What is traffic arbitrage? Where to start for a beginner! Traffic arbitrage: where to start and how to make money for a beginner? Complete guide and recommended CPA affiliate programs Contextual advertising by brand

Lately it has become increasingly popular. Being excellent, it attracts a large number of beginners. Not all of them have sufficient knowledge for a good start, so they often try to find step-by-step instructions that can lead them to their first money. Let’s try to formulate the main stages of working with traffic and point new arrivals in the direction of movement towards success and profit.

First of all, you should know that traffic refers to visitors to a resource who, having seen an advertisement, became interested in it and followed the link. The whole essence of arbitrage is to attract and purchase traffic and direct it to the desired product offer. For completing the target action, the affiliate receives a reward. The difference between traffic costs and the reward received is earnings.

Where should a newbie start?

The first thing a beginner should do on the way to their first money in arbitration is to register with. They help facilitate cooperation between arbitrators and advertisers. Affiliate program networks provide technical support to webmasters, provide promotional materials and statistics tracking tools. You need to approach your choice responsibly; you should not pay attention to little-known affiliate programs; before you start working, it is important to find reviews and recommendations regarding cooperation with a specific network.

Admitad is one of the top affiliate programs; it has long had a reputation as a reliable service. Therefore, a beginner should start his journey into arbitration by registering in this network. It offers a huge catalog of offers for every taste, including exclusive ones, a large selection of tools to increase conversion, instant payments and full support for publishers.

Registration with Admitad takes place in three stages:

  1. The first stage consists of filling out a form in which you should indicate: name; the status in which the work will be performed (individual or legal entity); login and password; as well as contact information.
  2. The next stage involves obtaining information about the webmaster’s sites and intended methods of work. You can select any type of site and fill in information about it. Selecting a category asks you to indicate which one is closest to the novice webmaster and which one will be more interesting to work with.
    Don’t be alarmed if you don’t have a single platform to work with; Admitad works with different sources of traffic, including contextual and teaser advertising, as well as publications on social networks. Employees of the partner network have developed recommendations for the rapid creation of work platforms and their use.
  3. The third stage of registration is final and requires confirmation of registration and account activation via email.

After the account is activated, you need to confirm ownership of the advertising platform. Confirmation is quick and in this situation with the VK group it only requires logging into the owner’s account. This completes the registration of the webmaster, and he enters the Admitad work area.

How to choose a CPA offer?

After registration has been successfully completed, you should proceed to selecting an offer. An offer is an offer from an advertiser, by advertising which the webmaster attracts traffic and earns income. It is believed that the easiest way for a beginner to earn his first money is through tovarka, that is, offers offering to buy a certain product.

In order to get into the list of offers, you need to go to the “Affiliate Programs” tab in the top panel. The review will be presented with a complete list, from which you need to select the appropriate one using the available filters. The sorting tool is located on the right and provides a drop-down menu with criteria.

  1. The rating shows how popular and effective the offer is; the higher the rating and the number of stars, the more conversions it generates.
  2. EPC is an indicator of the effectiveness of a click, the cost of one transition. It is averaged and shows what kind of income an arbitrator can expect. The higher the EPC, the better.
  3. Tariff – describes the specific target action for which payment occurs: for a confirmed order. For subscription, for registration, and so on.
  4. Amount of affiliate remuneration – indicates the payment for the completed target action.
  5. The lifespan of cookies is of considerable importance. It shows how long it takes for clicking on a link and subsequent purchase or subscription to be credited to the current webmaster. Duration per day means that the target action performed the next day will no longer be attributed to the arbitrator.
  6. Available traffic – shows what types of traffic are accepted when working with the current offer. This criterion is very important and you should definitely familiarize yourself with it before you start attracting traffic.

When choosing an offer, you should first of all evaluate the rating, EPC and the percentage of order confirmation. All these indicators together characterize a good offer.

Once an offer has been selected, it must be connected. For this:

  • click the “more details” button;
  • check the box to read the PP rules, they should be read so that there are no misunderstandings during the work process;
  • click “connect”.

After completing all the steps, the arbitrator will receive a notification that the application has been accepted for consideration and should wait for a decision. You can start working only after the offer is activated. After activation, you should go to the “Advertising Materials” section and select those suitable to continue working, and also generate an affiliate link which you should then promote.

How to advertise an offer?

The main job of a webmaster is to create various advertising campaigns aimed at demonstrating the offer to a larger number of people. There are many ways to advertise a product; in order to understand this issue in more detail and see arbitration using live examples, beginners should read the cases of arbitrage specialists who have already achieved considerable success.

The most effective and simplest methods of advertising are contextual advertising and publishing on social networks, which is where beginners are advised to start.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is an advertisement that is displayed on a website with a relevant topic or in search results for relevant queries. It is believed that this type of advertising is the most effective, due to the fact that ads are shown to users who are initially interested in something similar. Such advertising campaigns give quick results, do not require large expenses, have flexible settings, a large set of analytics tools, are informative and convenient in format. Each search engine has a service for creating contextual advertising campaigns.

