Which birds stay overwintering and which ones fly south? Presentation of migratory and wintering birds Download presentation of wintering and migratory birds

For all of us, it has long been known that many birds fly from the northern latitudes to the south, to warm regions with the onset of winter. However, there are also wintering birds that remain in Russia. It will be useful for children to find out exactly which birds winter on the territory of our country. Presentation "Wintering Birds" will help to acquaint kids with these species. Here you will find photos showing the wintering birds of Russia.


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Picture posters

Who stays in Russia for the winter?

This question will be relevant already for children of kindergarten and school age. The presentation and the photos presented in it will help navigate this material not only for the children, but also for their mentors. Pictures not only show what wintering birds look like, but also give their names and brief information. In addition, kids will be able to find out what migratory and wintering birds live in our territory, in particular, wintering birds of the Moscow region are presented here.

A huge number of birds live on the territory of Russia. Many stay for the winter, and some come to us from other countries. Photos and pictures will help children not only get acquainted with theoretical information, but practically distinguish, when going out for a walk, which birds winter, and which, on the contrary, come to us in snowy winters.

Poster: "Let's Help Wintering Birds"

How can we help birds in winter?
What can and cannot be fed to them?

Of course, not all children will go to the forest in winter to admire the birds that remain in Russia for the winter. Photos and pictures in the presentation, as well as mentors of children, teachers, should not aim to teach kids to clearly distinguish all types of birds in nature. So, everyone saw the titmouse and bullfinches. But few children and even adults know that these are sedentary birds: they live in the forest, and in winter they fly to the city to feed themselves. Wintering birds are also known to us pigeons, which we feed in parks and squares. This, as a rule, ends children's knowledge of birds. Photos and pictures are intended to expand the children's ideas about the nature around them. As for the birds flying to warm lands, the existing performances of the children are very limited. Few can name at least two or three species of migratory birds. However, everyone watched in the summer for swallows, rooks and probably saw these representatives of the migratory fraternity. The presentation will help to bring together the existing knowledge, to organize it.

Related picture cards

It is better to acquaint children with this information on the eve of the onset of winter or at the beginning of spring. In the first case, there is an opportunity to observe the departure of birds in nature and see which wintering birds remain in Russia. Children will be able to recognize many of them by looking at the illustrations. In the second case, one can observe which of the birds returns from warm countries to breed offspring in our territory. You can study this material in detail with children throughout the winter, so that by the spring the children have clear, formed knowledge.

Bewitched by invisibility, The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of a dream. As if a pine tree was tied with a white kerchief. S. Yesenin.

Where do migratory birds fly? swallows, swifts, larks ducks, herons starlings AFRICA EGYPT FRANCE

Arctic terns make the longest flights. Every year they fly across the world from the Arctic to Antarctica and then back.

Guess what kind of bird - a little dark little one. White from the belly, The tail is spread apart into two tails. FLYING BIRDS swallow

The brothers got up on stilts, Looking for food along the way. Whether on the run or on the move They cannot get off the stilts. crane

Who, without notes and without a flute, outputs trills best of all, More vociferous, more tender? Who is this? ... nightingale

In the forest, one funny bird sings all day: “Ku - ku! Ku-ku! " He just can't learn to sing like a rooster: "Ku - ka - re - ku!" ... cuckoo

WINTER BIRDS This is a small mobile bird with a rounded head, short neck, ovoid body, short and rounded wings. The beak is firm, pointed towards the end. In the cold season, the birds sit tightly pressed against each other, cackling. Why was it called that? Sparrows are very voracious birds. They often fly through fields and gardens and exterminate not only insects, but also harm the crop. The name itself says about it: "Thief beat!" - shouted the peasants when they saw a sparrow destroying their crops. sparrow

The head of this bird is in a black cap, the wings and tail are dark, and the breast is bright yellow. Tits are very mobile birds, flitting from branch to branch, they hang upside down to them, sway, keep on the thinnest branches. Their long and sharp claws help them in this. tit

This bird has a beautiful variegated plumage: the upper body is black, there are white spots on the head and neck, white stripes on the folded wings, red under tail and crown. The beak is strong and sharp. (Knock) This woodpecker works, hollows wood, heals trees: he gets insects and their larvae from under the bark and even from the depths of the tree. He has a very long tongue, 10 centimeters or even 15. In addition, he is sticky. Hard serrated. They are a woodpecker and get insects. Therefore, they call him "forest doctor". woodpecker

Large bird, with large eyes, gray plumage, crocheted beak. Silent flight, the ability to see in the dark, keen hearing, instant reaction - qualities for which owls are popularly called feathered cats. owl

FEED FOR WINTER BIRDS Crushed seeds of sunflower, watermelon, pumpkin, white bread crumbs. Chunks of unsalted bacon are very good for tits.

