Why an obstetrician. Childbirth: how will it be? What the doctor and the midwife of the hospital do. Anesthesiologist: Pain Control

Many different specialists work in the maternity hospital, but most of all a pregnant woman is interested in who exactly from the medical staff will be with her in the maternity ward. We will tell you about the medical specialists who will be there at the crucial moment of childbirth.

Obstetrician-gynecologist: leader and assistant

The chief medical specialist in the Rodblok is an obstetrician-gynecologist. Its task is to make strategic decisions. This means that it is the obstetrician-gynecologist who decides in what way a woman can give birth, monitors the progress of childbirth and the state of the woman in labor and the child at this time. Without the doctor's instructions, none of the staff of the delivery unit can make any appointments or manipulations that may affect the course of labor. And this is justified: after all, it is he who is responsible for everything that the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes and does in the birth block. Looking ahead, we will say that the doctor does not accept the child directly during childbirth - this is the work of a midwife. Then what does this specialist do in practice?

First, the doctor examines the woman in labor, learns about the course of the pregnancy, and draws up a plan for the management of childbirth. Then the obstetrician observes the woman's condition during childbirth, although he is not constantly present with her in the maternity ward. In the first stage of labor, the doctor examines the woman in labor every hour, conducts a vaginal examination in order to assess the birth process, to determine how the baby moves along the birth canal. In addition, the obstetrician-gynecologist evaluates the test results (CTG), monitors the opening of the cervix, the nature of labor and others.

Also, the doctor leading the birth does such manipulations as amniotomy (puncture) or episiotomy (perineal incision). He also decides at what point an anesthesiologist is needed, and also prescribes the necessary medications. During the birth of the baby, the doctor is next to the midwife and monitors how she provides the obstetric benefit. After the baby is born, the obstetrician-gynecologist records the time of his birth, examines the postpartum woman and assesses her condition. In addition, the doctor must observe the signs of separation of the placenta, and after her birth, he examines and assesses its condition and integrity.

A woman has the right to know what medical procedures are being performed on her. She can always ask a doctor or midwife what this or that appointment is for and whether it can be replaced with something.

If, when the baby passes through the birth canal, tears form in the mother's soft tissues or incisions are made, the obstetrician-gynecologist sutures. He also has to perform more serious operations: for example, with incomplete separation of the placenta. Even after childbirth, the doctor does not disregard the mother. He will definitely appear in the ward the same day or the next to see how his patient is feeling, to find out if she is worried about anything, and to make recommendations for the future.

Now you can conclude a contract for the management of childbirth with a personal obstetrician-gynecologist. This means that as early as the 36th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother meets the doctor, discusses her birth plan with him, and the doctor, in turn, talks about what will happen and in what sequence during childbirth. It is convenient for both the doctor and the expectant mother, because psychological contact is established between them at the time of childbirth, and this always has a positive effect on the course of childbirth.

Midwife: Right Hand

The midwife is the nurse in the maternity hospital. Each department of the maternity hospital has its own midwives, and their tasks are different - for example, the midwife of the admission department meets the expectant mother and fills out her documents, conducts an initial examination and helps to perform hygiene procedures (puts an enema, helps with shaving the perineum). Midwives also have a lot to do in the pathology or postpartum ward: they usually carry out normal nursing duties. But the midwife of the maternity ward has the most important task - to help the woman in childbirth, to receive the child and to conduct his primary toilet. What is her job?

The word "midwife" comes from the French accoucheur, which literally translates as "the one who stands at the bed," and its modern meaning is a helper during childbirth.

During childbirth, the midwife, like the doctor, regularly examines the woman in labor, determines how much the cervix has opened, where the baby's head is. As prescribed by the doctor, the midwife measures blood pressure and pulse, sets up a CTG device. And she can also tell you how to breathe or restrain correctly if the cervix is ​​not yet open enough or the head of the fetus has not sunk to the pelvic floor.

