What does the descending cosmic flow give? Central energy flows. Energy flows in the human body

The energetic body of a person, and all other living beings, is formed as a result of the interaction of two main forces, two oppositely directed energy flows, one of which flows from top to bottom, from space to the surface of the Earth and is called a downward flow, and the other - from bottom to top, from the surface of the Earth to the heights of heaven.

One of the manifestations of the downward flow is the force of gravity, pressing us to the surface of the Earth. In turn, the force of gravity is one of the manifestations of the upward flow.

Mastery of the art of bioenergy is directly determined by how competently and efficiently a person can build his interaction with downward and upward energy flows.

Exercise. Downstream and upstream management. Start

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other, in a pillar position.

4. Close your eyes.

5. Release your attention and wait for relaxation to come.

7. Become aware of all your sensations at once.

8. Shift your attention to peripheral, borderline sensations.

10. With each exhalation, begin to exhale heat into the lower abdomen until it warms up and begins to expand slightly from the inside.

11. Collect the warmth and all other sensations of the lower abdomen to a point in the center of the lower abdomen, located 3-4 fingers below the navel, in line with the perineum and crown.

As a result, you will get a kind of small ball, a small lump of sensations located in the center of the lower abdomen.

12. Concentrate your attention on the perineum, moving the ball of sensation from the center of the lower abdomen to the perineum.

13. Feel the point on the surface of the support located exactly under the perineum, realizing how, following your attention, the lump of sensations moves at its natural speed to the above point on the surface of the support.

14. Become aware of the top of your head and, at the speed that is most comfortable for you, lift the ball of sensation from a point on the surface of the support through the perineum to the top of your head.

15. Feel how from the top of the head the lump through the center of the lower abdomen, the perineum and a point on the surface of the support moves down to the center of the earth at its natural speed.

16. Allow the bundle of sensations to begin to rise at its natural speed through a point on the surface of the support, the perineum, the center of the lower abdomen, the crown, into the sky, to your maximum height.

17. Move the ball of sensations at the maximum natural speed for you through your central energy channel, either from the extreme heights of the sky to the very center of the earth, or from the extreme depths to the very heights of the sky.

18. Having felt internal saturation from doing what was described in point 17, place the ball of sensations at the point in the center of the lower abdomen and focus your attention on this point for 5-10 minutes.

In the process of performing this exercise, you should not so much visualize as feel the ball and its movement, trying to remember as fully as possible the sensation of the ball’s movement.

You should not synchronize the process of movement of a lump of sensations with your breathing. Leave your breathing alone and let the ball rise at its natural speed, which will naturally change as you practice.

In those places where the circulation of internal energy in your energy body is difficult, the ball will slow down its speed and sometimes stop for some time. However, as a result of regular practice, you will be able to so purify your central energy channel in the most natural way possible for you that the ball will move through it at the speed of thought, instantly. And only after this can you master the next exercise, in which you will learn to synchronize work with ascending and descending external energy flows and the process of your breathing.

Performing the above exercise promotes the most complete awareness of the sensations from the movement of ascending and descending energy flows throughout its entire length. If you immediately begin to synchronize your breathing and the movement of energy flows, you will not be able to be aware of most of this process.

Exercise. Main axis breathing

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in a pillar position. Completely adjust all its parameters.

2. Make sure the crown and crotch are in a straight line.

3. Press the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Move it across the sky and find the point from which the strongest sensations emanate.

4. Close your eyes and let go of your attention, waiting for the onset of relaxation.

6. Become aware of all your sensations at the same time.

8. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to feel like a voluminous cocoon.

9. Begin to exhale heat with each exhalation into the lower abdomen until this area warms up and begins to comfortably expand from the inside.

10. Collect all the heat accumulated in the lower abdomen to the center point of the lower abdomen, located on the central energy axis at a distance of 3-4 fingers below the navel.

11. For 1–2 minutes, hold the heat collected in a small ball or lump at the center point of the lower abdomen.

12. Lower the heat ball into the perineum.

Make 8 to 16 revolutions of the heat ball in the microcosmic orbit, while inhaling, lifting the heat ball from the perineum up the spine through the back of the head, the crown to the bridge of the nose, and while exhaling, lowering it from the bridge of the nose through the point of contact of the tip of the tongue and the palate, the tongue, the jugular fossa, the center of the sternum , solar plexus, umbilical opening, base of the penis into the perineum.

13. Place the heat ball in the center of your lower abdomen.

14. Start breathing as follows: as you inhale, send a heat lump to the top of your head, and as you exhale, lower it from the top of your head to the perineum.

Do 8 to 16 cycles of this breathing.

15. Place the heat ball in the center of your lower abdomen.

16. As you exhale, send a heat lump from the center of the lower abdomen through the perineum down to the center of the earth.

17. Breathe as follows; as you inhale, lift the ball through your central energy channel (perineum => crown of the head) up to the highest possible point for you; as you exhale, lower it through your central energy channel vertically down to the maximum depth possible for you.

Breathe this way only as long as it is comfortable for you.

18. Then place the heat ball on a point in the center of your lower abdomen and hold your attention on it for 5-10 minutes.

While performing the exercise, be aware not only of the ball itself, but also of the trace of its movement, and then you will have a stable sensation of the movement of upward and downward flows.

You probably have questions about why we warm up the lower abdomen area, form a heat ball of sensations in the center of the lower abdomen, and carry out several rotations of the heat ball in the microcosmic orbit, instead of immediately moving on to working with two external flows. Let me explain: heat expands our physical and energy channels, eliminating all obstacles to the free flow of blood and energy. The area of ​​the lower abdomen and the center of this area is the source of energy power of the entire human energy system, its very core. And that is why we warm up this area of ​​the body first. The microcosmic orbit ensures the stability and integrity of our energy system. And before coming into contact with the most powerful external energy flows, we need to ensure the free circulation of our internal energy along the trajectory of the microcosmic orbit. Otherwise, a collision with external energy flows can be destructive for our body.

By performing the above exercise, you learned how to pulse work with ascending and descending external energy flows, synchronously with breathing, sending the ball either to the maximum height or to the maximum depth. You learned to conduct an energy impulse through your central energy axis in synchronization with your breathing processes. However, it should be stated that the ability to conduct an energy impulse through oneself is only half the battle, due to the fact that very often circumstances require from us not a short-term impulse release of force, but a stable, even, continuous flow of it (the energy).

Exercise. Smooth flow of power

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other, in a pillar position.

2. Completely adjust all parameters of the pose you have taken.

3. Make sure the crown and crotch are in a straight line.

5. Close your eyes and, releasing your attention, wait for relaxation to arrive.

6. For 3-5 minutes, concentrate on your natural breathing, passively observing it and not interfering with its work.

7. Become aware of all your bodily sensations at once.

8. Shift your attention to your peripheral, borderline sensations.

9. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

10. With each exhalation, begin to send heat to the lower abdomen until it is filled with warmth and this area begins to slightly expand from the inside.

11. Collect all your sensations and all your heat accumulated in the lower abdomen into the center of the lower abdomen.

Perform 8 to 16 rotations of the heat ball along the microcosmic orbit. Synchronously with your breathing, move the heat ball from the perineum to the crown and back 8 to 16 times.

12. Place the heat ball in the center of your lower abdomen and forget about it.

13. Feel a continuous, even flow of energy entering the crown of your head, moving vertically down your central energy channel and through your perineum into the center of the earth.

Hold the feeling of an even, continuous energy flow moving through your central energy channel from top to bottom, to the center of the earth, for as long as possible, but only as long as you feel comfortable with it.

14. Feel a smooth, continuous upward flow of energy moving vertically upward to a maximum height through your central energy channel, entering the physical body at the perineum and leaving it through the crown.

Hold the feeling of the ascending flow passing through your central energy channel for as long as possible, but only as long as it is comfortable for you.

15. With each exhalation, begin to send heat to the lower abdomen until it is filled with warmth and begins to expand comfortably from the inside.

16. Collect all the sensations and all the warmth of the lower abdomen in the center of the lower abdomen.

Perform 8 to 16 rotations of the heat ball formed in the center of the lower abdomen, a heat lump of sensations along the trajectory of the microcosmic orbit.

17. Place the heat ball in the center of your lower abdomen and concentrate your attention on it for 5-10 minutes.

The above exercise is the basis for high-quality mastery of the art of managing the two main life-forming energy flows. And therefore, do not waste time on regular practice of this exercise.

Downward energy flow

A downward energy flow is a flow of energy coming from Space to the surface of the Earth. Passing through our physical body, the descending energy flow distributes brain impulses to the underlying areas of the body,

It is the descending energy flow that gives rise to our awareness of everything that is happening and, in fact, is the root cause of the emergence of our consciousness and thinking.

Through the downward flow, we draw information from the Cosmos, from the energy-information field of the Universe. And in our everyday earthly life, only thanks to this flow we can evaluate any current situation and make absolutely any decision.

Due to the fact that we can effectively analyze, feel, and predict the situation only with minimal physical activity, it is advisable to strengthen the downward flow while being in scanty physical activity. The full list of the influences of the downward flow on our body looks like this: the downward energy flow enhances the efficiency of our psyche - consciousness, increases sensitivity, inhibits bodily activity, promotes body cooling, relaxation and good rest, lowers blood pressure, slows down the heart rate, and relieves headaches. pain, mobilizes the senses and attention, increases the speed of assessing the situation, promotes sleep, stops the internal dialogue, pinning us to the ground, gives us stability, helps increase muscle mass, etc.

It is precisely the intensification of the flow that presses to the ground that qigong masters use in those moments when several people cannot move them from their place.

Rising energy flow

The upward energy flow is the flow of energy that the Earth sends out into space. Passing through our physical body, it transmits impulses from the feet and hands higher, right up to the brain.

Thanks to the ascending energy flow, we carry out absolutely any of our actions, since the beginning of any bodily action comes from an impulse that is born at the moment of repulsion from the surface of the support and, moving from bottom to top, includes our entire physical body in the required action.

That is why the masters of the internal schools of Wushu say: “Any movement of the body in a standing position must come from the feet!”

The ascending energy flow affects our body in the following way: it accelerates bodily activity, increases blood pressure, promotes an increase in temperature, increases muscle tone, strength and speed of reaction to external stimuli, lightens body weight, promotes exits from the physical body into the subtle body, and can lead to levitation, accelerates blood circulation, speeds up the heart rate, charges us with physical energy, etc.

If we summarize everything that has been said about the two main energy flows, we can say: the ascending energy flow is the flow of action; the downward energy flow is a flow of modeling, awareness.

It is precisely because of all of the above that a person, in order to be effective, must either think or act. If we try to think and act at the same time, it’s a disaster!

The centipede has a hundred legs. The rabbit who saw her exclaimed in amazement:

Aunty, I can't imagine how you can manage all your legs. If I had so many legs, I would be completely entangled in them and would never be able to walk.

The centipede had never thought about this before, but now she decided:

I will think about it!

The centipede began to think. She looked at her legs and thought, “How do I control all my legs without getting tangled?”

She looked at her feet and thought and thought...

Suddenly, entangled in its own legs, the centipede fell. No longer able to control her legs, she shouted to the rabbit in terrible anger:

Never ask me questions like that again! I always went and never had any problems. And now you've confused me. Now I will never be able to walk. This problem will always haunt me. What is the first leg? What is the second leg? How did I manage them? A hundred legs!

That is why masters of martial arts require complete concentration of attention on the action being performed in order to completely eliminate thinking or thinking about the action being performed. Our thoughts and deliberation are the main inhibitor in the process of action itself. Our thoughts are always the result of the past and have very little to do with the present.

Dear Nasreddin, you are a person with great life experience,” said one philosopher. -Have you heard of a medicine for sore eyes?

“I can only say,” Molla answered, “that somehow two of my teeth hurt.” And until I removed them, the pain did not stop.

