Tenders what a novice supplier needs to know. Participation in tenders: where do you need to start? On the types of tenders and methods of their conduct

Recently, tenders are gaining more and more popularity. Their directions are different: office renovation, landscaping, purchase of consumables, etc. Tenders for beginners allow you to master the rules of saving and spend money profitably.

The word "tender" itself is borrowed from the English language and means "competition", "tender". That is, when there is one buyer of a service or product (customer) and several sellers (suppliers).

The tender is announced on specialized Internet resources. This term is not legally fixed, however, it is used constantly in business use.

The tender is carried out in three stages:

  • training;
  • contact with partners;
  • the final choice.


Contact with partners

There is a multifaceted product evaluation. As a result, some companies are eliminated, and several participants are selected for the final stage.

Final choice

At this stage, there is a direct election of the company with which the customer will work.

Types of tenders

All tenders are divided into two types: state and commercial.

State or municipal

The purchase of a product or service is carried out for state needs and for budgetary funds. In this regard, the tender procedure is carried out in strict accordance with Chapter 3.1 of the Federal Law No. 94, which regulates the placement of orders for the supply of goods, the provision of services and the performance of work for municipal and state needs.


In this case, the customer independently determines the terms and conditions of the auction. He can use both his own money and borrowed money.

Tender for beginners: step by step instructions for preparation

Let's consider in more detail how to participate in the tender for a beginner using the instructions:

  1. Study Federal Law No. 94. Pay special attention to the supplier selection procedure. An algorithm is spelled out here that determines the terms and conditions that the customer must comply with.
  2. Select an electronic platform. As a rule, the choice is limited to five electronic platforms, which were selected by the Russian government for conducting electronic trading.
  3. Receive an EDS, that is, a unique electronic digital signature. It allows you to assign legal force to a signed document. You can get an EDS within five working days at the certification center on the selected electronic site.
  4. Install the required specialized equipment. You can install it either yourself or ask for help from specialists.
  5. Pass accreditation on the electronic trading platform (ETP). This procedure will take about five working days and you can go through it at a certification center.
  6. Electronic trading. Their maximum duration is 48 hours. Here you should definitely determine the value to which all bidders are ready to bargain.
  7. Signing a contract. The winner of the auction is a participant who fully meets all the requirements, and at the same time offers more favorable conditions.
  1. Identify the most in-demand and significant products and services.
  2. Study the legislation on tendering.
  3. Prepare money to participate in government procurement.
  4. Carefully study the documents of the customer companies.
  5. Draw up documents in accordance with all the established requirements, without neglecting the little things.

Tender support

Tender support is a service aimed at ensuring the process of participation of an enterprise in a tender. The main goal of the tender support is to create all the conditions (at the legal level) for the client-participant to win the competition.

Tender support is especially important if you:

  • do not have much experience or did not participate at all in state competitions;
  • do not want to take risks and act at random;
  • do not want to misfire in a responsible tender.

Did you know that 90% of tenderers are not allowed to bid due to deficiencies in documentation or an incorrectly executed application? If you are not a professional, making mistakes in documents is as easy as shelling pears. In this case, only tender support will help.

All about tenders for beginners: Video

LLC "Romashka", a medium-sized business entity, is engaged in landscape design and wants to enter the government order market. Consider: how a company should prepare for tenders, where to look for them, what awaits it in the bidding process. We will also find out what the difference is if Maryivanna, the director of "Romashki", wanted to participate in the procurement as an individual or individual entrepreneur.


To determine how much Camomile needs tenders at all, Maryivanna decided to assess the demand in the niche using analytical tools included in the Synaps.Pro package. Studied completed tenders: contract amounts, supply volumes, popular procurement objects, main customers, requirements for suppliers, etc. I compared the conditions in neighboring niches / regions - perhaps the competition there is lower. I realized that there is a sense to participate, and moved on to practical training:

  1. Collected documents, received a digital signature at the certification center. She needs a reinforced qualified one - she is suitable for all federal ETPs and most commercial ones. Special sites work with other types of EDS.
  2. Registered in the EIS as a supplier: the procedure is described in Resolution No. 1752 (2018). After that, "Romashka" was automatically accredited at 8 federal sites.
  3. To participate in purchases under 44-FZ and for SMP under 223-FZ "Romashka", you need to open a special account in one of the banks mentioned in order No. 1451-r (2018). The financial security of the application, contract and guarantee obligations (by the bank in case of a guarantee) will be entered on it.