During the second stage of labor, after the baby's head has erupted (that is, when the head does not disappear back into the vagina between attempts), the help of a midwife is especially needed. In order for the head not to move forward too quickly and strongly, the midwife assists the woman, thereby protecting her perineum from damage. During the birth of the baby, the midwife gently guides the baby's head, and then, after birth, helps the baby to turn around and release the shoulders.

As soon as the pulsation of the umbilical cord stops, the midwife puts clamps on it and crosses it (if the child's father is present at childbirth, then they can entrust him to cut the umbilical cord). Traditionally, the midwife shows the baby to the mother, asking: "Who was born?" After this, the baby is applied to the breast of the puerpera for some time, and then transferred to the changing table for processing.

The midwife washes the baby with warm water, removing blood, mucus, meconium, and wipes the baby with a warm, sterile diaper. Then he processes the umbilical cord: he puts a clamp on it, and then a bracket. The remainder of the umbilical cord is cut off and treated with an antiseptic, then a sterile bandage is applied. While the neonatologist evaluates the condition of the newborn, the midwife, together with the obstetrician-gynecologist, monitors the birth of the placenta, then, if necessary, empties the bladder of the postpartum woman using a catheter.

As you can see, the midwife of the maternity ward is really a top-class professional - she manages to help both mother and baby.

Anesthesiologist: Pain Control

As part of each team on duty, an anesthesiologist and a nurse of the anesthesiology-resuscitation department must be present. They come to the maternity ward if a woman wants to give birth with pain relief. First, the doctor asks the woman about her state of health, examines her, examines the test results, finds out if she is allergic to any medications. All this is necessary in order to choose the right type of anesthesia and prevent unwanted reactions.

Then the anesthesiologist decides which type is best to use (in each case individually). The doctor is assisted by a nurse-anesthetist: she draws the medicine into a syringe, injects it into a vein, and measures blood pressure. Having anesthetized childbirth (most often done), the anesthesiologist is constantly next to the woman. He monitors how the anesthesia affects the woman in labor (whether the contractions are sufficiently anesthetized), decides when to add the medicine, and when it is already possible to stop the anesthesia.

Neonatologist: the first children's doctor

Shortly before the birth of the baby, a new character appears in the birth block - a neonatologist (pediatrician for newborn babies). Immediately after birth, he should listen to the baby's heart, breathing, check muscle tone, reflexes and skin color. Based on these observations, the baby is graded on a scale (for example, 8/9). If necessary, medical procedures are immediately carried out (freeing the upper respiratory tract from mucus, restoring the normal rhythm of breathing and heartbeat).

Then the neonatologist decides which department to transfer the baby to. In maternity hospitals of the old type, this is the children's department. In modern maternity hospitals there are “mother-child” departments, in which the mother and the child can constantly be together, in such maternity hospitals the baby and the healthy mother are not separated from the first minutes.

Comment on the article "Childbirth: how will it be? What do the doctor and midwife of the hospital do"

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More on the topic "Childbirth in the hospital. Who will help the woman in labor?":

Make an appointment with a doctor or midwife? Dear, as you plan or as it was with you, about the agreement on childbirth. It is possible to negotiate directly with the head of the clan. departments of the maternity hospital. But it will be paid. This time again I want my husband to be present.

The birth contract is issued after 36 weeks. My friend, who had a difficult time And if so, I have no idea how to get to the doctor who takes delivery at 20 weeks?

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, cesarean section, giving. To go to the gynecologist or not go anywhere and just wait for the birth, and what if something is wrong?

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, cesarean section, giving. Apparently, it all depends on the qualifications of the doctor taking delivery, and not on the oil) ...

Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. I will say to myself, I take only multivitamins for the entire pregnancy and nothing else, I took it in the first take and during feeding.

