Swot analysis of a manufacturing enterprise. Swot analysis: examples of swot analysis. Analysis of existing management problems in LLC "Gepard"

Alexey Sysolyatin

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Strategic Planning, Faculty of Economics, Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia

Abstract: The article describes the results of a SWOT analysis for a manufacturing enterprise operating in the regional furniture market.

Keywords: SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, industry market

SWOT analysis of the environment of the production enterprises in the furniture market, Kirov

Sysolyatin Alexey Vitalievich

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor the Department of Marketing and strategic planning economic faculty FGBOU VPO Vyatka state agricultural Academy Kirov, Russia

Abstract: the article describes the results of the SWOT-analysis for production companies operating on a regional furniture market.

Keywords: SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, industry market

The development of the furniture industry is one of the most important areas of the socio-economic policy of the Kirov region. This is the most steadily and promisingly developing branch of industry. The regional furniture market numbers more than 100 enterprises, among them are manufacturers of high-quality furniture, whose products are known not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

The most significant competitors for the Bazhenov Brothers Furniture Group of Companies today are those firms that are represented in furniture stores next to the company's sales departments, as well as those that have their own salons (Table 1).

Table 1 - Characteristics of competitors of the furniture market in Kirov


Points of sale

(Kirov city)

Sales policy


Furniture class

Salon "möbel & zeit"

MC "Globus-Furniture"

TC "Megadom"

TC "Mebel Dom.RU"

More than 200 salons in Russia

About 250 items

Sofa formula

TC "Globus-Furniture"

Shopping center "Maximum"

Shopping center "Vesna"

TC "MegaDom"

More than 200 salons in Russia

More than 100 items

Shopping center "Furniture-Globus"

TK "MegaDom"

Shopping center "Vesna"

Salons in 90 cities of Russia

About 60 items

Inter Deco

In about 100 cities of Russia and CIS countries

About 300 items

Furniture salon "Niko"

Interior salon "Spectrum"

About 60 items

New "

"Megadom" TC "Furniture"

MC "Vesna"

More than 100 cities of Russia

More than 100 items

Art furniture

TK MegaDom

SEC Maximum

Rosinka Underground shopping center

About 20 salons in Russia

About 70 items

Furniture of the Bazhenov brothers

Salon "Furniture of the Bazhenov brothers"

TC "MegaDom"

Shopping center "Vesna"

TC "Globus-Furniture"

More than 50 salons in Russia and CIS countries

About 70 items

There are 2 key “weaknesses” in this table:

2) the absence of its own R&D base as such (the development of models "from scratch" is suspended).

In this analysis, it is necessary to pay attention to the “possibility” of developing our own model range (collection) through R&D to improve the status of the company and open up new opportunities, as well as to the “threat” of patenting and certification of innovations in the production of furniture from competitors, which can with a high degree of probability lead to litigation.

Thus, the information obtained in the course of the study, combined in a SWOT-analysis, will allow a more reasonable approach to the choice of a marketing strategy for enterprises of the furniture market.


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Faculty of Economics

Department of Agribusiness Economics and Foreign Economic Relations

SWOT - ANALYSIS of JSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant"

Completed: student of the 41st group

full-time education

specialty: accounting, analysis and audit

A. V. Kuzmina

Checked by: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Kislyakova M.D.

Orenburg - 2010

Introduction ………………………………………………………… .......... 3

1 Brief description of economic and financial activities of Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant OJSC …………………………… .... 6

2 Analysis of the external environment ………………………………………………… 7

2.1 Analysis of the legislation of the Orenburg region in the field of small and medium-sized businesses ............................................. 7

2.1 Macroenvironment ………………………………………………………… 12

2.2 Nearest environment …………………………………………… .13

3 Analysis of the internal environment …………………………………………… ... 18

4 Formation of the matrix of SWOT - analysis ..................... 21

5. Determination of the main directions of the enterprise development ……… .23

Conclusions and proposals ……………………………………………… ... 22

Appendices ………………………………………………………………


The main tool for regular strategic management or the matrix of good strategic analysis is SWOT.

SWOT is an abbreviation for the initial letters of English words:

Strengths - strength;

Weaknesses - weaknesses;

Opportunities - opportunities;

Threats are threats.

Thus, SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment).

Strength - a strong point: the internal characteristics of the company, which distinguishes this company from its competitors.

Weakness is a weak side: an internal characteristic of a company that looks weak (undeveloped) in relation to a competitor, and which the company can improve.

Opportunity - opportunity: a characteristic of the company's external environment (i.e. the market), which provides all participants in this market with the opportunity to expand their business.

Threat - threat: a characteristic of the external environment of the company (i.e. the market), which reduces the attractiveness of the market for all participants.

Based on a sequential consideration of these factors, decisions are made to adjust the goals and strategies of the enterprise (corporate, product, resource, functional, management), which, in turn, determine the key points of the organization of activities.

