Business plan for a construction company. Free download of a business plan for a construction company. Business plan and investment attraction

The successful development of a construction company is impossible without a business plan and staffing table. Competition in the construction industry is high, and you won't be able to make money without proper planning. We will tell you how to plan the work of a construction company from scratch, what nuances you need to know, how much investment will be required, how to draw up a staffing table and not break the law.

The construction business is relevant in modern Russia. New housing is being built at a high rate, which means there is a need for a variety of materials: from nails and screws to cladding boards and cement. But the demand is not only for materials: the services of construction teams are popular. Every person needs a high-quality renovated house, but most people cannot do such repairs on their own. They entrust this function to professionals. It is for this reason that the demand for construction services will always be stable.

How to start a construction company from scratch? First of all, you need to determine the field of activity more specifically and draw up a business plan. It is necessary to calculate investments and income in the first months of work, after a year, and so on. It is impossible to survive in the market without planning: stronger companies will inevitably oust the “newcomers” who work blindly.

Construction is a relevant and promising industry; even beginners have a chance of success

Example of a business plan for a construction company

How to start a construction business? The path from zero to a million begins with planning and evaluating the industry in the region as a whole. Before moving on to drawing up a business plan, you need to have a good understanding of the local market. We need to understand how many direct competitors there are, how long they have been on the market. This is not information for general information, this is specific data on the basis of which you need to choose the specifics of your organization and formulate competitive advantages.

The business plan of a construction company is an analytical document, you will have to work hard to create it. It is advisable to involve in the development of the plan a specialist with a specialized education in construction or economics, as well as people with experience in this area. A business plan does not have to be a formality; it is the foundation of a successful company. So let's look at an example of a business plan for a construction company.

Goals and objectives of the construction business

A construction company is a commercial organization, therefore, its ultimate goal is to make a profit. The company must make money, otherwise its existence completely loses its meaning. Any other goals are secondary. But in order to make good money, you need to offer customers high-quality and in-demand services / goods. Desirable, unique and best on the market. Therefore, among the goals of the construction business, one can additionally name the high quality of construction and leadership among competitors.

Also among the goals and objectives of construction companies are sometimes called the solution of housing problems of the population, the creation of new jobs and the improvement of infrastructure. All these tasks of a social nature, of course, are partially solved in the course of the construction firm's work. But it is not a businessman who sets them up. By and large, these are the problems of the state, which are solved with the help of business.

Registration and taxation

How to start a construction business? Be sure to officially register as a legal entity. Construction is also allowed for individual entrepreneurs, but such an organizational and legal form is more risky. The construction business assumes great responsibility, impressive working capital and financial obligations. An individual entrepreneur is responsible for all debts with his own property. In the event of bankruptcy, even the closure of an individual entrepreneur will not help - the debts will have to be returned in full, even at the expense of your own apartment or car. Therefore, LLC is preferable.

The construction company will pay taxes in accordance with the chosen or designated regime. The simplified mode is more advantageous. (USN)... But it is suitable only for small enterprises with a turnover of up to 150 million rubles per year and the number of employees less than 100. The object of taxation here is only profit, the entrepreneur is exempt from VAT, personal income tax and property tax.

Medium and large enterprises operate on a common system (OSNO). This is the most cumbersome and complicated regime from the point of view of accounting and tax accounting. In this case, the business pays the full range of taxes, including value added.

Documentation for the simplified tax system can be maintained by the manager himself. It's pretty simple, and there are plenty of useful recommendations on the Internet. With OSNO, an accountant (and sometimes an entire accounting department) must work on the staff. Other tax regimes are inappropriate for construction firms.

The main goal of any construction company is to make a profit

Determination of activities

Construction is a very versatile area of \u200b\u200bthe economy, so choosing the right direction is critical when starting a business. What are the options:

  • build brick / block / wooden individual housing from scratch;
  • build small and apartment buildings;
  • sell building materials;
  • to repair premises and apartments;
  • build roads;
  • develop the design and projects of buildings / premises;
  • erect capital structures (dams, bridges, power lines),
  • be engaged in the improvement of public areas.

How to choose a direction? Based on several factors: competitors' proposals and financial capabilities. For example, it is obvious that the construction of multi-storey buildings is a promising and profitable business, but investments in its launch amount to hundreds of millions of rubles. At the same time, the construction team will also bring money (on a completely different level, of course), but it can be created without investment.

Room selection

The construction company needs an office. This is the place where the leader and the administration work, and the managers meet with clients and sell services. Most of the workers will be employed at the facility. In most cases, you cannot do without an office. The premises of the company should be located in an area with high traffic and good transport accessibility. It is important for clients to come comfortably to the office. A good repair is needed (a construction company in an office with a bad repair will not inspire confidence).