It was the doctor who took delivery of my childbirth both times, the midwives were purely auxiliary personnel. Of course, a midwife can independently take a normal childbirth, but where is the guarantee that everything will be 100% normal. What the doctor and the midwife of the hospital do.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, cesarean section, giving. And this is taking into account at least 300 grams of brandy, taken on the breastbone in advance!

Then the midwife came up and announced in an categorical voice: "We will give birth vertically!" They sat me down on a bed with a rising back, I found myself squatting, only my legs were slightly lower than on Rhoda: how will it be? What the doctor and the midwife of the hospital do.

With whom is it better to arrange a childbirth with a doctor or midwife? For the first time I made an agreement right on the spot, I really liked the midwife, I would like to give birth with her again, but I don’t know how to do it technically. A midwife probably only on her shift can ... Or better with a doctor ...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, cesarean section, giving. I think it's not special. courses need to be looked for, and a doctor who can give birth to her and in case ...

Doctor and midwife. Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. A midwife is actually a woman who will be with you in the delivery room during labor (she will help you lie down and get up, give you an extra blanket, let or won't let you into the shower. What do the doctor and midwife of the maternity hospital do).

In general, I am in pain in front of doctors and therefore I know that I need someone to support me in the maternity hospital. Childbirth: how will it be? What the doctor and the midwife of the hospital do. There are many different specialists working in the maternity hospital, but most of all pregnant K ...

On the one hand: the midwife will probably be better at giving orders - how to do what to help the process and the baby. I have my first childbirth in the hospital. after which What do the doctor and the midwife of the hospital do. Rodblok doctors: obstetrician-gynecologist, midwife, anesthesiologist, neonatologist.

Who took castor oil to stimulate labor, tell us if it helps, what sensations (whether there will be pain and colic in the intestines), is it mild and does it not feel sick after taking it? I am...

A midwife differs from a doctor in the same way that a nurse differs from a doctor. For a midwife, a higher medical education is not necessary (or not necessary), they are trained in medical schools. all decisions - when what to do Childbirth: how will it be? What the doctor and the midwife of the hospital do.

I asked my midwife how many clients she had. what happens if my midwife is busy or away. mine takes 30 clients a year. What do the doctor and the midwife of the maternity hospital do. If through the insurance company, then she and Sechenovka have a special policy, which includes ...

Childbirth: how will it be? What the doctor and the midwife of the hospital do. Rodblok doctors: obstetrician-gynecologist, midwife, anesthesiologist, neonatologist. What to do during childbirth. Looking ahead, we will say that the doctor does not accept the child directly during childbirth - this is the work of a midwife.

Midwife and midwife - not all expectant mothers know what the difference is between these two main helpers in childbirth. Some women believe that in childbirth everything depends on the doctor, others - that on the professionalism of the midwife. In fact, in childbirth, the work of each specialist is important, but what exactly each of them does, we will tell you in more detail.

Obstetrician-gynecologist: who is this?

An obstetrician (or, to put it correctly, an obstetrician-gynecologist) is a doctor. For six years he studied at a medical institute, that is, he has a higher medical education, then for another two years he was trained in the specialty "obstetrics and gynecology". And only after that the doctor has the right to start official work. By the way, a doctor can have many specializations: someone deals only with gynecology (female diseases of the genital organs), others help women get pregnant if there are problems with this (reproductologists), and still others - to endure a pregnancy (a specialist in miscarriage). There are obstetricians-gynecologists who only conduct pregnancy (in an antenatal clinic or a medical clinic), and do not accept childbirth. And there are doctors working in the maternity hospital (for example, in the pathology department or in the postpartum department), and at the same time taking delivery (on duty or under contract).

