Issues of assessing design thinking. Design thinking in human being Sosnovskaya, Ksenia Vladimirovna. Network plan-schedule. calendar plan

8. Festinger L.A. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanford University Press, 1962.

9. Wood J.V. Tlieory and research concerning social comparisons of personal attributes //

psychological bulletin. 1989. No. 106. P. 231-248. * * *

1. Anan "ev B.G. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy: v 2 t. / red. A.A. Bodalev, B.F Lomov. M .: Pedagogika, 1980. T. 2.

2. Bodalev A.A., Vasina N.V. Poznanie cheloveka chelovekom (vozrastnoj, gendernyj, jeticheskij i professional "nyj aspekty). SPb .: Rech", 2005.

3. Karpushova O.A. Razvitie obraza sverstnika u mladshih shkol "nikov // Nachal" naja shkola pljus do i after. 2013. No. 1. S. 81-85.

4. Kuznecov S.A. Bol "shoj tolkovyj slovar" russkogo jazyka. SPb., 1998.

5. Lisina M.I. Obshhenie, lichnost "i psihika rebenka / pod red. A.G. Ruzskoj. M.: In-t prakt. psihologii; Voronezh: MODJeK, 1997.

6. Samojlenko E.S. Problema sravnenija v psychological research. M.: Institut psihologii RAN, 2010.

7. Chesnokova I.I. Problema samosoznanija v psihologii. M., 1977.

8. Festinger L.A. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanford University Press, 1962.

9. Wood J.V. Tlieory and research concerning social comparisons of personal attributes // Psychological Bulletin. 1989. No. 106. P. 231-248.

Technology of organization of social comparison in development of primary school pupils

There is analyzed the issue of self-perception of primary school pupils, in particular one of its basic mechanisms - social comparison. There is substantiated the technology of social comparison organization in the empiric research of development of primary school pupils" self-perception. There is shown the potential of its implementation in the extracurricular course of self-perception development at primary school.

Key words: self-perception, social comparison, image of coeval pupil, ideal coeval pupil, technology.

(The article was received by the editors on 09/08/2015)

About Saurenko N.E., Serikov V.V., 2015




not. Saurenko, V.V. serikov


assessment of the formation of project thinking among students

The essence of design thinking is considered as a key competence of a modern specialist, which ensures his inclusion in innovative activities; the criteria and methods for diagnosing this competence are disclosed; the results of experimental work are presented.

Key words: design thinking, project activity, competence criteria, innovation activity.

The project approach as a methodology for constructing the content and technologies of education at a university is aimed, first of all, at the formation of project thinking among future specialists as a tool for professional activity in an innovative environment. By design thinking we mean a system of analytical, transformative, predictive, compositional actions aimed at transforming scientific knowledge into a program and technology for creating a product. The type of product being created depends on the professional area of ​​the specialist, while the design thinking apparatus is universal for specialists of various profiles. It is only important to emphasize that project thinking is a necessary sign of the modern understanding of the competence of a specialist, his readiness to work in the conditions of an innovative strategy in the economy and the social sphere.

Design thinking, which has been inherent in a person since ancient times due to the transforming, world-changing being of a person himself, in the information and, one might add, innovative era, has acquired the status of a leading professional competence of a specialist, which implies the ability for a special kind of mental activity aimed at transforming scientific knowledge into innovative

Izvestia vgpu. ne,

tional activity. The key point of this transformation is the creation of technology - a science-intensive law-based activity aimed at creating a required and significant product.

The product of project thinking is the project idea, the concept of the innovation process and, further, the program (“road map”) for the implementation of innovation. The specificity of the project is that it contains a kind of synthesis of scientific, technological and organizational and communicative components that are universally inherent in any human activity.

The project thinking of a future specialist is, as it is easy to assume, a kind of quintessence of the experience of project activities, the organization of which acts as the leading method of teaching in modern higher education, which implements an activity-competent model of education. The project approach was initially approved as a teaching method, which acted as an antipode to the traditional subject-disciplinary knowledge model of learning and, in contrast to that, focused primarily on the assimilation of not subject knowledge and skills, but activities related to their application; to master not an isolated subject area, but meta-subject experience; not on the perception of a detached object (abstracted material), but on the independent creation of a product (or its model) based on acquired knowledge and skills; not on the use of “ready-made” knowledge, but on their independent acquisition in the process of research activities.

Born in the field of general education as a tool for enhancing educational activities, the project method gradually became dominant in the field of higher education, where its functions were the formation of readiness for general cultural and professional activities at the level of its competent implementation. The specified teaching method can be represented as a system of regulators for building the content of education through the inclusion of processes and results of scientific research into it, which turns teaching and scientific research into a single mechanism for the formation of a specialist. The basis of this mechanism is the project technology for the development of innovative competencies by university students, based on modeling situations for the development and implementation of

gogic sciences -

professionally oriented science-intensive projects, which equips the future specialist with an approach to solving almost any problems facing the designer or project team.

The quintessence of the project approach is educational and scientific design as a tool for acquiring one's own "living" fundamental knowledge, i.e. knowledge that can act as a basis and method for obtaining other knowledge as an indicative basis for solving innovative professional problems. The specificity of such a learning model is that the educational process, in a certain sense, goes “beyond the scope of the university”, i.e. in his projects, the student can interact with employers - customers of his education, fulfill their orders, present his products and himself as a specialist.

the formation of project thinking among graduates is the most important indicator of the quality of education. The problem of the quality of higher education in relation to the university has an external (“large” educational system) and an internal (“small” educational system) sides, which is due to the diversity of client groups interested in the results of education. From the outside, the quality of education actually received by students determines their demand in the labor market. In this capacity, respectively, employers and the state are interested. The same factor ultimately determines the attractiveness of the university for applicants and their parents. from the inside, the quality of education is a subject of interest for the students themselves, who are interested in gaining high-quality professional experience, an indicator of which is readiness for project activities.

