Essence and functions of labor, its social aspects. Subject area of ​​the sociology of labor. Social Interactions - Knowledge Hypermarket What are the social aspects of work

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Section 4. Socio-psychological aspects of labor activity

Chapter 2. The social aspect of labor in public life.

Let us analyze the social aspect of labor in the life of society as a whole and its influence on individuals.

The social aspect of labor lies in the fact that people, carrying out any activity, create some new product that society needs, i.e. produce some public good. Human life in society, personal development is impossible without socialization. The influence of the socio-political structure of the country of residence affects the life of an individual, both in personal and social, and in labor terms. Well-known domestic psychologist A.N. Leontiev (1903-1979) wrote the following: “It goes without saying that the activity of each individual person depends on his place in society, on the conditions that fall to his lot, on how it develops in unique individual circumstances.” .

Of course, when we say the word "activity", we mean by it not only the labor activity of a person, but most often activity is associated directly with creative labor, i.e. has a subject matter. Let us return again to Leontiev: “The main, or, as they sometimes say, constitutive, characteristic of activity is its objectivity. Actually, the very concept of activity already implicitly contains the concept of its object (Gegenstand). The expression "non-objective activity" is devoid of any meaning ... the prehistory of human activity begins with the acquisition of objectivity by life processes.

Describing the process of motivating people's work, we have shown that human activity is primarily driven by needs, and only then by interests and other values. But needs govern activity if they are objective. A.N. Leontiev wrote that "the concept of activity is necessarily connected with the concept of motive" and further "The main components of individual human activities are the actions that carry them out."

That is, if a physiological need, according to A. Maslow, for example, the satisfaction of hunger, i.e. the process of obtaining food is currently the main motive of a person, then for this he must perform certain actions that can be aimed both directly at satisfying the need (buy food, cook food) and at making a snare for hunting or fishing tackle (in society with natural-economic relations), later transferred to other people for the purpose of production, part of which will fall to him. Thus, often human activity is a product of collective social labor. We have already considered above that the process of labor in society is a matter that has a moral background. Morality (or morality) is one of the forms of social consciousness, a set of principles and norms of behavior that are characteristic of people in a given society. Compliance with moral standards is ensured by the power of social influence.

In this perspective, it is impossible not to pay attention to the problems of work ethics. Ethics itself is the doctrine of morality (morality), its origin and development, the rules and norms of people's behavior, their duties towards each other, towards society, etc. Work ethic is the doctrine of people's attitude to work. Work ethics has existed since ancient times, it, like many other teachings, was generated by religious doctrines that formed the basis for the development of human civilization, including morality and culture.

In 2004, a very interesting book by V. Tarlinsky “Vocation - True? Imaginary? , in which, in an accessible form and in great detail, the problems of religious work ethics in different religions and countries are analyzed. In particular, the author of the book writes: “There are no religions that would urge a person not to be engaged in labor activity, not to be active in business practice, since there are no religions that are devoid of common sense. There are only religions in which the issues of labor activity are expressed weaker, less distinctly, more vaguely than in others. We note one very interesting fact, derived by the author of the book. It lies in the fact that the main labor achievements, as well as scientific discoveries in the field of labor theory, which we mentioned in the first chapters, were made in those countries where there was a Protestant religion and, accordingly, a Protestant work ethic. These are countries such as Germany, Great Britain and partly the USA. The industriousness of the Germans and the British is always and everywhere noted. Such famous scientists as W. Petty, A. Smith, who laid the foundations of the labor theory of value, Benjamin Franklin, a scientist and politician who fought for US independence, and Frederick Taylor - the "founding father" of management as a management science, the founder of sociological science Max Weber and the German scientist and politician Ludwig Erhard, who made the post-war Germany a country with a socially oriented market economy, came from religious Protestant families.