Obstetrician during childbirth

In childbirth, the obstetrician has his own job: he controls the entire process, and only he decides what to do and how to proceed. Specifically, the doctor regularly examines the woman in labor, prescribes examinations, evaluates their results, and determines the tactics of labor management. That is, he looks after the entire course of childbirth. Many manipulations are also done by the doctor: he opens the fetal bladder, conducts an episiotomy (perineal incision), sutures the tears after childbirth, makes manual separation of the placenta. And of course the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the birth performs a cesarean section. After giving birth, the doctor also has a lot of work: he assesses the degree of blood loss, decides whether any medical prescriptions and medications are needed. Then the doctor determines when the mother should be transferred to the postpartum department, when she can get up, what to eat and, finally, when the woman can be discharged from the hospital. It turns out that during and after childbirth, the obstetrician is the most important among all medical workers.

Midwife - who is this?

The word "midwife" comes from the French accoucheur, which literally translates as "the one who stands at the bed", and its modern meaning is a helper during childbirth. But do not confuse the midwife with the now fashionable doulas or the so-called spiritual midwives. Unlike the midwife, the doula does not provide medical care; her work is more focused on moral and psychological support. By the way, they study at the doula for only a few months, sometimes even online. A midwife is a specialist with a secondary medical education. This specialty is obtained in a medical college and trained as a midwife for three or four years. And the work of a midwife in childbirth is no less serious and important than that of a doctor.

Midwife - what does she do?

As soon as a woman enters the delivery unit, the midwife, with or without a doctor, examines the woman in labor and determines at what stage the birth process is. Then the main medical task of the midwife is to constantly watch how the cervix is ​​opening and check where the baby's head is. The midwife will inform the doctor about all these changes. The midwife must also measure the mother's pressure and pulse and, if necessary, carry out any doctor's prescriptions: for example, to give injections or install a CTG apparatus. By the way, the midwife does not have the right to independently decide how the childbirth will take place, or to prescribe any medical procedures - all this is the doctor's business.

Another important task of the midwife, and of the doctor as well, is to calm and support her if she is having a hard time with contractions, to explain what is happening to her and to the child. And the obstetrician and midwife can tell you how to breathe correctly or restrain attempts, how to find a comfortable position to endure contractions.

If there are several births in the hospital at once, then the midwife is forced to constantly approach one woman in labor, then another. She simply does not have time for psychological support, to have time to provide medical assistance! Therefore, it is often possible to hear that a woman saw the midwife only immediately at the moment of the birth of the child (at this time the midwife is always next to the mother)

Birth of a child

In the second stage of labor, the midwife does her most important job: she directly controls the process of giving birth. She tells her mother when to push, and when to restrain the push, this is the time when the midwife is in charge of childbirth. And so that the head does not move forward too quickly and strongly, the midwife restrains it with her hand, thereby protecting the perineum from damage. During the birth of the baby, the midwife gently, and then, after her birth, helps the baby to turn around and release the shoulders.

Routine medical manipulations performed by the midwife in labor, the woman in labor herself almost does not pay attention (at this time she simply does not have time), much more significant for her is the other work of a midwife

Important little things

After the baby is born, the midwife puts clamps on the umbilical cord and crosses it (if the father is present at the birth, he can do this). Traditionally, the midwife shows the baby to the mother, asking: "Who was born?" After that, the baby is applied to the mother's breast, and then transferred to the changing table for processing. And here again there is work for the midwife: she washes the baby with warm water, removes blood, mucus, meconium and wipes the baby with a warm sterile diaper. Then he puts a brace on the umbilical cord, cuts off the remainder of the umbilical cord. While the neonatologist evaluates the condition of the newborn, the midwife, together with the obstetrician-gynecologist, monitors the birth of the placenta, then the obstetrician looks to see if there are any parts of the placenta left in the uterus, and the midwife weighs and measures the “baby's place”. But, again, all these medical manipulations of the obstetrician and midwife for the mother herself go unnoticed, she simply does not see them.

And finally, the doctor, together with the midwife, monitor the mother's condition within two hours after the end of childbirth in order to prevent possible bleeding.

A woman has the right to know what medical procedures are being performed on her. She can always ask a doctor or midwife what a particular appointment is for and whether it can be replaced with something.

