Graduation in kindergarten: a modern scenario. Graduation in kindergarten: the coolest scenarios, unusual and fun ideas An interesting scenario for the graduation of children in dow

To help prepare and hold graduation in kindergarten, we offer a selection of works by your colleagues sent to the Open Lesson festival on this topic in different years.

We hope that the ideas of teachers from different parts of our country will be useful to you in developing your own scenarios, events, etc. dedicated to this holiday.

  • Scenario of the holiday "Graduation ball in kindergarten" 2019

    The purpose of the event: the creation of a festive atmosphere, the formation of a positive attitude towards knowledge and school in children.

  • Scenario of the graduation ball "Best of all" 2018

    The scenario of graduation ball for preschoolers is presented.

  • Graduation party in the preparatory school group "World of Childhood" 2018

    Graduation party in the group preparatory to school. Say goodbye to toys, caregivers, friends, lockers and cribs. Someone with tears in their eyes, and someone quite already in an adult way, realizing that he is already almost a schoolboy and restrainedly hides a tear that has come. And we, adults, every time try to make this holiday unforgettable. For a long time we remember our beloved preschool children and their most caring parents.

  • Graduation ball "Lukomorye" 2017

    The scenario of the festive performance of children, timed to coincide with the end of kindergarten, is presented.

  • Graduation party in kindergarten 2017

    The scenario of the prom in kindergarten is presented.

  • Graduation ball in the kindergarten "Farewell, kindergarten" 2017

    Purpose: to form the musical abilities of children. Tasks: to consolidate the skills of expressive singing; move rhythmically; create a festive atmosphere; instill a love for learning; develop curiosity; to expand children's knowledge about school traditions; Encourage children to actively participate in games.

  • Scenario graduation party "A balloon trip to the land of knowledge" 2017

    The scenario of the graduation party for preschoolers "Traveling in a balloon to the land of knowledge." The proposed scenario of the holiday is dedicated to the release of children of the preparatory group to school. The material will be useful for both music directors and teachers of preschool institutions.

  • Graduation party "Journey to the Land of Childhood" for children of the preparatory group 2016

    A graduation party for children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten is presented.

  • Scenario prom in kindergarten 2016

    The purpose of the prom script is to expand and deepen children's knowledge about the need for school and its significance.

  • Graduation ball scenario "Nanny to the rescue" 2015

    How to make the day of farewell to kindergarten an unforgettable, joyful event in the life of preschoolers? A prom script can solve this problem. Finding themselves in the center of the development of a fairy tale plot, children rejoice, learn to empathize, “fight” evil. The development of the holiday will be useful and interesting for music directors, educators, methodologists of preschool institutions and organizers of children's leisure.

  • The scenario of the graduation party "Adventures of September" 2015

    Graduation script for kindergarten students.

  • From autumn to summer, or the life of wonderful children. Graduation party in the preparatory group 2015

    The scenario of the graduation party in kindergarten is unusual in that the presentation of diplomas and gifts to graduates takes place not at the end, but during the entire holiday. Parents take an active part in the celebration: dad plays the role of Santa Claus, mom plays the role of Autumn and Spring. Children once again remember and emotionally experience the brightest moments of the last year of their stay in kindergarten. The holiday is built on the musical material familiar and loved by children, learned during the school year.

  • "Fun Exam" Graduation celebration script using copyright material 2014

    As you know, graduation in kindergarten is the last holiday. This is the result of the activities of the entire team, which reflects the complex work of specialists in all educational areas of the program. This is a kind of exam both for children and for those who worked with them. In this scenario, the question mark and exclamation point in a playful way examine children in all areas of knowledge. You can leave the outline of the script, and change the content depending on the readiness of the children, their potential.

  • Scenario graduation party in kindergarten "Live hat in the land of fairy tales" 2013

    This script is designed for a graduation party in kindergarten. During the holiday, children will meet with the heroes of fairy tales. In a playful way they will present their knowledge, show moral qualities. The holiday program includes such activities as vocal performance, musical and rhythmic skills, the ability to stage and dramatize.

  • Graduation in Sun City 2013

    The first graduation in the Pink Tower children's club was held in the Sunny City with Dunno and his friends. The live broadcast was conducted from the main square of the city of kids and babies, where future first-graders discussed issues of education and upbringing.

  • We will go to school soon 2013

    Festive graduation program in kindergarten. Mothers and fathers, grandparents are invited to the events.

  • Graduation ball "Goodbye, kindergarten!" 2013

    At the festive event, kindergarten graduates sing songs and play role-playing games.

  • Scenario graduation party "Caramel Country" 2012

    The word "holiday" is perceived by children as something unusual, exciting, exciting, because it is a meeting with a fairy tale and miracles. The joy that shared experiences bring, the opportunity for each child to show their talents and, of course, the surprise - the appearance of Caramel, which has prepared a lot of interesting things for the children.

  • Scenario graduation party in kindergarten "Sea Journey" 2012

    The script is dedicated to the release of children from kindergarten. The atmosphere of travel, meeting with fairy-tale heroes and a fun game unite children and parents. The holiday becomes an unforgettable event in a child's life. The scenario combines the sound of classical music in a modern arrangement and a children's pop song performed by many creative groups in an original way.

  • Morning script. Graduation party 2012

    The purpose of the matinee: Using a variety of activities to create an emotionally positive mood in children.

  • School Graduation Party "An Extraordinary Journey with a Half-Taught Wizard" 2012

    The event develops children's singing skills and reinforces dance moves. Improving the technique of acting. Increased motivation for learning. A sense of empathy is formed, goodwill and responsiveness are brought up.

  • Scenario of the graduation ball "Graduation Ceremony - 2011" 2011

    The scenario of the ball will help the educators of the graduation groups to think over and plan a holiday, in which teachers, children and their parents are happy to join. Children are the main characters of the holiday. They actively participate in its preparation, learn by heart and recite poems, act out various skits, play, sing, dance, act as presenters of the awards ceremony. Adults (parents) take an active part in the holiday.

  • Farewell, beloved kindergarten 2011

    There are many holidays in kindergarten, but the most favorite among both adults and children is the first prom in a child's life. In order for the holiday to be joyful, cheerful and tireless, the organizer needs to think through everything to the smallest detail: to involve parents, teachers, specialists in creative cooperation, to find new forms and methods of communication.


Zima V.G. Laponogova N.L.

Educators come out to solemn music

Leading: On a holiday with a friendly family,

We gathered for the last time

We take the kids to school

They go to first grade.

Today, the excitement is impossible to contain,

The last holiday in kindergarten,

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

To the song of E. Winged "Winged swing» children run into the hall, perform a dance composition, holding toys. At the end, put the toys under the chairs.

1 reb: Kindergarten in the village of Yuzhny, it is all in greenery,

And on the street, on the New will shelter all the kids.

We lived as a single family, adversity bypassed us,

And now we have grown up, it is time for us to go to school.

2reb: Birds are chirping outside the window, lilacs are pouring stars.

Let's say goodbye to kindergarten on this May warm day.

3 reb: Today we are graduates, goodbye, our kindergarten!

Mothers will buy us diaries, textbooks, notebooks.

4 reb: Today we are graduates, no longer preschoolers.

We are waiting for funny calls and new guys.

5 reb: We will now give this song as a farewell.

Let this song fly around the world on a May day!

A song is being performed

Kindergarten 2

  1. We are accustomed from childhood every day,

Come to your favorite kindergarten,

Too lazy to wake up early in the morning

What can be done here, if necessary.

Who will scatter in the morning,

Elder sister and dad with mom,

To school, to work, even grandmother and the one

Rushing about his affairs stubbornly.

Chorus : Well, we are in a hurry here,

In kindergarten, our beloved,

The brightest and always

The best and unique.

  1. Adults will take us by the hand,

And we'll go together early in the morning,

Here we are loved, here we are always welcome.

Our teachers and nannies

If tomorrow they tell me again

Relax, it's Sunday

I will miss my beloved kindergarten,

To everyone's surprise.

Chorus : It's good to hurry in the morning,

Forget about bad weather

Loves kids very much

Kindergarten at any time of the year. 2 times

  1. We love kindergarten very much,

Year after year, childhood passes here,

Soon we will part, alas,

Nowhere to go from this

We wish, kindergarten, from the heart.

What would you live long and richly,

Let us leave, but there will be kids again,

Grow here as we once did.

Chorus: Our favorite kindergarten,

We'll never forget

And let the years fly

We will love you as always. 2 times

1leader : Autumn will come inaudibly, dropping a smart leaf from a branch.

Slowly September will come along the gilded roads,

For boys and girls starting the school year.

