Organization of tourism study guide. Alexey Kuskov, the basics of tourism. Concept, goals and functions of tourism


In Russia, in recent years, there has been a transition from a single-level (specialty) to a two-level (bachelor's and master's) training system, in connection with which in 2009-2011. In a number of areas and specialties, the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education of the third generation appeared, implying the implementation of a competency-based approach, as well as providing educational institutions with significantly greater freedom in terms of developing curricula and the subsequent organization of the educational process.

Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction 100400 "Tourism" involves the study of the discipline "Fundamentals of Tourism" (introduction to the direction: tourism, introduction to tourism, the basics of tourism, organization of tourism) as a general professional in a limited amount of hours. However, all existing textbooks and teaching aids for the course on the basics of tourism were developed in the context of mass training of students in the specialty 100103 "Socio-cultural service and tourism" and for this reason do not take into account the specifics of the educational process within the bachelor's degree program.

The discipline "Fundamentals of Tourism" is taught to first-year students and has an introductory, preparatory character, which requires systematicity and simplicity of content from the subject, and from teachers - the broadest knowledge in their field, as well as methodological skills and abilities, since for a very limited number of hours students freshmen find it difficult to understand the large number of publications on tourism and the main aspects of its modern theory. All this prompted the authors to prepare a new, systemic in nature, textbook, which should serve as a reliable guide for students to the interesting world of tourism.

Offered to the attention of readers (and we see among them not only students, but also teachers, specialists in the field of tourism and hospitality), the textbook "Fundamentals of Tourism" includes theoretical material, designed in the form of chapters and paragraphs, which are a kind of didactic units and corresponding to approximately one examination or test question. Each chapter ends with a checklist and assignments. The work also presents a detailed bibliographic list and tabular reference appendix.

The book is written in full accordance with the content and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and is intended for students studying in the direction of 100400 "Tourism". It can also be used by students enrolled in the areas of 100100 "Service", 101100 "Hospitality", 021000 "Geography", students of secondary specialized educational institutions, teachers of universities and colleges, tourism business specialists.

All reviews and comments on the content of the textbook will be gratefully accepted by the authors by email [email protected] and were taken into account in its subsequent reprints.

Chapter 1. Conceptual framework of tourism

1.1. Concept, goals and functions of tourism

Tourism is a complex socio-cultural and economic phenomenon of our time, various aspects of which are in the field of view of representatives of a number of sciences. Economists, sociologists, educators, psychologists, historians, culturologists, lawyers, art critics consider their questions of theory and practice of tourism to be their own. This gives rise to a multiplicity of its definitions and manifestations in the surrounding reality.

In modern scientific literature, many approaches to the definition of the concept of "tourism" are described. All of them are considered in the most detail in the works of I.V. Zorin and V.A. Kvartalnova. We can only say that there are geographic, economic, marketing, industrial and other approaches. In Russia, this concept is enshrined in law. Federal Law of February 5, 2007 No. 12-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Basics of Tourist Activity in the Russian Federation "" determines tourism as “temporary departures (travel) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as persons) from their permanent place of residence for medical and health-improving, recreational, educational, physical and sports, professional-business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities connected with receiving income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay ”.

1. Temporary trips (travel) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary stay.

2. Temporary departure of people from their permanent place of residence for vacations, recreational, educational or professional-business purposes without engaging in paid activities in the place of temporary stay (Recommended legislative act "On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism", 1994) ...

3. Activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year, for leisure, business and other purposes (UN Statistical Commission, 1993).

4. A special form of movement of people along the route for the purpose of visiting specific objects or satisfying a specialized interest.

5. Type of travel for leisure, educational, business, recreational or specialized purposes.

6. Movement (displacement), being outside the permanent place of residence and the aspect of temporary stay in the object of interest. The Manila Declaration on World Tourism (1980) proclaimed: "Tourism is understood as an activity that is important in the life of peoples due to its direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic spheres of the life of states and their international relations."

7. The form of mental and physical education, implemented through the social and humanitarian functions of tourism: educational, educational, health and sports.

8. A popular form of recreation and leisure activities.

9. The branch of the economy serving people who are temporarily outside the place of permanent residence, as well as a market segment where enterprises of traditional industries converge in order to offer their products and services to tour operators.

10. The totality of all types of scientific and practical activities for the organization and implementation of tourist, excursion, resort and hotel business.

The term “tourism” was first used by V. Zhekmo in 1830. The word “tourism” comes from the French tour, which means “walk”. Until recently, each country defined the concepts of "tourism" and "tourist" in its own way. In our country, due to the fact that tourism and sanatoriums were managed by different systems, the concept of "tourist" was limited to participants in tourist travel and hiking and was separated from the concept of "vacationer" in sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest homes. In other countries, different types of recreational activities are also often defined in different terms. With the development of tourism in the modern world, especially the international one, and with the creation of international tourism organizations, it became necessary to give a generally accepted definition of the concept of "tourism".