A thief entered Molla Nasreddin’s house and took all the things from one room. When the thief left, Nasreddin collected all his things in his other room, put the bag of things on his back and followed the thief. Having reached the thief's house, Molla wanted to enter there.

Then the thief asked:

What do you want in my house?

Aren't we moving here? - Nasreddin exclaimed in amazement.

The two parables above very clearly demonstrate how strongly our thoughts and ideas can diverge from the actions taking place around us.

Exercise. axis mundi

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other, in a pillar position.

2. Completely adjust all parameters of the adopted pose.

3. Make sure the crown and crotch are in line.

4. Press the tailbone of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Move it lightly across the roof of your mouth and find the point where the strongest sensations come from.

5. Close your eyes and release your attention, waiting for relaxation to come.

6. Concentrate on your natural breathing for a few minutes, passively observing it and not interfering with its work.

7. Be aware of all your bodily sensations at the same time.

8. Switch your attention to your peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

9. With each exhalation, begin to send heat to the lower abdomen until this area is filled with warmth and begins to expand slightly from the inside.

10. Collect all the sensations and all the warmth of the lower abdomen at the center point of the lower abdomen.

11. Place the heat ball on a point in the center of your lower abdomen for 1-2 minutes.

12. Release the heat ball into the perineum.

13. As you inhale, lift the heat ball along your central energy channel from the perineum to the crown, while exhaling, lower it along the central energy channel from the crown to the perineum.

Do 8 to 12 cycles of this breathing.

14. While inhaling, through the central energy channel, send the ball vertically upward, to the maximum height possible for you; on the exhale, on the contrary, send it vertically down to the center of the earth, to the maximum depth possible for you.

15. At the same time, feel two opposite points, external to you, one of which is located above your crown, on the same straight line with it, at the maximum possible height for you, and the other - under the perineum, on the same straight line with it, at to the maximum depth possible for you.

The ancient Chinese called these points “earthly star” and “heavenly star.”

16. Continue concentrating on these two points at the same time until you feel a straight vertical line that, passing through your central energy channel, connects one point to the other.

17. Transfer the main part of your attention from the two extreme points to the vertical energy axis connecting them and maintain this concentration until you begin to overexert yourself.

18. Concentrate on the center of your lower abdomen for 3-5 minutes.

All of you have probably heard the expressions “tree of the world”, “world axis”, “axis mundi”, etc. Behind these names are real experiences, not verbiage.

In the process of performing the above exercise, you also had the opportunity to verify this, since you combined your internal central axis, running vertically from the crown to the perineum, with the axis of the world and, as a result, found yourself as if suspended on an invisible thread passing through your central vertical energy channel downwards, to the maximum possible depth for you, and upward, to the maximum possible height for you.

By the way, this practice was used not only by eastern masters, but also by the Slavs. For example, buffoons called this axis (thread) “zhgonka”.

Regular practice of the above exercise contributes to the complete healing of the entire body, has a very beneficial effect on the spinal column, completely restoring most of its functions, and is the basis for successfully mastering any martial art.

Hand and foot energy channels

We constantly carry out intense energy exchange with the external environment around us through the channels of our hands and feet.

In the process of every step we take, we are involved in energy interaction with the surface of the earth. And in moments of manual labor, through the energy channels of our hands, we give out our internal energy and receive external energy into our body.

To master the art of bioenergy, it is imperative to learn how to control the energy channels of the hands and feet, since without this skill, any of our physical activities that require the participation of hands and feet cannot be effective.

How many things can you physically do without using your arms or legs?

Working with foot energy channels

Exercise. Revitalizing the energy of the feet

3. Close your eyes and, releasing your attention, wait for relaxation to arrive.

5. Be aware of all your bodily sensations at the same time.

6. Switch your attention to borderline, peripheral sensations.

7. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

8. Bring your attention to the contact area between your feet and the support.

9. Distribute your attention evenly across the entire contact area of ​​each foot with the support.

10. For 10–15 seconds, bring your attention to the contact area of ​​all your toes and balls of your feet with the support.

11. For 10–15 seconds, switch your attention to the contact area of ​​each of your heels with the support.

12. Begin to alternately switch your attention either to the area of ​​contact of the balls and toes with the support, or to the area of ​​​​contact of the heels and support. Get into the rhythm of these switchings that is most comfortable for you.

In the process of switching attention, your feet should not leave the support.

13. Finish switching your attention and at the same time become aware of the contact area with the support of your fingers, balls of your feet, and heels. Hold this awareness until you feel that the contact area of ​​​​each of your feet with the support has its own center. It will feel like it will be located near the ball of the big toe of each foot.

14. Transfer your attention to the energy centers of your feet and maintain this concentration for 3-5 minutes.

15. Begin to alternately move in your perception either to the sensation of the entire contact zone of each of the feet with the support (heels, balls, toes), then to the awareness of the energy center of the foot.

Catch the rhythm of these switchings that is optimal for you. As a result, you will feel a pulsation of energy that will either spread from the center to the entire surface of the foot, or from the entire surface of the foot will collect in the center of the foot.

Practice these switches until you feel satiated with this process.

It is no secret that on the soles there are many projection zones of our body, through the influence of which we can cure many of our diseases. Since, similarly, our legs are primarily connected with the internal organs located in the pelvic area, the above exercise has the greatest effect on them.

The practice of this exercise helps to improve the health of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, spleen, increases potency, longevity, reduces high blood pressure, and significantly increases the coordination and stability of our physical body. It’s not for nothing that Chinese doctors believe that most diseases can be cured by concentrating on the energy centers of the feet. And the main method of meditation of many Buddhist masters is the fullest awareness of the contact of the foot with the support while walking. It is through our feet that we have the closest contact with the surface of the earth. So draw your own conclusions!

Exercise. Energy Acceleration

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.

2. Take the pose of hugging a tree and completely adjust all its parameters.

3. Half-close your eyes and slightly defocus your vision so that everything around you is perceived in a slight fog.

4. Press the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Moving it lightly across the roof of your mouth, find the point from which the strongest sensations emanate.

5. Let go of your attention for a few minutes, allowing it to wander wherever it pleases.

6. Concentrate on your natural breathing, passively observing it and not interfering with it for 3-5 minutes.

7. Become aware of all your bodily sensations at the same time, at once.

8. Shift your attention to your borderline, peripheral sensations.

9. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

10. With each exhalation, begin to send heat to the lower abdomen until it is filled with warmth and begins to expand slightly from the inside.

11. Collect all the heat and all the sensations accumulated in the lower abdomen at the center point of the lower abdomen into a small ball.

Perform 8 to 12 rotations of the heat ball along the trajectory of the microcosmic orbit.

12. Place the heat ball at the center point of your lower abdomen.

13. Bring your attention to the sensation of the contact area between your feet and the support.

14. Be aware of the pressure that your feet exert on the support.

15. Allow the pressure exerted by your feet on the support to pass through the surface of the support and rush into the depths of the earth.

You can help yourself with the image of roots growing from your feet.

16. Begin to randomly change the length of your energy roots, making them longer and shorter.

17. Find the rooting depth that is most comfortable for you and stay at this depth for 2-3 minutes.

18. Leaving your energy roots immersed in the ground to the maximum depth that is comfortable for you, begin to burst the earth with your energy roots for 1-3 minutes.

19. Keeping your energetic roots immersed to the maximum depth that is comfortable for you, begin to compress the earth with them for 1-3 minutes.

20. Leaving your energy roots immersed in the ground to the maximum depth that is comfortable for you, begin to simultaneously expand and compress the earth with your energy roots for 1-3 minutes.

21. Switch your attention to the surfaces of your feet in contact with the support.

Concentrate on the energy centers of your feet for 1-3 minutes.

23. Focus your attention on the center point of your lower abdomen for 1-3 minutes.

Do not waste time on high-quality mastery of the above exercise, since it is the basis, the foundation for mastering a whole complex of different interactions of our energy body with the earth.

Having mastered this exercise, you will make your physical body very, very stable. This, in turn, will immediately affect your psyche, and it will become extremely resistant to any external influences. It is with the help of their energy roots that masters of qigong, aikido, and martial arts achieve the ability to successfully counteract the attempts of a crowd of people to at least move them from their place, to tear them off the ground.

Through the energetic roots of the feet, we can remove the energy of our opponent’s blow, making our physical body invulnerable to most impacts.

By absorbing the cool energy of the earth's surface through energetic roots, we can cool the overheated internal organs of our physical body, promoting their healing. By removing excess heat from the head area through the energetic roots of the feet into the ground, we can normalize the functioning of the brain. Through these same roots, many diseases and discomforts can be given to mother earth, getting rid of them forever.

In the process of performing the following training exercises, you will be able to master from your personal experience all the methods of using the energy roots of the feet that I have highlighted above.

Exercise. Lowering sick energy into the ground

4. Press the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Move it lightly across the roof of your mouth and find the point where the strongest sensations come from.

5. Release your attention for a few minutes, waiting for relaxation to arrive.

6. Concentrate on your natural breathing for 3-5 minutes, passively observing it and not interfering with its work.

7. Become aware of all your bodily sensations simultaneously, at once.

8. Switch your attention to your borderline, peripheral sensations.

9. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to steadily perceive yourself as a kind of volumetric cocoon.

10. Direct your attention to any uncomfortable sensation present in your body at the present moment.

11. While remaining aware of the uncomfortable sensation, perceive the energy centers of the feet.

12. Begin in a natural way for you to push the uncomfortable, painful bodily sensation down, first to the energy centers of the feet, and then along your energy roots deep into the earth until you feel that the uncomfortable, painful sensation has completely left the confines of your energy body.

13. Become aware of the skin of your physical body. Shake your whole body, as if shaking off water. Roughly stroke the entire body with your palms.

When I said: “Begin to push the uncomfortable, painful sensation down in a natural way for you,” I meant that the method by which you get rid of the unpleasant sensation should be the easiest (natural) for you. I deliberately did not give you a specific way so that, using your imagination, your experience, you could create your own, unique, easiest way for you to bring painful sensations down into the depths of the earth.

You could imagine and feel how, through a small bodily channel, a stream of some liquid flowing from the place of discomfort down through the energy centers of the feet carries an uncomfortable sensation into the depths of the earth. You could feel how a certain magnet, located deep in the earth under the energy centers of the feet, attracts your painful sensation to itself. In this case, it was possible to synchronize the process of getting rid of the discomfort with breathing, or it was possible not to pay any attention to breathing, etc.

The main thing was that, in trying to get rid of a feeling that was unpleasant for you, you expended your own labor. Sweat, think, experiment in the process of a rather vague task specifically assigned to you. After all, a person can only value what he gets as a result of his own labor.

Unfortunately, in most cases, students place responsibility for their skill level on the person teaching them. As if the teacher should and can make the students masters without their own participation.

No one can ever teach you anything! You can learn! And the level and quality of your skill overwhelmingly depend on how much effort and time you put into mastering this skill.

You only ever get as much as you give!

"What goes around comes around".

“It will be according to your labors.”

“Only by giving can you receive.”

“What you give is what you get.”

One day a very educated and very cultured man came to the Buddha. He tactfully asked the Buddha a question, to which the Buddha said:

Right now I can't answer.

The man was surprised:

Why can't you answer my question? Are you busy or is it something else?

This man was very important, well known throughout the country, and he was very offended that the Buddha was so busy that he could not devote at least a little time to his person.

The point is that right now you will not be able to perceive my answer to your question, said the Buddha.

What do you have in mind? - the man was amazed.

There are three types of listeners, said the Buddha. - The first type is like a pot turned upside down. You can answer, but nothing will go into it. He is not available. The second type of listener is like a pot with a hole in the bottom. It is not turned upside down, it is in the correct position, everything seems to be as it should be, but there is a hole in its bottom. Therefore, it seems that it is filled, but this is only for a moment. Sooner or later the water will flow out and it will become completely empty again. Only on the surface does it appear that something is entering, but in reality nothing is entering, because nothing can be retained. There is a third type of listener who has no hole and who is not upside down, but who is full of garbage. Water can enter it, but as soon as it enters, it is immediately poisoned.