As you can see, the obstetrician and midwife of the maternity ward are really top-class professionals - they manage to monitor the condition of both the mother and the baby and at the same time help them. Each of them does their job, and together they are a real team!

Photo - photobank Lori

The profession of an obstetrician

An obstetrician is a doctor who accompanies a woman from the beginning of pregnancy to the birth of a child, observing the condition of the expectant mother and baby during this entire long period. An obstetrician-gynecologist, examining a woman during the entire period of pregnancy, becomes her mentor, who must study his ward in order to facilitate the period of childbirth. The obstetrician takes delivery, which takes place without complications, gives injections to the woman in labor, can take part in simple gynecological operations. The obstetrician also monitors the development of children under one year of age.

The profession of an obstetrician is one of the oldest and most demanded. So, during the birth of mankind, women in labor did not use help, but gave birth to offspring alone, independently biting the baby's umbilical cord. And only in a primitive society, women who were wise by experience began to help a woman in labor. There is also an opinion that the practice of caesarean section began at that time. At the beginning of the 20th century, midwives helped women in labor, who used the knowledge accumulated by generations. ...

"Midwife" is translated from French as "standing at the bed." The ancient superstitions associated with childbirth and obstetrics are receding into the background and forgotten, at the same time the profession of an obstetrician-gynecologist is becoming more complicated and requires much more experience and skill. So, a specialist needs knowledge from the management of pregnancy, both normal and with complications, and to caring for newborns and feeding them.

The profession of an obstetrician-gynecologist always remains in demand, because almost every woman goes from pregnancy to childbirth, the entire period of which she is accompanied by an obstetrician-gynecologist, designed to support, help the woman in labor and accept the baby.

Nowadays, a fairly large amount of knowledge is required from an obstetrician-gynecologist that will help to facilitate a woman's childbirth, provide competent care for a newborn in the first moments of his life, and also make the only correct decision in an emergency.

There are a large number of medical colleges and colleges where you can get the noble profession of obstetrician. Only girls who study for an average of 3 years are admitted to the specialty "obstetrics". During this period, future doctors undergo preclinical and clinical practice. During preclinical practice, students in classrooms, using mannequins, study the theory of childbirth. During clinical practice, future obstetricians-gynecologists receive practical skills and are tested for suitability for this profession.

A very useful post by midwife Olga Miroshnichenko about why individual midwives are needed during childbirth ("soft childbirth" programs in the hospital, etc.):

