How to start a grocery store from scratch: a business plan. How to open a grocery store from scratch: the most detailed business plan How to open your own grocery store

There are not many types of business that do not depend on the financial crisis and other material hardships. For example, a grocery store is a profitable business even in unstable times, when the market for service enterprises is shrinking, and some niches are completely closed until better times. Let's take a look at the steps you need to take to successfully open your grocery store.

Sure, grocery shopping is not the ideal business... It, like other formats, is subject to the same market laws of development, external and internal factors. And during the crisis, despite the stable demand for food, the purchasing power of the population still fell in this niche. Grocery store business owners were among the first to feel the decline in profits. Due to a shift in the consumer's focus. Simply put, the consumption basket has become cheaper and more modest.

But - good news from the site - demand for everyday goods and food will never go to zero... For consumers, only the consumption model changes.

Considering this rule, a grocery store can be made to break even. For this it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto change and rebuild the assortment in a timely manner, look for new suppliers and manufacturers, consider cheap alternatives to expensive food products, introduce promotions and come up with other ways to increase customer loyalty.

The concept of starting a grocery business is pretty simple. To open a grocery store, you need to collect a package of documents and permits, find and equip a suitable premises, select and conclude contracts with suppliers, purchase special equipment for storing food, and start advertising campaigns to attract customers.

Choosing premises for a grocery store

The most optimal solution when choosing a room - to find ready-made, already equipped for trade in food. It can even be considered the only correct decision, with some reservations.

This problem, of course, only applies to those who do not have their own premises. Owners, on the contrary, have an undeniable advantage in the form of premises and the ability to equip it the way they want. the site is not looking for easy ways, therefore we will assume that the premises are supposed to be rented.

If the premises are not ready for the opening of a grocery store, re-equipping the area for selling food products to the standards established by law is a rather complicated process. He can "eat" a lot of money, nerves and time. Moreover, the time spent on registration and obtaining all the necessary permits will take the most. It is necessary to pay special attention to engineering communications. SES, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other inspection bodies establish special requirements, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises for the store, to the fire extinguishing and fire alarm system, ventilation, lighting, electrical wiring serviceability. Naturally, this will not happen in an unprepared room. And you will have to do everything yourself.

If you manage to find a ready-made room, it is imperative to check the availability and correctness of the permitting documentation for the room in accordance with all the necessary standards. If there is no such documentation, or the owner of the premises offers to resolve this issue "later", then, no doubt, the tenant will have to decide everything, at best, independently. At worst, the further functioning of the grocery store will become simply impossible.

Of course, the reader will say the site, a ready-made room for a grocery store will cost a pretty penny anyway, but you still have to redo it to fit your needs. And he will be right. Moreover, it is very difficult to find a good ready-made premises for a specific purpose. Everything that will be offered on the market, one way or another, has problems, such as the need for cosmetic repairs, or, even worse, major repairs. Therefore, the search for a ready-made room is the only correct solution, with these very reservations that it will be very difficult to find a suitable one. Almost impossible.

The optimal solution to this dilemma is to find premises for the possibility of converting it into a grocery store. This means the following: the possibility of arranging the necessary engineering communications, the possibility of repair of any complexity, the possibility of a separate exit. And, the main thing in this decision is the ability to obtain the necessary permits. All this, one way or another, will have to be done independently. Good landlords, as a rule, in this case go to a meeting with the tenant - they give a rental vacation for the required period, or they can take part of the costs for themselves, they also assist in obtaining permits - provide the necessary certificates, extracts and other "bureaucracy".

Do not forget about store location Is the backbone of any retail success. Accommodation in a walk-through place is a great luck and the best advertisement for a profitable business

If you plan to rent a room, then the following simple tips will be very useful.

  • A long-term lease agreement is more profitable than a short-term lease, for a long-term lease they are more willing to give a discount.
  • The terms of the renewal of the contract should be transparent and should not provide the lessor with a unilateral right to increase the rental price. Such an upgrade must be processed as an additional agreement with prior notice to the tenant. It is best to review all the terms of the contract with a lawyer experienced in real estate transactions.
  • The terms of early termination must be included in the agreement. Despite the low risks of unprofitable business, anything can happen and, for example, a large area cannot reach self-sufficiency. The conditions should be satisfactory to the tenant
Documents required to open a grocery store

The current rules for the use of cash register equipment assume that the new grocery store is using an online checkout (KKT-online). That is, a terminal that transmits information via the Internet. It is not difficult to acquire such a cash register, there are many companies specializing in the installation and maintenance of cash register equipment and other systems for accounting for goods turnover. They will take care of all the paperwork for this equipment. The owner of the food retail outlet will only have to arrange the store itself. Of course, this design can also be delegated to third-party specialists for a separate cost, or, save money - and do everything yourself. Moreover, according to the site, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance:

  1. ... Takes 5 to 25 days. It is carried out at the tax office at the place of registration, or at the place of opening the store. If the owner already has his own LLC, which allows him to open a grocery store, then it is enough to obtain a certificate of absence of debts from the Federal Tax Service (FTS).
  2. With a ready-made lease agreement (or a certificate of ownership, if the owner of the premises himself opens his own small grocery business), it is necessary to obtain from the SES and the State Fire Inspection (or other similar municipal services and departments) a conclusion that the store premises meet all standards. In the SES, it is also necessary to issue a sanitary passport for the premises.
  3. With the local governing body (HOA, ZhEK) or a private company, you need to conclude an agreement on the removal of household waste.
  4. If you plan to sell strong alcohol, you must obtain a separate license for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  5. It is also necessary to prepare a list of the full range of goods for the opening point of sale.