6 reb: Gone are the years and the days when the little ones entered

We are in kindergarten, and at first we cried loudly, shouted,

Asked to go home to mommy, which was just oh-oh-oh!

7 reb: And it doesn't matter that there is neither dad nor mom in the group,

Here are educators and nannies, they are everywhere with us.

8 reb: Today is an unusual, wonderful, excellent day!

There is only one reason for this, it is clear to everyone.

Very soon, very soon we will go to school.

And it's time to wish us "No fluff, no feather!"

9 reb: The first phrase, “Masha ate porridge”,

new worlds opened up.

This same porridge from that time!

“Twice-two” is a simple science,

But all sciences head!

Everything in life, that's the thing

It will start with “twice-two”!

Song "Learning should be fun"

  1. On the road girls, on the road boys

Walk boldly along the ladder of knowledge,

Wonderful meetings and good books,

There will be steps on it.


And a song, and a song on the road come in handy,

Learn to be fun, learn to be fun

Let's learn fun to learn well.

  1. On the ladder of knowledge you will be able soon,

Reach the inaccessible sea depth,

Go underground, climb mountains,

And even reach the moon.


2Vedas: Here are your favorite dolls, it's time to part with them.

You watered them, fed them, but this game ended.

It's time to get ready for school, but let's not be sad,

Well, now I propose to invite them all to dance.

reb: Our lovely girlfriends, beautiful dolls,

We all love to dance with you.

Spanish girls group "Doll Dance"

1Ved: Dear Guys! Where have we not been with you this year! We were visiting Autumn, Santa Claus. And today the most difficult journey is to the Land of Knowledge. But how to get there? Look, here is a house, and if a kind person lives in it, then he will help us.(knocking on the house)

Cinderella: I've never been to a ball

answers from the houseCleaned, washed, boiled, spun.

When did it happen that I got to the ball,

The prince lost his head from me.

1 Vedas: Who lives in this house?(children answer)

Cinderella: Hello dear friends! What brought you to me?

1 Vedas: We are looking for a way to the Land of Knowledge. Can you tell us where she is?

Cinderella: I'll give you a hint! My friends are polite words. They must be known, otherwise there will be no road.Hear riddles:

1. When you ask for a toy

With a friend or girlfriend

If they don't, don't complain.

You forgot to say...(children answer: please)

2. Cake, sweets, a cup of tea ...

And you are being fed!

If you can't eat anymore

Need to say something?(children answer: thank you)

3. If you pushed a neighbor,

Or a friend did not notice.

So that they don't get angry

What do you owe? (children answer: Sorry)

Vedas. Cinderella, we have prepared a surprise for you too.

Song "Educator"

Parents bring us to kindergarten every day.

They run, they fly, they leave, who cares,

We live, grow, laugh, we are in front of you,

And frankly, we love you very much.


You, our first teacher,

You are like our parent

Friend and teacher

Educator, educator.

You are our first mentor

Shield and nerves of steel

He, our virtue,

Our educator.

There is no doubt that it is difficult for you sometimes.

But you will always make the right decision.

Forgive the little rascals that we give you heat,

You love kids, and we sing about you.

Chorus: 2 times

You give care, you give warmth.

Dance, sing, you are with us at the same time,

We will hug you tightly, snuggle gently to you,

And if we leave the garden, then we need to remember.

Chorus: 2 times

Our teacher...

Cinderella: Well done! You have chosen the right path to the Land of Knowledge. Go straight ahead and don't be afraid!(leaves)

A girl enters the hall, depicting a deuce

Deuce: Hello! They say you have a holiday today, but for some reason I was not invited.

2 Vedas: And who are you?

Two: Me?

I am charming to everyone marvelously, all curved beautifully,

I decorate the diary, since you are a bad student.

Don't trust anyone, kids: there's no better mark than a deuce.

It’s impossible without me, all lazy people are my friends!

I love couch potatoes, I love sluts, but I can’t stand zealous ones.

It's fun to be friends with me, it's easy to get a deuce!

Leading: Guys, are we going to get deuces? (No)

Deuce: Guys, let's play.

Attraction “Rope”

To the music, adults walk around the rope laid on the floor, at the end of the music they stand on the rope, whoever does not fit, leaves the game, each time the rope folds in half, four times, etc.

Deuce: Guys, how smart and brave you are, well done! Guys, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, I wish you never meet with me again.

1 Vedas: I hear someone else rushing towards us. Who is this?

Guess the riddle.

All girls and boys
Managed to love him.
He is the hero of a funny book,
Behind him is a propeller.
He flies over Stockholm
High, but not to Mars.
And the kid will recognize him.
Who is this? Cunning...
Answer: Carlson

Children guess, Carlson enters

Carlson: I am Carlson, I am a cheerful kid!

I eat manna porridge

Of course, if there is honey in the porridge,

Any kid will understand me

Hi guys! I knew you couldn't do without me! Tell me, who is the most intelligent and scientist? And who is the most beautiful? And who is the best friend?

Ouch! (stops).Where did I get to?

1 Vedas: Don't worry, Carlson, you ended up in a kindergarten for a holiday. We are going to the Land of Knowledge. Will you help us find the way?

Carlson: Of course I'll help! But first I will check how ready they are for school. Let's see how the children learned to form words from letters.

The letters went out for a walk, began to collect the word.

Here is a whole platoon of consonants floating in the air.

Vowels both here and there walk, run, scurry.

The letters are all connected, read what happened.


Leading: Carlson, and our guys know a lot of poems, please listen.


  1. There is a miracle garden in the world,

I am glad to go to this garden

Here in summer and winter

All my friends are with me

Living well here

And in our garden they grow

No cherries or pears.

Sasha, Vanya and Katyusha.

Cherries do not live here -

Marinochki and Mishenka,

And it's not the twigs that make noise,

Kolya, Dashi, Svetochki.

Our favorite gardener

Calls everyone by name

Our teacher,

Dances and sings with us.

Help her in the morning

nannies and cooks

Protects our health


This is what a miracle garden is here,

For guys like us!

  1. When we came to the nursery for the first time,

Mothers brought us in wheelchairs,

And here we go to the first class,

And parting awaits us.

But we will certainly come to visit you,

And remember how we used to play here.

We didn't have to sing and draw,

Set tables, make beds,

And with the boys to dance the polka,

Our kindergarten, our beloved kindergarten,

We will mourn you more than once.

  1. OK it's all over Now! Goodbye my kindergarten

With you, childhood is leaving little by little,

I'll save childhood memories

I will take some of them with me on the road.

We are our own good kindergarten

We won't stop loving

And yet we say goodbye

After all, we have become big,

Everything passes, but I'm a little sorry

Everything is ahead, but only in kindergarten,

We will never return.

  1. Many, many years in a row

We went to kindergarten

Sang a lot, ate a lot,

Wanted to grow up

Finally dreams come true

study ahead,

Bright flowers everywhere

Today is a special day.

To learn the business

You have to work hard

We are taught everything at school,

And learning is a joke, right?

flew by unnoticed

carefree days

We have matured...

We are terer - students!

Carlson : Well, guys, surprised! You were not taught in vain.

Goodbye! (leaves)

Shapoklyak on a scooter enters the hall

Shapoklyak : Oh, in a hurry! I almost broke my transport. I found out that you are going to school, and now I also want to go to first grade with you!

2 Vedas: Wait, Shapoklyak, how old are you?

Shapoklyak: a lot.

2 Vedas: Well, if there is a lot, then it was necessary to study earlier.

Shapoklyak : And to learn, by the way, it's never too late!

2 Vedas: Okay, so what can you do? Can you read and write?

Shapoklyak : Of course not! But I can shoot sparrows with this slingshot.

Put more buttons on the chairs, pull the girls by the braids, pinch, scream, whistle... (tries to whistle, but nothing happens)Ugh, the whistle is broken! Oh, I also ride a scooter: ding-ding-ding! Here's how much I can do! Is this not enough?

2 Vedas : Even a lot, but you won't need it at school. But are you able to solve problems?

Shapoklyak: Easy!

2 Vedas: Here you have two apples in your pocket...

(finches in pockets):I don't have any apples in my pockets!

2 Vedas: Yes, it is so in the problem it says that you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you. How much is left?

Shapoklyak: Two!

2 Vedas: Why?

Shapoklyak : And I won’t give an apple to someone. Even if he fights and screams!

2 Vedas: Think, Shapoklyak, what if someone did take one apple from you? How much is left?

Shapoklyak: None!

2 Vedas: Why?

Shapoklyak : And I'll have time to eat them!

2 Vedas: No, Shapoklyak You don't know how to solve problems!

Shapoklyak : Do you know how? Then help me. Here Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka wrote puzzles. Listen.