The Protestant work ethic lies in the fact that the industriousness of the peoples professing this religion, which is a variety of the Christian religion, is an innate phenomenon based on a conscious love for work in any of its manifestations, and not hard work. Whereas in other religious directions, in particular in Catholicism, as well as in Orthodoxy, which is the dominant religion in Russia, the attitude towards work is of a different nature. Orthodox monks often engaged in so-called "labor", i.e. they turned for themselves the Christian necessity of labor into labor service, which bore the appearance of heavy physical work within the framework of the subsistence monastic economy. They practically did not have time for the spiritual life, which the monks actively lived in the Catholic monasteries of the same time. Such a religious work ethic led to social humiliation, personal poverty, a desire to belittle the beauty of the buildings being created, and indifference to the quality of the products produced. Then such an ethic passed from religious to worldly life. We are still reaping the fruits of this phenomenon. For a large part of the population of the Russian Federation, especially in rural areas, D. McGregor's theory "X" fully applies, based on the postulates that a person is lazy, and he must be forced to work under the threat of punishment. Some forms of forced labor, which we wrote about above, in particular the labor of prisoners, which, in essence, is a punishment by labor activity, in no way can contribute to the conscious development of diligence, responsibility and initiative in people in their labor activity. And without this, it is impossible to talk about building a just social state in our country.

Of course, each class and each historical period had its own morality, expressed in religious principles, reflecting the views of the "masters of life" on the social structure, proclaiming the goals and objectives that must be achieved in a given society. However, in almost any civilized society that had state forms of government, work from a moral point of view was very high. All representatives of the "exploiting" classes were well aware that it was the labor of slaves, serfs, peasants that allowed them to live as they were used to, created the basis for their well-being and social order. Therefore, the epithets used with the word labor always had an exalted character. "Holy labor", "noble labor", "military labor", "labor is a matter of honor". Of course, some representatives of the ruling classes despised the representatives of the working strata of the population, but only because they were poorly and dirtyly dressed or “smelled badly” of them, precisely because their work was hard.

The 17th-century French philosopher Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) wrote in his Maxims: “Physical labor helps to forget about moral suffering; therefore poor people are happy people.”

At the same time, representatives of high society did not despise the labor process itself. Back in the 17th century, the Russian tsar-reformer Peter the Great, traveling around Europe, himself learned the craft of a ship's carpenter in Holland and forced his entourage to learn the specialties of artisans. And in the 18th century, when humanism dominated European society, the liberal creations of the Encyclopedists were in vogue, baroque and rococo styles prevailed in architecture and art, representatives of the ruling classes tried to elevate and ennoble the concept of “labor”, washing away from it a touch of heaviness and dirt. So, for example, King Louis XV (1710-1774), performed the work of a typesetter in a printing house, typing "Economic Tables", on the instructions of their author and at the same time his personal doctor, the head of the school of physiocrats Francois Quesnay. The grandson of the monarch, the last king of pre-revolutionary France, Louis XVI (1754-1793), loved to work on a lathe, making various trinkets and snuff boxes. His wife, Queen Marie Antoinette (1755-1793), ordered the construction of a toy village in Versailles, which included a poultry yard, a cowshed and had fun there, by the process of labor, for example, she milked a cow herself (what a paradox “milkmaid queen”) or looked after birds. True, it should be noted that the cow was perfumed with various incense, her horns were gilded, and she was decorated with colorful ribbons and bells, but the fact itself remains evident. The queen was strongly influenced by the ideas of J.-J. Rousseau. She tried her best to learn how to provide at least her family with agricultural products by her own work: she looked after the cows, milked and fed them from the royal table. However, the revolutionary people for some reason regarded her works as a refined mockery of the starving Paris.

In general, the French royal court was very fond of the idealized life of the common people. It was called "pastoral". The relationship between shepherds and shepherds, the love scenes that played out between them, in the process of performing their labor functions - grazing sheep and goats, are reflected in many tapestries and paintings of this romantic period of time. Performances based on the works of Zh.Zh. Rousseau and other liberal writers, and the queen herself, and her court ladies, as well as princes of the blood, dressed up as simple peasants and played scenes from their lives with pleasure.

Of course, such a toy working life was terribly far from the hard beggarly labor of the common people, who were exhausted under the burden of unbearable taxes and taxes, but, nevertheless, this confirms the fact that work has always been considered a moral matter in all strata of society. Moreover, the ruling classes also worked, performing the functions of governing the state, fighting on the battlefield, or creating some kind of artistic value. After all, the palaces or monuments that we admire to this day were created, albeit by simple workers, but according to the plan and in accordance with the tastes of the owners. Namely, to Queen Marie Antoinette, who was executed in 1793, at the age of 37, accused of deliberately ruining the French treasury, France, and the entire civilized world, owe the decoration and improvement of the Petit Trianon Palace, built in 1761 in the style of French classicism, as well as the construction of many other monuments, including landscape art, in Versailles, which we admire to this day. On her initiative, in 1779, the Mill Village was built in a pseudo-peasant style. A dairy farm, a mill and a hut appeared under her in 1783 - 1786.

