  • SME corporations

This organization deals with a variety of tasks, including financial, property, legal, infrastructural, methodological support; organizes various types of support for investment projects, etc.

  • JSC "SME Bank"

More information about support programs and the conditions on the basis of which you can apply for government assistance in business development can be found on the regional portals of small and medium-sized businesses. For example, the Ryazan portal provides detailed information on types, forms, and support infrastructure.

Subsidies for reimbursement of interest on loans

A business can count on compensation for the cost of paying interest on loans received from credit institutions for the support and development of activities, including the renewal of fixed assets (with the exception of loans received for the purchase of passenger vehicles).

The conditions for obtaining a subsidy must be clarified in the regions. For example, in Moscow they are as follows:

  • the organization meets the criteria of an SME entity;
  • the organization or individual entrepreneur is registered and operates on the territory of Moscow, and the duration of registration is at least 6 months before the date of filing an application for a subsidy;
  • the period of overdue debt on taxes, fees and other obligatory payments on the day of filing the application does not exceed one month;
  • there are no pending contracts for the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow on the day of application;
  • there are no violations of contractual obligations secured at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow;
  • there is a loan agreement with a credit institution included in the list of credit institutions selected in accordance with the established procedure by the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises Joint-Stock Company and which has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the City of Moscow, or has received the approval of a credit organizations for loans.

In 2019, the state will allocate 7.2 billion rubles to banks. on preferential loans for entrepreneurs, thus increasing budget subsidies for the program of preferential loans for small businesses in priority sectors by 11 times. This is provided for in the draft federal budget for 2019 and subsequent 2020-2021. The total amount of expenses for the next 6 years will amount to 190.9 billion rubles.

The proposal is to issue loans to small and medium-sized businesses for projects in priority sectors at a rate of 6.5%. It will apply to industries such as agriculture, construction, transport, communications, tourism, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water production, healthcare, collection, processing and disposal of waste, industries that implement priority areas for the development of science and technology. and technology.

According to the rules, the difference with market rates (3.1% for a loan agreement for medium-sized businesses and 3.5% for small businesses) is reimbursed by the budget to banks. In 2019, thanks to innovations, concessional lending will be carried out for more than 200 billion rubles.

Small Business Support: Changes in 2019

In the summer of 2018, the President signed, which expands property support for small and medium-sized businesses. This law establishes an indefinite right to purchase leased state and municipal property and the possibility of using land plots when providing property support to SMEs.

Also, shortly before 2019, Government Decree dated 10.10.2018 No. 1212 was presented. The document amends the rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to credit institutions to compensate for their lost income on loans issued to SMEs at a reduced rate.

According to the document, the maximum amount of a loan granted to an SME for investment purposes at a preferential rate has been reduced from 1 billion rubles. up to 400 million rubles But the maximum size of the total amount of loans that can be issued to one borrower is still 1 billion rubles. The changes were made to enable banks to lend to more SMEs.

In addition, it is important to mention Government Decree No. 2586-r dated November 26, 2018, which refers to a draft federal law amending Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation". This bill has been prepared for the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives", which provides for expanding the access of SMEs to financial resources, including concessional financing.

When the draft law is adopted, the guarantee support provided by SME Corporation JSC to SMEs will be expanded. This will affect companies operating in high-tech industries, start-ups, agricultural cooperatives, fast-growing innovative companies and SMEs implementing projects in the Far Eastern and North Caucasian Federal Districts and in single-industry towns.

Russia is becoming more and more attractive for doing business every year. In the World Bank's Doing Business ranking, the country ranks 35th among countries that create a favorable climate for launching and developing projects. In turn, according to the investment attractiveness, Moscow was ranked second in the national rating and fifth among European cities according to the international edition of the Financial Times.

A significant contribution to the development of the investment environment is made by both targeted state financing programs and small business assistance programs. In this article, we will tell you step by step about what support Moscow offers today to entrepreneurs for starting, running and developing their business:

Step 1. Registration. Consultations. Education. Choose one of the 15 Business Service Centers (TSUB), which are located in all districts of the capital and operate on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow". All services are provided free of charge. CUB specialists will help prepare documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or in the form of a limited liability company (LLC). In 2017 alone, consulting support was provided to more than 80,000 people. Aspiring entrepreneurs will be offered training at the MBM Startup School. You can also learn the basics of starting and developing your own business from successful entrepreneurs and professional business coaches online - at the MBM Online Academy. There are two training programs available at the Academy - Start and Progress. The content of the training program is based on the best business practices and case studies that are relevant in business.

