Evaluation of the communicative effectiveness of Internet marketing advertising. And the communicative effectiveness of advertising The communicative effectiveness of advertising

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General scheme of the effectiveness of the communication process

Communication is a complex, multifaceted and multi-element phenomenon. The structure of any communication, be it a friendly conversation, business negotiations, a dispute or a dialogue, can be schematically represented as follows:

In any communication situation, there are always at least two subjects - sender and recipient... The first one sends a certain message, the second, accordingly, receives it (there may be several addressees, if we take a presentation as an example, when one speaker addresses a whole audience). Under message means the entire set of information that is transmitted from the sender to the recipient. Communication channel is a kind of information transmission medium. Words (and to be absolutely precise, the meaning of words and sentences) are transmitted using verbal channel; sounds, intonation, tone and timbre - with the help of vocal; appearance, gestures, pantomime and micromimics - using non-verbal etc. Thus, using communication channels, the sender transmits the message to the recipient.

As a result, the recipient is affected - the effect. This can be thinking over information, agreement, disagreement, aggression, misunderstanding. Somehow it all expresses itself in feedback- in a response or message. In this case, the roles of the subjects change. The recipient, giving feedback, becomes the sender, and the sender becomes the recipient. In general, the division into sender and recipient is rather arbitrary, since either side is alternately both.

The key elements of the communication structure are communication barriers... Under communication barriers are understood as obstacles that distort the meaning of the message, hinder effective communication... The main types of barriers that stand out in the literature on psychology:

Logical - incomprehensible to each other, unequal logic of thinking;

Stylistic - the discrepancy between the communicator's speech style and the content or the communication situation, or the speech style or psychological state of the interlocutor;

Semantic - differences in word meaning systems

Phonetic - difficult for perception of the interlocutor's diction, or intonation.

In the theory of communications, there are two main types of barrier - objective and subjective... Physical noise, poor telephone communication, slow Internet during an online conference - all this refers to objective barriers independent of the subjects of communication. Subjective barriers are more diverse, there are several types of subjective barriers:

    Semantic barriers - incorrect or ambiguous interpretation of the meaning of words, semantic shades of verbal means. This is especially true for complex terminology, slang expressions, borrowed words, professional vocabulary. Especially many problems of this kind arise in a multinational environment.

    Perception barriers - ambiguous understanding or interpretation of information as a result of first impressions, stereotypes, certain internal attitudes, a conflict situation, personal rejection of a topic or interlocutor, etc.

    Barriers of ignorance - often the interlocutors, having heard a word or concept unfamiliar to them, are embarrassed to ask again and admit their own incompetence, therefore they are silent. At the same time, the understanding of the general meaning of the message is lost or severely distorted.

    Interest barriers - we willingly talk about what is interesting to us. If the topic of discussion is far from our circle of interests, the level of information perception is significantly reduced.

    The emotional state of the interlocutor - when you find out that a pipe has broken at home, you are definitely not up to discussing the budget for the new year.

    Inability or unwillingness to listen is the most common cause of ineffective communication. Not using the techniques of active or reflective listening, inattention, lack of interest in the topic or the interlocutor interfere with the correct, holistic and adequate perception of information.

    Wrong context - communication happens at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

    Non-verbal interpersonal barriers (gestures, intonation, inner meaning and other forms of non-verbal symbolic communication).

    Incorrect / unsatisfactory feedback (for example, due to inability to listen).

In the structure of communication, it is of great importance context. This is the setting, conditions, external environment, a specific situation within which communication between subjects takes place. For example, you can talk to your boss about raising your pay during a hectic department meeting or corporate event in a relaxed atmosphere. The result in a given situation, as you understand it, may be different.

Thus, we have identified the main elements in the structure of communication. This:




    Communication channel

    the effect


    Communication barriers


Communication results. When evaluating or predicting the results of communication, it should be borne in mind that the meaning of the message is not determined by the sender's desire(a source), but the perception of the recipient.

Communication efficiency are changes in recipient behavior that occur as a result of receiving a message. It depends on controllable factors (components of the communication process) and uncontrollable factors (environment of the communicant, his social memory).

Communication efficiency is reduced by barriers.

Communication is effective if the planned result is achieved on time without attracting additional resources.

Feedback makes communication a dynamic two-way process; it can be viewed as messages to the source containing data on the effectiveness of the act of communication. Positive feedback informs that the desired message result has been achieved. Negative feedback shows that the desired result has not been achieved. To improve communication efficiency, negative feedback is more practical than positive. The more actively feedback is used in the communication process, the more effective it is.

Communication can be called effective when the impact of barriers is minimized. A reasonable question arises: how to avoid communication barriers? Here are some tips:

    Eliminate all objective barriers or move the communication situation into a more convenient and favorable context.

    Determine the success of the context of the communication situation.

    First, interest the interlocutor in the topic of discussion.

    Before moving on to the message itself, make sure that the interlocutor does not have any perceptual barriers. If you notice, for example, the influence of stereotypes or any attitudes, you need to show empathy, improve the emotional background of communication.

    Formulate the message as clearly and clearly as possible.

    Use the most understandable vocabulary for the interlocutor in order to avoid semantic errors. You should not use complex or professional terminology if you are not sure that the other person will understand you.

    Show constant attention to non-verbal symbolic communication - the tone of the message, gestures, facial expressions, etc.;

    Provide regular feedback to the interlocutor. To do this, you should: ask questions to the recipient of information about the content of the message and the degree of its perception; evaluate the non-verbal reaction of recipients to the message, create an atmosphere of trust, benevolence and readiness to discuss emerging problems, taking into account the interests and needs of the recipients of information messages.

Useful skills for effective communication

    Ability to hear and see what is important for our interlocutor. What are his needs and aspirations. Even if our interlocutor does not know how to communicate with us in the same way. Remaining "included in this process", despite the fact that our interlocutor speaks harshly and swears. This skill has been called "listening with the ears of a giraffe."