As factors in the development of project thinking of specialists, we tested: specially selected educational technologies; author's system of control over intermediate and final learning outcomes; the factor of motivation of the teaching staff and their competence; attitude of students to education; educational process management. The main criterion was the project competence of graduate students. in the structure of this integrative competence, several components (types of experience) were identified, presented in Table. 1 (see p. 51).

composition and criteria of project competence of university graduates

Table 1

Competence component Criteria of competence Criteria diagnostic methods

Cognitive (indicative basis) Quality of knowledge (understanding, consistency, reflexivity), willingness to update them through self-education Using a scale to assess the level of solving professionally oriented educational and research tasks

Operational Practical application of knowledge in solving specific problems, transfer of knowledge to new situations, mastery of methods of activity Assessment of independence, productivity, professional significance of decisions

Creative Vision of a problem, its transformation into a research task, putting forward ideas and hypotheses, finding and interpreting solutions Evaluation of independence, productivity and constructiveness of thinking in problem situations

Value-semantic Formation of the value-semantic attitude to the profession, the need for self-realization through the achievement of professional excellence and recognition Identification of motivation, the semantic field of the individual, the desire for career growth

Individual and personal features of professional activity Self-confidence, self-control, resistance in stressful situations, individual style, own “approach” and “system” Studying the style and individual author’s characteristics of the future specialist

in the course of experimental work, this scale was specified. experimental work was carried out on a sample of 350 people - students of the Russian Customs Academy and its branches in Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. Diagnostics was carried out by means of an individual diary of the student's progress. The diagnostic experiment (2007-2012) involved 300 students of the academy and its branches in the experimental (150 people) and control (150 people) groups.

At the first stage, the necessary tools were developed (see Tables 2 and 3 on pp. 52, 53).

The key characteristics of the tools for diagnosing design thinking were focused on identifying the essential characteristics of the latter as a psychological mechanism of innovation activity (the ability to see a practical (professional) problem, the ability to transform it into a research task, the willingness to create a project team for research activities and translate its results into a real product and etc.).

In the course of the diagnostic experiment, proven technologies were used: the technique of G.P. Karpova to determine the structure of educational motivation, methods for assessing key competencies (E.F. Zeer, E.E. Sy-

Manyuk, A.M. Pavlova), questionnaire for the analysis of reflexivity A.V. Karpov.

When evaluating project thinking, it was taken into account to what extent the initial goals of the project and quality requirements were embodied in the result of the project activity obtained by the students. The project result correlated with the nature of the environment, space and socio-cultural context in which the project “fits”. At the same time, the ability of the future specialist to evaluate the positive and negative impact of this innovation on the environment was monitored. Thus, in a number of cases, the assessment was carried out taking into account “conformity to the design context”, for example, environmental friendliness and / or cultural compatibility, chronosity of the project. in the case of creating an innovative product that has no analogues, it became necessary to justify its fundamental novelty. If a researcher developed and implemented a project that resulted in a new look at the problem, a new solution, then the degree of novelty of the result was justified during the diagnosis (see Table 4 on p. 54).

At the first stage of the formative experiment, the dynamics of the development of project thinking as a professional competence of a specialist was recorded and the possibilities of the project approach as a methodology for constructing the content and technologies of education were assessed.

table 2

Competence component Signs (manifestations) of competence

Cognitive - experience in the use of theoretical knowledge in solving professional problems Consistency of knowledge, readiness for their application in standard and non-standard educational and professional situations, the use of knowledge to identify problems, their transformation into research problems and their subsequent solution

Operational - experience in applying the methods of activity included in the structure of professional competence Possession of skills of activity: - educational and cognitive (search for information, its analysis, transformation, use as a guideline for professional operations); - research (identifying the problem, putting forward a hypothesis, applying research methods, obtaining a conclusion that is significant for the development of the project); - creative (manifestation of creativity); - independent transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation; identifying new problems in a traditional situation; taking into account alternatives when solving a problem; combining and transforming previously known methods of activity in solving a new problem; approbation of new options, etc.) - reflexive (vision of different ways of solving problems, understanding and critical evaluation of principles and mechanisms, identifying the causes of professional difficulties); - communicative (the ability and willingness to cooperate; the ability to convey information to others and ensure its understanding at the verbal and non-verbal levels; tolerance for other opinions and positions; experience in coordinating collective actions, business communication, ability to work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management and clients)

Value-motivational - acceptance of the profession as a priority life meaning Responsibility for the result of actions within the framework of one's functionality in the project; responsibility for the result of the actions of employees - members of the project team; reliability, optimism, motivation to achieve, the desire to improve the quality of the product; implementation of activities on the basis of internal motivation for it and the need for their own professional growth and improvement; the ability to take responsibility for the work of team members (fellow students, in the profession - subordinates), for the result of the task; understanding the essence and social significance of one's future profession, showing a steady interest in it, monitoring one's own professional competence; aesthetic perception of creative activity, a sense of beauty in reality (education and professional activities)

Self-realization in the professional sphere Planning for the future and distant future, substantiation of life plans; the ability to select the optimal model of professional behavior, taking into account the real practical situation; socio-professional mobility: readiness for a quick change of profession (retraining), mastering new production tasks, workplace); professional career design

In the course of applying the methodology for assessing the formation of design thinking, it was revealed that the means of effective formation of design thinking is the reflection of its procedures by the participants in the experiment. The evaluation of the design and its reflection was carried out in the format of a diary of the student's progress. The content of the experiment consisted in the formation of

competence of the project approach, which can manifest itself in any kind of activity. The main features (properties) of this kind of mental activity, according to our model, were considered skills: to translate a practical problem into scientific and organizational tasks, to model the required product and the process of its creation, to perform research activities.

