Proofreading, editing and creating an fb2 file from beginning to end, with FBD and more. Graphics software training courses fb2 editing software

Fiction Book Editor 2.6.7- Fiction Book Editor is a powerful fb2 e-book editor that has become the standard among book editors. It provides a huge set of features, tools and options for full fb2 book editing.

System requirements:
Windows XP | vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 (32 & 64 bit)

Torrent E-book Editor - FictionBook Editor 2.6.7 Portable by SunOK in detail:
With the help of Fiction Book Editor, you can directly edit the text of the book itself, search for and correct errors in it, change the text design and font settings, insert images into the book, attach binary files, and much more. The program allows you to edit book metadata, including information about the author, title, series, release date, and more. In addition, using the Fiction Book Editor, you can edit the source code of the book. It also has various scripts that make it easier and faster to edit a book.

portable features:
Added new genres of Librusek on 06/16/2012, a dictionary for checking the spelling of the Russian language in UTF-8 encoding, the Any2FB2 import converter, MSXML 4.0 SP3 components.
Built with Turbo Studio 18.4. Sandbox next to the executable.

Screenshots of FictionBook Editor 2.6.7 Portable by SunOK torrent:

Details Category: Home Posted on 01.08.2012 17:16 Author: Shitov V.N. Views: 18354

Vacation is over and it's time to get back to work. Several months have been devoted to working on the next textbook, which should become the most important book in my bibliography, so the site has not appeared on the site for so long.

Analyzing the requests by which users go to this site, I drew attention to one frequently asked question: people are interested in the order of editing e-books in the FB2 format. This is not about simple editing of minor mistakes and typos that are easy to fix with AlReader2, but complex mistakes such as welding broken lines in a paragraph or moving photos in a book to another place in this book, and finally inserting a cover photo if it is not there in the downloaded book. Usually a person does not create FB2 books, but downloads them from different libraries. In the Librusek library (lib .rus .ec ), such unusable books (the term "unusable" is used by the Librusek library) constantly appear recently with various kinds of errors.

For complex editing, we need the following programs and add-ons:

  • Writer of any version;
  • OOoFBTools.oxt;
  • Alternative search AltSearch.

The last two programs are additions to the OpenOffice .org Writer program, described in detail on this site. If there are no such add-ons, then download the OpenOffice .org Writer program and run the command ServiceExtension Management. Click the link Internet Extensions. Find the specified add-ons and download them. For convenience, such add-ons can be downloaded here (OOoFBTools and AltSearch). For a detailed installation of the OOoFBTools .oxt extension, see this site in the e-books section. For a similar program, LibreOffice, there are the same extensions and even with the same names, but they are downloaded from another site.

Open an unusable book in FB2 format in the OpenOffice .org Writer program (right-click on the file name and from the context menu that opens, execute the command To open Writer , and if the last program is not in the list, then run the command Choose a program and select the indicated program). You will be prompted to specify the book's encoding during download, but the OpenOffice .org Writer program usually already suggests this encoding. However, sometimes overlaps occur and the text of the book may be unreadable due to the wrong encoding in the OpenOffice .org Writer program. If so, then load the FB2 book into the AlReader2 program. Click on the page with the right mouse button and from the context menu that opens, execute the command Textsource. The figure highlights the encoding of the book, it may not be UTF-8. Close the book together with the AlReader2 program. The next time you boot in OpenOffice .org Writer, select the correct encoding.

After loading the FB2 book in the OpenOffice .org Writer program, all tags that are not needed become visible and need to be deleted. I’ll explain in more detail, as some knowledgeable people will object like this: why delete tags, it’s enough to correct errors. In fact, tags are really not needed, and here's why: if a person cannot glue the text of paragraphs, then he doesn't have styles, he doesn't even know what it is. This means that there is no table of contents for the book, etc.

To remove the tags, we need the AltSearch AltSearch add-on (green binoculars icon). Run it. Listed Extended select HTML Tag. Click on the button Replace All. We don’t choose what to replace the tag with, that is, for nothing. The process of removing tags can be lengthy. After the tag removal process is complete, close the alternate replacement window. Save the changes: it is impossible to read such FB2 after that, because after removing the tags, all the text will merge into one large paragraph. We save for just one reason: the programs OpenOffice .org Writer and LibreOffice are prone to crashing, and if the programs are removed, then at least the changes in the file will remain.

The first line of the book contains service information: genre name, full name of the book author, identifier, etc. This information is not needed and can therefore be deleted. Save the document in DOC 97-2003 format. By default, the program offers to save in TXT format and in the service folder, in which it is forbidden to save anything. Therefore, select another folder, for example, on the Desktop.

Now we need the OOoFBTools .oxt add-on to weld broken paragraph lines. See the description on this site for details. After welding, the text is necessarily corrected.

If the photos need to be moved to another location, then perform this operation. If the book does not have a cover, then the photo can be found on many sites that sell paper books.

If the text and photos are completely ready, then you can start styling. Click the open-five button to download styles. Click the button to open the style list. Styles.

Many people tell me that we are doing everything right, but for some reason the file does not pass validation. It's all about the styles: the styles follow the wrong way. Highlight the author's name and the title of the book. Apply the Level1 style. Select an annotation. Apply the Annotation style. The cover image follows the annotation. If there is an epigraph, citation and citation author, then they can follow after the abstract or after the cover image.

If there are chapters, then apply the Level2 style to them or the styles of the headings (Level) of other levels to create a table of contents.

I remind you that the document must be saved in DOC format: before creating an FB2 book, you can use the original FB2 file, which we edit, but before creating a new FB2 book, you must save it in DOC format, otherwise when creating a book, the program will simply be removed with an error. Create a book in FB2 format. Analyze the validation results: there should be no errors. Errors speak of style inconsistency. All. Enjoy.

Sequence is the name of the PRINT series. "Adventure Library", for example, or "Ultimate Weapon". Also allows nested series.

To section custom info additional information may be added. Copyright, thanks, advertising, etc. etc. Up to the mystical curses of medieval scribes (“Whoever steals this book, his hands will wither and his ears will fall off”) :-).

Chapter Binary Objects is filled in automatically as binary objects, usually pictures, are attached to the book.

By clicking on the buttons with a cross and deleting the columns in this section, you simultaneously delete the attached objects.

§ 4.4 Document structuring

Getting a well-structured book is the goal for which we undertake book editing.

The process itself can be divided into the following steps:

1) Partitioning into sections;

2) Markup of elements;

3) Design of footnotes;

4) Insert illustrations.