Google Adwords

  • the system is intuitive and easy to set up;
  • allows you to receive the most interested users in a very short time;
  • provides a choice of resource for broadcasting the ad;
  • low cost per click.

To create and set up an advertising campaign, you need to create an account in Google, then create the advertising campaign itself in AdWords and start setting it up. When making settings, you should know that the largest flow of traffic will be generated by the type of company on the search and media networks simultaneously. If required, you can configure targeting. Additional settings allow you to limit display time, as well as control and optimize budget expenditure.

Yandex. Direct

Contextual advertising system from Yandex (article -). Has many advantages along with his opponent. Creating an advertising campaign is also easy, even for beginners. Full access to your account and total control over the results of impressions makes it possible to adjust your ad at any time. Targeting settings, tracking and optimization of budget expenses, a huge range of analytics tools and evaluation of the effectiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To set up an advertising campaign, Yandex has developed a setup wizard that performs the necessary settings step by step, prompting the user to take the required action. Allows you to create blacklists, that is, a list of platforms on which the ad will not be broadcast. It also asks for the inclusion of plus words, which are key queries for displaying the current ad and the entire Republic of Kazakhstan will be guided by them.

These are the main, most well-known services aimed at working with contextual advertising and do not require professional skills to use. In addition to them, there are many more similar resources. For example, Digly and Aory are also designed for complete beginners in matters of contextual advertising.

Advertising in public pages

Most often, beginners ask the question of how to start arbitration with a small amount; experienced arbitrators in their cases give direction in the direction of social networks. It is with publications in VK and Facebook groups that people are advised to start mastering arbitration with small budgets.

You can do this by contacting the public administrators directly and ordering advertising. Before choosing a group for publication, you should carefully study the visitor statistics and activity of the group. There are publics with a large number of recruited participants in which there is zero activity, there will be no benefit from placing advertising in them. It is better to choose a small group, but with good activity, likes and discussions. Also, by contacting directly, the webmaster runs the risk of running into an unscrupulous owner who, after accepting payment, will not publish an advertising post.

To avoid such situations, you should contact special services and exchanges aimed at working with advertising on social networks. Each network has its own advertising creation service, for example, advertising in Odnoklassniki is created through Target.Mail.ru, all other popular networks have their own built-in advertising exchanges in groups, as well as tools for creating targeted advertising. These services provide all the options for setting up and selecting the target audience for displaying ads. But it should be remembered that currently the requirements for offers that can be advertised have become more stringent, especially for merchandise.

  1. Sociate.ru allows you to create and place an advertisement in social network groups. It has a large base of public administrators offering their services and is famous for its low prices.
  2. Plibber is not particularly different in functionality and capabilities from the previous exchange.

Working with services is intuitive and will not cause difficulties for beginners.

Summarizing the above, it should be said that all Key points for a beginner to start traffic arbitrage and getting your first money are described in detail. By following the recommendations, everyone will get results. But do not forget that arbitration requires constant improvement, so you need to constantly read new information on the topic, study the cases of arbitrage specialists, and then you can achieve great success.

Once you touch upon arbitration superficially, it seems as if everything is in full view - transparent and understandable, just skim off the cream. But upon closer examination, it turns out that this is all the tip of the iceberg, the end and edge of which is not visible.

However, this is not a reason to give up and not figure it out; on the contrary, it’s time to stick your nose into the basics and understand in which direction to start raking. So, you are a fledgling youngster in arbitrage (you may be well over 40, it doesn’t matter), who doesn’t understand at all what to do and where to spread it, let’s go figure out whether traffic arbitrage is as scary for beginners as it might seem.

What is traffic arbitrage

Traffic arbitrage is the collection and redirection of visitors from one resource to another. Traffic is understood specifically as users who gather somewhere on the network (for example, on a social network) in pursuit of their goals.

The arbitrator’s task is to place an advertisement in this profitable place, a click on which will transfer the visitor to the desired resource, and there, the one caught in the network will have a choice: to take a targeted action: buy something or close this whole disgrace and forget it like a bad dream.

The affiliate will receive payment from the affiliate program only for the first; the second will simply spend the advertising budget. Therefore, the task of a smart arbitrator is to make advertising so that it catches and forces people to buy.

Where to start and how to start traffic arbitrage?

  • Register in a couple of affiliate programs. At this stage, you will be wondering how much money is needed for traffic arbitrage, the answer will never be clear, so confidently throw in a couple of thousand, it will be enough for the first test. Then everything will be clear intuitively.
  • Ask support what and where they mostly pour from now, don’t be shy. Support is on your side, it is not in their interest to deceive you, so at first trust it.
  • Study the market for the selected offer. Where they come from, what creatives they create, trends have fallen. A smart service like Publer can help you with this.
  • Determine your target audience; you shouldn’t narrow it too much or expand it.
  • Create a dozen of your creatives taking into account the pain points of your target audience, work on the headlines and text. Read a couple of smart articles on marketing and decide whether you need to create your own landing page or the one offered by the PP will do.
  • You can launch your first campaign.
  • I’ll say right away that you will most likely lose money, but consider this to be the purchase of the first statistics for analysis. As a result, you need to understand which creative was successful, where you did not reach the users, see target audience segments and other subtleties of analytics.

