Maintenance of wagons and containers. Operator's job description for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers. Accounting for the transfer of freight cars and containers

This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers.

Closed Joint Stock Company "Alfa"



A.V. Lviv

Job description No. 22

operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers

Moscow 2015-01-03


1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers.

1.2. The decision on appointment and dismissal is made

General Director on the recommendation of the immediate supervisor.

1.3. A person with secondary specialized education and at least three years of experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers.

1.4. Operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers in its activities

is guided by:

current regulatory and technical documents on issues

work performed;

the charter of the organization, local regulations of the organization;

this job description.

1.5. An operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers must know:

device and methods for setting up control panels for centralized testing of automatic brakes of cars, driver's cranes and instrumentation used in the operation of air distributors and electric air distributors of all systems, electronic devices, installations

centralized fencing of trains testing auto brakes;

layout diagram of technical means for inspection and testing

automatic brakes at wagon maintenance points;

layout of specialized receiving and departure tracks at car maintenance points;

kinematic diagram of equipment and interaction of automatic line mechanisms;

rules for the use of control and measuring instruments and devices,

signaling and blocking of serviced lines;

arrangement of wagons and containers;

technological processes for repairing wagons and containers on automatic lines;

fundamentals of mechanics and electrical engineering;

Labor regulations;

rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

1.6. The operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers reports to

to the immediate supervisor.

1.7. During the absence of the operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers

(vacation, illness, etc.) his duties are performed by a person appointed in the established



The operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers is obliged to:

2.1. Conduct centralized testing of automatic brakes from the control panel


2.2. Carry out the process of centralized fencing of trains and testing them

automatic brakes at service points using installations

automatic remote control.

2.3. Conduct the process of technical maintenance of freight cars on specialized tracks at stations, as well as manage the repair of rolling stock on automatic and production lines in the depot.

2.4. Maintain communication between service point fleets for

timely completion of work on inspection, repair and testing of car brakes

carriages in accordance with train arrival and departure schedules.

2.5. Determine the degree of heating of the axle box using electronic devices PONAB in

passenger and freight cars while trains are running.

2.6. Regulate operating modes and loads of the serviced line.

2.7. Prevent and eliminate malfunctions of automatic lines.

2.8. Maintain DISK-BKV-Ts devices and identify overheated axle boxes, faulty

wheel pairs and dragging parts of cars.

2.9. Participate in the repair of mechanisms. Carry out production operations for the repair of cars and containers using automation and car repair machines.


The operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers has the right to:

3.1. Familiarize yourself with management's design decisions related to its activities.

3.2. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.

3.3. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about

deficiencies identified during the performance of official duties, and introduce

proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Require management to assist in the performance of their duties

responsibilities and rights.

documents necessary to perform your official duties.


The operator for the maintenance and repair of wagons and containers is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties,

provided for by this job description, within the limits specified

current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For violations committed in the course of carrying out its activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil

legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current

labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The job description is reviewed, amended and supplemented as

necessary, but at least once every five years.

5.2. All employees of the organization who are subject to this instruction are familiarized with the order to make changes (additions) to the job description against signature.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director from 2015-01-03 № 67.


Head of HR Department _____________________________________ E.E. Gromova

I have read these instructions.

I received one copy in my hands and undertake to keep it at my workplace.

Operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers ____________________________________ P.A. Bespalov

Required documents

  • Application;
  • Photo 3*4 (without headdress);
  • A copy of the education document;
  • Copies of previous certificates (if available);

Based on the results of testing the acquired knowledge, the following is issued:

  • Certificate of the established form.
  • Extract from the protocol of the certification commission.
  • Certificate of profession of a worker, position of an employee.

The certificate is valid for 1 year

Repeated training must be completed at least once a year.


Extract from the protocol att. comm.


Profession Operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers. Get a certificate or improve your rank in Moscow

Characteristics of work. Conducting from the control panel centralized testing of automatic brakes of cars. Maintaining communication between the maintenance point fleets for the timely completion of work on inspection, repair and testing of car brakes in accordance with the schedule of train arrivals and departures.

Must know: installation of a control panel for centralized testing of automatic brakes of cars, driver cranes and instrumentation used in the operation of air distributors and electric air distributors of all systems; layout diagram of technical equipment for inspection and testing of automatic brakes at car maintenance stations.