One of the first and most accurate definitions of tourism was given by the professors of the University of Bern W. Hunziker and K. Krapf, later it was adopted by the International Association of Scientific Experts on Tourism. These scholars have defined tourism as a series of phenomena and relationships that occur as a result of the travel of people as long as it does not lead to permanent residence and is not associated with obtaining any benefit.

According to one of the first official definitions, adopted by the UN in 1954, tourism is active recreation, influencing health improvement, physical development of a person, associated with movement outside the permanent place of residence. A broader description of the concept was presented by the Academy of Tourism in Monte Carlo: “Tourism is a general concept for all forms of temporary departure of people from their place of permanent residence for recreational purposes, to satisfy cognitive interests in their free time or professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities in a place of temporary stay ".

At the World Conference on Tourism (Madrid, 1981), tourism is defined as one of the types of active recreation, which is travel made with the aim of learning about certain regions, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sports. It should be noted that tourist trips will be only if the time (more than a day) and spatial (moving to another place) criteria are met.

The Hague Declaration on Tourism (1989) defines tourism as the free movement of people from their place of residence and work, as well as a service sector created to meet the needs arising from this movement. From a legal point of view, tourism is a set of relationships and services associated with the temporary and voluntary change of a traveler's place of residence for non-commercial or non-professional reasons.

From the standpoint of economic science, tourism is a large economic system with various connections between individual elements within the national economy of a particular country, the links of the national economy with the world economy as a whole, as well as the sphere of economic activity, including the production and sale of tourist services and goods by various organizations that have tourist resources.

In the socio-cultural sphere, tourism is an interpersonal activity of a special kind, which, under the conditions of the internationalization of life, has turned into a form of using free time, into a means of interpersonal ties in the process of political, economic and cultural contacts, into one of the factors that determine the quality of life.

As a type of leisure activity, tourism is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or locality within their country in their free time from their main job in order to meet the needs for rest, entertainment, knowledge, health improvement, as well as for solving professional or any or other problems, but without paid work in the visited place.

In 1993, the UN Statistical Commission adopted a definition approved by the United Nations International Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and widely used in international practice: “Tourism is the activity of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment, for a period, not exceeding one year in a row, for leisure, business and other purposes. " This definition contains three criteria: leaving the usual environment; temporary nature of movement; the purpose of the trip.

A.Yu. Aleksandrova proposes to divide all existing definitions of tourism into two groups:

1) highly specialized (industry-specific), designed to perform private tasks, i.e. used in legal regulation, statistical accounting, social policy, etc .;

2) conceptual, serving as the basis for the first group and reflecting the internal content of tourism.

An example of a conceptual definition of tourism can be considered the following: “Tourism is a set of relationships and phenomena arising from the movement and finding of people outside their permanent place of residence for reasons not related to work, but in order to satisfy cultural, health, relaxation, entertainment needs and for the sake of enjoyment, as well as for other reasons, if they are not related to profit. "

Let us now give a classic definition: “Tourism is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or another locality within their country in their free time in order to enjoy and rest, health and medical, guest, cognitive, religious or professional business, but without taking up work in the place of temporary residence, paid from a local financial source. "

In the process of tourism development, various interpretations of this concept have appeared. However, the following criteria are of particular importance.

Change of location. In this case, we are talking about a trip that is carried out to a place outside the usual environment. However, travelers should not be considered tourists who commute between home and work or school on a daily basis, as these trips do not go beyond their usual environment.

Stay elsewhere. The main condition is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long-term residence. In addition, it cannot be associated with work activity (wages). This aspect should be taken into account, because the behavior of a person engaged in work is different from that of a tourist and cannot be classified as tourism. Another condition is that travelers should not be in the place they visit for 12 consecutive months or more. A person who stays or plans to be in a particular place for a year or more is considered a migrant or permanent resident from the point of view of tourism and therefore cannot be called a tourist.

Payment for labor from a source in a visited place. The essence of the criterion is that the main purpose of the trip should not be an activity paid for from a source in the place visited. Any person who enters a country to work paid from a source in that country is considered a migrant. This applies not only to international, but also tourism within one country. Anyone traveling to another location within one country (or to another country) to carry out activities paid for from a source in that location (or country) is not considered a tourist of that location.

These three criteria, which form the basis for the definition of tourism, are basic. But there are special categories of people on the move, for which the above criteria are insufficient. These include refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers not formally entering the country, and persons accompanying or escorting these groups.