The CUB will also advise entrepreneurs on various business issues: labor and civil legislation, accounting. Here they can prepare an application for the transition of the enterprise to a simplified or patent taxation system.

Step 2. Choose a premise for doing business. The staff of the center will help you get acquainted with the various options and tell you about the lease on preferential terms of non-residential premises owned by the city of Moscow. To date, the initial preferential rental rate for such premises is 4.5 thousand rubles per sq. m. m per year and 1 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m per year for premises located in the basement. The Central Department Store will help with information about the availability of vacant premises in city technology parks. There are more than 30 technoparks with various industry specializations in the capital. In addition, if at the beginning of your business path you do not need large areas, you can get a job for a period of one day to 12 months in one of the six coworking centers of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow".

Step 3. Decide on funding. The specialists of the Central Bank of Ukraine will advise on the sources of obtaining business financing at different stages of its development, will offer entrepreneurs to attend special educational programs and events where representatives of financial structures speak. The following types of financial support are currently being provided by the city, all details on them will be provided at the CUB:

  • Subsidy programs, among them are subsidies for compensation of interest rates on loans and lease payments, for compensation of expenses for the purchase of equipment, as well as for participation in congress and exhibition events, and others. If your organization meets the conditions and requirements for grants, you will be helped to prepare a set of documents and complete an application.
  • Warranty Support Program in the Capital Small Business Lending Assistance Fund. The Fund will help to attract credit to successful companies if they do not have enough own security (collateral) for creditors. You can apply to the Fund or through the CUB. An entrepreneur can independently apply to any of the fund's partner creditors, including 70 banks and 6 leasing companies. The guarantees of the Fund cover up to 70% of the loan. So, in the first five months of 2018 alone, thanks to this program, entrepreneurs received funding totaling more than 9 billion rubles. It is important to understand that without state support, the vast majority of these borrowers would have been refused by lenders.
  • Preferential long-term investment loans in the amount of 5 to 100 million rubles, for a period of up to 5 years, the Moscow Fund for Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship offers companies operating in the field of production, scientific research or software development at a rate of 5% per annum, and for residents of technoparks and industrial complexes of Moscow at a rate 2% per annum.
  • Funding for start-ups in science and technology offers the capital's Venture Investment Development Fund. The Fund provides preferential loans to innovative projects that are at the earliest stages of development and registered in Moscow. To do this, the project initiator must attract funds from a private investor, and then apply for additional funding from the Fund. Today, 57 private investors work with the organization. The co-investor must invest from 50% to 200%, depending on the size of the loan of the Fund itself, which can range from 0.5 to 36 million rubles, respectively. Loan term - from 3 to 6 years with a repayment delay of up to 2 years.

Step 4. Entering the state order market. Moscow pays considerable attention to protecting the interests of small and medium-sized businesses when placing government orders: 90% of purchases are made electronically. The Government of Moscow created a showcase of the city order, where 91 thousand suppliers are registered, of which 70% are SMEs, 15 million contracts worth 80 billion rubles have been concluded. On the portal, you can use the subscription service for purchases of a certain category. Participants of the state order can also receive microloans and guarantee support in the funds already mentioned above.

Question: In 2009, an individual was left without a job and registered with the employment center, where he received an offer to start his own business. Later, an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, and also received a one-time subsidy (financial assistance) for organizing entrepreneurial activities. Currently, the entrepreneur is engaged in his own business, which is his only income. Employees of the employment center informed the entrepreneur that the amounts of the subsidy (assistance) would not be taken into account in taxation. When writing a business plan, as well as when organizing his own business, the entrepreneur did not take into account the fact of taxation of these payments. The entrepreneur directed the entire amount of the subsidy received from the state to organize his own business, reporting for expenses to the employment center. But, according to the tax authorities, the entrepreneur is obliged to pay personal income tax before April 30, 2010 in connection with the receipt of state subsidies (assistance) for organizing his own business. When carrying out activities to provide services to the population, the entrepreneur decided to apply the simplified tax system (the object of taxation is "income"). In accordance with Federal Law No. 41-FZ of 05.04.2010 "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in terms of exempting citizens from paying personal income tax on the amount of state support received on opening your own business. These amounts within three tax periods will be taken into account as part of income and actually incurred expenses of each tax period. Thus, these funds do not form a taxable base, except for those persons who have chosen the object of "income" under the simplified tax system. Is an individual entrepreneur who applies the simplified tax system with the object of taxation "income" obliged to take into account, when forming the tax base, the amount of a one-time state subsidy (financial assistance) for organizing his own business?


The Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy has considered the application and on issues within the competence of the Department, reports the following.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code), the amounts of payments received to promote the self-employment of unemployed citizens and stimulate the creation by unemployed citizens who have opened their own business of additional jobs for the employment of unemployed citizens at the expense of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the programs approved relevant state authorities are accounted for as income during three tax periods with simultaneous reflection of the corresponding amounts as expenses within the limits of actually incurred expenses of each tax period, provided for by the conditions for receiving the said amounts of payments.

In case of violation of the conditions for receiving these payments, their amounts are fully reflected in the income of the tax period in which the violation was committed. If at the end of the third tax period the amount of payments received exceeds the amount of expenses accounted for in accordance with the specified paragraph, the remaining unaccounted amounts are fully reflected in the income of this tax period.

Thus, if a taxpayer receives payments in 2009 and uses a part of these payments in 2009, the amount of payments spent by the taxpayer in a given tax period in accordance with the conditions for receiving these payments should be taken into account as part of income and expenses when applying the simplified taxation system. The remaining unrecorded amount of payments in 2010 and 2011 is taken into account in a similar manner.

If the expenses stipulated by the conditions for receiving these payments are made in full during the first (first two) tax period(s) (2009, 2010), then the payments received and the expenses incurred at the expense of these payments are reflected in tax accounting in the relevant tax periods.

In case of violation of the conditions for receiving payments provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Code, the amounts of payments received are fully reflected in the income of the tax period in which the violation was committed.

The indicated norms of paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Code, both taxpayers applying the simplified system of taxation with the object of taxation in the form of income and taxpayers applying the said system of taxation with the object of taxation in the form of income reduced by the amount of expenses incurred should be guided.

The named taxpayers account for the payments received and the amounts of expenses incurred in the Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses of Organizations and Individual Entrepreneurs Applying the Simplified Taxation System, the form and procedure for filling which are approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2008 N 154n "On Approval of the Forms of the Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system (hereinafter referred to as the Book on the simplified tax system), the Book of accounting for the income of individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system based on a patent, and the Procedures for filling them out.

Taking into account the special procedure for accounting for these payments, established by Federal Law No. 41-FZ of 05.04.2010, taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system, in column 4 of Sec. I Books on the simplified tax system reflect the amounts of payments received in the amount of actually incurred expenses, provided for by the conditions for receiving the indicated amounts of payments, and in column 5 of section. I Books on the simplified tax system - the corresponding amounts of expenses incurred from those stipulated by the terms of the contracts.

At the same time, taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system with the object of taxation in the form of income, when determining the amount of income subject to taxation for the corresponding reporting (tax) period (column 4, section I of the Book on the simplified tax system), do not take into account the specified amounts of payments.

Deputy Director

Department of Tax

and customs tariff policy

The amount of financial support from the state depends on the region. For example, compensation payments to cover the costs of registering a business (IP or LLC) average 7–10 thousand ₽.

As for the subsidy directly for starting a business, its size is not determined by regional regulations, but is approved by the federal standard and amounts to 58.8 thousand rubles - the equivalent of 12 times the maximum amount of unemployment benefits. At the same time, a businessman can receive an additional 58 thousand ₽ for each hired employee.

These funds will actually return to the state later in the form of taxes and fees:

    6% of turnover or 15% of profit;

    19 356 ₽ per year to the Pension Fund (+1% of the amount of income over 300 thousand ₽);

    3796 ₽ per year to the health insurance fund.

It turns out that with a monthly profit of 20 thousand rubles, the entrepreneur will return the funds to the budget within a year.

What can the subsidy be spent on?

The subsidy can be used to cover certain types of expenses:

    for the purchase of commercial/industrial/office premises;

    for the purchase of equipment;

    to obtain a software license;

    for the acquisition of raw materials or intangible assets.

The money received from the budget must be used according to the stipulated articles - a novice businessman will have to report on each ruble spent, attaching supporting documents. If the money is found to have been misused, the violator may be held liable - and the previously issued subsidy will be recovered from him.