Table 3

criteria for design competence and tools for their diagnostics based on a system of tasks

Criterion Subject of evaluation Tasks to be solved and methods of fixing the manifestations of the criterion

Knowledge as an indicative basis for solving a professional problem Quality of knowledge (consistency, transfer to new situations, etc.) Tasks that require a criteria-based analysis of the situation, identification and use of patterns, modeling (theoretical, mathematical, etc.) of production processes. Testing the process and the result of the solution

Possession of methods of educational and professional activities The quality of the performance of professional actions Tasks "to create a product", to perform real professional functions. Observation of the implementation of a practical task, the collection of information for the task, behavior in a computer environment, collective activities, case meters; tests to identify the "innovative component" of design thinking

Vision of the problem, its transformation into a research task, putting forward ideas and hypotheses The level of creativity (creativity) of the future specialist Self-set tasks based on the analysis of practical problems. Testing the process and products of creative activity, readiness to "bring" the idea to a practical result

The need for self-realization in the professional sphere The vital meaning of the activity being mastered Tasks for resolving ethical and professional conflicts, choosing models of behavior in a professional environment. Questioning, observation, interview, introspective reports on motivation, value-semantic attitude to the profession

Individual style, "author's approach" in professional activity Prospects for the development of the author's system of activity, "growth points" of professionalism Tasks for the independent creation of a holistic professional product. Peer reviews, student practice journals, portfolios; boundary standardized certification tests, professional competitions and tests for competitiveness

Life and professional plans of the future specialist Image and program of professional self-development Tasks for "socio-cultural competence", general erudition. Test to identify the "image of the future", career aspirations, plans and strategies for self-improvement

actions and be included in the team-building procedures, evaluate the progress of the process and make decisions.

In the course of the experimental work, the dynamics of the level groups of students identified in accordance with the above characteristics of project thinking was monitored. The purpose of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of the proposed criteria and methods for assessing the development of project thinking among students.

The experimental work was structured as a monographic study, during which a comprehensive set of scientific methods was applied. the most significant of them: portfolio; boundary attestation tests for the system of monitoring the development of project thinking; case meters; competence tests for the final state certification of graduates, standardized on representative samples of students; pedagogical and psychological monitoring of the implementation of a practical task, the collection of information, computer simulation, the organization of collective activities,

innovative component; expert assessment, etc.

During the ascertaining and teaching experiments, the diary of a particular student was kept by all teachers working with him (as well as by employers) during the five years of study at the university. The successes or failures of students were recorded in the promotion diary twice during the academic year, the basis of the results was the work of students on term papers, diploma projects, problem assignments, research and innovation projects within research activities, practice projects of all kinds and other types of specialist training (in academy for basic training, the specialist is retained). The student's progress diary had the following format:

The student’s competence in the field of problem analysis, which requires an appropriate project for its resolution and the formulation of its goals and objectives (successes and shortcomings were identified in a number of positions, which include the problem and its choice, goal-setting

vgpu news. pedagogical sciences Evaluation of the result of the project

Table 4

Criterion Indicators

The completeness of the implementation of the project intent It is assessed to what extent the initial goals, objectives, quality requirements are embodied in the result obtained, what are the volume and degree of solution of the project tasks

Compliance with the design context The design result is correlated with the nature of the environment, the space in which it objectively "fits", the result is assessed from the standpoint of positive and negative impact on the environment, compliance with the design context, for example, environmental friendliness and / or cultural imagery, project timing, those. its correspondence to the contexts of the environment, a certain culture, time, etc.

Degree of novelty The project product is considered as a “throw into the future”, as an introduction of transformations into the surrounding reality, as its improvement. From a pedagogical point of view, not only the objective, but also the subjective novelty of the result is significant. It is estimated how new experience for the subject provides its development. In the case of the development and implementation of a project that resulted in a new integrative course or a new look at the problem, a new solution to the problem, the degree of its novelty is assessed by comparing it with existing analogues and existing methods for solving the problem.

Social (practical, theoretical) significance The degree of potential impact of the project product on the change in the socio-pedagogical, educational situation, the possibility of its use in other conditions is assessed. For example, a set of test tasks or new tasks can be used in educational institutions of a similar profile.

Humanitarianism Correlation of the result obtained with the needs, interests, capabilities of all people falling within the scope of its distribution

Aesthetics The form and beauty of the design of the report, abstracts for the conference, website, presentation, textual material, the elegance of the theoretical solution to the problem are evaluated.

Satisfaction of participants Subjective feelings of participants, their desire to continue the experience of participating in projects, their self-esteem. external impressions of "outside" observers are also taken into account

The degree of mastering design procedures The mastery of regulatory procedures is assessed, the implementation of which ensures the passage of the necessary stages of design activities leading to the receipt of a product: the ability to find and formulate a problem; knowledge of a specific design language; the ability to diagnose, formulate a goal, draw up a program and action plan; the ability to produce a socially significant product; creative potential; the ability to bring the work started to the end; a responsibility; increase in personal qualities, properties, characteristics; positive dynamics of relations

The need to maintain and develop the team Motivation to continue the "creation of the future" - creating a new product and maintaining interpersonal relationships, assessing the creative experience of joint activities as the most significant acquisition

Formation of social partnership The ability of participants to establish communication links at different levels on the basis of cooperation and cooperation; interest in joint discussion of materials; collective reflection; making suggestions for correction and development of the project, attention to additional information

research, planning, evaluation of the result, evaluation of the value of the results obtained);

Competencies in the field of information ownership (successes and shortcomings were identified in two cross-cutting problems - information search, its processing and systematization);

A set of skills for designing a project;

Communicative competence (successes and shortcomings in the field of ver-

ballroom and effective-productive communication, possession of reflection);

A set of skills for independent and team work; competencies in the field of social communication;

Skills of creative presentation of the project and its design;

For all parameters of the diary, criterion positions were introduced that assess the degree of student proficiency in the corresponding

mi skills and competencies. The number of points was determined according to the following criteria: 1 point - there is no skill as such, there is only a general (“known”) idea of ​​the required action; 2 points - some elements of the skill have been formed, but they have not turned into a stable skill; 3 points - a set of skills is formed, but unstable, when moving to another project (discipline) loses its strength; 4 points - skill (a set of skills) develops into competence (sustainable self-regulating activity), but in an unconventional situation there are difficulties in applying the acquired knowledge and skills; 5 points - skill (a set of skills) develops into competence and allows you to realize its potential in a new (non-traditional) situation.

In the course of the study, mathematical processing of the observation diary data was carried out, its results are presented in a trend model.

Understanding the problem of the project and formulating the goal and objectives of the project (ex. gr.)

Understanding the problem of the project and formulating its goals and objectives (counter, gr.)

Exponential (Comprehension of the problem of the project and formulation of the goal and objectives of the project (ex. gr.)) Exponential (Comprehension of the problem of the project and formulation of its goals and objectives (counter, gr.))

