The best scenarios for the new year for a corporate party. Games and contests with jokes for a corporate party. Having fun on New Years with colleagues. Deaf dialogue game

Everyone knows how you will celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it, so at work, the arrival of the New Year should be celebrated cheerfully and kindly. For this, New Year's corporate parties are held, which are designed to cheer up after a difficult working year, unite employees and defuse the situation within the team. New 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, and the scenario of the New Year's corporate party for colleagues will be dedicated to it. If you don't have your own ideas about organizing a holiday, then you can use our scripts, which we have prepared especially for you!

Scenario 1: Tale with Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden

Although your company probably employs adult aunts and uncles, they would most likely like to feel like children at New Year's Eve. So such a funny fairy tale with contests will surely please the whole team. The main characters will be Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka, but you will also need the help of the presenter. The holiday begins with the words of the presenter, which are best decorated in a poetic style. Further, the speech of Santa Claus should be:

- Good day! Where am I staying? Tell me, good friends!

Remember that the speech of the characters should be built in a fairy-tale manner, stretched out and with a slight rustic accent. Don't forget about gestures and a loud voice. Next, the presenter must tell the main character exactly whose holiday they are on. Santa Claus must pretend that he was in the wrong place at all:

- I have to be in Beijing, and then in Rome, and then stop by so many places! I have everything scheduled by the minute!

Let the hero leave, but promise to return. Remember, rhymes are your best friend when designing this script. Next, the floor is given to the presenter, who offers to raise a toast to all the events that have happened throughout the year. This translates into an interesting little game: have the people sitting at the table tell the most unusual, funniest, or most memorable company stories over the past 365 days. The author of the best story by voting by the audience will be awarded a postcard, diploma or other honorary prize. After the presenter says:

- Not all languages ​​to knead, it's worth dancing! Anyone who is not afraid to show themselves in all their glory, I ask you to become the center of the hall!

The next competition for the New Year's party should begin here, in which the participants have to dance in several of the most famous styles: "tango", "cancan", "lezginka", Russian folk and something else. The winner should also be chosen with the help of the rest of the audience. As soon as the winner is presented with the award, Frost should fly into the hall:

- I've almost finished everything, but I've lost my staff! Maybe you've seen the youth?

Naturally, the audience will answer in the negative, and, having chided the grandfather, the presenter must continue the holiday by offering the next toast to love. After that, the opportunity to make toasts is provided to the guests of the corporate party. For the best, you need to give a present again.

- And where is the most beautiful girl of this holiday - Snegurochka? Did Frost leave her somewhere in the fields of Ethiopia? This is not the case! Come on, brave men, help us blind us to a beauty!

This is a call for the start of the next competition. Men must line up in two teams. Each is given the same set of scotch tape, balloons, thread and markers, the rest to taste. It will be much more interesting if the competition will be held for a while. By the way, whether to inflate the balloons before the start of the competition or not depends only on you.

- Thank you, good fellows! Now each of you will be able to boast that at his corporate party there were two Snow Maidens at once. Let's raise a toast to our men!

Time to move smoothly to the next competition. Participants, who had not been particularly active before, will have to stand in a circle and, to the music, transfer to each other some thing from the box with clothes, which will be collected in advance. The one on whom the music stops will have to put on this thing and stay that way for the next half hour. In general, it is worth doing about 10 laps, but not very long, so as not to let everyone get bored. It is better to put a long skirt, a wide hat, funny glasses, strange clown noses, and so on in the box.

The moderator should thank the participants for their activity and, of course, propose a toast. Santa Claus enters next and says that he is glad that the last place in his list fell on the company of these people. All those present are given gifts for the toasts that they will present. It remains for everyone to spend the old year together and make wishes.

This is just a skeleton from which you can make your own version of the script with the jokes of your company or make it more lively, filled with contests. You can also change the order of games, as well as add your own.

Scenario 2: Travel for New Year 2019 with a host

The leading role can be either a person or a character. For a funny effect, you should choose the symbol of the New Year - the Boar, for a corporate party this will be an excellent option. The celebration officially begins when all employees are seated in the banquet hall. After that, the Leader takes the floor:

- Here comes the most long-awaited holiday for all! Surely someone from your acquaintances will celebrate it not at home, but you also don’t think that you will stay in this hall on this New Year's Eve! Today you had an amazing opportunity to visit three countries at once, having studied how they celebrate the arrival of the new year in them. So, the first stop of our holiday train is Poland.

Here it is necessary to create the atmosphere of a traveling train and a noisy station. Include the sounds of knocking wheels, human conversations, but do not forget about the national melodies of the country to which you are “going”. The presenter again takes the floor and talks about the traditions of Poland:

- In our country, fireworks and fireworks are launched to the chimes, but Poles like to pop balloons more. Let us and you and I try to announce this hall with resounding claps!

Couples of men and women should be invited to the center of the hall, giving each of them one ball. The balls will need to be placed between people. While the music is playing, the participants must dance so that the ball does not fall out. As soon as the music ends, the couples should hug so tightly that the ball bursts between them. The quickest couple will have to make a toast. Then the impromptu ride begins again.

- It seems to be hot, do you feel? And all because we are on the hottest continent - Africa! Today we are in Kenya, where some residents traditionally congratulate each other ... with spitting! Thus, they wish for well-being, health and good luck. Now let's try what it is.

Participants are called again and dummies are distributed to them. The game consists in spitting out the dummy as far as possible. The winner also gets the right to make a toast. The journey begins again, with the United States to be the next country.

- Would you like to change to a steamer? I think everyone agrees, but first we must not forget about an important tradition - a bottle smashed on the side! We, of course, will not beat, but we will definitely drink to the fact that today we have gathered at this table.

After a series of toasts, an American pop song should start playing, and the words are again given to the Host.