Here is the definition proposed by the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism: "Tourism is a set of relations, connections and phenomena that accompany the trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their work." This definition has a significant similarity with that given by the professors of the University of Bern W. Hunziker and K. Krapf.

Many domestic and especially foreign experts consider tourism from the point of view of a systematic approach (Fig. 1.1). According to the Swiss scientist K. Kaspar, the tourism system is based on two subsystems: subject of tourism (a tourist as a consumer of tourist services) and tourism object, consisting of three elements - a tourist region, tourist enterprises and tourist organizations.

Figure: 1.1. Model of tourism as a system

Analyzing the concept of "tourism" using a systematic approach, we highlight n. Leiper's concept (Professor of Meissen University Auckland). He considers tourism to be a system consisting of the following basic elements: a geographical component, tourists and a tourism industry. The geographical component includes three main components: a region that generates tourists; transit region and region of tourist destination. Let's make a small but important digression from the topic.

Destination is a territory that offers a certain set of services that meet the needs of the tourist, satisfy his demand for transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, etc., and is the purpose of his travel. Consequently, a destination, in order to be such, must have a certain set of services, attractions, information systems.

The destination can be primary or secondary. Primary destination by its attractiveness, it arouses the interest of customers to visit it, and the main goal in this case is to satisfy interest for a certain, sufficiently long period of time (for example, a week) Secondary destination (stopover) is a place where a stopover is unavoidable on the way to the primary destination. The main task of the secondary destination is to satisfy the desires of tourists within one or two days.

Many experts propose to formulate the following postulates to define tourism:

- a tourist is one who seeks to satisfy his natural need for travel. The desires and needs of the tourist will determine the destination that he decides to visit and the activities in which he intends to participate;

- tourism business involves activities for the purpose of making a profit on the production and sale of products and services that meet the needs of tourists;

- for the hospitality sector, tourism mainly acts as a positive factor that allows you to create new jobs and increase the region's income, but it can have a negative impact on the environment;

- tourism is considered by national administrations as a factor in economic development, often without taking into account possible negative consequences (direct and indirect damage).

Based on this tourist activities can be defined as a series of phenomena and relationships that represent the result of the interaction of tourists, tourist enterprises, hospitality, administration in the process of attracting, accommodating and serving visitors. Then tourism is defined as a set of components: products, services, objects of display and production units offered to individual consumers or groups of consumers who temporarily leave their place of permanent residence and go to certain tourist destinations (destinations).

So, there are five clearly identified important features that separate tourism from travel and other actions and processes.

1. Temporary relocation, visiting a destination and an indispensable return.

2. Destination - another locality (country), different from the place of permanent residence of the person.

3. The goals of tourism, which are distinguished by a purely humanistic content and focus.

4. Making a tourist trip in their free time from work or study.

5. Prohibiting the tourist from engaging in activities in the destination that are paid for from a local financial source.

The purpose of tourism is one of the main and defining features of it. In the classical theory of tourism, only six general goals are recognized, according to which tourism is distinguished from travel in general:

- health improvement (restoration of spiritual and physical strength of a person, as well as treatment);

- cognitive (improving and deepening knowledge about the nature of natural phenomena, the past and present of mankind, the history and culture of other countries and peoples);

- sports (preparation and participation in competitions and games at the professional and amateur levels, accompanying athletes, as well as participation as spectators);

- professional and business (business trips, participation in conferences, congresses, seminars, exchange of experience, professional training);

- religious (pilgrimage, cult, cultural and historical studies of religion and cults);

- guest and nostalgic (visiting relatives, places of historical residence).

At the same time, UNWTO specialists have developed a standard classification of travel purposes, the main of which are:

- leisure, recreation and rest;

- business and professional goals;

- visiting friends and relatives;

- treatment;

- religious and pilgrimage;

- other purposes (for example, transit).

At the same time, trips for the purpose of leisure, recreation and recreation make up 50%; business and professional travel - 30%; friends and relatives are visited by 10% of tourists.

Tourism also performs various functions:

- restorative - liberation of a person from a feeling of fatigue through a contrasting change in the environment and type of activity;

- developing - providing opportunities for personal development (broadening horizons, creative and organizational activities);

- entertaining - providing vacationers with the opportunity to have fun; this also includes getting to know the area, its inhabitants, organizing concerts, sports and other events, active recreation;

- economic - manifests itself through the demand and consumption of tourists, and the needs of tourists are divided into basic, specific and additional; this function ensures the restoration of working capacity, employment of the population, profit;

- social - an increase in the standard of living of the population, budget distribution and rational use of free time.