To obtain permission to trade in food, the collected package of documents must be submitted to the local department of the consumer market. In a month, if all documents are in order and are checked, a trade permit will be issued.

After the permit is received, it is necessary to register the cash register equipment and certify the workplace. Also, without fail, you need to organize a consumer corner, where are indicated:

  • emergency telephones;
  • a book for complaints and suggestions of the established form;
  • a copy of the current law "On consumer protection";
  • copies of licenses for all products subject to licensing;
  • copy of the trade permit.
Grocery store equipment

For a grocery store, equipment is divided into two types - trade equipment and, as noted above, cash register. Installing equipment is one of the most expensive items in opening a store. It's all about its high cost. Especially for new technology. And this expense item cannot be avoided in any way.

Because the organization of the space inside the premises of the grocery store is regulated by the norms and laws of the state. Installing the wrong equipment can result in fines and penalties, the total cost of which exceeds the cost of the right equipment.

Retail store equipment. The equipment is selected based on the requests of the owner and the capabilities of the outlet. The display of goods implies the presence of various racks and display cases, suitable for placing a suitable product. The most expensive will be the purchase of refrigeration equipment. The way to save money, in this case, is to rent or installment plan for equipment. Many retail equipment companies have such offerings. Also, food suppliers and manufacturers can provide their own (branded) equipment for the entire term of the supply agreement. Rentals and branded equipment are an excellent option for those grocery store owners who are on a budget.

Cash register equipment. Since 2018, the use of CCP is mandatory for all payers of UTII and PSN. The grocery store must be equipped with a cash register, a card reader, a scale and a label scanner. According to federal law N 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers for cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards", the owner of a cash register is not obliged to conclude an agreement for the maintenance of cash register equipment. However, all the problems arising in the operation of this equipment will have to be solved independently or involve outside specialists. The same law allows you to register a CCP yourself, without the involvement of specialists and overpayment.

To register a cash register yourself, you must:

  • Equip the cash register with a fiscal drive;
  • Conclude an agreement with any fiscal data operator (OFD);
  • Submit an application for registration of your cash register with the Federal Tax Service (this can be done using the Internet, through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, for this you need to obtain an electronic signature);
  • After considering the application for registration, if successful, a unique registration number will be assigned, which must be entered into the CCP.
Recruiting sales staff for a grocery store

A prerequisite for store employees is the availability of a valid health book. In the event of a violation - lack of sanitary records - the business owner faces a heavy fine. Also, in the state it is desirable to have loaders, distributors of goods and cleaners. If the store is small, salespeople can be used to display goods and clean the premises for an additional fee.

Product suppliers and grocery store operation

Choosing suppliers is the secret to the success of any grocery store. Suppliers can be wholesale companies and manufacturers of goods. To select suppliers, you can use the services of a logistics specialist, he will help you select and organize the assortment of a grocery store for any format. If you plan to do everything yourself, then for this you need:

  • Study the demand of buyers and the supply of closest competitors;
  • Based on the data received, draw up a product matrix - a list of goods that are planned to be sold;
  • Based on the list, select suitable suppliers that will help create a competitive advantage.

Competitive advantages lie not only in selling prices, but also in the availability of goods, or even some of its exclusivity. Even an expensive product makes a profit if there is a great demand for it, which exceeds the supply of neighboring competitors. Sometimes a low wholesale price is not a reason for serious savings, the benefits are facilitated by more convenient logistics of goods from the supplier, which can also cost a “pretty penny”.

The very same customer loyalty - the preference of the audience of visitors to visit a particular grocery store - is formed not so much by promotions and assortment of goods, but by the quality of the products and the service provided. It is these two components that form the general trend of the store's development and its further work.

Therefore, by finding the optimal combination of all factors, even a small grocery store can be profitable. And vice versa - a large retail chain is barely reaching self-sufficiency .. It reacts vividly to changes in demand, financial health of the population and other external and internal factors. An experienced store owner should and must consider these circumstances.

“Newbies” in this business, as well as everyone else, can try to open a business selling products under any federal franchise. This will allow you to study all the processes from the inside, learn how to sell products, go through all the stages from choosing a premises to opening a retail outlet. In addition, the federal chain of franchised grocery stores has an undeniable advantage - a sign and a well-known name that is heard by consumers. That also plays on audience loyalty. The downside, no doubt, in this case is the lack of several degrees of freedom of behavior and choice in business. An experienced entrepreneur may not like this. On the other hand, this will save the “beginner” from imprudent steps and serious mistakes.

Opening your own grocery store, with the right approach, is a great way to build a profitable and sustainable business. Own business!

What IP documents are needed to open a grocery store, and how much cash investment will be required in such a business. It is impossible to refuse to buy food products, so there is always a demand for them. For a store with a small turnover, the form of ownership in the form of an individual entrepreneur is sufficient.

If the future owner of a profitable business has never been associated with entrepreneurship and this is his first grocery store, then you can contact special legal companies that provide assistance in registering an individual entrepreneur and will help you get registered under the law of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, this procedure is quite easy, so you can try to register yourself.

How to open a grocery store? To register as an individual entrepreneur and start your own business, you need to contact the tax office at your place of residence or one of the multifunctional centers in the region. By the way, soon only the latter will deal with the registration of enterprises, the Federal Tax Service will release them from this function, but the address for transferring taxes will not change.

It will not work to sell alcohol with the registration of a store as an individual entrepreneur, you need to re-register as an LLC. For the full legality of the sale of such products, you will also need to obtain an appropriate license.

