effective discount. How not to miscalculate by lowering prices. How to calculate (calculate) the percentage of the amount? How to calculate the amount taking into account the discount

Now you can solve this riddle with our discount calculator. With all percentage amounts, our discount calculator works great for calculating the percentage of the discount. All you have to do is write down the original price of the item in dollars and the percentage discount on the item. Then, after the discount, just click "Calculate" to find out the true price of the item. It's amazingly fast, easy and free.

For example:

If you see an item that was originally priced at $29.99 and is showing a 23 percent discount. By plugging these numbers into our calculator, you will find that the cost of the item is now $23.09 and the savings is $6.90. You can double check them when you have our shop discount numbers and/or the discount you see online to make sure it's correct.

Even with fractions of a percentage, our percentage discount calculator works great. If you see an item with an original price of $24.99 and a 17.5% discount, you can write the fractional numbers into our discount rate calculator and find out that the new price is $20.62 and the discount is 4.37 USD.

It has never been so easy to find the price of an item with a discount!

How to calculate the discount?

A discount is a reduction in the base price of a good or service. This can happen during the production or sale process at any stage: suppliers can discount material prices, or retailers can put up a bright red tag that says 15% off! on a piece of clothing.

Often discounts are made to speed up the sale of shares, to encourage customers, to attract attention, or to increase short-term profits.

As customers, we often fall into the trap of impulsive purchases tempted by discount percentages. However, more often than not, we lose money instead of saving when we indulge in shopping by buying unnecessary items prompted by the promise of a lower price.

Have you thought about the actual value of the discount? You may have some deals in mind, or you may have a percentage of the coupon on hand and want to know exactly what that dollar percentage is.

Using this calculator is the easiest way to find out the discounted price. But if you want to do the calculation manually, you can use the formula:

Sale price = original price - discount

Where the discount is equal to the original price of the item and the discount rate. So the final equation looks like this:

Discount price = original price - original price x discount rate

Discount types

Seasonal discounts

You may encounter different types of discounts. Some of them are seasonal. Large clothing stores often announce 50% discounts when the seasons change.

Payment Method Discounts

Others are associated with a specific type of payment. Many retailers prefer to get paid in cash rather than a bank card to avoid transaction fees and get paid immediately.

Social Groups Discounts

Certain social groups receive discounts depending on their characteristics, including students, the military, the elderly and people with disabilities. Most companies also offer special discounts to their employees.

Special discount days

You may have witnessed these discounts on various occasions such as Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, etc. These discounts are given in honor of a certain group of people.

Coupon Discounts

Coupon discounts are mainly used online, i.e. Amazon, eBay. One gets discounts if they have a code to apply before checking the cart after shopping online. However, coupon discounts are not limited to e-shopping.

No matter what the store's discount is, our discount calculator is always ready to calculate the interest rate for you. This will allow you to save on a specific sale of an item in a matter of seconds.

One of the most common ways to increase sales is to provide a discount. The seller announces the reduction in the cost of the goods, and the buyer decides whether the new price suits him or not. However, not everyone can immediately figure out how to calculate a discount on a product in order to evaluate the terms of the transaction. For the buyer, the final amount of the purchase is important, and for the seller, the profit. Here is the formula for calculating the discount.

Why discounts are introduced

Typically, prices are lowered to attract new customers or increase sales. Sellers develop a pricing policy that takes into account:

    seasonality of sales - price changes during periods of greatest or, conversely, least demand;

    volumes, frequency of transactions;

    payment terms (for example, reduction in advance payment method).

Discounts can be provided to all counterparties without exception or only to those in whom the seller is interested.

Basis for the discount

In Art. 424 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the price is set by agreement of the parties. The change is allowed under the terms of the concluded agreement, or in cases specified in the law (clauses 1, 2 of article 424 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In retail, the size of the discount is usually indicated in the price tag for the product for which the offer is valid. To attract buyers, an additional announcement about the current promotion is placed. In the check, the total amount is indicated taking into account all discounts.