Now there are many posts in which somehow very differently describe the work of midwives. I wanted to tell you what individual midwives do maternity hospital under the programs "soft childbirth", "home birth", "in the hospital, like at home" ... There may be many variants of names, but the essence is the same: an individual approach to each birth.
Acquaintance with a midwife occurs much earlier than the birth begins: at courses, at "midwife gatherings", at midwife appointments, individual lessons or just in a cafe. At such meetings, mutual understanding is established or, on the contrary, it becomes obvious that it does not arise. In addition, when communicating before childbirth, there is an opportunity to discuss everything that is important to you in this process, and sometimes adjust your expectations, bring them closer to reality. Courses are, in my opinion, the most reliable option, because During the lectures, you can understand in much more detail the professional position of the midwife, her temperament, the way of presenting information - to feel how close and accessible all this is to you, whether you want this particular specialist to be with you in childbirth.
Further, briefly, point by point.
How does an individual midwife help during childbirth?
1. It will help to determine whether it is really childbirth, or while the harbingers of labor.
2. Will be able, if there are no contraindications, to come home to the woman in labor, where, under her supervision, part of the initial period of childbirth can pass in a calm, familiar environment for the couple. Dads quite often, realizing that everything is under control, go to bed or go on business, depending on the time of day and their plans.
3. It will help you quickly go through the registration procedure in the maternity hospital, tk. in the admissions department will do some of the work of the local midwife. It will help to change clothes, bypassing the standard "completely undress, put on this shirt." For many, it is important to stay in their own shirt and underwear (especially important if the waters are flowing) - the presence of "their midwife" completely removes the acuteness of the problem.
4. Will become a "guide in the maternity hospital": it will help the mother and the future dad navigate if he takes part in childbirth. For dads, who are not involved in the process of helping the woman in labor, it is important to find a place where they would not interfere, but could quickly join their wife, when they call. The issue of nutrition and rest for dads is also successfully solved by the forces of a midwife.
5. Will create optimal conditions for the natural passage of childbirth: dim light, calm atmosphere, warmth, no unnecessary conversations. To do this, we often turn on quiet, calm music (background sound), light candles and / or an aroma lamp.
6. If necessary, with the help of massage, aromatherapy, bath, the midwife will help to cope with discomfort during labor. It happens that a bath and a massage are needed at the same time - then we combine this - we massage in water, while the oil allows you to massage both soft and effective
7. If there are difficulties, the midwife will tell you how to breathe better, what position to choose, so that in this particular case it would be easier to experience contractions and / or help the child move along the birth canal. These recommendations are based on the experience and knowledge gained from teaching midwifery.
8. If medical manipulations are necessary, the midwife will inform about the current situation, explain the sequence of the procedure, tell about possible alternative options so that the woman in labor can make her decision. Can a doctor do this? Certainly! But the doctor does not always have enough time to explain all the nuances and sort out the woman's doubts. And often a midwife is a much more familiar person for a woman in labor than a doctor (a contract for a dezh team, for example, or just one meeting with a doctor before childbirth).
9. The midwife can be in touch with relatives so that they do not worry, but also do not distract the woman in labor with their calls.
10. In the final stages of labor, the midwife will help the woman to get into the most comfortable position, receive the baby and ensure the reunion of mother and baby. Put it on your stomach or give it to your mom, take care of the comfort for the newborn and mom - warm, dark and quiet
After the birth of the baby, in the early postpartum period, the midwife:
- will closely monitor the condition of the newborn and mother;
- give him tasty and healthy postpartum tea, feed his mother. If you did not take food with you, then he will take care of delivery in advance.
- redeems the newborn, if necessary, then processes the umbilical cord;
- will help to attach the newborn to the breast, monitor the correct grip of the nipple, give the first recommendations for organizing breastfeeding;
- in 2-3 hours after giving birth, he will transfer the mother and the newborn to the postnatal department, help to settle down there.
I wrote this in almost official language - it turned out a little dry, but this is not about childbirth, but about the "functional" of the midwife.
In my opinion, all this is done by only one person, and not a whole team of assistants.
At one birth, a woman explained to me why her husband was waiting in the corridor and not helping her in the ward: "Each additional person present at the birth lengthens it by at least an hour." I don't know where she got such "statistics" from, but I agree that everyone brings their own energy into the space of childbirth, and while it integrates into the already formed space, time passes. It is very rare, but it happens that it is the midwife who has to integrate. The couple was already in the hospital at the time of her arrival, and they themselves formed the space in which childbirth is already taking place. Not so long ago I had such an experience - I came to them, literally, on tiptoe, fearing to disturb them.
About the doula. If the doula was preparing the couple for childbirth, then she herself becomes that "guide" for the couple, through which it is easier for them to perceive information, to orient themselves in what is happening. Doula is unable to deliver on her own, but finds a doctor and midwife whose "performance" she enjoys leading childbirth - and recommends them to her clients. Such cooperation is quite harmonious and effective. The option, when the midwife suggests to the doula "suddenly I will be tired", I do not like and causes rejection. If I (the midwife) are tired, then I will find a replacement - I will hand over the birth to another midwife who can do everything, no worse than me. Beforehand, I will tell her all the important details of obstetric care and the characteristics of the couple. In this case, the giving birth will not have to pay extra for one more team member for the delivery. Most medical centers cooperating with maternity hospitals provide for such a replacement, therefore, two midwives are included in the contract, and the woman gets acquainted with both in advance.