The procedure for conducting a SWOT analysis in general is reduced to filling out a matrix, which reflects and then compares the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats of the market. This comparison allows you to clearly define what steps can be taken to develop the company and what problems need to be paid special attention to.

This matrix provides company leaders with a structured information field in which they can strategically navigate and make decisions.

I would like to note that the external analysis, in addition to assessing the market situation, as mentioned above, should cover such spheres as economics, politics, technology, international situation and socio-cultural behavior, i.e. carried out in accordance with the GETS model, which means four groups of external pressure forces:

Government - government;

Economy - economy;

Technology - technology;

Society - society.

Internal analysis procedures can and should include an assessment of the uniqueness of resources and technologies, the main components of management, corporate culture, and, above all, the product itself, its quality.

Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in relation to the opportunities and threats of the external environment determines the firm's strategic prospects and the possibility of their implementation. It is clear that in this case there will be obstacles (threats) that must be overcome. This implies a reorientation of methods for managing the development of an enterprise from relying on already achieved results, mastered goods and technologies used (internal factors) to studying the restrictions imposed by the external market environment (external factors).

So, the SWOT analysis matrix is ​​a convenient tool for the structural description of the strategic characteristics of the environment and the enterprise. When constructing the matrix, the so-called "dichotomous procedure" was applied, which is used in many fields of knowledge (philosophy, mathematics, botany, socionics, computer science, etc.). Then the elements of the matrix are “dichotomous pairs” (pairs of mutually exclusive features), which allows to reduce the entropy of interaction between the environment and the system by describing the situation with a “large stroke”.

The purpose of the enterprise strategic analysis matrix must be clearly defined. The purpose of the SWOT analysis is to formulate the main directions of enterprise development through the systematization of the available information about the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as about the potential opportunities and threats.

Tasks of SWOT - analysis:

1. Identify strengths and weaknesses in comparison with competitors;

2. Identify opportunities and threats of the external environment;

3. Link strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats;

4. Formulate the main directions of the enterprise development.

1 Brief economic characteristics of JSC "Novosergievsk Mechanical Plant"

The research base is the Open Joint Stock Company Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant (hereinafter - OJSC, "NMZ" or OJSC "NMZ").

Open Joint Stock Company "NMZ", is a legal entity, operates on the basis of the Charter and legislation of the Russian Federation.

Full corporate name of the Company - Open Joint Stock Company "NMZ". The abbreviated name of the company is OJSC "NMZ".

OJSC "NMZ" was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On organizational measures for the transformation of state enterprises, voluntary associations of state enterprises into joint stock companies" dated July 1, 1992 No. 721 by transforming the state enterprise "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant".

OJSC "NMZ" is a legal entity and owns separate property, recorded on its independent balance sheet. OJSC "NMZ" has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location. The Company has stamps and letterheads with its name, its own emblem, as well as a trademark registered in accordance with the established procedure and other means of visual identification.

Location of this company: Russian Federation, Orenburg region, Novosergievka, K. Marx str., 4.

The purpose of this company is to make a profit.

JSC Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant is a plant that manufactures industrial products for the machine-building industry. In recent years, it has specialized in the production of heating boilers and gas burners, as well as mobile boilers and other products. There is a list of permanently produced products, which is updated from time to time with new positions, and at the same time JSC manufactures products according to individual orders of customers.

Thus, OJSC "NMZ" is one of the few enterprises in Russia specialized in the production of domestic heating boilers.

Geography of distribution of products across the country: from west to east: Moscow region - Eastern Siberia, from north to south: Northern Urals - Kazakhstan. The sale of finished products takes place both through our own distribution network and through dealers and intermediaries.

Also, JSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant" has its own web page on the Internet http://www.orenburg-nmz.ru/, which provides comprehensive information about the plant and the goods and services it sells.

2 Analysis of the external environment

2.1 Analysis of the legislation of the Orenburg region in the field of small and medium-sized businesses

Currently, on the territory of the Orenburg region, the following normative legal acts are in force, regulating relations in the field of small and medium-sized businesses:

1. Law of the Orenburg region of 17.11.1997 No. 193/61-OZ "On state support of small business in the Orenburg region", the norms of which define the competence of regional state authorities and local self-government bodies in the field of small business support; directions of state support; measures taken by the regional executive authorities to prevent the bankruptcy of small businesses.