If you have "clean" text, for example, pasted by the Paste command, then the first two steps can be easily combined by simply reading the book in the editor and making the necessary changes along the way. Footnotes at this stage are only marked, for example, by highlighting in square brackets.

If the text is already marked up, say, after FB2Any, then you should first go through the “tree” of the document structure, correcting incorrectly formatted elements and removing unnecessary sections. And then, it is still very desirable to re-read the book, making additional edits.

The final design of footnotes (if they are not affixed by FB2Any) occurs only after the end of the second stage.

And only then, when the book is almost ready, the cover is attached and illustrations are inserted.


The text of a FictionBook is divided into sections.

In the editing window, each section is highlighted with a green bar on the left. Breaks in this strip mark the division into sections. Additional bars are added for nested sections. Everything is very clear.

The division looks quite logical - “one chapter - one section”. Chapter sections can be nested within part sections. Although the format allows the creation of sections of any nesting, usually the nesting depth does not exceed two or three.

Creating a new section is easy. Choose a team Edit\Clone container (Ctrl+Enter). After the section on which the cursor is located, a new section with an empty title will appear.

You can split an already typed section like this: by placing the cursor in the right place, select the command Edit\Split container (Shift+Enter). The section will split exactly at the cursor position. If at the same time a piece of text is selected, it will become the heading of the new section.

"Glue" sections, as, say, sections in the MS Word editor, habitually placing the cursor at the end of the first section and pressing Del, will not work. Paragraphs will simply be dragged from one section to another one at a time. Therefore, for this you need to use the command Edit\Merge containers (Alt+Delete). If the attached section had a title (title), it becomes a subtitle ( subtitle).

Creating a nested section is easy.

The easiest way is to enter the source editing mode, find the beginning of the first section (tag

) and add another tag before it
. Then we find the closing tag of the last section and add another one of the same.

It is believed that this is the only way. This is not true. You can create nested sections without leaving the WYSIWYG mode.

Sections to be placed in another section are preceded by a new empty section.

Carefully select the necessary sections and place them in the buffer. It's better to do it as a team. Edit\Cut (Ctrl+X). Do not forget to clean up the garbage (after the deleted sections, one empty section usually remains).

Paste the contents of the buffer into the newly created section. Voila!

I strongly draw your attention to the fact that in a section that has nested sections, there should not be any text. Heading, epigraph - please, but just paragraphs, even empty lines, should not be.

If, on the contrary, it was necessary to remove the outer section, this is done as follows: placing the cursor on its heading, or selecting this section using the context menu, select the command Edit\Remove outer container.

If you need to move or copy the finished section to another location, this can be done both in source editing mode and in WYSIWYG mode. In the latter case, we copy the entire section to the buffer, then create an empty section in the right place, paste the section from the buffer into it and remove the outer section that has become unnecessary with the command Edit\Remove outer container.

You should not allow excessive nesting of sections. The structure of nested sections should be simple and logical. Volume (book), part (section), chapter (paragraph). Subtitles are usually distinguished by subtitles (subtitle) - Style\Subtitle- (Alt+S).

Annotation and Editing History (History)

Section Annotation (gray-blue stripe) - annotation.

The abstract is a short (two or three paragraph) description of the book. Usually this is a retelling of the plot line or a mini-review, which aims to attract the reader.

For more information on how to annotate books, see § 5.7 The High Art of Annotation.

An annotation can be inserted into each section (command Edit\Add\Annotation (Ctrl+J)).

The History section (raspberry bar) is for various technical records. Made corrections, added missing pieces of text - made a mark in the History section.

Arrangement of titles (Title, subtitle)

Headings (Title) can be at the beginning of the book (body), sections or verses.

To insert a title, select the menu item Edit\Add\Title ( ctrl-t).

In this case, the cursor must be located directly in the element in which the heading is planned to be inserted.

Headings are highlighted with a green rectangle and a larger font size.

If a chapter contains small subchapters, or is divided into episodes by lines like "* * *", then subtitles are used to format these elements. Place the cursor on the desired paragraph and call the command Edit\Style\Subtitle (Alt+S). Or click the three-star icon on the toolbar.

Subheadings in FB Editor are highlighted with a larger font size.

You can turn a subheading into a normal paragraph with the command Edit\Style\Normal (Alt+N).

==ATTENTION, BUG!=================

Before doing this operation, it is better to save the book. AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER the transformation - ALSO. Often FB Editor, when trying to edit a string converted in this way, crashes with an error.

The body of the book itself (body) also has a title. The author of this book considers it good form to write there the author's surname and first name and (in capital letters) the title of the book. Do not save on this minute operation. After all, not all readers and converters are able to correctly extract this information from the description of the book and place it at the beginning of the text. And a book without a title looks an order of magnitude worse than a book with a repeated title...

A small note about the division of the chapter into episodes. Sometimes, along with "* * *" (or instead), empty lines ("silent" headers) are used for this. They should be left only if it carries a semantic load. For example, the narrative about different heroes is separated by "* * *", and events of different time are separated by "silent" headings. In all other cases, it is preferable to replace with "* * *". If only because during conversion these empty lines can easily be "lost" ...

You can, in principle, instead of "silent" headings put other than "* * *". For example, "-*-" or "* * * * *". But this option is my own notion and I can not unequivocally recommend it.


An epigraph is a quote from another work, someone's catchphrase, etc., placed at the beginning of a book or part of it in order to indicate the spirit, meaning of the work, express the author's attitude towards it, etc.

To highlight epigraphs, FictionBook has a corresponding Epigraph element. In FB Editor, the Epigraph element is created by the command Edit\Add\Epigraph (Ctrl+N).

An epigraph can only be placed at the beginning of a book (body) or section. You cannot create an epigraph anywhere by simply highlighting the text.

In FB Editor, the epigraph is highlighted with a purple stripe and a smaller font size.

Usually each saying or quotation has an author.

To make it stand out, FictionBook provides a Text Author element. It is inserted by the command Edit\Add\Text Author (Ctrl+D). There is no color bar for the element, only an indent and a red font.

It is possible to directly convert the last paragraph of the epigraph into a Text Author element.

Set the cursor to this paragraph, and call the command Edit\Style\Text Author (Alt+A) or click on the icon with a human profile on the toolbar. The paragraph will be converted to a Text Author element.

If the section contains only an epigraph, then the validator will consider this an error. You must also have at least an empty string.


To designate poems, songs, ballads, serenades and other lyrics, the corresponding Poem element is provided in FictionBook, and the command in FB Editor is Edit\Insert\Poem (ctrl+p).

