Personnel reserve what is it. Why is it necessary to form a personnel reserve of the company. What about the documents

Formation of the personnel reserve of the organization- one of the procedures that allows you not only to quickly resolve the issue of replacing a manager or a specialist during his absence, but also to grow your own properly trained employee, suitable for holding a responsible position for a long time. Let us consider what the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve is.

What is talent pool

The personnel reserve is a list of persons who, due to their education, business qualities, experience and development prospects, are capable of performing functions at a higher level position than the one with which they are included in the personnel reserve. That is, people who have every reason for successful professional advancement are included in the reserve. This promotion, as a rule, involves the occupation of leadership positions and requires the candidate to meet certain characteristics.

The importance of the talent pool is determined at the federal level. This is evidenced by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the federal program" Training and retraining of the reserve of managerial personnel (2010-2018) "" dated 22.04.2010 No. 636-r, which says about the need to train highly professional managers for all spheres of state life in connection with with the ongoing fundamental socio-economic changes in the country. In the development of this document, a number of bills appeared that determine the process of creating personnel reserves in government agencies, orders of a similar content were issued or finalized for most ministries (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Transport, Roskomnadzor, FMS, Rosstandart, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Justice, Rosstroy, etc.).

Of course, the importance of the talent pool is also great for specific organizations that intend to work for a long time, have development prospects, and care about reducing the risks associated with replacing personnel, especially in key positions.

The talent pool can be both internal (at the expense of our own employees) and external (in which candidates are attracted from outside). The selection of external candidates is carried out, for example, from among:

  • employees registered under a GPC agreement;
  • internship students;
  • candidates considered for vacant positions.

Candidates included in the reserve may already fully meet the requirements for the position for which they are placed in the reserve. However, it also includes those who have a high potential for professional advancement, but do not have sufficient experience or the necessary training. As a rule, at least 2 candidates are selected for each position.

The list of candidates included in the reserve, at the discretion of the head of the organization, can be either open for review, or available to a limited number of people. Restricting access tends to reduce the likelihood of team conflict between the incumbent and his likely successor. On the other hand, informing the employee about his inclusion in the reserve serves as one of the motives for him for more successful work.

Objectives of work to create a personnel reserve

The creation of a talent pool has several goals:

  • ensuring the continuity of management with minimal loss of time and money in the process of personnel change, with a reduction in the period of adaptation of a specialist to a new position;
  • creation of a system for renewing management personnel, which allows to ensure an effective level of management that meets not only real modern requirements, but also is designed for future progressive changes in activities;
  • transferring the process of replacing managers and specialists on a planned basis;
  • identification of promising employees among those who have already proven themselves, familiar with the specifics of the organization's activities and targeted investment in their targeted training;
  • continuous monitoring of the professional qualities of employees, which allows not only to optimize the balance of power in the existing team, but also to form management personnel for new divisions without problems;
  • designation of real opportunities for professional growth for employees and, as a result, an increase in their interest in work;
  • reducing the number of mistakes made when assessing the business qualities of newly hired employees.

The formation of a personnel reserve and work with it is a rather difficult process, requiring the involvement of not only the head of the organization and the personnel service, but also other specialists (for example, heads of areas, a lawyer, a psychologist, a representative of a trade union). Therefore, most of the issues related to the personnel reserve are resolved collectively. That is, for this purpose, a permanent body (commission, committee) is created that develops decisions on specific issues related to the personnel reserve.

As a rule, in the organization that forms the personnel reserve, a document is developed and approved that regulates the procedure for creating a reserve and working with it: the regulation on the personnel reserve. Its content can be, for example, like this:

  1. Goals and objectives of the personnel reserve.
  2. General principles for creating a reserve.
  3. List of positions for which a reserve is formed.
  4. The procedure for the formation and renewal of the reserve.
  5. Selection criteria for candidates for the reserve.
  6. Training programs for personnel included in the reserve.
  7. Criteria and procedure for exclusion from the reserve.
  8. The procedure for analyzing the effectiveness of work with the reserve.

The regulation on the personnel reserve may contain appendices that disclose in detail individual issues or contain samples of those documents that are drawn up in the process of working with the reserve.

Stages of formation of the reserve and work with it

The formed personnel reserve requires periodic (at least once a year) revision of the list of persons included in it and updating of information relating to these persons. At the same time, both the initial formation of the reserve and further work with it involve the implementation of the following actions:

  • Analysis of the situation, preceding the actual work of creating or adjusting the reserve. For this:
    • the need of the organization and its specific subdivisions for new managers or specialists is assessed both for the short term (1-3 years) and for the long term;
    • a specific list of positions in the new (or updated) reserve is drawn up;
    • the presence of specialists already trained for replacement is determined;
    • the previously existing list is adjusted by excluding from it both persons who have already been used to replace personnel and, for whatever reason, have ceased to meet the criteria for inclusion in the reserve;
    • the effect of the existence of a previously created reserve is analyzed.
  • Selection of specific candidates for inclusion in the newly formed reserve, which is done on the basis of:
    • analysis of personal data, certification results, characteristics, manager's feedback on the work of a particular person;
    • interviews with an employee;
    • testing;
    • observing the behavior of the employee and his relationship with other employees;
    • assessment of indicators characterizing the current labor activity of the person scheduled for selection to the reserve, and the results of his performance of specific tasks;
    • certification of an employee;
    • consideration of the compliance of the revealed qualities with those requirements that apply to the position being replaced;
    • comparisons of results obtained for several candidates.
  • Formation of a list of a new reserve with a list of specific candidates for relevant positions. This list is distinguished by the following features:
    • one person can simultaneously be present in several parts of this document: for the short, realistically foreseeable and for the distant future with options, respectively, of the positions for which he is being considered;
    • it contains a maximum of information about each person who entered the reserve, including personal data, the results of attestation and observation of the candidate, an assessment of his potential, the date of entry into the reserve;
    • the inclusion in it of recommendations on the programs of advanced training of each of the specialists and marks on their passage.

The formed (updated) list of the personnel reserve is approved by the head of the organization and the higher authority (if any).

Further work with the personnel reserve is:

  • in the periodic revision of the register;
  • in replenishing it with new data on candidates;
  • in the exclusion from the list of persons who have left the organization or have ceased to meet the necessary requirements for a candidate for a position;
  • in adjusting training programs for specialists;
  • in analyzing the effectiveness of the use of the register, predicting changes in it and working out options for situations with personnel that are unexpected for the current situation.

Selection of specialists for the reserve and their training

Persons can be considered as candidates for inclusion in the reserve:

  • those who independently proposed their candidacy;
  • nominated by the immediate supervisor;
  • identified by the results of assessment procedures (for example, attestation).

But in any case, they should be additionally subjected to the process of a comprehensive examination of their moral, business, communication qualities in order to identify the correspondence of these qualities to those necessary for inclusion in the personnel reserve with the prospect of occupying a certain position. Selection criteria vary, but usually include:

  • the presence of a certain education, experience and qualifications;

Requirements for these criteria for a particular profession contain documents such as professional standards. More about them - in the article "Law on professional standards from 2016 - recent changes" .

  • compliance with a certain age interval;
  • good health, emotional stability, self-confidence;
  • work experience in an organization that includes a candidate in the reserve;
  • demonstration of professionalism, responsibility, dedication, sustainable labor achievements in relation to the duties performed;
  • the ability to predict situations, plan work, including doing it in a short time;
  • the presence of interest in the work performed, a creative approach to it, a willingness to be independent and take risks;
  • active life position, striving for improvement and development, application of the knowledge gained during training in practice;
  • ability to work in a team, experience in leadership work, organizational skills, authority among colleagues;
  • the ability to argue your point of view and negotiate;
  • inclinations of a leader, sociability, flexibility in communication;
  • the desire to grow professionally and consent to be included in the reserve for a certain position;
  • the presence of the need for additional training, mentoring, trainings, the acquisition of certain experience and skills.