Are you ready to study hard, regularly spending sweat and time on it? If not, then this book will not give you anything! After all, this is a textbook, not entertainment literature.

Exercise. Cooling overheated areas of the body

1. Stand facing north with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.

2. Take a tree hugging pose and fully adjust all its parameters.

4. Close your eyes and, releasing your attention, wait for relaxation to arrive.

5. For 3-5 minutes, concentrate on your natural breathing, observing it detachedly and without interfering with its work.

6. Become aware of all your bodily sensations simultaneously, at once.

7. Shift your attention to your borderline, peripheral sensations.

8. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to steadily feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

9. With each exhalation, begin to exhale heat into the lower abdomen until this area is filled with warmth and begins to slightly expand from the inside.

10. Collect all the warmth and all the sensations accumulated in the center point of the lower abdomen into a small heat ball, into a ball of sensations.

Perform 8-12 rotations of the heat ball in the microcosmic orbit.

11. Place the heat ball at the center point of your lower abdomen.

12. Scan your entire body and find the most overheated area. Pay special attention to the head area, as this is the area that overheats the most.

13. Be aware of the contact areas between your feet and the support.

15. From the energy centers of your feet, release your energy roots into the depths of the earth to a depth of 0.5 to 1 meter.

16. Feel how the cool, moist energy of the earth begins to penetrate into your body through the energy roots.

17. Direct cool earth energy to areas of overheated areas of the body, imbuing them with healing coolness for as long as it feels good.

18. For 1–2 minutes, become aware of all your sensations simultaneously, at once.

19. Concentrate on the center point of your lower abdomen for 2-3 minutes.

The key to the health of our body and the psyche, which is closely interconnected with it, is the harmonious balance of complementary opposites. In this case it is heat - cold.

Everything is good in moderation. If either heat or cold begins to predominate in our body in certain parts of the body, then destructive processes begin that are destructive to our health.

Due to the fact that most civilized people think too much with their heads, parts of their cerebral cortex overheat, which leads to mental overexcitation, nervous exhaustion, and chaotic attention. But our ancestors advised: “Keep your head cool!” And the eastern sages called for inducing coolness in the brain area to achieve deep relaxation.

Most eye diseases, due to the fact that vision dominates the other senses and we constantly strain our eyes, are also caused by overheating of the eye muscles.

That is why, by raising the cool energy of the earth to the brain area, we literally relax and heal the brain, stabilizing and calming the psyche and consciousness, which gives us the opportunity to live our whole lives in a sober mind, with a cool head and avoid strokes and cerebral hemorrhages .

Overheating of any part of our physical body, overheating of any of our internal organs is evidence that there is overexcitation, work for wear, and the possible presence of an inflammatory process. And by nourishing these areas of the body with the healing coolness of the earth, we give ourselves a long, healthy, balanced life. After all, living is good! A good life is even better!

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that when doing this exercise (“Cooling overheated areas of the body”), you need to release your energy roots no more than 0.5–1 meter deep into the earth. This is due to the fact that the earth's energy is located in layers. And if the energy at a depth of 0.5–1 meter is damp and cool, then at greater depths rivers of fire, magma, and liquid fire flow. We need coolness, and therefore we use an energy layer located at a depth of 0.5–1 meter.

Exercise. Impact Resistance

For this practice you need the help of a partner, partner.

1. Stand facing north with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.

2. Take a tree hugging pose, but let your arms hang loosely along your body.

3. Completely adjust all parameters of the adopted pose.

4. Close your eyes slightly and defocus your vision so that everything blurs into a slight haze.

5. Become aware of all your bodily sensations at the same time, at once.

6. Shift your attention to your borderline, peripheral sensations.

7. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and look for the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

8. With each exhalation, begin to send heat to the lower abdomen until it is filled with warmth and begins to expand slightly from the inside.

9. Collect all the warmth and all the sensations present in the area of ​​the center of the lower abdomen into a small thermal lump of sensations.

10. Feel the contact areas of your feet and support.

11. Become aware of the energy centers of the feet.

12. Feel how, from the energy centers of your feet, your energy roots rush deep into the earth, to a depth that is comfortable for you.

13. With each exhalation, begin to send energy through your energy roots from the lower abdomen to the depths of the earth. Let the breaths happen on their own, without your conscious participation in them.

Do about 12–16 of the above exhalations.

14. Ask your partner to lightly hit you in the lower abdomen.

15. As you exhale, through your energy roots, bring the sensations formed as a result of the blow into the depths of the earth. At first, do not try to remove all the consequences of a blow from the body in one exhalation, but learn to slowly and efficiently remove all the consequences. And it doesn’t matter if you need 5-6 exhalations into the ground for this.

16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 until you can release all the sensations from hitting the ground with a single exhalation.

Remember that your partner should not so much hit as make light contact with your body so that a slightly uncomfortable sensation is noticeable to your attention.

Having learned to remove the consequences of a blow in one single exhalation, stop paying attention to your breathing.

Practice, at the moment of light blows from your partner, to feel a continuous downward flow through the energy centers of the feet, going deep into the earth, removing the consequences of the blow, the sensation of the blow at the speed of thought.

Practice removing the sensations from the blow not only from the abdominal area, but also from any parts of your body.

Remember that trying to remove the effects of real hard blows from your body is for donkeys! And a direct road to the hospital.

But your partner should only make light contact with your body, creating sensations noticeable to your body. To achieve the ability to quickly and efficiently remove the consequences of real blows from yourself, you need to through the ability to quickly and efficiently remove from your body the consequences, sensations from very light touches. This will develop your attention much more effectively and prepare you to be able to neutralize the consequences of any blows.

In the practice of the above exercise, the main thing is the quality of execution, and the speed of withdrawal of uncomfortable sensations is only a consequence.

Exercise. Regenerative walking

1. Defocus your vision so that everything blurs into a slight fog.

2. Be aware of all your sensations at the same time.

3. Switch your attention to your borderline, peripheral sensations.

4. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

5. Start walking, during which you should be aware of every touch of the ground with the foot of your forward leg.

6. Do this walking for at least 30-40 minutes.

7. Feel the skin of your physical body and shake slightly, as if shaking off water.

In the process of the above walking, you enter into intense energy exchange with the surface of the earth, which leads to a calming of the mind and psyche, normalizes high blood pressure, and heals the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.

This walk is especially useful if your head area is overloaded. By practicing it immediately before bed, you will ensure that you quickly enter into a very high-quality rest.

Naturally, walking on asphalt and on the ground are two big differences. Although, for lack of anything better, walking along city streets will have a very beneficial effect on your body, establishing your connection with the surface of the planet.

The art of bioenergy is not only working with your physical body, but also no less intensive work with your psyche, with your consciousness. Due to the fact that our body and consciousness are inextricably linked with each other, it is absolutely impossible to accumulate a sufficient level of bodily energy with an unbalanced, overstressed consciousness. Absolutely any of our psychological problems inevitably causes an energy problem, a physical problem, which manifests itself in a discomforting feeling in one area or another of our body.

Buddha stated: “Human life is suffering! The cause of suffering is desires!”

By virtue of his nature, absolutely any person has the desired ideal image: of himself, of others, of the development of this or that situation, of his entire life, etc. And it doesn’t matter at all whether a person is aware of his ideas or not, since they still exist!

Problems begin when the desired does not coincide with the actual. And the stronger this difference, the worse we feel both physically and psychologically. Until we become masters of our desires, we will not be able to achieve real success in accumulating energy and the ability to manage our internal energy.

In order to become the master of our desires and achieve peace with ourselves, we need to:

Be aware of your desires;

Get out of external situations that do not correspond to our desires, and look for external circumstances that correspond to our desires;

To learn, without leaving an external situation that does not suit us, to change our desires, making this situation desirable for ourselves.

Having mastered the three rules above, you will become a creator, the master of all your desires. From this moment on, peace will be established in your soul, agreement with yourself, with life. And then your bioenergy will begin to continuously accumulate without any Fildepers exercises and overseas techniques.

In one state there lived a young king, and he was very proud and powerful. When he passed through his domain, the people fell on their faces and shouted:

Long live the Emperor!

The treasurer walked behind and threw gold coins to these bent figures. People were ready to rip each other's throats out for coins from the imperial treasury, like pigs digging through the mud in search of them. Those who did not submit and bow before the monarch had their heads chopped off by the executioner walking behind them.

And then one day, while walking in this way, the king noticed a monk who not only did not bow his head, but also walked towards him. The executioner, seeing this, hastened to get ahead of the emperor in order to cut off the rebellious man’s head, since more than one head had already flown off his shoulders at the whim of the freethinking emperor. However, at that moment, when the executioner had already swung his hand to behead the rebellious man, he heard the loud voice of his master:

The young king, rushing to this wandering monk, fell to his knees and kissed his greasy clothes.

Father, how glad I am that you are back! - exclaimed the young king.

No, I haven't returned. I have been to that end of the earth and now I am going to the other edge. It’s just that my road lies through your domain,” answered the father.

But this is also your domain! Father, it pains me to see you in such pitiful clothes. Treasurer, give him as much gold as he asks for,” exclaimed the young king.

No, son. Just feed me or give me a few coins so that I can buy food for myself,” the father said and handed his wooden bowl to his son.

The emperor ordered the cup to be filled to the top. But no matter how much gold the treasurer poured into the cup, it turned out to be empty. A whole bag of gold was poured into the bowl, but it was empty!

The extremely amazed young king ordered a whole cart of gold to be brought to finally fill the strange cup. The contents of 40 carts of gold were poured into it, but it was empty?

Father, I don't understand! We poured 40 carts of gold into it, but it is still empty! - exclaimed the king, amazed to the depths of his soul.

Son, I’m glad that you already thought about this question on the 40th train. You realized this too early. I gave up everything for this, threw my whole kingdom, health, youth into her - in general, everything I had, but, as you can see, she is still empty! For this is the cup of our desires, and the stultifying thirst for filling it will take away from us everything we have... We can put life into it, but this will not make it fuller!

Energy channels of the hands

Our hands are closely interconnected with many of our internal organs. Due to the anatomical features, the arms are especially closely interconnected with the chest area, with those internal organs that are located in this area of ​​the body.

The end of our arms (shoulders) passes through the clavicular region into the neck and chest. Due to this anatomical feature, through the energy channels of the hands, we can very effectively influence the functioning of the brain and the functioning of the lungs and heart.

Most heart diseases can be healed simply by establishing the circulation of internal energy in the manual meridians and channels. That is why the opposite is also true: disturbances in manual circulation lead to problems with the heart, lungs and very often contribute to impaired cerebral circulation.

In addition to all of the above, through our palms and fingers we are in constant energy exchange with external energy sources, with the environment. This means that with competent and targeted work with the energy channels of the hands, we can significantly increase the level of our internal bioenergy.

In order to learn to absorb external energy through manual energy channels, you will need to open the “hand gate”:

The center point of the inner side of the palm;


Exercise. General normalization of manual energy channels

It is advisable to practice this exercise naked to the waist (above the waist).

1. Stand facing north with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.

2. Take a posture of standing and completely adjust all its parameters.

3. Press the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Move it lightly across the roof of your mouth and find the point where the strongest sensations come from.

4. Close your eyes and release your attention, waiting for relaxation to come.

5. Concentrate on your natural breathing for a few minutes, passively observing it and not interfering with its work.

7. Switch your attention to your borderline, peripheral sensations.

9. Concentrate on the inner sides of your palms and the tips of your fingers.

10. Start swinging your relaxed, straight arms as comfortably as possible: forward - to a horizontal position, to shoulder level (the inner sides of the palms look down); back - as far as possible (the inner sides of the palms look up).

