Train branding. Branding of subway cars - will impress your audience. Layout of stickers

Layout scheme

A car of the "Rusich" type, the total area is 583 m 2

Examples of

The cost of wagons branding

Depending on the time of placement of the RIM, lowering seasonal coefficients are applied to the cost of services:

Layout of stickers

Internal branding examples

The procedure for approving a project for branding metro cars

    Providing a package of documents

    60 working days before the expected start of placement, we collect the following documents: the final agreed layout and concept of the advertising campaign, visualization on the layout of the composition, a letter of intentions. With a letter of intent, you confirm the RK and the main inputs to it. We send the entire package of documents to the Metropolitan to start the approval process.

    Coordination of the project in the subway

    50 working days before the expected start of the placement - Project approval process: from passing the transport commission, including the legal and technical department, to obtaining an official certified permission for the project (may take up to 30 working days).

    Prepayment for the project

    After receiving approval for the project from the Metro - an advance payment for the project (in the amount of the full cost of the Technical Works). Layout adaptation by contract printing house.

    Production start

    20 working days before the expected start of the project - the start of production, obtaining permits and approvals for installation work.

    Installation start

    10 working days before the expected start of the project - start of installations

    Launch of the project

Potential risks

    Before project launch

    Rejection of an application for project approval

    After starting the project

    There is a possibility of vandalism (elimination at the expense of the advertiser within 5 working days after the fact of detection)

    Technical breakdowns of wagons or the entire train (in the event of a breakdown, the branded train may go to the depot for repairs, for a period depending on the complexity of the breakdown.

Is an original and impressive advertising tool. The train, which is decorated with the signature paints of your brand, will not go unnoticed. The bright movement of the train in the limited space of the metro instantly catches the eye. Car branding can be carried out both outside and inside it. Then the passengers are immersed in the exciting atmosphere that you offer them.

We, in turn, offer you the development and competent implementation of an advertising campaign. We work in the interests of your company and know everything about the target audience of the metro. These factors allow our specialists to create a “working”, effective visual (layout).

The original advertising tool and its scale have the maximum effect on passengers. This format of advertising in the metro is more expensive compared to other methods of advertising in the metro. But its effectiveness fully justifies the investment. It is suitable for large advertising campaigns. Most often, this method is preferred by reputable companies. Whose goal is not to tell about yourself, but to show yourself and your corporate identity. Become more visible, famous, or remind about yourself. In other words, this is an image advertisement.

External and internal branding of cars

The wagons are branded using a special self-adhesive film. The audience perceives this kind of advertisement from a close distance, regardless of whether the car is pasted over inside. Therefore, we guarantee high print quality and accurate color reproduction. To make an effect on the viewer, you need a competent presentation of the material and its high-quality placement. We handle such tasks professionally and will advise you.

Internal branding:

Attention! Price list for 2017. All prices are inclusive of VAT (18%)

The cost of branding the composition of the Koltsevaya line of the Moscow metro is available upon request.
On individual request, it is possible to introduce other metro lines for full branding of trains.

Internal full branding:

First section

Second section

A car of the "Rusich" type, the total area is 557 sq.m.

External branding:

With external branding for the most complete image, the visible parts of the car roof are also covered with a film. This option is more interesting in the eyes of the passenger. Obviously, it is not allowed to cover the window area with foil.

First section

Second section

A car of the "Rusich" type, the total area is 583 sq.m.

How branding in the metro can catch Moscow residents who make monotonous trips every day? Several significant benefits will answer the question:

  • Passengers do not expect to see something bright, new and big. They are used to subway cars of the same color. The surprise effect is sure to grab everyone's attention and interest.
  • Beautiful images and rich colors raise the mood of residents and guests of the capital, evoke positive emotions. Thus, advertising is completely unobtrusive in nature. The enclosed metro space increases the likelihood that your advertising message will not go unnoticed.
  • There is a lot of space for advertising information. A creative approach to design and a minimum of written information outside that passengers do not have time to read are the main principles of successful branding of subway cars.
  • Branding inside the car allows you to see not only the images around, but also to remember the information. The corporate identity and brand will remain in the memory of passengers for a long time, who involuntarily looked at it during the trip.
  • The car will run on a large number of stations. Wide coverage of potential customers is guaranteed.

The branded train "Times and Epochs" will be launched in the Moscow metro on May 26, the press service of the Moscow metro reports. The thematic composition is prepared for the festival of the same name as part of the cycle of city street events Moscow seasons.

Each car of the train will be dedicated to a different historical era. Suitably dressed reenactors will be wearing them during launch. They will also take part in the launch of the train: the ribbon, which will be cut before the train departs, will be held by a Roman legionnaire and soldiers of the Peter the Great era, and the signal to start will be given by the station superintendent of the early 20th century.

The project was prepared by the Moscow Metro and the Department of Trade and Services.