All government, corporate and commercial purchases from all ETPs are collected by the Synapse aggregator. Maryivanna was subscribed to Synapse. Pro, so:

  • I was looking for sighting with extended filters and found a tender for 2 million rubles for the maintenance and improvement of the territory around the "Eternal Glory" memorial.
  • I saved the search templates and now receives new tenders by mail for my requests.
  • Has included notifications for interesting purchases and is monitoring changes.

You can use a free search by type of activity, region, trading platform, customer. For example, look at tenders in the Greening section.


1. Maryivanna submits an application through her personal account on the ETP - since 2019, purchases under 44-FZ and among SMEs under 223-FZ are carried out in electronic form. The package of tender documents contains instructions for the application - it must be strictly followed. What points to pay special attention to - read in the section.

"Camomile" participates in an electronic auction. Her application contains 2 parts:

  • The first includes anonymous consent to fulfill the terms of the contract, the specific characteristics of the goods and services that the company is going to supply (within the framework established in the terms of reference), their number, documents on compliance with the requirements.
  • Contacts and details of the participant should be disclosed only in the second part.

2. On the day of the auction, the admitted participants will go to their personal accounts and submit price proposals, gradually reducing the maximum price set by the customer. The auction will end when no one has made any new bids within 10 minutes. After that, the results are summed up and a protocol is formed.

3. The customer sends the draft contract to the winner via the ETP. After filling it out and signing by both parties and providing financial security, the transaction is considered concluded. The winner pays for the services of the electronic platform - up to 1% of the NMCC, but not more than 5,000 rubles.

Features of participation of individual entrepreneurs in procurement

Participation in tenders for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is practically the same. If Marywanna were an individual entrepreneur, she:

  • submitted fewer documents for registration in the EIS: only an extract from the EGRIP and a copy of all pages of the passport;
  • was responsible for non-fulfillment of obligations under the contract with all property, including personal (car, apartment);
  • received payment under the contract no later than 15 working days after signing the acceptance certificate.

By default, individual entrepreneurs belong to the SME and must be included in the corresponding register. For small businesses, separate auctions are held with the NMCK no more than 20 million rubles. Article 30 of Law 44-FZ states that state customers are required to purchase from them at least 15% of the annual volume of GWS. The fact that a participant belongs to an SME is confirmed by an extract from the register or a declaration. In electronic trading, it is automatically attached to the application: you just need to tick the box.

Features of participation of individuals in procurement

In paragraph 4 of paragraph 3 of Article 44-FZ it is said that Maryivanna could participate in public procurement without registering an individual entrepreneur, however, there are no special conditions for individuals in the law. The only point: the amount of remuneration under the contract for this category is reduced by 13% - the amount of personal income tax that the customer must pay for the citizen.

In connection with the success of the experiment with a tax for the self-employed, the Ministry of Finance proposed to legally equate them with SMEs when purchasing under 223-FZ until the end of 2028. But so far, individuals cannot participate in tenders for small and medium-sized businesses. Also, purchases that require a license or SRO admission are not available for them (only individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can receive them).

Participation in tenders for public procurement, obtaining a contract paid from the state or municipal budget are regulated by laws.

As for private companies, they set their own rules for the selection of performers and the requirements for them.

It is necessary to determine how to participate in tenders in order to obtain a contract.


The problems of newcomers are that they do not know where to look for orders, what to focus on, and if they find a seemingly suitable order, then difficulties arise with its registration.

Assistance is provided by specialized firms involved in the practice of tenders. As a rule, they are staffed by lawyers and economists who understand the regulatory framework and other issues.

Some tenders are not available to newcomers in principle - for example, there are restrictions on the duration of a company or individual entrepreneur in the market - so the state is protected from one-day firms.

It is better to try to place orders for small orders that are within the power of a budding entrepreneur or a newly opened firm. Indeed, according to the law, a company or individual entrepreneur that has not fulfilled their obligations or turned out to be unscrupulous are included in the "black lists", it is almost impossible to get out of them.

Participate in Government purchases

Now let's figure out how to participate in public procurement tenders. The participant needs to go to a single site where there is information about all tenders organized by the state or municipality.

The system is organized in electronic form, and it is necessary to acquire an EDS. Without it, you cannot certify electronic copies of documents, nor leave a signature where necessary.

  • registration is carried out on the site;
  • documents are sent in electronic form confirming the fulfillment of the customer's requirements;
  • confirmation of a bank guarantee or other security in accordance with the contract documentation.