Who can apply for a subsidy

A candidate for this type of financial support must meet several criteria:

    age from 18 years;

    Russian citizenship;

    unemployed status, confirmed by the fact that he has been registered with the Employment Center for at least 10 days;

    you will also have to get a refusal from each of the employers to which a person was sent under the job search assistance program from the Employment Center.

True, even if all the conditions are met, a subsidy may not be received: the financing of the program is limited. With a greater degree of probability, the application will be successful at the beginning of the year, when the allocated funds have not yet been spent. If there is a clear need for support, you can apply for the end of the year - in some situations, funds can still be provided. In any case, even if rejected, you can re-apply in the next period.

At the same time, the subsidy is not allowed for those receiving an old-age pension, some military personnel, full-time students, those who have a criminal record.

When considering the application of a potential entrepreneur, his business idea plays an important role: the state is primarily interested in financing liquid projects, which at the same time contribute to the strengthening of important sectors of the economy. For example, starting a business related to the agricultural sector is actively encouraged. And projects from some industries cannot count on state support at all: gambling, pawnshops, production and sale of excisable goods (for example, alcohol), Forex or any other investment activity, issuing loans to the population, insurance.

What you need to register at the employment center

According to , a citizen is considered unemployed if he is recognized as able-bodied, does not have a permanent income, is registered with the Employment Center, is in search of work and is ready to start it (this is confirmed by visiting potential employers in the direction of the Employment Center).

To obtain the status of unemployed, you need to visit the Employment Center on your own and provide documents:


    work book;

    income statement indicating information for the last 3 months;



    diploma of education, certificate of completion of training courses or advanced training courses.

The employees of the center have the right to refuse the applicant if he has not been employed for a long period without sufficient grounds.

What do you need to do to get a grant?

The procedure is as follows:

    Explore the official website of the Employment Center. Not every region provides a subsidy for starting a business, so it’s worth checking the available options in advance. On the official website of the Employment Service, such information is posted in the section - the terms and conditions of registration are also listed there. And, for example, in the Moscow region you can get information If you can’t find the data online, you can call the CZN or send them a request.

    Register as unemployed: if local legislation provides support for start-up entrepreneurs, then the second step involves registration. In addition to the standard set of documents, you need to submit two applications: for the allocation of unemployment benefits and for the intention to run your own business.

    Get tested. With its help, employees of the employment center determine the seriousness of intentions and evaluate the knowledge of the applicant. The structure of the test resembles a survey to determine the level of IQ. At the same time, poor results do not mean a complete loss of the right to a subsidy. A person in this case can take part in special training courses and after them try to pass the test again. Questions in different ETCs may differ.

    Make a business plan. This stage is considered one of the most difficult. Plus, the design requirements must be met, although there are no uniform rules, and you will have to take into account the position of a particular EPC. You can clarify the current conditions in any way: in some institutions they issue a manual, in others they conduct an oral consultation, in others they send them to independently study samples on the Internet.

    Submit documents. You can find out the set of necessary documents directly at the CZN department or on its website. Here you can also request a one-time financial assistance for the preparation of documents.

Required documents


    a business plan, drawn up in accordance with the requirements - is provided both in paper and in electronic form;

    confirmation of successful completion of vocational training courses;

    an application for financial assistance to cover the costs associated with collecting documentation and starting a business;

    certificate of bank accounts;

    a certificate from the tax office as confirmation of the absence of debts on mandatory payments.

Important: taking into account the peculiarities of the business plan and other circumstances, the list can be expanded. For example, if a novice entrepreneur is a man, he will need to bring a military certificate. If the business is related to serving the population, the individual entrepreneur must provide a medical book ( ). Also, the ETC has the right to establish its own requirements for documents: some can only request diplomas and certificates, while others, in addition, certificates of completion of courses.

    Wait for the evaluation of the business plan. This is done by a separate committee. If there are shortcomings in the project, the applicant will have to independently defend the plan: create a presentation, present the main theses and answer questions. If it is possible to prove the validity of your project, an agreement is concluded for the allocation of financial assistance.

    Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. To do this, you need to contact the tax office. Which option to choose depends on the characteristics of the business plan and the industry.

    Notify the employees of the employment center about successful registration. An extract is provided either from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or from the EGRIP. Additionally, you will need to confirm the costs associated with the preparation of documents and the registration procedure.