Some experts offer a slightly different list of tourism functions. At the same time, its general essence as a phenomenon is preserved. So, A.S. Zapesotsky believes that the most important functions of tourism are health, development, social status, socio-economic and integration.

Wellness. A variety of experiences and satisfaction of people's recreational needs have a positive effect on their physiological, mental state, efficiency and social activity.

Developing. Involvement of tourists in educational and cultural and educational programs creates conditions for increasing their intellectual level, expanding their horizons.

Social status. Tourism is becoming an important indicator of a person's social status, an indicator of the quality of his life.

Socio-economic. Tourism, being one of the largest and most dynamic industries, ranks second in revenue after oil extraction and refining. It provides employment for 6% of the world's working population. This function is also manifested in the fact that people, while resting, thus restore their working capacity, which has not only social significance, but also a direct economic effect.

Integration. Tourism contributes to the development of international economic relations, the emergence of a number of international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and unions.

In conclusion, it should be said: for a sufficiently clear definition of the essence of tourism, it is enough to single out three of its aspects.

Firstly, tourism should be considered as a type of leisure activity for vacationers, i.e. tourists.

Secondly, this is a specific type of business: a set of industries specializing in serving tourists.

Thirdly, tourism is the sphere of activity of enterprises and branches of the service sector and material production serving the tourist market. All the most important manifestations of tourist activity will be sequentially considered by us in the subsequent chapters and paragraphs of the textbook. Further, we should dwell on one more point - on the conceptualization of the concept of "travel" and its correlation with the concept of "tourism".

Travel and Tourism... Travel and tourism are very close concepts. There is always a characteristic action that determines and isolates the journey itself from other spheres of activity - the movement of a person to another area or country, continent, different from his usual location or residence.

Traveling: individual individuals; groups of people united by a common interest and purpose; whole expeditions, including military ones, which may include several hundred or even thousands of specialists; diplomats, migrants and displaced persons. For individual peoples, travel is a way of life that has been established for centuries and is caused by the climatic features of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence. These include, for example, nomadic tribes. Nomads, together with herds of animals, move annually as they develop pastures, and they are not even stopped by the borders of states.

With certain characteristics, conditions of organization and implementation, travel can be an integral part of a tourist service. For statistical purposes, the traveler is also referred to as a “visitor”. The national legislation of some countries provides a clear interpretation of the method for quantifying travel. For example, the US Census Bureau, which is responsible for conducting research on national travel, gave the following definition of travel: "Moving more than 100 miles from the place of permanent residence." However, the National Travel Review (1963 and 1967) uses a definition supplemented by the words “or out of town for one or more nights”.

Like the Census Bureau, the US Tourism Data Center excluded the following types of travel from the definition of travel: the movement of crew members on ships, train trains, aircraft, etc .; travel of persons between regions, countries for the purpose of work; travel for study purposes.

Tourism is a special case of travel. However, it has clear demarcations from the community, strictly defined characteristics. There are many definitions of tourism in the conceptual sense, and, of course, a person who makes or participates in a tourist trip, tourist trip, or hike is generally referred to as a tourist. Unlike travel, tourism is a category that is strongly influenced by economics and politics, and on top of everything, it has a dualism of the internal nature of the phenomenon.

V.A. Kvartalnov highlights five main differences tourism from travel.

Firstly, unlike travel, tourism is the movement of people in fairly short periods of time. Long journeys are made by a few individuals. Tourism, on the other hand, is a mass phenomenon of the 20th and 21st centuries, which has developed due to the political and economic situation that has developed in a developed society. Employees were entitled to a short annual leave (2-3 weeks). After World War II, most of them began to live in abundance, allowing them to allocate funds for recreation and short-term travel for recreation. Developed vehicles, which opened the era of transcontinental aircraft flights, made it possible to visit almost any corner of the world.

According to statistics, the largest share is occupied by weekend tourism (2-3 days), followed by small tourist trips (6-7 days), a much smaller share is taken by tours for 8-12 days. All other, longer, tourist trips drop out of statistics due to the insignificance of their share in the total mass.

Secondly, for tourism it is important to define the category of the place of permanent residence (place of residence). Tourism provides for the departure of people from their place of permanent residence to another area, country for tourism purposes. Movements within the local area of \u200b\u200bpermanent residence, for example, daily travel to work, cannot be attributed to tourism, especially in a country where there is a legal institution for registration, i.e. place of residence, registered by the relevant services of state power that regulates population migration. Another conceptual category - the usual place of permanent residence - is determined by the period during which a person permanently resides there. At the same time, in each point, district, country among the population, it is necessary to single out persons who can be classified as permanent residents or visitors.