Although you swing your arms straight, do not allow them to be rigidly fixed in the elbow joint, keeping your elbows slightly bent.

During the swing, the torso should be motionless and the shoulders should be lowered.

Find the most natural and pleasant swinging rhythm for you.

As you swing your arms, keep your focus on the insides of your palms and the tips of your fingers.

Continue swinging your arms for at least 10-15 minutes.

11. When you finish swinging, raise your slightly bent arms up, parallel to each other, with the insides of your palms facing each other and your fingers pointing toward the sky.

Freeze in this position for 2-3 minutes, focusing on the tips of your fingers (fingers straight) and being fully aware of all your bodily sensations in this part of the body.

12. Without changing the general position of your hands, comfortably bend your straightened fingers to the sides and back. So that the inner sides of the palms look up.

Concentrate your attention on the inner sides of your palms, trying to be fully aware of all the sensations in this part of the body.

Hold this position for 2-3 minutes.

13. Lower your arms along your body and begin to unobtrusively observe your bodily sensations until the need for active motor activity appears.

Regular practice of this seemingly simple exercise can work real miracles, as it completely restores the circulation of energy and blood throughout the arms, from the shoulders to the fingertips.

As you complete the above exercise, you will have to overcome your skepticism that such a simple exercise can produce any powerful effects. But, I assure you, the game is worth the candle! Regular practice of this exercise cures high blood pressure, heals many diseases of the nervous system, helps normalize cerebral circulation, the functioning of the lungs, colon, heart, and can even make cancer of the lungs, lymph, and esophagus recede!

From an energetic point of view, regular practice of the above exercise opens and cleanses energy channels and is the foundation for all bioenergetic abilities of the hands.

Exercise. Energetic revitalization of the palms - the path to healing the whole body

1. Stand facing north with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.

2. Take a posture of standing and completely adjust all its parameters.

3. Close your eyes and, releasing your attention, wait for relaxation to arrive.

4. For 3-5 minutes, concentrate on your natural breathing, passively observing it and not interfering with its work.

5. Open your eyes and defocus your vision so that everything blurs into a light fog.

6. Become aware of all your bodily sensations at the same time, at once.

7. Switch your attention to your peripheral, borderline sensations.

8. Become aware of all borderline sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

9. Bend your elbows at waist level, parallel to each other, so that your palms face one another and your fingers point forward.

10. Simultaneously feel the inner surfaces of both palms and fingers.

11. Continuing to simultaneously be equally aware of the inner surfaces of both palms, begin to slowly bring your palms closer to each other until you feel that the inner sides of your palms and fingers are resting against some invisible barrier.

12. Imagine that you are holding a hedgehog curled up between your palms.

Your presentation should be not so much visual, but rather tactile, tactile. You should really feel the prickly needles of the hedgehog sandwiched between your palms.

Maintain this feeling for 2 to 3 minutes.

13. Start rolling, moving, turning over the energy hedgehog held between your palms, really feeling the effect of its sharp needles.

Carry out this rolling for 2-3 minutes.

14. Close your eyes and, freely lowering your arms along your body, detachedly observe your sensations until you feel the need for active motor activity.

Try not to overexert yourself, trying to evoke the real sensations of the needles of a hedgehog squeezed between your palms. In the process of regular practice, you will get this image - feeling better and better. And your palms will become red, hot, highly sensitive, as if you had exposed them to the Kuznetsov applicator.

On the inner surfaces of the palms there are many biologically active points, nerve endings, which are interconnected with our entire body. That is why regular practice of the above exercise will allow you to really improve your entire body.

Rolling the energy hedgehog between your palms will make them very, very sensitive. And with this, prepare your palms for the perception of energy-information fields of the world around us.

So that you don't get bored reading my book, let's take a humorous pause, because humor is the best cure for excessive stress.

One day a fairy appeared to the couple and said:

You have been such a wonderful couple for 25 years that I want to grant one wish for each of you.

I want to travel around the world with my beloved husband! - said the wife.

The fairy waved her magic wand, and the tickets appeared in the woman’s hand.

And then the 50-year-old husband took the floor:

All this, of course, is romantic, but such an opportunity comes only once in a lifetime. I’m very sorry, but I, dear wife, want a woman 30 years younger than me.

The fairy waved her magic wand... - and the husband turned into an 80-year-old grandfather.

What do you want if the fairy is also a woman!

Exercise. Strengthening the energy lines of the palms

1. Stand facing north with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.

2. Take a standing posture and completely adjust all its parameters.

3. Half-close your eyes and defocus your vision so that everything around you blurs into a light fog.

4. Release your attention to freedom and wait for relaxation to come.

5. Become aware of all your bodily sensations at once.

6. Shift your attention to borderline, peripheral sensations.

7. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and look for the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

8. Bend your elbows at waist level, parallel to each other, so that the inner surfaces of your palms face each other and your fingers point forward.

9. At the same time, equally feel the inner surfaces of both palms and fingers.

10. Imagine and feel that there is a spring between your palms.

11. Overcoming the resistance of an invisible spring, slightly bring each other closer.

12. Allow the spring to relax and open your palms.

13. Having found a rhythm that is comfortable for you, repeat what is described in paragraphs 11 and 12 until you feel light, pleasant fatigue.

14. Close your eyes, lower your arms along your body and begin to detachly observe your bodily sensations until the need for active motor activity arises.

The above exercise, strengthening the energy lines of the palms, is the basis for any non-contact energy influences carried out through the palms.

By strengthening the energy lines of your palms, you can actually influence the physical body of your opponent without physically touching him. It is on this technique that all the “miracles” that Mikhail Ryabko likes to demonstrate are built. Meanwhile, absolutely anyone can master such abilities.

In the process of practicing the above exercise, we learn to emit energy lines from our palms and press these lines on an external object. And this skill is necessary not only for influencing an opponent, but also for non-contact treatment.

Exercise. Energy centers of the palms. Acquaintance

1. Stand facing north with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.

2. Take a tree hugging pose and fully adjust all its parameters.

3. Half-close your eyes and defocus your vision so that everything blurs into a light fog.

4. Release your attention for a while, waiting for relaxation to arrive.

5. Concentrate on your natural breathing and passively observe it for 2-3 minutes without interfering with its work.

6. Be aware of all your bodily sensations at the same time.

7. Switch your attention to peripheral sensations.

8. Become aware of all peripheral sensations at the same time and wait until the moment when you begin to feel like a kind of voluminous cocoon.

9. Lower your arms along your body, your hands bent at an angle of 90° relative to your forearms, the inner sides of your palms facing the floor, towards the ground, your fingers pointing to the sides.

10. Spread your attention over the surface of the skin of the inner sides of your palms.

11. Become aware of the entire surface of the inside of each of your palms at the same time, at once. Maintain this concentration until you realize that on the inside of each palm there is a certain depression, the center of all sensations.

12. Switch your attention to the energy centers of your palms and maintain this concentration for 2-3 minutes.

13. Imagine, feel that the energy centers of your palms lie on some invisible support.

14. Continuing to be aware of the energy centers of the palms lying on an invisible support, take a breath, during which you shift your attention from the energy centers of the palms to the elbows. As a result, you will feel that during the inhalation process something is moving from the energy centers of the palms to the elbows.

15. Exhale, during which you shift your attention from your elbows to the energy centers of your palms. Notice how, during the process of exhalation, something moves from the elbows to the energy centers of the palms.

16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 4 to 8 times.

17. Take a breath, during which you shift your attention from the energy centers of your palms to your shoulders. Notice how, during the process of inhalation, energy moves from the energy centers of the palms to the shoulders.

18. Exhale, during which you move your attention from your shoulders to the energy centers of your palms, being aware of the corresponding movement of energy.

19. Repeat steps 17 and 18 4 to 8 times.

20. Take a breath, during which move your attention from the energy centers of the palms - through the forearms => elbows => shoulders - to the center of the chest. Become aware of the corresponding movement of energy.

21. Exhale, during which move your attention from the center of the chest to the energy centers of the palms - through the center of the chest => shoulders => elbows => forearms => energy centers of the palms. Become aware of the corresponding movement of energy.

22. Repeat steps 20 and 21 4 to 8 times.

2Z. Take a breath, during which you shift your attention along the trajectory: energy centers of the palms => forearms => elbows => shoulders => center of the chest => center of the lower abdomen. Catch the corresponding movement of energy.

24. Exhale, during which you transfer your attention along the opposite trajectory described in paragraph 23 - from the center of the lower abdomen to the energy centers of the palms. Catch the corresponding movement of energy.

25. Repeat steps 23 and 24 from 8 to 16 times.

26. Loosely lower your palms along your body and, with your knees almost completely straight, take a standing posture.

27. Close your eyes and begin to observe your sensations until the need for active motor activity appears.

When we synchronize the movement of attention with the awareness of our breathing, we begin to feel the movement of energy flows, by catching which we can control them.

This book is written as a practical textbook designed to teach you to feel real energy through your own experience. And therefore, the language of this book is aimed at a detailed description of what and how to do in order to get the necessary personal experience of what the author is talking about. Unfortunately, most books on bioenergy have nothing in common with it, presenting the “sauce” of bioenergy as an ordinary game of imagination. But bioenergy is not fantasy, but an objective reality that can only be experienced through personal experience.

Books that do not explain how you need to organize your actions in order to experience bioenergy firsthand are not textbooks on bioenergy. Everyone should mind their own business, do what they do best. And therefore science fiction writers and storytellers should write science fiction and fairy tales, and not textbooks on bioenergy!

Once upon a time there lived a blacksmith. The fame of his miraculous forging art spread throughout the area. One day a young man came to the blacksmith’s house and asked:

Please take me as your student. I want to achieve the same fame as you.

The blacksmith thought for a long time and finally said:

Go to the forest, chop a bundle of firewood and, bringing it to the yard, carefully place it in this shed.

But I came to learn blacksmithing! - The young man exclaimed.

If you want to learn, do what I say! Or get out of here! - said the blacksmith.

Reluctantly, the young man went into the forest and chopped wood for half a day, until his patience finally ran out. And, spitting on his ridiculous occupation, the young man trudged home, cursing the eccentric blacksmith.

However, the desire to become an amazing blacksmith did not let go of the young man, and in the morning he again trudged into the blacksmith’s house.

Blacksmith, take me as an apprentice,” the young man timidly asked.

Where's the firewood? - the blacksmith asked in turn.

From that day on, the young man did nothing but saw wood, sweep the yard, wash clothes, etc.

Not a single day passed without him appealing to the blacksmith’s prudence:

I came to learn blacksmithing from you, but I’m doing God knows what.

However, the blacksmith was relentless. And now, for six months now, the young man has been busy with absurd household chores.

Suddenly the blacksmith called the young man and said:

I will teach you! But for this you must learn how to weave bast shoes.

What kind of bast shoes? What does bast shoes have to do with it? - the young man exclaimed indignantly.

However, it was useless to argue with the blacksmith. And from that day on, under the strict guidance of the blacksmith, the young man did nothing but learn to weave bast shoes. And finally, the day came when the bast shoe, woven by hand, was ready.

I wove a bast shoe. Take me as your student! - the young man said demandingly.

Come on, give me your bast shoe... - asked the blacksmith, And suddenly, to the amazement of the young man, he threw the bast shoe into a vat of water.

You see, your bast shoe has sunk in the water. I will begin to teach you only when you learn to weave bast shoes that do not sink! - the blacksmith indisputably proclaimed.

Where have you seen bast shoes that don’t sink in water?! - the astonished young man cried out indignantly.

If you want to learn from me, then do what you are told! - the blacksmith said menacingly.

For several years the young man tried to weave bast shoes that would not sink in water. And finally, as a result of continuous attempts, he succeeded.