- Ah, America! Skyscrapers and Hollywood stars, all beautiful and white smiles ... Do you remember the standard of male beauty, handsome Arnold Schwarzenegger? Did you know that in America competitions for the title of the strongest man are held on the eve of the New Year's holiday? Let's try, too.

Take five men for the competition and give them one newspaper unfolded to the end. Each player must crumple the whole sheet with one left hand, starting from the corner. The one who did it the fastest becomes the winner. Everyone drinks again in honor of some toast. Train noises begin again, but now together with Russian folk motives.

- Well, it's time to return to your beloved Russia! By the way, the celebration of the New Year on the first of January appeared with us from Peter the Great. It was he who commanded, in honor of this holiday, to blow up barrels of resin and dress up spruce and fir in houses, and also drink, sing, dance and have fun! What? Let's follow the example of our ancestors!

This is where the dance and free program time begins. You can call Grandfather Frost with the Snow Maiden to make gifts, or just arrange an evening of memories of your life in a team.

Scenario 3: Funny Pig

Your scenario can be built on an interesting conflict: The outgoing Year of the Dog will not be able to come to terms with the fact that the new 2019 Year of the Pig is coming. To do this, you will need the Leader and the Yellow Dog. The first words, as usual, are spoken by the presenter:

- Good evening, dear inhabitants of our planet "Yellow Dog"! As you know, the resources of our Motherland have almost run out, so today we will go in search of a new planet. Scientists predict that the "Yellow Pig" will be the best for us, but first, do not forget to eat and drink. And by the way, are there passengers here who do not use "fuel"? Raise your hands, don't be afraid! Everything's clear with you! Well, that means that you are the one who will now evaluate how well the others are doing well. Let's see who empties their glass most effectively!

Take the "teetotalers" out into the middle of the hall, and let the rest try to surprise them. Give out incentive prizes for winning.

- Finally, we refueled, and we can go. All passengers need to go to our dedicated take-off site.

Guests should go to a place prepared in advance where they can all fit. You need to get up one after another, putting your hands on the belt in front of the person standing. When the movement of the "locomotive" begins, all its participants must raise their right hand up with the words "Oink-oink". Try to explain what this means in the "swine" dialect.

It will be very interesting if interesting obstacles are placed in this zone beforehand:

Ropes stretched at different heights, through which everyone will have to step over;

A rope stretched from above so that everyone has to squat or bend;

Circles or hoops in which you need to stand with only one foot.

You can also turn off the light along the way, blindfold the one in front, make someone jump on one leg, or something completely different. Such a competition can be held several times during the evening, "traveling" to different places.

- Citizens, everyone needs to return to their places! We have an extraordinary refueling. However, we are already very far from everyone we know, so we will have to use the services of strangers. For this we need five volunteers willing to taste the drinks!

The game immediately begins, in which five participants will have to try several alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. To do this, they need to be blindfolded and, if desired, hands. The person who guessed the drinks correctly wins the prize. As soon as the competition ends, the Dog runs into the hall.

  • Who is going to leave my planet? I didn't let anyone go!
  • Sorry, but it's too late, we will soon be at the Pig's.
  • Then I'll bite you! I really enjoy biting people!
  • Be calm, you can't do that!
  • Then you yourself bite each other, and maybe I will forgive you. Look. What do I love the most?

Guests must guess the word "bone".

- Exactly! And I have quite a large supply of bones. So I will call eight beautiful ladies and eight brave men.

Pre-prepared cardboard bones on clothespins should be put on girls from different sides. The task of the men will be to remove these bones from the girls without hands. The winner is the one with the most of them.

- Now I am almost satisfied. However, I will miss you. So shout after me, okay?

There is a small competition between men and women who barks louder. After the Leader announces his arrival on a new planet. Guests can step onto the dance floor on the pretext that everyone needs to warm up after the trip. Santa Claus and Snegurochka may appear here, who will hold their own contests or simply distribute gifts.

Be sure to start thinking over the scenario in advance, even now in the summer you can make a good holiday, which will simply need to be supplemented closer to the desired date. Think over not only the words of the characters, but how suitable the games you have chosen are for the gathering company, because even the funniest competition for the new year 2019 may not be interesting for the team. The decoration of the room and the atmosphere of the evening also play an important role, so do not forget to decorate everything with themed decorations and posters. We wish you to celebrate and meet the New Year perfectly with good people!

New Year is the most fun and fabulous, kind and mysterious holiday in the world. That is why, in the program of our new New Year's script, there is so much music and entertainment on the theme of a fairy tale, stars and, of course, the symbol of 2018 according to the eastern calendar of the Earth Dog. V the author's script for a New Year's corporate party or an evening of rest "Under the Constellation Dogs" about 20 new drinking and outdoor games are included, these are impromptu, chants, video contests, music and dance entertainment.

The proposed one is very rich, fully decorated with audio (video) files and explanations of the author. The program can be used in its entirety or you can choose separate game blocks for holding in different companies.

The script consists of three parts (feasts): in the first - fun, toasts and entertainment to introduce guests and activate the festive mood; the second part is completely devoted to the conditional ritual of goodbye to the outgoing year and meeting with a new one, while in a playful way it is proposed to follow traditions (with a hymn, the president's speech, etc.), the third part - with music and dance competitions and a game moment from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Preparation does not require any complicated props and inviting artists, everything can be organized and carried out on your own. A moment is offered with the presentation of stars for the active participation - bonuses, which can then be exchanged at Santa Claus for prizes, but if the prize fund is not provided, the encouraging moment can be excluded from the scenario. The entire entertainer for the presenter is spelled out from a male person, if the program is led by a lady, minor amendments should be made.

If the organizers of the holiday did not want If you want to focus on eastern symbols, then based on this scenario, you can easily arrange just a merry New Year's party, for example, called "The stars are lit at midnight."