    The ability to better understand what needs, aspirations and desires are hidden behind our grief, confusion, opposition and condemnation.

    The ability to notice subtle and sometimes striking differences between feelings such as "I'm sad" and sensually interpreted ones like "I feel betrayed."

    The ability to see the subtle difference between asking and demand, and how demands divide us, and how requests connect us.

    The ability to truly understand the fact that if something is important to another person, it doesn't follow that we have to do it. That understanding people does not at all mean our agreement with them. And that our understanding of them does not mean that they are right and we are not. These misconceptions are key causes of misunderstanding in emerging conflicts.

Sadly, most often communication does not become effective, disagreements and misunderstandings appear not because of distortion and interpretation of information, but because of a banal unwillingness to listen carefully to a person, to understand him, to be imbued with his idea, thoughts, feelings ...


Completed by 5th year students of 868 group:

Ivanova Christina

Nikitchenko Vitaly

Vershinina Maria

Zhilkova Margarita

Shiyanova Alexandra

Indrulinas Elena

Kirichenko Irina

Mambetova Gulfiya

Fominykh Lika

Scientific adviser: Maruseva I.V.

Saint Petersburg

2. Economic and communicative efficiency of advertising. 7

3. Correlation analysis using the SPSS program. 9

4. The method of expert evaluation. Calculation of "weighting factors" for experts. 12

5. Break-even point as a method for evaluating efficiency. 21

6. Sample and general population 23

7. Content analysis 24

8. Bar graph 25

9. Media Map 26

11. Methods of illustrative analysis. Web Method 29

12. PEST analysis of the organization. 35

Creative Task number 1 Development of a slogan using rhetorical figures 38
Creative Task number 2 Advertising based on the motives of folk art. 39

References 41


Situational analysis- This is an assessment of possible changes in the activities of the company, taking into account the influence of external factors.

SWOT analysis is one of the most common methods that assesses the complex internal and external factors affecting the development of a company. It is an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats from the external environment. All factors fall into four categories: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

The SWOT analysis methodology involves, firstly, identifying the internal strengths and weaknesses of the firm, as well as external opportunities and threats, and, secondly, establishing links between them.


There is a television center in the provincial town. Broadcasting is carried out on five channels (3 state and 2 commercial).

To solve the problem, it is necessary to build a situational analysis. To do this, you need to conduct a SWOT analysis, build a matrix of threats and opportunities for state TV channels.

Table 1. SWOT analysis

Strengths Opportunities
They have great financial potential, because financed from the state budget and profit from commercial advertising. They occupy 3 \ 5 of the market - you need to realize the numerical advantage and draw off part of the viewer audience. Updating the material and production base Possibility to rebrand. Discounts for advertisers to entice them from competitors Attracting (famous, cool) producers, creatives from the capital
Weaknesses Threats
Due to the complex system of approving new TV programs and the conservatism of the management, they do not react quickly enough to changing tastes of the audience. Distrust of citizens in state media. The content is controlled by the authorities - the program can be removed from the air or banned from showing the material, as well as dismiss one or another journalist or editor.

Successful analysis of an organization's environment requires an in-depth analysis of threats and opportunities. To do this, you need to create two matrices.

Table 2. Matrix of opportunities

Table 3. Threat matrix

The likelihood of the implementation of threats Impact of threats on the organization
Destruction Critical condition Serious condition Light bruises
High Government decision to close the TV channel Government closure of transmission Leaving advertisers to competitors Removal of material from the air by order of the government
Average Termination of government funding The departure of the majority of leading employees to competitors Dismissal of key employees by order of senior management Sickness of employees
Low Natural disaster Breakdown of filming or broadcasting equipment Lack of news feeds for local news (the situation is stable in the region, nothing is happening) Low professional level of new employees

Based on the data obtained, the following concept is proposed:

· The funding advantage will help state-owned televisions to rebrand more easily than commercial televisions. You should also purchase new equipment and improve the quality of the picture and sound.

Three channels can be categorized to further intensify competition:

1 channel - bias towards politics

2 - for entertainment and social. programs

· You can also build a broadcasting grid on three channels in such a way that people switch from entertainment programs on one channel to the same programs on another, and from political programs to political ones, thereby staying "on the same wavelength", spending more time watching TV ...

· Conduct a survey and create new entertainment programs on relevant topics.

· Attract sponsors and organize a prize show for local residents.

· To neutralize threats, it is necessary to carefully control the disseminated information. To avoid disruptions and failures of broadcasting, you need to monitor the condition of equipment, the qualifications of personnel and protect equipment from natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, etc.)

All of the above measures will help state TV channels to “drag” viewers from commercial TV channels.

Since the development of its employees is important in the development of any organization, some regulators of motivation should be considered:

Table 4. Regulators of motivation and main motivators

Motivation regulators (used to reduce the level of dissatisfaction of subordinates)
1. Working environment 2. Reward 3. Security (economic)
· Comfortable workplace · Normal hygienic and psychophysiological working conditions (noise level, dustiness, pollution, vibration, air temperature, etc.) · Equipping workplaces with modern means of mechanization and automation Good salary (plus gifts for the holidays, as well as expensive gifts for merit, memorable ones for loyalty) Fair remuneration based on performance (bonuses) · A sense of self-worth · Respect, recognition, approval from colleagues and managers · Good relationships in the team
Main motivators (used to increase the satisfaction of subordinates)
4. Personal growth 5. A sense of belonging 6. Interest and challenge
Communication Opportunities Career Opportunities Growing Influence · A sense of the usefulness of their work (boards of honor, state awards, honorary titles) · Interest and consideration by the management of the personal opinions of employees (the founder in the morning bypasses the offices of all employees and personally greets everyone. Not to catch latecomers, but to close the gap between senior management and company staff) · Joint decision-making (regularly conduct surveys of your employees on various topics: "Who was the best employee of this month", "What kind of corporate event do you want for the New Year", "Who of the company's clients pesters you more than others", etc.) It brings the team together and gives an understanding of the value of each employee) · Interesting work · Competitive effect · Setting difficult and interesting goals for TV work (very easy tasks tire employees with a high degree of need for success, and demotivate them, because they do not throw them the proper challenge. Employees with a high need for success like tasks moderate difficulties (difficult but realistic))


Now in world practice, there are two types of assessment of the effectiveness of advertising: economic, or trade (the effectiveness of the impact on sales) and communicative (the effectiveness of the psychological impact on the consciousness of people).