1. I bent down to the ground and saw four cat paws and four chicken legs under a bush. How many cats and how many chickens? / one and two/

Let's write it down: one cat and two chickens.

2. The pike was swimming in the lake, the worm was off the hook.

Boiled pike cabbage soup, invited five ruffs.

Pike shchi is good. How many fish ate cabbage soup?/six/

Let's write it down: six.

3. Six funny cubs rush to the forest for raspberries,

But one kid was tired, lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer: how many bears are ahead?/five/

Let's write it down: five.

  1. Gave the hedgehogs a hedgehog,

Eight brand new boots

The hedgehogs squeal with delight,

How much did dad eat? (2)

1Ved : Mathematics is going well for the guys:

Count, compose, decide everything in a row!

2Vedas: Knowledge is applicable in life! 'cause for you now

The story will sound not long, instructive story!

Performance "Two and three"

Dad: My son went to first grade, you better not joke with him!

Mom: It's not a sin for such a wise man to turn up his snub nose!

Somehow, at the table, his father asked a question ...

Son: Two pies here, dad, right? And if you want - on a bet! -

I can always prove that there are not two, but three?

We count together: here is one, and here are two, look!

Attention! One and two - just will be three!

Dad: Here is a mathematician, well done! In fact, three!

And so I'll take two, and you take the third!

Shapoklyak : Well, you solve problems. Guys, can you dream?

Scene for graduation in kindergarten "Dreams"

1st child: My years are growing
There will be seventeen.
What should I do then?
What should I do?
2nd child: I will read books
Strive for knowledge.
To be very smart
Travel abroad.
3rd child: And I really want to become
Top model catchy.
But grandma says
That they are all "boards".
4th child: And I'll be a showman
All mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel
Receive gifts.
5th child: good showman,
And be a better singer.
I would go to the Basques
Let me teach!
6th child: And I want, like Galkin, to sing,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like it too!
5th child: Oh don't think about her
You are wasting your time.
You are for Alla Pugacheva
Already very old!
7th child: I would become a teacher
Let me teach!
4th child: Did you think at all?
The nerves are shattered!
8th child: I will work
Our President.
I'll ban it all over the country
I'm semolina porridge!
9th child: Mom dreams for me
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy
You can't give in to them.
Everyone gives advice
Me vying with each other.
Despite this,
I will be myself!

1st child: We read poems to you
Clap, try.
It was you who raised us
Here also understand!

2 Vedas: Our children also learned to dance. And now they will show you a dance.

Spanish children group "Dance"

Shapoklyak : Just think, they learned to sing, dance. And I, and I, and I know the poem. Here, listen.

The fly sat on the jam ... That's the whole poem.

1 Ved : Your poem is painfully short.

Shapoklyak : Yes, because there was not enough jam.

1 Vedas: Listen, Shapoklyak, what great poems our children know.

Children read poems


  1. With gentle sadness "Goodbye!"

Let's say we are native to the group,

We didn't part with her.

Except on the weekend.

Here the builders were

Doctors and tailors

In our bedroom hundreds of times

Rested in quiet time

Set the table for dinner

Studied etiquette,

And in the albums they drew

House trees and dawn

And more than once during leisure hours,

Sitting quietly on the carpet

We visited with the book

In a good fairy land

In September other children

They will come to the new group,

Well, we'll close the doors

Big things are waiting for us!

  1. preschooler, preschooler,

I hear almost from the cradle

Only from tomorrow

Don't call me that

I'll get up early tomorrow

And in the morning I'll become a schoolboy,

Our beloved, our beautiful,

Our wonderful kindergarten

You are happy on your way today

Escorting preschoolers

Goodbye our fairy tales

Our cheerful round dance,

Our games, songs, dances!

Goodbye! School is waiting!

Our favorite kindergarten

You will remember forever

We will send you HELLO from the school from excellent students!

  1. We happily went to kindergarten,

It was cozy and light in it,

Educators, like mothers, loved us

And gave affection and warmth,

Every day we learn something

The first words were hard to write

Letters printed in a notebook,

Adults were taught to help in the garden,

Songs to sing, sculpt and dance,

Walking happily

And they all loved to play together

You have books in your portfolio

I have a bouquet in my hand

All the familiar boys

They stare in surprise.

Why are we so cheerful?

Why is everyone so happy?

We're off to school!

Goodbye Kindergarten!

  1. I will wake up one morning.
    That's it, I'm no longer a prankster!
    I became an adult, I became wise,
    I am now a first grader.

    There will be no time to play
    I'll put on a new satchel
    Learn to write, count
    Talk like a foreigner.

    Exploring other countries
    I will study for many years
    And then I will become a scientist.
    Mom will be proud of me


(behind Shapoklyak sneaks with a briefcase Cheburashka. Shapoklyak notices him)

Shapoklyak: Cheburashka, stop! Where are you going, my yacht?

Cheburashka : Where where. Don't hit the road!

Shapoklyak: And why do you need a briefcase, are you also going to school? And what about me?

Cheburashka: I won't be friends with you anymore!

Shapoklyak: ( takes a handkerchief out of his pocket, pretends to cry):

Didn't I love you? Did I not feed you? She told stories in the evenings! How did you thank me?

Cheburashka: Oh guys, take me to school!(Shapoklyak grabs him, tries to pull him out of the hall)

Wait, I haven't said hello to the guys yet! Such a fun game came to my mind: let's say hello with our eyes closed!

The game "Say hello with closed eyes"

(First Cheburashka and Shapoklyak play, then children)

Shapoklyak: Cheburashka, Cheburashka! Do you want me to bake pancakes today? With cherry jam, or maybe with your favorite, raspberry ... huh?

Cheburashka: No... can you tell a story? About Gena!

Shapoklyak: Well, of course! Sit down soon. Well, guys, with you, but it's time to take Cheburashka home before he changes his mind! Good luck to you! Goodbye!

(Cheburashka leaves on a scooter, and Shapoklyak runs after him)

The deuce again enters the hall, Dunno goes towards her, “the raven counts”

Deuce: Hi Dunno! Do you think it's a raven again? Tell me, is it really great not to know and not to learn?

Dunno: Of course, why is all this necessary?

Deuce: Well done, stranger! Now children will come here, they are going to the Land of Knowledge. Don't show them the way!

2 Vedas: Have you contacted us again? Do you want to make all the guys lazy and dunno? Will not work! Don't bother Dunno, get out of here!(two run away)

Dunno, tell me where we need to go in order to meet the Queen of Knowledge as soon as possible?

Dunno: And you first help me collect a bouquet for Sineglazka, then I'll tell you.

Attraction "Who will collect the flower soonest"

Dunno: Thanks for helping. And you have already arrived. In kindergarten, you learned a lot, got good knowledge. Meet the Queen of Knowledge!

The Queen of Knowledge appears to the music

Queen: Hello guys! I have been watching you for a long time and I saw that you know a lot and know a lot. I hope that when you become first graders, you will not be friends with the Deuce, and only good marks will decorate your diary.

Queen: But at school you can't do without my assistants:

And what assistants, you will learn about them now.

Pencil: It's time for us to go notebook,
We might be late
Kindergarten not nearby
Need to hurry.
(a brush comes to them)

Tassel: Who said about kindergarten?

Pencil : Everyone is talking about it.

Tassel: I go there myself
But I can't find the way.

Pencil: Straight, straight and right
And then through the ditch
Into the alley and then
And then you see the house
There are three rows of trees.
Why are you there?

Tassel: What do you mean why? Don't you know?
The kids are celebrating today!
I want to meet
I will teach them to draw.
I am a great artist!

Pencil: Enough brush to boast.
Here's what I'll tell you
I'm friends with the guys
Every day early in the morning
I go to school with them
Because at school
A pencil is required.

Notebook: Let's take it in order
What is a notebook for?
To write and draw
So the main thing is a notebook!
(at this time, abacus, diary and primer are suitable)

Tassel: Why are you silent accounts?
Or there is no desire to argue?

Accounts: We believe, we believe
We add, we subtract.
And of course first class.
Can't do without us.

A diary: Faithful friend my student
The most important thing is my diary!

Notebook: You are a diary for dads and moms,
Put everyone in their place.
Who to put in a corner
Who to send for a walk.

Primer: Stop talking
And unnecessary words.
Do the guys from your disputes
Your head will hurt.
I will teach them to read books,
I will teach them how to write letters.
There are different letters in the alphabet
I'm the most important of all, no matter how you twist it!

Child : Do not argue, dear friends.
You are a whole family together
And the school really needs you,
All equally important
The student needs help
Friendship of my guys.
All: We will be friends guys, we are with you,
And you treat us carefully.
If you don't tear and break,
We will help you to study only for 5!!!