Before visiting for registration, you must select codes according to the OKVED classifier and print a receipt from the Federal Tax Service website for paying state taxes. duties. You should be careful, because depending on the place of registration - at the MFC or tax office - the receipts will differ. The amount of the state fee for registration of individual entrepreneurs today is 800 rubles, excluding the bank's commission.

So, a complete package of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur must contain:

  • copies of all significant pages of the passport along with the original;
  • copy and original of the tax registration certificate (TIN);
  • original receipt of the paid state. duty;
  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs.

How can an individual entrepreneur open a grocery store? An application for registration of an individual entrepreneur contains a list of codes according to OKVED, which characterize the specifics of the entrepreneur's activities. So, the tax office understands exactly what a businessman is doing. To open a grocery store for an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate in the first column the code 52.2. "Retail sale of food, beverages, and tobacco products in specialized stores." This code will be the main one for the enterprise.

Study in advance the classifier of codes, depending on what assortment you plan to create, you must select the appropriate codes.

So, separate codes are indicated for trade in fresh meat, canned food, fish, crayfish. Even if the entrepreneur is going to sell only vegetables and fruits or bakery products, OKVED also has special codes for this type of activity.

It is worth noting that in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur it will be possible to indicate an unlimited number of codes, so everything that you are going to trade now and in the long term should be noted.

To obtain a sheet of record from the USRIP about an individual entrepreneur, you will need notary services. Depending on the region, this can cost from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. If an individual entrepreneur wants to make a wet seal, then it can cost from 300 to 3000 rubles. A wet seal, like a checking account, is optional but has many advantages. For example, without a current account, an individual entrepreneur will not be able to install payment terminals at points of sale, and Russians are already accustomed to the fact that they can pay with a bank card everywhere.

In addition, you need to purchase a cash register, obtain permission to use it, and install it. At the place of installation of such a device, its technical passport, cashier's journal and registration card must be kept. Such a card can be obtained from the local tax office within 5 working days after the submission of the owner's application, the machine passport and the technical support agreement.

When filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you can specify several codes of types of activities, but only the code from the first line will be considered the main one, which will be indicated in the registration certificate.

The cost of a specific project will depend on the location of the store, the product range and the store itself. For example, an island-shaped retail space in a shopping center will be significantly more expensive than a store in a residential building in a residential area. This is due to the traffic of people in a particular place. So, in a shopping center, an entrepreneur needs to pay more for 1 sq. m., because traffic, especially on weekends, is very high.

However, a rough estimate for a new grocery store will include the following costs:

It is better to calculate expenses for a year in advance, because it will not be possible to reach the break-even point in the first month of the store's operation. In general, about 2 million rubles will be required for the first month, and about 15 million rubles will have to be invested in a year. Significant expenses are required in the first month, since the purchase of equipment, repair of the sales area and obtaining permits are carried out.

Cost items such as equipment and permits will be the most expensive.

When choosing a room, it is worth, first of all, focusing on manpower in a specific place. The more people pass through the grocery store location, the faster the cost recovery will be achieved. However, you should not rush to rent an area for a future store near large chain super- and hypermarkets, you will not be able to compete with them due to the volume and variety of assortment.

An interesting option for placing a grocery store is modular pavilions or simply kiosks. The cost of such a point of sale, together with moving, installing and carrying out the necessary communications, will be about 700 thousand rubles. for an area of \u200b\u200babout 30 sq. m., increasing the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a point to 80 sq. m., you will need to pay about 1.2 million rubles.

When choosing a room, an entrepreneur needs to think about future prospects, if over time it is decided to sell tobacco products and alcohol, then the store cannot be closer than 100 meters from children's educational institutions, that is, kindergartens and schools.

The main document that regulates the operation of grocery stores is "Special rules for the organization of grocery stores" or in abbreviated form SP

This document contains information on the following important points of operation:

  • how to organize the procedure for receiving and storing food;
  • what are the requirements for engineering systems (water supply, ventilation, etc.);
  • what are the basic hygiene requirements for store employees;
  • what requirements should the premises and equipment meet.

Naturally, one should not forget about the design of the premises, which plays an important role in the mood of the buyer. When placing counters and commercial equipment, it is necessary to think over so that everything is convenient, both for customers and store employees.

It is imperative to organize a buyer's corner, that is, a place that is located in the hall and contains:

  1. A book of reviews and suggestions.
  2. A copy of the Consumer Protection Act.
  3. A copy of the IP registration certificate.
  4. Other permits and licenses.

In addition to the aforementioned list of documentation, such a stand should contain information on servicing disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as telephones of regulatory bodies and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Civil Defense, FSB, Emergencies.

The store must have concluded contracts with specialized waste disposal companies and a certificate of entry into the city's commercial register. All documents regulating the activities of individual entrepreneurs must be kept in the store, and during any check they must be presented upon request.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what should contain the assortment of a grocery store. In a residential area, the minimum is bread and dairy products, eggs, butter and sunflower oil, semi-finished products, as well as soft drinks and, possibly, draft beer.

A store in the city center should target a different category of customers. Here it is worth focusing the consumer's attention on snacks such as chips and crackers, sweet products that can be bought on the run before going on a visit. It can be boxed candies, chocolates, various cookies and candy bars. In summer, you can increase your revenue with a wide range of ice cream and chilled drinks.

Only experience will allow you to adjust the width and depth of the assortment; already in the first month of sales, the sellers themselves will know what is in demand and what goods are not interested in buyers. Nevertheless, no matter how the assortment changes, the main rule should be observed: each product must have a quality certificate.