Don’t get too excited after the first flush, think carefully about what you got, what knowledge you lacked and how to continue on your way.

Types of traffic arbitrage

Before repeating the above scheme, you need to understand what traffic arbitrage is like on the Internet. In general, it exists in many forms and subtypes, because everything is limited only by the imagination of the master, but there are several main types.

Conventionally, they can be divided as follows:

  • Direct - when you create an advertisement, place an affiliate link in it, and everyone who clicks on it immediately flies to the partner’s website. Targeted advertising, traffic arbitrage exchange, etc. will help in this matter.
  • Using a pre-landing page, this is a one-page site with beautiful descriptions, pictures and reviews that should warm up the user and prepare him for a purchase. It contains a link leading to the partner’s landing page or website.
  • Using a landing page and registration - in this case, the user gets to a beautiful landing page and to receive further information he needs to leave his contact information. This method helps to collect a database for mailing or resale.

Traffic sources

There are three types of traffic sources: free, shareware and paid. If you are just getting acquainted with arbitration and don’t understand internet marketing at all, much less CPA, try free methods of attraction.

Free channels

These include:

  • creating advertisements on advertising platforms: avito, Yula and city resources;
  • manually posting on your social networks, advertising the product through friends and acquaintances;
  • posting posts on thematic forums and websites, you can use reviews.

You can work with these channels as follows. For example, we select a weight loss offer and go to a forum for people who want to lose weight. Let's start a topic - you can ask what remedy someone chose for quick weight loss. We maintain a conversation from other accounts, and after a while we insert our affiliate link to the product.

Such a channel is good because you work without investments, but the result from one created topic may be zero. For such channels to start generating profit, you need to leave messages on a hundred or two forums. But on the other hand, you will get your first experience and understand the entire path of generating conversion.

Shareware methods

These include creating your own website or blog.

Why is this method shareware:

  • if you don’t know how to make websites, you’ll have to spend money on freelancers;
  • you need to buy a domain, hosting, theme, paid extensions for plugins;
  • Authors may be required to provide content.

In general, arbitrage on your website is considered a classic source of traffic. You create a thematic web resource, fill it with content and useful tools, promote it using SEO and manually advertise on related sites. After the first traffic, even stray traffic, appears, you can put up offers in the form of banners or sell them as native ones.

Now driving traffic through SEO is popular in all verticals. Working with financial offers, webmasters through SEO begin to receive 40-50 thousand rubles in just a few months. As a result, you can hire an author who will add 1-2 articles a day, and you will receive passive income from already published materials.

But the catch is that opening such a site will take a lot of time or money, depending on how you create the content. As a result, there is a risk that the first profit will not appear soon.

Paid channels

Suitable for more or less experienced webmasters and affiliate marketers who know how to properly launch advertising campaigns, analyze their effectiveness and optimize costs.

Such sources include:

  • contextual advertising through Yandex.Direct or Google;
  • targeted advertising on social networks;
  • e-mail newsletters based on independently collected databases;
  • purchased traffic - you buy loan applications from other webmasters, forward them to your storefront or send mailings to them;
  • placing advertisements on social networks;
  • teaser advertising.

On Lidzavod you will find many informational and educational articles on how to work with these channels.

Where to pour in 2019

Beginners in arbitrage often cannot choose a suitable vertical. The fact is that now many affiliate networks have proliferated, and each of them praises its vertical and tells how easy it is to make money on it. Information gypsies and bloggers are turning up the heat - feeding them with promises of easy money. But in the end, our newbie gets lost and starts trying a little of everything.

We tell you what is relevant in 2019, and where it is better to pour.

  • Tovarka. The peak of popularity of product offers was in 2016-2018, when the audience still believed in the healing effects of “plant creams” and green coffee. Now people are full of promises and are already distrustful of such advertising. Therefore, those who managed to create their own blog in time or gain experience in how to set up connections are now making a lot of money on the product. Beginners often leave with nothing, or even their small earnings are banned for fraud.
  • Gambling. A profitable vertical, but difficult for beginners. The fact is that casino advertising in Russia is illegal and is constantly not subject to moderation. Webmasters and arbitrators work with gambling; those who know how to outwit moderation or can come up with connections on their own. It will be difficult for beginners without experience.
  • Finance. The niche is difficult, but profitable. There is a lot of competition in this market, so newcomers are often afraid of this vertical. In fact, if you understand how to work with financial offers, everything will go like clockwork and you can constantly and legally gain profit. This market is always relevant - everyone needs money, and especially now when people don’t have it. Therefore, the popularity of a product will not disappear in a month, six months or a year, as happens in a product.
  • Gray offers. These include adult products, surveys and other offers that are prohibited from being advertised online. Sometimes such offers can be associated with fraud, yes, and you can run into this. Therefore, the most experienced webmasters who use a bunch of tools and services in their bundles work with the gray market.

