As the chickens say. Kur correct explanation of the word in the dictionary of synonyms in the distance

[ husband. genus] rooster, peven, loops, kochet: chicken, chicken, in some places lower. and Cossack. smokes, vlad. kureta [fem. genus] trigger, the chicken will diminish. female hen, rooster; female black grouse and other birds of the chicken family. looking for magnification large, Dutch chicken; chickens pl. roosters and hens.

The rafters on peasant huts (northern east), made of sticks or kokora, are called chicken, its top rests on the horse, with its knee to the eaves and to the bottom; laths are cut from the bottom, and a stream is placed on the hook below, a chute, against which the board, pumped by transverse latvins, rests.

It's an iron hook, on which a washstand and a towel are hung.

ita Vologda. pike trap. Indian rooster and chicken, Melleagris gallopavо, kana, blinders, fools, or: kuran vyat. chicken Vologda. kurash and kurashka Vologda. psk. kuryl psk. kurysh, kuryshka Vologda. kurun, kuruh and kurusha, -shka east. kurukhan, -nka ryaz. _cm. indian rooster. chick, kurushenok, turkey, chicken. Caesar chicken or guinea fowl, speckled, Numida. Danube or water hen, kashkaldak, coot, Fulisa, swims. Water, swamp chicken, devil's chicken, large Gallina chloropus; small, Сreх, she, marsh corncrake, shepherd, chauffeur. On its ashes, the chicken beats (and the rooster does not give anyone a descent). The chicken comes from the egg, and the chicken comes from the egg. to the withers, to the pig's tail. Filly, ford, chicken flood. Itza is not a bird, ensign (constapel, commissar) is not an officer. Where I pass like a fox, chickens do not lay eggs for three years! the dog's pacer was spitting. Don't listen to where the chickens cackle. and listen, where they pray to God! an egg carries one egg each. To raise children is not to count chickens (to pinch). On our river, chickens roam on foot. A hungry chicken dreams of millet. There is so much work that the chickens do not peck. Not for a chicken move, not for a cat arrogance. Itza is not a bird, and cancer is not a fish (and the ensign is not an officer). Itza is not an aunt, a pig is not a sister! Do not sing a rooster to a chicken, do not own (not be) a woman a man. not to sing like a rooster (but to sing, so on your own head: they chop off her head). And the chicken has a heart. Like a wet chicken. Blind chicken. How chickens roam, a lot; uselessly. The blind chicken is all wheat. This is chicken laughter. itsu eggs do not teach. Itza and all three money, and he drinks those. On its street and the chicken is brave. yak legs, hooks and a sucker. What about that and say that the chicken is not milked. Pinch someone else's chicken, and hold your own by the wings. Learn from the chicken: rake and pick up. Wet chicken, but also cockerel! the egg stands on one leg - to the cold. you cackle, to bad weather. s tails twirl, to the blizzard. s fight, to the guests. We scream at the perch, to a domestic quarrel. The cries of chickens on a perch are not good. If the chickens do not hide from the rain, then it will take a long time to go. the egg bites grain by grain (grain by grain), but lives full (sometimes). And the hen would not be happy to feast, but they drag him for a crest (for a wing). And the chicken is called to the feast (or dragged). Hungry kurchat: but they don’t peck millet! Cresteds, chickens are kept by the yards. It is a pity for God (to give) smoking, but the devil takes a pig (ram). He gets drunk, so he fights with kings. and oversleep, and the chicken is afraid. Not for good, the hen crowed like a rooster. The letter, like chickens roamed! Go to bed with chickens, get up with roosters. Not a chicken (happiness), you can’t feed. And the hen crows like a rooster. The chicken is good with feathers, but the meat is even better. she gave birth to a bull-calf, a piglet laid an egg. Not carried away like a chicken with an egg. You tell the chicken, and she and the whole street. points in earrings, kochetok in boots. On sin and the chicken will hang. From a thin chicken, thin eggs. He has money and chickens do not peck. the egg cackles, and the rooster is silent, a hint of a woman and a man. I came from the wrong streets, I would have robbed all the chickens. Artisan, like a chicken: what he steps, then he bites! Lose the egg, not the chicken! the egg flies around the hut, to the frost, the chicken is planted secretly, without strangers; pour eggs from the master's hat. If a hen sings like a rooster, then it is a treasure. Does a hen sit on golden eggs, and does her tail have a wooden one? a frying pan on coals and a frying pan. points with a crest, but bow to the kazhin? water dispenser. checker point about seventy shirts; the wind blew, and back to know. yach name days; chicken holiday. Nov. 1. Kozma and Demyan are artisans, chicken coops. To Kozma and Demyan, chickens: bring a chicken ass. Kozma and Demyan, and the Myrrh-bearing wives, chicken death, slaughter chickens. On Kozmo-Demyan, chicken on the table, tamb. cha, smoking, chicken, chicken [male. genus] kurchenya [ _ cf. genus] app. southern Chick. ov, chicken, chicken, kurkin, kurochkin; kurchatin, kuryatin, kurchenkon, kurenkin; kurushkin, kuryshev, kurykhanov, etc. belong to them. oi, chicken, chicken, chicken, sometimes chicken, relating to chickens. Hut on chicken legs, in a tale. yachiy. chicken soup, soup. yatny ranks where they sell living creatures. yak blindness, several plants: Ranunculus arvensis, field toad (buttercup); Caltha palustris, yellowhead, yolk; Chelidonium majus, celandine, chistik, gusset, warthog. yak saliva, plant. Lamium purpureum. other, chicken blindness, eye disease. without pain, but taking away sight from sunset to sunrise: for such a patient there is no dawn and no light from the fire. other sea. yak guts. plant Stellaria media, woodlice. full-time [male] genus] plant. Cissa. yatina [female] genus] chicken meat. itsina [female] genus] psk. hard. chicken, meaning hook, kokory on the roof or chicken;