Most of these criteria are important for any leadership position, but depending on the specific position, the emphasis on them can shift. With a focus on one or another criterion, individual programs of education and training of candidates can be selected, aimed at developing their professional or personal qualities. On the other hand, the inclusion of a person in the personnel reserve in itself is already the basis for sending him to additional training, retraining, trainings or internships, and the organization has a need to draw up training programs. Training can be organized both by the organization and with the involvement of third-party organizations or specialists.

He receives additional practical experience of work directly in the position intended for the candidate, replacing the temporarily absent manager who holds this position. And such replacement is usually the rule for organizations that form a talent pool.

Of particular importance in the process of preparing a candidate for a position is his interaction with persons who are able to assess the state of the process of forming the necessary specialist and give him the necessary consultations and practical recommendations on training and behavior.

In any case, during the time spent in the personnel reserve, a person receives additional opportunities to expand his own horizons, gain new knowledge, new experience both in terms of professional and in relation to team leadership. This means that for the application of the knowledge and experience gained in practice, that is, for the manifestation of oneself as a specialist of a higher level, corresponding to the position planned for him in the personnel reserve, and perhaps worthy of consideration for a more significant position.

Rules for creating a reserve in a specific organization

Each specific organization is characterized by its own characteristics of the organizational structure and the presence of its own approach to creating a personnel reserve. Therefore, this process is always highly individual. The organization must independently:

  • to form a body that will deal with the issues of the personnel reserve;
  • develop an internal document on the procedures for creating and updating the reserve, having worked out in detail all the key points related to these procedures;
  • create effective mechanisms for implementing the rules for working with the personnel reserve.

With a serious approach to these issues, the creation of a personnel reserve will serve as the basis for optimizing the number of personnel and reasonable personnel planning.


The creation of a personnel reserve in the organization is aimed at updating the composition of managers and specialists at the expense of its own (less often - involved) employees. Inclusion in this reserve requires a candidate for a position to have certain qualities and implies the possibility of his special preparation for this position through additional education and training. The organization develops the list of positions to be filled, requirements for candidates and the procedure for working with the reserve independently.

Appointment of the head of an organization or structural unit, promotion of a specialist to a managerial position should not be carried out spontaneously due to an unexpected vacancy in the company, but systematically, on the basis of smooth replacement of the vacant position of the head. If a company vacates the president's seat and it is forced to invite a specialist to this position from outside, the latter needs three to six months to get acquainted with the affairs of the organization, from one to three years to become recognized as "their own", and from two to five years, to imbibe the culture of the company. Employees who previously worked for the company do not have such problems.

The advantage of creating a talent pool is to meet the current, short-term and medium-term needs of the organization for employees to fill key positions, reduce the time and cost of filling vacancies, and systematically and purposefully develop personnel. Therefore, the development of the labor career of managers, carried out on a planned basis, is more effective. If an organization is not able to form an effective reserve of managers from among its employees, then this is already a sign of its weakness, ineffectiveness of the personnel development strategy.

Under personnel reserve understand the group of employees selected for promotion to managerial and key positions based on the results of assessing their professional, business and personal qualities, have shown themselves positively in the organization and have undergone appropriate training to embrace these positions.

Depending on the approaches to the formation of the composition of managers, two types of personnel reserve are distinguished: internal and external.

The internal personnel reserve is formed from the company's employees. It is divided into

Management reserve (vertical vector) - employees capable of a vertical career;

Operational - employees who are able to take leadership positions in the near future (vertical vector)

Strategic - employees potentially capable of performing managerial duties (vertical vector)

The reserve of key specialists (horizontal vector) - employees who demonstrate high professionalism, have unique knowledge, mentoring ability and effective horizontal career.

The external personnel reserve is formed from the following:

Graduates of specialized educational institutions who have successfully completed an internship in the company;

Candidates were interested in HRs, but for some reason did not come to work in the company at the time of the interview on employment; candidates, information about which was obtained on the basis of monitoring the achievements and career development of key industry specialists.

The advantages of the internal talent pool are that the reservist is well acquainted with the organization, its structure, corporate culture, has personal contacts with work colleagues, and is less prone to enticement to other companies. The disadvantages of the internal talent pool include the fact that the reservist is not always an authority among colleagues, sometimes does not show interest in innovation. Often, a company cannot find a worthy candidate for admission to the reserve at all, and then managers rely on the vicious principle of "even a bad one, and one of their own."

The advantage of the external talent pool is the ability to select the best specialists from organizations in the region or type of economic activity. The disadvantages include the fact that reservists will need a lot of time to successfully adapt in the organization, significant funds are spent on the selection of a specialist, moreover, they are more prone to poaching to other companies.

By type of activity, they are distinguished:

Development reserve - a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new directions (with diversification of production, development of new products and technologies). They can choose one of two career directions - horizontal or vertical;

Functioning reserve - a group of specialists and managers who must ensure the effective functioning of the organization in the future. These workers are focused on leadership careers.

By appointment time, there are:

Group A - candidates who can be nominated for leadership positions right now;

Group B - candidates who are planned to be nominated in the next one to three years.

By appointment to a position, the following types of reserve are distinguished: successors of specific leaders, a reserve of leaders for promotion.

Successors are usually chosen for leaders who have reached the age limit or for those who have the prospect of moving quickly to a higher position. A nomination reserve is created to fill vacant positions in any division of the company.

The main tasks of the formation of the personnel reserve:

Identifying among the employees of the organization persons who have the potential for appointment to a managerial or key position;

Training of persons enrolled in the reserve of managers for leadership positions;

Ensuring the timely replacement of vacant positions of managers from competent and capable of managerial work employees;

Attracting younger workers to key positions;

Creation of conditions for the continuity and sustainability of management of the organization and its divisions.

The formation of the personnel reserve is based on the following principles:

Relevance of the reserve - the need to fill positions should be real;

Correspondence of the candidate to the position and the type of reserve - requirements for the qualifications of a candidate for a specific position;

Candidate prospects - focus on professional growth, educational requirements, age qualification, length of service and career dynamics in general, state of health.

In addition, the formation of the talent pool should be continuous and flexible in accordance with the requirements of production, coordinated with other areas of work with personnel.

The preparation of the personnel reserve is a rather complicated process that requires constant attention from the first head of the organization, the personnel service at all stages of the formation of the reserve. The difficulty of forming a reserve of employees lies in the reluctance of the heads of structural divisions of the organization to enroll promising specialists in the reserve due to fears of replacing the best employee with their potential competitor, in determining the optimal number of reservists for the organization, as well as assessing the potential of candidates for the personnel reserve.

The formation of the personnel reserve should begin with the development of regulations on work with the personnel reserve in the organization. The regulation should be a normative act that defines the goals, objectives, principles and procedure for working with the talent pool.

The regulation defines a list of key positions for which the organization wants to have a trained personnel reserve. This list includes primarily the positions of managers that have an impact on the competitiveness of the organization and the achievement of strategic goals. The key positions include the positions of the first head, his deputies, heads of branches and structural divisions. The number and structure of key positions are influenced by the size and specificity of the organization's activities. In large corporations, their number can range from 20 to 250 people.

However, the organization's talent pool is not limited only to key management positions at the highest and middle management levels. The effective functioning of enterprises is also facilitated by the inclusion in the personnel reserve of managers of the lower level of management, professionals from leading departments with good training and potential for horizontal career growth.

The stages of the process of forming a reserve of managers in the organization are shown in Fig. 12.3.