As you can see, there are many verticals and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you can start arbitration on the Internet with a product to get your first experience, with finance to plunge headlong into this niche and soon receive high payments, with gambling or gray offers, if you have already lost a single budget and know how to save it .

Why do many people think that traffic arbitrage is a scam?

There is an opinion that traffic arbitrage has already burned out and it is difficult to make money on it. This opinion is formed due to negative reviews from the network about their experience. But look objectively - thousands of affiliates work in the CPA niche, some of them earn thousands, others hundreds of thousands and millions. More and more affiliate programs are opening up, which means this niche has not burned out and continues to develop.

Negativity appears on the Internet because of newbies who want easy money without doing anything.

Here are a few reasons why things don't work out for them.

  • A person just found out about arbitrage, watched one review on YouTube and went to launch an advertising campaign with a budget of 500 rubles. Of course, he doesn’t know the nuances of setting up an advertising campaign, how services and tools work, and doesn’t even know who his target audience is. As a result, the advertising campaign was set up haphazardly, testing was not carried out and the money was all wasted. Here is a negative review, that everything is difficult and impossible.
  • Webmaster despairs after lost budget. In traffic arbitrage, it often happens that the link does not work. It doesn’t matter for what reason, but the budget can be drained completely. But instead of drawing any conclusions or collecting statistics, people despair and run to leave negative reviews.
  • Wrong vertical selected. Again, we return to the question of experience. If you don’t have sufficient knowledge of how to set up a cesspool or deceive moderators on Facebook, you won’t be able to use gambling or gray offers.
  • Wrong partner chosen. Beginners often choose an affiliate network and vertical, respectively, based on reviews from the TOP-10 Yandex search results. And now the main question is how they want to work with the CPA market if they don’t know that reviews can be ordered, paid, or written by unscrupulous competitors.

You can read more about the mistakes of beginner arbitrage traders in our training materials:

And we recommend that before starting work, you study the theory, the nuances of how services and advertising platforms work, and only after that start practicing. Then you will make fewer mistakes and you will definitely start to gain profit.

Traffic arbitrage is one of the ways to make money on the Internet, the essence of which not every beginner can understand. The process, in general, is simple, but very painstaking and involves a lot of monotony and routine. But with the right approach, traffic arbitrage can bring quite good earnings.

What kind of income is this?

Traffic arbitrage is making money from reselling (redirecting) traffic. In other words, it requires buying traffic (resource visitors) in one place, where it is cheaper, and selling it in another place, where it is more expensive. Profit from arbitrage traffic can be considered the difference between buying and selling it.

Purchasing it means placing advertisements on various platforms. The most popular type of advertising for arbitrage is teaser advertising (an enticing mystery that shows only part of the information about the product, without showing it in full). Contextual, banner advertising and other types also take place. Even advertisements in mailing lists can be attributed to generating income from traffic arbitrage.

Earning money from affiliate programs using your own website does not apply to arbitrage (if visitors arrive at the site based on requests from search engines). If potential clients are brought to a web resource by paid advertising (teaser, banner, contextual and any other), then this is again traffic arbitrage. Where to begin? More on this later.

Where to start to make money on traffic arbitrage?

At the initial stage of work, it is important to choose the right affiliate program. You should not register on many resources that provide the opportunity to become a partner - two or three programs will be enough to get started.

Next, you should review all available promotional materials and carefully study the terms of cooperation. It is important to decide on the target audience and only then select places to place advertising - traffic arbitrage cannot be rushed. Where a beginner should start is by studying the practical experience of professionals.

It is almost impossible to launch a successful advertising campaign the first time. Often in the process you have to adjust parameters, change headings, banners, links, etc., and then observe the results, view and analyze statistics.

There are the following types of traffic arbitration:

  • direct (purchased traffic goes directly to affiliate programs);
  • using a lining - Landing page (in this case, traffic is purchased on the Landing page (landing page), which is specially created for a specific product, from which the visitor goes to the affiliate program page via a referral link);
  • using the Landing page and Email registration (when going to the Landing page, the visitor has to register on the site; a significant advantage of the method is the gradual compilation of a database of Email addresses, which can later be used to send advertising materials).

Beginners in the field of arbitrage traffic have many different kinds of questions, ignorance of the correct answer to which and lack of experience lead to loss of investments and, as a rule, complete disappointment in such earnings.

Traffic arbitrage: training

Various courses and trainings on such income come to help in solving problems with a lack of knowledge. The course program “Earning money from traffic arbitrage” usually covers the following topics:

  • arbitrage dictionary;
  • types of offers;
  • offer selection rules;
  • traffic sources and offers for them;
  • offer testing plan;
  • teaser advertising, its disadvantages and advantages;
  • free parsers;
  • list of macros for teaser networks;
  • advertising and promotion on social networks;
  • targeted advertising;
  • contextual advertising.