With wholesale buyers, the terms of the transaction are specified in the text of the contract. The possibility of granting discounts must be explicitly stated in the document. From the concluded agreement, it should be clear how to calculate the discount on the goods if the counterparty has fulfilled the conditions for reducing the price.

How to get a discount

The seller can provide a discount immediately, at the time of the purchase of goods, services, or later - after additional conditions are met, for example, after reaching a certain volume of purchases. Depending on this, documents are exposed:

    if the discount is granted immediately, then the price including the discount is indicated in the documents;

    if the discount is granted later, then corrective documents are issued.

The deviation of the price may be of interest to the tax authorities - paragraph 2 of Art. 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation enables inspectors to check the correctness of the calculation of prices when they change by more than 20% compared to the prices applied by the seller for identical goods in a short period of time.

Where discounts are reflected

Price changes must be documented. What papers should contain information about discounts:

    in the internal documents of the company (price lists, list of goods, etc.);

    in contracts with contractors;

    in documents issued during shipment (waybills, invoices, UPD):

    if necessary, in corrective documents;

Reducing prices entails the need to take into account the changed data in accounting and tax accounting. Information is also reflected in tax returns.

How to calculate a discount on a product, formula

If the buyer is aware only of the size of the base, initial price, knowing the amount of the discount, you can calculate both the amount of the discount and the new cost of the goods.

Most often, the discount is indicated as a percentage. How to correctly calculate the discount on a product? The formula applied is as follows:

SS \u003d BC / 100% x PS, where

SS - discount amount,

BC - base price,

PS - % discount.

To find out the new price, the discount amount received is subtracted from the base price.

Let's give an example of calculation.

An example of calculating a discount based on a set percentage

Urozhay LLC has been selling apples since the beginning of the year at a price of 40 rubles per kilogram. In August, due to a seasonal decrease in demand for goods, the company announced a 15% discount for customers. How to correctly calculate the discount on a product?

40 rubles is the base price,

15% - discount percentage.

The amount of the price reduction will be: 40 / 100% x 15% = 6 rubles.

The price of apples in August, taking into account the discount provided, will be: 40 - 6 = 34 rubles per kilogram.

Fixed discount

Sometimes the seller claims a discount in a fixed amount. Then the buyer can calculate the discount percentage in reverse order:

PS \u003d ((BC - NC) / BC) x 100%, where

PS - discount percentage;

BC - base (old) price;

NC - new price.

Let's calculate the discount.

An example of calculating the discount percentage based on a fixed value

The supply contract between Aqua LLC and Vega LLC stipulates that the cost of delivering bottled water for a 19-liter container under the contract is 160 rubles. If the volume of delivery per month exceeds 190 liters, the cost of delivery will be lower and will amount to 150 rubles. Calculate the discount percentage if the condition of exceeding the supply volume is met:

160 rub. – base price,

150 rub. - new price.

The discount percentage will be: ((160 - 150) / 160) x 100% = 6.25%.

That is, the cost is reduced by 6.25% if more than 190 liters of water per month are delivered under the contract.

Using these formulas, the buyer can independently calculate the amount of price change, as well as calculate the new cost of the goods. This will help you decide whether to conclude a deal on the proposed terms.

A percentage is one hundredth of a number taken as a whole. Percentages are used to indicate the ratio of a part to a whole, as well as to compare quantities.

1% = 1 100 = 0,01

The interest calculator allows you to perform the following operations:

Find percentage of a number

To find a percentage p from a number, you need to multiply this number by a fraction p 100

Let's find 12% of the number 300:
300 12 100 = 300 0.12 = 36
12% of 300 equals 36.

For example, a product costs 500 rubles and a 7% discount applies to it. Find the absolute value of the discount:
500 · 7 100 = 500 0.07 = 35
Thus, the discount is 35 rubles.

What percentage is one number of another

To calculate the percentage of numbers, you need to divide one number by another and multiply by 100%.

Let's calculate how many percent is the number 12 of the number 30:
12 30 100 = 0.4 100 = 40%
The number 12 is 40% of the number 30.

For example, a book contains 340 pages. Vasya read 200 pages. Let's calculate how many percent of the whole book Vasya has read.
200 340 100% = 0.59 100 = 59%
Thus, Vasya read 59% of the entire book.