2. Law of the Orenburg region of November 25, 2005 No. 2736/497-III-OZ "On the regional target program" Development of scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Orenburg region for 2006-2010 ", the organizational mechanism for the implementation of which provides for the development of innovative infrastructure by creation of new innovative business incubators, innovation-technological, innovation-production centers, etc. To accelerate the advancement of innovations to the market, it is planned to form and use technoparks as a laboratory-production base for collective use.
The economic mechanism for the implementation of the program includes the attraction of extra-budgetary funds for the implementation of promising innovative projects, including through interregional and international venture fairs and funds.
3. Law of the Orenburg region of September 22, 2008 No. 2403/513-IV-OZ "On the regional target program" On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Orenburg region for 2009-2011 ", the system of program activities of which includes: entrepreneurship promotion and self-organization business; attraction of municipalities of the region and assistance to them in the development of small and medium-sized businesses; carrying out research work on the problems of small and medium-sized businesses; organization of public events on entrepreneurship issues: seminars, meetings, conferences, round tables, congresses, contests, hot lines; preparation and replication of information publications for small and medium-sized businesses; promotion of products of small and medium-sized businesses of the Orenburg region to regional and international markets using marketing tools; development of a regional network of consumer credit cooperatives; development of a guarantee system for the obligations of small and medium-sized businesses; subsidizing interest rates on loans received by small and medium-sized businesses in credit institutions; development of a system of comprehensive property support for small and medium-sized businesses in the structure of the Orenburg regional business incubator and technopark; development of the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses (including a network of centers for consulting and legal support, innovation, craft, marketing and training centers); training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of small business, including conducting one-time lectures, internships, seminars.
4. Law of the Orenburg region dated 01.11.2008 No. 2523/515-IV-OZ "On the limit values ​​of the area of ​​leased premises owned by the Orenburg region or in municipal ownership, and the term of payment by installments for the acquired property by small and medium-sized businesses." This Law establishes the limit values ​​for the area of ​​leased premises owned by the Orenburg region or in municipal ownership for micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the term for payment by installments when purchasing leased property by small and medium-sized businesses.
5. Law of the Orenburg Region dated 05.05.2008 No. 2106/446-IV-OZ "On Technoparks in the Orenburg Region", which defines the procedure and conditions for assigning the status of a technopark to organizations, a mechanism for managing and monitoring the activities of technoparks, as well as the legal framework for state support of technoparks in the Orenburg region.
6. Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 15.01.2009 No. 2-p "On the list of state property of the Orenburg region, intended for the provision of it to the possession and (or) use on a long-term basis of small and medium-sized businesses and organizations that form the infrastructure of support for small and medium-sized businesses ".

7. Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region dated 04.02.2009 No. 31-p "On the provision of subsidies from the regional budget for state support of small and medium-sized businesses in the framework of the regional target program" On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Orenburg region for 2009-2011 ", which determine the conditions for granting subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses, credit consumer cooperatives of citizens, consumer societies, agricultural consumer cooperatives.
8. Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 20.03.2009 No. 102-p "On the procedure for providing subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses and organizations of the infrastructure to support small and medium-sized businesses for advanced training within the framework of the regional target program" On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Orenburg region for 2009-2011 ", which was developed in accordance with measure 4.3" Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, including one-time lectures, internships, seminars "of the regional target program" On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Orenburg region for 2009 - 2011 ".
9. Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region of 19.03.2009 No. 99-p "On the procedure for granting subsidies for the implementation of the best municipal program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the framework of the regional target program" On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Orenburg region for 2009-2011 " ... This Procedure establishes the goals, conditions and rules for the provision of subsidies to support municipal programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
10. Decree of the Governor of the Orenburg region dated 02.12.2008 No. 146-uk "On the creation of a non-profit organization" Guarantee fund for small and medium-sized businesses of the Orenburg region ".
11. Decree of the Governor of the Orenburg Region dated 02.12.2008 No. 147-uk "On the creation of a non-profit organization" Fund for Assistance to the Development of Investments in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Orenburg Region ".
Thus, in the region there are 11 basic and 7 changing (total 18) normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of small and medium-sized businesses.
Most of the boilers sold in Russia are domestically produced models. At the same time, in the regional context, production is consolidated - the bulk of products are manufactured in the Rostov and Moscow regions. This is due to the fact that the two largest Russian manufacturers are located in these regions - Rostovgazoapparat and Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant.

Due to the fact that the manufactured boilers are oriented towards the domestic market in terms of their technical characteristics and external parameters, the export of boilers is small. According to Express-Obzor estimates, in 2009 Russian companies exported less than 7% of their products.

Imports of heating boilers are growing rapidly - over the past four years (2005-2009) their market share has increased by more than 9 percentage points. This is due to the fact that in Russia the production of the rapidly gaining popularity "wall mounts" is underdeveloped, and the demand of the Russian market is satisfied by supplies from abroad. The market for water heaters is growing rapidly, increasing by an average of 31% per year. In value terms, the growth rate is higher - 40% at the end of 2009. In Russia, the most popular are electric storage and gas flowing water heaters. Moreover, the share of the former on the market is rapidly increasing.

2.2 Macro environment

The factors of the macroenvironment are usually:

The economic state of the country;

Political and legal aspect;

Social and cultural environment;

Scientific - technical and technological development of society.