Fx trend (ex. gr.) = 7.07;

Fx trend (cont. gr.) = 5.59.

Trend analysis of the results of mathematical processing of student achievement diaries indicates that:

For all positions, the students of the experimental group show significant progress in mastering the skills of project thinking, none of the presented graphs and their functions fixes the prevailing positions of the students of the control group;

A striking contrast is recorded in the areas of "working with information" and "communication", the exponents and the trend function of these areas fix a significant progress of the students of the experimental group in the course of their studies at the university;

The terms for achieving positive results in terms of research items in the experimental group are much shorter than in the control group, which indicates the effectiveness of the used technology for the formation of project thinking and approaches to assessing the relevant competence.

Thus, an effective measurement of the formed ™ design thinking as a competence is quite possible, however, further improvement of the criteria base and diagnostic technologies is required.


1. Shchedrovitsky G.P. Selected works. Moscow: School of cultural policy, 1995.

2. Demidko M.N. Formation of reflective skills in students in secondary specialized educational institutions. Minsk: RIPO, 2001.

3. Kolesnikova I.A., Gorchakova-Sibirskaya M.P. Pedagogical design. M.: Academy, 2005.

4. Zeer E.F., Pavlova A.M., Symanyuk E.E. Modernization of vocational education: competence-based approach: textbook. allowance. M., 2005.

5. Karpov A.V. Reflexivity as a mental property and methods of its diagnostics // Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal. 2003. V. 24. No. 5. S. 45-57.

6. Sergeev N.K., Serikov V.V. Pedagogical activity and pedagogical education in an innovative society. M.: Logos, 2013.

1. Shhedrovickij G.P. Favorite trudy. M.: Shkola kul "tumoj politiki, 1995.

2. Demidko M.N. Formirovanie refleksivnyh umenij u obuchajushhihsja v srednih special "nyh uchebnyh zavedenijah. Minsk: RIPO, 2001.

3. Kolesnikova I.A., Gorchakova-Sibirskaja M.P. Pedagogical project. M.: Akademija, 2005.

4. Zeer Je.F., Pavlova A.M., Symanjuk Je.Je. Modernizacija professional "nogo obrazovanija: kompetentnostnyj podhod: ucheb. posobie. M., 2005.

5. Karpov A.V. Refleksivnost" kak psihicheskoe svojstvo i metodika ee diagnostiki // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. 2003. T. 24. No. 5. S. 45-57.

6. Sergeev N.K., Serikov V.V. Pedagogicheskaja dejatel "nost" i pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v innovacionnom obshhestve. M.: Logos, 2013.

Assessment of students" project thinking development

There is considered the essence of project thinking as the key competence of a modern specialist that provides one "s involvement into the innovation work. There are revealed the criteria and ways of diagnostics of the competence; given the results of the experimental work.

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1. Grounds for consideration.

The concept of "projective thinking" was created by the famous modern philosopher Mikhail Epstein. Mikhail Naumovich himself deciphers this concept in the Dialogues program (1): “Projective thinking does not mean subjective and not objective, but one that sets the subject as arising from theory, and not previous. The theoretical vision itself creates this subject. And, in fact, the humanitarian thinking of the last 3 or 4 centuries is, in fact, projective thinking. We just try to ignore it. The most outstanding works, say, in the field of literary theory are manifestos. And this is an example of projective thinking.”
He says: "... this is work with the germ points of the future, work with the pre-future, with the sphere of time, which is now unfolding from the present." And one more thing: “thinking, unlike knowledge, does not reflect the existing world, but creates those ideas, concepts, concepts that create the world of the future. Everything that we see around us, except nature, is a projection of human thinking, and in this sense, all deep human thinking is projective thinking.\1\(See footnotes.) (1)

However, projective thinking is, after all, a special type of thinking. Mikhail Epstein calls this thinking simply deep. But, in my opinion, in the context of the many-world paradigm, it can be defined more fully. This thinking is associated with a conscious choice of reality that goes beyond the scope of ordinary actual response. The choice of reality is a term associated with the conceptual apparatus of everetics, i.e. area of ​​thinking developing on the basis of the many-world concept of quantum mechanics. In my understanding, everetics is an effective means of cognition and understanding of reality, and the many-world paradigm creates a powerful flow of projective thinking. But, I'll start from the beginning, with the main provisions of everetics, as I understand them.

In the context of the interpretation of the many worlds developed by me at the International Center for Everetic Studies (ICER) (2), it is assumed that the material world is a formal expression of the world of ideas, i.e. the spiritual and informational aspect of being correlates with the material reality as content and form. This means that the essence of any object of the physical world is determined by its ideological content, a kind of active eidos. The activity present in the world is considered as a manifestation of the mental pole of being. Of course, the term "psychic" refers to higher, creative activity. If we are considering physical interactions, then it is better to speak of psycho-like, "psychoid" activity. As a result of the interaction of the psychoid and physical poles of being, reality is ontologized. (3) Thus, all interacting objects are considered by me as embodied subjects, figures. It makes no sense to talk about the animation or rationality of the actors. Their psychism is reduced in this consideration to the property of choosing a specific mode of existence, i.e. current eidos. That is, mental activity is defined as the ability to choose reality.

The Universe is considered in this model as a Multiverse, i.e. reality of a non-classical type, containing in the aggregate all possible relations of all subjects or actors. An active eidos (or an actor of the Multiverse) is included in the global system of interactions, within which, in coordination with other actors, he chooses an adequate form of his existence (in a model representation, he chooses the only reality from a quantum superposition of all his possible states). Thus, the content of objective reality can be represented as a set of all possible ideas (eidos), and the form of objective reality as a quantum superposition of all possible states of all objects. The choice of reality is a mental manifestation of the figures of the multiverse, the essence of which is the choice of the actual eidos.

Thus, the doer is the active subject of the Multiverse. But, the reality chosen by him acquires objective features only as a result of his interaction with other figures. Any reality is a "gluing" of two or more choices. At the same time, any reality jointly chosen by actors is relatively objective, i.e. it is an objective reality for figures of a higher hierarchical level, who choose their larger-scale realities on the basis of it. The fact is that any joint reality formed by actors is hierarchical. Therefore, any reality can enter, according to its scale, into the system of reality, formed by the choice of a larger scale. But let's not forget that all particular realities emerge from the immutable and static superposition of the Multiverse.