Add a percentage to a number

To add to the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 + p 100)

Let's add 30% to the number 200:
200 (1+ 30 100 ) = 200 1.3 = 260
200 + 30% equals 260.

For example, a subscription to the pool costs 1000 rubles. From next month they promised to raise the price by 20%. Let's calculate how much the subscription will cost.
1000 (1+ 20 100 ) = 1000 1.2 = 1200
Thus, the subscription will cost 1200 rubles.

Subtract a percentage from a number

To subtract from the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 - p 100)

Subtract 30% from the number 200:
200 (1 - 30 100 ) = 200 0.7 = 140
200 - 30% equals 140.

For example, a bicycle costs 30,000 rubles. The store gave him a 5% discount. Let's calculate how much the bike will cost, taking into account the discount.
30000 (1 - 5 100 ) = 30000 0.95 = 28500
Thus, the bike will cost 28,500 rubles.

By what percentage is one number greater than the other?

To calculate how many percent one number is greater than another, you need to divide the first number by the second, multiply the result by 100 and subtract 100.

Let's calculate how many percent the number 20 is greater than the number 5:
20 5 100 - 100 = 4 100 - 100 = 400 - 100 = 300%
The number 20 is greater than the number 5 by 300%.

For example, the salary of a boss is 50,000 rubles, and an employee is 30,000 rubles. Find by how many percent the boss's salary is higher:
50000 35000 100 - 100 = 1.43 * 100 - 100 = 143 - 100 = 43%
Thus, the boss's salary is 43% higher than the employee's salary.

By what percentage is one number less than the other?

To calculate how many percent one number is less than another, you need to subtract from 100 the ratio of the first number to the second, multiplied by 100.

Let's calculate how many percent the number 5 is less than the number 20:
100 - 5 20 100 = 100 - 0.25 100 = 100 - 25 = 75%
The number 5 is less than the number 20 by 75%.

For example, freelancer Oleg in January completed orders for 40,000 rubles, and in February for 30,000 rubles. Let's find by what percentage Oleg earned less in February than in January:
100 - 30000 40000 100 = 100 - 0.75 * 100 = 100 - 75 = 25%
Thus, in February Oleg earned 25% less than in January.

Find 100 percent

If number x This p percent, then you can find 100 percent by multiplying the number x on 100p

Finding 100% if 25% is 7:
7 · 100 25 = 7 4 = 28
If 25% equals 7, then 100% equals 28.

For example, Katya copies photos from her camera to her computer. 20% of photos were copied in 5 minutes. Let's find how much time the copying process takes:
5 · 100 20 = 5 5 = 25
We get that the process of copying all photos takes 25 minutes.

Perhaps math was not your favorite subject in school, and numbers were frightening and depressing. But in adulthood, there is no escape from them. Without calculations, one cannot fill out a receipt for paying for electricity, one cannot draw up a business project, one cannot help a child with homework. Often in these and other cases it is required to calculate the percentage of the amount. How to do this if there are vague memories of what a percentage is from school days? Let's sharpen our memory and figure it out.

Method one: percentage of the amount through the definition of the value of one percent

A percentage is one hundredth of a number and is denoted by the sign %. If you divide the amount by 100, then you just get one percent of it. And then everything is simple. The resulting number is multiplied by the desired percentage. In this way, it is easy to calculate the profit on a bank deposit.

For example, you deposited an amount of 30,000 at 9% per annum. What will be the profit? We divide the amount of 30,000 by 100. We get the value of one percent - 300. We multiply 300 by 9 and get 2,700 rubles - an increase to the original amount. If the contribution is for two or three years, then this figure doubles or triples. There are deposits on which interest is paid monthly. Then you need to divide 2700 by 12 months. 225 rubles will be a monthly profit. If interest is capitalized (added to the general account), then every month the amount of the deposit will increase. This means that the percentage will not be calculated from the initial contribution, but from the new indicator. Therefore, at the end of the year, you will receive a profit no longer of 2,700 rubles, but more. How many? Try to count.

