How to open a paintball club: staff, equipment and business secrets. Paintball club: how to open? Paintball business plan

It cannot be said that paintball has already become quite widespread in Russia, but, as statistics show, a promoted club in Moscow attracts about 1000 players per month, which is quite a lot. Of course, we are far from America, where about 9 million participants play this game, but, on the other hand, the speed at which the popularity of this game in the CIS countries is growing has long been of interest to entrepreneurs, many of whom have the question of how to open paintball club, and whether it will pay off quickly. And today we will answer these and other topical questions related to the opening and running of a paintball game business.

And the first commandment that every self-respecting owner of a paintball shooting range should take into account is the right place. People come to the club not only to play, but also to have a good time, which means that you need to carefully find a place to play with the appropriate infrastructure: so that the hotel, good food, and household items are always nearby for the full convenience of the players. Therefore, creating a paintball club in a deep forest is a rotten option. Naturally, an independent organization of a recreation complex for a novice entrepreneur may not be affordable, therefore the most optimal place for opening a paintball club will be the territory of a sanatorium or recreation center. It is enough just to come to the director of the given establishment and offer him a percentage of your proceeds in exchange for the territory provided. In addition, vacationers of the sanatorium will be able to get at their disposal another type of leisure, which will clearly please the head of the base.

How much money does it take to open a paintball club?

Let's put together a small logical paintball business plan. To do this, we will calculate how much you need to invest to open a club.

  1. To open our establishment, you must at least buy 20 sets of paintball markers (or, as they are also called, a paintball gun), 20 masks, 20 sets of camouflage suits and safety vests, cylinders, etc. The estimated cost of some paintball materials is shown in the table below.

The table does not include the cost of a paintball camouflage uniform as its price depends on where you buy it. Moreover, you can save a lot by buying only the fabric itself, and sewing by ordering from a dressmaker.

The personnel should also be mentioned separately. For work, you can invite nearby students, schoolchildren with a daily wage of 500 rubles - people will come to you willingly. For 20 participants in the game, you only need 3 staff members.

How much can you earn?

Now is the time to talk about the potential income generated by paintball. As a rule, you can make a profit in several areas at once: the entrance fee to the club, the sale of balls to be inserted into the gun, as well as additional services such as a sauna, food, billiards. But the last point is relevant only for the owners of the entire complex. Those who decide to open a paintball club at the recreation center can easily recoup their investment and only by selling balls inserted into a gun. On average, 100 balls cost about $ 6. One player spends about 400 balls per 1 game day, and a delegation of 10 people - 4,000, which means that if a paintball club is visited by 20 people per day, your earnings per day will be about $ 480, and per month - 480 * 30 \u003d $ 14,400 Considering the price of one paintball ball at $ 6. specified with a markup of 50%, then your net profit in the first month will be 7,200 USD. provided that you have 20 people playing every day. Pretty good, isn't it? Naturally, for an attendance of 20 players a day, you need to work hard on advertising and creating a favorable atmosphere when playing, but if you are determined to make money from this type of business, then it will not be too difficult for you.

Recently, many people prefer outdoor activities and sports. This is especially true of office workers who, due to their activities, are forced to spend a significant part of the day in immobility.

Paintball is an excellent entertainment that combines a game like a military strategy, high activity of all participants and, of course, positive emotions. To shoot with gelatin balls and throw out the accumulated energy, there are many who wish both in megacities and small towns. For this reason, if a businessman wishes to open a paintball club, he needs to know that such an idea has good prospects, and its implementation can bring considerable stable income in the future.

How to open a paintball club?

Paintball has become a huge hit with Russians over the past decade. Both older people and young people are passionate about this game. Its essence is very simple: the participants are divided into teams, each of which must complete a specific task. The presence of a weapon that shoots balls of paint and leaves a characteristic mark on the enemy's uniform gives the game a special flavor. The growing popularity of this entertainment indicates a large consumer demand, so your own paintball club, if properly organized, can become highly profitable.