True, not all professionals consider such courses necessary, since traffic arbitrage is constantly undergoing various changes. Learning is most effective on your own, in the process of work, because what brought profit a year, month or week ago may no longer work at all today. Almost any information can be found in specialized groups on social networks, blogs or arbitrage forums.

Partnership programs

You should begin to seriously engage in traffic arbitrage by searching for suitable affiliate programs. Most often, the following intermediaries are used to make money from traffic arbitrage:

  1. CPA affiliate programs pay for each attracted visitor who completes the target action. Typically, these affiliate programs require you to register, fill out a subscription form, make an order, or make a phone call. For example, a potential client sees an advertisement for an online game, clicks on the ad and is taken to a website offering registration. If a person decides to become a player and registers, the arbitrator will receive a royalty (fee for the action).
  2. Affiliate programs for making a purchase by an attracted user. If the sale is completed, then part of the earnings from the product is transferred to the affiliate.
  3. "SMS" affiliate programs. These affiliate programs usually ask visitors to send a message or enter a phone number and a numerical code, which will be sent to the specified number within a few minutes, to (supposedly) confirm that the site is dealing with a real person. The visitor, completely unaware that he is subscribing to the newsletter for a fee, performs the action. After a short period of time, money begins to be withdrawn from the user’s balance. Making money from such programs is among the “dark” methods.

How to earn?

You can make significant money from traffic arbitrage if you have patience, develop certain skills, accumulate a certain budget for investments and fully understand the essence of the process.

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the principles of contextual advertising. One of the priority areas of training is the correct launch and organization of an advertising campaign, competent writing of advertisements with mandatory consideration of the advertising mechanism, which allows you to select only the target audience from the entire existing audience and show advertising specifically to potential clients. Basic knowledge of marketing and copywriting will not hurt in this difficult task for a beginner.

So it’s not such a simple matter - traffic arbitrage. Instructions for earning money, even the most detailed and developed by a professional, are unlikely to help if a novice arbitrator does not make his own efforts to master the Internet profession.

In general terms, making money on arbitrage involves the following actions:

  1. You must select an affiliate program and go through the registration procedure.
  2. Next, you should create teasers for the affiliate program and come up with “catchy” (attracting attention) headlines for them.
  3. Afterwards, you need to register in the teaser network and top up your personal account (traffic arbitrage without investments is far from the best idea, in this case you can hardly expect a quick and high income).
  4. It is necessary to create an advertising campaign in the selected teaser network, using already prepared teasers and headlines.
  5. Having configured the network, you can launch a new advertising campaign.

Traffic arbitrage is a popular, but very competitive way to make money online, which is generated by obtaining a positive difference between the cost of the traffic itself and the exhaust after its purchase and redirection. By “traffic” we mean the Nth number of living people, and the whole essence of arbitrage comes down to ensuring that the final profit exceeds the cost of purchasing traffic.

Simple example:

You bought 1000 referrals to your affiliate storefront for $10, 3 people made a purchase, which brought you $20. The arbitration was successful, the net earnings were $10.

This niche has a lot of features. I will highlight the most significant:

  • You can arbitrage and even earn large sums of money without having your own website.
  • You don't have to have large budgets to get started. Of course, the amount of earnings depends on the investment, but to gain equally valuable personal experience, you can start even with 50 dollars.
  • Arbitration is theoretically simple. I would compare this to playing poker - the rules are simple, but the devil is in the details (daily routine tasks, losing money at the start, the ability to build the process correctly, etc.).
  • Everything revolves around the correct work with three components: traffic sources, offers (offers from affiliate programs) and analytics.

More specifically, in “arbitration” personal experience plays a decisive role. There are a lot of paid courses, manuals, educational lectures and the like on the Internet. But the fact is that it is better to try to make money on your own by investing $100 to buy traffic than to buy any courses for the same money. You can always find the basics on the Internet for free, and in 95% of cases someone’s “training materials” will turn out to be a compact summary of public information and some irrelevant cases.

Where to get traffic?

You can even get a certain amount of traffic for free. To do this, you either need to have your own sites with traffic, or “promoted” profiles on social networks, or professionally engage in spam. The article on making money on your website describes in detail the basic principles of cooperation with affiliate programs, which is also relevant for affiliate marketers.

The most popular ways to buy traffic are:

  • Teaser networks– characterized by relative cheapness, large volumes, but low quality of visitors. Most often used for entertainment purposes (cosmetics, weight loss products, family history, etc.).
  • Social media– this includes purchasing advertising posts in groups or using automated software to spam communities, discussions or profiles of real people.
  • contextual advertising– allows you to buy thematic, truly targeted traffic. The price is not the lowest, but Adsense and YAN sites allow you to find a solvent audience in any niche.
  • Rest– banner networks, popunders (floating windows), clickanders (new tab after any click), iFrame, Rich Media (flash videos with sound), etc.