Highlight the lines you need and run this command.

Poems are distinguished by two stripes - black and dark red. This is because the division of verses into smaller elements - stanzas (stanza) is provided. Usually, the entire text block is converted into a poem element, then it can be “broken” into stanzas using the command Edit\Split container (Shift+Enter).


The division of verses into stanzas using blank lines is not provided by the FictionBook specification and is considered an error.


You can then insert a title ( Edit\Add\Title) and author ( Edit\Add\Text Author).

There is no direct conversion of the last line to a Text Author (similar to the Cite element) in the case of the Poem element.


It is not uncommon to insert an excerpt from another book, article, etc. into the text. Such an excerpt is called a quotation. FictionBook introduced the Cite element for this. In FB Editor it is inserted using the command Edit\Insert\Cite. (Alt+C)

Quotations are highlighted with a yellow stripe and yellow text.

In addition to direct citations, the Cite element can also be used to design notes, telegrams, inscriptions, lists, lists, documents, etc. Another use for quotes is key phrases in various manuals and manuals.

In the latter case, it may be necessary to additionally emphasize these phrases with bold, or, as in this book, with the lines "==" or "__". Exclusively because the old readers, the same HaaliReader, do not highlight quotes well enough.

Although you can create quotes, just like poetry - by selecting a fragment of text and calling the appropriate command, this method does not always work correctly in FB Editor. Therefore, it is best to style citations by inserting an empty cite element and then pulling up the text.

==ATTENTION, BUG!=================

If the text is bold or italic at the place where the quote is created, then an erroneous construction is formed, for example, body/section/EM/cite/P/EM instead of the correct body/section/cite/P/EM, which leads to terrible glitches when trying to save the file.


A Text Author element may be added at the end of a citation. It is inserted in the same way as in the Epigraph element.

And do not overdo it and drive into quotes every piece of text framed by quotes.

Links and footnotes

Links in FictionBook are used for hypertext navigation to the right place in the book.

First you need to give the desired element a name (label). To do this, select it entirely using the context menu. Then, in the "ID:" field of the link panel, enter the value. A name can be assigned to almost any element: a section, a paragraph, a quote, etc. In this case, letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers are allowed.

To assign a name to an element, you need to select it in its entirety, which is done using the context menu. Otherwise, it will be assigned to the paragraph on which the cursor is located.

Once the desired element has been labeled, it can be referenced. To do this, select a piece of text that will serve as text for the link and call the command Edit\Style\Link (Ctrl+L).

After that, the cursor automatically moves to the "Href:" field of the link panel. Take your time typing the label name manually. By pressing the up and down cursor arrows, you can navigate through the list of all document marks, and the names will already have a “#” in front of them. After selecting the desired label, press Enter.

The link is created strictly within one paragraph. If you select more than one paragraph of text when inserting a link, several links will be created.

In FB Editor, links are highlighted in blue and underlined. There is no hypertext transition in the editor, so if you need to test links, you need to open the book in HaaliReader or another reader that supports links.

You can remove a link by placing the cursor on it and calling the command Edit\Style\Remove link (Ctrl+U).

You should not abuse links and turn the book into a kind of Internet site. And even more so, links like “read here"! After all, after converting the book to another format, such "links" will lose all meaning.

Another interesting question. Is it worth formatting as links the Internet links found in the text (“http://…”, “www…” [email protected] etc.)? On the one hand, the editor himself constantly strives to do this. And readers that correctly process such links (that is, with the opening of the browser) already exist. On the other hand, links in FB2 are primarily designed to move through the text.

Therefore, if you are interested my personal opinion, it is enough to highlight Internet links with bold.

Footnotes differ from links in that they do not lead to an arbitrary place in the book, but to a specially designed section-body "notes".

Accordingly, in order to make footnotes, you must first create this section.

To do this, go to the source editing mode and, having found the closing tag at the end of the book recruiting after him:

The value of the element's "name" attribute body should be exactly "notes".

An additional body can be inserted with the command Edit\Add\Body (ctrl+b). But then you still have to go into the source editor to add the name attribute.

Then we add sections. One footnote - one section.

In some books, the design of footnotes is simply paragraphs. I must say that this is not the way to do it. Even if there are many footnotes and they are all small. In addition to the fact that when you switch to a footnote in the reader, all footnotes located below the selected one will be displayed, library validators can reject such a file. In addition, this can create problems for other processing software, for example, the same Booki utility.

At the beginning of the text of the footnote, the ordinal number of the footnote should go.

Sections or paragraphs are given names, respectively, such as "note01" and so on.

After that, you can refer to them. This is what the footnote element is for. Unlike a link, special text is highly desirable for a footnote. This is usually a number in square brackets, such as "". If necessary, by typing and then selecting it, we call the command to insert a footnote: Edit\Style\Footnote (ctrl+w). Choosing a label name is done in exactly the same way as for a link.

I strongly recommend that you enclose footnotes in square brackets. It's practically the standard. Curly braces "()" are commonly used for bibliography references. And just numbers, without brackets, of course, look prettier, but when exporting a book to txt, they will simply be lost.

Speaking of beauty. If a word is followed by a punctuation mark, then it is much more aesthetic to place a footnote after this sign, not to squeeze between him and the word.

If the book lots of footnotes, almost on every page, as, for example, in the epic L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace", it seems very reasonable to place the text of the footnotes directly in the main text, delimiting it with the same square brackets. Let it go against the standard, because the main thing for us is the convenience of readers. Although, in fact, a reader program has already appeared that shows footnotes as pop-up windows. But, until this feature has become a universal standard, we are free to make such digressions. In addition, I must say, on the PDA it is often very, very inconvenient to click on footnotes ...


It is VERY desirable that the text of the footnote should be no more than two or three paragraphs in volume. This is due to the fact that there is already software that displays footnotes, as it should be in a civil book, at the bottom of a virtual page. There is also already a reader that displays footnotes in the form of pop-up windows. And it's not even that with long footnotes such software will be buggy (and he, the infection, is buggy!). When displayed at the bottom of the page or in a separate window, long texts look very bad.

Also, do not forget about converters to PDF and other printing-oriented formats. They also like to place footnotes at the bottom of the page.

Therefore, voluminous explanations should be drawn up in the form applications. About the same as in this book.


You can remove a footnote using the same Edit\Style\Remove links command.

Insert illustrations

Inserting illustrations into a book is very easy.

From the Edit menu, select Insert/Image (Ctrl+M).