In addition, there are also many beautiful paintings and sculpted portraits of the Queen herself, and they are also world treasures. The fanatical Jacobin French revolutionaries should be given credit for having destroyed many aristocrats and other enemies of the revolution, including the royal family, and preserved the cultural and historical heritage of France for posterity.

The historical and economic digression that we conducted at the beginning of this book also testifies that labor has always been sublime in nature, and scientific thinkers, mainly philosophers or religious figures, called for constructive labor and love for labor. This is evidenced by the saying of the Apostle Paul "He who does not work, do not eat."

Another social aspect of labor activity is industriousness.

Diligence is “a character trait that consists in a positive attitude of the individual to the process of labor activity. Diligence is manifested in activity, initiative, conscientiousness, dedication and satisfaction with the labor process. In psychological terms, industriousness implies an attitude to work as the main meaning of life, the need and habit to work.

Therefore, based on this definition, diligence is a personal property of a person that can be expressed through the factors that make up the need for self-expression according to the meaningful theories of motivation described in part two of this work. So, if this is a character trait, then it is not characteristic of everyone. After all, there is “voluntary unemployment” in society, i.e. asocial elements who do not want to work do not want to, and not because it is difficult for them. Conducted by the author of a survey of two dozen different ragged, drunk middle-aged people, called "homeless", begging passers-by, to find out if they tried to work, the answer, as a rule, was the following: "I tried ... I didn’t like it." And this is quite symptomatic, since in the nature of such people, there is often a tendency to vagrancy, begging or stealing, in many cases, transmitted genetically from their ancestors. And the percentage of such people in our society is quite large. We see them even in the center of Moscow, rummaging through the garbage heaps, exhaling an unhealthy smell within a radius of several meters. Therefore, the actions of the Soviet authorities, despite the fact that in principle they were a violation of the rights of the individual, to expel such people, called "parasites" 101 km from Moscow and, as a rule, forced to work in medical and labor dispensaries, from the point of in terms of maintaining public order, can be considered a positive phenomenon.

Let us return, however, to the term industriousness or love of work. Here we can pose a rhetorical question - can a person consciously and voluntarily love his work? In the view of the majority of society, love is something sublime, a high degree of emotional positive attitude towards an object, placing it at the center of the individual's vital needs. If you conduct a survey of randomly selected people on the street about what kind of love is? Then, as a rule, we will receive the following answers: love for a beautiful woman, for a mother, for children, for art, and finally, love for the Motherland. Although the latter sounds very pompous, but, nevertheless, all normal people love their homeland, i.e. the place where they were born.

But you can also hear the option - "love of work." However, does not such an answer mean that if a person loves work, then he is deprived of any other joys of life? Perhaps he is an orphan, or does not have a beloved woman or family. After all, work, even the most beautiful, aimed at creating literary or artistic works, is still a hard tedious process of long-term work, the fruits of which can not be used immediately. Let's analyze this phenomenon.

On the one hand, it is really love for work, it is self-expression, the realization of all one's abilities and virtues. And this is a character trait determined by the process of upbringing in the family and in society. If a person from early childhood was taught to work, “that without labor you can’t even catch a fish from a pond”, then, as a rule, having achieved independence, he will continue to work, believing that to receive certain benefits, as a material plan, and spiritual (position in society, respect for others) is easiest through work. At the same time, the more he loves his family, the more he will make efforts to acquire these benefits in order not only to provide for his family, but also to elevate it along with himself. And this is normal. At the same time, labor itself may not be an object of love, but the urgent need to work, the habit of labor developed over the years, turns the results of labor into an internal reward that brings a person a sense of satisfaction and motivates him to further increase the efficiency of his labor.

On the other hand, in the absence of such upbringing in the family, an individual can turn into an asocial element, described above, if society does not intervene in time, preferably in childhood or adolescence, in the form of a school or any other public institutions. Education through work is one of the proven methods of pedagogy. A.S. Makarenko (1888-1939) in his work “Pedagogical Poem”, described in detail and vividly how homeless children, i.e. teenagers who lost their parents as a result of the revolution and the Civil War, acquired all the bad habits and lived by theft and begging, dirty and ragged, studying and working in a special colony, could later become worthy members of society. Of course, this book, written in the era of socialism, is ideological in nature, but this does not diminish the merits of labor education methods.