Blacksmith, I have completed your task! Take me as your student! - the young man said demandingly.

In order to learn from me, you must go to the market and sell the bast shoes you have woven. But there is one condition. You should only sell your sandals one at a time, not in pairs!

But who will buy just one bast shoe from me?! - the young man exclaimed. - Who will buy only one bast shoe to wear?

These are your difficulties! - The blacksmith grinned.

And he had to go to the market to perform an impossible task, from his point of view.

Late in the evening, tired, but at the same time happy, the young man returned home.

I completed your task! Take me as your student! - the young man said proudly.

“And tell me how you sold your bast shoes,” the blacksmith asked.

And the young man began his story:

When I told the buyer that I could only sell him one bast shoe, he twirled his finger at his temple, and I had no choice but to say: “Do you know that my bast shoe does not sink in water?” And as soon as I demonstrated this in practice, all my bast shoes were immediately bought.

Well, blacksmith, will you undertake to teach me blacksmithing?

I look at you and think: “Are you a fool, or what?” No one has ever made bast shoes like this before you! And you keep saying: “Teach me blacksmithing!” - the blacksmith said with a grin.

Thanks to the existence of the channels of the earth and the universe, we can maintain the functioning of all our chakras, body, shell, cocoon and aura. The channel through which we receive energy from the universe, space is called downward, thanks to it we receive spiritual benefits. The second type of channels is ascending. He gives us earthly energy. Due to it we receive material benefits. The body needs the functioning of the channel of ascending and descending flows to achieve unity in all energy centers, skin, cocoon and aura.

1 practice of ascending and descending flows

To begin with, you should stand up straight, concentrate, and not think about anything. Inhale and exhale completely and evenly. Focus on the condition of your body.

Over time, you will feel the energy moving up your spine. Such sensations can be compared to a light wind. Initially it will seem almost imperceptible. If you are patient and do not stop practicing, then over time you will feel the flow quite clearly. The ascending flow moves from bottom to top, from energy center to energy center. With regular practice of “swinging the flow,” it becomes similar to the flow of a powerful wave of water through the body. As stated above.

Stand, do not strain, breathe in and out deeply and slowly. Try to feel the movement of downward energy throughout your spine. In order to feel this, you need a certain amount of effort and concentration, as well as training.

Thus, the flow that comes from the middle of our planet is better felt during inhalation. It seems that together with the inhalation, the lower chakra, an upward flow of energy is formed from the middle of the planet.

But the flow that comes from Space is easier to feel during exhalation. Try to observe the path of the flow as it moves from the top. This flow is directed from a great height, moves through the upper part of the head, then along the spine, heading deep into our planet. Another stream that comes from our planet moves through you to the top and rushes into Space. Try to feel both the downward and upward flows within you. They are central and provide people with life and health. In our body, energy flows move in both directions all the time.

The amount of light and positive energy in the crown area is equal to negative (–) in the foot area.

These flows are called “heavenly”, despite the fact that in another interpretation the downward flow is the sky (+), and the upward flow is the earth (–). Due to wrong actions, any of these streams can be closed for people. It is very bad when both energy flows become unavailable at the same time. At this moment, the person’s well-being rapidly deteriorates. By the way, the solar plexus is considered an important vegetative center in the body. This is where the fourth chakra Yarylo (i.e. the Sun) is located.

While performing the practice, you should imagine how earthly and cosmic energy passes through you. Its goal is to provide the energy needed to perform the desired actions.

To begin, sit down with your back straight and your feet on the floor. To absorb the energy, place your palms facing up and close your eyes.

After this, imagine how the earth’s energy moves from the top, through the earth, to you. Feel how it passes through your feet, through your legs, to your spine. After which, it moves along the body to the arms and head. Feel its power in your body.

At the moment when earthly energy moves through you, imagine cosmic energy. It enters you through the crown of your head, then moves along the spine into your arms and moves down throughout your body. Please note that this energy is positive, light and fills the entire space.

After this, concentrate on where the two energies intersect at the beginning of the spine and begin to unite and intertwine. Then they move to the top and bottom along the entire spine, filling the body with strength. In addition, you are able to keep these energies in balance by absorbing additional earthly (heavy) or cosmic (light) energy at your discretion. Form flows until you feel that you are already filled with energy.

2 practice of ascending and descending flows

Such easy exercises will help you receive a regular influx of strength, cleanse your body of bad things and damage, and provide you with prosperity in the material and spiritual sphere. In addition, she can make your body, shell, cocoon and aura stronger.

Call on the power of the earth, ask it to ground you. After that say:

— I call upon the ascending flow of the earth to rise to the first chakra

While raising the energy to the first energy center, call upon the power of the cosmos and say the following phrase:

“I call upon the downward flow of the universe to descend to the seventh chakra.

“I call upon the upward flow to rise to the second energy center.
“I call upon the downward flow to descend to the sixth energy center.
“I call upon the upward flow to rise to the third energy center.
“I call upon the downward flow to descend to the fifth energy center.
“I call upon the ascending flow to rise to the fourth energy center.
“I call upon the downward flow to descend to the fourth energy center.

In the case where the flows do not rise or descend, encourage him to remove the block and continue on his way even without causing harm to mental and physical health, without pain and with comfort.

After raising all the flows, and while they are in the fourth energy center, call upon them to fill all bodies, energy centers, cocoon and aura, in the universe, at all levels and call upon them to destroy any problem areas, problems, replacing the past, stagnant energy with new and light.

Following this, after filling with energy, thank the earth and space, as well as everyone who helped you in this matter.

Do not turn off the grounding; in addition, ask the space not to turn off. This is necessary for the constant functioning of earthly and cosmic flows.

These exercises should be done in the morning, lunch and evening. If it is not possible to do the practice at lunchtime, do it only in the morning and evening.

Once you have a goal or task that you are ready to complete, direct this energy to the implementation of your task. When you don't want to do something because there is too much to do, feel that the necessary energy is within you and you can complete any task. You feel confident that you can do anything.

The energy inside a person is constantly present.

But it is not in one place. It, like blood, circulates through special energy channels. The main one is, as it were, double - in it the energy moves in opposite directions. It is he who provides a person with health and vitality.

The flow that goes upward is called upward. Its path runs along the front surface of the spinal column and opens with the upper chakras (special energy centers in the human body). And the downward flow, accordingly, is opened by the lower chakras. Ascending energy comes to a person from the Earth itself, and downward energy comes from space.

Unfortunately, in some cases the flow may close or become clogged. This has a very drastic effect on the condition of the body. The causes of such troubles can be a person’s negative actions.

In addition to the main channel, there are also secondary, horizontal flows of energy. They are replenished from the flows of the Earth (right and left). In the human body, horizontal channels form an invisible spiral. Also, horizontal energy flows intersect with the main one. As a result, many energy nodes are formed.

Energy flows in the body are like a cycle. In a normal state, they are renewed and circulate. It's bad if energy stagnates somewhere. Then nearby organs and systems begin to suffer.

Vital energy disorders

The strength of a person's energy can vary. For some it is powerful, for others it is weak. Of course, it’s good if the energy is strong. It can protect a person from diseases and the negative influence of others. There are many factors that influence the internal energy of the human body. This is the way of life of the person himself, his actions, his environment, his character. Of course, stress greatly undermines energy strength.

It is believed that esotericists, parapsychologists, and psychics can feel human energy. Some of them claim that you can work with your own energy, carry out activities to accumulate and strengthen it.

A person's vital energy is one of his characteristics. Moreover, in adults it is often associated with libido. This is the easiest way to find out how things are going with internal energy. If libido has dropped, it means that there is less energy. In addition, there are other signs. For example, bad luck, inability to achieve your goals. All this also indicates problems with vital energy.

Every person needs to remember that his internal energy is a very important component. Many problems, both physical and mental, often arise due to lack of energy, stagnation of energy. And there is no doubt that there is vital energy. Yes, she is invisible. But we don’t see many things, for example, radio, electricity. However, no one doubts that they actually exist. It’s the same with energy: take care of it!

Recharging from space

Along the spiritual axis, energy flows constantly pass through the human body in both upward and downward directions. The total energy influx of positive energy on the crown, which is carried by the downward flow, is equal to the influx of negative (-) energy on the soles.

In general, these flows are called “heavenly,” although according to another interpretation, the downward flow corresponds to the sky (+), and the upward flow corresponds to the earth (-).

Due to wrong actions and deeds, either an upward or downward flow can be closed for a person. It’s really bad if both energy flows in the channels close at once. In this case, a person’s health begins to progressively deteriorate.

According to modern concepts, the normal functioning of the body largely depends on the state of the autonomic nervous system, which ensures both the maintenance of a constant internal environment (the so-called homeostasis) and the regulation of the activity of all internal organs.

Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is present in the clinical picture of many diseases, from bronchial asthma to hypertension, not to mention vegetative-vascular dystonia. The anatomy of the autonomic nervous system is quite complex.

It is important to note that it consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, which have opposite effects on various functions (increased or decreased breathing, increased or decreased blood pressure, increased or decreased heart rate, narrowing or dilation of blood vessels, etc.)

Violation of the balance and harmony between these departments leads to the predominance of the influences of any of them. Thus, the predominance of the sympathetic nervous system leads to a condition called ‘sympathicotonia’; the predominance of the parasympathetic nervous system leads to vagotonia.

Most of the major centers of the autonomic nervous system are located along the spinal column, the vertical axis of the human body (in fact, the same spiritual axis). By the way, one of the most important vegetative centers is the solar plexus (it is in this area that the fourth energy center Yarlo is located - Yarylo (Sun).

Rice. 1. Energy information flows affecting humans

In the process of practical use, we noted the fact that the systematic use of exercises that help strengthen the DOWNWARD energy flow (block or weakening of the upward flow) leads to the development of sympathicotonia, and strengthening the UPWARD energy flow (block or weakening of the downward flow), respectively, leads to vagotonia .

The conclusion suggests itself that the reasonable use of gymnastics allows you to harmonize the state of the body and actively influence many of its functions.

Weak energy

Since all human shells are interconnected, it is not difficult to determine what kind of energy a person possesses. There are symptoms for this. For example, a person with low energy is usually lethargic, gets tired often and quickly, is prone to depression and apathy, has a pessimistic outlook on life and poor health. Also, such people are emotionally unstable, irritable, subject to various phobias, lack self-confidence, and do not want to work and develop.

In addition, esotericists also highlight signals that help to recognize weak energy:

  • A person often dreams of rocky gorges, gloomy houses, rains, floods, spills, narrow roads, passages, corridors...
  • Insomnia is also one of the signs of low energy.
  • I dream of discussions, quarrels, even fights.
  • With severe depletion of energy, scratching and tearing of one's body in sleep is observed. May breathe heavily and moan.