Leading: Queen, and the guys wanted to amuse you and sing a cheerful, perky song.

sing a song to the tune of "Quadrille"

1. Once upon a time Serezha, Katya, Dasha,

Artems, Vicki, Sveta went with a roar to the kindergarten,

Shed tears, wiped themselves with handkerchiefs,

They clung to dads and moms and cried: “Back! »

Chorus : Ah, kindergarten, ah, kindergarten!

Instilled love in all the guys

And to discipline, and to work,

And taught to believe in a dream!

2. Here you were taught to listen, you lived - did not grieve,

And different sciences taught you.

In the morning they wanted to sleep, and you barely walked,

And that's what they became - I can't believe my eyes!

Queen: Guys, what fun you have in kindergarten.

Well, are you ready to receive knowledge at school?

Promise not to be lazy, don't forget kindergarten!

reb: Here we played, played pranks, grew up,

Here our childhood years passed.

We rushed here every morning.

All : We will never forget kindergarten!

Queen: Everything passes, and everyone is a little sorry,

That childhood closes the page,

Everything is ahead, but only in kindergarten

You will never return!

Goodbye, guys!(leaves)

reb: OK it's all over Now! Goodbye my kindergarten

Little by little, childhood is leaving you.

I will keep childhood memories.

I'll take some of them with me on the road!

1 Ved : So we met the Queen of Knowledge. We hope that not only we, but the whole country will be proud of you.

2 Vedas : Our dear children, we will miss you.

Let me say goodbye to invite you to the dance "Waltz"

Performing "Waltz"

After the waltz, the children stand in a semicircle

1 reb: In a cozy kindergarten, we lived like at home.

Any corners were familiar to us here.

We grew up in friendship. Loved to laugh

But now they have become big, it's time to say goodbye!

Farewell, sleeping dolls, and shiny balls,

And soft toys, and different animals.

Giving gifts to children


1. Summer is winter, years have flown by.

Ever since we got here.

And even though the kindergarten is still waiting for us.

It's time for us to say goodbye, the school is calling us.


It is a pity to part, to leave your beloved home.

A house where it's fun to meet in our hometown.

Together with dad, together with mom, we will sing this song.

Kindergarten, the best, in our native city.

And we began to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

You told us not just a poem,

What is bad in the world, and what is good.


3. The happy time has gone by.

And your love, and native warmth.

We are forever carried away in our hearts.

Thanks a lot! Thanks for all!

Chorus: 2 times END


Host: Good afternoon!

Vedas. Hello dear guests, parents!

Vedas. We are glad to see you today in our hall at the celebration, "Goodbye kindergarten, hello school."

Vedas. Let him give you a smile, laughter and good mood. Meet our alumni.

The word is given to the head of the kindergarten

Diplomas and photographs are awarded.

Deniska is our shirt guy!

he won't go anywhere.

Well, if need be,

Will lead you.

There are no equals in Serezha's gym.

We wish him victories

And "great to receive"

Our Anya is a laugher,

Cheerful and nice girl.

The school will love her very much.

Vlad loves to sing, dance,

We wish to study it only on "5"

and develop their talents at school.

Roma grew up quickly

He managed to get everything.

He strives for new knowledge.

It will come in handy at school.

Our Yulenka is smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only "4" and "5"

There will be notebooks to fill in.

From any position

You will always find a way out

Do you like to fantasize?

You will never get lost.

Kolya, you are a daredevil

In everything you are great.

Feel free to go to school

And learn science.

And slender as a spikelet.

Likes to help adults

And better not to find.

We sincerely wish Sonya

Meet good friends

To be as kind, glorious

And get fives.

Dancer, anywhere!

And the mind and all took.

We will miss you.

Dasha, promise to visit us. (P)

Likes to build, craft,

Talk a lot.

We sincerely wish him

It is sad to part with Dasha (M),

But we will still smile.

After all, there are so many interesting things at school,

unknown, wonderful.

Our Artyom loves to draw,

Adults like to help.

He has many talents.

Let there be a bright road!

We wish Katya true friends,

Lots of health and sunny days,

Good luck with your studies and all the best.

May your life be full of joy!

Fair and calm

Praise is always worthy.

Children respect Dima

Everyone wishes him success.

Vika can sing beautifully,

You can even play the piano

The plays are difficult to play.

But it's time to say goodbye

Gotta go to school

golden sun

We have in the group.

golden sun -

The beams are uncountable.

We wish Angelina

And at school shine for everyone.

Bring good grades from school.

We accompany Olesya to school

And with all our hearts we wish

So that the lessons answered

Without hesitation, without difficulty

And the teacher even gasped

And he said, "Wow!"

We see off Nastya (Ch) to school

With all our hearts we wish

Do your best at school

And work hard.

Thank you parents.

Congratulations to the Kindergarten staff.

  1. Head
    At the head of care
    All other worries are more important.
    How he comes to work
    This is how the cycle went:
    The nanny got sick in the group,
    Need someone to replace
    And there will be no energy -
    Call Gorenergo.
    Select specialists
    To start the school year.
    Invite artists to kindergarten
    Show the children the story.
    Register new kids
    Praise the teachers
    And of course updates
    Buy for kindergarten.
    And thank you very much
    We all want to say.
    Sorry, Rita Pavlova, in elementary school
    We won't miss you.
  1. Thinking in a modern way

To raise kids

All sciences, no doubt

Methodist needs to know

Tatyana Alexandrovna can be proud of,

It's hard to find a better methodologist,

Can write any program

On training plans to submit,

Everything will be developed, discussed,

And organizes with teachers.

  1. manager
    Working day at the caretaker
    It's very difficult to predict.
    That flood hangs as a threat,
    That plumbing again
    Here the battery broke
    There is a revision going on.
    Didn't have time to look back
    The garden is closed for renovations.
    How to live without caretaker?
    We hasten to thank you, Natalya Evgenievna!
  1. Medical workers
    Good Doctor Aibolit
    He has been at his post since morning.
    He issues certificates
    And he will go to the catering department,
    And he will deliver vaccinations on time,
    And send the sick home.
    We thank Anastasia Ivanovna,
    That kindergarten is always healthy!
  1. I burred all the letters, did not speak at all,

She controlled our speech, explained everything as it should,

Where to direct the tongue so that we do not lisp,

The word is correct to say and all the letters we name,

Thanks to Natalya Gennadievna!

  1. Music worker
    For music lessons
    Children have been going for many years.
    Now everyone is a karaoke star
    To dance - no problem.
    And if the school suddenly happens
    Who will perform on stage
    Anyone can make a difference
    Since there is talent, why hide.
    Thank you, Elena Vagizovna, for teaching
    And dance and sing songs.
    So much talent has been revealed to us,
    Whatever is expensive to watch.
  1. For a sports worker
    So that children do not get fat,
    So that in a healthy children's body
    The spirit has always been healthy,
    The physical worker said:
    "Before the kids wake up,
    Bring to charge
    Sports will help you become dexterous,
    If necessary, surrender change ...
    Yes, with a log, with a Swedish wall
    Kids should be friends.
    Let them beat their knees a little
    And tear their pants."
    Which of them will become an athlete,
    The whole world will glorify the country,
    After a couple of years
    We learn from the newspapers...
    In the meantime, thank you, Marina Vladimirovna,
    From the guys, their dads and moms!
  1. Chefs
    Who came to kindergarten in the morning?
    These are our chefs.
    Breakfast porridge is ready
    The porridge is cooked. Hooray!
    Who cooked fragrant soup
    And a side dish of different cereals?
    Who baked us buns
    Or apple pie?
    These are our chefs.
    They have been working since six in the morning.
    Dear chefs,
    Adults and kids
    They say thank you
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart
    For borscht, meatballs, porridge ...
    We appreciate your work!
    Thanks to Galina Anatolyevna,

Alevtina Nikolaevna

Svetlana Alexandrovna.

  1. Laundress
    She washes all day
    And the linen does not decrease.
    Doctors, cooks...
    Here's a new mountain...
    This is how it goes day by day
    You, Lyubov Nikolaevna, at the graduation
    We say thank you
    And thank you for everything!
  1. Assistant teacher

    For children to grow up faster
    You need to feed them more often.
    Educator, believe
    Can't live without a helper.
    And the cleaning needs to be done
    Wipe the dust everywhere
    And run to the warehouse for something,
    And help the kids get dressed.
    Change linens, beds,
    How to sleep, refuel ...
    Keep the group in order
    In general, there is no time to be bored.
    Our Oksana Alexandrovna has time
    Get things done quickly.
    Never get discouraged
    That she came to work in the garden.
    Many people in the village know
    About her invaluable work.
    In the group she has - as in the house:
    Cleanliness, comfort, coziness.