Some firms open offices near construction sites. Most often, this is done by organizations building residential complexes. This option is good for several reasons. Firstly, it is convenient for the manager to control the work process, there is no need to “visit the site”. Secondly, it is more convenient for employees to contact the personnel department and accounting department. Third, customers can save time by looking at houses while visiting the office and shopping.

Construction teams working in the field of custom-made renovation of premises can do without an office and take orders via the Internet.

Equipment purchase

All equipment required by a construction company can be divided into 2 groups. Of course, the exact list of equipment is determined by the specifics of the organization. Office equipment:

  • tables and office chairs;
  • filing cabinets;
  • computers;
  • office equipment;
  • telephone;
  • safe;
  • sofa and coffee tables for waiting visitors.
  • cranes and bulldozers;
  • loaders;
  • concrete mixers;
  • a variety of hand tools.

The office of a construction company must be modern, with good repair, otherwise it will not inspire confidence among customers


Construction companies employ two categories of employees: workers and office workers. Workers include all construction workers: bricklayers, finishers, carpenters, electricians, roofers, drywall workers. All with specialized education and passed medical examination. Work experience is desirable. From personal qualities, you can cancel high working capacity, organization, the absence of bad habits. The developer takes responsibility for the lives of his clients, so only professionals can be trusted.

In the office work: the manager himself and his assistant, accountant, clerk, HR specialist, managers, designers and marketers. For everyone, it is also desirable to have a specialized education and understanding of the specifics of the construction business.

Investment and profitability

The amount of investment in starting a business depends on the specifics of the organization. The list of expenses will include:

  • registration of a legal entity and registration of permits;
  • admission fee to SRO;
  • rent, repair and office equipment;
  • machinery and equipment for construction;
  • uniforms for employees;
  • transportation and other expenses.

On average, the opening will require at least 20 million rubles, and together with the monthly expenses that the owner will pay from his own funds in the first months (rent, wages fund, utility bills, advertising), this value reaches 22-23 million rubles. Payback takes 2.5–3 years on average. More is quite possible, less is extremely rare, given the significant amount of funds invested initially.

Advertising and customer search

A construction company needs its own website, where all permits and certificates are posted, and also regularly published:

  • news;
  • photographs of objects;
  • important information for clients;
  • offers, discounts and company promotions.

The website is the company's business card in the Internet space, but it is not enough. What else is needed to attract customers:

  • contextual advertising on the Internet (displaying ads);
  • social media accounts;
  • outdoor advertising (posters, billboards, stands);
  • distribution of leaflets.

Sample staffing table for a construction organization

Features of drawing up the staffing table of a construction organization

Now let's look at an example of the staffing table of a construction organization. This is a document that indicates the number of employees, positions and wages. It is mandatory to maintain a staffing table, its absence is considered an administrative offense. A legal entity will have to pay up to 50 thousand rubles, and officials - in this case, the head and personnel officer - personally up to 5 thousand rubles.

The law imposes additional requirements on the staffing table of construction companies, designed to secure their activities:

  1. The manager, accountant and chief engineer must be present. There may be several accountants and engineers.
  2. The staff is divided into teams, each headed by a leader (foreman, team leader, foreman) with at least 5 years of experience in construction.
  3. Each builder has a category, the majority has a specialized education (secondary or higher).
  4. The positions of employees in the timetable (and other documents, including work books) are indicated in accordance with the Unified qualification reference book of positions.
  5. The schedule does not indicate the size of the salary, but the tariff rate / salary.


The creation of a construction organization begins with studying the market in the region of the proposed opening and drawing up a business plan. This is a relevant but costly business with a payback period of 2.5 years. Its opening will require at least 20 million rubles. The law imposes special requirements on the staffing table of construction companies, violation of which will lead to a fine.

Term business planwent from the English expression business plan. A business plan is a structured document describing the stages of a company's development, its main areas of activity, its strategies and risks. At its core business plan is a roadmap designed to lead the business to the planned goal, passing the planned routes, taking into account the intermediate stages and shows the results obtained as a result.

💡 Write a business plan or download a ready-made one?

When starting a business, aspiring entrepreneurs often have a question to download a business plan or write their own? Of course, if you have sufficient experience, it is better to write your own unique business plan. True, not many entrepreneurs who first thought about starting a business have the skill of such an activity. In this case, it is better to keep in mind that writing a business plan is necessary if your business:

  • unique
  • requires a lot of calculations
  • implies non-standard stages of development
  • involves non-standard risks
  • there are non-standard format requirements, for example, for a potential investor
In most cases, when starting a small business, it is quite possible to use a ready-made business plan from a trusted source, of course, with its revision according to your data.