Forming an application is an important point. If at least one requirement of the contract documentation is not fulfilled, the participant will not even be admitted to the competition.

Therefore, you should not be superficial about the study of the tender documentation, all of its requirements are important. The level of their implementation will influence what decision will be made on the package of documents, and what impression the tender participant will create about himself.

It is not worth distorting data about yourself somehow; immediately upon detection, the contract should be canceled if such a participant passed the tender.

If an organization or individual entrepreneur operates within the same region, then it should be paid to tenders held in its area.

You can look for a general contractor that attracts smaller firms or individual individual entrepreneurs to fulfill the order.

The contract may provide for the execution of the order directly by the contractor or permission to involve third-party organizations. Requirements can be set for them.

What it takes to participate

Participation in the tender is provided by submitting a package of documents. Some papers are submitted regardless of the specifics of the future contract, while others are subject to it.

  • application from the participant;
  • a copy of the document confirming the authority of the director, if it is not written about it in the Charter;
  • copy of the order to appoint an accountant
  • copy of the charter, articles of association;
  • tIN certificate - a copy is certified by a notary;
  • registration certificate;
  • confirmation of the absence of tax and duty arrears;
  • written guarantee of the bank.

Some bids assume that there is already a ready-made project prepared by the applicant so that the client or the tender committee have an idea of \u200b\u200bwho they are dealing with.


SP as participants

An individual entrepreneur goes through the same procedures as companies applying for an order. It is believed that it is more difficult for individual entrepreneurs to get an order, however, if you use the support system for small and medium-sized businesses, it is possible to get a contract without a competition. This is legal, however, their amounts are small (within 100 thousand), which is not so bad for one person. Such orders are placed either by municipalities or government agencies.

The individual entrepreneur does not have constituent documents, but he must enter his passport data into the application, a copy of the passport, a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur, and a tax number are attached.

The tender documents describe all the requirements for the executed documents, which papers should be submitted.

Some tenders are designed for individual entrepreneurs, while others are exclusively for organizations that have the required number of personnel at their disposal.

It is somewhat easier with private companies. On the portals of electronic platforms or on their own sites, they can post offers addressed to the individual entrepreneur for the provision of services or work. Sometimes it’s easier, an individual entrepreneur is a more mobile figure, it’s not tender to wait for additional approvals and solve a number of other issues, which is typical for large organizations.

Correct and free

The electronic platform for placing orders takes a certain percentage for the services that are provided on it. In addition to guarantees from banks or other security deposits, participants pay a certain amount to the site owners.

With government orders, the payment is minimal, but if we talk about commercial tenders, then everything depends on the policy of the site owners, and the customer company also has a certain influence.

Some portals provide services without taking anything from applicants, their services are paid by the ordering company. Large organizations agree to this.

The bulk of both government and commercial tenders are paid, but government tenders are more affordable in this regard.

Free tenders, as a rule, offer a limited list of orders, and their budgets are symbolic, and as a result are designed for individual entrepreneurs or small firms.

The amount of costs is also determined by the method of organizing trades. Either an electronic system or the usual one is used, when documents are submitted in envelopes, at the appointed time in the agreed place the packages with documents are opened. Such tenders will cost more.

Portals, in particular, state ones, are designed so that in the array of orders it is easy to select the one you need according to the parameters.

Companies participating in tenders

Some tender portals offer information about competitors who have applied for the same order. The tenderer who has submitted an application has only to send a request and he will receive a list of competing companies.

A register of its participants is kept for each auction. Art. 62 ФЗ - 44 defines a list of information that should be available in the public domain about each participant in the auction.

The list is wide and concerns, for example, the name of the company or the data of an individual, if it is an individual entrepreneur. Copies of constituent documents are hidden from public access. Enough information is given to verify the existence of the company through government services and avoid fraud.

One of the main questions that the companies taking part in the government order for the first time would like to find an answer to is, of course, where to start participating in the tender?

For beginners, finding an answer to this question can take a long time, and unnecessary time spending in business is often an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, we decided to help you save your resources.

Participation in tenders step by step instructions

The beginning of participation in electronic trading begins primarily with the receipt of an electronic digital signature (EDS).

This process is quite simple and does not take much time (provided that you promptly prepare all the necessary documents).

To obtain an EDS, you must contact a licensed certification center. Here you will be consulted and informed about what papers are required. The electronic digital signature will be ready in 1-2 days from the date of submission of all the necessary documents.