crow in the hut. yatnik [male] genus] a place where chickens are locked, a barn; a poultry house, a cage in which chickens are carried: a grate under a conic.

Selling chickens, living creatures;

chicken hunter, chicken thief:

big hawk.

Rusten. Galeopsis tetrahit, gill. smelly yatnik, pitulnik, spool, Galeopsis ladanum. What did the chicken coop spread? that the mouth is open. A chicken coop is fumigated on Sylvester, a lihomania is spoken of, January 2. yatnitsa [fem. genus] nickname of the fox;

thieving dog. yatnya [fem. genus] chicken coop, in meaning. barns, chicken cages. nick [male] genus] chicken coop, chicken coop, ver. psk. eagle chickens.

Sweet round pie, with chicken, eggs: instead of chicken, both duck and beef get there.

Kind of kalach, with chicken baked in it; this is wedding bread and salt for young people, from all relatives (don.). chicken ride. turkey;

sluggish, sluggish woman. akhtan, kurukhtan [male. genus] turukhtan, a bird with a turtledove, Tringa pugnah; the hens are all grey, and the cockerels are maned (in spring), like yard roosters. Hunters distinguish three types: kuruhtle, marsh large and small. fall down sowing chicken east partridge sib. partridge, partridge psk. hard. kuropya southern. chicken hens. partridge [fem. genus] well-known game, a bird of the chicken genus Рedrix cinerea. shovel white. Tetrao lagopus, white grouse.

okhta, partridge, nimble woman, small in stature. Opatkin, she belongs to. opachy, partridge, partridge, related to it. Opachi broods in July are kept in nekos. hail [male] genus] crowing of roosters and this time, midnight and dawn;

old divination or divination at the cock cocks. clumsy, short-legged. lay down [male] genus] pl. southern perch or nest, kuroslep, kuroshest pitches. psk. blind [male] genus] a person who has night blindness.

Name of many plants: Сornus sanguinea, glog; Adoha, tansy, pale; Anagallis, full-time color, spoiled sickness, freckle; Saltha, yellowhead; Sotoneaster, irga, dogwood? tea tree; ranunculus, different types, toad, buttercup, etc. dazzler, plant. glog, blind smoker, Сornus sanguinea. coverage, hen [male] genus] hawk chicken coop;

petty thief; bribe-taker, snatch the altynnik, kuroschap [male. genus] It is true that he stole chickens: you can see he is a chicken! i.e. hands are shaking. touch [male] genus] swearing red tape. egg about. chicken eater [male] genus] who eats chickens. Fox chicken eater. - potion, plant. Mercurialis perensis, blueberry, chistuha, greenfinch.

Potentilla, a piece of wood?

In other dictionaries:
KUR - Big Encyclopedic Dictionary (BES)
- Efremova T. F. New dictionary Russian language
- Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S. Ozhegov
- Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language
- Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. D. N. Ushakov...

I'll talk in the first part about "Chicken or Chicken". About the WTO, as well as how Putin and us were cheated again, will be in the second part.
Let's go... about chickens!