§ 43b. Operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers, 4th category

(introduced by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1996 N 25)

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of centralized fencing of trains and testing their automatic brakes at technical service points using automatic remote control installations. Determination of the degree of heating of axle boxes using electronic devices PONAB in passenger and freight cars while the train is moving.

Must know: device, methods for setting up electronic devices, installations of centralized fencing for trains, testing auto brakes; layout diagram of specialized receiving and departure tracks at car maintenance points.

§ 43c. Operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers, 5th category

(introduced by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1996 N 25)

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of technical maintenance of freight cars on specialized tracks at stations, as well as managing the repair of rolling stock on automatic and production lines at the depot. Regulation of the operating mode and load of the serviced line. Prevention and elimination of automatic line faults. Maintenance of DISK-BKV-Ts devices and identification of overheated axle boxes, faulty wheel sets and dragging parts of cars. Participation in the repair of mechanisms. Carrying out production operations for the repair of cars and containers using automatic equipment and car repair machines.

Must know: device, operating rules of the automatic line and auxiliary equipment; kinematic diagram of equipment and interaction of automatic line mechanisms; rules for the use of instrumentation and instruments, signaling and blocking of service lines; arrangement of wagons and containers; technological process of repairing wagons and containers on automatic lines; fundamentals of mechanics and electrical engineering.

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ORDER of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 02/18/2013 68n ON THE APPROVAL OF A UNIFORM TARIFF AND QUALIFICATIONS DIRECTORY OF JOBS AND PROFESSIONS OF WORKERS... Relevant in 2018


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Conducting the process of technical maintenance of freight cars on the receiving and departure tracks of railway stations, as well as repair of rolling stock on automatic and production lines in the depot. Regulation of the operating mode and load of automatic and production lines in the depot. Prevention and troubleshooting of automatic lines in depots. Taking readings from recording devices of control equipment such as KTSM, SAKMA, DDK, COMPLEX, ASOOD, etc. and their processing. Testing of freight train brakes together with wagon inspectors and repairmen using a charging and testing device for brakes of the UZOT-RM type. Filling out notices for wagon repairs and brake certificates in electronic form. Maintaining a schedule of completed work. Participation in the repair of mechanisms. Carrying out production operations for the repair of cars and containers using car repair machines, automatic control and testing systems.

Must know: the device, operating rules of the automatic line and auxiliary equipment; kinematic diagram of equipment and interaction of automatic line mechanisms in the depot; rules for the use of electronic devices such as KTSM, SAKMA, DDK, COMPLEX, ASOOD, UZOT-RM; arrangement of wagons and containers; technological process of maintenance and repair of cars and containers using car repair machines and automatic control and testing systems; fundamentals of mechanics and electrical engineering.

Characteristics of work. Conducting from the control panel centralized testing of automatic brakes of cars. Maintaining communication between the maintenance point fleets for the timely completion of work on inspection, repair and testing of car brakes in accordance with the schedule of train arrivals and departures.

Must know: installation of a control panel for centralized testing of automatic brakes of cars, driver cranes and instrumentation used in the operation of air distributors and electric air distributors of all systems; layout diagram of technical equipment for inspection and testing of automatic brakes at car maintenance stations.

§ 43b. Operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers, 4th category

(introduced by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1996 N 25)

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of centralized fencing of trains and testing their automatic brakes at technical service points using automatic remote control installations. Determination of the degree of heating of axle boxes using electronic devices PONAB in passenger and freight cars while the train is moving.

Must know: device, methods for setting up electronic devices, installations of centralized fencing for trains, testing auto brakes; layout diagram of specialized receiving and departure tracks at car maintenance points.

§ 43c. Operator for maintenance and repair of wagons and containers, 5th category

(introduced by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1996 N 25)

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of technical maintenance of freight cars on specialized tracks at stations, as well as managing the repair of rolling stock on automatic and production lines at the depot. Regulation of the operating mode and load of the serviced line. Prevention and elimination of automatic line faults. Maintenance of DISK-BKV-Ts devices and identification of overheated axle boxes, faulty wheel sets and dragging parts of cars. Participation in the repair of mechanisms. Carrying out production operations for the repair of cars and containers using automatic equipment and car repair machines.

Must know: device, operating rules of the automatic line and auxiliary equipment; kinematic diagram of equipment and interaction of automatic line mechanisms; rules for the use of instrumentation and instruments, signaling and blocking of service lines; arrangement of wagons and containers; technological process of repairing wagons and containers on automatic lines; fundamentals of mechanics and electrical engineering.


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