To calculate the economic effect, you can use the following formula:

T d - additional turnover under the influence of advertising, rubles;

Н т - trade markup for goods, in% to the selling price;

U d - additional costs for the increase in turnover, rubles.

In this case, we compare the effect obtained from the advertising event with the costs of its implementation. The results can be expressed in three ways:

  1. The effect of an advertising event is equal to the cost of its implementation.
  2. The effect of advertising is greater than the cost (profitable).
  3. The effect is less than costs (unprofitable).

However, the data obtained is still insufficient to compare the cost-effectiveness of the costs of various promotional activities. More precisely, the cost-effectiveness of advertising characterizes its profitability - the ratio of profit earned to costs:


P is the profit received as a result of advertising, rubles;

The economic efficiency of advertising can be determined by the method of targeted alternatives, when the planned and actual indicators are compared, assessed as a result of investment in an advertising campaign. Efficiency is determined using the following formula:


P f - the actual change in the amount of profit for the period of advertising (in monetary units);

П п - the planned change in the amount of profit for the period of the advertisement (in monetary units);

There is a television center in the provincial town. Broadcasting is on 5 channels (3 state and 2 commercial).

The first commercial channel specializes in politics and has a large audience. The second commercial channel is for youth and social programs.

Build a forecast of the economic or communication efficiency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Profit from sales of products is considered an indicator of the effect obtained, that is, an absolute indicator. However, in fact, the profit itself can be considered an indicator of efficiency, since both costs and effect in the form of sales proceeds are involved in its calculation.

The economic efficiency of the activities (rebranding) can be determined using the profitability indicator and the ratio of profit and cost for rebranding.

Profitability = (4)

Thus, we can conclude about the success of the activities.


Correlation analysis- a set of methods based on the mathematical theory of correlation for detecting the correlation dependence between two random signs or factors.

SPSS Statistics(abbreviation English. "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences"- "statistical package for the social sciences") - a computer program for statistical data processing, one of the market leaders in the field of commercial statistical products intended for applied research in the social sciences.



Using the SPSS software package, carry out a correlation analysis: identify the relationship and determine the degree of significance of the data from task No. 1.


To begin with, you should conduct a survey of potential viewers. The criteria for identifying and assessing the relationships should be to select the things that are most important and of interest to researchers (in this study, 3 positions are taken: age, frequency of TV viewing per month and the type of programs that viewers consider the most interesting). The interrelationships between the criteria will help to draw conclusions about CA, as well as identify important aspects and directions for further activities.

So, the first step in the work is to enter information about the variables into the program:

The first item is age (Age: numeric type, value length - three characters); the second is the type of programs of interest (ProgramTipe: numeric type, 1 character); the third is the frequency of TV viewing per month (Frequency: numeric type, 3 digits).

The second step is to add the estimated responses of eighteen respondents to the program:

An important aspect here is that the ages are divided into categories of 5 years (respectively, the age of the respondents belongs to the group closest to their answer), the type of program is also replaced by code 1, 2 or 3 (entertainment programs - 1, general education - 2, news - 3), and the frequency of views is determined by a number of suggested values: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 times a month.

Thus, after conducting a Pearson correlation analysis, SPSS produced a table of relationships:

Let's compare the correlation values ​​with the Table of gradations of correlation coefficients:

We can draw the following conclusions:

1. The Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) between the two studied variables “Age - TV viewing frequency” is +0.519. Therefore, we can conclude that there is a weak linear relationship and note a high percentage of possible error (+0, 704).

2. The PCC between the variables "Age - Type of programs" has a value of +0, 096 = no correlation.

3. The CCP between the variables "TV viewing frequency - Program type" is -0.447 => weak linear dependence.

Conclusions on correlation analysis:

Weak, but still, the relationship between age and the frequency of TV viewing per month makes it possible to divide TV viewers by age groups and choose for Ts.A. those who watch TV more or, conversely, truncate our existing Ts.A. For example, in the course of the survey, it turned out that children either do not watch TV themselves, or their parents do not allow them => the frequency of children's viewing is low. Accordingly, it would be reasonable to remove children's programs and cartoons (if any) from the broadcasting grid and replace them with programs of interest to people with a high frequency of TV viewing.

In determining the type of programs that should be launched (for example, instead of children's programs), another dependence will help - "Viewing frequency - Program type". During the course of our research, we identified people with a high viewing frequency. Next, you should determine the type of programs that interest them (to the greatest extent), by means of the simplest arithmetic calculations.

The above conclusions and relationships will help in determining the interests, needs, preferences and characteristics of the CA; in drafting the concept of broadcasting TV channels, as well as in the selection of programs for the new network. Correctly and wisely compiled consumer data, if used correctly, will undoubtedly help raise ratings and regain market position.


Such forms of collecting primary sociological information as questionnaires, interviews, postal polls, telephone interviews, impersonal polls using the InterNet or E-mail capabilities are primarily intended for mass polls. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are aimed at identifying information that reflects the knowledge, opinions, value orientations and attitudes of residents, their attitude to any phenomena of reality. And the fact that this information is based on the individual interest of the respondent and can be very subjective does not at all contradict the scientific method of obtaining it. On the contrary, the purpose of a mass survey is to obtain reliable information about the subject and object of research using the appropriate tools.