For example, according to statistics of domestic tourism, it is important to distinguish between the categories of the population that follow daily to work at certain time intervals and distances. So, for a small city it will be 20-30 minutes with a distance of several kilometers, for a large city - trips to work lasting up to 3 hours at a distance of over 50-100 km. It is necessary to take into account the minimum period of time when a person is absent from this place, as well as the differences and peculiarities of localities and administrative territories.

For a resident of a small village, a trip of 70 km will be a long journey. At the same time, in Moscow or Volgograd, this distance is within the city limits. A very difficult question: are summer residents who go to their dachas on weekends at a distance of more than 120 km are considered tourists? Few of the owners of summer cottages would agree to call these trips recreation or tourism. For many, this is hard work and one of the few sources of livelihood.

Thirdly, the definition of the period of free time is based on the general understanding of tourism as a way of recreation. It is not entirely true for some types of tourism, for example, for professional and business, whose participants most often travel as specialists sent by a company.

Fourth, the most important category is the goal of tourism, which makes it possible to clearly identify the types of activities related to tourism and falling under preferential customs, tax and other regimes established by states exclusively for tourism. The main goals of tourism: entertainment (attractive), recreational and educational. The second in importance are health and medical, followed by professional and business, guest, etc.

Fifth, tourism is an important component of the economy of many states, providing employment for the local population, loading hotels and hotels, restaurants, entertainment events, and receiving foreign currency. Tourism is based on the exploitation of local tourist resources, which brings income to the area or the state.

So tourism:

- a special mass kind of travel with clearly defined goals, made by the tourists themselves, i.e. activities of the tourist himself;

- organization and implementation (support) of such travel - tourist activity.

It is carried out by various enterprises of the tourism industry and related industries. Journey Is the movement of people in time and space, and a person making a trip, regardless of goals, directions and means of transportation, time intervals, is called traveler.

As a result, we can single out four conceptual characteristics (criterion) of tourism, embedded in the definition of this phenomenon, given in the Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ "On the Basics of Tourist Activity in the Russian Federation" (as amended on February 5, 2007 g.):

- temporal - movement, limited by certain time frames from 24 hours to six months or a year;

- spatial - the movement of citizens in space from the place (or country) of permanent residence to some other place (or country) that contrasts with the place of residence;

- target (motivational) - tourism involves the implementation of trips of citizens with clearly defined goals;


Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

as a teaching aid for students of higher education

institutions specializing in Economics and Management

socio-cultural sphere "

Edited by Doctor of Economics,

professor N.I. Kabushkin and Doctor of Economics, Professor A.P. Durovich

Minsk 000 "new knowledge" 2003

UDC 338.48 (075.8)

BBK 65.433ya73

A.P. Durovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor - foreword (together with N.I. Kabushkin), § 1.1, 1.2, 1.4-1.6, ch. 2, § 3.1, 3.3, 13.1–13.3 (with Ch.K. Shulga), 13.4; N.I. Kabushkin, Doctor of Economics, Professor - foreword (together with A.P. Durovich), § 1.3, 4.4; T.M. Sergeev - § 4.1, 4.3, 4.5-4.8, ch. 7, § 9.1 (jointly with B.C. Stakhovsky), 9.2-9.6, 10.1-10.2, 10.3 (jointly with A.V. Urupin); H.1VL Biritskaya - Ch. 5, 11; GA, Bozzarenko, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor - § 3.4, 3.5, ch. 6; N.I. Grishko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor - § 4.2, 4.7; N.V. Savina - Ch. 8; B.C. Stakhovsky - § 9.1 (together with T.M. Sergeeva); A.V. Urupin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor - § 10.3 (together with T.M.Sergeeva); M.A. Chelnokov - Ch. 12; Ch.K. Shulga - § 13.2–13.3 (together with A.P. Durovich).

Reviewers: Department of International Tourism of the Belarusian State

university (Head of Department - Associate Professor L.M. "Gaidukevich);

chief Specialist of the Department of Social and Cultural Sphere of the Office

Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, candidate of pedagogical sciences,

docent V. I. Monashenka

Organization of tourism: Textbook. allowance / A.P. Durovich, N.I. Kabushkin, T.M. Sergeeva and others; Under total. ed. N.I., Kabushkina et al. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2003. - 632 p.


The main provisions of the theory and practice of organizing tourism are comprehensively covered: the organizational and legal foundations of the activities of a tourist enterprise, the formation, promotion and implementation of tours, accommodation and catering services, transport support, excursion services, insurance, tourist formalities. For the first time, considerable attention is paid to the use of modern information technologies in tourism. Consideration of theoretical aspects is accompanied by examples and practical recommendations. Applications containing normative, reference and teaching materials are important for understanding the subject.