Feed the birds in winter, Let them flock to you from all over, like home, Flocks on the porch. Their forage is not rich. A handful of grain is needed, A handful of one is not afraid. They will have winter.

The game "The fourth odd"

Migratory and wintering birds.

The presentation was made by the primary school teacher of MBOU "Lyceum No. 56" Kladieva Elena Vasilievna

Migratory birds Birds are warm-blooded creatures. Their body temperature is forty-one degrees. Thanks to this, they would feel great on frosty days. So why fly away migratory birds? Birds cannot stay overwintering because in cold seasons it is almost impossible for them to get food. Some fly away because of the cold. They migrate to warmer regions to preserve most of the individuals. Migratory birds, that is, those who leave our area in winter and fly south, include many species of birds. Among them are lapwing and swallow, wagtail and finch, robin and songbird, oriole and redstart, forest pipit and lark, and chiffchaff warbler.

Why do birds fly away Our land is the first to leave the cuckoos. Behind them - swallows, and a little later - swifts. From late August to September, several species change the climate to a warmer one. What are the reasons for bird migration? The birds fly away with the onset of cold weather. However, the main reason for their migration is not the season change. The decisive factor is lack of food. So, a cuckoo eats up to a hundred caterpillars in one hour, and during cold weather the insects disappear. Most of them die, leaving a large supply of eggs, from which offspring will appear in the spring. Some insects hide in warm secluded places. The stork feeds on small fish and frogs in summer. In winter, he is not able to get himself food, which is under the crust of ice that covers the reservoirs. Birds that cannot find food for themselves fly south. There they have no problems with food.

Wintering birds

Not all representatives of the feathered world leave the inhabited area. Some stay for the winter and delight us with their songs on frosty days. They live in their homeland all year round, so they are called sedentary. The wood grouse does not leave its places. He eats pine needles and therefore does not have to look for food in winter. Juniper berries eat hazel grouses and black grouse. They, too, are not going to fly away in the fall. But is the jay a migratory bird or not? This species of birds is sedentary. Jay eats plant and animal food. She loves acorns. The bird easily splits the shell of these oak fruits with its beak. In autumn, jays harvest acorns in huge quantities. One bird, according to some sources, makes stocks weighing up to four kilograms.

Woodpeckers and titmice are also sedentary. But the crossbill even incubates chicks in winter. However, he feeds on spruce seeds.

How can we help sedentary and nomadic birds?

We can make feeders with parents and feed the birds in winter.

Correctional and educational goals: Consolidation of ideas about migratory and wintering birds. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Migratory and wintering birds" (crow, magpie, pigeon, sparrow, bullfinch, tit, feeder, feed, help, stork, swallow, rook, starling, cuckoo, hungry, freeze, feed, pour Consolidation of ideas about migratory and wintering birds Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Migratory and wintering birds" (crow, magpie, pigeon, sparrow, bullfinch, tit, feeder, food, help, stork, swallow, rook, starling, cuckoo, hungry, freeze, feed, pour.

Correctional and educational goals: Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative. Raising love and respect for nature. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative. Raising love and respect for nature.

Equipment: Object pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds. Object pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds. Presentation. Presentation. Plays by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons". Plays by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons".

Preliminary work: A walk in the forest. Walk in the forest. Observing autumn changes in nature. Observing autumn changes in nature. Hearing and discussion with the musical director of the plays P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons". Hearing and discussion with the musical director of the plays P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons". Reading of V.Zotov's stories "Bullfinch", "Klest-Elovik". Reading of V.Zotov's stories "Bullfinch", "Klest-Elovik".

Migratory birds The stork is a large bird. Its total length reaches 120cm, wing length - 63.5cm. The weight of an adult stork is about 4 kg. All plumage is white, except for flight feathers, coverts and long shoulder feathers - they are black. The stork eats frogs and small fish, eats lizards, slugs, snakes, and various insects. Instead of a song - a loud clicking of the beak (with the head thrown back). The stork is a large bird. Its total length reaches 120cm, wing length - 63.5cm. The weight of an adult stork is about 4 kg. All plumage is white, except for flight feathers, coverts and long shoulder feathers - they are black. The stork eats frogs and small fish, eats lizards, slugs, snakes, and various insects. Instead of a song - a loud clicking of the beak (with the head thrown back).