To determine the additional need for managers in the context of structural divisions of the organization and positions, the personnel service, together with the first head, should analyze in detail the state of use of managers, taking into account age, prospects of professional and qualification promotion, personal interests, health status of each of the leaders and, on this basis, determine the possible terms releasing each of them.

If the number of reservists is not enough, then this can complicate the timely replacement of leaders, drop out of the organization. And vice versa, an excessive reserve of managers leads to a deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the work collective, the emergence of conflict situations, increases the turnover of personnel among reservists, since their expectations regarding the vertical type of career in the organization are not realized.

Rice. 12.3. Stages of the process of forming a reserve of managers in the organization

Determination of the additional need for managers should be carried out on the basis of the balance sheet calculation of the organization's additional need for specialists and the sources of its support. At the same time, the expected changes in the management scheme, the introduction of new positions of managers in accordance with the development strategy of the organization, the opening of new divisions, branches, the dynamics of the external environment, changes in competing firms should be taken into account.

The results of determining the additional need for leaders should be reflected in the plans for replacing the leaders of the organization. These plans should contain individually tailored schemes for filling managerial positions. The individually oriented schemes are based on typical replacement schemes for managerial positions.

In a typical career path, positions reflect:

The range of rotation, which is determined using typical models of promotion to a leadership position and models of leadership rotation;

The needs for the development of the managerial potential of the personnel;

Management Capacity Development Program;

Standard methods for evaluating and selecting employees, requirements for the "ideal" manager within the rotation range.

Justification of the requirements for candidates for each managerial position of the organization is of great importance in the process of forming a pool of managers. Without a clear idea of ​​what competencies, qualities (degree of professional suitability) future managers should have, the organization will not be able to properly implement a preliminary recruitment of candidates for the reserve, study and evaluate applicants.

In order to study and evaluate applicants, it is advisable to use professional standards, profiles of professional competence of positions, portraits of ideal leaders, professiograms and psychograms. They should contain requirements for organizational skills, ability to learn and develop, neuropsychic adaptability, stress resistance, communication skills and other personal qualities, knowledge in the field of economics and management, law, psychology, sociology, skills, skills necessary for an employee to work effectively in leadership positions.

Among other qualities, abilities and skills, initiative, exactingness, diligence, responsibility, activity, and efficiency play a special role. Personal qualities and intelligence are characterized by systemic analytical thinking, flexibility, the ability to quickly respond to changes in the situation and decision-making, adherence to principles, the ability to plan and organize work, delegate authority, negotiate, convince and defend one's own opinion, style of behavior in conflict situations, etc.

Competency models of managers can contain the following scales of their levels of competence development: level of understanding, basic, average, strong and leadership.

At the same time, building ideal models of strong leaders has not yet yielded tangible results. There are times when employees with a "good" set of qualities manage directly, and vice versa, strong leaders have a "bad" or "mediocre" set of qualities. Therefore, it is proposed to forecast the professional suitability of a manager through the identification of an effective individual management style. For predicting successful management activities, assessing the general ability for the manager's profession is more important than a similar assessment of the qualities and individual abilities of the manager.

Work with the previous set of candidates for the reserve of managers can be carried out when:

Teaching students in senior courses of higher educational institutions;

One-year internship and production adaptation of young specialists in the company for three years after graduation from educational institutions;

Work of an employee as a manager of the lowest level of management (foreman, head of a section) with the aim of promoting him to the reserve for the positions of line or functional managers of the middle level of management;

Work of an employee as a head of the middle level of management of the organization with the aim of promoting him to the reserve for the positions of managers of the highest level of management.

For a preliminary recruitment of candidates for the reserve of leaders in the organization, the following sources of information can be used:

Materials of the results of the production adaptation of a young specialist after three years of his work in the organization;

Results of periodic current and non-periodic appraisals and certifications of personnel;

The results of the production activities of the structural unit, which is headed by the candidate for nomination to the reserve of managers of the middle or top management level;

Materials of the candidate's personal file;

Data on education, level of professional training and qualifications, work experience of the candidate for the reserve of managers;

Results of qualification improvement or retraining of the candidate;

Feedback on candidates for the reserve of their immediate supervisors, subordinates, work colleagues, heads of related structural units, personnel service workers, customers and suppliers, etc.

The formation of a reserve of managers, the study and assessment of applicants should be carried out on the basis of the use of various assessment methods. When assessing the complexity of the work of candidates for the reserve, the technological complexity of the labor process, the diversity, complexity of work, the independence of the work, the scale and complexity of management, and additional responsibility are taken into account.

Evaluation of the work results of candidates for the reserve should be carried out on the basis of a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators. At the same time, not only the volume of work performed in accordance with the current norms of time, the quality of work, but also creative activity are taken into account.

When evaluating personnel, predictive, practical and training methods are used. Predictive methods assessments of candidates for the reserve require: analysis of documentary materials, structured and unstructured interviews, the use of various methods of employee assessment, including certification and certification of personnel, questionnaires, classification and ranking, assessment of a decisive situation, benchmark, testing, etc.

So, the questionnaire method involves the use of a set of questions or statements regarding personal characteristics, behavioral characteristics and relationships of the candidate for the reserve with other employees, and the like.

Among the predictive methods, a special place is occupied by various comparison methods, tests and instrumental techniques that determine the general and individual abilities of a candidate for a reserve for managerial activity. The implementation by psychologists or a professional consultant of professional selection among candidates for the reserve of managers allows to make a somewhat reasonable conclusion about the correspondence of the characteristics of the candidate to the requirements of the future position of the manager.

Underestimation in the organization of professional selection leads to the fact that people are sometimes appointed to managerial positions whose psychophysiological and socio-psychological characteristics do not meet the requirements for administrators. There are cases when a young specialist, not a lot of management skills, changed his practice in the position of the head of a structural unit, failed to direct the efforts of the labor collective entrusted to him, does not fulfill plans for the production of products or the provision of services, cannot eliminate conflict situations, and the like. Sooner or later they get rid of such a leader.

At the same time, the selection for the position of a manager of a specialist who has the necessary abilities for managerial activity makes it possible in many cases to turn a backward enterprise into an advanced one. Moreover, such changes are achieved not due to excessive own labor efforts, but due to the rational organization of production and labor.

However, using various methods of psychological testing, especially tests for assessing the abilities of a candidate for the reserve of managers, one should take into account their imperfection, in particular, a weak predictive ability. On the basis of one or two tests, it is impossible to draw a reasonable conclusion about the suitability of a specialist for managerial work. To determine aptitude, a "battery of tests" is needed, which allows one to assess a number of qualities or individual abilities of a candidate. Based on this, psychological assessment should complement expert assessments, the desired coincidence of their results. The tests should correct the assessments of qualities and abilities obtained using practical and educational methods for assessing the personality of a candidate for the reserve of leaders.

TO practical methods evaluations include: evaluation of the work results of the nominated candidate for the reserve by the head of a group of workers who perform temporary work and do not have a formal fixation in the organizational structure of the enterprise; fulfillment by the reservist of the duties of a manager who is on a business trip, vacation or is sick; the results of the internship, the work of the supervisor's understudy, and the like.

Instructional Methods assessments of candidates for the reserve provide for the use of such forms of training: consideration of practical situations, group discussions, role-playing games, business games, etc. Assessment of an employee in this case is carried out when he solves specific training tasks provided for by active forms of personnel training.

The essence peer review method lies in the fact that experts from among the top managers of the organization and personnel service specialists evaluate each candidate for the personnel reserve. In some cases, to assess them, the organization may use the services of employees of the Assessment Center or consulting companies. In doing so, it is important that the assessment is carried out on the basis of the results of the application of predictive, practical and educational methods.

This makes it possible to reduce the degree of subjectivity in the assessment of experts when determining candidates for the reserve of managers. As evidenced by the practice of Inkom-Nedvizhimost corporation (Moscow), strict selection is an undoubted PLUS, and from different positions: both the quality of the personnel reserve, and its style and motivation of the participants.