Intended for students studying in tourism specialties, practitioners of the tourism industry.

UDC 338.48 (075.8) BBK 65.433ya73


At the beginning of the third millennium, tourism has become a powerful planetary socio-economic and political phenomenon, significantly influencing the world order and politics of a number of states and regions. It has become one of the most profitable businesses in the world, comparable in terms of investment efficiency to the oil and gas industry and the automotive industry.

The tourism system closely intertwines the interests of economy and culture, security and international relations, ecology and employment of the population, hotel business and transport organizations. The development of tourism is of great importance both for the state as a whole and for the individual in particular.

Sustainable development of tourism is possible subject to a number of conditions, one of which is a high level of professional training of specialists. Their training can be provided with the availability of appropriate educational and methodological literature. However, despite the large number of scattered publications, systematized teaching aids on organizing tourism are clearly not enough. Meanwhile, the discipline "Organization of tourism" is basic in the training of specialists in the economic and management profile for the tourism industry. This circumstance prompted the team of authors to prepare this book, which comprehensively reflects the main provisions of the theory and practice of organizing tourist activities. Disclosure of the theoretical aspects of the organization of tourism is accompanied by examples, practical recommendations, illustrations. The textbook contains a large number of applications, including normative, reference and methodological materials that are important for a deep understanding of the essence of tourism, tourist terminology, methods and techniques for the effective organization of tourist activities.

The textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard and the program of the discipline "Organization of tourism". The study of this discipline should provide for the constant accounting of changes occurring (and extremely dynamically) in the general and special regulatory framework of tourism, the essence and specific content of which must be subject to detailed development (using actual primary sources) during the educational process and independent work of students ... That is why the issues of regulation of tourist activity in legislative and regulatory documents are considered in the book from the most general positions.

The authors express the hope that this publication will be useful not only for students, but also for practical workers in the field of tourism, and also thank in advance for comments and suggestions that can help improve the manual.

Chapter 1

The essence of tourism and its main socio-economic categories

1.1. Characteristics of the essence of tourism

1.2. Statistical definition of tourism

1.3. Tourism as a socio-economic system

1.4. Factors influencing the development of tourism

1.5. Tourism classification

1.6. Tourism functions

1.1. Characteristics of the essence of tourism

Throughout its centuries-old history, mankind has been characterized by the desire to travel in order to develop trade, and conquer and develop new lands, search for resources, etc.

Journey - a term characterizing the movement of people in space, regardless of the purpose of such movement. Tourism is a type of travel.

Tourism (French tourism, ottour - walk, trip) is, on the one hand, a relatively young phenomenon, which became widespread only after the Second World War, on the other, it has deep historical roots, since travel has been known since ancient times. In the history of tourism, it is customary to distinguish four stages:

1) before the beginning of the XIX century. - elite tourism, the emergence of specialized enterprises for the production of tourist services;

2) XIX century. - World War I - revolutionary changes in the development of transport, the creation of the first travel agencies;

3) the period between the two world wars - the beginning of the formation of mass tourism;

4) after World War II - the modern stage - mass tourism, the formation of the tourism industry as an intersectoral complex for the production of goods and services for tourism.

First stepdefined as the prehistory of tourism. So, in ancient times, the main motives for travel were trade, education, pilgrimage, treatment. In ancient Greece, sports trips were born, when residents from all over the country gathered for the Olympic Games. The early Phoenicians sailed the Mediterranean to the shores of today's Syria and Lebanon, establishing colonies there and developing trade.

In the Middle Ages, the religious nature of travel intensified. Religious convictions prompted millions of believers to make pilgrimages to shrines: Muslims to Mecca, Christians to Jerusalem and Rome. The medieval churches became the dominant powers and the only recognized authority in various countries. The monasteries received travelers. Hospitality houses, as a kind of hotels, were kept by religious orders.

The Renaissance and Enlightenment era weakens religious motives and enhances the individuality and educational focus of travel. Young nobles often went on a kind of "grand tour" in Europe before entering the field of professional or political activity. The British, for example, began the route of such a journey in London, from where they went to France (with a long stay in Paris), and then to Italy. Their way back ran through Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands.

Until the middle of the XIX century. travel was not an end in itself, but a necessary condition and means to achieve the goal itself (trade, pilgrimage, broadening one's horizons), and was also distinguished by primitive means of transportation.