When purchasing the initial assortment of the store, the entrepreneur will be faced with the fact that each supplier offers different conditions for cooperation. Moreover, it will not always be possible to limit the range of products from one or two suppliers. Pay attention to the official representatives of the manufacturer, so it will be possible to receive goods directly from the factory, bypassing intermediaries.

Also, preference should be given to wholesale companies that offer a wide range of products, so you can save on bulk purchases and even get some discounts and deferred payments.

For a store with an approximate area of \u200b\u200b50 sq. m. will require at least 0.5 million rubles. investments for the purchase of commercial equipment.

This cost includes the purchase:

  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • showcases, racks and special shelves for placing goods;
  • weighing equipment;
  • containers for storage of bulk and bulk products;
  • cash machine;
  • fire and security alarm systems.

Such equipment can be new, then warranty coupons will be available, and the store owner will not have problems with breakdowns. The purchase of used refrigerators, shelves and other equipment will help you save almost half of your money. Stands and display cases can be renovated, repaired and painted on their own, and refrigeration equipment can be found in good condition no older than 2-3 years.

Keep track of which stores in the region are closing, look for such news on the Internet - you may be able to buy most of the trade equipment from a bankrupt company.

At the first stage, two saleswomen are enough to open a grocery store, who will work in shifts. They can also be assigned the function of displaying goods and cleaning the retail space. In addition, a loader will be required to ensure that products are unloaded from the suppliers' vehicles to the store's warehouse.

The attendance of the store depends on the friendliness of the staff. The buyer would rather pass an extra block for one loaf of bread, just not to listen to the rudeness of the saleswoman. Business owners should pay attention to this, and take into account when organizing planning. Perhaps it is worth conducting periodic trainings to teach how to work with customers, or introduce a reward system for adhering to service standards. Such standards should also include normative speed of service per customer and phrases of welcome and thanks.

Each employee is required to have a health book and regularly undergo a medical examination, if these requirements are not met, the entrepreneur faces a fine.

If an individual entrepreneur has never been involved in accounting, then it is better to hire a specialist so as not to get into trouble with reporting. It is better to find an experienced accountant who has worked with retail.

Taxation of the grocery store

When registering an individual entrepreneur, a general taxation system is automatically established. According to experts, in real market conditions it is not profitable for individual entrepreneurs to work on such taxation. That is why, even before registering an individual entrepreneur and tax registration, it is necessary to decide on the choice of the taxation system. An application for the transition to the simplified tax system or UTII can be written immediately on the spot at the tax office and submitted along with the entire package of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur. If this moment is missed, then it will be possible to change the general system only at the beginning of the next calendar year.

Which one to choose the taxation regime: STS or UTII? Such a tax regime as the simplified tax system has a limitation in the volume of turnover per year in the amount of 60 million rubles, it is obvious that a small grocery store will easily fulfill this norm. It is convenient to use this mode in wholesale trade. Depending on the amount of the margin in the store, you can choose the STS "Income" with a rate of 6% - if the markup is large, or the STS "Income minus expenses" with a rate of 15%, when the margin is not more than 40% of the purchase price of the goods.

You will not be able to use UTII if the grocery store:

  1. It is engaged in the wholesale of goods.
  2. Has a retail space of over 150 sq.m.
  3. Located in Moscow (UTII is prohibited here for this type of activity).
  4. Has over 100 employees on an average of the previous year.

In any other conditions, an entrepreneur can voluntarily switch to UTII, and the tax rate is set from 7.5 to 15%.

There is no shortage of retail grocery outlets today. In any city, regardless of size, there is a serious struggle for the consumer. At the same time, the crisis buyer is no longer a cake. Is it a good idea for a small business to open a grocery store during a crisis? Will a lone retailer be able to withstand the networkers?

The situation in retail, including grocery, is not rosy: the crisis has affected all federal and regional chains, autonomous stores and markets. To successfully start in this area, you need to take into account a lot: the directions of retail development during the crisis, changing customer behavior, the prospects of niches, new legislation ... Let's try to figure out how to open a grocery store from scratch in 2016 so as not to burn out.

Product market - 2016

Situation and trends

Retail is storming. According to the report of the Ministry of Economic Development "On the results of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in 2015", the retail trade turnover in January-December 2015 amounted to 27,575.7 billion rubles, that is, 90% of the previous year. The decline was recorded in all federal districts, the saddest situation was in Sevastopol (-23.0%), Samara region (-19.1%), Karachay-Cherkess Republic (-18.1%), Chelyabinsk region (-17.3 %). Ministry of Economic Development analysts consider the retail indicators to be the worst since 1970.

In 2015, food products accounted for 48.6% of the retail trade turnover. Conclusion - grocery retail is experiencing the same difficulties as other segments of the industry. In some regions, grocery retail “got” even more. So, in Bashkortostan, food retail fell by 14.6% over the year, the industry as a whole - by 12%.

* - with extracts, only indicators affecting the retail market are presented

Source: MED report for 2015

The product market is forced to change, while trends are being traced:

  • points of the "Hard discounter" format are multiplying;
  • large chains are actively experimenting with formats, occupying traditional niches of small businesses: the U Doma store, the Family store, etc .;
  • more and more specialized stores are in demand: butchers and fish shops, eco-products, etc .;
  • optimization of retailers' costs leads to an increase in the local assortment;
  • retailers are introducing online trading as one of the sales channels.

The middle class crisis: customer evolution

Following the situation in the country, the buyer himself, his mood and behavior in stores are changing. Yes, there are consumer groups that were not affected by the crisis. However, grocery trade is on a different whale - the mass segment, represented by the middle class (and it suffered significantly during this crisis).