Man, as a thinking subject, is a very advanced figure of the Multiverse. The soul of man, i.e. his psyche, taken in general terms, is presented from the position of everetics as a multividuum. Therefore, for a thinking subject, the choice of reality is the choice of the way of realizing one's personality, understood as the personification of a single multi-species in this particular reality. And the reality that comes as a result of this is only a consequence of the choice of a certain version of one's personality, which is present in the multividuum. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that these options can have different scales of superposition quantization, which leads to the choice of qualitatively different spiritual realities. So, we choose our conscious personality from the multispecies of the soul, and this actual conscious personality designs our future.

Actually, the choice of reality also occurs during actual response, but it is not consciously creative, but is a linear, small-scale continuation of the value models and attitudes previously formed in the process of thinking. Subconscious and biological motivation plays an important role in the actual response, therefore, in relation to consciousness, operational reactions often look like random or automatic, i.e. insufficiently motivated. Projective thinking is a conscious choice of reality, this must be emphasized.

Thus, thinking and reflecting, we are moving from a traditional conservative reaction to a change in reality to a purposeful and consistent movement towards an alternative reality. Is it necessary to say that this movement in the chosen direction is due to a personal change, a reconstruction of an individual spiritual reality? This is where I started the chapter. That is, designing the future is an attempt to change one's soul. Such planning leads to a shift in the actual center of the personality, understood as a multi-species. It is this process that I call a conscious choice of the direction of development and consider it a characteristic attribute of creative human thinking.

What is characteristic of a conscious choice of reality? I must say that “projective choice” or “projective thinking” is a very good term that reveals the essence of what is happening with such a conscious choice of reality. That is, we are talking about designing the future, about choosing such an actual reality, which we include in the context of movement towards a certain planned future. Moreover, projective thinking builds this context itself and determines the characteristic features for the realities belonging to it. And this is possible at the level of abstraction, covering many possible lines of development, i.e. personality realizations. Thus, a creative person reaches a generalizing, “multi-vidual” level of thinking. - Spiritual resources of alternative personal realizations of the multividual are partially involved in this thinking.

Obviously, the choice of reality, due to projective thinking, goes beyond the logical connections formed by ordinary "common sense". Common sense is a generalization of hereditary and social experience, and is also based on previous individual experience. Projective thinking is a kind of “breakthrough” beyond the framework of everyday life. At the same time, current events are interpreted in a certain more general context. That is, it is a large-scale choice that realizes the conscious attitude of the individual.

A characteristic feature of projective thinking is that it is not built on linear logic. This is a result of the fact that it inevitably means the application to everyday life of a larger scale of quantization of reality, as discussed above. Specifically, this is manifested in the fact that decisions made in the context of design are often paradoxical, non-linear in relation to everyday life. Such a larger, generalizing scale of thinking corresponds to a high level of abstraction when choosing a reality that goes beyond the limits of ordinary existence and beyond the limits of the actual personality.

3. Logical characteristics of projective thinking.

Based on the above understanding, I have identified some characteristic logical characteristics of projective thinking:
1) Projective thinking is not based on linear logic. As I have already said, this is a consequence of the synthesis in the created spiritual reality of various scales of abstraction, i.e. multiscale quantization of the original reality.

2) Projective logic goes beyond the normal for everyday life principle of the excluded middle. Indeed, a larger scale of abstraction can combine statements that are contradictory in everyday logic. This is a consequence of the fact that when abstracting, which is characteristic of projective thinking, additional dimensions of spiritual reality unfold, in the context of which concepts that are contradictory at the ordinary level can be combined.

3) Based on the above, we can call projective logic synthesizing. From the standpoint of a larger context, conflicting constructs can be combined according to some criteria that ensure their interaction. These complementary criteria express the emergence of new spiritual dimensions in the consideration of reality. Moreover, the level of possible synthesis of heterogeneous ideas, in principle, is not limited. The higher the level of abstraction in projective thinking, the more heterogeneous factors can be combined in the projected spiritual reality.

4) At the same time, projective thinking is built on the analysis of the current
status and possibilities of its continuation. In this sense, projective thinking is analytically self-limiting, since its task is goals freely chosen by the individual, which set the boundaries of the planned reality. Depending on the goals and priorities of the individual, the scale of the created spiritual reality can be different. In my opinion, the less egoistic strivings for self-affirmation, for fame and fortune prevail in this work, the larger the scale of projective thinking. Therefore, I would like to challenge Mikhail Epstein's statement that "... humanitarian thinking of the last 3 or 4 centuries is, in fact, projective thinking." For the humanitarian, and indeed any thinking in this period, an increased desire for self-affirmation and self-expression is just characteristic. That is, there is a cultivation of individualism. And, in my opinion, for example, the selfless desire to glorify God with one's creativity shows us a more impressive scale of projective thinking. Spiritual projects created by the psalmist David, or the prayer book John Chrysostom, have been carried out for thousands of years. An enviable scale for our thinkers!

5) Projective thinking looks like overcoming Godel's theorem about the incompleteness of the description of closed systems. The projective approach "opens" the systems of images and concepts that seem closed and self-sufficient and moves to more general levels of images and concepts. The components of the ordinary level that seem contradictory to us are combined in the context of new ideas and become those “sprouts” of the future, which Mikhail Epshtein speaks about. The usual linear logic is suitable for the internal description of pseudo-closed systems. Going to a larger scale of abstraction inevitably leads to a conflict with linear determinism. This means that actual events are interpreted in a certain more general context. Factors belonging to a larger scale of thought are embedded in causal relationships, resulting in non-linear results with respect to obvious causes.

