Presentation "Funny riddles about vegetables" for children of the first and second junior groups. Riddles about vegetables and fruits

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In the summer sunny garden Fruits ripen in plain sight. Just don't be lazy Guess them to work hard Fruits

A juicy fruit from the southern countries, A light golden caftan, To the joy of everyone boldly grew, Appetizing ...

Bright, sweet, poured, All covered in gold. Not with a candy factory From far Africa. Guess

This bump is not simple, but what a huge one! In a dense hard peel, And it grows in the grass. The pulp is brighter than the yolk, At the top is a crest. The taste of the bump is just class! This is a miracle... What kind of fruit?

Kids know this fruit, Monkeys love to eat it. It comes from hot countries. It grows in the tropics .... Mystery

Boxers know everything about her. They develop their blow with her. Although she is clumsy, But she looks like a fruit ... Guess

It hangs on a branch and resembles an apple, But it is red as a cancer, and thick-skinned like a bull, And it is full of ruby ​​beads - Transparent, and juicy, and sweet in taste. What fruit?

It is almost like an orange, With thick skin, juicy, There is only one drawback - Very, very sour. What?

The fat man himself, and the backbone is not a trifle. Mystery

This fruit on New Year's Eve Everyone calls to his house. They decorate the Christmas tree, And they treat the kids. Mystery

Yellow ball, slightly bitter. Quench your thirst in summer. What's this?

The fruit is fleecy-velvety You take off the skin-sweet sour From the outside it looks like a potato Inside it looks like a gooseberry? Mystery

Apricot's best friend. Red-haired, with fluff around. Large, fragrant and pleasant to the taste. Guess

Dear Worm! You don't eat my barrel. I'll get the kids. Fidget, naughty! Mystery

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Riddles from the garden

The leaves are collected in a head of cabbage In the garden of the villagers. Without it, the cabbage soup is not thick. What is her name?

Families live underground, We water them from a watering can. We will call Polina and Antoshka to dig...

Oh, we will cry with him, If we want to clean it. But on the other hand, a bitter one will heal us from a hundred ailments.

Looks like a watermelon - Also thick-skinned. Got used to the yellow dress, Basking in the sun.

This vegetable is a pumpkin brother - It also looks fat. He lay down under the leaf on the barrel Between the beds ..

He lived in a greenhouse in the summer, He was friends with the hot sun. With him fun and enthusiasm. This is red...

The yellow ball has grown into the ground, Only a green tail is on top. Holds on to the garden firmly Round vegetable. This...

The old house was split: There was little space in it. All residents are worried. Who are they?

It grew under the ground, became round and burgundy. Wet in the garden in the rain And got into the borscht to us ..

Climb the rope Brothers from the garden-hills. These brothers are twins, And their name is ...

For a curly tuft, the Fox was dragged from the mink. To the touch - very smooth, To the taste - like sugar sweet.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Autumn riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Look guys, Riddles are hidden in the basket. You will guess them soon Well, who is the first to start. 1. We dug up the beds. We found a lot of eggs there. What kind of chickens are they, They laid eggs in the beds. ...


"Riddles" - Even if we run away, We don't move either. Puzzles. 1. A steel horse rides, growls, Dragging plows behind. 2. When we walk, we stand. 2. Through the field and the woods A voice is heard. 2. Walks, wanders on carpets, Leads his nose in the corners. 1. What a miracle, what kind of box? And we can stand lying down. 1. In a woolen clearing A thin-legged dances - From under a steel shoe Creeps Stitch.

"Mathematical Riddles" - Yes, one more pie the Cat dragged under the bench. My brothers helped me. The grandmother planted in the oven Patties with cabbage oven. Answer. Study the first five bundles - You will find the keys to the solution! Only the shavings turned white. Yes, there are four pieces in the oven, Grandchildren count pies. Do not put our mosquitoes in a row. Komarich counted forty pairs, And Komaro himself continued counting.

"Riddles in physics" - Proverbs. Sound. When reflected in the water. property of a liquid. Properties of solids. What is not visible in the hut? Physics in riddles and proverbs. Rainbow There are no eyes, but it helps others to see. Clock. Glasses. Snow Without arms, without legs - Steam climbs into the sky. Warmth and work. Puzzles. At the wind - a chimney Stand - they are silent They will go - they will sing.

"Riddles about animals" - Lives in tropical forests. Love and protect nature! The crawler is crawling, Needles are lucky. The hedgehog lives in forests, in the steppes. Greyish, toothy, Prowling the field, Looking for calves, lambs. The hedgehog needs a special habitat. Guess the puzzle! Solve riddles! In the northern regions, the brown bear hibernates for the winter.

"Riddles in the classroom" - Call me. Subject signs red sweet tasty juicy green ripe. Vegetables. Tail with patterns, boots with spurs. Organizational moment Guessing riddles What is a riddle? What's the creak, what's the crunch? How to be without a crunch, If I am ... cabbage. The wind blew - they flew. Rhyme selection. I rooted to the ground firmly.

Ekaterina Kiseleva
Presentation "Funny riddles about vegetables" for children of the first and second junior groups

Presentation"Funny riddles about vegetables" for children of the first and second junior group.

Everyone knows vegetables. Some families eat a lot of them, others don't. But in any case, every child knows them.


This the presentation is intended for children of the 1st and 2nd junior group DOW and is focused on studying issues related to maintaining health in babies. Work on presentation is aimed at systematizing and expanding knowledge children about vegetables; familiarization with "vitamins", their significance for human health; to consolidate knowledge about proper, high-quality nutrition and respect for one's health.


Expand and generalize knowledge children about vegetables through different types of activities. Explain that in vegetables contain vitamins necessary for our health.


Create conditions for the formation of children cognitive interest. introduce children with vitamins. Learn to distinguish vegetables by color, shape, size. Consolidate acquired knowledge. Broaden horizons, develop observation, curiosity, coherent speech, enrich vocabulary children.

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