In 2015, not only did consumer demand fall, the dynamics and structure of consumption changed. The "middle" people began to visit grocery stores less often, but to buy more, choosing products carefully. Consumer trend - buying more useful and cheaper. Another trend is an increase in promotional activity of buyers: most are ready to move around the city in search of bargains.

However, cheapness is not the main criterion for Russians when choosing products. According to a survey conducted by the Romir research holding, more than half of the population appreciates the freshness and quality of food, and people are willing to pay more for this. Over the past three years, a group of “food patriots” has emerged, preferring domestic products. There are fewer and fewer people willing to pay for brand awareness.

Networks versus singles: standalone stores stand a chance

The creation of large chains is beyond the power of small businesses: at best, "kids" manage to promote several geographically close shops, usually of the "Near the house" format or a minimarket. In the worst situation today, autonomous establishments with wine and vodka departments, the costs of which have increased following the change in the rules of alcohol trade: you have to buy jobs in the EGAIS system.

Networkers and singles are in different weight classes. It is easier for federal and large regional networks to survive during a protracted crisis. They have reserves, a better developed logistics system, more favorable terms of delivery. Large retailers can afford attractive promotions and low prices by investing in “price marketing”. In addition, many chains have been developing all possible formats for a long time, displacing small businesses from their traditional territories. As a result, large retailers “kill” stand-alone stores, luring customers with low prices, proximity, rich assortment, and more comfortable shopping conditions.

Small businesses have little chance of competing with networkers. But they are. The retail giants have a vulnerability: they are inert in terms of assortment, they are in no hurry to change large suppliers and squeeze unclaimed low-quality goods from the shelves. At the same time, more and more consumers of the mass segment prefer fresh and organic products, value freshness and quality. Small businesses can take advantage of this.

SMEs in grocery retail: components of success

In the current realities, a combination of factors brings success to a startup:

  • geographic proximity to the customer and simultaneous remoteness from network points;
  • high-quality and popular assortment;
  • perfect service, customer-facing service.

In terms of assortment, this is the cornerstone of success. Depending on the location of the store and its competing neighbors, you can choose a wide assortment with the presence of the categories "fresh" and "take-away", and specialization in one product group. Sometimes a combination works well: a wide selection of products with an emphasis on a specific category. For example, “only we have farm dairy products” (meat or poultry of farms, organic vegetables, “healthy baked goods”, etc.).

Despite the crisis and tough competition with networkers, small shops with a bakery, cookery, coffee shop, etc. are also promising. The main thing is the convenience and relevance of the concept.

The question "I want to open a grocery store, where to start" can be answered with advice:

  • first assess the viability and relevance of the business idea, analyze how it covers the needs of buyers;
  • think about whether you can provide quality service and original assortment, how;
  • choose a format suitable for the concept.

If everything fits together, then go ahead.

Choosing a grocery store format

Trading establishments selling food products, according to GOST R 51773-2009, differ:

  • by the form of ownership (private, municipal, unitary, etc.);
  • service format (full or partial self-service, through the counter, etc.);
  • the way of organizing trade (network, branded, autonomous);
  • by specialization (universal, specialized, with a combined or mixed assortment);
  • by type (hyper-, super- or minimarket, grocery store, supermarket, Cash & Carry store, pavilion or store "Products", "Discounter", stores "Fish", "Vegetables-Fruits", etc.);
  • types of retail facilities (stationary and non-stationary);
  • according to the terms of sale (with or without a trading floor).

Not all formats can be opened by small businesses. Among these, for example, hypermarkets with an area of \u200b\u200bover 4,000 square meters. m and supermarkets (600 - 5,000 sq. m.), ie, shops with a wide range and a large share of non-food products (30-40%). Let's consider modern formats available for SMEs.

1 "Convenient store" (convenience store), aka "Around the corner", "Next door" and "Near the house"

This format assumes a low share of sales through the counter. Store area - 50-400 sq. The assortment includes 1,500 - 3,000 items, up to 60% of which are consumer goods, that is, products of the weekly consumer basket. The share of non-food products is up to 15%.

There is an opinion that such points should offer both goods and service of average quality. However, following such a tradition in a crisis is a guaranteed failure. For U Doma stores, it is important to arrange the equipment correctly, to ensure a neat layout and high-quality service, and to avoid delays in goods. The best location is residential areas and areas of new buildings.

"Convenient" is developing today in the direction of increasing the range of food to go and the category of "fresh" (fresh, not frozen food and products of our own production). Here you can install coffee machines, equip service areas for selling tickets, paying for services, issuing online orders, and arranging food intake areas. An entrepreneur who has chosen this format, depending on the city, will compete with the network projects "Kopeyka", "Crossroads Express", "Dixie", "Every day", etc.

2 Health food store (eco products)

Refers to specialized stores with a narrow assortment, but with great depth. Trade in one group of goods is possible: dairy products, meat, honey. Trading area - 18-200 sq. m. The margin, as a rule, is higher than for analogues in non-specialized stores. The rest of the parameters (location, obligatory traffic, the share of trade through the counter) are not decisive, but are determined only by the characteristics of the profile product.

By the way, about a unique product. If the store also sells everyday products, then when laying out and placing the emphasis should be on core products: give them central racks, display them at eye level, etc.

A few figures for the well-known chain of farm dairy products Izbenka in Moscow. For trade in 70 items, 15-20 sq. m area. Opening one point requires 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. attachments. The main problem of the business is to find several reliable suppliers in order to ensure the stability of the price and quality of products in retail outlets.

Eco-food stores are relevant in large cities where the economically active population is not burdened with their own gardening and vegetable gardening. In settlements up to 100 thousand people, the prefix "eco" is perceived as self-indulgence. People in these cities have a lot to invest in besides organic carrots.