4. On the possibilities of projective thinking.

Interestingly, in the conversation that inspired this article of mine (1), the next question to Mikhail Epstein was about "possibility" thinking and divergent discourses. The presenter very successfully (according to Borges) brought a multi-world context to this topic, calling such thinking "the garden of forking paths." The meaning of the question was whether the diverging alternatives have a concept or idea that unites them - the assemblage point (Omega point, according to Chardin). And Mikhail Naumovich's answer very well expressed the understanding of civilization as an expanding range of alternatives. Here's what he said:

“You know that we live in an expanding Universe, not only a physical, but also a “mental” expanding Universe. And this run - the multiplication of concepts, disciplines, creative techniques - is a sign of a growing civilization that constantly oversteps the boundaries of its own traditions. And, at the same time, I would like to express the opinion that the Omega point is not waiting for us at the end, but this synthesis arises with each new act of analysis. That is, deep analysis leads us to a new stage of synthesis.” - In my opinion, this is an exact generalization of the multi-world logic of projective thinking, which I discussed above. Each new level of analysis leads to a new, more abstract and larger-scale choice of reality. Projective thinking creates a spiritual hierarchy, so each subsequent stage of understanding problems is also a new step of choice.

I want to confess that it was this statement that led me to a conjecture about the many-world logical structure of projective thinking. In essence, projective thinking is always a synthesis of disparate and even contradictory meanings in the unifying context of a design concept, embedding any event in a more general context. And, of course, an active, world-forming role of thought and its expression (logos) in the creation of reality is assumed here. Not without reason, in the further conversation, the aphoristic phrase of Mikhail Epstein sounded: "In the beginning there was and will be the Logos." It is here that the fundamental meaning of the word, its initiating role in the discovery of new realities, is emphasized. This is also evidenced by M. Epstein's statement that matter is "a manifestation of information codes." This coincides well with the postulate given in Chapter 1 about the bipolar nature of being, that matter is a form of informational and ideological contents.

In order to imagine the possibilities and relevance of projective thinking, I recommend that readers read a short but very capacious article by M. Epstein on the significance of projective thinking, published in the journal Knowledge is Power (4). In it, Mikhail Naumovich draws a huge and ever-increasing role of such thinking in scientific and technological progress. He's writing:

“Theoretical knowledge is also becoming more and more projective, turning into a systemic change in its subject... In science, the path to such a projective methodology was paved not only by quantum physics of the 1920s-1930s, which discovered the interdependence of objects and subjects of observation at the level of the microcosm, but much earlier - by the discovery of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D.I. Mendeleev. The periodic table is built on such generalizations of the atomic weights and chemical properties of the elements, which are partly related to already known elements, partly to those that have yet to be discovered, i.e. theory includes areas of predictable possibilities, which are symbolized by the empty cells of the table.”(4)

I would like to add to this that any scientific discovery begins with insight, with insight. Such insight is a kind of prophetic vision, which allows the researcher to see the purpose of his intellectual search. It is this event that, as a rule, serves as the starting point of projective thinking, of any mental project. And, in my opinion, this is the case not only in scientific research, but also in any field of human creativity. I admit that the obligation of insight for scientific research can be challenged. But, in any case, this, in my opinion, is an interesting and important problem for philosophical research. However, let me return to the role of projective thinking in Mikhail Epstein's assessment:

“New electronic technologies make radical changes in the structure of knowledge, as they allow you to instantly transform the information resources accumulated over the centuries. Databases are updated instantly with each new discovery and invention, whereas in the past, in the Gutenberg Galaxy, this process took many years, moving from one paper publication to another. The ratio between dead knowledge and living thinking is rapidly changing in favor of living thinking, as is the ratio between “past labor” (embodied in machines, devices, all the material wealth and technical tools of civilization) and living intellectual labor, which uses all these reserves of knowledge to produce new ideas and things..." (4)

I certainly agree with this observation of Mikhail Naumovich! In the modern world, equipped with information technologies, the importance and weight of the direct, creative choice of reality is rapidly growing. I had to write in many previous articles about the hypothetical possibilities of quantum computers. According to my assumptions, upon reaching a certain threshold of power, they will be tools for the direct choice of macroreality, i.e. a tool for the materialization of ideas in the world around us. Like it or not, but, in any case, the trend indicated by M. Epstein radically strengthens the humanitarian, moral responsibility of researchers for the direction of the search and the goals they pursue. This coincides with the ideas developed further in the cited article:

“What are we going to do with all these computers, each of which is potentially capable of calculating all the particles in the universe? Will we again and again rest against the limit of what has already been known? Or such a growing power of objective knowledge is only a transitional stage to the unlimited power of projective thinking, capable of creating new universes, that is, going beyond the existing universe and knowledge about it. What is now considered knowledge will pass into the possibility of a different being, i.e. will not reproduce, but design and produce its own object... We learn about the properties of nanoparticles in the process of their engineering and design study, creating new materials from them. We learn the properties of genes in the course of building a working model of the genome and developing genetic medicine and engineering. The very knowledge of a certain object becomes the act of its creation. This is no longer just cognition of an unchanging, static reality, but a mental construction that cognizes and creates its object in one projective act of thinking. (four)

Further, Mikhail Epstein complains about the creative decline in the humanistic sciences, about the lack of projective thinking in modern philosophy:
“Is it possible to imagine that the next epoch in the fate of mankind in the 19th century will be set by the appearance of some kind of aesthetic treatise, philological research, philosophical aphorisms, poetic meditations? Not Microsoft or Google, not the UN or NATO, not politicians or technologists, but some new Novalis, Byron, Hugo, Madame de Stael and the Schlegel brothers? No, this cannot be imagined. No one expects anything from humanism, except for readings and rereadings, analysis and interpretation of texts. Humanism became textology and ceased to be human science. That is why it ceased to be human breeding. Knowing only texts and archives, it no longer leads anywhere.”(4)

Totally agree with this assessment! Mikhail Epstein considers the absence of innovative philosophical projects disastrous for civilization. He's writing:
“Almost everything is already possible - but what is it for? Means multiply, goals disappear. Microsoft or Google, as tech corporations, is incapable of defining the human meanings of what they produce on their own. A vacuum of human meanings and goals is formed, which technology cannot fill, and humanism does not want to.”(4)

But, in my opinion, claims here can be made not only to humanism, but to the humanitarian image of civilization as a whole. Modern civilization has developed in the direction of "hardening" its spiritual content, according to the figurative expression of Rene Guenon. It is based on a materialistic paradigm, which sharply cuts off the possibilities of spiritual growth by pragmatic, mercantile and egoistic attitudes. Spirituality has been desacralized in modern culture, so projective thinking within our civilization is unable to reach the scale of humanitarian creativity that ensures progress. Civilization very quickly dehumanizes, acquires a superhuman machine character. As a kind of compensatory mechanism for the degradation of culture, postmodern philosophy put forward the deceptive slogan of the relativity of spiritual values.