At the moment, an individual midwife can be at birth only if a contract is concluded at the hospital. In some maternity hospitals it is possible to conclude a contract for a team on duty (the birth will be carried out by the doctors on duty at this time), but more often the contract is concluded for a specific doctor. There are maternity hospitals that provide an “individual midwife for childbirth” service. You can get acquainted with the midwife in advance (usually, also more than one, because there may be a duty). I can't write about their work - I don't know the details.
This post describes the functionality and capabilities of individual midwives working in different centers in Moscow. I will not list, so as not to miss someone, and so that there is no advertising.

“I love my job and am still proud of my profession. What could be better when mothers go to the hospital with smiles on their faces? "

And also midwife of the highest qualification category Elena Kardashian loves to travel very much. In her family, all the girls are mother, sister and nieces. Most of them are from March. Mom was born on March 8, the eldest niece was born on the 7th, and two more grandchildren were born on March 4 and 5. By the way, the midwife Elena Vladimirovna received all her nieces with her own hand.

First man

In her work book - the only record of employment, made 23 years ago. The personnel officer laughs: “A copy of the labor? There is nothing to shoot! "

Even when I was at school, I worked in socially useful work as a nurse in the maternity hospital number 1, - says Elena Vladimirovna. - And I fell in love with the profession of a midwife from the age of 14! Therefore, I immediately entered a medical school. Did you know that the word "midwife" in translation from French means "standing at the bed"? This is probably why men are not hired for this specialty.

The practice took place with us on the basis of the second maternity hospital. The first time, when we, eight girls, came to the maternity ward, the midwife examined us carefully and for some reason chose me: "Come on, you will assist me!" I washed my hands and went, neither alive nor dead with excitement. It was scary, but very interesting! And I immediately realized that I was not mistaken with the profession.

Then the deputy chief physician for obstetrics and gynecology Vera Pavlovna Karpenko told me: "If you graduate from college - only here, to us!"

I was also lucky with the teachers: Alexandra Nikolaevna Novikova taught us obstetrics and instilled not only love for the profession, but also cleanliness, decency in relation to work, to a woman in labor. In general, starting with the appearance (to look neat, tidy, fit and benevolent, no frown!) And ending with high professionalism to the smallest detail. A midwife must have the highest qualifications: she is the first person whose hands take a new person into the world!

According to Kamchatstat, 2,430 babies were born in the regional center in 2015, which is 2 babies or 0.1% more than in the previous year. As of January 1, 2016, the population of the Kamchatka Territory was 316.5 thousand people, having decreased by 789 people over the year. The decrease in the population of the region is due to the migration outflow (1,314 people). The natural population growth was 525 people.

By the way, in our profession, physical strength is an important component. During a shift, you will bend over so many times, support, help the woman get up and lie down, take the childbirth - and all with your hands. You get so full that you don't feel the limbs. You spend days on your feet, practically without sitting down. Plus an emotional and mental load - after all, we have two lives in our hands, a mother and a child. But it happens that they give birth two or three times in a row. This was earlier, in the second half of the 90s, when the birth rate began to fall sharply, one or two women gave birth per day, and it happened that the watch took place without giving birth at all. And now, on average, there are 6-7 births, sometimes up to 10 per shift at normal times, and if the first maternity hospital is closed for prophylaxis, then it reaches 18. When to sit here?

I worked at all posts, I can, if necessary, replace any midwife, even the senior. But a leadership position is not for me. After all, she worked as a senior midwife for two years and wrote a statement - back to the post.

Absolute positive

- Did you have any critical situations during childbirth?

Sure, but most of them ended well. Rescued women with bleeding and other violations of labor. The specificity of our work is that you never know what will happen. It happens that a woman was seen by a gynecologist, the whole pregnancy proceeded normally, and everything ends in pathology. But we have a very close-knit team, a team of professionals, we understand each other from half a word and half a glance, in critical situations everyone knows what to do and acts quickly, everything is worked out to the smallest detail.