New Year's scenario "Under the Constellation Dogs"


- presenter goes out

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! Glad to see you so star-beautiful and festively animated! And I propose to start our New Year's Eve with a star name at once brightly and in a star-like way, filling glasses and glasses with star drinks and shouting the first "hurray" to your favorite New Year's holiday!

An excerpt of the song "This is a New Year" track 2 - guests fill their glasses

(guests fill their glasses, the host makes the first toast)

First toast

New Year's famous wizard and prankster:

This wonderful holiday transforms all of us!

We somehow imperceptibly, suddenly, believe in miracles,

Sending desires to heaven with hope!

We expect that this midnight will bring us a fairy tale,

And even new stars will light up for us alone!

All-all around wishing happiness and good,

We proclaim a toast to the New Year! Hooray!

The song Paola "New Year" track 3 is playing

(short banquet pause)

Musical acquaintance with the wishes of "Fabulous guests"

Leading: Yes, the New Year really has amazing magic! And I'm sure that in this room no one minds being fabulous guests of a fabulous New Year's Eve, right? To begin with, I propose to get to know each other better, and with the help of a comic horoscope to understand which of the fairy-tale characters each of us is similar to. For example, I was surprised to learn that I look like Puss in Boots, and our DJ looks like Winnie the Pooh. You can contact us today and contact us (smiles), although, perhaps, it will be more convenient by name, my name is Sergey, and Andrey is with you at the music console all evening! Let's welcome him! But you, for sure, can't wait to find out who you are from the characters and what kind of fairy tale you are from! I propose to do it this way, I read out the characteristics of the fairytale character according to the signs of the Zodiac, traditionally starting with Aries, separately for the female and male half, then a musical excerpt sounds in tune with what I heard, all Aries get up, to the best of their artistry and mood, present themselves, and guests greet them. Then also Taurus and representatives of other signs, listen, greet, etc.

(Author's note: if the company is unfamiliar, then this game moment can be used to introduce the guests of each sign to each other, all or selectively. If the company is well known, then this is just an excuse to raise the festive mood and plunge into the fabulous New Year's atmosphere. Musical excerpts are made shorter and more authentic, which option is preferable in this company and whether additional comments from the presenter are needed, encouraging the guests to greet, and the representatives of the sign to stand up and play the sounding musical excerpt - at the discretion of the organizers. Thank you for the idea of ​​S. Shishkina's fairytale horoscope.)

Aries(Gerda and Cipollino)

The Aries girl is endowed with courage and a hot heart.

And, like Gerda from a fairy tale, for the sake of love, she will cope with any task!

Aries man is a fighter, leader and rebel like Cipollino,

For his chosen one, he will not regret either compliments or a limousine.

(- Let's welcome these determined and courageous people!)

Excerpt 1 or 1a sounds "Start the engine" (from the Horoscope folder) - representatives of the Aries Sign stand up, dance, guests applaud them

Taurus (Goldilocks and Pinocchio)

The Taurus girl needs comfort, luxury, care and affection.

This beautiful Goldilocks is very dangerous for men's hearts!

The Taurus man, like Pinocchio, is indifferent to the teachings of the ladies!

Practical, dreams of getting rich and loves to make decisions for himself.

(- We welcome or help materially practical Taurus!) ……… ..


- Musical warm-up chant "New Year's Dreams"

(drive-entertainment on the theme of New Year's wishes and expectations, taking place in the rhythm of the musical composition "Disco Crash")

Excerpt for illustration:

Leading: Anyone want to?

Guests: I want to!

Leading: Anyone else want?

Guests: I want to!

Leading: And now we shout as emotionally as possible, choosing only our dreams. Disassemble, do not yawn, attract the attention of the Universe to yourself!

Leading: Does anyone want to be a star?

Guests: I want to!..


- New Year's toast "To the cool company"

Leading: Friends, I don’t know if all your dreams will come true, in any case, you shouted loudly and convincingly, which means that there (pointing up) already in the know. For my part, I can promise that something from the Universe can be received right here at our evening. ….


- Music game "Star Songs"

(The essence of the game: the minus of the song sounds, the guests guess, then, as a confirmation or refutation of the answers voiced, an excerpt of the original song sounds, which guests can sing along with the phonogram)

(music in the folder "Guess")

Example for illustration:



(20 ready-made cuts of original songs and backing tracks are included)

- Board game with Superstar cards

(cards in the "Superstars" folder)

(To run the game: prepare a New Year's hat and print the cards in advance, all or just the ones you like)

Leading: From the new year, we always expect something new, and, most importantly, good. But in the celestial atlas, we know only one constellation associated with the coming year of the Dog, with an unpromising and not at all optimistic name - the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs. I propose to take advantage of the fabulous opportunities of our New Year's Eve and create a new one! For example, "Constellation of the Good Dog" ?! Under which, I hope, we will be able to comfortably and cheerfully spend not only this evening, but the whole coming year. Let's light it up for ourselves and for ourselves! Moreover, literally everyone in this hall is somehow unique and unrepeatable, just not everyone, perhaps, had the opportunity to express this clearly. Let's do it today, when will we light up in a new way, if not in the New Year ?! Everyone, without exception, will become stars today! But everyone will become a superstar in their own time and under special circumstances. For which ones, we can find out with the help of fortune-telling, kindly provided to me by Santa Claus.

(Comic fortune-telling is carried out as follows: each of the guests, in turn, turns to the neighbor on the right, and says to him the phrase: "You will become a superstar ...", pulls a card from Santa Claus's hat and reads out the continuation of his phrase. If the company is large, then the presenter bypasses the hall and offers fortune-telling to guests selectively).

Card options(for illustration):

- “You will become a superstar”,…. "When you kiss with Pockmarked Snow Maiden"

- “You will become a superstar”,…. "When you dance a jig to the chimes, a fight" ... ..