Before starting to open an enterprise, it is necessary to analyze the market in this area and study the features of competitors' work. In order for the club to bring stable profits and be interesting to a large number of people, it is recommended to think over the list of its services. The most demanded of them are:

  • strategy lessons with an instructor;
  • participation of clients in games according to certain scenarios (suitable for corporate clients and large companies);
  • organization of field service at the customer's site;
  • holding tournaments and competitions.

In addition, you can organize the work of a small point of sale of specialized equipment and clothing. Also, it will not be superfluous to offer clients video filming of tournaments and corporate events, which will bring additional income.

Important: businessmen interested in profitable should know that 1 paintball club will be profitable for every 50 thousand people.

Business registration

If a novice entrepreneur decides to start his own paintball club, or to engage in other activities in the entertainment sector, he needs to register a business. For these purposes, you should contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence.

If you plan to register an individual entrepreneur, a businessman will need to write an application for opening a company, submit a passport, TIN and a check confirming the payment of state duty. Its size is 0.8 thousand rubles. When registering a legal entity, it is worth preparing a company and providing evidence of the presence of an authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. The size of the state duty in this case is 4 thousand rubles.

It is important for entrepreneurs to indicate correctly the OKVED codes. For opening a paintball club, 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of entertainment and recreation, not included in other groups", as well as 77.21 "Rent and hire of goods for recreation and sports goods" are suitable. As for the taxation system, you can opt for UTII. Businessmen who register a company as an individual entrepreneur, in this case, do not have to buy a cash register.

Important: One of the advantages of opening a paintball club is that you don't need to obtain a license. Markers (guns for shooting paint capsules) are not firearms, but are classified as sports equipment.

Site search

When opening a paintball club, it is important for an entrepreneur to choose the right site correctly. First of all, the possibility of organizing a company on the territory of city parks or in remote areas of the settlement should be considered.

Also a good option would be a land plot in a suburban area. It doesn't hurt to consider that potential clients should get to the club without any problems. For this reason, it is recommended to select locations near a functioning traffic intersection. For the implementation of successful strategic scenarios of paintball battles, the following are suitable:

  • abandoned industrial plants;
  • old construction sites;
  • abandoned rest houses and camp sites;
  • plantations and rugged terrain.

For the paintball club to work properly, the power grid, water supply, Internet, telephone and other communications must function properly on the territory of the institution. It is recommended to choose a plot with an area of \u200b\u200b250 m2 or more, where you can place objects and obstacles necessary for the game. A spacious place will provide free movement of participants during the competition. As for the rent, its size is from 40 thousand rubles per month (on the territory of an abandoned company).

Advice: initially, you need to look for a site in such a way that it can be divided into several isolated zones. This is required in order for the club to receive independent groups of clients at the same time.

Equipment purchase

First of all, it is worth taking care of the presence of changing rooms and showers, where guests can change clothes, and after the game - put themselves in order. Repair work and installation of plumbing will cost 80 thousand rubles. In addition, you need to buy a fence for the playground (about 35 thousand rubles). For the installation of obstacles and the installation of gazebos will have to spend 140 thousand rubles. After arranging the site, you should purchase equipment for the tournaments. It includes:

  • markers with cylinders (20 pcs.) - 540 thousand rubles;
  • camouflage uniform (20 sets) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • protective mask (20 pcs.) - 120 thousand rubles;
  • gloves (20 pairs) - 24 thousand rubles;
  • balls with paints (50 packs) - 75 thousand rubles.

Total - the cost of purchasing equipment for a paintball club will amount to 1.114 million rubles. Some entrepreneurs are thinking about installing it as an attraction. It is indeed capable of generating a fairly good income, but to implement such an idea, you will have to invest at least 3.5 million rubles.

Attracting staff

To train players, you will need to invite an instructor. Such an employee should be able to explain the rules for the use of weapons, conduct safety briefings on the playground, organize training for those who wish, and also judge tournaments and competitions.