The historical festival "Times and Epochs. Collection" 2017 will host 6,000 reenactors, including a thousand foreigners. Participants for 12 days will represent the eras from antiquity to the 20th century.

The festival will take place at five park and 25 outdoor venues.

/ Friday 26 May 2017 /

themes: Metro

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The project was developed by the Moscow Metro and the Department of Trade and Services, according to the City News Agency “ Moscow ".

This was reported by the press service of the Moscow metro. The thematic composition is prepared for the festival of the same name. The festival itself will be held in the capital from 1 to 12 June.

. . . . . On the day of launch, costumed reenactors will ride in the carriages. A Roman legionary and a soldier of the Peter the Great era will cut the ribbon before launch. The train will run on the Sokolnicheskaya line for exactly one month - until June 26.

The project was prepared by the Moscow Metro and the Department of Trade and Services as part of a cycle of city street events Moscow seasons.

The Moscow Metro will launch a themed train dedicated to the international festival of historical reconstruction "Times and Epochs. Collection".

On the Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro from May 26 to June 26, you can meet a Roman legionnaire or soldier of the era of Peter I, organizers of the festival of historical reenactors said.

Together with the passengers, the heroes of different historical eras will ride from “ Falcon " to the Kolomenskaya station: the museum-reserve will become one of the key sites of the upcoming festival.

From June 1 to June 12, the capital of Russia will become the center of world historical reconstruction for the seventh time: the international festival "Times and Epochs. Meeting" will be held on 30 street and park grounds in different parts of the city, and six thousand domestic and one thousand foreign reenactors will reproduce 12 historical eras.

As part of the advertising campaign of the festival "Times and Epochs. Meeting" on May 27 and 28, the capital will host the last free excursions: "Kitai-Gorod through the eyes of an engineer", Inhabited island, "I will buy chambers with a view of the Kremlin" and "Hitrovka: the evolution of the area" - Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to visit these excursions together with historical characters.

The results of the large-scale event will be summed up on June 12 - the day of Russia: a large-scale performance will take place on Tverskaya Street, which will transport the guests of the international festival to different times and eras.

All information about the event venues and the festival program is available on the official website "Times and Epochs. Collection".

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Five cars are dedicated to the main historical eras: Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the 17th, 18th and 20th centuries, and three cars from adjacent eras. We have posted information that will be useful for both adults and children, so that people gain more knowledge about our history, - explained the head of the agency's external relations, marketing and advertising department “ Warlords " Anastasia Bobrovskikh.

During the launch of the train, appropriately dressed reenactors will ride in the carriages, according to the City News Agency “ Moscow ".

The website of the newspaper "" reminds that the Moscow Metro has adjusted the terms of the action for Android Pay users.

A train dedicated to the Times and Epochs festival has been launched on the Zamoskvoretskaya metro line, the press service of the Moscow metro reports.
It became the 26th thematic train running in the subway. Eight carriages of the train received individual design, dedicated to a specific historical era.
Five of them tell about the main historical milestones: Antiquity, the Middle Ages, XVII, XVIII and XX centuries. Three more cars are dedicated to adjacent eras. The composition contains information that is interesting to passengers of any age.
On the launch day, passengers will be able to ride in the carriages along with reenactors in historical costumes.
. . . . . The arrival of six thousand reenactors from 20 states is expected. On 30 sites in parks and on city streets, they will reproduce 12 eras, including the Iron Age, Antiquity, Peter's time, 1812, and the Crimean War.
In addition to the train dedicated to the festival, another 25 thematic trains run in the metro. Among them is a train dedicated to the studio "Soyuzmultfilm", Far Eastern leopard, project Active citizen and other topics.

A group of experimental archaeologists from the international organization EXARC will present the latest developments in excavation at the Times and Epochs festival in Moscow. ...

The EXARC presentation will begin on June 2 and last until June 4 on Tverskoy Boulevard, where the largest reenactors competition in Russia will be held.

Archaeologists will show their colleagues their latest developments in the conduct of excavations, processing of finds, reconstruction of ancient cultures of the Stone and Bronze Ages. Their project will be presented at the largest in Russia competition of reenactors, which is one of the main events of the festival "Times and Epochs. Collection", - according to the organizing committee of the cycle of events Moscow seasons.

. . . . .

A themed train dedicated to the Times and Epochs festival was officially launched on the Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro. The deputy head of the metro for communications Alexei Ilinykh told reporters about this.

"We are launching the 26th theme train -" Times and eras "This rolling stock has eight cars, each of which has its own special interior."- explained A. Ilyinykh, adding that the train will be operated on the Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro within the next month.

According to the head of the agency's external relations, marketing and advertising department “ Warlords " Anastasia Bobrovskikh, each carriage of the theme train will be dedicated to a certain historical era.

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As noted in the metro press service, on the day of the launch of the theme train, together with passengers in its carriages, reenactors of the Times and Epochs festival will ride in historical costumes from the period of Antiquity to the 20th century.