3 Score with mini-bakery (cooking)

In fact, this is the format “Near the house” or “Traffic” stores located at transport interchanges, but with its own bakery production. The assortment may be limited to baked goods themselves, or may include consumer goods. It is important to remember that in addition to administrative, warehouse and retail premises, production areas will be required (according to the law, they cannot be located everywhere).

How to choose a room, equipment and arrange all the documents for a bakery.

What is the advantage of U Doma bakery? Bread, rolls, pies are baked in small batches. You can quickly change the assortment, respond to customer requests, focus on “healthy bread” and interesting additives. This store format involves the sale of drinks, the organization of places for the use of pastries, the installation of a coffee machine.

How to open a grocery store


The competition in retail is huge, and competent business planning is half the battle. Decide on the format and location of the store, find several suitable options for premises, start negotiations for rent. Make a business plan, make several options: optimistic, realistic and pessimistic.

check in

It is better to register a grocery store in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Please note that individual entrepreneurs cannot trade strong alcohol (only beer and beer drinks). Therefore, LLC is the choice of those who plan to organize a wine and vodka department at a retail outlet. Select the OKVED codes provided for the retail trade in food products from groupings 52.1 - 52.27.

Decide on the taxation system, for retail trade are optimal:

  • patent - only for individual entrepreneurs with a sales area of \u200b\u200bno more than 50 sq. m;
  • UTII - for LLC and individual entrepreneur, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading floor of the pavilion / store is up to 150 sq. m;
  • STS “income minus expenses” - can be applied by LLC and individual entrepreneur without restrictions on retail space.

The first two systems are introduced in the regions by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, therefore they are not available throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The simplified tax system applies throughout the country without restrictions.

Room selection and renovation

When looking for premises for a store, you should focus on the area and location required for the selected format. In addition, grocery retail outlets must comply with the rules of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES, this must be taken into account.

For example, fish and vegetable stores cannot be located in residential buildings, as well as attached / built-in premises. There are requirements for the organization of an additional exit for evacuation in case of fire, the inadmissibility of oncoming flows of buyers and personnel, etc. All these points are easier to take into account at the stage of selection of premises, its redevelopment and repair.

Obtaining permits and approvals

Entrepreneurs today are legally protected from excessive control of supervisory authorities, spared from many approvals and permits. A clear knowledge of their rights and responsibilities comes in handy in case of bureaucratic "excesses in the field."

  • Law N294-ФЗ dated 26.12.08 "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control." Let's go through the key points.

    Entrepreneurs for some types of activities must notify the supervisory authorities when they start their work. Conclusions from control bodies for starting activities (SES, Ministry of Emergencies, etc.) are licensing requirements established for specific types of business. If the activity does not involve obtaining a license, then conclusions are not needed. Scheduled and unscheduled inspections are strictly regulated, for the period 2016-2018. supervisory holidays for small businesses have been established (Article 26.1.).

  • Resolution No. 584 of 16.07.09 "On the notification procedure for the commencement of certain types of entrepreneurial activity." The document lists the types of activities for which notifications must be submitted, the procedure for filing a notification is established.

It follows from the above normative acts that retail trade in products does not belong to licensed types of activity (except for alcohol trade), therefore, the store owner:

  • after registration with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, but before starting the activity, notifies Rospotrebnadzor (you need to send a form in the established form);
  • should not receive conclusions from the SES and the Ministry of Emergencies.

Retail trade in alcohol under the law No. 171-FZ of 22.11.95 is possible only for legal entities and only on the basis of a license. The list of licensing requirements is impressive, from the amount of the authorized capital to 1 million rubles. (established by the regional authorities) before the availability of technical means for transferring information to the EGAIS. But conclusions from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not required to obtain a license for an alcohol shop. Individual entrepreneurs can only sell beer and beer drinks, but without a license.

Despite the fact that it is not necessary to obtain conclusions for a grocery store, the outlet must comply with fire safety and sanitary standards.

At the time of opening, the store must be equipped with a fire alarm and fire extinguishers, have separate escape routes, and meet other requirements. Check out the fire safety regulations and the Emergencies Ministry's requirements for retail facilities.

On the issue of SES requirements. You need to focus on SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them." The main provisions of the document relate to the location and arrangement of retail outlets, their water supply, ventilation and heating, issues of receiving, storing and selling products, sanitary and hygienic rules for personnel, etc.

There are many rules and requirements, but the overwhelming majority of them are based on common sense and are aimed at protecting the life and health of customers and store employees.

Assortment formation, selection of suppliers

Find out exactly who your client is:

  • people who purchase goods for immediate consumption (students, schoolchildren, young people who prefer prepared food);
  • purchasing groceries once a week in hypermarkets and coming to the “At Home” store for perishable goods (fruits, milk, bread);
  • shoppers making all purchases close to home, having no car or time for long shopping trips.

Form an assortment based on the share of which customers will prevail among buyers. Do not overload shelves with goods, do not compete in the breadth of the range with hypermarkets. Be flexible, analyze sales, survey buyers, replace poorly selling positions. Find your unique product category.

The main thing when choosing suppliers is that you should get a product that meets quality, price and range. Interact not only with wholesalers and small wholesale organizations (read: intermediaries), go to direct suppliers and manufacturers. This way you can get a big markup and choose what you really need for your store concept.

Selection of commercial equipment

A grocery store will need universal trading equipment: cash register machines, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems, scales, card payment terminals.

In addition, you need to select equipment that depends on the range, size and layout of the room:

  • racks for a sales area and a warehouse;
  • packaging equipment, refrigeration and freezing (showcases, chests, chambers).