The selection and approval of candidates for the reserve of managers is carried out by the top managers of the organization with the participation of employees of the personnel service in conditions of confidentiality. In some companies, employees are reported to be included in the executive pool, while others keep this information secret. The advantage of the first approach to the formation of a reserve of managers is to enhance the motivation of the reservist and the ability to organize his purposeful preparation for managerial activities.

Thus, the Regulations on the Presidential Personnel Reserve "New Elite of the Nation" stipulate that information on the Presidential personnel reserve, persons enrolled in it, vacancies in this reserve is posted on the website of the Official Internet Representation of the President of Ukraine. The decision-making is reported by the management at the place of work of the enrolled employee. A similar procedure is established by the Typical procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve in local government bodies.

A definite advantage of the second approach to the formation of a personnel reserve is the reduction of the likelihood of potential conflicts between the manager and his successor and unnecessary excitement around the process of forming the reserve. But a significant drawback of this approach is the inability to organize targeted training of reservists. Therefore, its use is inexpedient not only in executive bodies, but also in non-state enterprises and companies.

In the civil service, local government bodies make up lists of persons enrolled in the personnel reserve (add. 5, 6). Similar work is carried out in many organizations of the corporate sector of the economy (add. 7). The lists indicate the position for which a person from the reserve is proposed, indicating the name of the unit or position for which the reserve is formed. Such a procedure sometimes complicates the relationship between the immediate supervisor and the reservist, reduces the interest of the heads of structural divisions of organizations in the formation of an effective reserve.

Improving the relationship between the reservist and his leader should contribute to the formation of a reserve of leaders, mainly not for a specific position (successors of specific leaders of the organization), but for the official level or a reserve for promotion. In a large enterprise, for example, it is possible to organize group training of managers at the lower level of management for positions of managers at the middle level of management, which makes it possible to expand the rotation of personnel, increase the mobility and quality of filling vacant managerial positions, and prepare a timely reserve for the innovation of structural units.

In organizations, the personnel reserve is formed based on the positions indicated in the list of their positions in the personnel reserve. In particular, the Regulation on the formation of a personnel reserve for the civil service stipulates that the personnel reserve is formed:

From the People's Deputies of Ukraine;

Heads and specialists of enterprises, institutions, organizations;

Employees of executive authorities and local self-government bodies;

Civil servants who have improved their qualifications have completed an internship or, according to the results of the assessment, are recommended for work in higher positions;

Graduates of higher educational institutions, including those enrolled in training in educational and professional programs for the preparation of masters of public administration.

For each position of a civil servant, the personnel reserve is formed on the basis of the following calculation: for the position of the head - at least two people. Private and collective enterprises, corporations solve this issue at their own discretion, based on their financial capabilities. At the same time, one should proceed from the fact that too large a personnel reserve per position in the organization will unjustifiably increase its expenses on the development of managers and talented young specialists. To increase the efficiency of the formation of a reserve at non-state enterprises of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, it is advisable to develop guidelines for the formation of a personnel reserve for non-state enterprises.

It is advisable to include persons no older than 30 and 35-40 years old, respectively, in the personnel reserve of the lower and middle levels of management in organizations, and the personnel reserve of the highest management level - up to 50 years. Thus, the Regulations on the Presidential Personnel Reserve "New Elite of the Nation" stipulate that citizens of Ukraine who, on the day of submission of documents, have not reached forty years of age, are allowed to participate in the selection of candidates for this reserve.

In organizations, the selection of candidates for the personnel reserve is recommended to be carried out on a competitive basis, and in some cases, the mandatory selection of candidates on a competitive basis is provided for by the relevant regulatory legal acts. In particular, such a condition is established by the Regulations on the Presidential Personnel Reserve "New Elite of the Nation".

Enrollment in the personnel reserve of the organization is approved by order or order of the head. After the approval of the personnel of the reserve, individual development plans for each individual reservist are drawn up, on the basis of which further work with the personnel reserve is carried out.

The personnel service, together with the heads of the organization's divisions, monitors the training of reservists. Based on its results, the composition of the reserve is reviewed at the end of the year. For certain reasons, including in connection with dismissal from work, for health reasons, due to insufficient work to improve the level of qualifications or retraining, individual reservists may be excluded from the reserve. Exclusion from the list of the personnel reserve is made out by order or order of the head of the organization.

The period of stay of an employee in the reserve for the same job level, as a rule, should not exceed five years. If the appointment of a reservist (successfully trained) to a managerial position is postponed to a later date, then the organization faces the problem of retaining such a reservist for itself, preventing his demotivation and moving to another enterprise in order to find a promising job.

Reservists who have not yet been appointed to a new position can be motivated by material incentives, status and labor motivation, in particular by attracting them to the development of new projects. It is worth expanding the functional responsibilities of reservists, their areas of responsibility and the level of managerial decision-making, organizing temporary replacements of the head (during vacation, business trip, illness), establishing allowances and additional payments to wages, providing additional social benefits in the social package of the enterprise, and the like.

It is also advisable to use such methods of non-material incentives for reservists, such as presenting them with certificates, diplomas with honors, announcing gratitude, providing moral support from the leaders of the organization, and the like.

The degree of preparedness of a reservist before being appointed to a managerial position is determined taking into account the state of preparation of an employee for management activities, the implementation of an individual development plan, the results of the last certification or certification of personnel, authority in the team, and the level of his professional maturity. After the appointment of an employee to a managerial position, his production adaptation begins in a new position, during which the effectiveness of the formation of the reserve is assessed.

To increase the effectiveness of professional and qualification promotion of managers, it is necessary in the organization to provide favorable conditions for their production adaptation to a new position, to provide them with sufficient information about the specifics of work in this position, communication with managers of a higher level of management, colleagues, equal in rank and subordinates, to carry out monitoring the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and practical skills that may be needed in new, higher management positions. In this regard, the support of a higher-level manager is important for leaders of the lower and middle levels of management.

An increasing number of managers of modern Russian companies are now paying their attention to finding the most effective ways to train specialists within the company who, if necessary, can take leadership positions at various levels. This is primarily due to the fact that every year it becomes more and more difficult to attract leading personnel from outside. In the labor market for this category of personnel, a situation often arises when the number of offers exceeds the demand or the level of training of managers interested in finding a job does not meet the requirements for a managerial position in a particular company.

Yes, the struggle for talent among developing companies is very serious, no one intends to give up their positions, and Head hunting specialists in the HR service of large companies are not uncommon for a long time. Is there a need to get involved in such a struggle if the company has all the opportunities for independent training of future leaders? The answer suggests itself, and in this case we are talking about the formation within the company personnel reserve, capable of filling the company's need for managers of various levels in the event of corresponding vacant positions.

The need may be associated not only with the current movement of personnel, but also with the company's development strategy, since when planning business development, company leaders must determine what resources will be required to perform strategic tasks. And in this case, human resources, namely specialists and managers who are ready and capable of performing important tasks for the company, play a decisive role.

What is personnel reserve And How this is may look like if a process is needed formation of a personnel reserve within a specific company?

Personnel reserve(reserve for filling managerial positions) - this is a group of company employees who have achieved positive results in their professional activities and have been selected special team based on the assessment of knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities. This group then undergoes the necessary training for subsequent promotion to management positions in the company, if the need arises.