It is important to understand that there are no “best” or “worst” traffic sources. On each of them you can both make money and lose money. Everything is very individual and depends on a lot of factors: the offer, advertising campaign settings, correct choice of target audience, etc.

Where should I dump it?

First of all, you must decide on the model by which you will earn money. Payment can be made per action (30 minutes in the game, application for a consultation with a lawyer), per sale (then you get your percentage), or per sending an SMS message. The latter, by the way, has lost its former popularity, because... mobile operators have tightened the rules due to the “grayness” of the scheme (SMS spam, fraud, spread of viruses, misleading).

For beginners, it is best to start with affiliate program aggregators, like Admitad or ActionPay. Firstly, it’s simple - immediately after registration you will see several hundred offers that you can connect to directly within the system (it acts as an intermediary). Secondly, it is effective - such aggregators have a lot of built-in tools (ready-made landing pages, statistics and analytics functions, integration into other services) that allow you to work more efficiently.

After registering in the affiliate program (either directly or through an intermediary), you will receive an affiliate link where you need to redirect traffic. Offers often come with advertising materials (banners of different sizes) - you can use them or create your own creatives.

Direct arbitrage (when traffic goes directly to an affiliate link) is in many ways (except for simplicity) inferior to working through landing pages, which allow you to study traffic in more detail and work on optimizing its quality. A landing page means a “landing page,” that is, a one-page website created with the sole purpose of pushing a person to a certain action.

Many beginners start with entertainment traffic and gaming offers - this is an excellent combination for gaining experience, even if not a very positive one. I advise you not to adhere to this rule and start with what you personally see as a prospect.

First steps in arbitration

As mentioned above, almost all paid courses with “private schemes” are an attempt by their authors to squeeze out the last money on something that no longer works or works, but not as well as it is written in the manual.

At the very beginning of your “arbitration journey”, simply read all the free information on the Internet. In each article you can find several really useful facts or tips; your task is to compile the acquired knowledge in your head. It would be a good idea to follow the news of CPA networks in order to sense the market trends.

Don't get hung up on one thing. Try different offers, traffic sources, advertising materials. It is very important to conduct testing so that you ultimately know your target audience. For example, through trial and error, you should come to the understanding that your product is bought on weekdays from 13:00 to 17:00 by unmarried women 21-23 years old with one child.

And in order to obtain such data, you need to conduct your own experiments and improve the settings of advertising campaigns (targeting, blacklist of sites, the best promotional materials). Analytics helps you identify bots (junk traffic), understand typical audience behavior and, as a result, choose only income-generating topics.

Any economic activity with the aim of making a profit has its own characteristics. Making money from traffic arbitrage is no exception:

  1. You can resell traffic without having your own resource; its presence only helps you get more profit.
  2. It is possible to start an activity with small investments, but the larger they are, the more income from work increases significantly. Experts do not recommend that novice “users” invest big money. You need to master a profit-generating system and study it. It is recommended to start from $50 conventional units.
  3. The first impression of the simplicity of the activity may be wrong. The trading principle of buying and selling is observed: it is cheaper to take, but it is more expensive to give. You need to carefully study the entire process and learn the pitfalls. Then there will be no negative opinion about making money on arbitrage.
  4. When starting his activity, a network user must understand 3 main components: traffic source → offer → analytical analysis. Each component link must be carefully disassembled and understood how it works.

The ability to receive high-quality traffic at a price that satisfies arbitration and its subsequent resale - big profits (high conversion). We cannot exclude working with affiliate programs as an increase in income. You need to understand which offer (offer limited in time for making a decision) is more profitable to purchase.

What is traffic arbitrage, where to start and how to make money?

When starting an online activity with the aim of making a profit, you need to learn everything about traffic arbitrage - a proven, not easy and profitable way of making money. The monthly profit with the right actions for an experienced user involved in arbitrage is up to 200 – 300 thousand rubles per month.

What is traffic arbitrage – acquisition for the purpose of resale of network traffic and making a profit from these actions. Basic concepts:

  • network (Internet) traffic – a quantitative indicator of visits to an Internet project for a specified time;
  • traffic arbitrage is a trading indicator of buying and selling: take cheaper, sell more expensive.

Understanding the concept of traffic and arbitration fully reveals the question of what traffic is in arbitration. There are features of receiving traffic:

  • direct type of traffic – unique users visiting an Internet project without clicking on third-party links;
  • Using the Landing Page resource, through an intermediary, attract “users” via a referral link to your project.

Is it possible to create a customer base using the Landing Page resource and the intermediary page? Experts answer that it is possible. We just need to add that in order to receive a link to the main resource, the user must register on the site. Having registered “users”, we make mailings.