The study of the economic state makes it possible to understand the current laws - inflation rates, currency ratios, tax rates and their trends, unemployment rate; and see the possibilities of using natural and human resources.

The level of taxes in the country, the growth rate of construction, the level of unemployment have an indirect effect through changes in the purchasing power of the population.

Analysis of the political environment and legal aspects will allow OJSC "Novosergievsk Mechanical Plant" to establish for itself the permissible limits of actions in relations with other aspects of the legal system.

The political and legal component for JSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant" consists of laws and regulations governing trade and business activities in Orenburg and other cities. The study of the social component of the macroenvironment makes it possible to find out the standard of living of the population, its attitude to the quality of life, the values ​​they share, the quality of the equipment of living quarters, etc.

Analysis of the scientific, technical and technological development of society allows you to notice in time and begin to apply in practice the achievements of modern science and technology in the field of advertising, management, delivery, sale, as well as in the field of information support, which can become a significant competitive advantage.

The development of scientific and technological progress in the field of production directly affects the commercial activity of the enterprise.

2.3 Nearest environment

The analysis of the firm's immediate environment is based on competitive analysis of the environment, which is usually built on the use of M. Porter's five forces model. According to this theory, five forces influence the firm's performance:

Competition within the industry;

The threat of the appearance of goods and services - substitutes;

Supplier threat;

The threat of the emergence of new competitors;

Buyers' threats.

Currently, there are several leading Russian manufacturers of the investigated products operating in Russia:

Limited partnership "Chernoivanov and Taganrog Mechanical Plant"

LLC "Lemax",

LLC "Engels Instrument-Making Association" Signal "

Rostovgazapparat CJSC,

LLC "Mimax",

JSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant"

LLC "Plant" Conord "

JSC "Red Hydropress"

JSC "Borinskoe"

JSC "Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant"

LLC Production Company Signal-Mash,

Foreign manufacturers of household heating boilers present on the Russian market:

OOO "Buderus Heating Technology"

OOO "Vissmann",

The Vaillant Group company,

HONEYWELL company,

Ferroli S.p.A. company,

De Dietrich Thermique Company.

It is significant that the market segment is constantly growing, especially the share of the average cost of a service, which is due to:

Stable quality;

Features of the structure of the consumer market;

Affordable price.

The considered JSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant" occupies a rather high position on the market, i.e. it sells services at average prices and has the largest assortment of goods. The main emphasis in the work of the company is made on the sale of only high-quality products.

Figure 1 Market shares of gas heating equipment enterprises (in percent) by sales volume, rub.

Such a factor of the external environment as the possibility of creating goods - substitutes is determined primarily by the preferences of fashion in society. This entails the need for flexibility in the organization's work: a quick change of assortment, additional purchases of related products, retraining of specialists, etc. The level of competition with a substitute product is determined by the degree of readiness with which buyers are able to prefer it to this product.

The ability of buyers to dictate their terms at Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant OJSC is expressed as:

1. Changing the configuration of an already finished modular boiler house.

2. Implementation of delivery and adjustment of the system;

3. Granting a commodity loan.

Any enterprise in the industry seeks to reduce the action of these forces in order to be able to raise prices and achieve a level of profit above the industry average. OJSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant" can influence each of these forces only through its own strategy.

Based on the analysis of the external environment, a list of possibilities is formed:

2. Implementation of innovations;

3. Reduction of taxes and duties;

4. Improving management;

5. Proposals for cooperation from third-party entrepreneurs;

6. Ruin and exit of enterprises of competitors of producers - sellers.

To assess the opportunities, the method of positioning each specific opportunity on the opportunity matrix is ​​used (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 Matrix "Probability / Impact" for positioning the capabilities of the external environment

The list of threats to the organization is formed in the same way:

1. Disruptions in the production of products;

2. Growth in inflation rates;

4. Increase in taxes and duties;

5. The emergence of new enterprises of competitors in the market;

6. Increase of competitive advantages from competitors;

7. Changes in the rules for the import of raw materials;

8. Tightening of legislation.

Positioning each of the threats according to the degree of its influence and the likelihood of an offensive, a matrix of threats is built (table 2.2)

The matrices, given in the form of tables 2.1 and 2.2, allow to identify only those opportunities that are of great importance to the organization, and they must be used and those threats that pose a very great danger to the organization.

The nine fields obtained within the matrix of opportunities (table 2.1) have different meanings for the organization. Highlighted only those that fell on the fields "ВС", "ВУ" and "SS" (upper left corner), and must be used.

Table 2.2 Probability / Impact Matrix for Positioning Environmental Threats

Those threats that fall on the "BP", "BT" and "CP" fields from Table 2.2 (upper left corner) pose a very great danger to the organization and require increased attention.