For company managers, the issue of forming a talent pool for filling managerial positions, as a rule, becomes relevant in the following situations:

  1. The company is successfully developing, opening up new areas of activity and there is a need for competent managers who are ready and able to lead these areas.
  2. The company is experiencing difficulties in the process of attracting managers from outside, since its activities have complex specifics and require candidates for managerial positions at the entrance to a certain level of qualifications and the presence of special knowledge.
  3. The company is interested in retaining young growing specialists with leadership potential, demonstrating high results in their work, interested in professional development and ready to contribute to the development of the company.
  4. The company strives to create a strong team of managers who are well aware of the internal technologies of work, the specifics of the business, who are able to adapt to changes in a short time and provide an effective solution to their tasks.

The very process of forming a talent pool for managerial positions of the company requires special attention from its management, HR specialists, line managers and represents several successive stages of work (see below the diagram of the process of forming a talent pool):

1. Determination of the goals and objectives of the formation of a personnel reserve in the company.

This is one of the key stages in the process of forming a talent pool, when company leaders must answer two questions that determine all subsequent activities:

“Why does the company need a personnel reserve?”, “How to conduct an effective selection and subsequent training of the company's personnel reserve?

Answering these questions, it is important to understand that the personnel reserve of the company is not created according to the principle: "That was, and suddenly it will come in handy ...". This is a real tool in the hands of the head of the company, which allows building an effective personnel management system, reduce the cost of attracting and adapting new employees to management positions, influence the motivation of permanent employees and ensure the successful development of the company as a whole. Therefore, the key goals and objectives of the formation and training of the personnel reserve should not only be clearly defined at the management level, but also subsequently brought to the attention of all employees of the company.

At this stage, it is also important to determine the basic rules and principles for the formation of a personnel reserve:

  • the procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve;
  • principles of formation of groups of personnel reserve;
  • the composition and powers of the commission for work with the personnel reserve;
  • rules and procedure for making a decision on enrollment in the personnel reserve;
  • formation of a professional training program for the personnel reserve;
  • the procedure for withdrawal (exclusion) from the personnel reserve;
  • the procedure for appointing a candidate from the personnel reserve to a managerial position.

These rules and principles are spelled out in detail in the "Regulations on the formation of the personnel reserve" - ​​an internal document of the company, which regulates all work with the personnel reserve at each stage.

2. Determination of the number and job structure of the personnel reserve.

Of course, the staff of managers of even the largest company has its own framework, and the company's desire for development has its limits, therefore, when starting to form a reserve for managerial positions in the company, it is important to clearly determine the need for personnel in this category for the near and long term, taking into account the following factors :

  • the emergence of additional or new leadership positions;
  • opening of vacant positions related to the natural retirement of personnel for various reasons.

It is advisable to create a personnel reserve for all management positions of the company and its divisions, but, first of all, for key positions, the number of which in large companies ranges from 30 to 200 units.

Thus, it is important for the management of the company to determine which specific management positions are key, that is, they have a special impact on the effective operation of the company. At the same time, for each position in the reserve, it is recommended to have at least two candidates, since this allows, firstly, not to get stuck in a situation in which a candidate from the reserve for some reason cannot take a position when the need arises, but, in - secondly, the second candidate will always stimulate the first to more active development and vice versa. However, it should be remembered that it is very difficult to work with a large reserve, and the low probability of appointment to the position can demotivate an employee who is on the reserve.

3. Determination of qualification requirements and development of a competency model for managerial positions in the personnel reserve.

"He is a good marketing specialist, I am happy with his work, should I appoint him as the head of the department?" As you know, such a decision of the head of the company will not always be correct, because in addition to the professional knowledge in the field of marketing that a good specialist possesses, the head of the marketing department must have a set of managerial competencies that allow effectively organizing the work of the unit and successfully performing other functions of the head. If the presence and level of development of a specialist in managerial competencies before being appointed to a managerial position is not assessed accordingly, then the likelihood that a good specialist will not cope with the functions of a manager will be very high. That is why, when forming a personnel reserve for managerial positions of the company, it is necessary to accurately determine the criteria for further assessment of candidates for these positions, namely:

  • Qualification requirements for the position for which candidates are enrolled in the reserve are the permissible level of education, the necessary work experience, the presence of special knowledge and skills.
  • A set of required competencies, namely a competency model for a managerial position or a unified competency model for managerial positions in a company. If the company has not previously conducted modeling of competencies, then at this stage it is recommended to carry out this work, since it is the competency model developed for a specific position, or a unified model of competencies for management positions of the company that will allow to evaluate candidates according to the same criteria, to determine their strengths sides and development zones, as well as draw up individual development plans, taking into account the existing level of development of each competence. A competency model can be developed in a company, both on its own and with the involvement of external consultants - representatives of a consulting company, but most importantly, it should be based on the specifics of work in a managerial position, contain no more than 8 key competencies, define clear behavioral indicators for each competencies at the levels of the corresponding development scale.

4. Carrying out the procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve.

There are several approaches to the procedure for selecting candidates for the talent pool, based on the initial assessment of personnel. For example, in some companies, the selection of candidates for the talent pool is based on the results of the annual attestation of personnel, while situations often arise when an employee does not even know that he is already in the talent pool of the company. Other companies develop and conduct a specialized personnel assessment procedure in order to form the company's talent pool. However, one of the most effective methods of personnel assessment, allowing to identify potential candidates for the personnel reserve, is today the Assessment Center method. The existing experience of the Assessment - centers and reviews of the heads of HR - services of companies show that the validity of the results of the Assessment - center reaches 70%, and in some cases even 90%, due to the following features:

  1. The use of a complex of assessment technologies is a “volumetric assessment”, which is carried out according to a clearly developed scenario using a set of different assessment methods, each with its own advantages: testing, individual and group exercises that simulate real work situations, role plays and interviews on competencies.
  2. The key criteria for this assessment are clearly defined competencies and the necessary (acceptable) level of their development in the employee in accordance with a previously developed scale and indicators of behavior. In this case, the basis for the development of assessment criteria is a model of competencies of a specific job position or a unified model of corporate and managerial competencies of a company.
  3. In the course of the Assessment Center, the actual observed behavior of the employee is assessed, and not only the level of his theoretical training or assumptions about how he would act in a particular work situation.
  4. The duration of this assessment procedure is on average 2 days, and not 1-2 hours as in a regular certification interview.
  5. Several qualified observers are involved in the assessment, that is, a group of experts is created. Usually, for the organization and conduct of the Assessment Center, external consultants are invited - representatives of the consulting company, who are included in the group of expert observers together with representatives of the company's management, which minimizes the factor of subjectivity of evaluators. As a result of the assessment, this group of experts draws up an opinion on each employee by jointly analyzing the results of all assessment assignments and setting agreed final marks.

Based on the results of the Assessment Center, each employee is given detailed feedback on the assessment results: his strengths and development zones, prospects for further professional growth, and the necessary training. At this stage, the employee also finds out his desire for further professional and career growth in the company.

The results of the assessment of each employee become the basis for drawing up an individual plan for its development, which is developed jointly with the immediate manager of the employee and the head of the HR service.

Employees who received the best marks according to the results of the Assessment Center are included in the talent pool group. However, the conditions for enrollment in personnel reserve may provide an opportunity for an employee to enter the reserve not only having received the best marks, but also having average indicators. This is possible if the reserve, depending on the needs and capabilities of the company, provides for the presence of several groups:

  • The operational personnel reserve (back-ups) are candidates for managerial positions, the level of knowledge and professional training of which allows them to start working in a managerial position at the present time or in the near future.
  • The talent pool (development group) consists of experienced specialists who have been working in the company for several years and are interested in the prospect of promotion to higher positions, provided that they acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of management through specialized training.
  • Strategic talent pool, Haipo is(group "High - po" from English high - potential - high potential) young employees with leadership potential who will be able to take management positions in the company in 3-5 years, subject to gradual professional training. For this group of the personnel reserve, as a rule, a comprehensive professional development program is formed with a duration of several years, which includes not only a specialized training program, but also movement to various positions, contributing to gradual career growth.