(Do not confuse with a similar command - Edit\Add\Image (ctrl+g). It is performed in the same way, but is intended for inserting pictures. strictly to the beginning of the section.)

A picture with a red inscription "Unknown image ID" should appear. This is the so-called picture-blank.

Now we need to attach a real picture to the book file and link it to the illustration tag.

We attach the image file with the command Edit\Add Binary Object.

Then select the blank image and click on the "Href:" field of the link panel. Press the up and down cursor arrows to select the image. It will immediately appear instead of the blank image.

See below for how to prepare an illustration. § 5.2 "Preparation of pictures".

And if you need to quickly pull out pictures from a book? No problem. Export it to HTML (File\Export\To Html). All images will be in the [filename]_files directory, which will be created in the same directory as the HTML file.

==IT IS INTERESTING==================

Sometimes you need to extract a bitmap image from an M$ Word document. There is no option to export images. You can copy the picture to the clipboard, but if it scaled, then it will be copied with resized.

How to be? Everything is very simple. We save the Word document as HTML and all the pictures will be in the [file name] _files directory. In its original form.

Reader Serpent suggested, as an option, to save the document in .mht, the pictures there will already be encoded in base64. Then you can open the final file in Notepad, and transfer the necessary pieces to the source of the book, not forgetting to beat them off with binary tags. In general, an amateur way.


§ 4.5 Using regular expressions

The search and replace functions in FB Editor provide for the use of regular expressions (Regular Expressions, RegExp).

Regular expressions are a quasi-language that combines a set of patterns and substitutions used to find and replace pieces of text. This is a very powerful tool that dramatically facilitates the processing of text documents.

The syntax of regular expressions in FB Editor is borrowed from the Perl language.

The appendix to the book gives a brief description of the regular expression syntax used in FB Editor. However, I strongly recommend that you go beyond this and read a good Perl tutorial. And there is also a wonderful book by J. Friedl: Regular Expressions. With a good search, you can find it on the Web;)).

Let's consider the use of regular expressions on the example of a rather complicated, but often occurring task - replacing computer quotes """" with typographic ones """".

The main problem here is that the opening and closing computer quotes are the same. Therefore, you have to navigate by the symbols located nearby.

In the usual way, you will have to call the find / replace command at least ten times, at the risk of forgetting or confusing something. Regular expressions allow you to make all the replacements in four passes.

To begin with, let's take it as an axiom that the quotation mark located at the very beginning of the paragraph is opening, and at the very end - closing.

Call the Edit\Replace command.

In the "Find what:" search field, enter the construction for the search:

In the "Replace with:" replacement field, enter the replacement construct. In this case, it's quite simple:

Do not forget to check the "Regular expression" box, click the "Replace All" button.

Similarly, for a quote at the end of a paragraph, the search and replace constructs would be:

The expressions "^" and "$" are called literals and denote the beginning and end of the string, respectively. They are not needed in the replacement design.

Now let's process the remaining quotes.

Let's start with the opening quote. They are usually preceded by a space. Well, sometimes a hyphen or a parenthesis.

The structure for the search will be as follows:

Replacement design:

In square brackets we have listed the characters, one of which can go before the desired quote. The literal "\s" denotes a whitespace character. The bracket symbol is reserved, since it is used in the regular expression constructs themselves, so to search for it in the text, we separated it with a slash. Enclosing all this in parentheses, we have formed an expression that we will access from the replacement string. And at the end directly the desired quote itself.

The character that comes before the quotation mark must be left intact. Therefore, in the replacement field, an appeal to the expression in the search string - $1 is entered.

Now the closing quote. It can be followed by: a space, a comma, a period, a closing bracket, a question mark, an exclamation mark, a hyphen, an ellipsis character.

Search structure:


Replacement design:

There are two expressions used here. The first means that there must be NOT a space before the closing quote. The second expression contains an enumeration of the characters that may come after it. Accordingly, in the replacement construction there is an appeal to two expressions.

Finally, I should point out that in FB Editor source mode, regular expressions function a little differently. In particular, it is not possible to use the "|" metacharacter; lists containing Cyrillic characters are processed incorrectly.

§ 4.6 Using scripts

They are called from the Tools\Scripts\[script] menu.

The first nine scripts can be called with the Ctrl+1…9 keys.

Of course, no documentation is provided. Everything will have to be figured out on your own.

Therefore, before you get into scripting, it's a good idea to go through a good JavaScript function reference with examples.

A very detailed reference is included with the MSDN Library. A lot of useful information can also be found at W3SCHOOLS.

For paper publications, I can recommend Danny Goodman's JavaScript and DHTML: A Cookbook (available online) and Fritz Schneider's The Complete JavaScript Guide. Both of these books were published in Russian.

If English is not a problem for you, but a means of communication, then in the already mentioned You can download many JavaScript tutorials for free. Among them, I want to highlight JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. The book has gone through five editions.

A compact and informative JavaScript reference was included with FB Writer (see below)

In a newspaper publication, I gave two simple scripts of my own making.

There is no such need here. As an example, I recommend looking at the scripts written for FB Writer by my countryman, known on the forum under the nickname Slex.

True, there is one small, but very harmful “but”. Mechanically transferring Slex's developments under FBE 1.0 will not work. They are hardwired for FB Writer and FB Editor 2.0 compatible with it.

§ 4.7 Bugs are with us!

Although FB Editor is a fairly reliable and functional program, it still contains a few annoying bugs.

Code: 8004005

Source: msxml4.dll

Description: Unexpected NameSpace parameter

This is most likely an erroneous construction like section/EM/cite/EM somewhere.

There is no need to panic. Go through the book carefully, paying particular attention to the quotations and verses. If you find a quote or verse broken into separate paragraphs, carefully collect them into one element.

This also happens if you copied over the clipboard the html content that contained images. Find these pictures and delete.

It's also unsafe to turn a paragraph into a subtitle and immediately undo that action. There is a risk that the program will "slam". Of course, without saving anything.

When editing, if there are two or more consecutive spaces nearby, FB Editor automatically converts the second and subsequent spaces into non-breaking ones. Actually, this is not a bug at all, but a feature related to the fact that FB Editor uses DHTML, but it's still very annoying.

§ 4.8 Further development of the editor

Since the beginning of 2007, there has been a lot of activity around FB Editor. Not exactly healthy, to be honest.

Two people took up the modernization of FB Editor at once.