The above problems are dealt with by experts. An expert is a competent person with a deep knowledge of the subject or object of research.

Central among the selection criteria for experts is their competence. For determination, two methods are applicable, with varying degrees of accuracy: self-assessment of experts and collective assessment of the credibility of experts.

The simplest and most convenient form of self-assessment of experts is a cumulative index calculated on the basis of experts' assessment of their knowledge, experience and abilities on a rank scale with positions “high”, “medium” and “low”. In this case, the first position is assigned the numerical value "1", the second - "0, 5", the third - "0". In this case, the aggregate index - the coefficient of the expert's competence level is calculated by the formula:

K = 1/3 * (k1 + k2 + k3)

where k1 is the numerical value of the expert's self-appraisal of the level of his theoretical knowledge, k2 is the numerical value of the self-appraisal of practical experience, and k3 is the numerical value of the self-appraisal of the forecasting ability. The coefficient of the level of competence is in the range from 0 to 1. It is usually customary to include in a group of experts those whose competence index is not less than the average of 0, 5 and above –1.

The collective assessment method is used to form a group of experts in the case when they have an idea of ​​each other as specialists. Suppose we have a list of ten experts, and we ask each of them to identify the five most competent colleagues. Based on the answers, we will build a table. 1, denoting in it the numbers from 1 to 10 in the first column of those who are chosen, and in the first line of those who choose. In the cells of the table, the number "1" denotes a choice, "dash" - no choice, "0" - indicates that no one has named himself.

Table 5. Mutual assessments of experts

Who was named Who named How many times did you name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0 - - 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 5
2 1 0 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 8
3 - 1 0 - 1 - - - - - 2
4 1 1 - 0 - - 1 1 - 1 5
5 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 - 1 - 7
6 - - 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 - 5
7 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 8
8 - - - 1 - - - 0 - 1 2
9 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 0 - 5
10 1 - - - - - - 1 1 0 3
Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50

The last column of the table shows the total of votes received by the respective expert. These numbers are taken as the "weight" of opinions, they replace "units" in the table (by columns), resulting in a ranked series of assessments of the level of competence of all ten experts (Table 6).

Table 6. Adjusted mutual evaluations of experts

Who was named Who named Total score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 - - - 5 7 5 - 2 - 3 22 7
2 5 - 2 5 - 5 8 2 5 3 35 3
3 - 8 - - 7 - - - - - 15 8
4 5 8 - - - - 8 2 - 3 26 5
5 5 8 2 5 - 5 8 - 5 - 38 2
6 - - 2 - 7 - 8 2 5 - 24 6
7 5 8 2 5 7 5 - - 5 3 40 1
8 - - - 5 - - - - - 3 8 10
9 - 8 2 - 7 5 8 - - - 30 4
10 5 - - - - - - 2 5 - 12 9

Thus, if we want to form a group of five most competent experts, then, judging by the estimates in the penultimate column, we will enroll in this group experts numbered 7, 5, 2, 9, 4.

Interviews of competent persons are called expert, and survey results are called expert assessments. In the most general form, two main functions of the expert assessment method in sociological research can be distinguished: assessment of the state (including reasons) and forecasting trends in the development of various phenomena and processes of social reality.


The Art School "Parta" was instructed to conduct an expert assessment of the paintings of St. Petersburg artists, for which it is necessary to select experts from a number of leading art historians, artists and designers.

First of all, a list of candidates for experts is formed, after which they are invited to the first testing.

In the first test, candidates fill out a self-assessment questionnaire in which candidates are asked to rate themselves against several criteria. To do this, candidates must check one box for their skill level.

Table 7: Self-assessment questionnaire of the candidate for expert A.I. Gracheva

Position "high" is assigned the numeric value "1",

"Medium" = "0, 5", "low" = "0".

The calculation is made according to the formula:

K = (k1 + k2 + k3 +… + k7) / 7

where k1 is the numerical value of the expert's self-assessment of his work experience,

k2 is the numerical value of the self-assessment of the level of education,

k3 is the numerical value of self-assessment of the level of education,

The coefficient of the level of competence ranges from 0 to 1. It is usually customary to include in the group of experts those whose competence index is not less than the average 0, 5 and above –1.

Having calculated the data of the candidate A.I. Grachev using the formula, we obtain the following results:

K = (1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0) / 7 = 4/7 = 0.57

According to the results of the candidate A.I. Grachev. can be included in the expert group.

In the same way, we recruit 9 more people to the expert group.

When a group of 10 experts is assembled, the experts proceed to the second testing (using the collective assessment method).

Applicants need to indicate 5 people (besides themselves) who, in their opinion, is the best expert in discussing the new packaging of the product.

We write the received data into Table 8.

Table 8. Table of mutual evaluations of experts

Who was named Who named How many times did you name
M.V. Kondratyev K.L. Adamov Lyubimov K.P. Gnezdikov M.V. Furman V.D. M.S. Zubov A.I. Grachev Ushakova R.Yu. T.L. Kravets Ponomarev A.M.
M.V. Kondratyev -
K.L. Adamov - - - - - - -
Lyubimov K.P. - - - -
Gnezdikov M.V. - - - -
Furman V.D. - -
M.S. Zubov -
A.I. Grachev - - - -
Ushakova R.Yu. - - - - - -
T.L. Kravets - - - - - - -
Ponomarev A.M. - - - -

The last column of the table shows the total of votes received by the respective expert. These numbers are taken as the "weight" of opinions, they replace the "units" in the table (by columns), resulting in a ranked series of assessments of the level of competence of all ten experts (Table 9).