There are two types of network traffic: paid and free. Remote work from home on traffic arbitrage with the choice of a free option requires a long time interval:

  • registration on different platforms (thematic forums, social networks, groups), on the subject of the partner’s resource, active work;
  • create your own Internet resource (blog, video channel), use partners’ links on it to promote their resources;
  • create a free website, “promote” it and promote links to partner resources on pages in thematic sections.

The free option for getting traffic is long and complex. To make a profit in arbitration, it is better to use paid options for “extracting” traffic and attracting a unique user:

  • contextual advertising, target “users”, platforms: Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, other resources;
  • teaser network (picture with text), resources: TeaserNet, MarketGid and others;
  • social network, projects: Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook;
  • banner advertising resource: RotaBan.ru;
  • special projects, traffic exchanges: Wizard Traffstock, KupiTraff, other resources.

How to make money on traffic arbitrage - real ways for beginners

Work as an affiliate marketer on the network - place advertising texts that contain links to landing pages of partner resources. Here the target user is asked to perform some action (register, use a service, other actions). How to make money as an arbitrator, definition of terms:

  • lead , this is a potential client ready to buy something;
  • lead generation – when the user becomes a potential buyer;
  • offer – a commercial offer from an advertiser in need of leads;
  • landing page – a project page (landing page), which encourages the “user” to take some action;
  • Cost Per Action (SPA) – affiliate network;
  • hold – temporary delay in payment of money for the webmaster;
  • profit – “net” profit of the webmaster;
  • conversion – the ratio of leads to the total number of users who visited the resource - (ratio).

Experts provide online training in traffic arbitrage courses. The meaning of this work is through affiliate programs and modern ways to attract target users to the pages of the advertiser’s projects. Where should a novice “user” start in working as an affiliate marketer and is it really possible to earn good money? There are many companies that show this type of activity from “A” to “Z”, these are: CPA NooB, CPA King, other resources.

Instructions for beginner affiliate traders from scratch, we work independently:

  1. To receive a commercial proposal (offer), we register with several CPAs. The cost of leads in a project may differ; you need to choose the one that is profitable for arbitrage.
  2. In the affiliate program we receive a referral. link is the main parameter for making money on arbitrage. Experts, studying the basics of arbitration, recommend choosing an offer topic that is convenient (comfortable) for the user, so that it is easy for him to advertise a referral link.
  3. We direct traffic flow through the referral link. You can get it with or without investment. Having your own project on the Internet with sufficiently high traffic, you can direct your users according to the topic of the offer to its page. Or a paid form: contextual advertising, teaser networks, short texts on social networks.
  4. We are considering the best option for generating income. We analyze which type of advertising is more profitable to use based on the topic of the offer. We check the information for the effectiveness of the advertiser’s landing page. We create several types of advertising blocks for teasers, banners and contextual advertising. Let's see what time is more profitable for display.
  5. To make a profit, you need to filter out bad traffic (cut off bots).

Experts divide the work of an arbitrator by type of traffic:

  • news traffic arbitrage;
  • mobile traffic arbitration;
  • arbitrage clickander traffic.

Mobile traffic arbitrage – coverage of almost 20% of Russian citizens who perceive advertising better. This is viewing websites through mobile devices and tablets. Experts predict an increase in the volume of this type of traffic.

  • there are almost no ad blockers on mobile devices;
  • tablet and smartphone users respond to advertising less aggressively than PC users;
  • the number of clicks and sales from mobile advertising (conversion) is higher than on a laptop or PC;
  • the number of ads on mobile search sites is less than on a PC;
  • testing advertising on mobile devices is more expensive;
  • It is not recommended to use mobile traffic to advertise expensive things; a person views it “on the fly”, without due attention;
  • short text of advertisements, small drawings;
  • you need to use filters from bots: FraudScore, Forensiq;
  • correctly configure the token.

Token – a technical characteristic that determines the quality of traffic and its conversion, for this reason it is important to configure it correctly when creating an advertising project (company). What does it include, example:

  • for which device – mobile phone, tablet, smartphone;
  • who is the manufacturer;
  • for which models;
  • what operating system is used;
  • for which connection: WI-FI, mobile Internet;
  • for which operator;
  • geographical location of users.

WI-FI traffic is cheaper than 3G (mobile Internet), in addition, the user must take certain actions (indicate the card or phone number) to complete the transaction. Mobile Internet provides a direct opportunity for transactions, higher conversion.

News traffic arbitrage – attracting users from news resources. The web master uses news queries to receive search traffic, and the affiliate acquires news traffic in order to make a profit from affiliate programs. Features of news arbitrage:

  • choice of theme for the teaser banner;
  • targeting is performed only with click settings - what device, geographic location of the user, for what OS;
  • For these reasons, it is recommended to create a blacklist and filter out sites with low leads.

Experts consider this type of traffic to be “cold”, in other words, the “user” who came to the resource to read the news has little interest in advertising, and if his banner is of interest, he should be directed to an intermediate page, and then to a landing page for the offer. An example of such work:

  • the user clicks on the banner wanting to see more news;
  • lands on a page with bright pictures and comments, in the form of new news;
  • At the bottom of such a page there are comments that recommend taking certain actions on the offer.