Alex Saveliev, who released his product called FB Writer, on the contrary, focused on the functionality of the program. Compatibility with IE 7.0 is provided, some especially harmful errors are corrected, the interface is finished, many new "features" appeared. Scripts written under FB Writer deserve special attention and, what to pretend, admiration for, which greatly facilitate and speed up the preparation of the book. Starting with version 2.0, even spell checking has been implemented.

Everything would be fine, but Alex demanded money for his work. Moreover, the latest versions of the editor require an Internet connection to run, which automatically deleted this program from the list of software that I use.

It all ended sadly, but naturally. Some well-wisher took it and hacked FB Writer. After that, the offended author closed the project.

Fortunately, even before this sad finale, the programmer of the LitRes company took up the improvement of FB Editor. The sources of Pilgrim-a were taken as a basis. At the moment, this product is, although very crude, but the most promising development in this area.

Alas, so far it remains so. In the summer of 2008, the distribution of FB Editor was deemed harmful to the commercial interests of LitRes. Therefore, the product, barely brought to the stage of "workable beta", was forcibly enrolled in the category of "closed tool for its own". In general, once again the loot won evil.

In the autumn of 2009, there was a rumor that LitRes seemed to be going to “release” the editor again. But not only for the convenience of users, but for the sake of popularizing the third version of the format.

I had to wait almost six months. January 14, 2010 Dmitry Gribov made the FB Editor sources available for free. Not for charity, but for further development. It turned out that the improvement of the editor "LitRes" has not been engaged in six months. Because the programmer involved in this, left the company. After that, the last version of the "official" distribution kit leaked to the Network.

To the credit of "LitRes", it must be admitted that the product, which has not left the "beta" state, has become much more stable. The Words function has been brought to mind, there are a lot of improvements with a lower rank.

Which, however, does not prevent us from sadly stating the fact that the situation, albeit at a new level, returned to the beginning of 2007 ...

§ 4.9 Alternative editing tools

Speaking about editing FB2-books, it would be unfair not to mention the developments that exist, so to speak, in a parallel plane.

Book Designer 4.0

First of all, this is Book Designer by V. Voitsekhovich and his special version for FB2 - FB Designer.

BookDesigner was designed as a tool to convert books from any format to any format. And it fully meets its purpose. If you need to convert a book to an exotic format or, conversely, extract it from it, then there is simply no alternative to Book Designer.

The problem is that BookDesigner is absolutely not designed for serious book editing. Opening a file, quickly marking it up and saving it in a new format - it does this perfectly. And the Book Cleaner function (batch launch of regular expressions) is also worthy of all praise. But when you have to edit books for a long time and thoughtfully, it turns out that BookDesigner is not strong in this.

The Undo function does not work quite correctly. The cite element is not supported. What is displayed on the screen does not always correspond to the actual contents of the file. Even saving doesn't work the way we're used to.

The words of the unforgettable comrade Ogurtsov come to the tongue: “Well done, great work has been done, but this will not work!”

And the long-promised Book Designer 5.0 still exists as an update.

FB Writer

As already mentioned, the young and promising editor FB Writer, starting from version 1.2, has ceased to be free. Moreover, even a trial version of the editor can not be launched without an Internet connection. And after the “rekalstvo” appeared, weaning the program from these addictions, the author curtailed the project and deleted the FB Writer page.

However, thanks to the goodwill of one of the forum members, FB Writer and the "klister" for it have become available again on the Web. Naturally, it would be unreasonable to miss such an opportunity to get acquainted with an interesting software closer.

Copyright lovers and the wounded author need not worry. Both the program and the hack were used by me for informational purposes only. Because I'm not in the habit of working on a machine connected to the Net. In addition, I have already said that FB Editor 1.0 suits me perfectly, and when (and if!) FBE 2.0 is brought to mind, I will switch to it.

So let's get started.

FB Writer requires Windows NT family, MSXML, Script 5.6 and, attention, Microsoft Net# Framework 2.0.

For those not in the know, FB Writer is a redesigned and improved FB Editor. Redesigned so qualitatively and intelligently that it fully deserves the right to be called an independent product.

The first thing that catches your eye when you first start the program is that its appearance has become noticeably better. The author did not make avant-garde experiments with large icons, he simply supplemented the strict FBE 1.0 interface with new elements.

The tree structure of the document began to look especially impressive. The added pictograms greatly "revitalized" it.

The list of hotkeys has noticeably increased, in particular, combinations have appeared for a set of typographical quotes - "herringbones".

Only one item has been added to the "File" menu section, but which one: "Spellcheck" - spell check.

True, he works very unpretentiously, according to the principle of the good old "Lexicon" - he sorts through words, stopping at unknown ones. At the same time, the disadvantage of the "Lexicon" - a small volume of dictionaries, with non-recognition of declensions / conjugations, manifests itself in all its glory. Well at least, dictionaries can be supplemented.

Dictionaries - four files with the .dic extension (Russian and English, words and proper names) are located in the working directory of the program. You can edit them in any plain text oriented text editor that does not limit the size of the working file. Almost any “programming” editor or Notepad substitute, which is a dime a dozen on the Web, falls under this definition.

The Edit section hasn't changed much either. Unless the addition of elements migrated to a separate “Add” section, and the “Preferences” item moved from the “View” section. The still non-working “Words” item has also moved here.

In the "View" section, the command to view the book in an external reader - "in External Viewer" and the control of an additional toolbar for icons - Extra Toolbar has been added.

Commands for adding all elements have been moved to the new section of the “Add” menu. Among them there is a new command "Sub-section". The current section becomes nested. Very comfortably. You do not need to copy the section to the clipboard and immediately paste it. Commands for adding links and footnotes have also moved to the "Add" section. At the same time, they acquired varieties of "View ..." - a return from the text of the footnote to the place where it is referenced.

Another new item of the main menu "Symbols" is reserved for entering special characters. Their choice is very rich: here are mathematical symbols and the Greek alphabet, and Western European letters.

The "Tools" item has been abolished as unnecessary.

The penultimate, also new, item “Cmd” is dedicated to scripts. Their set is much richer than in FB Editor. A great variety of scripts can be downloaded from the page of my countryman Sklex. Installing scripts comes down to unpacking them into the folder \folder where FB Writer is installed\styles\workstyle\cmd\.

Well, the last paragraph, "?", contains a very modest help, from which, however, you can get information about hot keys. Much more interesting is the next command - "Jscript Help".

Yes, FB Writer comes with a surprisingly high-quality, well-structured JavaScript reference. It's incredible how much valuable information can fit four hundred kilobytes of chm-ki!