In my view, spirituality plays a fundamental role in the formation of any civilization, it determines the issues of life and death. Therefore, it must necessarily be sacred, it must be the starting point of human creativity. Only this ensures progressive progress and dynamic stability. In my opinion, traditional spirituality implements an incomparably larger scale of projective thinking, compared to egoistic relativism. Therefore, for me, a vivid and characteristic example of a projective choice is mental prayer. Yes, yes, this ancient form of appeal to higher spiritual forces, which helps people and transforms human reality, regardless of the worldly state of the worshipers, their intellect and learning.

It is important that Mikhail Epstein not only speaks about the need for humanitarian projective thinking, but also constructs this urgently needed spiritual reality. In this sense, I consider his work “The Gift of the Word.” very important and interesting. (5) Here is a very interesting, in my opinion, his statement:

“The future can be described in a variety of genres: divination, prophecy,
apocalypse, utopia or dystopia, political or aesthetic manifesto,
a scientific hypothesis, a sci-fi novel or a movie... But the most economical,
so to speak, the minimal genre of describing the future is a new word, a neologism.
It not only describes a possible future, but creates this very possibility,
because it expands the scope of meanings operating in the language. And what is in the language, then in
mind; what's on the mind, then in the deed. A single word is the germ of new theories and practices, just as myriads of future plants are laid in one seed.
...Now on the agenda is the consideration of the temporary, programming role of the language as a bridge thrown from the past to the future.

The above is very well consistent with the understanding of the role of the word in the context of the multi-world paradigm, as a quantum of spiritual reality. (6) From these quanta, each of which is a closed spiritual reality, unfolding to a universal scale, the entire subsequent hierarchy of the spiritual life of mankind is formed. The word is the fundamental building block of the spiritual world created by man. This is an elementary symbol, and in it, as in the embryo of the future reality, various meanings are laid, that is, the dimensions along which this reality will grow. But in general, giving the word the specified meaning is a confirmation of the activity of the spiritual pole of being.

I really liked the projective idea of ​​Mikhail Epstein, formulated in the form of "white holes". According to his definition, "these are gaps in the system of signs from which new signs are born." For me, the concept of "white hole" looks like a model of an unimaginable, in principle, quantum superposition of meanings.

In conclusion, I would like to give a generalized qualitative assessment of projective thinking. Projective thinking is an effective tool necessary for expanding the possibilities of modern civilization. It allows you to expand the number of possible development options and significantly increases the survival resource of mankind. But, in itself, projective thinking does not at all guarantee progressive progress and stability. The human mind is equally capable of creative generation of both salutary and disastrous paths. The moral, qualitative, potential of salvation should be singled out especially as an intellectual and spiritual paradigm. This is what, in my opinion, projective thinking should serve.

I would like to hope that the attempt of the multi-world interpretation of projective thinking given here will serve the development of this important intellectual project...

1. In my opinion, projective thinking is also quite naturally applied to nature. Nature is the embodiment of God's projective thinking. By the way, the whole human world too.

Sources used.

1. Epstein M.N. Dialogue Issue 38.
2. International Center for Everett Research.
3. Lebedev Yu.A. Everetic axiomatics. Moscow. Firm "Lezhe" 2009 Electronic version:
4. Epstein M.N. Projective theory in the natural and human sciences.
5. Epstein M.N. "Gift of the word".
6. Kosterin A.M. Net entanglement scales along different time axes. (

Project thinking is an absolute advantage of a modern manager.

A leader responsible for eliminating bottlenecks is unlikely to succeed.

In general, the ideal of a company and people management system is far from the picture that the first and last Soviet electronic game paints for us, where the wolf from "Well, wait a minute!" catches in a basket eggs continuously rolling down from branches.

A successful leader is more like the captain of an ocean liner, who stands on the bridge and looks far ahead, where the ship is supposed to go.

In order to make effective forecasts for the future, you need to be able to set goals for the long term. Success, it seems to us, comes to those who look into the future and see themselves there - a person who has reached their goal.

Project management presupposes the presence of such a quality as "healthy disregard for the impossible." If you can dream of something, then you can get it. Project development is the reverse "unrolling" of the sequence of tasks from the moment when you have already achieved the result, until today: here I am, and what did I need to do in order for me to be here; and in order to be at the previous stage, etc.?

In the process of decomposing a project, it is important to decompose the task into components and evaluate how well the set of elements of each level of the task reflects the essence of this level.

Is further clarification, concretization of the task required, or is each of its elements described as detailed as possible? Is it possible to accurately determine the required resources and their cost for each low-level operation?

Here it becomes clear that for successful project planning it is extremely important to be able to clearly and specifically (point by point) set goals. Here we are ready to fully agree with those who advocate a system of SMART criteria for assessing the clarity of goals.

Communication skills

Endless conversations of old women on a bench at the entrance - is this really the notorious "ability to communicate" that business coaches talk about? Of course no. The number of words spoken per minute is not at all an indicator of the effectiveness of communication.

Simply put, communicative competence is knowing the answers to just three questions: who to say, what to say, and how to say?

Answering the three main questions of communication, we form a strategy for interacting with the target audience - any of our counterparties: a client, partner, competitor, subordinate, manager, etc.

It is very important to understand what our interlocutor is like. What does he want? What relationship do we have with him, and what roles do we play? What does it mean for us now?

Without finding this out, it is impossible to answer the next question: what to say to him? After all, in order to be heard, one must speak the language of the interlocutor. "Speak the customer's language," they convince us in sales training.

How can we speak his language if we don't know who he is?

Only after studying our target audience and creating a unique selling proposition for it, we move on to the answer to the last question: how?

How to convey your idea to the consumer, preserving its original meaning? No way, because for us words mean one thing, but for our counterparty they mean something completely different.

Words are like phone cases, you can put completely different content into them. For example, the same word "phone". Say it in the circle of your friends and ask what each of them imagined at that moment: someone will imagine their favorite thin mobile phone, someone - the hated telephone handset on the desktop, someone - a pay phone slightly stuck in the past , and a young mother - a huge inflatable children's toy.