In addition, the paintball club must have an administrator. The duties of this specialist include recording teams and individual participants, issuing and recording equipment, etc. The staff might look like this:

  • instructor (2 people) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • administrator (2 persons) - 46 thousand rubles;
  • security guard (2 persons) - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - the remuneration of workers of the paintball club will be 106 thousand rubles per month. If an accountant is required, then the services of such a specialist should be outsourced, which will reduce monthly costs.

Advertising campaign

In order for a paintball club to function consistently and generate good income, it is necessary to develop an effective marketing strategy. Despite the great competition in this niche, the business can be developed without fear, since the level of service of the overwhelming number of companies is very low.

Please note that many clubs are located on the territories of abandoned enterprises, recreation centers and other organizations, which entails a high probability of injury. For this reason, potential players often refuse the services of clubs located in abandoned areas. If you equip a flat area and install small objects and an obstacle course on it, there will be much more customers.

At such venues, people prefer to participate in tournaments. If they are satisfied with the quality of service, information will quickly spread between, which will increase the number of customers noticeably. A paintball club must have a personal website with information about its life and development. The presence of constantly updated photographs and videos can attract many people to the competition. It is imperative to put on it contact information about the club and a map indicating the location of the company. Since young people spend most of their time on the Internet, it is necessary to create and promote thematic communities on social networks. You can also use the following advertising techniques:

  • placement of data about a paintball club on billboards and citylights;
  • public transport announcements;
  • distribution of leaflets and banners in places with high traffic of people;
  • advertising on television, radio and in print media.

Taking into account the creation of an information site and its promotion, advertising costs will amount to 50 thousand rubles. In the future, you will have to spend about 20 thousand rubles a month to promote the project. It does not hurt to contact marketers who will set up targeted and contextual advertising on the Internet for a low price. This is guaranteed to increase the number of potential clients of the club (if, for example, a businessman wishes, he can also use these advertising channels).

Paintball club business plan

Most newcomers at the stage of planning commercial activities are faced with the need to draw up financial calculations. Here's a sample paintball club business plan that provides a capex, monthly cost, and ROI.

Let's calculate the amount of investment required to open a business. They will include:

  • business registration - 0.8 thousand rubles;
  • lease of a land plot (for 6 months) - 240 thousand rubles;
  • repair work - 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 1.114 million rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the volume of capital investments in starting a business will amount to 1.485 million rubles. The investment can be significantly lower if it is possible to find used equipment in good condition for arranging the site. Mandatory monthly costs of maintaining the enterprise:

  • salary of employees - 106 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment for communications - 15 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 100 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of mandatory costs will be 261 thousand rubles (compiled in a similar way, etc.). As for the potential profit of a paintball club, it directly depends on the number of clients. So, if the site receives several teams of 14-16 people every day, the daily profit will be approximately 25 thousand rubles. Then the company's revenue for the month will reach 750 thousand rubles. Subtract 261 thousand rubles from the amount received. The net profit will amount to 489 thousand rubles per month. The expenses will pay off in 3-4 months after the club starts working. We did not include in the calculations the services of a cafe, sauna and playground for children, which can be organized as income increases.

Important: instructors should be entrusted with the development of new scenarios for games and tournaments, which will diversify the pastime and interest of people. It is imperative for regular customers to develop a flexible system of discounts and bonuses. In addition, it is recommended to invest the first profit in the construction of an indoor paintball complex with a heating system. This will allow you to receive visitors even in winter and be one step ahead of competitors.

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Paintball has gained immense popularity in Russia over the past decade. Opening your own paintball club is a promising business idea despite the fairly high competition in this area. Initial investments are about 1 million rubles, but they quickly pay off.

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    Paintball club business plan

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    Sergey, thank you for your feedback. It's great that you are happy with the document you received. Now it is important not to stop, but to bring the paintball club to the opening. We wish you good luck in your business.