The window for editing the description of the book is now divided into tabs. It is aesthetically pleasing and much more ergonomic. At the same time, normal editing of the original description (src-title-info) for translated books is provided. Plus a few other minor improvements. In particular, the cover image can now be selected from the list of attached binary objects, and it will be shown immediately. The binaries themselves can now be added in batches, there are special buttons for exporting and deleting all at once. The language(s) of the book is now also selected from a very long list.

About the settings (Edit \ Preferences) in more detail.

The first section in them is Style\Language. Now the files for setting the book view in the working window, the menu language, the basic template of an empty book, icons, a set of scripts are combined into a file package, which is located in a separate folder inside the styles folder. Adding a new style is easy - create a new folder in the styles folder, copy the base style files there and edit them. And here is the switching of these packages.

The next block ("Main settings") is also very poor. Here you can enable automatic loading of the last opened book and select an external reader for the "View \ in External Viewer" item.

The third and last block is the source editor settings. All the same standard autofold lines, syntax highlighting, color and typeface.

But there is no font for the main working window in the settings window. Managing the type of text in the working window is now entirely assigned to the main.css file.

In general, the program gives the impression of a well-thought-out and serious product, almost without any complaints.

Is that annoying some willfulness. FB Writer automatically adds body "notes" to any opened book. Such actions should, at a minimum, be left to the discretion of the user.

One can only sadly dream about how good a tool for creating books we would have received if a commercial vein had not jumped in the author ...


bookmaker(bookmaker( English., slang. Newspeak)) - literally, the creator of the book, but not its author. Although, in principle, the first does not interfere with the second ... Not to be confused with bookmakers!

See Appendix G for ISBN description.

Recently, the author of this article has been regularly reading books and creating fb files for libraries. Since my way to make the file beautiful and correct is not described anywhere, this article appeared. The author in no way claims that this method is the only true and correct one, on the contrary, some of the functions of the programs are not used (although they could), but the habit and inertia of thinking are characteristic, alas, of all people.

All the basic rules for creating fb2 books are described in the article How to make a book, which I advise you to read.

I use several programs in my work:

  • Microsoft Word, or MW (any version) - for pre-editing the document and making links
  • FictionBookDesigner, or FBD - for beautiful book design, arrangement of titles and nested parts and creating an fb2 file
  • FictionBookInvestigator, or FBI is an integral part of the BD and FBD packages, which can be used separately - to edit the book using unicodes, where necessary.
  • FictionBookEditor , or FBE - for the final editing of the book after proofreading and checking its validity
  • BookDesigner , or BD for making from fb2 file in reader format. Last update
  • MassTextProcessor , or MTP - to correct some inaccuracies that are not allowed in libraries, but are allowed in FBD

In principle, the last program can be omitted, FBD has all the necessary tools, but I love it for its ease of use, small size and no need to install it. In addition, it allows you to work with a large number of files at once, which, however, will not be described here.

To the question - why do I use two programs of the same type (BD and FBD) the answer is simple. There is a big difference between BD and FBD: FBD is completely Unicode, while BD is only partially. Those. if you need to make a book with languages ​​that are incompatible within the same local encoding (for example, Russian and French), then this is only in FBD. In addition, FBD is made specifically for making fb2 files, and BD is omnivorous. It has many formats for both input and output.

Sequence of work

MW, pre-cut

So, the file that comes to me after scanning and recognition from the scanner is in .rtf format ( R ich T ext F ormat) which is recognized and edited by regular MW. Therefore, the first thing we do is enter Word. The main task of this stage is to arrange the links and correct the obvious very "crooked" text.

First of all, in order not to skip paragraph breaks, select all the text and use the right mouse button to call up the menu. Go to paragraph "Paragraph" and select "Indent"->"First Line"->"Indent".

Again we call the menu "Font" -> select the size and type of the font of the entire document. This is done because when recognizing text, often a change in font type or size falls in the middle of a word. In this case, when uploading a file to FBD, there will be a space in this place.

Next, "Tools"->"Options"->"Spelling" check that there are ticks: automatically check spelling, always suggest a replacement, skip words from capital letters, skip words with numbers, skip Internet addresses and file names, automatically check grammar , also check spelling. Let's do a re-check.

There is a slightly different way of working with MW - loading a template. This method is well described, and I will not repeat myself. My only objection to this method is that FBD still does not understand such volumetric formatting, so is it worth fencing the garden. But maybe it will be more pleasant or more convenient for someone.

Then the most tedious and nasty work begins - we carefully look through the entire file, correcting errors and forming footnotes. There are two types of footnotes in the source file - denoted by an asterisk and denoted by superscript numbers. First, go to "Insert"->"Link"->"Footnote", and configure. Footnotes should be at the bottom of the text, number format 1,2,3..., start from 1, continue numbering. Apply the changes made. Next, "Tools"->"Settings"->"Commands", in the left window select "Insert" and from the right one drag the "Footnote ..." command to the toolbar with the mouse.

When a footnote appears in the text, set the cursor to the place of the footnote and click on the button that appears on the toolbar with the mouse. In the window that appears below, we throw the text of the footnote. Thus, all footnote formatting boils down to the following procedures:

  • move cursor to footnote
  • remove footnote indicator (asterisk or number)
  • click on the AB1 button on the toolbar
  • highlight footnote text
  • drag it with the mouse to the bottom window
  • remove the remaining "garbage" from the footnote - empty lines, asterisks, numbers, etc.

Having reached the end of the file, we additionally check by searching if there are any missing footnotes.

In a situation where bold or italics fall on part of a word, select this word and make it normal or fully highlighted, depending on the text. This, again, is done so that later a space does not appear inside the word.

At the same time, we highlight the headings in bold and empty lines for their automatic subsequent recognition.

Save the file and exit MW.

FBD - making an fb2 file

Before opening a file with FBD, especially when using it for the first time, it makes sense to check the settings of this program. I have it set up like this. The most important thing is to check if there is multilingual support for books with Spanish, French and the like. In addition, I always keep the original format and often use the definition of headings not only by keywords, but also by selected text, since chapter titles are often bolded during recognition.

This menu is called up using the button

After making all the preliminary settings, it is recommended to reload the file so that they are applied to it. Next, we look through the file for the arrangement of headings, quotes, verses, etc. Some of the errors are identified and corrected at this stage of work. Immediately make a reservation, to select a piece of text, you must double-click on it with the mouse. In this case, the paragraph is highlighted. If you need to select more than one paragraph - first select the first one with a double click, and then go to the last one and Shift + click with the mouse. Only in this case the text selection will be 100% correct. All BookCorrector commands apply only to selected text.