Second phasein the history of tourism is characterized by revolutionary changes in the development of transport. The inventions of the steamboat and steam locomotive, accompanied by the expansion of the road network, led to greater reliability and speed of movement while reducing travel costs. The improvement in the quality and reliability of transport services, coupled with their reduction in cost, as well as the gradual reduction in working hours, have caused a significant increase in the flow of travelers. In this regard, the first companies arose that specialized in serving temporary visitors. The first hotels replaced the humble "guest rooms" in clergy houses, monasteries and religious missions. By the middle of the XIX century. the leisure industry is expanding its scope of activities. The first travel agencies appear, whose tasks were to organize tourist trips and sell them to the consumer. A classic example is the group vacation tour organized by the Englishman T. Cook in 1841. The package of services included a twenty-mile train ride, tea and rolls on the train, and a brass band. T. Cook created (initially in Leicester, then in London) the first travel agencies. In 1854 K. Riesel opened the first German travel agency in Berlin, following their model. In the second half of the XIX century. tourist offices have been established in many countries around the world. Beginning in 1862, the first tourist travel catalogs appeared, reflecting the expansion of tourist demand.

World War I, Great Depression of the 30s. and World War II had a negative impact on tourism development. At the same time, it was during the period between these wars that mass tourism was born. (third stage),which flourished in the post-war decades.

After World War II, tourism becomes truly massive (fourth stage).From a luxury item, it becomes a need for the majority of the population of highly developed countries. A tourism industry is emerging with its own institutions, product, production cycle, methods of organization and management. This stage is characterized by a rapid increase in the number of travelers, an increase in the number of tourist enterprises and the volume of their production, the massive construction of accommodation facilities, tourist infrastructure facilities: A feature of modern tourism is a wide international exchange. At the same time, there have been significant changes in demand and supply in the market. This fact gives grounds to assert that mass conveyor tourism has transformed into mass differentiated tourism. If the first assumes impersonal services based on the homogeneity of the needs and motivations of tourists, the second is characterized by a variety of services offered and a fairly clearly expressed specialization of the tourist offer. The transformation of conveyor tourism into differentiated tourism took place simultaneously with the transition from the seller's market to the buyer's market.

With such a long history, tourism has not yet received an unambiguous definition. As the Russian scientist V.G. Saprunov, there is still no consensus on the problems of interpreting the essence of tourism and its conceptual apparatus. Meanwhile, the question of definitions, i.e. agreed and accepted as a basis definitions, concepts, terminology of tourism, is a prerequisite for understanding the phenomena and processes characteristic of tourism.

The existing definitions of tourism can be grouped into three groups.

The first includes definitions characterizing tourism as a kind of recreation (expanded reproduction of physical, intellectual and emotional forces of a person),

the system and form of spending free time by using the service sector in hikes and trips, which combine active recreation and strengthening of human health with an increase in his general culture and education. In particular, in the Manila Declaration on World Tourism (Appendix 1), the latter is considered as one of the types of active recreation, which is travel made with the aim of knowing certain regions, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sport. Such definitions are of a highly specialized nature and relate only to certain aspects of tourism or its specific features.

The second group of definitions of tourism considers it as one of the forms of population migration, associates it with the act of movement, travel, overcoming space and acts as a toolkit for tourism statistics (see § 1.2).

And, finally, the third group of definitions characterizes tourism as a complex socio-economic phenomenon, reveals its internal content, expressed in the unity of the diversity of properties and relationships (see § 1.3).

Thus, there are many definitions of tourism, revealing its different aspects. The lack of a unified approach to this issue not only complicates the study of the organization of tourism as an academic discipline, but can have adverse consequences in the practical actions of the subjects of tourist activity.

Textbook. allowance. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2003 .-- 632 p.

The main provisions of the theory and practice of organizing tourism are comprehensively highlighted: the organizational and legal foundations of the activity of a tourist enterprise, the formation, promotion and implementation of tours, accommodation and catering services, transportation, excursion services, insurance, tourist formalities. For the first time, considerable attention is paid to the use of modern information technologies in tourism. Consideration of theoretical aspects is accompanied by examples and practical recommendations. Applications containing normative, reference and teaching materials are important for understanding the subject.
Intended for students studying in tourism specialties, practitioners of the tourism industry.