Table 9. Table of adjusted mutual evaluations of experts

Who was named Who named Total score Competence rank assessment
M.V. Kondratyev K.L. Adamov Lyubimov K.P. Gnezdikov M.V. Furman V.D. M.S. Zubov A.I. Grachev Ushakova R.Yu. T.L. Kravets Ponomarev A.M.
M.V. Kondratyev -
K.L. Adamov - - - - - - -
Lyubimov K.P. - - - -
Gnezdikov M.V. - - - -
Furman V.D. - -
M.S. Zubov -
A.I. Grachev - - - -
Ushakova R.Yu. - - - - - -
T.L. Kravets - - - - - - -
Ponomarev A.M. - - - -

To conduct an expert assessment, we need to select only 5 candidates. Based on the data of the “rank assessment of competence” in Table 9, the experts will be: MV Kondratyev, MS Zubov, VD Furman, MV Gnezdikov, AM Ponomarev.


It is necessary to conduct an expert assessment of the new packaging of products, for which it is necessary to select the right experts.

  1. We form a list of candidates.
  2. Based on their resume, portfolio and interviews, for each candidate, a questionnaire is filled out to assess the quality of a manager, such as: business qualities, abilities, cultural level, erudition, character, temperament, focus of interests, age qualification, health.

Each quality is rated from 1 to 5. (see Table 10)

Table 10. Quality assessment

To assess the qualities of candidates, a group of experts is required, consisting of at least 5 people. They assess the qualities, the results of which are filled in the individual candidate table.

The indicator of weight is determined separately for each manager on a ten-point scale.

Table 11. Assessment of the qualities of a manager

Experts Expert assessment of the qualities of candidates on a five-point scale
1 expert
2 expert
3 expert
4 expert
5 expert


where, K is the weighted average integral indicator assessing the quality of a manager in points.

j = 1,2, ... N - the ordinal number of the expert

i = 1,2, ... 8 - number of the manager's quality being assessed

αj is the weight of the j-th quality of a manager according to a ten-point system

βi - assessment by the i-th expert of the j-th quality of a manager using a five-point system

According to our data, the integral indicator of the qualities of a manager is:

K = (5 (3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 4) +6 (4 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 2) +6 (2 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 4) +8 (5 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1) +9 (3 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 3) +5 (2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 1) +10 (4 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1) +9 (3 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 1)) / 5 = 879/5 = 175.8

According to the considered weight of qualities, the minimum value of the integral indicator is 49, the average is 147, the maximum with “excellent” marks is 245 points.

The obtained indicators are compared with each other or with a reference indicator and on the basis of this 10 people are selected who are included in the expert group.

Applicants need to indicate 5 people, besides themselves, who, in their opinion, are suitable for discussing the new packaging of the product.

We write the received data into Table 12.

Table 12. Table of mutual evaluations of experts

Who was named Who named How many times did you name
1 candidate 2 candidate 3 candidate. 4 candidate 5 candidate 6 candidate 7 candidate 8 candidate 9 candidate 10 candidate
1 candidate --
2 candidate 0-
3 candidate 0-
4 candidate 0-
5 candidate 0-
6 candidate -
7 candidate -
8 candidate -
9 candidate 0-
10 candidate 0-
Total 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 52

The last column of the table shows the total of votes received by the respective expert. These numbers are taken as the "weight" of opinions, they are replaced by "units" in the table (by columns), resulting in a ranked series of assessments of the level of competence of all ten experts (Table 13).

Table 13. Table of adjusted mutual evaluations of experts

Who was named Who named How many times did you name Competence rank assessment
1 candidate 2 candidate 3 candidate. 4 candidate 5 candidate 6 candidate 7 candidate 8 candidate 9 candidate 10 candidate
1 candidate --
2 candidate 0-
3 candidate 0-
4 candidate 0-
5 candidate 0-
6 candidate -
7 candidate -
8 candidate -
9 candidate 0-
10 candidate 0-

Based on the rank score, we select the 5 most suitable candidates (candidates with the highest rank). Our team included:

  1. Candidate No. 1
  2. Candidate number 5
  3. Candidate number 9
  4. Candidate No. 4
  5. Candidate number 3


Break even- the minimum level of production or other type of economic activity, at which the amount of proceeds from the sale of the produced product, services is equal to the costs of production and circulation of this product. To make a profit, a firm, an entrepreneur must produce a quantity of a product, have a volume of activity exceeding the value corresponding to the break-even point. If the volume is below that corresponding to this point, the activity becomes unprofitable.

School of drawing and design studio "Parta" has been working since 2011. Based on the initial data in the table, it is necessary to build a break-even point.

Table 14. Key economic indicators.

The break-even point determines what the sales volume should be in order for the company to work without loss, to cover all its expenses without making a profit.

To calculate the break-even point, you need to divide the costs into two components:

  • Variable costs - increase in proportion to the increase in production (the volume of sales of goods).
  • Fixed costs - do not depend on the amount of products produced (goods sold) and on whether the volume of transactions increases or decreases.

The break-even point is of great importance in the question of the viability of the company and its solvency. So, the degree of excess of sales volumes over the break-even point determines the margin of financial strength (stability margin) of the enterprise.

Let us introduce the notation:

B - sales proceeds,

З lane - variable costs,

З post - fixed costs,

Т бд - break-even point (in monetary terms).

The formula for calculating the break-even point (in monetary terms):

T bd = V * Z pos t / (V - Z lane)

Break-even point calculation (per year):

T bd = 4,000,000 * 2 304,000 / (4,000,000 - (433,000 + 206400) = 9216000000000/3360600 = 2,742,367 r

The average value of the break-even point for the quarter will be equal to 685,591.75 rubles.

At the moment, the school-studio "Parta" is not a leader, which does not prevent it from occupying a stable position in the education market. Despite the strong decline in profits, there is still room for change. In the future, we need to invest more in advertising and new equipment. A gradual decrease in the markup for services will lead to an increase in visitors.