(30 cards with ready-made options are included)

- Dance warm-up at the "Stars of the dance floor" table

(General fun warm-up activity for the transition to dance break)


Track 12 sounds - the host again invites guests to the table

The background song "Soon midnight" is playing - track 13

(short banquet pause)

Leading: New Year is coming soon, and on our evening, albeit conditionally, but New Year's midnight. But, as usual, before you celebrate the new year, you have to spend the old one, right? Let us, too, mentally leave everything bad in 2017, and in the new one we carefully take the best, I am sure that despite the difficulties, there was good too ...


(interactive with guests on the theme of the outgoing year)

- Table chant "Farewell" Ku-ku "Cockerel"

- Musical impromptu "Star Party"

Leading: I propose to continue the flight of our imagination and present a corporate party with the main New Year's stars, no, I do not mean Nikolai Baskov or Philip Kirkorov, enough has been fantasized about them without us. I'm talking about inanimate, but so dear to the heart, attributes of the New Year, without which we in Russia cannot do this holiday: a herring under a fur coat ... What else? (guests call) That's right, a Christmas tree, champagne, tangerines, salad "Olivier" ... ... .......


Mandarins - 2

Gifts - 2

Christmas tree - 1

Olivier - 1

Champagne -1

Dog - 1

Cockerel - 1

The first to come, of course, were the Mandarins themselves, who were not knocked out of their orange mood by the series of New Year's holidays.

Sounds 1. Excerpt "Orange Song" (from the folder "Impromptu")


Advice to organizers: After this game moment and, before the anthem with chimes provided below (in order to fully observe traditions and arrange an original surprise for the guests), we advise you to include in the program a Teleconference with the President, specially made for a corporate party or an evening of relaxation, to purchase access to it there is a bonus discount - conditions look below.

- Video clip - karaoke "New Year's Anthem"

Entertainment is traditional for our New Year's scenarios, when a comic revised text of the Russian anthem is sung against the background of a colorful karaoke video (the words of the remake and the video clip are new).

Leading: And, as it usually happens, barely having time to spend the old year, we are in a hurry to meet the new one! Rather, we fill our glasses, remember all our dreams and desires for the next 2018th year, so that, under the strikes of the chimes, we can have time to make them all. And attention to the screen! Moscow speaks and shows, and our audience sings and rejoices. To sing the New Year's anthem, please all stand up.


Unbreakable union on our holiday

He gathered all of us at the table! ........................................... .........

Leading: We drank for the new year, which means we are dancing!

Sounds "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" track 16 - New Year's round dance

Dance break

- Animashka for the Year of the Dog "Tyaf-tyaf-boogie "

During a dance break, you can arrange a general funny animation to an incendiary song from "Paw Patrol". The movements are the simplest (at the discretion of the organizers), most importantly, in the rhythm of the music and in accordance with the content of the text (see music and text below)

Sounds "Tyaf-tyaf-boogie" track 17 - everyone is dancing


To become a real dancer

We need to learn to taf-taf-boogie dance!

We wag our tail, do not lag behind ... ..........



An excerpt of the song "New Year's twist" track 1 - the host comes out and invites guests to the table

Leading: Dear guests, judging by what was happening on the dance floor and the atmosphere in the hall, under our constellation Dogs and around it, more and more stars of various sizes are lit up! Soon, very soon, it will shine for us with a new magical light, and the fairy-tale wizard Santa Claus will appear, which is wonderful in itself, and for the owners of our local currency, even more so, because Santa Claus can exchange it for nice gifts. And there are very few chances to earn it, because the competitive part of our program is coming to an end. Those who want to be in time, please come to me! Seven couples of any configuration and gender are welcome.

(participants leave)

To the exit - an excerpt "Carnival Night" is played track 18

- A fun competition for the Year of the Dog "Miracles of training"

Leading: It's good when the owner got the dog as a puppy, and he raised it for himself, but this is not always the case. In our case, the owner, and this is one of the participants in each pair, and the dog itself, will see each other for the first time, and their task is to beat the given image, demonstrating the wonders of express training, to their musical excerpt. The main thing is to remember that the dog, as a rule, looks like its owner and to be a duet: dance or play, and it is not necessary for one of the participants to get up "on four paws". In general, complete improvisation for one minute on a given topic. ....

Example card (for illustration):

4. The dog is a cartoon superhero and its owner is a carefree American

Track 4 sounds

Leading: Thank you for the positive and sparkling improvisations! And now a common dance of couples: the owner and his dog. Timeless dog waltz, of course!

Track 7 sounds (from the folder "Miracles of training") - common dance of all couples

Leading: This applause sounds for you!

To leave participants - track 17 sounds (from the folder "Music to the script")

(variants of cards and music for the competition are attached)

- Toast to the Year of the Dog

The Year of the Dog is coming.

This really does not mean

What's from dawn to dawn

The whole planet will bark ...

- Video competition "Let's light the constellation Dogs"

materials from the "Famous Faces" photo album were used, thanks to the authors)

For carrying out it is necessary the following equipment: computer, mouse, projector, screen or plasma TV.


Leading: I don't know if you noticed or not, but, more often than not, we recall with pleasure the holidays on which we personally were especially good, i.e. they came beautifully, drank beautifully - danced and managed to leave beautifully. To make this holiday forever bright in our memories, I propose to do all this in our next team video competition, and at the same time, light up our Constellation of the Dogs for everyone with a bright light for the whole coming year!

At the exit of the participants- an excerpt of the song "Star" track 20


(Author's note: The competition is made in a presentation format and consists of three parts, in which the participants will be able to show their talents in the ability to make toasts, parody and dance. To participate in the game, it is necessary to create two teams, each with at least 4 participants, for example, one representative from each table (team) or simply those who wish. After the teams are formed, the moderator explains the essence of the entertainment and gives, if necessary, comments during the course)


-Reach for the star game

- Star Trek game

- Dance entertainment "New Year's steam locomotive"

- Exchange office "Santa Claus"

- Round dance of Santa Claus

To get the full version with music, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (650 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount on video greetings:

A wonderful addition to this New Year's program will be: it is offered separately (400 rubles) and (separately offered for 300 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario, bonus discounts are provided: for video entertainment - 200 rubles, for dance - 150 rubles ... Therefore, those who wish to have a video congratulation, a script, and a dance show in their arsenal can send 1000 rubles to the site fund, this script and video congratulation - 850 rubles, this script and a dance show - 800 rubles, without video congratulations and a dance competition, respectively, it is enough will be 650 rubles.