The refrigeration system in a grocery store is the main consumer of electricity and a significant cost item. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention not only to ergonomics, functionality and price, but also to energy efficiency.

Hiring staff. Advertising and promotion

At the final stage, it is necessary to hire employees: salespeople, administrators, accountants - everyone who is necessary for the effective functioning of the chosen concept. The main thing to remember is that sellers are persons who are in direct contact with buyers. Their task is an attentive and friendly attitude towards the client, fast and high-quality service.

Many aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs have wondered how to start a grocery store from scratch. At first glance, it seems that everything is obvious in this business. I bought a product and sell it. But there are many nuances that you should know if you decide to open a grocery store. Let's figure out all the intricacies of this business together.

What you will learn about:

Product market 2018 - 2019: situation and trends

Over the past five years, Russians have begun to eat better, statistics says. In short, people are spending more on food and choosing them more carefully.

What is the situation today and what awaits us in 2019? The media have already written that another price increase is coming. When it will happen and what food products will become more expensive is still unknown.

Prices rise for various reasons:

  • decline in the ruble. This affects, first of all, the goods imported from abroad: tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, seafood, cheeses, alcohol, etc .;
  • negatively affected the Russian economy - the imposed sanctions;
  • an increase in expenses for transportation by region and the supply of products to stores;
  • increase in VAT, preferential taxation of 10% on products will remain, but business as a whole will increase its expenses.

According to experts, in 2019 the purchaseability of goods, the cost of which will grow, will increase. Paradox? Not at all. It's just that consumers believe that in the future the price may rise further, which means that it is better to buy now.

And this means that by opening a grocery store (with a competent approach to this issue), it is highly likely that you will be able to develop your business. After all, there will always be demand for products. And how to proceed in stages, we will tell you further.

Pros and cons of opening a grocery store

Let's first consider all the advantages and disadvantages of a grocery business.

There are enough pluses and minuses. We are sure that when you open a grocery store, both of them will increase. Before taking decisive action, draw up a business plan for your future store.

Learn more about how to write a grocery store business plan.

How to open a grocery store: step by step instructions

Step 1. What is the best way to register a grocery store: individual entrepreneur or LLC

Let's consider how and what is needed when registering an individual entrepreneur and LLC.

Note also that the fines for LLCs are much higher than for individual entrepreneurs. For example, an individual entrepreneur will pay about 5,000 rubles for violation of cash transactions, and an LLC - 80,000 rubles.

Now see which option is better and easier for you:

Only you can decide what is best for you as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you plan to open a small grocery store, the most convenient option would be an individual entrepreneur. Supermarket with the prospect of growth in the network business - LLC.

Step 2. What documents are needed to open a grocery store

In order to open a grocery store, you need to collect a fairly large package of documents. They can be requested by inspection bodies:

Step 3. Choosing the direction of trade and format

When you open a grocery store, a successful choice of the direction and format of your future store is half the battle.

It is necessary to understand which customers it will be designed for, where it will be located (city, village) and, most importantly, what product you will offer to the buyer. Therefore, do not rush to resolve this issue. There are many deciding factors, here are a few key ones:

  • Seasonality... Simply put, open a store at a time of year that suits your retail outlet. We decided to sell fruits - start in the summer;
  • Competition... If there is already a similar one where you plan to open a grocery store, then, of course, you should not do it. Look for another place where you can become your main outlet.

If we talk about profitability, then the supermarket is considered the best form. They are convenient for buyers, because they always have a large selection of products, you can see the composition and expiration date of the purchase on the spot.

Have you decided to sell certain products? The best format for such an idea is “counter-seller”. In such cases, buyers can consult with the seller and make their choice. With quality customer service, customer loyalty will be quite high.

How to open a farm products store: step by step instructions

Today, healthy food is quite fashionable, which means that farm-based, natural products will be in demand, and such points of sale will be very profitable. According to statistics, income from environmentally friendly goods can exceed 500 thousand rubles. per month.

To open a farm products store, you also need to collect a package of permits from the fire, veterinary and sanitary inspections. Choose the type of activity - individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Decide on the type of farming:

  • Livestock (cattle, pigs, poultry, etc.);
  • Crop production (growing potatoes, wheat, etc.).
  • whether it is necessary to purchase the premises or will it be necessary to rent it;
  • new equipment or used equipment will be purchased;
  • agreements with farms are concluded for the purchase of their products or for sale.

In total, the amount varies from about 500 to 700 thousand rubles.

If you do not have your own farm, decide on suppliers (for example, sign an agreement with local producers). Be sure to ask for certificates confirming product quality. And there is no need to initially purchase a large batch of goods. First you need to decide what is in demand.

When you open a grocery store, location plays a big role. The farm products store should not be located near the markets, otherwise the flow of customers will undoubtedly go there. Don't overcharge your prices so as not to scare off potential buyers. 30% is considered the optimal markup.

Opening a grocery store is not that difficult. But the sale of farm products is still more relevant for those who are already engaged in agriculture and are ready to sell their goods.

Farm Products Store: A Story of Successful Entrepreneurs

Step 4. Choosing a place and premises for a grocery store

To choose the right place to open a grocery store, you need to follow simple rules. They will allow you not to "bite your elbows" in the long run, complaining about a hasty decision.

  1. If you have already decided on the area where you will open a grocery store, pay attention to whether the roads are good, whether it is convenient for the buyer to get to you, whether there is parking, etc .;
  2. Will the sign of your store be clearly visible? Are there any planned nearby buildings that can close the visibility of the retail outlet;
  3. Find out what assortment is in demand among residents (arrange a raid on nearby shops);
  4. Conduct a competitive analysis. Which of the stores is able to attract the target audience.