Communicative advertising efficiency

Informational (communicative) advertising efficiency is an indicator of the degree of impact of a specific advertising message on the target audience in terms of transmitting the necessary information and / or forming a desired point of view.

Communication effects are relatively stable judgments and associations sacred to a given trademark. With their help, a clear positioning of a trademark on the market is created and a consumer's predisposition to purchase this brand is formed. Communication effects can be a consequence of a successful advertising campaign (as well as a consequence of other types of marketing communications or their combination). J. Rossiter and L. Percy distinguish 5 communication effects:

  • - The need for a product category;
  • - Brand awareness;
  • - Attitude towards the brand;
  • - The intention to buy a product of a certain brand;
  • - Purchase promotion

Cost-effectiveness of advertising

Cost-effectiveness is sometimes also referred to as business-efficiency. The economic effect implies an assessment of the economic feasibility of the investments made. Economic efficiency usually depends on communication, in other words, the level of sales depends on the degree of psychological impact of advertising on the consumer.

It is possible to calculate the economic efficiency of individual advertising events or campaigns as a whole only indirectly due to the many unaccountable market factors. There is no way, for example, to draw a line between advertising performance and the results of your customers' contacts with other people, as well as the characteristics of seasonal sales or incidental circumstances, such as price changes or a competitor's bankruptcy. The relative economic assessment of the effectiveness of advertising is reduced to the comparison:

  • 1.the volume of sales or income received before and after the advertising campaign, and
  • 2. by matching the revenue generated to the advertising appropriation.

The calculation of the economic efficiency of an advertising campaign is made on the basis of actual data received by the company after the start of advertising activities. This will provide information on the advisability of advertising and the effectiveness of its individual means, to determine the conditions for the optimal impact of advertising on potential consumers.

The economic efficiency of advertising is determined based on the changes in the company's turnover that occur during the campaign. It is most accurate to determine the effectiveness in the case when an increase in sales of a product occurs immediately after exposure to advertising. This effect occurs when conducting an advertising campaign to promote new consumer goods. Since the purchase of durable goods is preceded by a deliberation process, the advertising effect appears after a while.

4. Methods and procedures for measuring communicative effectiveness

Every firm that invests in advertising has the right to know whether and to what extent its advertising activities contribute to the success of the firm. Many people believe that any advertisement contributes to the company's visibility, increases confidence in its products and services, forms an attractive image of the company, helping it to stand out from competitors, maintains loyalty to the company of its customers and employees, improves the opinion of the company among the general population, as well as business partners.

A firm that cares about its reputation must know how its advertising will work even before placing ads in the media in order to be able to quickly correct its undesirable effect and increase the positive one.

The communicative effectiveness of a message consists of the following complex of factors: the influence of the message on changing knowledge about the company, its products and services (cognitive level), on the formation of a positive attitude towards it (affective level), as well as on the formation of intentions to come into contact with the company, acquire it commodity (conative level).

These changes can be identified using special surveys and testing, which show:

  • 1.on the cognitive level:
    • - changes in the degree of brand actualization in the minds of representatives of the target audience;
    • - changes in the level of brand awareness;
  • 2. at the affective level:
    • - changes in the attractiveness of the brand image;
    • - presence / absence of unwanted associations;
  • 3. at the conative level:
    • - changes in the level of trust in the brand;
    • - changes in the level of “positive” interest (that is, the interest necessary to lead to contact with a company or to buy a brand).

The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on the consumer can be determined through observations, experiments, surveys.

The observation method is used to study the impact on consumers of individual advertising media. This method is passive, since the observer does not influence the buyer in any way, but, on the contrary, conducts the observation unnoticed by him. According to a previously developed scheme, the observer registers the received data, which are comprehensively analyzed. For example, he notes which stand of a trade fair or sales exhibition attracts the most attention of buyers, how long pedestrians stay at a particular showcase, how many people, after getting to know the showcase, enter the store, which product is of interest and what demand it is in demand.

The experimental method is active. It takes place under conditions artificially created by the experimenter. The experimenter can create a wide variety of combinations of advertising media and, by comparing the reaction of buyers, choose the most successful one. So, if it is necessary to assess the psychological impact on the buyer of the packaging of a product, then the same product (for example, washing powder) is placed in different packaging. The psychological effectiveness of an advertisement such as an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine is determined by the following experiment. The ad includes a coupon with the text of the request to send the prospectus, catalog. The buyer must cut this coupon and send it to the trade company, the address of which is indicated in the text of the advertisement. By the number of tickets-inquiries received from readers, the advertiser judges whether his ad was noticed in periodicals, and whether the text of his ad turned out to be sufficiently convincing and interesting. It should be noted that the small number of requests received may not be due to the poor quality of the ads, but to the fact that the advertised product itself, for some reason, was not needed by the buyers. Therefore, the method is acceptable only if it is known in advance that the advertised product is in demand.

The polling method also applies to active. The method is laborious, but much more reliable than others, since it allows to reveal directly from the buyer his attitude not only to the advertising medium as a whole, but also to the individual constituent elements of this medium. You can assess the impact of advertising on the buyer and establish which elements of its design attract the most attention and are better remembered. For this method, questionnaires are drawn up, according to a pre-developed program in writing, setting out the task of the survey in it, so that the buyer knows its purpose and tries to answer the questions more accurately.

Testing of the communicative effectiveness of an advertising message is usually carried out at two stages: before its release to the market and after it is released (in the process of an advertising campaign and as a result of it).

At the first stage, preliminary estimates are given of the quality of advertising and its ability to fulfill the assigned tasks. At the same time, several variants of one advertisement are often tested in order to choose the most successful one among them. Based on the results of the first stage of testing, it is possible to predict the effectiveness of the impact of advertising on the consumer, identify its strengths and weaknesses and, if necessary, correct the advertising message.