5. Work with the personnel reserve of the company.

The personnel reserve has been recruited, the personnel reserve has been approved, individual development plans have been drawn up - but what next?

And then the company's management needs to form a talent pool training program that includes both work on individual development plans and training under a specialized professional development program that unites the training needs common to all candidates for the talent pool.

A specialized professional development program including business trainings, seminars, internships can be developed for each group of personnel reserve in conjunction with a business training company. The program is developed taking into account the existing level of professional training of candidates and may contain several sequential training modules aimed at the formation or development of knowledge and skills necessary for successful work in a specific leadership position.

A comprehensive program for training a personnel reserve for a managerial position may also include the following forms of training candidates:

  1. Joint work of a candidate for a leadership position and a mentor;
  2. Temporary performance of the duties of absent managers for the period of their business trips or vacations;
  3. Internship in a management position;
  4. Work in projects and execution of powers delegated by the immediate supervisor;
  5. Participation in working groups and meetings.

The fulfillment of individual development plans, the results of training employees in reserve, according to a specialized professional development program, as well as their involvement in tasks and activities related to a managerial position must be systematically monitored. As a rule, this function is assigned to the HR department and the immediate supervisor of the employee who is in reserve. In turn, the commission for work with the personnel reserve conducts a periodic assessment of the activities of each employee enrolled in the reserve at least once a year, after which it makes one of the following decisions:

  • the employee continues to be in the personnel reserve
  • the employee needs additional training, new training and business trainings, in connection with which adjustments are made to the individual development plan
  • an employee is excluded from the reserve due to unsatisfactory results in the implementation of an individual development plan

The selection of candidates from the reserve for appointment to a vacant leadership position is carried out by assessing the level of their professional training, the results of work according to an individual development plan, as well as the level of development of key competencies and correlating these results with the requirements for a vacant leadership position.

In the process of working with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to take into account the fact that during their stay in the reserve, employees undergo serious training and in order not to become a “forge of personnel” for other companies, it is necessary to timely make appropriate appointments to the position of the most prepared candidates from the reserve. Employees who are part of the personnel reserve of the company must feel their relevance and the real prospect of getting the desired position. To do this, their current abilities and potential should be maximally used by the company, and not "canned" until the required moment arrives. Otherwise, trained and trained employees will seek to apply their new knowledge and abilities outside the company.

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the system for the formation and training of a personnel reserve works effectively and is a real management tool only if it is included in a single personnel policy, is built on the basis of the company's development strategy and is supported by its management.

Diagram of the process of forming a personnel reserve

The basic principles of the formation of the personnel reserve are reduced to the following aspects:

  • relevance of the talent pool - the need for candidates from the talent pool should be objectively substantiated and reflect the needs of the enterprise;
  • conformity of the candidate from the reserve of the future position - the professional and competence requirements for the qualifications of the candidate for the position being replaced must be clearly defined;
  • the prospects of a candidate from the personnel reserve - focus on professional growth and development, determination of general requirements for the candidate.

In particular, when using the organizational and managerial model, the selection of candidates for the talent pool should take into account not only general requirements, but also professional requirements, as well as the expected assessment of the competence of the future manager in a new position.

The main sources for the formation of the personnel reserve in the organization are:

  • executives (to move up the management hierarchy);
  • chief and leading specialists (for management positions);
  • specialists with appropriate education and demonstrated high efficiency of their work;
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship (for long-term development with subsequent replacement in higher positions).

Formation of a personnel reserve

The formation of a personnel reserve is a systematic approach to the selection of specific employees of an organization for their further promotion within this organization.

The concept of forming a personnel reserve

This concept assumes the promotion to managerial positions of such employees who have professional competencies, demonstrate good performance and have certain leadership qualities. Accordingly, employees who have positive criteria-based assessments in only one or two areas do not fall into the talent pool, even if, for example, they are highly professional and efficient employees or can competently organize the work of their subordinates.

Depending on the adopted concept of work with the personnel reserve, the work carried out to assess the company's real needs for reservists, as well as the regulations and requirements for reservists, the company can resort to one of two models. In any case, the formation of a reserve is carried out by evaluating candidates and their development with subsequent appointment to certain positions in accordance with current needs and existing reserves.

With the direct model of the formation of the personnel reserve, a list of candidates for the personnel reserve is formed without taking into account the criteria-based selection. Instead of a preliminary assessment of reservists, it is made at the time of the need for a specific position. After checking candidates from the talent pool for filling vacant positions, the selected reservist undergoes an internship in the process of filling a vacant position, then a probationary period follows, following which he is approved in the position, or his candidacy is deemed inappropriate for approval in the position.

According to the three-tier model, the talent pool should be created on the basis of certain competencies that the employees selected for the talent pool must satisfy, which, in turn, should be confirmed by the results of the assessment of reservists. The use of the personnel reserve implies an increase in the professional level and the development of managerial competencies among reservists until the moment when they are needed. The effectiveness of the development of reservists is determined by the final assessment, according to the results obtained, target groups of reservists are formed, ready to be appointed to the position being replaced. For the rest of the reservists who did not pass the final assessment, the program for the development of the personnel reserve is being implemented by analogy with the previous stage, which again ends with the final assessment.

The models for the formation of the talent pool are applied within the framework of the personnel development system. This aspect is manifested in the principles of the relevance of the personnel reserve, the correspondence of the reservist to the requirements for the future position and the prospects of the reservist for future development in professional and managerial terms. As a result of the work on the implementation of the talent pool model is the formalization of the program for work with the talent pool, which includes an assessment of the need for a talent pool, regulations for requirements for reservists, assessment of candidates, development of reservists and their subsequent appointment to certain positions.

In modern conditions, companies proceed from a bi-directional strategy for the formation and development of a talent pool based on the operational and strategic need for reservists, taking into account the optimization of the number of the talent pool. In terms of assessing competencies, assessment procedures are applied, the result of which is to determine the level of development of the employee's assessed competencies. As a result, a reliable reflection of the level of success of a reservist is obtained within the framework of the position in which he is assessed. Relevant is the use of standard methods of training and development of the personnel reserve in the workplace and outside the workplace, including using distance learning systems.

The procedure for the formation of the personnel reserve

The main direction for the formation of the personnel reserve is vertical advancement in the internal hierarchy of the organization. As part of this, the promotion and further advancement of employees with certain professional skills and abilities that will allow them to effectively perform management tasks and make objective decisions are made. Less often, the formation of a talent pool is used for horizontal rotations when replacing employees in different branches or separate divisions of the same enterprise.

There are two models, depending on the goals of the formation of the talent pool:

  1. Organizational and structural.
  2. Organizational and managerial.

Each of them can be either simple or three-level.

Within the framework of the organizational and structural model, the personnel reserve is formed based on the planned changes that will be implemented within the existing organizational structure of the organization and in accordance with the staffing table. In fact, the talent pool is created based on the specific needs of the organization, which arise as a result of changes in the main activities or planned filling of vacant positions. In accordance with this model, the personnel reserve is formed for a specific definite period of time and upon its expiration must be fully used for the full staffing of the enterprise's staff.

The organizational and managerial model of the formation of a personnel reserve is based on the fact that the company determines the register of managerial positions that are of key importance for the main activities of the organization. In accordance with this register, a personnel reserve is formed for each of these positions, regardless of whether it is planned to replace the employees who occupy them or in the foreseeable future there is no clear need for this.

If in the organizational and structural model the talent pool is formed both from internal employees and from third-party candidates who are selected at interviews in advance, then the organizational and management model presupposes focusing exclusively on its own personnel. A fundamental difference is also the fact that the organizational and structural model allows you to manage the talent pool for positions of any level and scope of the organization, and the organizational and managerial model involves the creation of a talent pool only for administrative and managerial positions.