Migratory birds The swallow's beak is very short and wide, narrow and very long wings, short legs are not suitable for moving along the ground, the tail seems to be cut in half. Swallows are wonderful flyers; they spend most of their lives in the air. Swallows feed on the fly, catch small flies, mosquitoes, midges, small bugs. If you look at how a bird flies in the air, you can determine the weather. The swallow's beak is very short and wide, narrow and very long wings, short legs are not suitable for moving along the ground, the tail seems to be cut in half. Swallows are wonderful flyers; they spend most of their lives in the air. Swallows feed on the fly, catch small flies, mosquitoes, midges, small bugs. If you look at how a bird flies in the air, you can determine the weather.

Migratory birds The rook body is 46cm long, black with a blue metallic sheen. The beak is thinner than that of a crow, and in adult birds with a base and white skin around the beak. The wings are somewhat narrower than those of a crow, the plumage of the legs is slightly elongated and, as it were, disheveled. Rooks can be seen in fields, shelter belts, and in big cities. The rook's body is 46cm long, black with a blue metallic sheen. The beak is thinner than that of a crow, and in adult birds with a base and white skin around the beak. The wings are somewhat narrower than those of a crow, the plumage of the legs is slightly elongated and, as it were, disheveled. Rooks can be seen in fields, shelter belts, and in big cities.

Migratory birds Starling is a short-tailed, brilliant black bird, in autumn and winter in frequent white specks. Running bird. The song consists of whistles, squeaks, imitations of other birds and various noises. It feeds on various animal and plant foods. The starling is a very useful bird. Exterminates various garden caterpillars, dipterans and their larvae. Starling is a short-tailed, brilliant black bird, in autumn and winter in frequent white specks. Running bird. The song consists of whistles, squeaks, imitations of other birds and various noises. It feeds on various animal and plant foods. The starling is a very useful bird. Exterminates various garden caterpillars, dipterans and their larvae.

Migratory birds The total length of the cuckoo is about 9 cm, weight is about 115 g. Males are gray with a striped bottom, and females have gray or red. In addition to the well-known "ku-ku", males can laugh, wheeze. The main cry of the female is a quick bite “kli-kli-kli-kli ...”. The cuckoo lays eggs in the nests of over 150 bird species. Lays 8 - 10 eggs per season. The total length of the cuckoo is about 9 cm, weight is about 115 g. Males are gray with a striped bottom, while females have gray or red. In addition to the well-known "ku-ku", males can laugh, wheeze. The main cry of the female is a quick bite “kli-kli-kli-kli ...”. The cuckoo lays eggs in the nests of over 150 bird species. Lays 8 - 10 eggs per season.

Wintering birds The Magpie is a non-migratory omnivorous bird. She eats both animal and plant food. The magpie is looking for food - insects, slugs, spiders and wood lice - on the ground. Unfortunately, magpies often settle in gardens and destroy songbird nests. The magpie is a non-migratory omnivorous bird. She eats both animal and plant food. The magpie is looking for food - insects, slugs, spiders and wood lice - on the ground. Unfortunately, magpies often settle in gardens and destroy songbird nests.

Hibernating birds In summer, tits feed only on insects. In winter, insects hide, and the birds have a bad time, in winter they fly to our homes for help. They will peck at everything you give: grain, cereals, bread crumbs, pieces of meat, unsalted bacon. In summer, tits feed only on insects. In winter, insects hide, and the birds have a bad time, in winter they fly to our homes for help. They will peck at everything you give: grain, cereals, bread crumbs, pieces of meat, unsalted bacon.

Wintering birds Bullfinch is slightly larger than a sparrow, very densely built, above it is bluish-gray with a black cap, chin, wings and tail, white upper tail and stripe on the wing, cheeks and chest of males are red or red-pink. The bullfinch is slightly larger than the sparrow, very densely built, the top is bluish-gray with a black cap, chin, wings and tail, white uppertail and stripe on the wing, cheeks and chest of males are red or red-pink.