Many domestic psychologists in their articles wrote about the need to apply elements of labor education in working with socially malnourished children. Such activities help give purpose to the lives of mentally retarded children, discipline them, and allow them to acquire work skills that help them survive, not only through disability pensions, but also through possible work achievements.

There is another way to look at this problem. Love for work is a sublimation, i.e. the mechanism of psychological defense of one's consciousness, due to the absence of other objects of desire. This version also has the right to exist. If we turn to the biographies of many great people, scientists, composers, artists who created invaluable scientific achievements or creations that are the property of mankind, we can see that in their personal lives they were extremely unhappy, often precisely because of their genius, which put their business above worries. about family, life, daily bread. Their wives left them, their children did not remember them, often only their students remembered them, sharing with them the hardships and fruits of joint labor. These people loved their job more than anything else. It was their brainchild, their self-expression. But geniuses are rare. But what about other ordinary people? The sociological research conducted by the author on the study of labor motivation at enterprises of various forms of ownership revealed that the majority of people who have reached retirement age, regardless of the level of education (higher or secondary), place of work (commercial bank or subway depot), are characterized by higher needs - respect and self-expression. The satisfaction of these needs is akin to the love of work. The author believes that there are two factors. The first is that these people have already raised their children, led them on an independent path, thereby investing their love in them, of course, the feeling of love for children has not decreased, but has taken other forms, the sense of responsibility for children has decreased. In the elderly, families break up due to the natural aging of the body and death. Many lonely widows and widowers remain, and instead of living love for each other, there remains love in the heart, i.e. memory. But the one who remained must live on, live every day and do something. Otherwise, his life becomes meaningless. This is where work enters the scene, in any form. For people who are more educated, prone to creativity, it takes the form of creating memoirs or some other records and publications, for other people in the form of some simple job, for example, as a museum curator. There are people who have not stopped working at their workplace throughout their lives, and when the branches of the tree called life (family, relatives, etc.) gradually fall off, labor remains the only thing that is the trunk of life and makes a person live and fight despite the overwhelming ailments.

The second factor is that in the love of work, again depending on the type of personality of a person, his psychological characteristics and business qualities, there may be an unhealthy, painful element, an obsessive attraction to work. It can occur in quite prosperous people, excellent family men, as a rule, middle-aged people with certain official powers. This state of affairs is called “workaholism”. Our hearing is more familiar with the word "workaholic". The second part of this word is reminiscent of another human disease - alcoholism. And although there is nothing funny in this disease, but on the contrary it is a tragedy, but with the light hand of satirists and comedians, it makes most people smile. Accordingly causes a smile and the first term. However, a "workaholic" is not an "alcoholic". That's much better. Although it is possible that someone who is called a workaholic needs some socio-psychological assistance.

The workaholic is aware of himself as such, and he himself speaks of it with regret. Often modern beautiful self-confident women are workaholics. Workaholism manifests itself in the desire to do their job in the best possible way and to force other people around them, as a rule, their subordinates, to do it in the best possible way, regardless of their moral and physical capabilities. Analyzing the substantive theories of labor motivation above, we considered the needs of a higher order and, in particular, the need for power. This need is often manifested not in the achievement of personal power, i.e. raising their status, namely the ability to influence other people to achieve their goals or the goals of the organization. Needs of a higher order, as well as self-expression, begin to motivate people after satisfaction to a greater extent of all other groups of needs. This explains the fact that workaholics tend to be wealthy, not constrained by means, and often work with exaggerated enthusiasm, even in positions that are not very well paid, but give sufficient powers of authority. It follows that the main motivator of workaholics is the need for power, not properly satisfied. The reason for workaholism lies in the overestimation of one's role in the process of collective labor and the desire to evaluate the work of subordinates according to one's own scale of values.

The most negative point in the phenomenon of workaholism is that a person, especially if he is a leader, does not find proper satisfaction in his needs, and most importantly creates a difficult socio-psychological climate for his subordinates and deprives them of their internal reward from the results of labor.