Diko was surprised after reading the Internet. It turns out that almost 100% of young people are sure that Moscow is literate, and the cultural capital says - chicken! There was no such thing before, for Leningraders - only chicken!

One of my first childhood shocks from trips to Moscow - HENS live there!

From St. Petersburg fellow citizens heard only chicken. The price tags in the store are also chicken. Mom sometimes said "chicken" - these were such chickens for sale - skinny, blue, and therefore cheap. Mom called them "rupe-seventy-five chicken". Like these ones:

The plural form of kury is neutral. But the singular form - chicken and chicken - differ stylistically (which is noted in all explanatory dictionaries). Hen - neutral, kura - regional, colloquial word. Literally: chickens, chicken meat, chicken meat, grilled chickens. But in stable turns, which, as a rule, have a colloquial coloring: wet chickens (about miserable-looking people), write like chickens with a paw (illegible), blind chickens (about people who do not see well). Wed: Chickens do not peck money; chickens laugh. Here is what B. Timofeev wrote about the word kura in the book "Are we speaking correctly?" (L., 1960): "Kura ... You can hear and read this word everywhere: in the market, in the store, in the dining room, and in the restaurant (on the menu). In literary speech, the use chicken instead of chicken is unacceptable".

It clears up a bit, but the Muscovites are advancing. I was shocked by this link -
A search in finds:
. "hens" approximately 138,000 (0.29 sec.)
. "hens" approximately 9,170 (0.22 sec.)
. "kurei" approximately 14,800 (0.21 sec.)

The author concludes - everyone in the country says KURA! I immediately imagined - in a remote Siberian or Far Eastern village, Baba Manya types the word KURA in Google with one finger. Such is our computer country ...

Can we take a look here? D. I. Rosenthal (2003) - “Chicken, pl. chickens [rarely chickens]."
One piece must be a chicken, and a flock can consist of chickens ...

We know, of course, that Muscovites wear turtlenecks, and we are a badlon, they eat buckwheat, and we buckwheat ... I won’t talk about the entrance and the curb. But the chicken amazes me! It is amazing that I read people's phrases on the Internet: chicken is in St. Petersburg, not so in Moscow. The absolute opinion of young Internet users.

On one forum, a man from Ryazan wrote:
“When for the first time in St. Petersburg they asked me: “... will you have chicken with buckwheat with a roll or bread?” - I'm stuck, for a long time.
To be honest, I would not immediately understand what they were asking me either. For Moscow, after all, it is more customary to say “chicken”. And it doesn't matter if she's running or she's already been fried.

This is definitely a store in Moscow. It says KURA!

Brilliant comment that explains everything, read on another forum

as my St. Petersburg friends explained to me at one time, chicken is alive, in feathers, chicken is meat where parts of the body are not recognized, and chicken is exactly what turns on the grill

Well, the St. Petersburg residents themselves did not come up with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bturning game on the grill. This arrived introduced and wrote on the stalls, they didn’t pass Moscow, they had seen enough ...

The firm got out brilliantly in its fresh advertising
In Empire LLC (St. Petersburg) you can buy wholesale chickens in a wide range. We supply chicken in bulk as large wholesale, as well as medium wholesale and small wholesale lots.

In the assortment - then chicken, and in bulk - chicken .... Wholesalers are respected.

Let's remember?
Several huts stood obliquely; There were a few chickens roaming the street.
A. S. Pushkin, "The Captain's Daughter", 1836

Where did Pushkin live? In Moscow?

Once the architect confessed to the bird-woman.
So what? - in their offspring two natures were mixed:
The son of an architect - he tried to build,
Descendant of a poultry keeper - he built only "chickens".
Kozma Prutkov.

And let's listen to Seryoga:

Quiet wind. The evening is blue-gloomy.
I look with wide eyes.
In Persia, the chickens are exactly the same,
Like we have in thatched Ryazan.

The same month, only a little wider,
Slightly yellower on the other side.
We love you in this world
It's the same for everyone, dear.

The nights are warm - I'm not in the will, I'm not able,
I can not praise, not sing them.
Also, the girls here hug the cute ones.
To the second to the roosters, to the third.

Ah, love! She's familiar to everyone
Even cats know this feeling
Only me with a homeland and without a home,
From her I collect modest crumbs.

There is no happiness. But I won't grieve
Everywhere there are chickens dear to the heart,
For me scattered everywhere
Young sensual fools.