    Wait for the transfer of funds. If there are no claims to documentary support, the applicant’s current account receives payments under the state support program.

    Confirm the intended use of funds.

Then all that remains is to pass an inspection by the commission, which has the right to visit the enterprise six months and a year after receiving the subsidy and assess the current state of affairs. If the inspectors have no claims, an act on compliance with contractual provisions is drawn up. Otherwise, they can draw up a document on the misuse of funds - then you will have to return the funds received to the budget.

What should be in a business plan

It is difficult to write a good business plan on your own. But it’s worth taking up the project yourself - this will at least allow you to deal with the features of the future business and will definitely come in handy when defending the project.

The standard version assumes something like this structure:

    Title page; resume with the main theses of the business idea; a description of the main objectives and goals of the plan, as well as features of the product or service.

    Market analysis: current situation, competitive opportunities, estimates of consumption of goods and services sold.

    Production plan: it is necessary to describe the organizational features of production - methods for acquiring consumables and equipment, conditions for cooperation with suppliers, a scheme for creating jobs.

    Marketing plan: target audience analysis, pricing and marketing policy, customer acquisition strategy.

    Organizational plan: hierarchy of employees, regulatory and legislative nuances associated with the planned type of activity. It also clarifies the need for a license, certification of products.

    Financial plan - costs and expected profit. It is calculated how much will be required to open and develop the project, for each article separately. After that, it is described how and for what the subsidy will go. Finally, the expected profit, profitability and payback periods are indicated.

    Risk analysis. Potential challenges range from legal requirements restricting business operations to natural disasters that could affect crop yields. It is also worth mentioning risk management tools.

The final, although not always mandatory, section is the appendices: floor plans, sample agreements, supplier prices, images of finished products, photographs of the office or workshops.

Protection of the business plan and execution of the contract

The defense of the project takes place before a specially created commission of employees of the employment center, tax office, teachers from training courses and other experts. Usually several candidates speak at once, in turn.

A potential entrepreneur must present his business plan within 10 minutes in such a way as to reveal all the key details. So it’s worth rehearsing your speech in advance in order to optimally distribute time between sections. Members of the commission can ask questions about any project items - financial schemes, organizational mechanisms, marketing.

You can visualize your products - for example, if you plan to open a confectionery, bring pastries with you.

If the defense was successful, a contract is drawn up. And within 30 days, the entrepreneur receives the amount due to him. In order not to have to return this money later, you should carefully study all the terms of the agreement.

Confirmation of intended use of funds

The entrepreneur has 90 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement to spend the subsidy and document the expenses. You can direct funds only to the positions presented in the business plan in the relevant section. The following can be used as confirmation:

    sales receipts;

    money orders;

    contracts with suppliers;


    payment receipts;

    acts on the work performed, etc.

It is better not to delay the filing of papers, so that if errors are identified in the design, there is time to correct them.

Why might they refuse?

Financial support can be denied for a variety of reasons:

    The business plan does not meet the requirements: details are missing, profitability indicators are overestimated, risks are not taken into account, there are errors in calculations - all this can become the basis for refusing to allocate funding.

    There is no clear scheme of how and where the subsidy will be directed.

    The selected type of activity is not supported by the state.

    A second application for financial support is being submitted: if an entrepreneur has already used such a subsidy before, he is unlikely to be able to receive funds again.

    Errors were made in the execution of documents or in the application for support itself.

Rejection is not always final. So, if shortcomings are found in the content of the business plan or documents, you can eliminate them and submit a request again. But it is better to avoid such situations and carefully check the content of your project.

Before submitting a request, you can study the experience of other people: it is easy to find reviews on specialized forums, entertainment portals and social networks.

Subsidies are payments, money that the state can give you to develop your business, which will not need to be returned.

Subsidies can be paid from the local budget, funds, third-party states.

What if you want to start your own small business but don't have the money to do so? There is a cool idea, but just as you were going to become a businessman, the bank did not approve your loan. There is an option to ask the state for money - to apply for a subsidy. We will tell you how to do it today.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, state financial assistance is provided for the development and support of small businesses.

Subsidies. For what? From whom? When?

For small businesses, a subsidy can be provided for such purposes as:

  • Purchase and lease of premises
  • Acquisition of the necessary equipment or goods for further sale
  • Acquisition of intangible assets

The money allocated by the state should be directed to the promotion of their small business and implementation for the purposes that will be indicated in the request itself. This will be checked, save all reports, so that later they can be provided as proof that public funds were used for their intended purpose.