There are two ways to deal with workaholism as a socio-psychological phenomenon.

The first way is waiting. As we have already noted, human needs are gradually satisfied and replaced by others. So the need for power can be satisfied over time and replaced by some other, for example, the need for knowledge, or some external circumstances can force a person to descend to an earlier level of satisfaction of needs, such as material or security needs. In addition, with age, a person tends to revise his assessment of the surrounding reality. This usually happens once every five years.

See for example: Ivanova A.Ya., Mandrusova E.S. "On the issue of interdisciplinary interaction of specialists in working with children with social maladaptation". Social and mental health of the child and family; protection, help, return to life. Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference. M.: Publishing house "Grail", 1998, p.185.


Labor is an expedient activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values. Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for the life of people. By influencing the natural environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

The labor process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of the employee with the means of production (objects and means of labor) and the production interaction of workers with each other both horizontally (the relationship of participation in a single labor process) and vertically (the relationship between the leader and the subordinate) . The role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested in the fact that in the process of labor not only material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bare created to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, who acquire skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, more advanced and highly productive tools of labor, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, in the process of labor activity, not only goods are produced, services are provided, cultural values ​​are created, etc., but new needs appear with the requirements for their subsequent satisfaction (Fig. 1.1).

The sociological aspect of the study is to consider labor as a system of social relations, to determine its impact on society.

Rice. 1.1

In the process of labor, people enter into certain social relations, interacting with each other. Social interactions in the sphere of work, it is a form of social ties realized in the exchange of activities and mutual action. The objective basis for the interaction of people is the commonality or divergence of their interests, close or distant goals, views. The mediators of the interaction of people in the sphere of labor, its intermediate links are tools and objects of labor, material and spiritual benefits. The constant interaction of separate individuals or communities in the process of labor activity in certain social conditions forms specific social relations.

Social Relations - it is the relationship between members of social communities and these communities about their social status, image and way of life, ultimately about the conditions for the formation and development of personality, social communities. They are manifested in the position of individual groups of workers in the labor process, communication links between them, i.e. in the mutual exchange of information to influence the behavior and performance of others, as well as to assess their own position, which affects the formation of the interests and behavior of these groups.

These relations are inextricably linked with labor relations and are conditioned by them from the very beginning. For example, workers get used to the labor organization, adapt due to objective needs and thus enter into labor relations, regardless of who will work nearby, who is the leader, what style of activity he has. However, then each worker manifests himself in his own way in relationships with each other, with the manager, in relation to work, to the order of distribution of work, and so on. Consequently, on the basis of objective relations, relations of a socio-psychological nature begin to take shape, characterized by a certain emotional mood, the nature of people's communication and relationships in a labor organization, and the atmosphere in it.

Thus, social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social significance, role, place, social position of an individual and a group. They are the link between the worker and the master, the leader and a group of subordinates, certain groups of workers and their individual members. Not a single group of workers, not a single member of a labor organization can exist outside of such relations, outside of mutual obligations in relation to each other, outside of interactions (Fig. 1.2).

As you can see, in practice there is a variety of social and labor relations. They, as well as various social phenomena and processes in the conditions of the existing market, are studied by the sociology of labor. Therefore, the sociology of labor is the study of the functioning and social aspects of the market in the world of work. If we try to narrow this concept, we can say that the sociology of labor is the behavior of employers and employees in response to economic and social incentives to work. It is this kind of incentives, on the one hand, encourage individual choice, and on the other hand, limit it. In sociological theory, the emphasis is on incentives that regulate labor behavior, which are not impersonal in nature and relate to workers, wide groups of people.

Rice. 1.2

subject of sociology labor are the structure and mechanism of social and labor relations, as well as social processes and phenomena in the world of work.

The aim of the sociology of labor is this is the study of social processes and the development of recommendations for their regulation and management, forecasting and planning, aimed at creating optimal conditions for the functioning of society, a team, a group, an individual in the world of work and achieving on this basis the most complete realization and the optimal combination of their interests.

Tasks of the sociology of labor consist in:

study and optimization of the social structure of society, labor organization (team);

analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility of labor resources;

finding ways to optimally realize the labor potential of a modern worker;

the optimal combination of moral and material incentives and the improvement of attitudes towards work in market conditions;

strengthening social control and combating various kinds of deviations from generally accepted moral principles and norms in the world of work;

studying the causes and developing a system of measures to prevent and resolve labor conflicts;

creating a system of social guarantees that protect workers in society, labor organization, etc.