Where not to open a grocery store:

  1. Where there is a large supermarket nearby;
  2. Where there is a grocery market nearby.

Let's talk about the premises of a grocery store. Basically, the area is from 20 m2. The main thing is that all communications, electrical networks (for the operation of refrigeration equipment, etc.) are carried out. Also check that it is convenient for both trucks and customers to drive up to the premises.

You can open a grocery store in the purchased premises or in a rented one. For an entrepreneur selling FMCGs, renting is much cheaper. After all, if at this point the business is unprofitable, then you can easily move. If the premises are purchased, you will have to spend a lot of time selling it.

The question, of course, is the price. You can buy premises for a grocery store from 500,000 rubles, rent - from 40-50 thousand rubles per month.

Step 5. How much does it cost to open a grocery store

Let's calculate how much (approximate amount) it will take to open a grocery store.

Estimate for small grocery store

Do not be afraid of the amount, because the average check in such a store is 200-300 rubles. Monthly income within 500 thousand rubles. Profitability - 30%. Payback in about a year and a half.

Try the product accounting program for a grocery store from Biznes.Ru. Maintain full-fledged inventory control, set a ban on negative sales, analyze revenue, calculate product profitability, forecast sales and remotely control the operation of a retail outlet.

Step 6. Installing the equipment in the grocery store

What equipment do you need when you open a grocery store:

  • Shelves, showcases, counters;
  • Refrigerating chambers;
  • Cash register, scales;
  • Product baskets;
  • Luggage storage.

Think about how you will arrange the equipment in the sales area. One of the main requirements to be functional and convenient for customers. Oversized equipment will become a hindrance. Shoppers must have enough room to move around the store.

How to squeeze the maximum sales out of the store

You can increase sales using loyalty systems, they allow you to motivate the buyer to come back again, as well as attraction tools in the form of sales or promotions for certain groups of goods, analytics that will allow you to see profit, profitability, revenue and other indicators through which you will see a picture of current sales and will allow to influence the growth of these indicators.

Learn more about how to increase sales with the right floor plan

Step 7. We decide on the assortment of the grocery store

Before deciding on the range of products in your store, you need to carefully study this issue. The Internet will also come to the rescue. According to surveys of Russians, the most popular products in their grocery basket are:

When forming the assortment of a grocery store, it is important:

  1. Understand who your target audience is. Consider social, personal, financial characteristics, area of \u200b\u200bresidence, etc.
  2. Analyze the commercial offers of suppliers, choose the most profitable one for you.
  3. Analyze the dynamics of sales of each product, the percentage of revenue, exclude rarely sold products;

It is also important to remember when opening a grocery store that you need to sell a product for different categories of buyers: sausage for people with low incomes and a quality product for the middle class.

You can maintain a full-fledged warehouse accounting, analyze profits and forecast sales by connecting the Business.Ru inventory system.

Step 8. We conclude contracts with suppliers

When you open a grocery store, you need to choose a supplier. These can be wholesale companies or manufacturers of goods. You can find a supplier in different ways:

  • look in the markets, you can immediately see what product the company offers and discuss all the nuances;
  • visit exhibitions. At the stands you can learn more about the product and agree on cooperation.
  • the Internet. Quite a few companies have their own websites and offer their services on the World Wide Web.

Important! When selecting a supplier via the Internet, browse 10-20 pages of search results. Often, suppliers do not pay due attention to the promotion of corporate sites on the Internet, but the conditions can be favorable.

When you decide on a supplier and proceed to concluding a contract, you need to discuss the following points:

  • Supplier capabilities.Will he be able to meet your requirements and deliver the quantity of goods you need within the agreed time frame.
  • Product quality... First ask the supplier for samples of the goods, make sure of their quality, and only after that make large purchases.
  • Terms of payment... Discuss all the nuances of payment so that the final option suits both parties.
  • Warranty... Consider return issues, claim processing time, etc.
  • Prices... Many suppliers offer discounts for bulk purchases, check this information.

Step 9. We hire staff

When you open a grocery store from scratch, you need to carefully consider what the staff will be like. This factor depends on the scale of the outlet.

You will need:

  • director;
  • chief Accountant;
  • cashiers-sellers;
  • cleaning lady;
  • loader.

You shouldn't save money on staff qualifications and recruit experienced people. They know how to arrange the goods correctly, they know how to communicate with customers, they will not get lost in a stressful situation and understand the assortment of the store.

Learn more about how to attract the best performing employees.

It is better to choose a piece-rate option as payment. Simply put, when a person receives a flat payment for the day at the store and a percentage of the sale. The employee must serve customers, help with suppliers, etc.

Approximate salary calculation (per month) for store employees

Step 10. How to advertise a grocery store

One of the most effective and free ways to advertise a grocery store is word of mouth. If your store pleases customers with a varied assortment, affordable prices, promotions, then customers will recommend your outlet to friends and relatives.

Learn more about how to get everyone to talk about you with word of mouth.

  • production of signs - from 50,000 rubles (banner banners, banner panels, light boxes);
  • facade design - from 80,000 rubles (sign, showcase, light board, creeping line);
  • placement of information on price promotions in the elevators of nearby houses - from 10,000 rubles;
  • holding price actions - from 30,000 rubles (design of banners, leaflets, brochures during promotions for seasonal goods, goods of the day, etc.).

Despite all the spending, the grocery store can generate good profits. If you are ready to work hard and develop your outlet on a daily basis, then our advice will certainly be useful to you. And then everything depends on your perseverance, professionalism and, of course, luck.


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