  1. (First caregivers)

How long have we gone to the nursery,

You taught us how to hold a spoon and a mug.

They taught us to wear a coat and a hat,

And sing the first poems and songs.

Parting is not a problem

You paved the way to childhood in your heart,

You are for us today and always

Relatives, relatives, dear ones

  1. Our teachers are a feast for the eyes, the highest class

We all studied with them, we didn’t get bored in the classroom,

What we glued, sculpted, gave everything to parents,

They controlled plasticine, they didn’t even stain their hands,

They taught us to work, not to be lazy in the classroom,

It's sad to part with you, you need to get ready for school,

Valentina Grigorievna, Nadezhda Leonidovna

Thank you and thank you for everything!

The floor is given to the parents.

We continue our speech and confidently declare to everyone: Kindergarten No. 17 is the mind, honor and conscience of the Yuzhny village.

- and life in it is a complicated thing, but interesting, because they work here:

- the most reliable educators,

- smartest teachers

- the kindest assistants to the educator,

- the most skilled chefs,

- the most talented musicians,

- the most wonderful doctors,

- and the most caring manager.

We will remember you with love

How did you mothers treat our children,

And they made you feel at home.

- Thank you, bow to the ground,

Accept from all parents

And also carefully, loving,

Teach your other children!

Bow for your golden hands,

For your faithful hearts

After all, you have worked, dear ones,

Not for the red word.

- Thank you for your patience.

With what each of them was taught,

For your worries and worries,

For the heart that hurts like for relatives.

- May the days of your life be good,

And in the house there will be joy and harmony,

And we wish you with all our hearts,

Great human happiness

We want all of us parents to admit

We love you very much

You just have to try

Do not forget and remember us!

the authors: Irina Yurievna Shchigartsova , Moscow city, Rimma Dzhaudatovna Navmyatullina , Moscow city, Natalya Alexandrovna Artemyeva , Moscow city, Antonina Dmitrievna Nesterova , Moscow city, Alexandra Borisovna Khamova , Moscow city

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The graduation party is designed in such a way that each of its fragments is another interesting surprise for children, in which children show their skills and abilities acquired over the years of preschool childhood. The matinee script is especially useful for teachers working with children with disabilities of different ages. The idea of ​​the holiday united various types of activities into a single whole, made the matinee spectacular and exciting.

Target: create a joyful mood in children, cause a positive emotional upsurge, form a positive motivation for school.


  • To create a festive atmosphere of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.
  • Encourage the development of children's creative abilities.
  • P to show the achievements of preschoolers in various activities, and their readiness for a more adult life.
  • To promote the formation of artistic taste in children.
  • Contribute to the formation of an active life position and socialization in society.
  • Cultivate love and respect for culture, traditions, spiritual values.

Forms of organization of children's activities:

  • Productive activity on the topic: "Summer landscape".
  • Organization of gaming activities on the topic: "School", "Train travel". Acquaintance with professions: train driver, dispatcher, doctor, cook, policeman, DJ, circus performer, speech therapist, etc.
  • Acquaintance with the instruments of the symphony orchestra, the work of P. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi.
  • Learning poems, songs, dances, skits, orchestra parts.

Equipment: Use of computer technologies, music center; hall decoration. Attributes for performances, dances: balloons, soft toys; a children's sofa and a bed for the "lazy person", a briefcase and a bouquet for the "mom", a dressing gown, a suitcase and a phonendoscope for the "doctor", a notebook, a telephone, a scarf for the "grandmother"; children's drawings, multi-colored ribbons, numbers "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"; a flower with detachable petals, a camera, medals for graduates. Musical instruments: metallophones, triangles, musical bowl, tambourine.

Event progress

The song “Little Country” sounds, music by I. Nikolaev, lyrics by I. Reznik. Children with balloons run into the hall, dance, throw balloons to the audience, sit on chairs. The voice in the recording sounds:

Attention! Attention! Fast train "Knowledge", following the route "Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello, school!” will be sent from the platform of the kindergarten “Dream” at 16.00 local time.

The background of the station sounds, the whistle of a locomotive, educators enter, exchange glances, look at their watches.

Vedas. one: OK it's all over Now! The time has come!

Vedas. 2: It's a pity for our children!

Vedas. one: Yes, it's not easy! Gathered so far!

Vedas. 2: And do something what?

Vedas. one: Maybe not worth it?

Vedas. 2: We see off to no one knows where, why?

Vedas. one: Most importantly, it's so long! Suddenly they fall behind on the road, they catch a cold ...

Vedas. 2: They are still small ... And we are so used to them!

Vedas. one: And in general, how much has not yet been said, not done!

Vedas. 2: Undereducated!

Vedas. one: Can we cancel the trip?

Vedas. 2:

And from something the hall fell silent,
In the eyes of delight and sadness a little.

Vedas. one:

Let the hall now remember them:
Flirtatious and mischievous,
A little cheeky and stubborn!

Vedas. 2:

The most childishly playful,
Unique, dear!

Vedas. one: And all in their own way beloved, and equally relatives. Meet the kindergarten graduates of 2017, future first graders!

The hosts alternately call the names and surnames of the children. Children enter the hall, some of them have soft toys, line up in a semicircle.

Children read short poems.

  1. We came to kindergarten as kids,
    We were three years old then
    Sometimes they wanted to see their mother so much ...
  2. And I cried sometimes!
  3. So we grew up, and we
    Waiting for the school in the very first grade!
    Do you remember when we went to kindergarten?
  4. We didn't even go
    We were often carried in wheelchairs!
  5. I remember crying everyday
    I was waiting for my mother, I looked out the window!
  6. And if we didn't sleep
    We were rocked on the handles ...
  7. All: Kids, kids, we were all good!
  8. And I don't remember at all
    How did you get here the first time?
    Then we were like this
    Now we are growing anywhere!
  9. Today I washed, dressed up,
    Scented with French perfume...
    Today it is necessary - I say goodbye to kindergarten!
  10. Doll, my doll
    How am I now without you?
    It's time for us to say goodbye
    I will go to school to study!
  11. My ball is bright, cheerful!
    I came to say goodbye.
    No, you can't go to school with me
    Stay, okay?
  12. Goodbye, dear bear!
    You didn't grow up!
    You see, they bought me books -
    It's time for me to go to school!
    Children leave some of the toys in the center of the hall, and some are taken to the scenery.
  13. Goodbye, our fairy tales,
    Our cheerful round dance,
    Our games, songs, dances!
    Goodbye! School is waiting!

Children sing the song "Farewell, our kindergarten", music. S. Sosnina, sl. I. Chernitskaya.

Presenter: The graduates will leave their favorite toys to the kids.

Children of the middle group enter, stand near the toys.

1 child of the middle group:

The guys have a holiday today
They all go to school.
All toys are for education,
Will give to new mothers.

2nd child of the middle group:

Well, come to me, my bear!
What are you afraid of not going?
Nothing that I'm a baby -
You won't get lost with me!

3rd child of the middle group:

Many good things are ahead of you
We wish you a good, happy journey!

Children of the middle group dance with toys and leave.

Presenter: Each child is a small bright star, which, and we really hope so, will grow into a big, clean, kind, talented star! Today, at our celebration, children will show their talents. Our train will go to a wonderful country called "School". He will stop at different stations, which will help to learn about the talents of children. And we will meet them with friendly applause. The first station is "Dance"!

Children perform a dance potpourri of their favorite dances.


You took us kids
Kindergarten, our dear,
We have now become family
And we say goodbye to you!
The sun is a cheerful ray
Knocking happily on the windows
And we are proud today
In an important word "Graduate"!

Presenter: Music station! Once upon a time, the famous violinist Paganini had an unpleasant story. Envious people damaged his violin - they tore off the strings before the concert. But with the musicians who will now perform in front of you, nothing like this happened, our instruments are in perfect order! So, the musicians of the children's orchestra "Dreamers" will perform for us "German Song" by P. Tchaikovsky, "Turkish Rondo" by A. Vivaldi.

Children perform the orchestra.

Presenter: And now - the station "Teatralnaya"!

1 child:

For our artists
We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that the heroes are different
They were equally good.

2 child:

So that every performance the viewer
I was in a hurry to watch from the beginning.
Create, play, create
To hear "Bravo" from the audience!

3 child:

The theater world will open its backstage to us,
We will see miracles and fairy tales.
There Pinocchio, cat Basilio, Alice,
Easily change heroes, masks.

4 child:

The magical world of play and adventure!
Every kid wants to be here.
Suddenly turn into a dad or mom,
And show everyone your talents!