💡 Where can I get a ready-made business plan?

On the Internet, there are a huge number of paid and free business plans... Despite the greater variety, we recommend using the business plans presented on our portal. All business plans are provided absolutely free of charge, contain detailed financial calculations and take into account risks. In addition, the portal contains a huge number of business ideas structured by areas of activity.

The scale of construction in modern Russia, despite the crisis, is simply enormous. This means that more than one company will be able to find a "warm place" in this industry. Those who believe that it takes millions of rubles to enter the construction business are seriously mistaken - you can start with a small store of building materials, gradually mastering new areas of activity. Since this business is highly profitable, you can develop very well by investing in the process only one fourth or one third of your net income. The main thing is a well-written business plan.

Preparatory stage

The ready-made business plan of the analyzed business is designed for implementation in an average Russian city (population 300-600 thousand people) with an initial investment of 500 thousand rubles. Of these, 350 thousand are planned to be spent on organizing a construction company from scratch, and the rest for opening a store of related goods.

In general, the procedure for founding a construction company is in many ways similar to a similar process in any other business area. A ready-made construction business is best suited to such an organizational and legal form as a limited liability company. It is necessary to clearly spell out the main points in the same sequence as it is done in the peer-reviewed business plan:

Thus, when developing a ready-made plan for a company, you need to take into account the need for the following documents when registering:

  1. Photocopies of the founders' passports, as well as knowledge of the registration data of legal entities acting as founders: name, address, TIN, OKATO;
  2. Data on the location of the legal entity undergoing registration;
  3. Specific information about what your company plans to do (provision of construction services, repair work, activities of a store selling building materials, etc.);
  4. The size of the authorized capital (in our case, 1.5 million rubles) and the source of its formation (in our case, the founders' personal funds in equal shares). Remember that a ready-made business cannot be registered if the size of the charter capital is less than 10 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the ready-made plan of this business project contains one very important difference - for the functioning of a construction company, in some cases it is necessary to obtain special permission for certain types of services provided: the so-called SRO, which can cost several tens of thousands of rubles and take a month for registration ...

List of services provided

Another important point of the preliminary stage that needs to be included in the finished company plan is the definition of the areas of activity of your company. There are quite a few of them, but a small company can only do civil construction, repair of premises up to 1 thousand square meters. m., trade in materials and equipment through our own store. These services should be fixed in the form of a table, while calculating the planned monthly income from each of them.

Note that the above-mentioned profit volumes are achievable if your company employs at least two fully staffed teams of specialists of 10 people each with a foreman at the head. The business plan prescribes the possibility of personnel rotation and division of teams into smaller ones, if the need arises.

Permits documentation

The construction industry is a unique business environment in which, in addition to a lot of money, a lot of various certificates, approvals, permits are concentrated.

For example, SROs (Self-Regulatory Organizations) are not a ready-made admission of a company to work, but rather the status of a firm, giving “the go-ahead” to perform some particularly complex services. If the business plan of your construction company prescribes that you are building 1-3 storey buildings with an area of \u200b\u200bless than 1501 sq. m. or objects that fall under the definition of "individual housing construction", there is no need for SRO admission.

Unlike the aforementioned document, no construction work, for example, the construction of a small one-story store, is possible without a building permit issued by the local municipality and endorsed by the chief city architect.

In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a license for the design of buildings and structures, as well as a similar document for engineering surveys during the construction process. The registration of all these documents is not so expensive (within 7 thousand rubles), but it takes a lot of time, and therefore should be included in the contract for the construction of the company.

Search for orders and development options

The ready-made plan of a company specializing in construction and repair work must necessarily provide for mechanisms for searching for orders and cooperation with other organizations in the construction sector.

One of the most common options is participation in a contract for large-scale construction work by large organizations. The main difficulty here is in interaction with other firms that will work at the same facility. Despite the fact that you will be working on different sections of the construction front, you will have one ultimate goal - to deliver the finished object as quickly as possible and with as few defects as possible.

Many small firms themselves go to a large developer with requests to provide work, so a very good option would be to use personal acquaintances and keep in touch with the leadership of the construction "giants" of the region.

Many firms focus on private construction, erecting objects such as baths, garages, small households. In this case, advertising in the local media and the Internet, as well as the conclusion of a cooperation agreement or even the independent opening of a store of building materials and related products, would be a good development option.

Of course, one should not forget about such a form of mutually beneficial cooperation as leasing your existing construction equipment and personnel to those organizations that need it. In turn, it will be much more profitable for your company, if necessary, to rent a bulldozer with a bulldozer driver from a business colleague for several days, rather than buying the mechanism itself and paying a full-time salary to a specialist who will perform his work only occasionally at your enterprise.


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