Entertainments and feasts for the New Year, as well as money, do not happen much. A holiday with family, get-togethers with friends, outings and, of course, New Year's corporate party 2017. It is advisable to choose a cool script, with comic numbers, sweepstakes, funny contests and funny prizes, so that the team would meet the New Year in a warm and friendly atmosphere. To make everyone have fun, from the boss to the ordinary employee. By the way, it is quite possible to do without professional showmen and artists, to organize a New Year's corporate party on your own, the idea is traditional - an oriental horoscope. We advise you to play it in a humorous way, for example, like this ...

Cool script "Corporate casting"

Leading:“Good evening, dear colleagues! Make yourself comfortable, we start ... "
At this time, an elegant man enters the door, in a suit, in a bright shirt, with a red bow tie or in a multi-colored neckerchief. And with a quick step he goes to the leader.

A guest:“Wait a minute, gentlemen! I beg your pardon, it was a little delayed, traffic jams. "

Leading(looks at him in bewilderment): "Who are you, actually?"

a guest(in a loud whisper): “We ordered the Eastern symbol for the New Year, would you like to congratulate the team? Receive and sign. " He takes a consignment note out of his pocket and hands the document to the girl.

Leading(looking at the stranger from head to toe): "Yes, but we thought that ..."

a guest: “A real bird will arrive, with luxurious plumage, a scarlet crest, a magnificent tail, and will read the solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, crows. Roosters, you know, are not parrots, they cannot talk. Well, just like children, honestly! " Addressing the audience: “Allow me to introduce myself, Fire Rooster of the highest category, Pinyin, if in Chinese. Please love and respect".

a guest
(presenter): “Let's continue the New Year's corporate party 2017, the script is cool my performance, when does it include? Let me work it out right now, congratulate the audience! "

Leading: “Well, we just got together, we never raised our glasses, we didn't have time to taste the salads. We have a long New Year's corporate party, the program is extensive. Wait, I'll see when your exit. "

a guest(hugging her partner by the shoulders): “Beauty, dear, good, I have no time to drink, have a snack, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January - a continuous New Year's corporate party, where can I sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream ... "

Leading:"About what, if not a secret?"

A guest:“Find an assistant for yourself a nimble or pretty quick assistant. Together we would be in time everywhere, not missing a single New Year's corporate party from the list. Idea! Let's arrange a casting, like in a movie or on television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the audience. Well, how? Do you agree? Do not hesitate, it will be interesting. "

Cool scenario: corporate party with funny tasks

Leading:“A tempting offer. How will the audition be held? "

A guest:
“In the form of simple contests. And so, the first test. The rooster is known to be a vocal bird. Vocal abilities are not particularly important for her, the main thing is the strength of the voice, volume. We get up, straighten our shoulders, pick up stomachs, stretch our necks. I say the opening lines of the chant, and you chorus - the last phrase. Each participant tries to drown out opponents. Go!

Nice holiday New Year,
The people are coming off.
We see off the monkey
We meet the Fire Rooster! (together)

It's a pity to part with the Monkey,
But, what can you do, it's time.
Today we friends
We meet the Fire Rooster!

Our team, wherever,
We are always for each other!
And together with the authorities
We meet the Fire Rooster!

Shouted from the heart,
Look at your neighbor.
Smile - straight, half-face!
We meet the Fire Rooster!

I will award the victory to him,
Who will sing "ku-ka-re-ku"!
And the sweet prize is for him too.
Glory to the Fire Rooster!»

Leading:“It's time to get your necks wet! Refill your glasses! Gentlemen, take care of the ladies. (Turning to the guest) The rooster is so gallant. "

a guest(showing off): “The next competition is announced, for men. Within 3 minutes, they must collect as many kisses as possible. Counting - by lipstick prints on a napkin. Is everyone ready? Reade set Go! (The theme song of Verka Serduchka sounds).

Leading: “I decided that encouraging prizes (chocolate eggs) deserve all the participants, without exception. And the main award, a souvenir symbol of the year, will go to the most charming and attractive. Accounting, announce the results! "

a guest: “And in the New Year's corporate program, I and I included one more competition, very indicative, for quick wits. I need a savvy partner. As they say, one head is good, but two are still better. Let's see which of you will guess the tricky riddles.

Itself is ringing, the waist is thin,
It is wide in the chest,
And from below - thin. (Glass)

Hey, who knows, people?
Snow woman, where will she come from? (Zimbabwe).

It employs nearly 40 million people at night. ("Sitting" on the Internet).

Big, red, with a mustache and hares. What's this? (Trolleybus).

What's on the lady's body
Is the cunning one on his mind?
Observed in hockey
And on the chessboard. (Combination)

a guest(with admiration): “They surprised me, guys, you have a ward. I confess, for the first time I got to a New Year's corporate party, where, in spite of what they had drunk, people think so soberly. Okay, brains are stretched, now you can show yourself. Test No. 1, for balance. "
Participants are encouraged to stand on one leg. The winner is the one who managed to hold out longer than the others.

a guest: “Well done! We coped with the task perfectly, I present the winner with a gift personally (lollipop in the shape of a cockerel or lollipop). Test No. 2, for agility. "
Glassware will not fit into plastic cups, it can crack, champagne or other drink is poured. You need to drink it without using your hands, they are hidden behind your back.