Lazy man lies on the bed and snores. A pillow is attached to his head.

Who is it in the bed?
And awake says?

Lazy person:

Ah, cruel fate!
Everyone tortured me!

Grandma comes to Lazybones.


Wake up baby
Get up soon, baby!
Bend over and pull up
Wipe off with a towel.

Lazy person (unhappy):

Wake up baby
Get up soon, baby.
Ah, cruel fate!
Everyone tortured me!

Grandma steps aside. Mom runs up to Lazy.


Gotta hurry to school
To study things.
To be able to count, write...

Lazy person:

I love the bed!
I don't want to get up!

Mother: I'll pack your briefcase and walk you to school.

Lazy person:

Oh, get away from me!
I have a girlfriend - a soft pillow.

Grandma and Mom take their heads, gasp, groan, shake their heads.


Woe, whatever you say!
What lies ahead for us?


The ignoramus will remain
Will toil in life!

Lazy person:

Ah, cruel fate!
Okay, okay, I'll get up!

The lazy person gets out of bed, feels his head, gets frightened, tries to tear off the pillow, but nothing works out for him.

Mother: Who will help us now?

Grandmother: Call the doctor soon!

Mom goes to the phone. Grandmother takes her grandson by the hand, takes him to the sofa, calms him down.


It's good that only the pillow has grown to the top of your head.
If the bed had grown, you wouldn't even be able to get up!

The lazy man begins to sob, Grandmother strokes him on the pillow on his head.

Mother (talking on the phone):

Dear doctor, come
Save your son from trouble.
To his round head
Pa-pa-pillow has grown!

Mom sobs, stutters, wipes her tears, puts down the phone, goes to her son. All three hug and cry. The Doctor enters, stops beside Lazybones, puts down the suitcase.

Doctor: So, let's listen to the child.

The Doctor leads Lazy to the center of the room. Lazybones does whatever the Doctor says.

Here is the liver, spleen ...
Now turn left.
Touch your nose with your tongue.
The doctor touches the pillow.

Doctor: Now I'll tell you the diagnosis, I think I won't be surprised.

Lenivis, loafer, friend, -
Reluctance is the result.

The lazy man repeats the words with fear. Grandma grabs her heart.

Lazy person: Lenivis, loafer?


The pillow is firmly rooted

Mother and grandmother jump up from the sofa, run up to Lazy.

You will not pull away from the crown.
I will give you this advice:
Gotta cut! With your head!

The doctor with an energetic movement runs the edge of his hand along the throat. Grandmother energetically takes the Doctor's hand away from Lazy Man.

Grandmother: No, I won't, don't touch your grandson!

Doctor (shakes his finger, says to his grandmother): That for laziness to him science!

The doctor walks in circles, scratches his head, stops in the center.

There is one more piece of advice.
Should you speak or not?


I don't have my power
Speak quickly!

Doctor (looks menacingly at Lazybones):

If you stop being lazy
If you go to study
The miracle will happen again
And the pillow will fall off!

The doctor, Grandmother and mother walk around the room, mother writes down the doctor's recommendations in a notebook. Everyone goes backstage.

Lazy person:

So, you have to try
To part with the pillow.

The lazy man happily leaves, cleans the bed, puts on a satchel.


He put on the shirt himself,
I did my own charging.
Cleaned up everything in the room
Folded notebooks in a briefcase!

Lazy comes out. He has a knapsack behind his back, the host comes up to him.

Lazy person:

No pillow, beauty!
Hello school! Hello me!


Well done! Never be lazy!
Always work hard and study hard!
Our mood is great
Let the song make you happy too!

All the children run out of their chairs in all directions.

Children sing the song "Excellent mood", music. and sl. L. Starchenko.


We want the planet
All the children were happy.
We will study in schools
Let's aim for the stars!

Children perform the dance "We are little stars."

The hosts announce the next station - Krasochnaya.

1 child:

Every day is different:
Blue, green, red -
It all depends on
How many colors does it have.
Well, what is there to hide?
Children love to draw.

2 child:

We are friends with paint and with a brush,
Let's draw a garden and leaves
And birch and grass
Wolf, hare and fox!
All for drawing
Run, hurry with desire!

Children sing the song "Children love to draw", music. V. Shainsky, sl.E. Uspensky.


Children draw on asphalt
And the sun is pouring from above.
They are busy doing
The drawings are childhood dreams.

Children perform the Dance with multi-colored ribbons "I draw this world."

The hosts announce the next station - "School".


We learn a lot at school.
About your favorite land
About mountains and oceans
About continents and countries;
And where the rivers flow
And what were the Greeks
And what are the seas
And how the earth spins.
But sometimes this happens...

Music sounds, children come out - Four and Five.


I'm a good mark
I enter into any notebook,
Got a four. This is good!
So it's not right
You came to school.


Well, I'm a mark of five,
Equal to me.
I see children at school today
There will be replenishment!
I love excellent students
I give them high fives!

Run one and two.


Look at them
I'm also a know-it-all!
Every person knows
At school, I'm the mistress!


No, wait, what about a deuce?
It's impossible without me.
With couch potato and lazybones
We are old friends.


If you argue, I'll call
I will erase to help
Let's do it together quickly
Five of you.


Before fighting
You solve the exercises!
What's 2 2?


My head is spinning.
Child: And you, what do you say deuce?

"Double": Five and that's it (shows)


All the guys here know.
You don't belong in school with them.
We ask you to leave the hall,
You are uninvited guests!


Hey guys help
And drive the villain away!
Let's stomp, slam from all sides!

All: Get out of here!

A little music chase.One and two run away. Four and Five sit down with the children. Come out the child.


Respect our children
Only good grades.
I wish you to receive
Only one rating "five",
A lot to know
Remember Kindergarten!

Children sing the song "School Country", music. Yu. Chichkova, sl. K. Ibryaeva. The hosts announce the next station - "Surprise".

The Fairy of Knowledge enters to the music.

Fairy of Knowledge: Good afternoon! I am the Fairy of Knowledge! Today you are going to say goodbye to kindergarten, your teachers, toys and go to the land of knowledge. This is true? So I just need you. Remember my rule - no rules (pulls out magic wand). Why do I need a magic wand, you ask? I want to determine the mood in the hall! (touches the children with a stick). A very inquisitive boy, an active child, a great mother, a well-mannered girl, sheer charm ... I came to check if you are ready for school. But first, we dream - who will be who?

Fairy of Knowledge conducts the game "Who will be who."

Children come up to the Fairy of Knowledge and tear off one petal at a time, on the reverse side of which is written the word - profession.

The child reads and explains its meaning.

Fairy of Knowledge: Now you understand that you will not get bored with me? Over the years spent in the kindergarten, you ate 3 tons of buns, gained 105 kg, and now weigh 2.5 tons. And the guys also got smart, learned to be friends, and when you dance and sing, the good energy from your hearts can replace several power plants in terms of power. Want to check it out?

Fairy of Knowledge conducts the game"Photo for memory".

All children dance in their own way. When the music ends, everyone freezes in beautiful poses.

Fairy of Knowledge photographs children, parents dance too.

Fairy of Knowledge:

The road to knowledge is not easy
And you will follow it.
Learn, children, and then
You will understand a lot.

Fairy of Knowledge leaves.

The music of P. Moriah sounds, the teachers go to the center of the hall.

1 teacher:

Today, the excitement can not be contained -
Your last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

2 educator:

And how hard it is to part with you
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found!

1st child:

We are sad, very sorry to leave.
We promise to visit our garden!
But it's time to say goodbye
We want to say thank you to everyone!

2 th child:

Thanks to everyone who taught us
Took care of us
Who gave us a lot of strength,
Ready for first grade.

3rd child:

It was good for us here in the kindergarten,
This is what we tell you honestly.
And thank you from the bottom of my heart,
We all thank you!

Children sing the song "Farewell, our kindergarten", music. S. Sosnina, sl. I. Chernitskaya.

Presenter: And now the floor is given to the head of the kindergarten!

Presentation of diplomas to graduates. Everyone's departure.

The scenario of the graduation party in the preparatory group of the kindergarten "Desire Machine"
Ship, steering wheel, Wishing machine, island nameplates, insect paintings, Teremok house, hats
To the solemn music of "ABBA" educators enter the hall.
Educator 1: Hello, dear guests.
Educator 2:
Voices will now be heard in this hall
Our lovely and kind children
The last holiday
a little sad,
Let's start for our guys.
Educator 1:
Once in this kindergarten,
You mothers brought them.
They gave us their children
And we took care of them.