In the absence of reporting, the entrepreneur will be subject to administrative or criminal liability.

There are six grant programs

Name of the grant program Description The maximum amount of subsidies for small businesses in 2020, rub.
smart ass The program is positioned to support young people (18-30 years old) engaged in innovative commercial activities 500 000
Development Supporting Modernization, Job Creation and Productivity of Successful Enterprises 1 500 000
Start Assistance in the development of innovative types of high-tech products. Provides a mix of public (in the first year) and private investment 5 000 000
Internationalization Development of the export potential of the non-primary sector of the economy Not installed
Commercialization Support in increasing production capacity Determined individually
Cooperation Stimulation of economic relations between small and large enterprises 20 000 000

Each program has its own conditions and criteria.

Program "Umnik"

Suitable for entrepreneurs from 18 to 30 years old. They are eligible to receive financial assistance in the amount of 500,000 rubles. The umnik program is designed for young entrepreneurs who will carry out their activities in the field of innovation and innovative technologies.

Program "Start"

Providing assistance to innovators who seek to develop and establish the production of a new product in any field based on the results of scientific and technical research.

The program works on the principle of private public cooperation - subsidies can be obtained not only from the state, but also from a private investor. The first year of financing takes place by the state, the second by the investor. Under this program, an investor can claim up to 5 million rubles, which he will receive in several stages, where the state is ready to allocate half.

Development Program

It is possible to receive up to 15 million rubles.

These funds are allocated for:

  • Production improvement
  • Creation of new jobs
  • Modernization of production equipment

Program "Cooperation"

Support for subsidies up to 20 million rubles

The funds are aimed at:

  • Improvement of production capacities
  • Development, establishment, cooperation of small business with large industrial organizations of our country.

Program "Internationalization"

Has no ceiling restrictions. Aimed at helping a young entrepreneur to establish international cooperation with foreign partners. Support consists in the development of non-target export-oriented products. Not raw material export.

Commercialization program

How the financing program supports both small businesses in expanding their capacities and, as a result, increasing jobs. The amount is individual.

What documents need to be collected? And where to apply?

Usually this is the Employment Center, sometimes these are funds that oversee specific programs, find out in your region.

Getting a subsidy for an entrepreneur is a long process. You will not receive money the next day.

Register your status as unemployed:

  • Do not have a formal job
  • Lack of entrepreneurial status

Contact the employment center in the region of your residence and register. Prepare documents:

  1. Passport + passport copy
  2. Diploma - certificate of education
  3. Original certificate of pension insurance
  4. Help 2NDFL in the last place of work

When registering, you should indicate that there is a desire to open a small business and man applying for a subsidy for its further development. You must also bring a business plan.

Relevance of business in the region

The business plan should spell out the relevance of the business in a given region, city or district, based on which the commission will make decisions.

How to correctly prepare a business plan (using the example of a store) read in the article -

After the transfer of the business plan, a date will be set for the commission on your issue. During the meeting, the commission asks the necessary questions and the applicant argues why exactly your business plan should receive financial support. As a result, a decision will be made to refuse or provide financial assistance.

There are a number of points in obtaining a subsidy

They won’t give money just like that - there will be conditions. Each city, region has a number of conditions that must be met.

Each employment center has people who need to be placed in a job, let's say to place three people, one of whom will be disabled. Calculate the cost of maintaining additional jobs in advance.

Compliance with the set conditions will be monitored, inspectors or commissions will come, they will check reporting documents, they will contact employees to clarify their activity.

No one will press and press, but there will be verifications.

You will need to submit reports yourself, they will give you a list of required documents and forms for their submission. It is not difficult, the main thing is not to miss the reporting date.

After approval of the provision of subsidies, you need to open an individual entrepreneur, open a bank account, provide details and tax registration documents to the employment center. The money will then be transferred to your account.

Let's return to the topic of relevance. Here's a flyer for you.

Each region or city has its own requirements for the development of specific areas of its business. For example, at the World Cup in St. Petersburg and other cities where matches were held, they willingly subsidized the opening of hostels or hotels and catering facilities.

In the employment center it is worth asking what the city has needs.

The process is not fast, but having received the money once, you can apply again, because there are six programs, start from the first!

The article is useful for those who want to become a businessman, but do not know what to do)

Best Regards FoxTop Team


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