First, we check whether the author and the title of the book were determined correctly. If not, we correct it using BookCorrector (choose book author and book title respectively). Then we define the annotation (if any) as an annotation (BookCorrector annotation). Next, we look for all the titles (BookCorrector title), epigraphs (epigraph), verses (verse) and quotes. Quotes (letters, etc.) are the most difficult! The fact is that they are not supported by BookDesigner as a separate feature. In this connection, in order to get a beautiful and well-made file, you have to pervert. Personally, I do this: at the beginning of the quote on a separate line I put the set of letters xxxxx, and at the end of the quote, also on a separate line zzzzz. Next, I'll show you how to convert it back to normal. Or, alternatively, you can arrange them as epigraphs. The advantage of the second method is that the author of the text is allowed in the epigraph, but with a large (very large!) Number of quotations, this is a somewhat inconvenient method, leading to an increase in manual labor. I will also tell you about what to do next with epigraph quotes later.

In addition, epigraphs, poems and quotations may contain the author of the text, which should be presented as a text author.

In BD and FBD there is also a very handy tool for searching Tools -> Element Browser. It allows you to find incorrect line breaks, incorrect paragraph endings. To do this, you need to run a search for broken sentences and bar ends (user). When you click on a line in the browser, BD automatically jumps to the location of this element and highlights the paragraph, heading or picture - whatever you are looking for. It is also convenient to check headings in it - it is desirable to have the table of contents of the book at hand.

At this stage of working with FBD, I still make additional adjustments to the images in order to optimize their size. To do this, I completely exit the editor (in the settings I always have the load last book at startup checkbox checked and go to the LastFile folder of the main program directory. It stores the html0 file and pictures for it. I optimize these pictures using IrfanView (however , the program can be anything you like.) After that I call FBD again, either just like that, or by opening this html0.

After selecting all the headings, it is necessary to form the future structure of the book. At this stage it is very convenient to use FictionBookSectionEditor. It is called with the icon

And it looks like this

In this section editor, using the arrows, we set a document structure that is easy to read and logical in terms of the table of contents. For example, such

After that, be sure to press the apply button to record the current location of the sections. ATTENTION! If you exit the section editor and re-enter it, the sections will look unmarked again! Your changes in the editor will not be visible! Therefore, do not exit the section editor until you get the desired result!

It remains to do the last thing before actually making the fb2 file - to format the footnotes. To do this, select the footnotes and do Format->selected notes.

Now you can call up the FB2 creation menu.

If you did everything correctly, then the fields of the author, title of the book and annotations are already filled. All you have to do is select a genre from the suggested list and insert a cover by dragging it with the mouse from the Windows Explorer window to the book cover picture window. Check the settings - the book for library option must be enabled. For a competent definition of dashes / hyphens, I have recently been using the dashes-> long parameter, but I did not redo the screenshot. We press the make book button and wait for the beep signal that the book is ready.

In principle, now you need to validate the resulting file. In case of errors, a very convenient FictionBookInvestigator tool is automatically turned on, in which you can correct the wrong pieces of code. It is also called in the "Make Fiction Book File" window by the "load to FBI" button, which is activated after fb2 is created.

FBI - pre-edit fb2 file

FBI (Fiction Book Investigator) is a specialized manual fb2 file editor/validator. In terms of options - several times more powerful than FBE in terms of a set of options. In addition, in it I do bulk replacements for dashes that are not recognized as long by FBD and do the quotes that I talked about earlier.

After making fb2, upload the file to FBI, then to Find/Replace:

Find what: uni(44)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(44)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs like "comma hyphen space" to "comma space em dash space".

Find what: uni(46)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(46)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs of the form "dot hyphen space" to "dot space em dash space".

Find what: uni(33)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(33)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs like "exclamation mark hyphen space" to "exclamation mark space em dash space".

Find what: uni(63)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(63)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs like "question mark hyphen space" to "question mark space em dash space".

Find what: uni(32)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all hyphens of the form "space hyphen space" to "space em dash space".

Find what: replace with:

Click "replace all"

Find what: replace with:

Click "replace all"

The last 2 items create quotations from the xxxxx and zzzzz constructions that were specified earlier. After the fb2 file is made, they are converted into paragraphs, which must be replaced with the necessary tags. Be sure to validate after that! Check if there are any unmodified constructions left somewhere (sometimes garbage gets into the paragraph in the form of a space, tab, etc.).

After all the quotes are formed, I search for the end of each quote and, if necessary, highlight the author of the text at the end. F7 - tag-list, select the desired text after deleting the tags, double click on the tag .

Usually, at this point, I'm done with FBD and move on to the FBE editor.

FBE - fine-tuning

The FBE editor is convenient in that it allows you to edit both the appearance and the source code of the document and reveals its structure well. When opening the "tree" of the table of contents, all the flaws and shortcomings are immediately visible and can be easily corrected. Moreover, you can edit both in text mode and in tag mode.

First of all, you need to make sure that the structure of the document is beautiful and logical, there is no unnecessary fragmentation into sections, the table of contents will look good. An example is sectioned headings.

When such a broken heading occurs in the text, it is, firstly, ugly, and secondly, it is inconvenient, since this heading is the title of the chapter. These are two headings of the same level, so you can safely merge sections and avoid unnecessary increase in the number of sections. To do this, placing the cursor on the top of the merged sections, you must press Alt+Del. After that, select the heading, which has turned into a section, and drag it into the heading. Remove extra empty lines, or add them if the title is too long and looks ugly.

There are a few items that I edit in any FBD document. 1. Abstract. FBD, in addition to creating a separate item in the description called annotation, duplicates it in a separate section immediately after the author and title of the book. This dubbing is not very convenient for the subsequent use of the file, so I delete this section entirely. Right click Select->body/section, and right click Cut or Delete.

2. Often, files with pictures following one after another do not pass validation. The fact is that FBD does not insert an empty line between such pictures, which the scheme requires, even if you manually try to insert a line. Therefore, we put the cursor on the second, third, etc. pictures and press Enter.

3. Correct quotes. As you remember, we highlighted quotes as epigraphs. Now we need to make quotes from them. It is more convenient to do this in the source code editor (View-> Source). Searching for a tag and look a little higher. Immediately before it is a section break, since an epigraph can only be placed at the beginning of a section. But the quote can go anywhere in the section, so the section break can be removed, and instead ... insert ...

4. Blank lines before and after the title of the chapter. Such lines are extremely rare, but they must be removed according to the rules for creating a valid document.