Educator 2: Yes, time has flown by, but today is the last day for the guys in kindergarten. And I want him to remain in their memory forever.
Educator 1: Yes, time has flown by quite imperceptibly. It seems that quite recently our guys were so tiny, they didn’t know how to hold a spoon, put on sandals.
Educator 2: And remember how many funny stories happened to our children.
Educator 1: Yes, yes, as I remember now. (The teacher tells a funny incident from the life of a child.)
Educator 2: Yes, since then our children have grown up, wiser. And many of them dreamed of becoming a driver, a bodyguard, a director, and a director.
Educator 1: It would be great if all their wishes come true today. Maybe we should try?
Teacher 2: What to try?
Educator 1: Design a wish machine.
Teacher 2: Will we succeed?
Teacher 1: I think so. After all, everyone who works in kindergarten is a little dreamers and magicians. Well, let's get to work, shall we?
Teacher 2: Let's try.
(They begin to finish building the wishing machine. Upon completion.)
Educator 1:
It would be great in our life,
Whatever he wanted, it was fulfilled at once.
I would love to go back to my childhood.
Educator 2: And all my life I dreamed of going on a cruise on a ship and visiting different countries.
Educator 1: Well, I think it's time to test the desire machine. Can we make wishes?
Teacher 2: Come on.
(Educators stand in a circle of the Wishing Machine, the f-ma from the movie “Guest from the Future” turns on with the words of the machine.)
Get in a circle. Grab the handrails. Close your eyes. Don't peek.

(Educators close their eyes, the elumination on the Machine turns on. The melody of the song “Top-Top-Top-Tops” sounds, children run into the hall, disperse around the hall.)
Educator 1: In my opinion, my wish is being fulfilled. (They leave the "Wish Machine" for the children.)
Child 1:
We invite everyone to the ball
In an elegant music hall,
Where there will be music and laughter
And setting for success.
Child 2:
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope to meet in the future
The fragrance of flowers
And the twitter of children's voices.
Child 3:
Holiday, holiday celebrated!
Children perform together
Everyone dance and sing
Everyone is invited to visit.
Child 4:
We invite everyone to the holiday
Kind, bright, mischievous!
Holiday sad and cheerful -
Our Preschool Graduation!!!
SONG "SO CLAVE YOUR HANDS" (Children sit on chairs. A boy comes out in the middle of the hall.)
Boy (Captain): Can I make a wish?
Teacher 2: Of course.
Boy (Captain):
We guys love the sea
And dream on the waves
In the blue go expanse
Today here, tomorrow there.
(The boy approaches the “Wishing Machine”, presses the button, the illumination turns on, the sound of the sea sounds, the ship rises, the children (4 couples) go out to the individual dance of the Sailors, the captain boy puts on a tunic and cap.)

Educator 2: I feel like my wish is coming true.
DANCE OF SAILORS (Sailors go to the chairs, girls with sailboats go out the door.)

Captain: (Behind the ship, with the helm in hand.) Guys, we are going to sail to the school islands. Our flotilla sets sail. We are on one of the beautiful brigantines, and there are many wonderful sailing ships in our flotilla, admire them. (The lights go out.)

Captain: (looks through binoculars) Give mooring lines, raise anchor, full speed ahead. I see the first island. Yes, it's Toy Island. (A girl comes out carrying the first island with a name.)

Educator 2: Why are you sitting Vika and slowly feeling sad alone?
I want a big, big toy
But you can't buy one in the store.
To make this toy my friend,
This is the wish I made.
Educator 2:
A big toy, we sewed ourselves,
And she will be friends, and she will play with us.
To the cheerful music, “BIG TOY - MOUSE” (tutor of the younger group) comes out.
Girl: (takes the Mouse by the hand.)
I recently dreamed this in a dream,
As if he came to visit me.
We composed and sang music with him.
We also played the flute with him.
And now he is in front of me, in reality,
Come on, I'll show you all my friends. (Pointing to children.)
Dance for us Mouse, I ask
In the yard about it I
I will tell all my friends.
And with me, more toys. Come out of the box. (A large gift box opens and toys come out.)

First Doll:
I am Tanya doll
Favorite toy.
Have you all grown up?
And it's time for you to go to school!
You don't need a bear anymore
You need a notebook and a book.
I don't suit you anymore
But I'm not angry with you!
You played with me to your heart's content -
They threw it up and on the floor!
But we'll meet at school
There's football and basketball!
Second Doll:
Learn always on "excellent",
Lead yourself!
And at least sometimes in your school
Remember your garden, loving!
Bear, Ball and Tanya and I -
Fun toys!
goodbye for you
Let's dance for the last time!
Dear babies, thank you
Who came to congratulate us.
And today, goodbye
We want to reward you. (Give gifts to kids.)
Attention, I see some kind of island. The music sounds fun. We must swim closer and find out what kind of island it is. (Fairy Tale Island is illuminated.)

F-ma: to the motive of the song “About Love” by the group “Fabrika” (“There is a star in my fist, I will put it to my ear - it rings”).
Visible in the sea islet, (lai la la)
Teremok is not high there, (lak la la)
Teremochek is not simple,
He is handsome and golden.
This is a school for children
For kids and animals.
A fly flies across the sky
Flying up and knocking. The Fly Girl "flies up" to a pre-designated tower, knocks and sings to the tune of the refrain of Katya Lel's song "Musi-pusi".
Musi-musi, pussy-pusi, open the door,
I want to go to school, oh-oh-oh!
I flew like a butterfly over everything
And all without problems, but time
Learn everything. (2 times)
Mushka flew into the teremok,
Now she's waiting for a call
Here comes the mosquito
And I wanted to study.
That's the school-teremok!
Maybe already a lesson?
LEADING: And the mosquito is knocking here ...
KOMARIK: I want to study soon!!!
Oh mosquito, come on in
Look at the desk
And on the board, and on the class,
Everything is taught here!
There will be happy faces!
I want to learn faster
This will come in handy in life.
(sings to the tune of the verse of the song “Cool you got on TV”)
I want to know everything in the world, and read the Primer
I want to make my dream come true in my life,
But without school, without learning, I can’t see happiness,
And my dream is this: I want to become an artist!
(recitative-half-whisper) And then they will tell me ...
(to the tune of the chorus of the song “Cool you got on TV”)
Cool you got on TV
You are a star,
You are a star, let's surprise people. (2 times)
Here comes the mosquito
And sat down at a desk with a fly,
It didn't even take half a minute.
The mouse ran
And of course she's in class
She knocked right away.
Did I make it?
So I wanted to study
That I got up early today
Didn't wake up to school in the morning
So ran, hurried,
That almost fell into a puddle ...
(sings to the tune of the verse of Glucose's song "Forgive me, baby")
The asphalt shone, I got wet all over,
And the cars are honking, but not a step back
I go to school, right on the go,
I sing a song...
(to the tune of the chorus of the song "Forgive me, baby")
Let the kid envy, in school ...
I go to school
Don't be sad baby...
I'll take it in a year.
MOUSE (holding out his hand to the mosquito):
Let's meet? I am Mouse
And I'm not a baby anymore.
I am doing now
In the long-awaited first class!
Here at the desk sat the Mouse,
She has a notebook, a book.
Everyone heard footsteps...
MUHA: Mouse, who's there? Look!
Oh frog! Oh wah!
You will be my friend!
The frog sings to the tune of the chorus of the song “The boy wants to go to Tambov” and makes small jumps to the beat of the song.