    Paintball club business plan

    A typical business plan is worth considering. Helps to structure thoughts and ideas. On its basis, you can easily develop your individual project without anyone's help. Many thanks

    Oleg, thank you for your response. Indeed, it is much easier to develop a paintball club business plan based on standard designs than from scratch. Focusing on the calculation examples, you will not miss important details. We wish you all the best.

    Paintball club business plan

    Thanks a lot for the business plan. I found a lot of interesting and useful things for myself. Was able to develop a concept. I hope everything goes well.

    Zhenya, thank you for your feedback. The paintball club is a rather prestigious institution today. Leisure activities in this way attract more and more people. Of course, everything will work out for you, the main thing is to confidently go towards your goal. We wish you all the best.

The main thing about a paintball club business plan

The number of paintball players is growing every year. Paintball clubs have long been a part of the entertainment industry, and by actively developing, they have firmly taken their niche. New paintball clubs appear on the market, as well as suppliers of paintball equipment, manufacturers of camouflage equipment. From a practical point of view, opening a paintball club could well be a profitable project.

In order for paintball, as a business, to justify financial investments, to become not just a hobby, but a source of high profits, it is necessary to focus simultaneously on several areas of work. In addition to organizing games, there are many other opportunities on which you can and should earn money. And, first of all, you should rely on corporate recreation.

The leaders of many companies prefer to take their employees out into the countryside more often, giving them the opportunity not only to relax with health benefits, but also to communicate and get to know each other better. And paintball in this regard is the most optimal option, especially if the company's staff consists mainly of the stronger sex.

Sources of income

Competent organization of a paintball club provides for work in several directions at once. Otherwise, one cannot count on good profit. The organization of the training process for security and law enforcement agencies, the holding of field events has good prospects. A paintball store will bring a solid profit to your business, which will sell all the equipment you need to play - paintball kits, equipment, masks and vests, as well as video instructions that tell you how to refuel weapons and how to use them correctly.

The number of additional services often includes the organization of corporate events that include not only paintball competitions directly. For example, after playing paintball, business consultations may be held for company employees, the premises for which are provided for a fee by the owner of the paintball base. Corporate games are also beneficial because the owners of companies usually order a full range of services: delivery to the base and back, food, some additional entertainment. But in order to satisfy all the needs of the client, the entrepreneur must build a base with a superbly developed infrastructure.

If you are thinking about how to open your own paintball club business, but do not know where to start opening, carefully study the professional example of a business plan for opening a paintball club with ready-made calculations. This document contains a detailed description of each stage of starting a business. You will figure out what type of taxation paintball belongs to and, most importantly, you will gain confidence in yourself and your strengths, which will allow you not to leave the race even in difficult conditions.

The history of paintball in our country is no more than 20 years old, and only at the beginning of the new millennium this market began to actively develop, adding more and more new players. Of course, this business manifests itself most clearly in large cities. Although recently, some activity has begun to be observed in the regions, where it is also becoming fashionable to play a game of paintball.

Such a grandiose business project as a paintball club does not in any way fall into the number of low-cost types of business. Despite the fact that the arrangement of a paintball base does not require excessive aesthetics and comfort, the cost of building and equipping it amounts to tens of thousands of dollars. The total cost of an investment in paintball can fluctuate significantly - from $ 20,000 to $ 90,000.

The end result depends on the cost of renting a land plot, its area and prices for paintball equipment - guns, balls, ammunition. For example, buying paintball guns in China, you can save a lot, but there is no need to talk about some high quality equipment.

What expenses are such incomes

Having decided, out of a desire to save money, to limit himself to creating only one playground for playing paintball, the businessman makes a serious mistake. Whole companies come to play paintball, and they rely on quality service, which will be provided only through the well-developed infrastructure of the base. Lack of amenities is a surefire way to lose all customers. Therefore, when thinking about where to start and how to open your paintball, first of all, take care of the availability of favorable conditions for a good rest. In this respect, the most profitable lease of the territory in the immediate vicinity of any recreation center.