According to the table. 2.1 and 2.2, a list of the most significant opportunities and threats for JSC "Novosergievsk Mechanical Plant" from the external environment is drawn up.

To obtain a more complete picture, it is necessary to rank the obtained data in descending order of their degree of impact on the enterprise (Table 2.3).

Thus, it is revealed which of the certain external factors have the greatest positive or negative impact on the company. For the convenience of SWOT analysis, the number of opportunities and threats is limited.

Table 2.3 External opportunities and threats

3 Analysis of the internal environment

The internal structure (the production structure of JSC Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant is presented in Appendix No. 1), organizations are also called the internal environment. It includes the functional structures of the firm that provide management, development and testing of new services, promotion of goods to buyers, sales, service, relationships with suppliers and other external bodies. The concept of the internal environment also includes personnel qualifications, information transmission system, etc.

Thus, the analysis of the internal environment is a management survey of the functional areas of the organization in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, presented in table 3.2.

Studying the internal environment of the company, it is necessary to pay special attention to the organizational culture of the organization, i.e. the presence of such rules and regulations as, for example, material remuneration, benefits when buying their own products, and other social guarantees.

For a complete analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise of JSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant", it is necessary to investigate five functional areas:




Personnel management and general management.

Analyzing the organization of general management, it was noticed that the organizational structure of the company corresponds to the present situation and existing goals, in the future, when the strategy changes, the organizational structure will have to be modified.

Rights and responsibilities are assigned to employees who are responsible for a specific job. There are no violations of information flows, all departments clearly interact with each other, thanks to the use of systematic procedures and techniques in the decision-making process.

Table 3.1 Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization

Components of the internal environment



Very strong


Very weak


Reliable market monitoring

Well-functioning sales network

No supply disruptions

High price level

High level of service


High profitability

Financial stability


Wide range of products

Use of modern technologies

Management and personnel:

High quality control

Sufficient fame

Low qualification of personnel

The organization does not have a procedure for personnel participation in making any managerial decision. The company pays special attention to the recruitment and training of employees. Personnel are hired by their own means by placing advertisements about vacancies. Each new employee undergoes special training courses. The company has good career opportunities; salaries are higher than the industry average.

The company has a high business activity and is constantly expanding. An analysis of the company's financial statements showed that the company is experiencing stable growth.

The company does not aim to concentrate its activities on a specific type of product or a specific service or on a specific group of customers. The firm has a wide range of products and services, which includes four main groups.

The marketing department of the company (commercial department) makes every effort to collect information about the market, about the preferences of buyers, create an image of the company, and develop possible new directions in the provision of additional services. The current advertising policy is not always successful, because is focused mostly on attracting a larger number of potential buyers, and not on creating preferences among consumers or not on promoting their own individual competitive advantages.

Table 3.2 Strengths and weaknesses of the organization

4 Formation of the SWOT-analysis matrix

Based on the analysis of the external and internal environment, we obtained a list of opportunities and threats, as well as strengths and weaknesses (Table 4.1).

Based on the results of the assessment, a generalized analysis matrix is ​​drawn up, where the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise's internal environment are located along the vertical axis, and the opportunities and threats of the external environment along the horizontal axis (Table 4.3).

Table 4.1 Strengths / Weaknesses and Opportunities / Threats



Reliable market monitoring

Well-functioning sales network

Wide assortment of goods

High quality control

Sufficient fame

High price level

Low qualification of personnel


Improving the living standards of the population

Implementation of innovations

Reduction of taxes and duties

Improving management

Bankruptcy and exit of competitors' enterprises

Changes in the rules for the import of raw materials

Decrease in the standard of living of the population

Increase in taxes and duties

Production failures

The emergence of new products of competitors

According to a five-point system, expert assessments of pair combinations "strong side - threat", "weak side - threat", "strong side - opportunity", "weak side - opportunity" are determined. With a higher score, the relationship is more significant.

Analysis of Table 4.2 allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The main threats to the enterprise are the emergence of new products of competitors and a decrease in the standard of living of the population.

2. The main opportunities are the introduction of innovations and improvement of management.

3. The main strengths are a wide range of products and sufficient publicity.

4. The main weak point is the high level of prices.

Table 4.2 Generalized SWOT Analysis Matrix


Improving the living standards of the population

Implementation of innovations

Reduction of taxes and duties

Improving management

The ruin and departure of the enterprises of producers-sellers

Changes in the rules for the import of raw materials

Decrease in the standard of living of the population

Increase in taxes and duties

Disruptions in the supply of products

The emergence of new competing products


Reliable market monitoring

Well-functioning sales network

Wide assortment of goods

High quality control

Sufficient fame


High price level

Low qualification of personnel

Having considered the capabilities of the Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant OJSC, its weak and strong sides, having analyzed the threats emanating from the external environment, it is possible to determine the company's strategy. The conclusions that can be drawn from the SWOT matrix are presented in table 4.3.