. . . . . The meeting "in 2017 will be held in Moscow from 1 to 12 June, 6 thousand reenactors from 20 countries will come to it. . . . . .

On the Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro from today to June 26, the "Times and Epochs" train runs, dedicated to the festival of the same name of historical reconstruction.

The carriages of the theme train are filled with interesting stories and facts, and together with the passengers of the metropolitan subway, heroes of different historical eras will ride in it - from Roman legionaries to soldiers of the times of Peter I.

. . . . .

A new thematic cast dedicated to the Moscow historical festival "Times and Epochs. Collection" entered the Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro on May 26. Train decoration is an invitation to passengers to take part in a festival held as part of a cycle of city street events Moscow seasons.

The launch of the new theme train is a joint project of the Moscow Metro and the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow. The train consisted of eight cars of 81-717 / 81-714 type, each of which has its own design. Their interior acquaints passengers with entertaining historical facts from different eras. The original design of the train's exterior features characters dressed in costumes from the period from Antiquity to the 20th century.

Having passed on the train, passengers will learn: who are the Roman gladiators, how the Thirteen Years War of the Muscovy and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth began, what are military tactics " caracol ", used in the armies of the 7th century, who was the first king of the Romanov dynasty.

The presentation of the theme train began at the Sokol depot
with a performance by a specially invited brass band. On the site of the depot, the invited guests were greeted by reenactors in outfits of those eras to which the design of the train was dedicated.

"The new train is imbued with the historical spirit of different eras, - said Deputy Head of the Moscow Metro for Communications Alexei Ilinykh. “The train set off on its maiden voyage, which is designed to tell passengers about the upcoming city fancy-dress festival and to diversify the trip of residents and guests of the capital, immersing them in centuries-old historical events.”

This is already the 26th theme train launched in the Moscow metro. Also, the oldest nominal composition runs on the Zamoskvoretskaya line - People's militia.

For reference:

. . . . . Meeting "is a project of the Moscow Government. It takes place within the cycle of city street events Moscow seasons... This year the festival will host 6 thousand reenactors, including one thousand foreigners, the participants for 12 days will represent the eras from Antiquity to the XX century.

At the depot " Falcon " tomorrow morning as part of the Moscow historical festival . . . . . Meeting "will be held a ceremonial launch of a branded train, which will run on the Zamoskvoretskaya line from May 26 to June 26, 2017.

The presentation will begin with a performance by the orchestra, then the speakers will talk about the festival and the event for which they gathered - the launch of the line-up. At the end of the speech, the speakers will cut the tape.

As planned by the organizers, it will be kept by two reenactors in the costumes of a Roman legionnaire and a Peter's soldier. Then Stationmaster the beginning of the XX century will give a signal with a whistle to send a train. The guests will move to a separate carriage - distinguished guests and journalists will ride on it, they will be accompanied by reenactors in outfits of those eras to which the composition is dedicated. Guests will disembark at the station "Belorusskaya", and the reenactors will reach Kolomenskoy.

. . . . . The main organizer of the event is “ Warlords ", an agency that has been successfully implementing various historical projects and holidays for a number of years. . . . . . This year the start is scheduled for June 1. . . . . . Within the framework of the project, 5 park festival and 25 thematic city venues throughout Moscow will operate this year.

It will be a whole cycle of historical festivals in the capital.


Branding of subway cars is perhaps one of the brightest and most effective advertising tools in the metropolis. By transforming an entire train into the look of your brand, you risk becoming the most noticed and talked about company of the season.

State expositions became the pioneers of branding trains in the Moscow metro, for example, in memory of the Victory or to attract attention in Russian literature. Have you paid attention to how subway passengers reacted to these trains? Their faces instantly showed interest; entering the carriage, they studied every wall and model with interest; outside the metro, they told colleagues and friends about it. Without any additional advertising, information about unusual wagons spread throughout the capital literally in a week.

So what's so special about an ad like this? How does it catch the audience? The answer is simple. In their daily routes, residents of the capital are accustomed to monotony and do not expect to see something new. Therefore, the rich colors and catchy accents of the branded carriage create the effect of surprise and are guaranteed to attract attention.

Another significant plus for advertisers is the wide space for broadcasting brand information. It is here that you can not limit yourself to a short advertising message, but reveal all the features of your brand and arouse interest in it. The field for creativity is also limitless, because you can creatively use every familiar element of the interior.

And finally, the main thing. Branding of cars in this age of electronics turns into a full-fledged viral advertisement. Passengers often take pictures of the trains that caught their attention and immediately share them on social networks, ensuring that the number of contacts with your brand is multiplied many times over.

Cost of branding with stickers for subway cars

Metro lines

Branding cost

1 composition (1 month), rub.











Examples of wagons branding with stickers

Full internal and external branding of metro trains

Metro lines

Branding cost

1 composition (1 month), rub.


on request

Internal branding scheme for metro cars

First section

Second section section


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