In physiological childbirth, our task is not to interfere! Childbirth goes by itself, nature has worked everything wisely. We only teach a woman to push, advise how to behave, how to breathe.

I believe that every midwife should be issued a psychology diploma. After all, women who come to us are afraid. For myself, for the child. Especially for the first time: they have never experienced such pain as during childbirth. Reassuring, attuning to a successful outcome is one of our most important tasks. It is no secret that some women come with a negative attitude - unfortunately, the attitude towards medicine in society has not been the most favorable lately.

The midwife should reassure the woman and tune in to a favorable outcome. Photo: Shutterstock.com

- Yes, there are enough critical arrows in your direction ...

You know, if satisfied women, of whom there are much more, would write in the media about their impressions, the attitude in society would be different! But the paradox is that happy people are not up to it. One woman came to me recently for her third child and said the invaluable phrase: “I gave birth to you for the first time in 2009, and only because of you I decided to give birth again. Thank you for your attentive and sincere attitude! " And many women, when they have already given birth, tell us: "You are real wizards!"

Obstetrics is one of the areas of medicine that carries an absolute positive. Because the agony ends with the appearance of a screaming toddler and the woman experiences happiness and joy. And we are happy with her!

Blue and pink

- How do the first minutes of life begin?

- I process the umbilical cord at the newborn, wipe it with a sterile napkin and carry it to the doctor: in the first minutes he is examined by a neonatologist. We measure the circumference of the chest and head, height, weight. Everything is fixed and recorded on tags that are fixed on the child's handle. Girls have pink tags, boys blue.

Two hours after giving birth, a woman lies in the delivery room - this period is considered the most responsible and dangerous, when complications may arise. And the baby is next to the mother: immediately after giving birth, we put it on her stomach, she puts the baby to the breast.

In general, now the tendency is to approach natural childbirth, only pain relief, a minimum of stimulation and medication. Each woman in labor has a heart monitor, we monitor the state of the baby and mother every minute. And before there was only a stethoscope. But all the same we have sleepless nights ...

- What time of day are babies born most often?

In a woman, the hormone oxytocin is produced in the pituitary gland. The peak of its production falls on 4 o'clock in the morning. Therefore, most often women "want" to give birth early in the morning. In general, at any time of the day, when the mother's body gives a command. And nobody knows this time.

With a smile for life

- For many years in your obstetric practice there have certainly been unexpected situations. Share?

The heaviest boy we have was born three years ago with a weight of five three hundred. What is surprising - the woman gave birth to the hero herself, without any complications. And there were babies and less than a kilogram, they were then nursed in the children's department, in the intensive care unit.

I remember once a woman from the coast gave birth to twins. At about one in the morning the first girl was born, six minutes later the second. Both - over two kilograms. I look at them - there are two absolutely identical girls. This is so unusual - double happiness and a miracle!

Double Happiness! Photo: Elena Akhremenko

And once in winter they brought a woman in an ambulance - they call, knock. The doctor and I went downstairs, and she is already giving birth, she could not stand it. They gave birth right in the car, on a stretcher: a large boy, about four kilograms. I took the child in my arms and carried it to the delivery room on the first floor, and my mother to the stretcher. Everything ended well!

Do you know what is amazing? Babies are all born beautiful! Little people are so cute!

- Do you have enough personnel?

Young people are not coming! They are afraid of difficulties, responsibility. Now young people are looking for where it is easier and more affordable. It seems to me that it makes sense to return to the distribution system after medical school, so that they work out at least three years! Otherwise, soon there will be no one to work at all.

- You are a very smiling woman. Is it natural or professional?

This is my credo. I smile and I will smile! No matter how hard it is ...

Elena Vladimirovna KARDASHYAN. She was born on December 11, 1973 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. She graduated from the Petropavlovsk medical school with a degree in midwife. Work experience in the specialty - 23 years.


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