In other words, the tasks of the sociology of labor are reduced to the development of methods and techniques for using social factors in the interests of solving the most important socio-economic problems of society and the individual, which include the creation of a system of social guarantees, maintaining and strengthening the social protection of citizens in order to accelerate the social reorientation of the economy.

To collect and analyze information in the sociology of labor, sociological methods are widely used, which manifest themselves in:

achieved knowledge about the subject of research (understanding the essence of labor and relations in the sphere of labor);

the process of fact gathering methods;

way to make a conclusion, i.e. formulate conclusions about causal relationships between phenomena.

It should be noted that studies conducted within the framework of the sociology of labor provide the necessary and sufficiently reliable information for the formation of social policy, the development of scientifically based programs for the socio-economic development of labor organizations (collectives), for solving social problems and contradictions that constantly accompany labor activity and workers. . Thus, the sociology of labor is called upon, on the one hand, to expand knowledge about the really existing reality, on the other hand, to promote the establishment of new connections and processes taking place in the sphere of labor.

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From a sociological and general philosophical point of view, labor is defined as an expedient activity of a person, in the course of which a person, with the help of special devices (tools of labor), changes or adapts natural resources in order to satisfy his personal needs.
The process of labor includes 3 points: means of labor, objects of labor, labor itself.
Under the objects of labor understand natural matter or objects as a result of the previous labor process or raw materials.
The means of labor can be represented in the narrow and broad sense of this definition. More briefly, the means of labor include mechanical means (mechanisms, machines, units, tools, etc.) and tools used by a person in labor activity. Most fully, the means of labor are understood as all material components that are not independently included in the labor process, but are necessary for its implementation (for example, territory, structures, vehicles, communication lines, etc.).
The analysis of the processes of labor activity consists in the study of personal and material factors, as well as their relationship.
Personal factors include the following concepts.
Labor resources - a territorial group of people with the necessary level of physical and psychological development, health status, education level, available abilities, skills and qualifications to perform socially useful work.
Labor force, personnel potential - a set of moral and physical qualities of a person that have found their specific application in production activities. The components of the labor force include such concepts as working capacity - the age and state of health of workers, professional and physical capacity, their skills, knowledge and abilities; characteristics of labor activity - manual, automated, mechanized, mental or physical labor, etc.
The material factors of the labor process include:
1) production potential - a characteristic of the production and economic capabilities of an organization for the production of a specifically given volume and type of product of an established quality;
2) production assets - equipment, structures, buildings, machines, mechanisms, units, equipment, tools, vehicles.
In the process of human development, labor becomes more complex and versatile, which leads to a division of labor. The division of labor can have social, technical and territorial significance. There is an interrelation between the technical and social divisions of labor, but they differ in character and origin.
Social division is the division and coexistence of various social functions, areas of activity that are performed by work teams of related professions or specialties, with the allocation of various areas (such as agriculture, construction, industry, education, medicine, etc.).
Technical separation is the division of one type of labor activity into several components (operations), each of which is performed by different workers within the same enterprise (organization).
Territorial division is the specialization of production activities on the scale of a certain region (state).
The concept of "types of labor" is also due to the division of labor. It is multifaceted. The main types of labor activity include automated, mechanized and manual labor. Manual labor, in turn, is divided into simple, that is, not requiring any special knowledge, skills, and complex, which is based on teaching the employee theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Types of labor are interconnected with its content and nature. According to the nature of labor, it is divided into simple and complex and depends on mental and physical costs (simple labor requires significant physical costs, complex labor requires significant mental costs). According to the content, labor is divided into automated, mechanized and manual. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that there are the following interrelated types of labor:
1) manual simple (low-skilled and medium-skilled labor);
2) manual complex (medium-skilled and highly skilled labor);
3) mechanized downtime (low-skilled and medium-skilled labor);
4) mechanized complex (medium-skilled and highly skilled labor);
5) automated downtime (low-skilled and medium-skilled labor);
6) automated complex (medium-skilled and highly skilled labor).
In modern times, in the course of scientific and technological progress, there is a tendency to reduce simple manual labor and replace it with complex manual and complex automated labor.
According to other criteria, it is possible to divide the types of labor into managerial and executive, mental and physical, agricultural and industrial, male and female, productive and unproductive.
Social labor is a human activity necessary to meet the socio-economic needs of society. Socially organized labor (work included in the social division of labor) and self-service labor (subdivided into individual civil labor and individual labor activity) are subdivided. Social labor is the basis of social production. Its result is the total product of society. However, labor can always be considered social, since it can only be carried out through the resources accumulated in society. Labor can consist of both routine and creative elements. Creative elements include problem setting, selection of effective solution methods, work planning, etc.
The main definitions of the sociology of labor include the concepts of the content and nature of labor.
The content of labor indicates the level of development of the forces of production and ways of combining material and personal production factors and implies labor as the interaction of nature and man. The content of labor determines the distribution of functions in the workplace, as well as the role and place of the social group in the professional division. There is a technical and organizational (material) content of labor and a personal content of labor. Material content in the workplace is the content of individual labor; at the social level - a system of types and branches of labor activity. The personal content of labor includes the expediency of the employee's work activity, his attitude to work and motivational components. The indicators of the content of labor include monotony, diversity, independence, the load of the neuro-emotional and physical plan, the duration of the work cycle and other factors.
The nature of labor determines the role and place of the social group in the social labor system and expresses the level of development of production and economic relations, as well as ways to unite workers and means of production. The nature of labor expresses the social, and not the organizational and technical form of labor and is determined by the dominant production and economic foundations in society and, accordingly, determines the social and economic position of a person in social labor. The indicators of the nature of labor include the attitude of the employee to his labor and production means, the attitude of the employee to the distribution of labor products and the degree of social differences, forms of ownership, etc. The nature of labor determines differences in the variety of areas of production and non-production activities, in the management of production, social life, cultural -technical level, ways of spending leisure time, etc.