Manage energy – Energy flows – Chakras – Pathological connections of society

Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich
“Liberation: System of skills for further energy-informational development, 1st stage”
Anyone can control energy
In order to become independent from society and begin a new life, to which we are all destined by nature, we must learn to control the flow of our energy. It is necessary to destroy the circle of vicious inclusion in our energy-informational field, produced by a pathologically oriented human society.
It is possible that many of the things that I will talk about will at first seem to you something unobvious, dubious, and maybe even absurd. But try, at least for the sake of experiment, to follow my recommendations. And you will see that a completely new world will open up before you. And your life will acquire a different, much deeper, true meaning.
Are you afraid that you won't be able to learn it? Do you think that managing energy is almost impossible? Completely in vain. Want to make sure you can do it right now? Please.
All you have to do is fill a glass with water and place it on the table in front of you. Dip your finger into the water - any finger, at least the index finger of your right hand. Now take your finger out and look at it. Do you see how the water rolled off your finger quickly enough? Now close your palms, press them together and sit for a minute with your palms closed. Then open them and clasp the glass with both palms. Try to feel the water behind the walls of the glass with your palms. After this, dip your finger in the water again. You will notice that now the water rolls off it as if reluctantly, much more slowly than the first time.
What happened to the water? Everything is very simple: your own field, concentrated between your palms, influenced the water in the glass so that it changed its liquid crystal structure. This happened while you were holding the glass with both hands.
Are you convinced that you can influence water with your energy? But this is a natural property inherent in you by nature. It’s just that, out of ignorance, you’ve never used it before. This property is inherent in every person, and every person is able to control biological energy from the very moment of his birth. But as a person grows up, he falls into the energy traps of the material world and forgets about this innate ability of his. You just need to remember again how this is done, and the whole world is open to you.
A person needs to know the energy structure of his body and be able to use it. Central energy flow
We have already said that the energy of the human body is closely connected with the energy of its consciousness. One does not exist without the other, one influences the other. And those energy channels that Eastern medicine deals with are secondary to the main energy flow that permeates the human body and connects it with what is called consciousness.
You can compare this main energy flow with the trunk of a tree, from which branches extend - secondary energy flows. If the trunk itself is sick, or twisted, or covered with hollows, then we can, of course, try to straighten it for some time by pulling the branches, but sooner or later we will come to the conclusion that it is still the trunk that needs to be treated.
In the same way, by influencing energy channels using Eastern medicine methods, one can only temporarily improve health, but it is impossible to eliminate the causes of the disease. For the reason is precisely the distortion of the main flow of energy. Of course, this distortion also has its reasons, and we will talk about this later. But if it is possible to correct this very main flow, then the flow of energy through side energy channels is automatically normalized. And only then does true health come - both physical and mental.
People for the most part do not know the laws of life, the laws of existence of a complex energy-informational structure called “man”. Therefore, they take the wrong path: they poison the body with unnecessary medications and undergo complex, painful and expensive medical procedures. And they don’t understand that this is the same as patching holes in an old, worn-out suit, hastily using white thread to fix the holes, while the suit requires a complete recut and renovation.

Strong energy

With strong energy, a person’s dreams are of a completely different quality. He often dreams that he sings, dances or plays musical instruments. As for nature, the most common images are rocks, mountains, thickets, and even rocks hanging overhead. There is also often a feeling that a belt or elastic band is pulling a person in half and, as it were, dividing him into parts. This is precisely a manifestation of the combination of earthly and cosmic power.

Strong energy radiation flows can also be determined by human behavior. He is often cheerful, in a good mood, and is optimistic about the future, despite difficulties. He easily copes with stressful situations and strives for development and personal growth.

Energy centers

Eastern practices describe that there are seven energy centers, or chakras, in the human body. They are located along the body from the perineum to the crown of the head.

  • The first chakra is Muladhara. It is located in the groin area. It stores energy that lasts a lifetime and is designed not only for a person, but also for those around him. Most often, energy exchange occurs unconsciously, involuntarily.
  • The second chakra is Svadhisthana. It is the center of pleasure, sexual attraction and desire. It is located at the level of the internal reproductive organs, two fingers below the navel. The positive energy of this chakra characterizes reproductive function and the desire to procreate. In a negative sense, this is a manifestation of lust and concern.
  • The third chakra is Manipura. This center is located at the level of the solar plexus and is responsible for the life will and energy of a person. The correct functioning of this chakra is manifested in responsibility for oneself and for others, determination, and independence. When a block appears in this center, a person experiences self-doubt and fears.
  • The fourth chakra is Anahata. It is located in the area of ​​the heart and controls human feelings and love. The latter can be connected not only with another person, but also with the Cosmos, with God. The incorrect functioning of this center manifests itself in feelings of guilt, shame about the past, and depression.
  • The fifth chakra is Vishuddha, the throat center. Accordingly, it controls a person’s sociability, speech, creative activity and self-realization. Blocks in this chakra manifest themselves in mediocrity, conservative views of a person, and lack of psychological flexibility.
  • The sixth chakra is Ajna. It is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. For its ability to evoke visual images, it is called the “third eye.” This center is responsible for a person’s mental abilities, memory and fanaticism, clinging to other people’s ideas, dogmas, mental limitations, lack of desire for self-knowledge - all this indicates improper functioning of the chakra.
  • The seventh chakra is Sahasrara. It is located on the top of the human head. This center accumulates spirituality, contemplation and unity with the Supreme Spirit. As a rule, atheists have a block in this chakra.

All centers are interconnected. The correct functioning of the human chakras and energy flows circulating freely provide a complete life system. And the higher the volume and density of these flows, the stronger the energy.

How to improve the functioning of energy channels

Setting up energy flows is not difficult. You need to imagine how at the same time the energy of the Earth flows into the feet, rises up, fills all the chakras and exits through the crown into the Cosmos, and at the same time the energy of the Cosmos flows into the crown, falls lower along the spine, passes through all the chakras and goes into the ground.

The flows of the Universe hold the physical body and lead a person to all the best in life. The wider the channel, the better the chakra system works, the more energy a person can absorb and, therefore, direct it to achieve their goals.

You can strengthen your energy system with daily training: you just need to imagine the movement of energy in the main energy channel, visualize filling each chakra with energy, starting with the first, and moving up the spine. Imagine how the energy of the Universe moves freely and dissolves all dark spots and energy blocks.

Support from the ground and its lack

Streams from the earth's surface are constantly emitted, but not all the energy reaches a person. In the modern world, people rarely walk, especially with bare feet; they interact little with nature. Hence the loss of connections with ancestors, loss of stamina and natural strength. But the support of the earth would be enough for the entire society. The more people communicate with the earth, the more power they receive from it.

If a person lacks earth energy, he is depressed. The joy of life and pleasure elude such an individual, he begins to have problems in the sexual sphere, in the field of finance. The lack of such natural strength prevents the realization of dreams and the making of plans. Stability and stability disappear, which means that a person turns into an irritable and insecure subject, a passive observer of his difficulties. The individual begins to perceive himself as a stranger in his own life, he loses his self and the basic energy of life, plunging into a state of nervousness, fear, and illusions.

The energy of the earth's surface is used to nourish all parts of the body; they develop and renew themselves at the molecular level. But the most important thing is that the energy of the earth can be used to develop such spiritual qualities as mercy, responsiveness, calmness, kindness, harmony and even maternal instinct. A lack of earthly energy in the body leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, emotional breakdowns, and breaks in the biofield.

The power of the earth can be effectively used for general recharging of the body and healing procedures. The impact of this energy on a person can be seen, for example, in churches and cathedrals, where the dome-shaped ceiling collects all the power from the surface of the earth. This energy is enhanced by the gilding and tin that line the domes. In addition, gravity helps restore sexual desire. To do this, it is useful to use self-massage with your palms, which distributes energy throughout the body and prevents the appearance of energy holes in the biofield.

So, the earth is a symbol of beneficial life, rebirth and protection, care and restraint. It is thanks to its energy that you can turn to the ancient resources of your kind in order to regain lost health or restore your material status.

Uncooled magma is located very close to the earth's surface. Gases and vapors are released from it, which rise and pass through the cracks. Mixing with groundwater, they cause it to heat up and themselves turn into hot water in which many substances are dissolved. Such water is released to the surface of the earth in the form of various geothermal sources: hot springs, mineral springs, geysers, and so on. According to scientists, the hot bowels of the earth are caves or chambers connected by passages, cracks and channels. They are just being filled with underground waters, and very close to them there are pockets of magma. This is how the earth's thermal energy is naturally generated.

What affects energy levels

Human energy is a heterogeneous and unstable phenomenon. It can change under the influence of external factors and negative emotions. The density of energy flows is not constant, but always tends to a favorable state. This is how people who love life often survive in difficult conditions, where people with a different vector of energy die.

The process of contemplation (awareness of the beauty and greatness of the world, touching art) significantly increases a person’s energy level. Expanding your horizons and acquiring new skills also increases your potential in life.

It is very important that the energy and the person are in balance, this guarantees harmonious development. In general, balance is the basis of proper life activity.


A person living in a 2-story building can have time to jump or escape from the 2nd floor during a fire, earthquake, or house collapse. Of course, there is a risk, but the chances of escape are great. But if there is also a third floor above it, the chances of escape for those living on the second floor decrease.

And our brain analyzes, compares and predicts the situation every day, taking into account what floor we live on and, like a computer, gives us an accurate forecast, but we don’t listen“our inner voice” , and we take into account all the benefits of high-rise buildings, we do not want to realize its dangerous or harmful sides, convincing ourselves, we present weighty arguments and add -“More than half of the world’s population lives in multi-storey buildings...”

People living on the 10th floor, for example, are removed from the Earth by a height equal to 10 floors. Then, these people are isolated from the Earth’s magnetic field by about ten concrete slabs, which reduces the impact of the magnetic field by 5-10 times, which is required and established as a result of research.

In this case, three negative factors affect people living on the 10th floor:

1. Distance from the Earth to a height of 10 floors.

The question arises: If the low-frequency field is weakened at high


All living beings on Earth, including Humans, must live, walk, sleep, always being within a radius of at least 3-5 meters, and in the ideal case - this is up to1.5 metersfrom real land. Being at a distance of up to 3-5 metersfrom the earth's surface, all living beings, including Humans, are in the favorable magnetic zone of the Earth and it protects living organisms from harmful and dangerous effects on organisms from the environment and space. In the 19th century French neurologist J.M. Charcot and Russian clinician S.P. Botkin noticed the calming effect of a magnetic field on the human nervous system. Recently, scientists have also discovered low-frequency magnetic fields that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The action of the low frequency magnetic field is probably especially effective at close distances from the Earth's surface, which I mentioned above.

Earth's low-frequency magnetic fieldinteracting with the human biofield, it may have a beneficial effect on the human body. However, at what height from the Earth the action of the low-frequency field of the Earth ends and the action of mid-frequency or high-frequency magnetic fields begins, and in what doses high-frequency fields are dangerous for human life remains to be studied and studied.

Energy management

Control of energy flows also occurs with the help of the power of thought, through meditation, that is, deep concentration, immersion in oneself and observation of one’s sensations

It is very important that the person feels relaxed and free from extraneous thoughts and worries. It is noted that in the first stages in this state one feels as if something is moving up and down along the spine

It's pulsating energy. Frequent practices sharpen these sensations, and a slightly perceptible “trickle” turns into a “full-flowing river.”

When this exercise is mastered, you can proceed to the next one. You need to imagine that you have an arrow in your head that is constantly moving forward. You can control it and twist it in different directions. The arrow is attached to the base of the skull and is directed forward according to your desire. At this time, as you inhale, energy rises to the upper chakras and literally splashes out of you. Then turn the arrow back and feel how the Ajna chakra turns on the vacuum cleaner mode and begins to intensively draw in cosmic energy.

These light mental exercises need to be done several times a day (maximum 10 times) in order to learn how to accumulate and manage energy flows, energy in general.

Energy flows in the human body

Qi energy

Where and how does a person draw strength? Here is what Won Q Keith writes about this in his book “The Art of Qigong”:

Have you ever asked yourself the question: why does a Shaolin kung fu master withstand blows without getting injured, how does he break bricks with his bare hands or run for a very long time and quickly without getting tired? The answer should be sought in the art of controlling the flow of qi.

Interesting, isn't it? In the same book, Won Q Kit explains how to control this force to improve the health of the body. The exercise is done standing in a relaxed state:

If you start to sway or move, try to follow the rhythm and not against the movements. You are rocked by the flow of qi within you. After some time, the movements will become involuntary. You can move around the room from time to time.

Here's how Won Q Keith himself performs the "Lifting the Sky" exercise:

This exercise, like Qigong gymnastics, Yoga, Five Rituals, will help to establish the movement of energy in the physical body, filling it with the physical energy of the Earth. In principle, most people understand this. But not many people know about the energy (astral) body, so in order to understand the issue in more detail, let’s turn to other sources of information.