Wintering birds Crows are very intelligent. The crow's figure is rather awkward. The crow eats everything. Carrion, mice, birds and their eggs, all kinds of worms and beetles, slugs, fish, vegetables, fruits, cheese, cottage cheese - everything suits her. In nature, the crow is certainly useful, but near human habitation it becomes a thief. Ravens are very smart. The crow's figure is rather awkward. The crow eats everything. Carrion, mice, birds and their eggs, all kinds of worms and beetles, slugs, fish, vegetables, fruits, cheese, cottage cheese - everything suits her. In nature, the crow is certainly useful, but near human habitation it becomes a thief.

Wintering birds Large pigeon - length 29 - 36 cm, weight 265 - 380 g. The plumage is dense and dense. In total, there are 28 varieties of color. In wild pigeons, the body is light gray, with a whitish upper tail and two dark stripes on the outer side of the wings. Has excellent eyesight - distinguishes between colors of the rainbow and ultraviolet rays. It feeds on plant food: seeds, berries, fruits of fruit trees. Large pigeon - length 29 - 36cm, weight 265 - 380g. The plumage is dense and dense. In total, there are 28 varieties of color. In wild pigeons, the body is light gray, with a whitish upper tail and two dark stripes on the outer side of the wings. Has excellent eyesight - distinguishes between colors of the rainbow and ultraviolet rays. It feeds on plant food: seeds, berries, fruits of fruit trees.

Wintering Birds Sparrow is a lively, cheerful, resourceful and sociable bird. It bites oats, millet, in winter it settles near a person's dwelling, bites everything that it finds - an omnivorous bird. The sparrow is a lively, cheerful, resourceful and sociable bird. It bites oats, millet, in winter it settles near a person's dwelling, bites everything that it finds - an omnivorous bird.

Hibernating birds In summer, spotted woodpeckers feed on woody insects, and in winter, on seeds of coniferous trees. In the spring, the woodpecker drinks birch sap. This is one of the very useful birds of our forests: it works all year round to destroy pests. In summer, spotted woodpeckers feed on wood insects, and in winter they feed on seeds of coniferous trees. In the spring, the woodpecker drinks birch sap. This is one of the very useful birds of our forests: it works all year round to destroy pests.

The story of the titmouse The titmouse is a wintering bird. Her body is covered with feathers; there is a head, neck, torso, two wings, two legs, a tail. Her breast is yellow: a yellow-breasted titmouse. In winter, she feeds on rowan berries, cone seeds, tree buds. Titmouse is a wintering bird. Her body is covered with feathers; there is a head, neck, torso, two wings, two legs, a tail. Her breast is yellow: a yellow-breasted titmouse. In winter, she feeds on rowan berries, cone seeds, tree buds.

Take care of the birds! Alexander Yashin Alexander Yashin Feed the birds Feed the birds in winter. Let flocks flock to you from all corners, like home, Flocks on the porch. Their feed is not rich. A handful of grain is needed, A handful of one Handful of one And they are not afraid Will they have winter. How many perish them do not count, It's hard to see. But in our heart there is And warmth for birds. Is it possible to forget: We could have flown away, And stayed for the winter At the same time with people. Train the birds in the frost To your window, So that we don't have to meet the spring without songs.

Support the birds in winter! Wintering birds are not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hidden in cracks in the bark, in the crevices of houses and fences, they look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. But during snowfalls, blizzards and severe frosts, birds starve and even die. They fly to our homes for help. And you and I must help our feathered friends survive the winter. Wintering birds are not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hidden in cracks in the bark, in the crevices of houses and fences, they look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. But during snowfalls, blizzards and severe frosts, birds starve and even die. They fly to our homes for help. And you and I must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

Olesya Solodukhina
"Wintering, migratory, domestic birds" (presentation)

The proposed presentation suitable for familiarizing children with migratory, wintering and poultry, as well as as a test of children's knowledge about various birds. Presentation contains 55 slides, consists of 3 parts, each part can be used separately.

Presentation made in the form of riddles in verse, which facilitates the perception of riddles by children. After the answer to the riddle comes a colorful picture with the image birds.

A riddle is a short description of an object or phenomenon. Riddles are simply necessary for the all-round development of the child. First of all, they develop the logical thinking of children. With the help of riddles, you can develop a child's ingenuity, shrewdness, ingenuity. Searching for an answer to riddles helps to learn the world, develops attentiveness, observation.

Guessing riddles activates the children's vocabulary, consolidates the ability to highlight the essential features of objects.

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