Indicators of communicative efficiency (psychological effect) are calculated using the following formulas:

5. Coefficient of prompting the need for services or goods - the ratio of the number of respondents who experienced a need for services (goods) as a result of advertising, to the number of respondents who received an advertising impression.

  • 6. The coefficient of persuasiveness is the ratio of the number of respondents who were convinced by advertising of the need to purchase a product (service) to the number of respondents who received an advertising impression:
  • 7. Coefficient of stimulation of interest, which is equal to the ratio of respondents, whose advertising prompted interest in the company (product, service) to the total number of respondents.

Now there are many different methods for determining the communicative effectiveness of advertising.

For example, Rosser Reeves proposed metrics for “adoption” and “engagement” to measure the effectiveness of advertising. According to his methodology, the ratio of the number of persons who remembered the advertisement to the number of persons who did not remember it is the “implementation” indicator, and the “consumption engagement” indicator is calculated as the difference between the number of buyers for every hundred persons who remembered the advertisement and the number of buyers for each a hundred people who are not familiar with advertising.

Various methods can be used to determine the communicative effectiveness of an advertising campaign. These methods include pretesting and posttesting.

Pretesting is an assessment of the effectiveness of individual components of an advertising message prior to a new advertising campaign. Pretesting is carried out in order to avoid mistakes in the development of advertising communication. Such parameters as the form and content of the appeal are checked. And the main thing is to check and choose the right target audience. If the company has chosen the wrong target audience, then the entire advertising campaign will be unsuccessful. It is also important to check and evaluate the means and channels of transmission of advertising messages. Pretesting methods include focus groups, pair comparison method, etc.

The method of comparison in pairs is that the respondents are presented with several options and they need to select the best ones, rank them according to a certain criterion.

Post-testing is a study of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign after it has been carried out.

Many existing post-testing methods can be divided into several categories:

Memory tests

Persuasiveness tests

Counting direct responses

Physiological tests.

Memorization tests are based on the assumption that some part of the information remains in the person's memory. In turn, tests for memorization are divided into two groups: tests for recall and for recognition.

A recall test is a test that assesses the recall of an advertisement by asking members of the advertising audience and asking what they remember. When determining the percentage of those who remembered an advertising appeal, the respondents are not shown the studied advertising messages, but questions are asked about what kind of advertising appeal they have seen, read, heard recently. The percentage of recalled can be measured using the non-target method, when respondents are asked to identify an advertisement message without additional prompts and using the target method, when the respondents are shown a list of product names of brands, companies and other prompting material. The use of these methods is based on the fact that the probability of purchasing a product is greater if the consumer remembers the advertising message.

Like the recall tests, recognition tests were the first to be used when evaluating print ads. One of the earliest and still one of the most popular recognition tests is named after its inventor Daniel Starch.

The Starch Test can only test print ads that have already been released. After verifying that the respondent has viewed the magazine, the respondent is shown page by page asking if he has seen or read each ad.

In the journal used for research, each ad is numbered and broken down into its component parts (such as artwork, headline, logo, or text). These parts are assigned codes. If a respondent says he remembers or has seen a particular ad in that episode, he is asked a series of questions to determine exactly which part of the ad the respondent has seen or read. The Starch test procedure gives the result in the form of the following estimates:

1. Have noticed. Percentage of respondents who say they noticed ads when viewing the magazine before.

2. Associated. Percentage of respondents who say they noticed part of the ad that contains the advertiser's name or logo.

3. Have read most of them. Percentage of respondents who say they read half or more of the ad copy.

The basic form of the persuasiveness test is that consumers are first asked what they are likely to buy. They are then shown an advertisement for the brand name. They are then asked again what they intend to buy. The results are analyzed to determine if their intent to buy has increased as a result of viewing ads.

Direct Response Counting are evaluation tests that count the number of viewers or readers requesting additional information or purchasing an item.

So, based on the above, we can conclude that the assessment of the effectiveness of advertising is one of the most difficult problems in advertising practice, since it is generally associated with the study of a set of mutually influencing factors and issues, which are often almost impossible to measure.

Difficulties in determining the effectiveness of advertising lie in the fact that it is absolutely impossible to determine the effectiveness of an advertising campaign in most cases, since there is a problem of determining the results of advertising. If the result is an increase in the sale of goods, then the question arises: what period of time to take into account?

The most accurate determination of the effect of advertising is possible only if the increase in sales of goods occurs immediately after the exposure to advertising. This is most likely in cases where new FMCG products are advertised. At the same time, the effect of advertising for expensive industrial equipment may not appear immediately.

The difficulty in accurately assessing the effectiveness of advertising is also due to the fact that in the process of conducting an advertising campaign, the consumer is influenced by many objective and subjective factors - the instability of the marketing environment associated with the activities of competitors, the seasonality of demand.

Despite the above problems, the advertiser needs to evaluate the effectiveness of the ad. Even a rough estimate will provide information on the advisability of allocating funds for advertising and the effectiveness of certain funds.

What is the communicative effectiveness of advertising? This is the degree and quality of the impact of the advertising message on the consciousness and subconsciousness of the buyer. The communicative effectiveness of advertising should answer some important questions that directly relate to the advertiser's return on investment:

  • - Does the advertising message attract attention?
  • - is information about the company saved?
  • - how is the information assessed by the audience (positive / negative)?
  • - what is the degree of persuasiveness of the advertisement?
  • - how much does advertising encourage consumer actions?

Despite the fact that the psychological effectiveness of advertising is very difficult to assess, since it belongs to the field of a person's subjective opinion, it is necessary to know this. After all, an entrepreneur does not invest money anywhere without first analyzing all the risks and assessing the profitable potential of the segment? How is advertising different? Actually, none. According to the advertiser, advertising should bring some result, justify the investment, therefore, its effectiveness should be studied.