Energy of the Earth and Space

For example, Dmitry Verishchagin in the book “Liberation: System of skills for further energy-informational development, 1st stage” compares a person with a bead, which is strung on the flows of the Earth and Space and describes their movement in the human body:

...energy flows, of course, do not pass directly through the physical body of a person; they pass through the subtle energy structure that permeates the body. However, each of them has its own “territory”: the flow coming from bottom to top is approximately two fingers in front of the spine in men and four fingers in women; and coming from Space, from top to bottom, is located almost close to the spine.

Earth - helps a person to manifest himself on the physical level, gives health and strength to translate conceived ideas into reality. Space fills a person’s consciousness with information from which a person draws brilliant ideas.

And here is another source that talks about the energy-informational connection between man and the Universe.

Drunvalo Melchizedek in his book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” says that a tube runs through the entire human body, along his spine, through which energy moves up and down.

As you can see, the information is almost the same, which means you can take note and start practicing.

Artificial geothermal springs

The energy contained in the bowels of the earth must be used wisely. For example, there is an idea to create underground boilers. To do this, you need to drill two wells of sufficient depth, which will be connected at the bottom. That is, it turns out that in almost any corner of the land it is possible to obtain geothermal energy using an industrial method: cold water will be pumped into the formation through one well, and hot water or steam will be extracted through the second. Artificial heat sources will be profitable and rational if the resulting heat produces more energy. The steam can be sent to turbine generators, which will generate electricity.

Of course, the heat removed is only a fraction of what is available in the total reserves. But it should be remembered that the deep heat will be constantly replenished due to the processes of compression of rocks and stratification of the subsoil. As experts say, the earth's crust accumulates heat, the total amount of which is 5000 times greater than the calorific value of all the fossil subsoil of the earth as a whole. It turns out that the operating time of such artificially created geothermal stations can be unlimited.


Let's talk about downdraft. This stream is sent to us by the Cosmos.

Stand up, relax, breathe evenly and deeply. Try to feel how the downward energy flows along the spine from the crown to the lower chakras.

It will take some effort-concentration and training to feel how the energy of the downward flow flows.

It is also easier to feel the flow coming from Space as you exhale.

Try to trace the path of the flow coming from above:

This stream comes from a great height, passes through the crown, runs along the spine and goes deep into the Earth. And the flow coming from the Earth passes through the body vertically upward - into Space.

Try to feel these two flows within yourself. After a few days of training, anyone can do this.

Ascending and descending energy flows are the central energy flows. They give a person life and health. Remember the sensations of two currents flowing towards each other in your body.

Check from time to time to see if everything is okay, if the energy is flowing in your body. Having felt a slowdown in energy flows, you can restore them at any time by making internal efforts.

“Download the streams.” Only provided that the two main flows function normally will a person be strong, healthy, successful - protected from external influences.

Man and the Universe

What does a person need? For a full, joyful life, a person needs strength and information. The strength to achieve your goals, materialize your desires, and the information that will guide you will give you the opportunity to create masterpieces and be a genius. Both exist in the Universe; we just have to establish the relationship.

To understand how this system works, you need to know the “device” of a person in this area.

Let's remember the main components of this system:

  1. The main channel that runs along the spine, through which the energy of the Earth and Space moves
  2. - energy storage devices, also located along the spine
  3. Channels (meridians) through which energy spreads to all organs of the human body

That is, in order to establish his energy activity, a person needs to establish the functioning of all components of this system.

Earth's electric field

There is another alternative source of energy in nature, which is renewable, environmentally friendly, and easy to use. True, this source is still only being studied and not used in practice. Thus, the potential energy of the Earth lies in its electric field. Energy can be obtained in this way by studying the basic laws of electrostatics and the characteristics of the Earth's electric field. In fact, from an electrical point of view, our planet is a spherical capacitor charged up to 300,000 volts. Its inner sphere has a negative charge, and its outer sphere, the ionosphere, has a positive charge. is an insulator. Through it there is a constant flow of ionic and convective currents, which reach a force of many thousands of amperes. However, the potential difference between the plates does not decrease.

This suggests that in nature there is a generator, the role of which is to constantly replenish the leakage of charges from the capacitor plates. The role of such a generator is the Earth’s magnetic field, rotating together with our planet in the flow of solar wind. The energy of the Earth's magnetic field can be obtained precisely by connecting an energy consumer to this generator. To do this, you need to install reliable grounding.

The earth is a living organism

Nowadays, there is probably not a person on Earth who has not heard that our planet is not just a cosmic body. Earth- Thisa living organism, the same as a person. From school we are familiar with such expressions as mother earth, mother earth, Earth-nurse, etc. Heroes of folk tales in difficult moments always asked for help from their native land, and it saved them, protected them, and endowed them with heroic strength. And they had no idea that this was far from a fiction.Earth Energy fills everyone living on it - from the tiniest blade of grass to bottomless oceans and majestic mountains reaching into the heavens. Therefore, everything that exists on the planet has not only useful, but also healing properties. Most people, without even knowing it, daily trample underfoot natural medicines that can heal the most serious diseases. You just need to know how to use them correctly.Lately, however, some natural medicine treatments returned from obscurity and regained fame. Such methods include phytotherapy. Others are just coming into use,

How to recover

The volume of energy flows in the human body decreases with age or the occurrence of chronic diseases. Accordingly, there is less vigor, and the mood worsens. There are special exercises to restore normal energy levels.

Based on the idea that the mental and physical components of a person are interconnected, simple figurative content can be used to gain energy. To do this, just take a comfortable position (sit or lie down), close your eyes and perform breathing exercises according to the principle of the “inhale-hold-exhale” triangle. And so on for several cycles. It is best that the breathing rhythms are equal in duration. For example, we inhale for 6 seconds, hold our breath for 6 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds. If this practice does not cause difficulties, then the duration can be increased. The main thing is that breathing does not cause tension, that it flows freely and without interruptions.

To balance energy flows in yoga, another exercise is used. It consists of pressing your chin to your chest as you inhale, holding your breath as long as possible, and then exhaling calmly.

It is important to remember that breathing practices must be done on an empty stomach to avoid discomfort such as nausea or a sudden loss of strength.

If there are deviations in the lower chakras, then you can simply walk barefoot on the ground. This will awaken the receptors on the feet and activate the flow of earthly energy.

Water energy

This method has been used for many centuries. Today, a huge number of dams and reservoirs have been built in which water is used to generate electrical energy. The essence of the operation of this mechanism is simple: under the influence of the river flow, the wheels of the turbines rotate, and accordingly, the water energy is converted into electricity.

Today there are a large number of hydroelectric power plants that convert the energy of water flow into electricity. The peculiarity of this method is that hydropower resources are renewable, and accordingly, such structures have a low cost. That is why, despite the fact that the construction of hydroelectric power stations takes quite a long time, and the process itself is very expensive, these structures still have a significant advantage over electricity-intensive industries.

Solar energy is modern and promising

Solar energy is obtained using solar panels, but modern technologies allow the use of new methods for this. The largest system in the world is built in the California desert. It fully supplies energy to 2,000 homes. The design works as follows: the sun's rays are reflected from the mirrors, which are directed into the central water boiler. It boils and turns into steam, which rotates the turbine. It, in turn, is connected to an electric generator. Wind can also be used as energy that the Earth gives us. The wind inflates the sails and turns the mills. And now, with its help, you can create devices that will generate electrical energy. By rotating the windmill blades, it drives the turbine shaft, which in turn is connected to an electric generator.

Flows of energy in man

Energy flows in a person exist in two forms:

  • One of them is ascending. It comes from the earth. Experts say that under our feet there is an invisible funnel, open downwards. It is she who, as it were, “sucks” the energy of the earth. It is believed that this flow is responsible for our emotional experiences, feelings, sensations, activity, and vital functions.
  • And the second one is descending. It is “replenished” with the energy of the cosmos. Energy also enters it through a funnel that is located above the head. The downward flow is “responsible” for our mental activity, deliberation, and imagination.

Depending on which energy flow predominates, a person’s activity and even his character are built. Of course, both flows must be in harmony with each other. But this does not always work out.

Energy, flowing through our body, enters the so-called chakras. These are centers where energy paths intersect and concentrate. Each chakra has its own purpose and location in the body.

It is very important to receive a sufficient amount of energy “feed”. It should also be remembered that energy must always be in motion.

The flow of energy is waves, they are mobile.

If a person receives insufficient energy, or it stagnates somewhere, then this is very bad. This affects your health, well-being, and mood.

Energy release and exchange

We talked about how a person receives energy. But as has already been said, energy is a moving substance. Therefore, it must leave us, giving way to a new one. Where does she go? Into the environment, into the Universe, into outer space. There it is processed and returned to us again, but in a completely different quality.

Thus, there is a certain energy cycle. We give energy when we communicate with people. In addition, it is spent on worries during stress, illness, and conflicts. Therefore, the more unfavorable events in life, the faster the energy leaves a person. But, on the other hand, if everything is good in life, then the energy still leaves. You've probably noticed how a successful and happy person “glows”. He gives, radiates his energy. And he has a positive, bright one. After communicating with him, your soul feels somehow light and warm.

There is also an exchange of energy. That is, we can receive it not only from the earth or space, but also from another person. Especially if you live with this person for a long time, your energy flows seem to adapt to each other. You begin to feel your partner more subtly.

Remember that energy is an invisible substance. But its significance for every person is very, very great.

Two streams

To say that a person absorbs energy with his entire being will not be entirely true. There are two streams - Earth and Space, which ensure the vital functions of the body. The first comes through the legs. It moves along Sushumna to the highest chakra. The second stream of cosmic energy, on the contrary, flows from the top of the head to the fingers and toes. Both types are absorbed through the chakras. Thus, earthly energy is absorbed by the three lower energy centers, and cosmic energy by the three upper ones. These energy flows meet and balance.

On the physical plane, disruption of this process manifests itself in the occurrence of diseases. For example, a lack of earthly energy leads to cardiovascular diseases, and changes in the flow of cosmic energy lead to diseases of the joints and spine.

Atomic Energy

Using the earth's energy can happen in different ways. For example, through the construction of nuclear power plants, when thermal energy is released due to the decay of the smallest particles of atomic matter. The main fuel is uranium, which is found in the earth's crust. Many believe that this particular method of generating energy is the most promising, but its use is associated with a number of problems. First, uranium emits radiation that kills all living organisms. Moreover, if this substance gets into the soil or atmosphere, a real man-made disaster will occur. We are still experiencing the sad consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to this day. The danger lies in the fact that radioactive waste can threaten all living things for a very, very long time, for millennia.

By burning garbage we get energy

Another method, which is already used in Japan, is the creation of waste incineration plants. Today they are built in England, Italy, Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the USA, but only in Japan did these enterprises begin to be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to generate electricity. Local factories burn 2/3 of all waste, and the factories are equipped with steam turbines. Accordingly, they supply heat and electricity to nearby areas. Moreover, in terms of costs, building such an enterprise is much more profitable than building a thermal power plant.

The prospect of using the Earth's heat where volcanoes are concentrated looks more tempting. In this case, there will be no need to drill the Earth too deeply, since already at a depth of 300-500 meters the temperature will be at least twice as high as the boiling point of water.

There is also such a way to generate electricity as Hydrogen - the simplest and lightest chemical element - can be considered an ideal fuel, because it is found where there is water. If you burn hydrogen, you can get water, which decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen flame itself is harmless, that is, it will not cause harm to the environment. The peculiarity of this element is that it has a high calorific value.