The next stage is registration in the EIS andeTP accreditation

As well as obtaining an EDS, this process cannot be called time consuming. You should attach all the necessary documents when registering in the EIS. This information will be sent to the sites automatically. After successful entry of ERUZ participants, accreditation on electronic trading platforms takes place within one working day.

Pay attention on the fact that at the first stage of registration in the UIS it is necessary to pass authentication in the ESIA (Portal of State Services). Only after that it will be possible to proceed to the next stage of registration.

Getting started with tenders

Having successfully passed the previous two stages, you can start choosing a tender. To do this, go to either the official website public procurement, or to an electronic trading platform.

If you have not yet received accreditation for any ETP, then, perhaps, it will be more convenient for you to choose a tender on the official website zakupki.gov.ru - here is the most complete list of tenders.

If you are already accredited on a certain trading platform, then it is probably easier for you to find the most suitable public procurement on this ETP.

You can choose a tender in accordance with various criteria: region, contract amount, type of goods, etc. Today, large electronic trading platforms (and, of course, the official website of government procurement) are equipped with convenient filters to make searching easier.

If you are interested in effective participation in the auction, you can use our tender support service. You can use ours to search for trades.

Common mistakes

The whole process of preparation for participation in public procurement is quite simple and takes about a week in time. Be sure to keep this in mind when choosing a bid.

So that the initial stage does not drag out, pay attention to the most common supplier mistakes:

    attachment of scanned copies (not originals) of documents;

    attempts to attach files "weighing" more than 12 MB (on the site of CJSC Sberbank-AST - more than 16 MB) during accreditation. In this case, the page either hangs or gives information about an error;

    the attached documents do not have the required seals, signatures or are poorly readable;

    ignoring fields marked with an asterisk (that is, required fields).

Attentiveness and efficiency are the most important qualities in preparation for participation in public procurement and tendering in general. Accurate execution of all instructions can help you spend much less time and money.

For more details on some of the stages that must be passed to start participating in state auctions, you can see our articles in the "Question-answer" section.

LLC MCC "RusTender"

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Procurement, tendering, bidding - whichever suits you best - this is an industry that opens up broad prospects for businesses of any level, including SMEs. We are talking about those new stable sales channels that open procurement, as well as reliable and solvent customers, including our state.

It is important to understand that the principle “the main thing is to get involved in a battle, and then it will be seen” does not work here. Before you start working with procurement, you need to prepare as much as possible. This will help to avoid many annoying mistakes at the start and as quickly as possible begin to effectively participate in procurement. Today we will tell you what is in your power to do this.

And you can do a lot of things, since today there are all the opportunities for independent acquisition of a set of competencies sufficient to enter this market. Such opportunities are provided, for example, by the electronic platform RTS-tender:

  • Training. The experts of the training center of the RTS-tender site regularly conduct educational events for suppliers. Training is carried out in full-time and online in the format of webinars, it is designed for suppliers with a wide range of training levels, both for beginners and more advanced ones. Since today almost all procurement procedures have been converted to electronic form and take place on electronic platforms, then during the training you will have the opportunity to practice on the "simulator" - the educational version of the RTS-tender electronic platform, where government purchases take place. All this is absolutely free.
  • Also on the site is the service of escorting suppliers. It includes: full support for filing an application for participation in competitive procedures, preparation and filing of an application for participation in a request for quotations, search and monitoring of purchases, support of work on the site, analysis of procurement documentation, preparation of a request for clarification of the provisions of the notice, documentation.
  • Also, on the site, suppliers have access to all financial products that will be required in one way or another to participate in the procurement: this is a Tender loan, Bank guarantees, a loan for the execution of a contract, an early payment of a contract. Everything is done online, without a personal visit to the bank.
  • Another useful service for suppliers - PROFI, is a service of legal online support for suppliers. You can get expert advice from lawyers on all issues of participation in procurement, as well as correctly form and file a complaint with the FAS

As you can see, almost all the conditions for starting to participate have already been created for you. You just have to take advantage of all these opportunities and take your first step.

And finally, a few basic recommendations when you already start directly participating. The process of participating in the procurement is called the “tender cycle” for a reason. It is broken down into clear stages. For example, after receiving an electronic signature and accreditation at the site, you will be faced with the task of finding tenders. A huge number of them are published, information is often contained in scattered sources. For the convenience of searching, use the STAR service - "smart" search will make this task as easy as possible. For more information about STAR, see. To get started, find and try small trades in your area.


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