Event traffic is an information page to which the user comes to find out something about an event that has occurred (earthquake, flood, major scandal, competition results, and other significant events). This type of traffic is characterized by sharp jumps in user interest in the event, growth and decline in traffic. You can buy event traffic from web masters of news sites and on advertising exchanges.

Clicker traffic arbitrage – when a “user” comes to a resource and clicks in some area of ​​the screen, then gets to the page of another resource. Clicker traffic is divided into 2 options: transfer from a resource or from a toolbar. The concept of a toolbar is a transition from virus browsers (stuffed with ad blocks). Popander is a large banner on 80% of the site page. An example of getting traffic with a popunder banner:

  • traffic is “cold”, an intermediate site is used;
  • You can immediately go to page +18, at the bottom of which there will be comments from the offer.

You can buy clickander traffic on the following resources: Visitweb(site 18+), Traflab(from toolbars).

What is CPA (Cost-Per-Action)?

Earnings from traffic arbitrage are mainly done through CPA (Cost Per Action) exchanges, which means payment for completed actions. CPA is an Internet traffic exchange that brings together an advertiser and a webmaster (arbitrator). In other words, CPAs are affiliate programs that pay for the following actions of attracted users:

  • completing registration on the resource;
  • purchase of goods;
  • call a consultant;
  • install app;
  • follow the recommended link.

CPA provides an opportunity to quickly earn money from a potential visitor. What you need to understand when working with CPA:

  • profit received by the webmaster from the sale of goods – C.P.S. ;
  • percentage of users who performed paid actions – CR ;
  • ratio of clicks and page impressions – CTR ;
  • ratio of the number of transitions from resource pages to landing page - CTR page ;
  • the difference between the purchase price of a click and the webmaster’s profit from the transition – EPC ;
  • percentage for goods sold – P.P.S. .

The system works on the following principle:

  1. The advertiser indicates in the offer what user actions he pays for and how much he pays.
  2. The webmaster publishes the advertiser's link on his resource.
  3. The user who followed this link is a lead who has fulfilled the terms of the offer.
  4. The webmaster provides conversion statistics to the advertiser, who pays for the actions of the CPA.
  5. The CPA takes up to 40% of the commission.

How quickly you can make a profit with CPA depends on the quality of the webmaster’s resource, what you need to do:

  • register on the exchange;
  • add your own resource that will be scanned, each resource has its own scan time;
  • search for the required commercial proposal (offer) on the subject of the site;
  • in promotional materials we use a referral link or a thematic banner;
  • We place promotional material on the page of our resource;
  • the target visitor to your resource clicks on the promotional material and takes an action;
  • the product manager (CPA) or advertiser checks the availability of a lead;
  • the agreed amount is credited to the webmaster.

Experts emphasize to webmasters that the lead verification time for each advertiser (offer) is different. The well-known online seller Aliexpress checks up to 3 months, and can make a decision in 30 days.

  • there is no waste of money, only specific orders are paid for;
  • It’s easy to plan an advertising campaign, the cost of the client is known;
  • the advertiser decides what to pay the webmaster for;
  • quality traffic;
  • verification of leads by CPA moderators before making payment to the webmaster.

For a webmaster, the advantages of working with CPA:

  • there is no need to negotiate with online stores separately, the option of choosing the best, generating an automatic referral link;
  • long-term cooperation with the exchange;
  • profit is not limited by an upper limit;
  • The scheme is transparent without deception.

How to find a traffic source?

It is difficult for a beginner to immediately understand that traffic arbitrage is redirecting the flow of target network users, purchasing traffic, to the advertiser’s resource. Where “users” perform actions specified by the offer. Traffic can be obtained using 2 methods: white and gray.

White traffic sources:

  • contextual and banner advertising;
  • teaser resources and targeted advertising.

Gray method:

  • creation of doorways (one-page sites) with redirection of visitors to the advertiser’s resource;
  • spam advertising on forums;
  • advertising on social networks;
  • other methods.

The received traffic to the advertiser's resource is sent through the CPA exchange, through affiliate programs located on the advertiser's resource. How to make money without investment through traffic arbitrage? Experts recommend starting with choosing a niche of activity, in other words, creating a vertical in which many affiliate programs can operate. Let's look at some areas:

  • the use of commodity resources (commodity), where the sale of products, goods occurs - Ryumka.biz;
  • for actions in online games (registration, activity);
  • financial activities (credits, investments, loans);
  • information business (selling courses, trainings, recruiting subscription clients);
  • online gambling games.

After choosing the direction of arbitration, the step-by-step instructions recommend choosing the desired offers or affiliate programs (AP). Having no public platform for making money through arbitrage and searching for offers, experts recommend a free resource: Cpad.pro. The resource navigation is clear, you need to go to the offers section and select the desired category (direction) to work with.


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