5. This, in fact, is not editing. And it was possible to do this in FBD, but I do it here, because I like the form offered for filling in FBE more. This is filling in the description file! How to fill it out and what to write where is intuitive and well described in other articles, so I will not dwell on this.

MTP - footnote cleaning

In principle, as I have already said, one could completely do without this program. But I love her, so I'll tell you. It is very convenient when you need to make a bulk replacement in a file (or several files) of text structures with variable text inside for other structures with the same text. In principle, with the same success, you can use BookCleaner, which is part of FBD, by writing an appropriate script for it, and this will probably be even faster, but I use MTP.

This processor has its own, very simple, macro language, the text of which I will give in full.

The crux of the problem to be solved is that FBD and its author strongly disagree with the rules established in fb2 regarding footnotes. In the format, backreferences are in principle allowed, with the exception of footnotes. Therefore, they have to be corrected without fail in order for the library to accept a valid file. In addition, the type of links is brought to the library standard.

Unfortunately, this approach removes all paragraph markings from the document. Therefore, if there are other internal links in your book, it is best to do this work manually or you will lose them. The adjustment takes place in 3 stages.

1. Elimination of paragraph marking.

So, in the window SOURCE TEXT write a block


and in the window REPLACED BY- such


and start the processor.


TEXT=" "


TEXT=" "

3. Definition of the footnote number as a heading.





TEXT=" \n <p>" NAME=BLOCK1 TEXT="</p>\n\n

After so many edits, the file is ready for proofreading so that the errors encountered will not cause irritation and the desire to throw the book into some far corner ...

BD - for proofreading

I use the BookDesigner program to make a file for the device on which I read. I would not mention it here at all, but there is a vivid and beautiful example of using BookCleaner, a program included in both BD and FBD, and suggested to me by the developer of these programs. This is a great illustration of how you can replace MTP with a little script.

If you remember, BD and FBD do not create, understand or display quotes. In the future, this is likely to change, but in the present - alas. And I would like to see all fb2 formatting in the device - firstly, in order to avoid possible errors and incorrectness, and secondly, a beautiful book is just a pleasure to read. Therefore, in order to have a selection of quotes in the reader, this script was written.

Example for BD, the latest update must be installed. You can also do this in FBD, but there is an old version of Book Cleaner, the script is the same, but the buttons are different.

Tools -> Book Cleaner script -> new


RegExp: check the box.

table -> add row

script -> save as -> "fb2cite"

input file: before formatting -> select "fb2cite.bcf" input file: after formatting -> none output file (fb2): -> none

Close Book Cleaner. After loading fb2, all cites will be highlighted in red. If there is a text-author inside cite, then it will be highlighted with its own color. Double-clicking on the first line of cite will select the entire element, and its type will appear on the 4th status bar: cite

An example is given in the author's edition. I changed it a little for myself. Changes were made to the color of the text - red is too bright for me. For a long time, I also used the conversion of text to italics, until I came across a book in the text of quotes in which italics turned out to be significant. But for those who wish, I can say that you can insert tags and. In addition, in order for em dashes to be visible during proofreading, I took the advice of the author of the program, renaming all em dashes and middle dashes into a Greek letter at the loading stage? , and then converting it back to a dash. The pictures clearly show where to use which script stored in the file with the .bcf extension

Attention! After using the Book Cleaner in tag replacement mode, it is highly recommended to check the tag tree with the Html Fragment Editor, especially for non-specialists in html.

Unusual books

In this section, I will talk about unusual books that I came across for proofreading. New chapters will appear here periodically, as there is no limit to human perfection!

Lots and lots of stories

A very unusual request came from a scanner to split the storybook into multiple files, one story per file. Since reading hundreds of files is not very convenient, I first split one file in MW into 19 by the number of authors. This is done simply - a new file is created into which a piece of text from the original file is inserted. It immediately became clear that some authors could not be divided into separate stories because of the interconnected stories, and some were impossible because of the end-to-end numbering of footnotes within these authors.

The most important thing to say here is that you first need to completely create one file by carefully filling in its description and subtracting the annotation. If at least one error remains, then it will need to be corrected in all files.

When making subsequent files, you must use the FBD load description option before directly launching make book on the make Fiction Book file tab. Then description will be completely copied from the sample file, except for the author of the book and its title. Attention! The ID is also copied, so change the number for each next piece!

After proofreading and editing these 19 files, I proceeded to break them down into individual stories. To do this, I copied the file according to the number of stories and renamed each one so as not to get confused in the sequence of files (at the first split, the files looked like Collection_name_author_number.fb2. During the subsequent split, the story number in the author's file was added to the file name). The breakdown consists in removing the superfluous and editing the description (a). In the title tag you need to change the title of the book, in the description (e) correct the title of the story and necessarily! ID number.

As a result, I received 63 files without any problems.


Another extremely complex book consisted of a huge number of pictures and quotes. I already talked about quotes above, but I want to touch on the pictures especially. To quickly search for all the pictures in a file, as well as in general for all specific components (headings, epigraphs, italics, footnotes, etc.), there is a very effective Element Browser program that is part of BD and FBD. It displays in its window a list of all pictures (or other selected elements) and when you double-click on the name of the picture, it jumps to its location. Double-clicking on the picture itself brings up the Insert/Edit Picture window, in which you can change the picture, delete it, and also change its size and position relative to the text. The very location of the picture can simply be changed by picking it up with the mouse and dragging it to another place. Inserting a picture is easy using the F5 button that opens the same window.

final result

Well, we have reached the finish line. Everyone reads on their own device, so there is no point in describing the proofreading, the final editing of the file takes place in FBE, which we have already talked about, as a result we get a fairly clean, beautifully designed book, ready to be uploaded to the library. This work is long and tedious, but the result, in my opinion, pays for all efforts.

An fb2 file editor that allows you to instantly make the necessary changes to fb2 documents. Speed ​​and a convenient document navigator are the main advantages.

  • Platform: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
  • Language: Russian
  • License: free

FB2 Editor 2016

FB2 Editor allows you to edit fb2 files. With this editor, you can edit the structure of the document, add materials and edit footnotes. The multilingual package allows you to edit files both in Russian and in any other language. FB2 Editor 2016 Distributed under a freeware license, so you won't have to pay for full access to the functionality. Equipped with a small built-in converter.

Design and functionality

The program for editing fb2 files is especially good at working with large files of a complex structure. A convenient navigator allows you to quickly find the place you need, and a well-organized toolbar allows you to perform the required actions. At the same time, the saving process is well optimized. Processing large fb2 documents will not take much time.


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