So, it is impossible to avoid a partial loss of the meaning of what is being said. The main thing is to minimize losses. To do this, it makes sense to involve as many communication tools as possible.

Why do successful presenters play with the rhythm and volume of their voice, use a projector, actively move, gesticulate and constantly address the audience?

Because, and practice confirms this, using as many communication tools as possible allows you to achieve the maximum effect.

Of course, Pinocchio was a brilliant communicator: he said one thing to Karabas, another to Malvina, and a third to Tortilla the turtle. In this sense, he found the key not only to the door behind the painted hearth, but also to the hearts of his partners. And readers.

This brings us to the next, fourth, success factor: emotionality.

Today, design thinking is one of the key competencies in business. And it's clear why. This type of thinking allows you to achieve planned results when the tasks are complex, unclear, confusing, there are many unknowns and risks that are difficult to assess. And conditions can change all the time. These are the classic introductory "epochs of turbulence". And not just for business. So what is design thinking and how can it be used in everyday reality?

What is it

First and foremost is practical thinking. There is nothing abstract here, "from the head." The principle is this: invented-tried-made a conclusion. And further according to this scheme - until the desired result is achieved. By the way, about the result. He is the most important. For him, everything is up and running. First, a clear image of the desired outcome. Then there is a plan to achieve it.

The second is controlled risk, orderly chaos and unraveling even the most confusing. A designer is a person who is not afraid of such “little things”. He knows that with a little work, everything can be made manageable. And in the end, come to the previously drawn picture. The ability to think and act on a project basis helps to foresee everything: deadlines, resources, priorities, sequence, risks, etc.

Third - how to learn it? This is an experience. But he doesn't come right away. And immediately there is a goal, the need to achieve it and courage with a certain amount of healthy adventurism. Courage coming from a meaningful goal. Such courage gives unshakable confidence that "you can do anything." If you don't know, you will find where to find out. There are not enough resources - you will find where to get it. It doesn’t work right away - you will find how to make it work.

What is a project and what is not

But for starters, it would be nice to define the concepts. What can be called a project? A project is a specific task with clear deadlines and a result - a goal and a plan.

Therefore, the desire to earn more is not a project. It is not clear how much you need to increase income, when and at what expense. This is a direction that, if desired, can be converted into a project. “I want to double my income within six months. To do this, I need a higher paying job in a large company. My resume meets these requirements. To achieve the desired result, you need to take the following steps. Great, now this is a fruitful debut idea for the project. You can move on with it.

How does this happen

In order for the project to begin to be implemented, it must be checked against the checklist of work stages. Design thinking is based on the "golden triangle": Result - Cost - Time. To put it simply, the result is achieved in the best way, taking into account the price-quality ratio within the specified time frame. And this is the main guideline. If you cut this elephant into pieces, then the following stages of project development can be distinguished:

Stage 1 - situation analysis

Each project has a context - a kind of environment. And in order to make a decision whether to open this project or not, an analysis is needed.

Why is this project needed, what are the prospects and risks. In order to make the right decision - look at the realism, profitability and meaning of the project for yourself. Is it real for you here and now? Do you have the right resources and can you find what is missing? By implementing this project, will you gain more than you spend? Are you personally interested in this? Is this project connected to something even more important in your life?

Stage 2 - formulating the goal of the project

To implement a project, you must be clear and precise about what you want to achieve as a result. And the goal should be clear, precise, formulated in a positive statement (without the “not” particle). For the formulation, you can use the SMART principle.

The goal must be written down! As long as it is only in your head - this is not a goal, these are dreams.

Stage 3 - planning

Each project should answer the questions “What?”, “When?” and "For how much?". What will be done, in what time frame, how much resources will be required. Some of these parameters can be defined at the input, some cannot. It will be refined during the planning and implementation process.

The plan answers the question "How?" and represents a sequence of tasks and deadlines. A detailed plan may not be born immediately. It can be modified during the course of the project.

For the primary plan, a general vision of major stages - the phases of the project - is sufficient. And it is more important at this stage to ask yourself the question: how will I know that I have achieved this and identify specific figures, facts, etc.

Stage 4 - risk assessment

At the 1st stage, a general assessment of resources was carried out. And now we need to do it in more detail. What do you already have and what do you need more. And where can I get it. It is also necessary to assess the risks and consider how they can be minimized. What can prevent you from fulfilling your plans, and what or who will support you. Such a “Plan B” will be very helpful during the implementation phase.

Stage 5 - control

This is the final stage of preparation. Here the general plan is already divided into smaller subtasks. Deadlines are set. It remains only to decide how and by whom the control over their implementation will be carried out.

What becomes possible

Now it remains to fill out a checklist for yourself at the entrance to the project, then act according to the plan, adapting flexibly to current conditions, planning risks and being guided by the “triangle” of project management. Yes, difficulties will arise, especially when the experience of thinking in a project-based way is only being gained. But it's worth it. Design thinking does not guarantee absolute success - it is not a magic pill. But it provides opportunities!

In fact, design thinking gives survivability– we learn to find a way out that suits us even from the most difficult and difficult situation. From what we have now, we find the way to what we want - a clear and definite result.

More freedom- since we know that we can organize decent conditions for ourselves in almost any situation, we become less dependent: on fear, on the opinions and whims of other people, on circumstances, etc. You can experiment and choose different ways to achieve the result, use different, and not just traditional means. And another amazing thing is our freedom before the project. We can start it or not, and close it if we want.

mindfulness is a fashionable term. But, nevertheless, it is so. Design thinking teaches us awareness and trains it in us. In the project, we must observe and monitor all the time - monitor the course of actions, and their effectiveness, and ourselves. The answer to a simple question: “How do I influence the course of events and what else can I do with myself to ensure the optimal movement of my project to the desired result in terms of the “result-cost-time” parameter?” - will bring more awareness than many complex practices.

Opportunity to increase income. With the help of design thinking, losses are reduced, specific measurable benefits are increased. And where, if not in such a paradigm, is there financial prosperity?

And interesting life- because it is very exciting to realize your dreams.


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