Table 4.3 SWOT Analysis Matrix

"Strength and Possibilities"

Entering new markets, increasing the range, adding related products and services will allow highly qualified personnel and sufficient publicity;

Professional development of personnel, quality control, unsuccessful behavior of competitors will make it possible to keep pace with the growth of the market.

"Force and Threats"

Increased competition, government policies, inflation and tax increases will affect the strategy's implementation;

Publicity will add competitive advantage;

Reliable monitoring will catch changes in consumer tastes.

"Weaknesses and Opportunities"

Non-participation of staff in making decisions about unemployment can lead to sabotage;

Reducing the level of prices, taxes and duties, while maintaining the average level of prices, will make it possible to receive super profits.

"Weaknesses and Threats"

The emergence of new competitors and high prices will worsen the competitive position;

Unfavorable government policies can lead to exit from the industry;

5. Determination of the main directions of the enterprise development

When conducting a SWOT analysis, special attention is paid to the Strength - Opportunities square and the Weakness - Threats square. Based on the data in the first square, strategies are formed to take advantage of the opportunities. Based on the data of the second, strategies are used to minimize weaknesses and help avoid threats.

A matrix of problems is compiled (table 5.1), in which the existing problems are formulated due to the combination of the strengths (weaknesses) of the enterprise with threats (opportunities).

Table 5.1 Ranking of enterprise problems by importance in points

To assess each of the problems from table 4.4, a "problem field of the enterprise" is built (table 5.2), which is a matrix similar to the generalized matrix of SWOT analysis (table 4.2), but at the intersection of rows and columns of which the problem number is placed in order from table 5.1 (P / p) overlapping this cell. The assessment of the problem, which is presented in Table 5.1, is equal to the sum of expert assessments of the cells from Table 4.2, overlapped by the problem under consideration in Table 5.2. For example, for problem no. 1 “Increase in sales”, 10 cells are marked in table 5.2. The sum of expert assessments of these cells according to table 4.2 is 46 points. The ranking of issues in the last column in Table 5.1 is in descending order of ratings. Basically, any cell in Table 5.2 can be labeled with more than one problem. The scores from table 4.2 in this case are used in the same amount for each problem.

Table 6. Analysis of the internal environment




· Availability of innovations and development of innovations;

· Equipping with new high-tech equipment;

· High quality of services provided;

· Lack of quality control of service;

· The share of low-income social transportation;


· Developed marketing system;

· Market share of transport services;

· price policy;

· Lack of feedback from consumers;

The end of the table. 6

· The possibility of reducing costs;

· Profit planning;

· Change in the composition of shareholders;

· Reasonable prices;

· Insufficient investment;

· The results of operations are affected by changes in the foreign exchange and financial markets;


· Developed management structure;

· Corporate governance;

· Complex implementation structure;

· High qualifications and experience;

· Effective staff motivation;

• staff turnover and absenteeism;

· High training costs.

Organizational culture

· The prestige and image of the organization;

· High cohesion of personnel;

· Motivation and support of employees;

· Staff reduction in case of financial difficulties;

Based on the table. 6, we can conclude that the Russian Railways company successfully exists in the transport services market, which is due to such signs as an increase in net profit, highly qualified personnel, high quality control, and more. But there are also parties that can adversely affect the organization. Thus, when drawing up a strategic plan, managers need to pay attention to these factors in order to increase the competitiveness of Russian Railways in the transport services market.

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is one of the most important stages of a marketing plan. It is carried out for the activities of the company as a whole, as well as for certain products, market segments, geographic areas. With a SWOT analysis, the manager can focus on the facts without wasting time on functional questions.

Let's conduct a SWOT analysis using the example of Russian Railways. Before drawing up a SWOT matrix, we will form a summary table for analysis (Table 7).

Table 7. Summary table of SWOT analysis


· Growth in the quality of services;

· Increasing long-term efficiency and financial sustainability in order to increase the scale of transport production in Russia;

· Creation of international transport corridors;

· Stability of the economic situation;

· Increasing the economic responsibility and interest of all employees in improving the financial and economic results of the corporation through a new mechanism of motivation;

Improvement of the legal framework in terms of regulation of transport services and tariffs

· Good prestige of the organization;

· Effective cost management based on information technology;

· Increased competition and loss of highly profitable customers and markets;

· Outflow of highly qualified personnel;

· Limited effective demand of the population;

· Lack of tariff regulation;



· Availability of innovations, development of innovations;

· Speed ​​of customer service;

· Containment of costs due to the scale of production;

· Competent organizational structure;

· Highly qualified personnel;

· Positive opinion of customers;

· High share of low-income social transportation and fixed costs;

· High depreciation of fixed assets;

· Insufficient volume of current investments;

· Undeveloped feedback system;

Based on the data in the pivot table, we will create a SWOT matrix in which we compare strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats.