Social and labor relations and their regulation
Social and labor relations are a set of relationships between their parties - employees and employers, subjects and bodies of the parties with the participation of the state (legislative and executive authorities and local self-government, related to the recruitment, use, reproduction of labor and are aimed at ensuring a high level and quality of life of the individual, collectives and society as a whole.
These relations cover a wide range of issues - from the socio-economic aspects of property relations to the system of organizational, economic and legal institutions related to collective and individual negotiations, the conclusion of contracts and agreements, the determination of the conditions and amounts of wages, the resolution of labor conflicts, the participation of employees in production management, etc.
Social and labor relations are the leading component of the entire system of social relations, forming a kind of "core" of socio-economic development. Ultimately, they determine the way of life of people, the structure of the processes and relationships associated with it. The level of development of social and labor relations characterizes the degree of democratization of society, the social orientation of its economic system, and the perfection of social relations as a whole.
The system of social and labor relations. A comprehensive description of social and labor relations provides for clarifying the essence of such categories as a party, subject, body, subject of relations in the social and labor sphere, their types, types, etc. Taken together, these elements and the relationships that reflect them form a system of social and labor relations.
The side of social and labor relations is the bearer of primary law in relations in the social and labor sphere. It is legitimate to single out two main carriers of this primary right - employees and employers. Employees are persons who have entered into an employment agreement (contract) with an employer to perform certain work in accordance with their abilities, training, practical skills, etc. Note that only those employees who have contracts with employers and, accordingly, a certain legal protection can be a party to social and labor relations. That part of the economically active population, which is employed in the so-called informal sector of the economy, practically falls out of the official sphere of social and labor relations.
It is legitimate to single out four groups of subjects of social and labor relations. The first group is the primary bearers of rights and interests (employees, employers, the state, local government). The second group is representative organizations and their bodies. They are the bearers of delegated powers (associations of employers, trade unions, authorities and management). The third group is the bodies through which the social dialogue is implemented (the National Council for Social Partnership, other permanent or temporary bodies in regions, regions, enterprises or organizations). The fourth group is bodies designed to minimize the consequences of possible conflicts, prevent aggravation of social and labor relations (peacekeeping, mediation structures, independent experts, arbitrators, etc.), as well as educational, informational, advisory and other formations.

The subjects of social and labor relations that belong to the first two groups, exercising primary or delegated powers, act as parties to negotiations, parties to a transaction (agreement), parties to a collective or individual labor dispute.


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