Method two: convert percentages to decimals

As you remember, a percentage is a hundredth of a number. In decimal form, this is 0.01 (zero point one cell). Therefore, 17% is 0.17 (zero point, seventeen hundredths), 45% - 0.45 (zero point, forty-five hundredths), etc. We multiply the resulting decimal fraction by the amount, the percentage of which we consider. And we find the desired answer.

For example, let's calculate the amount of income tax from a salary of 35,000 rubles. The tax is 13%. In decimal form, this would be 0.13 (zero point, thirteen hundredths). Multiply the amount of 35,000 by 0.13. It will turn out 4,550. So, after deducting income tax, you will receive a salary of 35,000 - 4,550 \u003d 30,050. Sometimes this amount, already without tax, is called “hands-on salary” or “net”. In contrast, the amount together with the "dirty salary" tax. It is the "dirty salary" that is indicated in the company's vacancy announcements and in the employment contract. Less is given to the hands. How many? Now you can easily count.

Method three: counting on a calculator

If you doubt your mathematical abilities, then use a calculator. With its help, it is calculated faster and more accurately, especially when it comes to large amounts. It is easier to work with a calculator that has a button with a percentage sign. Multiply the amount by the percentage and press the % button. The required answer will appear on the screen.

For example, you want to calculate what your allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old will be. It is 40% of the average earnings for the last two closed calendar years. Let's say the average salary is 30,000 rubles. On the calculator, multiply 30,000 by 40 and press the % button. The = key does not need to be touched. The screen will display the answer 12,000. This will be the amount of the benefit.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Moreover, the application "Calculator" is now in every cell phone. If the device does not have a special button%, then use one of the two methods described above. And perform multiplication and division on a calculator, which will facilitate and speed up your calculations.

Don't forget: there are online calculators to make the calculations easier. They act in the same way as regular ones, but are always at hand when you work on a computer.

Method four: make a proportion

You can calculate the percentage of the amount by drawing up a proportion. This is another scary word from the school math course. Proportion is the equality between two ratios of four quantities. For clarity, it is better to immediately understand a specific example. You want to buy boots for 8,000 rubles. The price tag states that they are on sale at a 25% discount. How much is it in rubles? Of the 4 values, we know 3. There is a sum of 8,000, which equates to 100%, and 25% that needs to be calculated. In mathematics, an unknown quantity is usually called X. It turns out the proportion:

For the convenience of calculations, we convert percentages to decimal fractions. We get:

The proportion is solved as follows: X \u003d 8,000 * 0.25: 1X \u003d 2,000

2,000 rubles - a discount on boots. Subtract this amount from the old price. 8,000 - 2,000= 6,000 rubles (new discounted price). That's such a nice proportion.

This method can also be used to determine the value of 100%, if you know a numerical indicator - say, 70%. At a company-wide meeting, the boss announced that 46,900 units of goods were sold during the year, while the plan was only 70% completed. How much would have to be sold to complete the plan? We make a proportion:

Converting percentages to decimals, we get:

We solve the proportion: X \u003d 46,900 * 1: 0.7X \u003d 67,000. These are the results of the work that the authorities expected.

As you may have guessed, the proportion method can be used to calculate the percentage of a numerical indicator of the amount. For example, while taking a test, you answered 132 questions out of 150 correctly. What percentage of the task was completed?

It is not necessary to convert this proportion into decimal fractions, you can immediately decide.

X \u003d 100 * 132: 150. As a result, X \u003d 88%

As you can see, it's not all that scary. A little patience and attention, and now you have mastered the calculation of percentages.

Example 1

You go to the supermarket and see a promotion on. Its regular price is 458 rubles, now there is a 7% discount. But you have a store card, and on it a pack will cost 417 rubles.

To understand which option is more profitable, you need to convert 7% into rubles.

Divide 458 by 100. To do this, simply shift the comma separating the integer part of the number from the fractional one two positions to the left. 1% is equal to 4.58 rubles.

Multiply 4.58 by 7 and you get 32.06 rubles.

Now it remains to subtract 32.06 rubles from the regular price. According to the action, coffee will cost 425.94 rubles. So, it is more profitable to buy it by card.