Table 8. SWOT Matrix



· Improving the quality of the services offered to enter new sales markets;

· Using highly qualified personnel of the marketing department, to expand the network of consumers.

· Improve the customer awareness system using information technology;

· Using new technologies to create international transport corridors;

· Using information technology and qualified personnel to improve the efficiency of cost management;

· To increase the flexibility of pricing policy;

· Using long-term experience in the market, attract young specialists to the company.

· Use new methods of motivation in order to attract new and retain existing highly qualified personnel;

· Using IT-technologies to expand the client base;


· Renewal of equipment to use new technologies;

· Increasing the level of profitability for entering the international market;

· To attract investments;

· The transition to a more profitable policy of the organization to reduce the threat with increasing costs of costs;

· Instability of foreign policy relations can lead to the loss of foreign assets;

Analyzing the SWOT matrix of Russian Railways, we clearly see:

1. what strengths can help in using emerging opportunities in the external environment and to counter threats;

2. what weaknesses can prevent the use of opportunities arising in the external environment and counteraction to environmental threats.



Faculty of Economics

Department of Agribusiness Economics and Foreign Economic Relations

Swot - analysis of JSC "Novosergievsk Mechanical Plant"

Completed: student of the 41st group

full-time education

specialty: accounting, analysis and audit

A. V. Kuzmina

Checked by: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Kislyakova M.D.

Orenburg - 2010

Introduction ………………………………………………………… .......... 3

1 Brief description of economic and financial activities of Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant OJSC …………………………… .... 6

2 Analysis of the external environment ………………………………………………… 7

2.1 Analysis of the legislation of the Orenburg region in the field of small and medium-sized businesses ............................................. 7

2.1 Macroenvironment ………………………………………………………… 12

2.2 Nearest environment …………………………………………… .13

3 Analysis of the internal environment …………………………………………… ... 18

4 Formation of the matrix of SWOT - analysis ..................... 21

5. Determination of the main directions of the enterprise development ……… .23

Conclusions and proposals ……………………………………………… ... 22

Appendices ………………………………………………………………


The main tool for regular strategic management or the matrix of good strategic analysis is SWOT.

SWOT is an abbreviation for the initial letters of English words:

Strengths - strength;

Weaknesses - weaknesses;

Opportunities - opportunities;

Threats are threats.

Thus, SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment).

Strength - a strong point: the internal characteristics of the company, which distinguishes this company from its competitors.

Weakness is a weak side: an internal characteristic of a company that looks weak (undeveloped) in relation to a competitor, and which the company can improve.

Opportunity - opportunity: a characteristic of the company's external environment (i.e. the market), which provides all participants in this market with the opportunity to expand their business.

Threat - threat: a characteristic of the external environment of the company (i.e. the market), which reduces the attractiveness of the market for all participants.

Based on a sequential consideration of these factors, decisions are made to adjust the goals and strategies of the enterprise (corporate, product, resource, functional, management), which, in turn, determine the key points of the organization of activities.

The procedure for conducting a SWOT analysis in general is reduced to filling out a matrix, which reflects and then compares the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats of the market. This comparison allows you to clearly define what steps can be taken to develop the company and what problems need to be paid special attention to.

This matrix provides company leaders with a structured information field in which they can strategically navigate and make decisions.

I would like to note that the external analysis, in addition to assessing the market situation, as mentioned above, should cover such spheres as economics, politics, technology, international situation and socio-cultural behavior, i.e. carried out in accordance with the GETS model, which means four groups of external pressure forces:

Government - government;

Economy - economy;

Technology - technology;

Society - society.

Internal analysis procedures can and should include an assessment of the uniqueness of resources and technologies, the main components of management, corporate culture, and, above all, the product itself, its quality.

Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in relation to the opportunities and threats of the external environment determines the firm's strategic prospects and the possibility of their implementation. It is clear that in this case there will be obstacles (threats) that must be overcome. This implies a reorientation of methods for managing the development of an enterprise from relying on already achieved results, mastered goods and technologies used (internal factors) to studying the restrictions imposed by the external market environment (external factors).

So, the SWOT analysis matrix is ​​a convenient tool for the structural description of the strategic characteristics of the environment and the enterprise. When constructing the matrix, the so-called "dichotomous procedure" was applied, which is used in many fields of knowledge (philosophy, mathematics, botany, socionics, computer science, etc.). Then the elements of the matrix are “dichotomous pairs” (pairs of mutually exclusive features), which allows to reduce the entropy of interaction between the environment and the system by describing the situation with a “large stroke”.

The purpose of the enterprise strategic analysis matrix must be clearly defined. The purpose of the SWOT analysis is to formulate the main directions of enterprise development through the systematization of the available information about the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as about the potential opportunities and threats.