The choice of a model for the formation of a personnel reserve in practice is carried out on the basis of the tasks facing the enterprise, as well as depending on the available financial and time resources. In terms of its content, the organizational and structural model is a priori more efficient in terms of implementation time and less costly in terms of the expenditure of financial resources. The organizational and managerial model is more reliable and complex, allowing you to prepare and form a managerial reserve in advance and develop the required professional skills and qualities in future managers.

From the point of view of their purpose, the models for the formation of a personnel reserve are focused on creating conditions for the objective replacement of personnel, both private and administrative.

The organizational and structural model is used when one-time needs of the enterprise in replacing personnel arise, and the organizational and managerial model is more focused on improving the quality of management of intrafirm processes as a whole. However, the organizational and managerial model of the formation of a personnel reserve does not exclude the preparation of a comprehensive program based on the forecast of possible changes based on the trends prevailing at the enterprise in the field of replacement of managerial personnel.

The main disadvantages of these models, which have developed due to the objective features of the formation of the personnel reserve, can be considered the following:

  • low professional level of appointed reservists;
  • the long-term nature of the programs for working with the talent pool, fundamentally limiting the possibilities of the organization;
  • refusal to recognize the dependence of the formation of a personnel reserve on existing production and organizational needs;
  • the formalism of the formation of the personnel reserve.

In fact, these shortcomings appear in the event that there is no model for the formation of a personnel reserve as such. One of the manifestations of this situation is the presence of many documents that regulate the process, but the goals are not defined. As a result, the organization cannot objectively form a personnel reserve.

Work with the organization's talent pool

The result of the implementation of the talent pool models in the organization is a program of work with the talent pool, which includes the following elements:

  1. Development of employees included in the talent pool;

There are two main approaches to working with the talent pool.

The first approach is based on succession planning. This principle is focused on the fact that for all key positions, reservists should be prepared in advance, meet the established criteria, and their professional level should be improved in accordance with the personnel development strategy.

The second approach is focused on working with a group of employees with the highest professional potential. In this case, the talent pool program is aimed solely at promoting the most talented, competent, responsible and qualified employees. At the same time, they are included in the personnel reserve without reference to a specific position.

The main goals of work with the talent pool:

  • creation of conditions for quick replacement of key positions in the organizational structure by trained, qualified and loyal employees to the company;
  • motivation of the company's employees based on the creation of clear prospects for professional development and career growth in this company for literate and talented employees.

Thus, we can conclude that the program of work with the talent pool is closely related to the assessment system and within the company. At the same time, the development of a program for working with a talent pool makes it possible to reduce the total number of key positions for which reservists must prepare in advance, to transfer work with a talent pool to the application plane and to shorten the planning horizon to the medium-term period.

Preliminary procedures before the formation of the personnel reserve:

  • predict changes in the structure of the governing body;
  • improve the promotion of employees;
  • determine the degree of saturation of the reserve for each position or group of identical positions (how many candidates from the reserve are for each position or their group);
  • to determine the degree of provision with the reserve of nomenclature positions.

After that, the operational and strategic need for the reserve should be determined.

Indicators for determining the optimal number of personnel reserve

In the context of the application of personnel development methods, the talent pool allows you to select target employees who will become candidates of the first priority for filling key management positions in the event that there is an objective presence of such a need in the organization. The preparation of the personnel reserve allows the most effective use of personnel, optimize the selection and relocation of management personnel, and ensure the continuity of management. It seems advisable to use these conditions to ensure the successful operation of the company in the long term.

In modern conditions, standard methods that provide companies with loyal employees, for example, bonuses, bonuses, reimbursement of socially significant expenses, etc. practically do not work, since, in essence, they are no different from similar proposals of competitors. Forming a corporate interest among employees in further development, career growth and personnel advancement in this particular company becomes a difficult task.

At the same time, potential future administrative employees with a formed corporate interest interested in career growth and further advancement in the company represent a great potential for companies that, in their desire to use it, develop specialized programs aimed at stimulating the interest and motivation of employees.

The use of an internal talent pool for training management personnel is possible if two conditions are met:

  1. Availability of a valid business appraisal procedure;
  2. Organization of employee training.

Talent pool technology:

  • assessment of the managerial abilities of candidates for the reserve;
  • a specific procedure for enrolling employees in the personnel reserve;
  • how reservists are trained for future management activities, which imply a higher level of responsibility and leadership;
  • the timing of the training of reservists prior to appointment to the position;
  • issues of responsibility for work with the personnel reserve in terms of training management personnel.

Talent pool management

Talent pool management means the use of social and managerial technologies in an organization for the formation and use of a personnel reserve on the basis of an integrated system and formalization.

Only social and managerial technologies are capable of integrating the applied social technologies into an effectively operating system of work with a personnel reserve, which combine into a single complex technologies for social diagnostics of the processes of the state of personnel work, technologies for coordinated impact on these processes, technologies for determining the effectiveness of managerial impact and predicting expected consequences.

Talent pool management involves the development and implementation of technologies for sociological diagnostics, organizational and managerial impact and assessment of the effectiveness of reservists into the practice of organizing technologies. It should be noted that the management of the personnel reserve is based on the principle of the relevance of the reserve, that is, the need to fill positions must be real.

Inclusion in the reserve is based on three criteria:

  • availability of appropriate education;
  • manifestation of positive professional qualities in the process of work;
  • successful solution of management tasks at their level.

According to the standard structure, the talent pool program should include the following elements:

  1. Identification and analysis of the need to create a personnel reserve, taking into account the nature and nature of the need;
  2. Regulation of requirements for employees included in the personnel reserve;
  3. Evaluation of candidates for the personnel reserve;
  4. from those included in the personnel reserve;
  5. Appointment of reservists to certain positions in accordance with the needs of the organization in creating a personnel reserve.

Formalization of work with the talent pool includes three complex stages:

I. Analysis of the need for the reserve;

II. Formation of the reserve;

III. Training of reservists.

In accordance with these stages, management with a personnel reserve will correspond to the scheme.

Stage I. Analysis of the reserve requirement.

  1. Analyze the need for positions, predicting the change in the staff;
  2. Plan the optimal reserve, by determining the degree of provision of the reserve for key positions;
  3. Profiling target competencies that correspond to the competency model operating in the company, in accordance with the requirements of key positions.

Additionally, at this stage of talent pool management, it is necessary to determine the degree of reserve saturation for each key position and groups of key positions, i.e. how many candidates from the reserve should fall on each position and in the group as a whole. Due to this, according to the results of the first stage, the current and future need for the reserve will be reliably determined.

To determine the optimal number of the personnel reserve, the following aspects should be worked out:

  • the need for management personnel for the short and medium term, planning also a longer horizon of up to five years;
  • the actual number of the reserve prepared at the moment for each of the key positions, regardless of where the employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;
  • the approximate and permissible percentage of retirement from the talent pool of individual employees, for example, due to non-fulfillment of the individual training program, in connection with departure to another region, etc.;
  • the total number of key positions to be filled.

When compiling reserve lists, the following points should be considered:

  • categories of positions that are basic for creating a reserve, differentiation of the reserve depending on the characteristics of the structural and criterial nature of the list of positions;
  • provide for the possibility of early selection of deputies for key positions in case of emergencies in which urgent replacement is required;
  • the determining factors should be the performance and professional level, as well as the level of education, which is important for assessing the prospects for further growth in the career ladder in all the assessed qualities.

Stage II. Formation of the reserve.

  1. Regulate the requirements for reservists on the basis of the existing formalized lists of competencies and qualification requirements for key positions;
  2. Assess and select reservists, forming the final list of candidates for the reserve, based on the existing formalized assessment methods and the methodology of a particular employee;
  3. Check reservists planned for prospective replacement for key positions for compliance with competencies.