With them I accept all joys
And for them I only say in verse:
Because, to know, people love the earth,
That she smelled of roosters.

S. Yesenin
July 1925

Chickens live in the village. Seryoga said. And in Moscow. See

Nobody has yet called St. Petersburg a village, but Moscow ....

And you say - stupid as a chicken? Nevertheless, chickens know almost as many words as Ellochka the cannibal. They use more than 10 signal words! Wikipedia writes

Domestic chicken has a dozen sound signals. The alarm clearly distinguishes between air and ground enemies. The alarm signal from the first is a long continuous cry, and the alarm signal from the second is a fractional cry.
The chick, being in the egg, a few days before hatching, begins sound communication with the hen, using about a dozen signals for this, for example:
. The “let me go” signal is a sharp sound, reminiscent of the squeak of a newly hatched chicken, if it is picked up.
. The pleasure signal is a high-pitched chirping sound that an egg chick responds to the soothing cackling of a chicken or its signal in connection with the appearance of food.
. The nesting signal is a searching and disturbing sound emitted from the egg, expressing the desire of the chick to nest under the wing of the mother. The chicken reacts to it with clucking or movements, which calms.
. Alarm - a high-pitched squeak, the response of an egg to an alarming warning signal from a chicken about the appearance of enemies.

I'll send a signal of pleasure! Chick-chirp! Cackle, please...

Moscow however...:

But the stalls all over the country are only Grilled Chicken! I did not find a single chicken, sometimes they write chickens.
Kiosks are the same only come in large numbers? But the artists who paint with us are from St. Petersburg! Shame on you guys...

I read on the forums of the young. They say that in the south they write grilled chicken. But everyone is sure that kura is a St. Petersburg word. NO!!!

I cook chicken soup, meaning by this word chicken, or chicken meat. And in the store I don’t ask for chickens, but for chickens. In plural. "Do you have chickens?"
But "kura" I don't call a chicken, and I hope I never will.

second part of the post

I hope you will help me resolve the issue that has been tormenting me since my trip to St. Petersburg. The fact is that I have noticed before that in this city they speak somehow not in our way, not "in Moscow". But most often it concerned some kind of slang words. And then it caught my eye: on all the windows, on the menu in the dining room, some kind of "KURA" flickers. What kind of KURA is this? It turned out to be nothing more than our ordinary chicken - grilled, or, say, boiled in soup ... I was surprised by such a name for a familiar object - after all, from childhood we were taught that chicken is the only correct form of this word. Not too lazy, climbed into the dictionaries. Dahl has such a word, but Dahl has just collected obsolete, colloquial and dialect words !! Yes, and the initial form of the word Dahl gives m.r. "hens" (this one which is in the cabbage soup or in the pluck :-)). There are no such forms in the Ozhegovsky dictionary, only 1 correct initial form of the word is named there - "chicken". And as far as I know, for the last 50 years it has been said that way. In this case, it is not clear why this extinct dialect KURA appears in the cultural landscape of our country and not just in conversations, but on industrially made signs, shop windows and other things?? It turns out that the most cultured city of Russia is not alien to shtetl and dialect, but the inhabitants of St. Petersburg are so proud of their level of culture, and their “chicken” is the same as in some village?
I would be grateful if you could help me deal with this strange bird and the inhabitants of St. Petersburg at the same time :-)

The first is about the word. Plural form chickens neutral. But the singular form is chicken And chicken- differ stylistically (which is noted in all explanatory dictionaries). Chicken- neutral, chicken- regional, colloquial-colloquial word. Literally: chickens, chicken meat, chicken meat, grilled chickens. But in stable turns, which, as a rule, have a colloquial coloring: wet hens(of pitiful-looking people) writing like a chicken paw(inaudible) blind hens(about people with poor vision). Wed: Chickens do not peck money; chickens laugh. Here is what B. Timofeev wrote about the word kura in the book "Are we speaking correctly?" (L., 1960): "Kura ... You can hear and read this word everywhere: in the market, in the store, in the dining room, and in the restaurant (on the menu). In literary speech, the use of chicken instead of chicken is unacceptable."
The second is about the cultural capital. We assure you that in Moscow there are just as many signs with such blunders, because the attitude to the norms of the language is determined primarily by the general culture, and not by the place where the native speaker lives. One of our employees in a Moscow store read the following inscription on the price tag: "Sausage with salts." We hope you guessed what kind of sausage we were talking about.


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