Leading: "Probably, it's time to decide who suits you as a partner."

a guest: “What a wonderful New Year's corporate party 2017 turned out, the script is cool,

Description: At the beginning of the event, a gypsy woman congratulates the guests, then a golden roar. After that, Moroz and Snegurka come out, who conduct contests and games, a comic New Year's quiz.

Target: team building and uplifting.

Room decoration: new year tree, posters.

Required material:

  • Net, blue sheet for the image of the sea, mud, shoes.
  • Fan and fluff.
  • Newspapers.
  • Glasses of water and cocktail straws.


  • Leading
  • Leading
  • Gypsy
  • Gold fish
  • freezing
  • Snow Maiden

Training: a song medley on the theme "My desire" for gypsy predictions; performance of the oriental beauty.

Event progress


A blizzard and a blizzard reign on the street,

And even the winds howl outside the window

We are gathered here to meet

New Year at a gorgeous table!


Hello gentlemen and ladies! We have gathered in this hall today to honor the old year and welcome the new one with dignity.

A gypsy enters, approaches the host.


Hello, iris, gilded the handle - I'll tell the whole truth what happened and what will happen.


Hello gypsy. You better not me - tell the people fortune. After all, everyone dreams of someone telling what to do.


He approaches some of the participants, makes passes with his hands. At this time, small excerpts from songs that characterize any desire are included. For example, “I don’t want, I don’t want by calculation, but I want it for love, for love ...”, “I want it, but I want to climb on the roofs again ...”


Tired, probably, the gypsy girl. I overheard so many desires. Here's a gold one for that (gives a chocolate bar in the form of a coin).


Thank you very much, I wish you health, happiness and love (leaves).


In a hurry, the old year is leaving.

Bells ringing on the three at the doorstep -

Then a new year rushes forward,

Carrying with me both happiness and health.


For congratulations, the floor is given to our boss.

The boss speaks with a small congratulation, everyone drinks and has a snack.


Soon, very soon, the clock will strike midnight. And we, like Cinderella, will rush on the wings of fate into the new year.


And again fuss, bustle and hustle for a whole year before its outcome.


Well, what are you about the sad and inevitable? Let's better talk about joyful things. You know, the Golden Fish is coming to congratulate our guests today.


And will he fulfill all desires?


Certainly. Are you ready to throw a net?

Throw the net three times into the impromptu sea (you can hang a blue sheet on chairs, and hide Rybka behind them). The first time they pull out the net with mud, the second - with the boot. For the third time they catch the Goldfish.

Gold fish:

Let me go to sea, there my subordinates will die without me.


Don't worry, we'll let you go. We only want you to fulfill our desires. After all, today is the night of miracles. Anything you wish must come true.

Gold fish:

Okay, I will grant your wishes, but for this I need to know what you want. Close your eyes and imagine what you would like to receive for the new year.

The guests close their eyes. While they are thinking, an oriental girl appears and does a belly dance. After the execution, he bows and leaves.

Gold fish:

Apparently, this desire was the strongest for someone. The rest of the wishes will also come true, but not now.


So let's raise our glasses to the quick fulfillment of our desires.

Drink, eat. The goldfish swims back, saying goodbye.


I have a feeling that someone is missing. But who? I cannot understand.


Forgotten already? After all, we forgot to call Santa Claus and the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden!


Exactly! They are probably already waiting at the door. Let's call them (they call them three times).

Frost and Snow Maiden enter to the sound of creaking snow.


Hello children!

Snow Maiden:

No longer children, Frost! Can't you see?


Precisely, not children. Sorry, I'm a little tired, confused. Hello everyone from the far north!


Hello to you, too!


We came this New Year's evening to wish you joy, goodness and light. They brought you a whole bag of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

But we got into a strong blizzard, and a bag of souvenirs was lost somewhere in the snowdrifts.


We urgently need to find him so that someone else does not find and take away your gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Let's call snowflakes for help, let them look for where the bag fell.


Snowflakes are so capricious. I don’t think they just flew off to look for lost items.

Snow Maiden:

And we will describe them in beautiful words, that is, we will select epithets. What kind of snowflakes can there be?


Well, now, I think, the snowflakes are happy and will quickly find gifts even in the deepest snowdrift.


(takes out the bag) So we found our gifts. Now you can safely announce a competitive entertaining quiz! Every third question is a winning one.

Conducts a comic quiz. The gift is awarded only for the correct answer to the third, sixth, ninth questions.

Snow Maiden:

Someone is lucky, someone is not very lucky. But those who received the gift are very happy!


Let's raise our glasses to those who were able to show their ingenuity and imagination in the past year, as well as for the inexhaustible energy to beat out of you in the coming year (drink, eat).


Frost, do you remember how we told you rhymes as a child?


Of course I remember. You were so small, unintelligent, curious. They constantly pulled at the beard to check whether it was real or not.


Grandpa, is the beard real?


It used to be real, until they pulled it all out by hairs. They thought that the wish would come true if a hair was pulled out. But I'm not Hottabych! What desires? For me, she was a warming element. Now the nose and cheeks are constantly freezing.


Sorry, Frost. What can we do to make amends for our guilt?


And you will dance, show your valiant prowess.


They amused me, and now I can get warm.


Let's raise our glasses to never freeze even in the most severe frosts!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, can I also hold a competition?


Of course, granddaughter. Conduct, please the people.


Well, well, we have been sitting too long, it's time and honor to know.

Well, now it's time to say goodbye

We will return again only after a year

We want to start to come true

Your desires are now.

Snow Maiden:

We wish you many smiles

A big bunch of dough

To make fewer mistakes

Health, happiness and warmth.


The turn of goodbyes has come again,

These minutes cannot be saved

We tell you



See you soon, new, frequent meetings! " (leave)


Our holiday doesn't end there! We keep on having fun.