In the process of forming a reserve, it is necessary to determine a number of factors:

  • who can and should be included in the lists of candidates for the reserve;
  • who from the list of candidates for the reserve should undergo training;
  • what form of preparation to apply to each candidate, taking into account his individual characteristics and the prospects for use in a managerial position.

To create a reserve, it is proposed to use the following methods:

  • analysis of documentary data - reports, autobiographies, characteristics, results of employee assessments and other documents;
  • a conversation with a promising reservist to identify the information of interest (aspirations, needs, motives of behavior, etc.);
  • observation of the employee's behavior in various working situations;
  • assessment of the results of labor activity - labor productivity, quality of work performed, etc .;
  • assessment procedures.

In using these methods, three types of information arrays will be formed:

  • criterion assessments of reservists;
  • factual data;
  • resulting assessments of the qualities of specialists.

Additionally, the following factors may be considered:

  • professional characteristics of a specialist;
  • a list of positions that can serve as a starting point for reservists;
  • limiting criteria (education, age, work experience, etc.) of reservists;
  • the results of assessing the formalized competencies of a particular reservist;
  • the opinion of managers and colleagues regarding a particular reservist;
  • the results of assessing the potential of the reservist (management skills, the ability to learn, the ability to quickly master theory and practical skills).

Using the methodology of a specific employee at this stage of work with the talent pool, the following tasks are solved:

  • assessment of candidates for the personnel reserve;
  • comparison of the qualities of individual candidates, taking into account those requirements that are necessary for the reserved position;
  • assessment of reservists and selection of the most promising in terms of the potential for the development of human capital and the feasibility of filling key positions.

Based on the results of the assessment and comparison of candidates, the talent pool register is updated and adjusted.

Stage III. Training of reservists.

  1. Training and development of reservists in accordance with the personnel development strategy, methods of personnel training and development;
  2. Final assessment of the competencies of reservists;
  3. Making an appropriate decision on the feasibility of filling key positions or the need for further development.

The essence of this stage of talent pool management is that for the prospective filling of key positions, it is not enough to select employees capable of promotion - it is important to properly prepare them for the position and organize their professional and managerial development.

In total, for the development of personnel enrolled in the personnel reserve, including for the prospective replacement of key positions, it is necessary to form three types of direct development programs:

  • general development program - fundamental training of reservists, including replenishment of knowledge on certain issues of science and management practice, training in special management skills necessary to improve management efficiency;
  • a special development program - distributed training of reservists, including depending on the projection of the prospects for personnel growth, professional development and target management attitudes;
  • an individual development program - the study of specific management tasks and the development of management skills using assessment procedures, socio-psychological training.
The purpose of talent pool management- replacement of key positions. The process of formation and the structure of the personnel reserve must meet the indicators of operational filling of vacant positions, especially managerial ones.

Talent pool management can be presented as a structural diagram.

Depending on the specifics of the organization and the list of key positions, the sources of the pool of personnel change accordingly.

Identification of the best personnel is carried out on the basis of formalized and methodology of a specific employee.

In addition, the following formats can be used within the framework of the assessment procedures:

  • structured interview;
  • solution of cases;
  • group discussions;
  • role-playing games;
  • interviews to test special knowledge;
  • written assignments aimed at identifying special knowledge;
  • psychodiagnostic tests;
  • methods of diagnosing abilities, personality traits, motivation.

The development program for reservists who are planning to fill key management positions provides for three main options:

  • a differentiated training program based on fundamental and applied aspects of management activities in the form of field training and mentoring;
  • a practical training program for management and communication skills;
  • distance learning program based on the existing distance learning system using telecommunication technologies.

The results of the formation of the personnel reserve and the development of reservists focused on filling key positions can be assessed at the end of the biennium according to the indicators presented in the table.

Indicators for assessing the personnel reserve

Indicator name


Share of vacancies in key positions filled by reservists

Number of closed vacancies for key positions

Total number of vacancies for key positions

The total number of positions by key positions for the period

Including key positions for which reservists are trained

Total number of reservists

Including reservists aimed at filling key positions

Turnover rate among reservists

Number of reservists who voluntarily quit

Total number of reservists

Formalization of talent pool management will effectively implement the processes of replacement of key management positions by employees trained to work in these positions. As a result of the formalization of work with the talent pool, the introduction of a model for the formation of a talent pool, and taking into account the target orientation of personnel development, an additional asset will be created, which can be assessed qualitatively and quantitatively using the methodology for assessing human capital.

Personnel reserve Is a group of managers and specialists who have the ability to manage activities, who meet the requirements for a certain managerial position, who have passed the selection and systematic targeted qualification training.

The personnel reserve is created in order to prepare in advance candidates for vacant and newly created jobs, plan and implement all stages of their training (training, internship, rotation).

Three stages of work with the personnel reserve: 1) formation of the personnel reserve; 2) preparation of employees included in the reserve to work in a new position; 3) appointment of an employee to a vacant position.

Formation of a personnel reserve. At this stage, the following is carried out:

    analysis of the need for a reserve: forecasting possible changes in the management team, determining the degree of provision of management positions with a reserve;

    preliminary recruitment of candidates for the reserve or determination of sources for the formation of the reserve;

    selection of candidates and formation of the composition of the personnel reserve. Selection criteria for the reserve: an appropriate level of education and training; work experience; sociability; organizational skills; personal qualities; health status; age.

Reserve requirement analysis

Determination of the current reserve requirement

Determining Prospective Reserve Requirements

Pre-selection of candidates for the reserve

Selection of candidates

Compliance with the requirements

to reserve position




Business games,


Training of employees included in the reserve

Development of an individual employee plan

Participation in innovative projects

Training, professional development

Internship in a vacant position

Evaluation of results

Decision on



Positive evaluation

Negative rating

Advance on


Exception from

Rice. 19. Scheme of work with the personnel reserve

The selection of candidates is carried out on a competitive basis under the guidance of a special commission, the composition of the reserve is approved by the order of the organization. The Regulation on work with the personnel reserve for promotion to managerial positions is being developed.

Training of a personnel reserve consists: 1) in the selection of directions and forms of training of employees who are in the reserve; 2) in determining measures to improve their business qualifications and acquire the practical skills necessary to work in a new position; 3) in the development of an individual program for each employee, including an internship in a reserve position.

The performance of each employee enrolled in the reserve is assessed annually, based on the results of which a decision is made whether to keep the employee in the reserve or exclude it. The algorithm for working with the talent pool is shown in Fig. 19 1.

8.4. Staff rotation

In any organization, career opportunities are limited. Prospective employees can be motivated by career “horizontal” - rotation.

Rotation - This is the appointment of an employee ("horizontally") to another position of the same official level, but with additional motivations of a moral and material nature.

Rotation can be short-term (for several days, weeks, months). For example, all McDonald's office employees must periodically work in a restaurant to ensure that the core of the business is maintained. Rotation can be long-term, with a tenure of up to 3 to 5 years in one position.

Rotation benefits:

    the possibility of implementing the development program for the organization's employees: the employee gets an idea of ​​the work of other departments, the production cycle of the enterprise, the opportunity to try himself in another field and acquire new knowledge and skills;

    the opportunity to use short-term rotation in the process of training the personnel reserve;

    the ability to retain valuable employees and increase their motivation;

    the opportunity to prepare employees for the newly formed divisions.

For rotation to be effective, the following conditions must be met: (1) rotation must be voluntary; (2) since the line manager loses his subordinate, it is necessary to inform in advance about the rotation of the manager and prepare a replacement; (3) job vacancies are required for rotation, therefore, a clear mechanism for the permanent release of jobs is needed; (4) the firm must support the employee in the new location, sharing responsibility for the relocation.


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