Let's try to feel these flows

Stand up straight, concentrate, throw away all thoughts. Breathe deeply and evenly. Concentrate on the sensations in your body. After a while, you will feel the energy moving upward in front of the spine. It will be like a barely noticeable breeze in the human body. At first it may be barely noticeable. If you are persistent and do not stop practicing after the first attempt, then after a while you will feel the flow quite clearly. From bottom to top, from chakra to chakra, an ascending energy flow makes its way. If you often practice “pumping the flow,” it will turn into a feeling similar to if a powerful stream of water flows through you.

Let's talk about the downward flow: this flow is sent to us by the Cosmos.

Stand up, relax, breathe evenly and deeply. Try to feel how the downward energy flows along the spine from the crown to the lower chakras. It will take some effort-concentration and training to feel how the energy of the downward flow flows.

Thus, the flow coming from the depths of the Earth can be better felt when inhaling. As if, together with inhalation, a person pumps out an ascending flow of energy from the depths of Mother Earth with the lower chakra.

It is also easier to feel the flow coming from Space as you exhale. Try to trace the path of the stream coming from above: This stream comes from a great height, passes through the crown, runs along the spine and goes deep into the Earth. And the flow coming from the Earth passes through the body vertically upward - into Space. Try to feel these two flows within yourself.

Ascending and descending energy flows are the central energy flows. They give a person life and health. Recharging from space along the spiritual axis, energy flows constantly pass through the human body in both upward and downward directions.

The total energy influx of positive energy on the crown, which is carried by the downward flow, is equal to the influx of negative (–) energy on the soles. In general, these flows are called “heavenly,” although according to another interpretation, the downward flow corresponds to the sky (+), and the upward flow corresponds to the earth (–). Due to wrong actions and deeds, either an upward or downward flow can be closed for a person. It’s really bad if both energy flows in the channels close at once. In this case, a person’s health begins to progressively deteriorate.

By the way, one of the most important vegetative centers is the solar plexus (it is in this area that the fourth energy center Yarlo - Yarylo (Sun) is located..

When doing the exercise, you imagine how the energy of the earth and space passes through you in order to give you the energy necessary to perform any actions that you wanted to perform. First, sit with your back straight, feet on the floor, palms facing up to absorb energy, and close your eyes.

Now imagine that the earth's energy is moving up through the earth and into your body. Feel it rise through your feet, through your legs, into the base of your spine, through your torso, into your arms and into your head. Feel its strength in your hands and head. Feel its strength and power. While the energy of the earth passes through you, imagine the energy of the cosmos entering you through the top of your head, into your spine, into your arms and down your torso. Notice that this energy is light, light and fills all space.

Then focus on the two energies meeting at the base of your spine and imagine them connecting and intertwining, moving up and down your spine and filling you with strength. You can balance the two energies if you wish by absorbing additional energy from the earth (heavy) or from space (light) as you wish. Create a flow of this energy up and down your spine until you feel full of energy.

Now, if you have a plan or task that you want to accomplish, channel that energy into executing that plan. If you have felt reluctant to do something because there is so much to do, realize that you now have the energy to take on the work with vigor and you feel confident that you can get it done.

Downdraft (anugraha shakti) represents a subtle enlightening energy emanating from space into our world for the purpose of transformation and awakening of consciousness. As already mentioned, humanity is the conductor of the divine will on the gross, material layers of reality. The downward flow is the force that pushes through all the major blockages that impede the free circulation of energy in the channels (nadis) of our subtle bodies, cleanses and transforms consciousness, raising a person to the level of divine existence.

The disadvantage of practicing such meditation is that very few people feel the work of the downward flow directly. The consciousness is so accustomed to tension that often the only possible method at the initial stage is concentration. Therefore, you need to start with more accessible techniques. And as the mind calms down, the downward flow makes itself felt literally as a tangible, energy column above your head. When this stage manifests itself, meditation will be easy, since this sensation is experienced as if you are being given an extraordinary, divine massage and all you need is to surrender yourself into the hands of God.

During the game, the consciousness is almost always directed towards the future, towards the goal, and along with pleasure there is dissatisfaction. During a regular massage, a person receives satisfaction and calm for the reason that he does not have a goal in the future, since he becomes pleasant and interesting what is happening at the moment now, and thus he is to some extent immersed in spontaneous meditation. And since the whole secret of meditation lies in this - staying in the present, therefore, with the beginning of the manifestation of the downward flow, meditation happens spontaneously.

When there is no experience of the downward flow itself, you can concentrate on its manifestations such as internal sound and light, since they, in fact, are its direct manifestation.

In yoga, the downward flow is known as Anugraha, and they call him meditation sadhana(practice) an effortless state. Also, it is called the mercy of the Almighty, and staying in it is the descent of mercy. When the Almighty takes our life into His hands, all that is required of us is to give up resistance, tension and, with acceptance, open to the descending force.

At an advanced stage, when the descending energy is fully active, a person is deprived of the illusion of individual will. He becomes a conductor of the will of the Almighty in our world (for more details, see below in the chapter “Everything Just Happens”) - This is how complete deliverance from desires is achieved, since at this time you are already at the absolute point of realizing the deepest aspects of existence. Your will and the will of the Lord coincide, even, moreover, they become one.

For many saints, this point was a stumbling block. When they finally got to the primordial, highest aspects of reality, to the contemplation of the Almighty, they were afraid to take this step - to merge with Him. On the one hand, it could be a fear of the ego, of loss of individuality. On the other hand, something akin to the deepest respect and devotion, which prevented even the emergence of the thought that they themselves could be the One, and were content only with His contemplation.

Devotion to the Lord itself is a manifestation of the downward current. The more devoted you are to Him, the more powerful His descent into your consciousness, which makes you be even more devoted. This is how spiritual evolution grows and is accomplished. At first you move very slowly - one step at a time, but the further you go, the more intense your growth becomes. This happens when you truly embark on the spiritual path. And when this happens, the power of logic and common sense loses its significance. It must be remembered that the mind is only a tool, and when it becomes the master, a person is unhappy. The mind is of great importance, and it is truly great when it is in its place.

For the Creator, the aspect of disclosure, manifestation at all levels of existence is important, therefore the spiritual practice of a person is karmically immeasurably more important than any other worldly activity. God Himself supports a person who “independently” reveals and cognizes his original nature.

A person cannot come to the realization of the infinite only with the help of his small will, with the help of the will of his ego. Awareness of the primordial aspects of existence occurs through the acceptance and cooperation of the will of God. It's all in God's hands!

Listen 1. Shakti energy, downward flow of force

All our efforts are built on ascending energies. This is a certain action that we take, with one degree or another of success, but we apply some, invest some of our energy, that is, we somehow move. This mainly happens on ascending energies. No matter what we did, or we would move along the path, or achieve some kind of career, or run for finances, or woo a woman, the woman would achieve the man. Everything we do as an individual is an ascending flow of Forces.

The problem with modern man is that he almost constantly uses only this ascending channel. People don't learn to use downstream, they mostly try to turn it on when a problem arises. Then a person begins to pray, begins to somehow ask the Existence. But again, what is he asking? He asks for a certain message, makes one, tries to get through through the emotions in which he is immersed. This is an upward flow again.

Downdraft is recoil

We sit down, we have done everything we have done, then we simply immerse ourselves in these sensations, literally place the top of our head under the palm of God, under His aspect - this is Shakti, the second aspect of God, Power, Goddess.

And we allow these energies to enter us. This approach is as multifaceted as bottom-up.

Saraswati energy

This is a white ray, it gives sidhi to learning. Remember, in all denominations and schools, the student is symbolized by a white sheet.

Even in combat schools, the student is tied with a white belt, a symbol of readiness to learn, the mind is white, that is, it is pure, and the Master already draws knowledge on it. This is the energy of creativity, movement along the path

Flow of Lakshmi

she has golden energy. It gives Peace, Prosperity and Wealth, including in material life.

Knowing which flow of energy is responsible for what, you can communicate with them.

All meditations, Zen practices, tantric practices are based on surrender techniques, that is, there is no effort, there is relaxation, we have done everything we could, then we simply let go of everything and allow this energy to come to us. All our activities are like a call to this Force, then we simply let ourselves go and sit in silence.

You can read mantras, you can just sit, how you give in your efforts. This is very deeply therapeutic for a person, removing the remnants of tension from efforts. Most modern people, they invest all the time, put in effort, and when they are already tired, they simply pass out. That is, there is no bestowal, no communication with the second aspect of God - Shakti.

And Mother sends us energy all the time. Our selfishness, this ignorance, distrust of Life, lack of energy of acceptance, tension all the time, expectation from Life of some “mean tricks”, some blows, that is, a person is tense all the time, does not allow himself to relax. And when he gets tired all the time on the updraft, he passes out either through alcohol or through sleep; on Sunday people sleep a lot or something else. But in this communication, and even in prayers, most people again ask, ask, ask again, trying to cling to God, as if they were tugging at his beard - give, give, give, help, help. There is no such thing: a person just came in, sat down and became like a cup, an empty cup, allowing this energy to simply enter.

And she comes, she is such a loving Force, there is no need to drag her, try to rape her, everything will be according to Love.

You just practice, practice, practice, at some point you just sit down and call Mother. In what words is this already from the Heart. Which image will come to you, either the Mother of God, or Lakshmi, green Tara, Durga. Doesn't matter. Someone will come, she keeps going down. This happens most clearly when we have ascending patterns, we pump ourselves up, and then... we freeze... and this Power simply begins to enter into us as a counterbalance to our ascending pattern, such a balancing occurs.

Shavasanas are done using Shakti energy. Why the importance of shavasana at the end of the class, because these two energies are balanced. When the balance of two energies arises, we have action, we have energy for action, but we have trust in Life, enjoyment of Life as a process. That is, in this process we create something, but at the same time we enjoy the movement itself. Everything that surrounds us becomes an interesting dance, an adventure. This is activated from communication with the second stream, from effortlessness, from the ability to surrender to this Force. Next is the prayer of your heart, allowing yourself to be completely filled with this descending energy.

Descending Energy has many colors. If you want to communicate more with the Energy of Cosmic Love, then this is more pink light, like the rising Sun. If you want more, you feel material problems, then this is a golden color, this is the Energy of Surya Shakti - the Goddess of the Sun aspect of Lakshmi. If you feel that you are more interested in spiritual development, then this is Saraswati. These colors are snow-white, bright blue, indigo. You just pick up this flow.

There is only one law - Love

As you call Mom, and giving back. There is no effort here, you are not pulling the flow towards yourself. That's the point. You just let yourself go. Like a little child calling his mother, he waits with love. And she will come, she always comes to her children. Just allow this energy to enter you. It is the tension of effort, disbelief, distrust of Life that blocks us from these Energies. The more we communicate with this flow, the more relaxed we are, the more Santoshi we have, the more we trust Life, we trust how we are being led.

Life story

At one time, one of the yoga masters practiced and fought for the independence of India, even under the British, he was captured and imprisoned. According to that legislation, he faced the death penalty. He sat in a cage in court, and at some point, while continuing to practice, he felt contact with this force and it completely turned his Life upside down. A vision came to him, he saw that Shakti was present everywhere, that is, he began to communicate with this energy. He saw her in the prosecutor, who was shouting something. He saw it in the soldiers around this cage, he saw it in the fences, in the bars everywhere. He had such a deep acceptance, he realized that all this was the Goddess and everything that she would present to him was all he needed. And literally a miracle happened, he was acquitted, which happened very rarely then.


You just sit down concentrate on the top of your head. You try, as you missed Energy in shavasana, the same thing here.

Try to relax and sincerely with all love call the Force, call Mother, the face with which you resonate.

If you don’t have any images, just a descending light, you can play with colors.

Then you just sit in these energies and let her pass into emotions, body, organs, deeply, deeply permeating you. And when you can feel it well with this Energy, you can call it to your loved ones. Your loved ones have some kind of problem, then you just sit down mentally, in your head, remember your loved ones and call this force there, but don’t delay, you humbly ask and surrender to the flow.

This is a very powerful practice, although outwardly it is so simple.

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