Tasks of SWOT - analysis:

1. Identify strengths and weaknesses in comparison with competitors;

2. Identify opportunities and threats of the external environment;

3. Link strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats;

4. Formulate the main directions of the enterprise development.

We offer a simple and convenient case for compiling a SWOT analysis of an enterprise with a ready-made template in Excel format. The example of SWOT analysis considered in the article is suitable for any manufacturing enterprise, manufacturing company or non-profit organization.

If your company is a point of sale, then this article on SWOT analysis on the example of an enterprise is not very suitable for you. We recommend that you go to an example developed specifically for the trade industry. An example of a swat analysis of a store is suitable both for a stand-alone sales department, pharmacy, grocery store, and for a commercial enterprise and a large retail chain.

Comments from the author

This sample enterprise SWOT analysis includes a free sample to fill out. You can download the template at the end of the article in Excel format. The example is absolutely practical and even suitable for a non-profit organization: it contains extremely practical advice on compilation. If you are not completely familiar with the SWOT analysis method, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the so-called.

This SWOT analysis example is purely illustrative. The purpose of the example: to show the correct sequence of actions, to systematize the theoretical information about the method as much as possible and to help everyone compose their own SWOT analysis "from scratch".

So let's get down to the first step.

Features of enterprise SWOT analysis

When looking for strengths, weaknesses, threats, or growth opportunities in the swat analysis, keep in mind the following differences between a manufacturing company and a retailer:

  • No or limited direct access to the buyer, there are intermediaries
  • Makes decisions on product positioning and can set requirements for dealers regarding product sales conditions
  • May affect consumer qualities and product characteristics
  • May affect product packaging
  • Can adjust the price of a product
  • Has a budget to promote his product

Stage one: finding strengths and weaknesses

The first step is to consider all the options for strengths and weaknesses, and for each area, identify at least 3 parameters by which you can assess the competitiveness of the business.

Table 1 An example of finding strengths and weaknesses when compiling a swat analysis

In the second step, conduct additional generation of ideas for the strengths and weaknesses of the product by answering 6 questions:

  • What are the competitive advantages of the product?
  • What are the main reasons for buying a product?
  • What characteristics of the product help to set a higher price?
  • What are the main disadvantages of the product
  • List the main reasons for rejection of the product
  • What prevents you from setting a higher price for a product?

Table 2 Example of additional idea generation for enterprise SWOT analysis

As a result of the first two steps, you will receive a list of possible strengths and weaknesses of the company.

The third step analyze each selected factor:

  • highlight those factors that are key to market success
  • rank all factors according to the degree of influence on the company's sales and profits from 1 to ...
  • for each factor, compare your product with the products of key competitors: parameters according to which your product is better than competitors - the strengths of the product, and vice versa

Stage two: checking the importance of strengths and weaknesses

Not all of the listed strengths and weaknesses should be used in the swat analysis. Minor factors must be excluded. To do this, assess the importance of the selected parameters, assessing the impact of each parameter on customer satisfaction and on the company's bottom line.

Table 3 Example for assessing the importance of strengths

Table 4 Example of assessing the importance of weaknesses

As a result of the check, all insignificant parameters will be eliminated and the final rating of strengths and weaknesses will be ready.

Table 5 Summary list of strengths and weaknesses of the product

Stage Three: Seeking Growth Opportunities

List the possible sources of sales growth based on the information. Come up with additional sources of growth by answering 2 questions:

  • How else can the company increase sales?
  • What are the ways to reduce costs?

Stage Four: Testing the Reality of Each Growth Opportunity

We exclude unnecessary opportunities that do not affect business profits and customer satisfaction:

Table 7 Verification of Growth Opportunities

Stage Five: Search for Business Threats

List the possible threat options using the information. Consider additional business threats by answering 2 questions:

  • What other factors can affect the decline in the company's sales?
  • What other factors can affect the increase in production costs or decrease in profits?

Table 9 Preliminary list of threats to the company's competitiveness

Phase Six: Testing the Significance of Business Threats

We exclude unnecessary threats to business that do not affect business profits and customer satisfaction for 5 years:

Table 10 Checking the list of threats to business

Step seven: an example of compiling a SWOT analysis table

We transfer all the factors to the table of the swat analysis, keeping the importance rating.

Table 12 SWOT Analysis Table

Stage eight: writing conclusions from the SWOT analysis

We draw conclusions on the conducted SWOT analysis using the recommendations.

Table 13 Conclusions on SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is ready. If this example of an enterprise SWOT analysis was useful to you, please leave feedback.

Detailed video course

Have questions about drafting? Watch our best video course on SWOT analysis technique. The video course contains detailed information on how to prepare a SWOT analysis "from scratch", write high-quality conclusions and make a presentation of the work done to the management.

Part one: SWOT analysis, identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the product


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