Example 2

You can see that the game on Steam costs 1,000 rubles, although it used to be sold for 1,500 rubles. You are wondering what percentage the discount was.

Divide 1,500 by 100. Shifting the decimal point two places to the left gives you 15. That's 1% of the old price.

Now divide the new price by the size of 1%. 1,000 / 15 = 66.6666%.

100% - 66.6666% = 33.3333%. This discount was provided by the store.

2. How to calculate percentages by dividing a number by 10

First, you find the 10% size, and then divide or multiply it to get the desired percentage.


Let's say you deposit 530 thousand rubles for 12 months. The interest rate is 5%, capitalization is not provided. You want to know how much money you will take in a year.

First of all, you need to calculate 10% of the amount. Divide it by 10 by moving the decimal point to the left by one decimal place. You will receive 53 thousand.

To find out how much 5% is, divide the result by 2. That's 26.5 thousand.

If the example was about 30%, you would need to multiply 53 by 3. To calculate 25%, you would have to multiply 53 by 2 and add 26.5.

In any case, it is quite easy to operate with such large numbers.

3. How to calculate percentages by making a proportion

Proportioning is one of the most useful skills you've been taught in . It can be used to calculate any percentage. The proportion looks like this:

amount that is 100% : 100% = part of the amount: percentage share.

Or you can write it like this: a:b = c:d.

Usually the proportion is read as "a is to b as c is to d". The product of the extreme terms of a proportion is equal to the product of its middle terms. To find out the unknown number from this equation, you need to solve the simplest equation.

Example 1

For an example of calculations, we use the recipe. You want to cook it and bought a suitable chocolate bar weighing 90 g, but could not resist and bit off a piece or two. Now you only have 70g of chocolate and you need to know how much butter to put instead of 200g.

First, we calculate the percentage of remaining chocolate.

90 g: 100% = 70 g: X, where X is the mass of remaining chocolate.

X \u003d 70 × 100 / 90 \u003d 77.7%.

Now we make a proportion to find out how much oil we need:

200 g: 100% = X: 77.7%, where X is the right amount of oil.

X \u003d 77.7 × 200 / 100 \u003d 155.4.

Therefore, approximately 155 g of butter should be put into the dough.

Example 2

The proportion is also suitable for calculating the profitability of discounts. For example, you see a blouse for 1,499 rubles with a 13% discount.

First, find out how much the blouse costs in percentage terms. To do this, subtract 13 from 100 and get 87%.

Make a proportion: 1499: 100 \u003d X: 87.

X \u003d 87 × 1 499 / 100.

Pay 1,304.13 rubles and wear your blouse with pleasure.

4. How to calculate percentages using ratios

In some cases, you can use simple fractions. For example, 10% is 1/10 of a number. And to find out how much it will be in numbers, it is enough to divide the integer by 10.

  • 20% - 1/5, that is, you need to divide the number by 5;
  • 25% - 1/4;
  • 50% - 1/2;
  • 12,5% - 1/8;
  • 75% is 3/4. So, you have to divide the number by 4 and multiply by 3.


You found trousers for 2,400 rubles with a 25% discount, but you only have 2,000 rubles in your wallet. To find out if there is enough money for a new thing, carry out a series of simple calculations:

100% - 25% = 75% - the cost of the trousers as a percentage of the original price after the discount has been applied.

2,400 / 4 × 3 = 1,800. This is how many rubles the pants cost.

5. How to calculate interest using a calculator

If life is not sweet for you without a calculator, all calculations can be done with it. And you can do it even easier.

  • To calculate a percentage of an amount, enter the number equal to 100%, the multiplication sign, then the required percentage, and the % sign. For the coffee example, the calculation would look like this: 458 × 7%.
  • To find out the amount minus interest, enter the number equal to 100%, minus the percentage and the % sign: 458 - 7%.
  • Similarly, you can add up, as in the example with a deposit: 530,000 + 5%.

6. How to calculate interest using online services

The site contains various calculators that calculate not only percentages. There are services for lenders, investors, entrepreneurs and all those who do not like to count in their heads.


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