The essence of tourism and its main socio-economic categories.
Characteristics of the essence of tourism.
Statistical definition of tourism.
Tourism as a socio-economic system.
Factors influencing the development of tourism.
Tourism classification.
Tourism functions.
Terminology and conceptual apparatus of tourism.
Tourist as a subject of tourism.
Tourist product.
Tourism industry.
Tourist activities.
Tourist resources.
Regulation of tourism.
Tourism policy.
Tourism management bodies.
Tourism licensing. Basic provisions.
Basics of standardization in tourism.
Tourism certification. General Provisions.
Organizational and legal foundations of the tourism enterprise.
Tourist enterprise as an economic entity.
Determination of missions and goals of the enterprise.
The choice of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.
Justification of the organizational structure of enterprise management.
Development of constituent documents, state registration and organizational registration of the enterprise.
Tourism company office.
Tourist enterprise staff.
Termination of the tourism enterprise.
Formation, promotion and implementation of tours.
Tour is the main product of a tour operator.
Tour design technology.
Tour formation.
Features of planning activities to promote the tour.
Tour implementation.
Escort services and meeting-seeing off.
Control and evaluation of tour rating.
Accommodation and catering services in tourism.
Accommodation facilities for tourists.
Classification of hotels.
Typology of hotels.
The main services of the hotel and their purpose.
Organization of catering in tourism.
Transport support in tourism.
Transport as a means of providing tourist activities.
Automobile transportation.
Rail transportation.
Sea and river travel.
Air travel travel.
Excursion service.
The concept and complex of tasks of excursion service.
The essence, structure and content of the excursion.
Differentiation of excursion services.
The guide and his role in the excursion service.
Contractual relations in tourism.
General characteristics of the contract.
Requirements for drafting contracts.
The contractual relationship between the tour operator and the travel agent.
Contractual relationship between the tourist enterprise and the consumers of tourist services.
Contractual relationship between the tour operator and travel service providers.
Contractual relationship between receptive and proactive tour operators.
Tourism insurance.
Safety in tourism.
General characteristics of insurance.
Types of insurance used in tourism.
Tourist formalities.
The essence of tourist formalities.
Passport and visa formalities.
Customs formalities.
Sanitary (medical) formalities.
Information technology in tourism.
Directions of computerization of tourist business.
Information technology in the office of a tourist company.
International booking systems.
Internet / intranet technologies in tourism.
International tourism.
International tourism as a specific form of trade in services.
State and forecasts for the development of international tourism.
International tourism organizations.
International tourism exhibitions and fairs.
Manila Declaration on World Tourism.
Hague Declaration on Tourism.
ballroom code of ethics for tourism.
Tourism charter.
Council Directive of the European Economic Community on Travel, Holidays and Travel Including All (Extract).
GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Hotel classification ".
GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General Requirements ”(Extract).
GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements".
Technological map of the tourist route and guidelines for its filling.
Tourist enterprise loading schedule.
Inter-regional harmonization of hotel classification criteria based on classification standards (Extract).
Pictograms according to the standardized information system.
Abbreviations of the names of international airlines used for international transportation.
Aircraft and transfer codes of international airports ".
Classes of service on board air transport.
Card (passport) of the excursion object.
Frankfurt Travel Price Reduction Table.
Model contract for the provision of tourist services.
Code of Relations between Hotels and Travel Agencies of the World Federation of Travel Agencies Associations (UFTAA) and the International Hotel Association (IHA).
Athens Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Their Baggage by Sea (Retrieval).
Agreement and standard contract between the hotel and the carrier (Checkout).
International hotel regulations.
Directive of the Council of Europe in the field of tourism management.
Intergovernmental agreement "On cooperation in the field of tourism".
A recommendatory legislative act "On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism."
Tourism Declaration.
Osaka Millennium Declaration.

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Textbook. allowance. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2003. - (original 632 pages). PDF-222 pages
Under total. ed. N.I., Kabushkina and others.
The main provisions of the theory and practice of organizing tourism are comprehensively highlighted: the organizational and legal basis for the activities of a tourist enterprise, the formation, promotion and implementation of tours, accommodation services ...

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  • added 11/03/2010

Educational and practical guide. BSEU. Minsk, 2007.
For students of the faculty "Higher School of Tourism".

The essence of tourism
Tourism regulation
Organizational and legal basis of the tour. enterprises
Formation, promotion, implementation of tours
Accommodation and catering services in tourism
Transport equipment ...

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  • added 10/25/2010

The file contains the first 2 chapters from the book.
The article covers modern environmental problems, resources and types of ecological tourism in Russia, as well as world regions and centers of ecological tourism. Much attention is paid to the management, ethics and safety of ecological tourism. Each chapter provides security questions and ...

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  • added 10/15/2009

The organization of the tourism industry and the hotel industry, the market for tourist services, state regulation of tourist activities, types of tourism (religious, ecological, club rest) are considered. A dictionary of tourist terms is given. As an annex, legislative and regulatory documents, a program, a test ...

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Publisher: Finance and Statistics
Year: 2003
ISBN: 5-279-02409-0
Pages: 400
Russian language
Quality: excellent
Format: pdf

The organization of the tourism industry and the hotel industry, the market of tourist services, state regulation of tourist activities, types of tourism are considered ...

Emelin S.V. Course of lectures on the discipline: Geography of tourism

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