Contests and games

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Several volunteers are called, each is given a fan and a fluff. The task of the participants is to make the fluffs dance with the help of a fan to the music. The main thing is that the dancing fluffs swirl in the air without touching the floor.


Those who wish to take part go on stage and dance the bull's-eye on the spread newspaper. The main task is not to go beyond the sheet.

"Glass for three"

Participants are divided into groups of three. Each group is given a glass of water and two straws for each participant. The task of the participants is to drink all the water through a double tube. The team that empties their glass faster wins.

New Year's corporate party is a time when the whole team gets together, you can relax a little and forget a little about too strict decency and dress code. Leading corporate parties will certainly find cool New Year's scenes useful, which will help to attract participants "from the audience." If it turns out that the host is not at the corporate party, the colleagues themselves can use these scenes to play a funny performance and entertain themselves and their comrades.

Scene No. 1 "How Snowmen Played Santa Clauses"

A snowman appears on the wall, on the other side the same person is walking with his back to him. They crash into each other.

1 S-k. - Greetings to you, snow brother!

2 S-k. - And I greet you, where do you keep?

1 S-k. I wanted to ask Santa Claus about something, but I can't get there!

2 S-k. And we ourselves can invent Santa Claus, here I am, for example, why am I not frost?

1 S-k. - Why you and me not me?

2 S-k. - So you!

1 S-k. - Well, yes ... (the second gets into a pose) - well ... oh, no! Grandfather should sit like this! (shows and looks) - No, I don’t like you, let the audience help! So who organizes the coolest Grandfather?

Several participants are selected.

Snow. - So, our Grandfather has the biggest ... (looks with an unequivocal glance at the abdomen) - You’re not thinking, the biggest belly! Well, who has the best? Men should stick out their bellies and measure them. The dispute is resolved with applause. Two or three people should be left.

1 S-k - And our grandpa also wears a robe, shoes and a cap! (takes out a terry old robe, slippers and a baby's cap). Put on, put on.

2 SN. (look meticulously)- When was the last time you saw Frost?

1 S-k - I haven't seen him yet, I just heard about him!

1 S. - This is understandable ... And now we still need deer! Grandfather always comes on reindeer, always! So who's the best deer here? We announce casting for the best deer! Active men are selected.

The music sounds: "I will take you to the tundra," under which men must portray the best deer.

2 SN. - So these are found, it remains to find the sled. Probably for the sleigh we will take those deer that did not pass the casting. (He puts the "sled" on all fours, puts the "deer" in front, puts the grandfather on the "sled". Then there will be a small relay race from one destination to another. The heroes must run around the obstacle and return). - And now let's go, whose team will go forward to the right place and come back, those heroes will be the only representatives of the New Year's characters!

1 Sn-ik - Well, now such cool grandfathers on reindeer need who?

2 SN-c. - Who? Do such cool peppers need someone?

1 SN-IR. - Certainly! Snow Maiden! Or rather, two Snow Maidens!

2 SN. - O! Let's arrange a casting! We’ll hardly put everyone like that and start choosing.

1 SN. - No no no! We must arrange a test for them! What kind of women do you like?

2 SN. - I .. uh. In-oh-from such (shows something). A. no, these are (shows again). And no, no, I really like them!

1 SN. - Oh, you won't understand, let me choose myself! I like cheerful and active people.

Dance potpourri game

All interested girls and women are invited for them in turn (or cut into one track) a variety of compositions are included, to which they must dance. For example: "Kamarinskaya", "Gypsy", "Rap", "Techno", "Waltz", "Lambada", "Tango", "Quadrille", "Rock and Roll". The heroes choose their girlfriend. Which participated most actively in the game.

1 Snow. - Well, that's all, Santa Clauses were found, Snow Maidens to them too. You can celebrate the holiday!

2 Snow. “You’ve come up with a cool idea, and we’ll take presents for ourselves!”

1 Snow. (looking into the hall) - Something tells me that they won't let us out of here alive.

2 Snow. - Let's shoot back! He takes out firecrackers and salutes.

1 Snow. - Look, everything is in its place ... oh, you will have to give ...

Gifts are given. Gifts can be comic and you can organize eyeliner for each according to the nature of the recipient, for example:

  • "The most nosy" - a mousetrap.
  • "The most hungry" - a spoon.
  • "To the most freezing" - tea or a piece of cognac.
  • "For the youngest" - a rattle. Dummy.
  • "To teetotaler" - a bottle of kefir.
  • "Yazvennik" - fest.
  • "The most beautiful" = the mask of Baba Yaga.
  • “To the most unsure of himself” - a mirror.
  • "The most talkative" - ​​a cork or a gag.

New Year's Scene No. 2 "Seeing Off the Outgoing Year"

The Snow Maiden enters the stage and pulls the Old New Year along with her.

Sn-ka - here, look what else you have to do here, you see how many people, and everything is absolutely not for your soul! It's time for you to leave. Leave!

Art. N. God - Me? And I won't think about it! Where will I go? Into oblivion? To eternity? Look at me: Age is in its very juice, one might say - in color! For me, on the contrary, everything is just beginning! Find more such heroes in the hall!

Snow. - And I will! Men, let's prove this old ... (you can call it whatever you like, depending on the company) that he already has the wrong powers.

Game "Let's face it with sausages"

It turns out that several men are given sausage balls, which are very difficult to inflate. The whole joke is that they inflate them to the best of their ability, someone has a very small sausage, someone has more, and someone has a very large one. The hero is also involved.

Sn-a - Well, grandpa? Your sausage is very small. There is no strength for anything already!

Art. N.G. - Happiness is not in the size of sausages, but in their quantity! (pretends to gnaw a ball, leading the topic to the other side)

Sn-ka - So you don’t want to leave?

S.N.G. - No, I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here! And if you want me to leave, create the best conditions for me!

Sn-ka - What conditions will we create for you?

S.N.G. - Well, for example ... I want a chic chaise longue!