The ordered marketing research, which is based both on economic indicators (the economic efficiency of advertising is being studied) and on social and communicative indicators (the information efficiency of advertising is studied, respectively), can help the customer in this.

There is a great variety of methods for studying the consumer audience in service today. Of course, it is costly and problematic to carry out them, but the theoretical basis is presented as broadly as possible.

Methods for studying the communicative effectiveness of advertising are divided into three stages:

  • - before the start of the advertising campaign
  • - during an advertising campaign
  • - after the advertising campaign

The most approximate results can be done by research before starting a marketing campaign. Usually all experiments are conducted in small target groups, and they are based on the variant presentation of advertising messages. For example, when using the method of assessing psychological perception, respondents are invited to consider several advertisements that tell about the same thing, but by different means. The assessment is carried out on a 10-point scale. Then the respondents are asked some psychological points, such as "why did you choose this particular ad?" etc.

And, for example, when using the memorability assessment method, it becomes possible to determine how well an advertisement and the products and names called by it are remembered. For this, a group of subjects are presented for listening or watching several versions of the advertising message and subsequently asked to name those that are most remembered and why.

Sufficiently trained experienced people, the so-called experts, can act as respondents. They, with the help of questionnaires, are able to give a fairly competent opinion about the proposed advertising. Experiments are quite effective. The advertising message is either launched in a trial version (a small amount of the planned amount), or a real situation is simulated under artificial conditions.

For example, a small banner is placed in a specific location surrounded by competitive advertisements. The respondent should walk past them, and then tell which one he remembered most. There are many ways to use experiments.

The communicative effectiveness of advertising during an advertising campaign can give some effect. For example, you can simply limit yourself to a passive assessment of the audience's behavior (how many people turned their heads at a street banner or how long they lingered in a store in front of a cardboard structure), or you can conduct an active assessment. For example, you can conduct audience surveys by phone or directly at the point of sale, or you can launch an interactive (this is especially suitable for printed materials and the Internet). You can try to track the attendance of the advertised object before and after the start of the advertising campaign. The simplest is the survey. You simply ask your customer how they found out about your company and services. Of course, the answers can be very different, someone will probably forget how they learned from you. But you can still make some extracts.

The piggy bank of methods of communicative effectiveness of advertising after an advertising campaign also looks rich today. In addition, it is able to give the most accurate results, because advertising, by its very nature, is focused precisely on long-term influence. Which, over time, will only grow in a person's head due to many factors. Therefore, it is useful to conduct research after the campaign.

All methods are based on working with the audience, with respondents who are asked to answer some questions or assess what they saw. For example, using the Gallup-Robinson method, respondents are asked to consider several brands. And it is proposed to answer the question whether they remember these trademarks in one or another information channel (newspaper or the Internet).

Another interesting method is called the Starch method. The respondents are asked to flip through the printed advertising publication and mark memorable advertising messages. Then the degree of interest and involvement of the respondent is noted - whether he read the advertisement and remembered its content, or just watched.

We will not open America for you if we say that an absolute minority of advertisers conduct marketing research on their own advertising campaigns. Probably, this is done only by big companies interested in large-scale development. Much depends on the advertiser's own knowledge (his knowledge of what kind of advertising and where it is more effective to give), as well as the persistence of advertising managers of print media, TV channels and advertising agencies.

To help such a majority, many methods and models of the communicative effectiveness of advertising have been developed. The fact is that they do not investigate the results of a specific advertising campaign, but they do provide information on how to increase the communicative effectiveness of advertising at the preliminary stage.

Two-stage communication model. It is based not only on the model of the media - the audience, but also includes an intermediate model in the form of “opinion leaders”. Who are they? These are people who have authority in a certain place and others listen to their opinion. Here, in addition to mass communication, the problem of the development of interpersonal communication arises. This means working with opinion leaders. Who can they be? Obviously not young people. These are middle-aged and older people, heads of families, parents, grandparents. To influence them, it is necessary to study the behavior of these categories of buyers and try to apply some methods of attracting their attention to services, goods, or the company itself.

The Noel-Norman model. A very interesting communication model, which is based on the collective consciousness of a person. A person feels that he is part of a whole team, and, in most cases, tries to think and behave like others. According to this theory, buyers need to be turned into a minority, as a member of a minority is usually silent and does not express an opinion. Therefore, blindly obeys the group. For example, such a publicity stunt: “Only 10% of people brush their teeth regularly and thoroughly for 10 minutes a day. Let's see their teeth. Mmmm…. Cleanest! Now let's look at the average person who doesn't clean with Colgate. What a nightmare, some holes and caries! Do you take care of your teeth? Clean them with Colgate ... ”- uses exactly the method of turning the majority into a minority.

Hierarchy of Incentives: AIDA and AIMDA Model. These are the most recognized and well-established models of marketing operations. These are the theories of personal selling, which were developed in the first half of the 20th century. The AIDA model is built from the first letters of the main four components of the stages of personal sales: attention-interest-desire-action. It's simple. First, you need to attract attention, then stir up interest, arouse desire, which will lead to action. From stage to stage it is necessary to move gradually, carefully. Without arousing the interest of the goods, it is not worth talking about the buyer's action right away - he will simply leave. In the AIMDA model, a motive (M) is added, which "prompts" the buyer that he needs this product. In reality, AIMDA is simply improving on the classic AIDA model, but don't underestimate the degree of motive.

Levidge - Steiner model. This model is already more marketing, "commercial". The basis for increasing sales is awareness (that is, the buyer must know about the existence of the product), which is reinforced by a positive attitude (I want to buy this particular product), after which the product is purchased and, more importantly, the repeated purchase. In the world of marketing, there are still many different theories that have been tested in practice. This is a real book, which is constantly updated with new knowledge. Don't miss them!


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