And I will study at school for five,
I will know everything in the world
And I can even fly to the moon
Even fly to the moon!
To school, to school, I want! Chiki-chiki, chiki-chiki-ta!
I will get knowledge! Chiki-chiki, chiki-chiki-ta!
(end of singing, then - verses)
Everything is taught here
Add and multiply?
I dream after school
Become a traveler
And so learn
I will always be at "five"!
Sat down with the Mouse Frog,
She became her friend
Here the Bunny came running
He knocked softly on the door.
Hello, here I am
My name is Bunny!
(sings to the tune of the chorus of the song "Chocolate Bunny")

I'll be a student, hic, hic, hic!
I hiccup with fear, but I know so little
I can only - prik (jump), prik, prik, prik.
(bounces several times)
I am an unlearned bunny, but I am an affectionate boy,
I'll be a student, u-che-nick!
Here comes the bunny
He began to look at the class,
Got to know everyone
Sat down at the desk and said:
So when is the lesson?
The bell doesn't ring yet.
I hear someone walking there
Sings a ringing song.
And still going to study
Red fox to school
Cheerful singer.
She walks into class...
Well, who do we have here?
(looks around the class)
Who will offer to sit at the desk,
Pour tea for the fox,
Give candy, chocolate
And will my portfolio carry?
BUNNY: What is your name, girl?
FOX: Just a Red Fox,
Well, anyway...
(sings to the Bunny, stroking his head, to the motive of Valeria's song "Watch")
Call me your little fox
And plant with you, carry my briefcase,
Little foxes are sitting at the desk,
They don't talk, they don't scream, they don't scream.
I will help you in our class,
I can count, I can write
And, of course, only if you are with me,
You will be my hero, you will be so smart!
Here the Chanterelle with the Bunny sat down,
And the bell doesn't ring
Only someone, very quickly
Hurrying to class, running.
Looks like it's not too late
But did I get there?
I'll probably ask you
This is a school? First grade?
Yes, you came to the first class,
What is your name, tell me? (holds out his hand to the Wolf) The wolf sings to the tune of the Star Factory song “Sasha + Masha” (“Her name is Masha, she loves Sasha ...”)
Your name is White, my name is Gray,
The fox's name is Red, whatever one may say.
Frog - Wah, and Mouse - Norushka,
It's not easy to remember, but everything is ahead!
Let me go to study soon
I want to know everything in order to be literate.
I want to know the letters, I want to know the numbers
Let me study, otherwise I will howl!
The animals show the wolf a desk, seat him, not allowing him to open his mouth so that he does not howl.
Everything, the bell is already ringing,
The lesson starts.
It's coming in now
Our first grade teacher.
Everyone is in agitation, everyone is quiet,
But the door opened and...
Teddy bear on the doorstep
He's a little late
He walks through the aisles
Hear a rustle here and there
Stepped on the Fox's tail
He crushed the hare's paw,
And inadvertently to the frog
Pressed the lower back.
Elbow pushed the mouse to the side
And Komarik shoved
And when he came to the Wolf,
Gray shouted loudly.
What is this elephant
How will he study?
We have no place for him
Your friend is not in the first class!
You have a place in the garden
Where do carrots grow
You will be a scarecrow
There's a raven to scare!
HOST: The little bear started crying and said...
I'm clumsy
Stepped on a hundred puddles
Didn't mean to offend you.
And I'm not very brave.
But everyone is happy to learn
I graduated from kindergarten
And where to go now?
There is no turning back!
Then the teacher came into the classroom
And he said to Mishutka:
"Hurry, my friend, sit down,
Mind-mind learn.
Well, you little animals, sit down,
Don't offend anyone
Whether it be small, big,
Clubfoot or lame.
School teaches only good
Adds knowledge
First graders today
The school accepts!
The final song "What they teach at school", parents-artists leave the hall.
Captain: Our ship is losing balance. What could it be? Probably a storm at sea and pitching began.
Sailor 1: (at the chair) No way. Instruments show calmness on the sea.
Captain: And I feel a strong roll in the stern. Apparently some extra cargo was taken by our ship. Check the stern.
Sailor 2: (at the chair) Got to check the stern. (Sailors 3,4 go out the door.)
Captain: Have you checked?
Sailor 3: That's right, the extra cargo has been found. These are two unknown passengers.
Sailor 4: They are overboard, clinging to the stern and pulling our ship to the bottom.
Captain: Whistle everyone upstairs, people overboard, save and bring. (The sailors go out the door, take out two Deuces, sit on the chairs.)

Captain: Who are you? Why clung to the side of our ship?
Deuce 1: We are your future deuces.
Deuce 2: How will you be at school without us?
Sailor 1: (at the chair) We don't need you at all. Leave the ship immediately.
Two 2: Yes, not a single teaching can do without us.
Sailor 2: (at the chair) Get by, get by.
Deuce 1: Clear, clear. They want to be excellent. But to be excellent students, you need to have great knowledge. Do you have them?
Children: Yes.
Deuce 2: To begin with, we will find out if you can get ready for school, and who will help you.
Deuce 1: We'll check now.
The game "Get ready for school" is being held (team of children + mom, dad, grandmother)
On call
1 runs, opens briefcase
2 puts down the pencil case
3 books
4 folder with notebooks
5 mom makes a sandwich, puts it in a bag, then in a briefcase
6 dad blows up a balloon
7 grandmother makes a bouquet, puts foil on it
8 the child closes the briefcase, puts it on his shoulders, runs to the team
The game "My grades" (children)
(Children blindfolded to the music choose their grade for which they will study, and the Twos confuse them with tips, but despite this, you need to give the children the opportunity to choose a good grade.)

Captain: We need to take the rope from the Twos and then they will not cling to the ships.
Educator 1: And parents will help us with this.
The game "Rope" (parents) (select and play)
To the music, adults walk around the rope laid on the floor, at the end of the music they stand on the rope, whoever does not fit, leaves the game, each time the rope folds in half, four times, etc.
Deuce 2: Yes, these children definitely do not need us.
Deuce 1: Look, girlfriend. Another ship is coming, we are sailing to it, there we will definitely be useful to someone. Follow me, friend. (They leave.)
(All lights go out, the Siren lights up in the background.)
Guys, guys, we've gone off course,
No matter how trouble comes along the way.
Voice-over (Siren): Who are you to swim in my sea without asking my permission? You see, I drowned everyone, I rejoice! .. And they swim here, spoil my mood! Just like that, even chips do not float past me. I'll put everyone to sleep and sink the ship.
(The casket sleepy melody sounds.)
Guys, our ship is sinking! We urgently need someone's help. (Gentlemen enter with chairs.)
Gentleman 1: They radioed that the ship was in trouble. We want to help.
Gentleman 2: Oh, something's happening to me. (Sits down on a chair.)
Gentleman 3: And with me. I can't stand. (Sits down on a chair.)
Gentlemen: (in turn) Me too. (They sit on chairs in turn, uttering a phrase.)
DANCE OF THE GENTLEMEN (at the end of the dance they fall asleep)

What are these miracles?
Look, the fish is not simple,
This fish is gold!
Fish, fish help!
Show us the right path!
I'll help you guys
I will save your ship.
And the lights will help me
After all, they are magical. (The ball-color music turns on.)
Voice-over (Siren):
How hard it is to agree
But I have to confess:
You defeated me
Goodbye, kids!
On the left - the sea, on the right - the sea, the waves are splashing in the open!
Oh, I seem to see the edge of the earth in the distance.
(Wish Island flashes.)
Misha Kurchangin, Egor, Vika P.:
SONG ABOUT DRAWING (with pictures)

And I love to play the piano
And in the near future I dream
Perform at the Bolshoi Theatre.
I dream to be a pop star
And give you all hits.
SOLO SONG "POP SINGER" (At the end of the song, the children leave the hall. Prepare for the solemn exit.)
Board computer, full speed ahead! We're sailing for the School Islands. I see the coast! Moored! Our journey is over.
Educator 2:
Finally, like home.
Is everyone alive and well?
Well, then you have to continue.
We say goodbye to kindergarten.
Educator 1:
To the sound of music, applause in this hall,
The moment of celebration we have been waiting for has arrived.
Educator 2:
Graduates of the nursery-garden "Sadko" we invite to the hall,
And we are happy to call their names. (Children enter the hall in pairs, the teachers solemnly announce each child. Everyone gets up in pairs, as at the beginning of the holiday.)
Educator 1:
We are preschoolers today,
Let's go to first class.
We invite you to say goodbye
Dance preschool waltz.
So our last year has ended,
In these walls, and sad to tears.
After all, he went with him to the world of magic
Childhood of early fairy tales and dreams.
We lived here, laughing and playing.
And grew up in our kindergarten,
As an adult, I suddenly understand
That I won't come here again.
Something important is leaving now
Breaking away from us forever.
Let time take us further
Never forget these days.
And probably don't
No big words here
Take it as a reward
Admiration and love.
Educator 1:
On our holiday today
The whole kindergarten
From adults to children came
To invite you to school.
Educator 2:
A holiday, this is a congratulation,
Gifts, jokes, ringing laughter.
From adults to school instruction,
Flowers, surprises from everyone.
Are you ready to receive gifts?
Children: Yes.
Educator 2:
Then sit down quickly
Meet with applause
Our manager soon.
Today, the excitement can not be contained -
Your last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and go to school.
And how hard it is to part with you
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found.
Today, guys, we congratulate you!
You go to school to learn, to make friends.
Good luck and good health to all of you
And never forget your kindergarten!
The admissions committee decided that the kindergarten graduates of 2012 successfully passed the exams and they are solemnly awarded with challenge diplomas and graduate ribbons.
(Soundtrack "Snow Creak" - pause. "Mom" comes out, talking on a cell phone.)
All day round and round
I'm tired, bad luck.
I'm looking for a suitable garden
To send my son there.

(Goes up to the screen with the inscription "SADKO", notices him.)


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