Sn-ka - So, we need help from the audience! Which of those present is waiting for the New Year? (answer) We do not hear! That's all, it means we urgently need to expel the Old, who is ready! You need to be a bit of a chaise longue!

It turns out a man, better a girl, sits on the floor or a chair, old year on his knees.

Sn-ka - Well. Are you happy?

Art. N.G. - No, of course, how can you be satisfied? Want some more champagne in hand? So where's my champagne!

The Snow Maiden calls several girls and chooses a girl with a figure that looks like a bottle of champagne by a general vote. They "put" it into the hand of the Old Year.

Art. year - So, what else do I need ... Oh! I want a gift! I want it to be like in my youth ...

Snow. - Aha, you admit, it means your old age!

Art. year (glanced at her sharply)- No, of course, I just put it that way! I want the rhyme to be told to me. Would please me!

Snow. - Well, that we must fulfill all the wishes of this old bully! Who is ready?

Puts a stool on which people recite poems.

Art. year - Excellent, excellent! Just what I wanted! As the doctor ordered ... (grabs his heart, drops a "bottle of champagne"). - Oh, save me! Help!

Snguroch. - Oh, what to do, what to do? Is there a doctor in the hall? And someone who knows how to save? Well, maybe the one who does artificial respiration? No Yes? Eh, your grandfather will have to die, there are no volunteers here!

Art. year - If it is a man, then I'd rather lie here, and if a woman…. (dreams).

Sn. - You are deaf, there is no one, even if you pay! Are you ready to pay?

Art. year - Well, I can only do cognac!

The girls are called, they must leave Art. as many kisses as you are ready to drink a shot of cognac.

Old year - (looking in the mirror) Yeah, what am I going to tell my girlfriend now?

Sn-chka - do you also have a girlfriend?

Art. - And then!

Sn. - Come on, we'll fix everything! Is there a make-up artist in the hall? And the one who has a firm hand and who can sketch the whole thing?

Two volunteers are called in to powder and paint over the hero.

Snegur. - Wow, that's what you are, "reindeer"!

S. Year - You yourself ... And what? (looking for a mirror) Oh, the mirror is gone ...

Snegur. - And we will draw you now.

Game "Portrait"

The same or the other two heroes are summoned and blindfolded draw the grandfather. The game can be adjusted to suit your own way: you can have one portrait, you can have two, or even organize drawing in teams. Each in turn will draw some part of the face and body.

Art. year - So, I understand, you are kidding, so yes? Everyone, pissed off! I'm leaving, I'm not interested already here!

Snow. - Finally! Now you can celebrate the holiday! (Chimes strike and firecrackers explode).

Scene 3 "An adult tale about a turnip"

The grandmother (presenter) comes out, as if visiting a fairy tale.

Grandmother -

Hello, guests, gentlemen, how long did you all walk here?
Is it okay in the world, is it bad there? What is there for a miracle today?
There is a computer, I heard, laptops, cell phones are not enough!
How can I surprise the people? Is there a fairy tale to tell?
I only need help, it will be okay!

Continues - To begin with, I will invite different heroes, Here, for example, I remember a story about two Ivanov, the game there was like that ... how did it ... the king of the east changed it for a songbird ... (The audience must guess "the sea is worried once"). Let's play.

Game "The sea is worried once". The figures should all be outlandish, intricate, but most importantly, they will need to be revived at the end. That is to say to justify what was shown.

Bab-ka - There are many fairy tales in the world, so I can't count them,

For example, "Turnip" is ours, there is no tastier and more beautiful!

(Summons two male participants)

Baba says: Grandfather planted…. One is planting, the other is planting. The turnip grew tremendously with great! Healthy with healthy! And he began to pull such a miracle ... Ty-yanet will pull ... (to the participant) Pull, don't hesitate (shows how to pull, by the ear or by the ears), but he cannot pull it. What to do? Grandfather called his grandmother, call come on! (the participant calls) - Well, who calls that, why would your grandmother need you, such a weakling! Here's how, here's how to call (shows a pack of pre-wows). - Understood? (comments) Look, grandma, how happy she was, came running, she almost forgot about the turnip, but grandfather is not a fool: grandma is a tsap, and pull a turnip! They pull and pull, they can't do anything, they lived to old age, they see not that heroic strength they have! They called your granddaughter ... well, who calls that, you offer your granddaughter this! (gives a wallet with money). Look, look, let's go, let's go! (depicts) Look what youth you have become! And again they fail to do anything. Some kind of unfriendly team! The granddaughter began to click the Bug, her friend was like that. The Bug came running. Well, the Bug can be lured with something, if only she can find adventures on the fifth point, and she is not very interested in details!

Continues the story- And again quiet, but smooth, the turnip firmly dug its root! Looks like the root is not small, if it sits like that. I called Bug Murka, that still a gang of watering cans, I tell you, there will be a gimp here, who is more beautiful than them, ugh! No use! And finally, they called the mouse in chorus! (To all participants) We call, we call, in chorus! A mouse came running (calls out from the hall, always in a short skirt) - Mouse, and you are going to pull turnips al on ... you do not risk pulling in such transparent clothes. Even if you stretch it out, it will hook on you with a root ... (hits himself on the lips) - Oh, I've become quite talkative, we are working. My children are working!

Granny tells further - So, all the heroes are in place, pull-pull, nothing happens! Then they started digging, digging, digging, digging (they pretend to dig around the turnip, they move in any dance, for example, you can turn on a waltz or tango). Did they dig the turnip? But no, they didn’t dug it out, maybe put the mouse forward, huh? Her mini-skirt, who you want to leave your homeland will make! Come on Mouse, work-work! Dance him something like that!
Beautiful music turns on, "Mouse" dances for "Turnip" and at the end takes her away from her home.

Oh, I'm glad as friends!
My fairy tale is over!
I congratulate you,
May different desires come true!


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