The club's expenses are not only made up of land rent and base construction. A significant share in the cost item is the cost of equipment for playing in a paintball club: to open it, you need to buy at least 20 sets of markers, camouflage suits, vests and other equipment. One such kit costs at least $ 400. It is easy to calculate that the purchase of 20 sets will result in a very significant amount - about $ 8,000.

Such a business as a paintball club involves the construction of various forts, bunker shelters, without which it is difficult to imagine an exciting game. The entire territory of the playground must be fenced with a special grid, which will also require additional costs. It is also impossible not to take into account the depreciation of paintball equipment and the regular updating of play equipment. When calculating the total cost of the investment required to start a paintball club, many entrepreneurs use a good sample paintball business plan. It makes it much easier to perform the required calculations. And, despite the fact that paintball can hardly be called a business for beginners, the presence of this document will help even an inexperienced entrepreneur to cope with any difficulties.

This gambling team game, which makes it possible to shoot each other without harming anyone, has long enjoyed well-deserved success. And not only among the stronger sex. Many women enjoy visiting paintball clubs, making their childhood dreams come true.

The organization of such a business as paintball has good prospects, as such services are becoming more and more in demand. But again, not in every region. Therefore, the role of competent marketing research is so important, which will accurately determine the demand and the level of competition.

Experienced businessmen strongly recommend that you resist the temptation to save money on this seemingly not too obligatory procedure. If your idea of \u200b\u200bstarting your own paintball club turns out to be financially unsuccessful, you could lose all the savings invested in this business. At the same time, a competently performed analysis will allow you to adjust the business idea depending on the situation, or completely abandon a premature decision.

Payback of the project

A businessman planning to organize his own paintball club, like any other entrepreneur, has to go through all the circles of bureaucratic hell in order to obtain permission to carry out this type of activity. To do this, it is necessary to visit the Pension Fund, the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Welfare, Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, as well as the local administration. When choosing a form of taxation for paintball, experienced market players are advised to focus on the "simplification".

The choice of the territory for the base is the most important stage in the organization of the club, paintball buildings and structures, as a rule, should be located at some distance from residential areas and places of mass gatherings of people. But at the same time, the presence of a convenient traffic intersection is a prerequisite. When opening your own paintball club business, make sure that your customers can come off "to the fullest", which requires a spacious area equipped with everything necessary for a good game. The payback of a paintball club directly depends on the number of customers, therefore it is necessary to create the most attractive conditions for them.

The optimum area of \u200b\u200bthe base for playing paintball is 1 hectare. On this site, you can place not only 2 playing fields, but also spectator stands, a cafe or bar, an area for instruction, as well as a shooting range. As for the purchase of paintball equipment for the opening of the club, this will require at least half a million rubles. The prices for quality paintball equipment are quite high, but if you want to organize your club and achieve high profits, you should not save on this. The payback of the paintball business has remained at a high level lately. If everything goes well, you can reach the break-even point in six months.

The advantage in this situation is on the side of those entrepreneurs who place special hopes on a professional business plan for creating a paintball club. With its help, they manage to solve the most difficult issues and identify the likely risks that will inevitably meet on their way. The recommendations of professionals allow them to confidently walk towards the intended goal and easily bypass even experienced competitors.

A ready-made business plan for a paintball club from scratch with examples of calculations for opening

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The adrenaline business brings good income in big cities, where many people lead a sedentary and nervous lifestyle that requires relaxation. How to open a paintball club? A business plan with calculations and a detailed scheme for launching the project will help a novice entrepreneur in organizing his business.

What is paintball?

Paintball is a paramilitary outdoor team game with air guns (markers) charged with paint balls. The balls are gelatinous, and the paint is food-grade; when it hits an obstacle, the shell bursts, and the paint marks the target.

There are 2 types of paintball:

  1. Sports - for recreational and training purposes of ordinary people.
  2. Tactical - for special training of soldiers and bodyguards in conditions as close as possible to combat, using imitation of real weapons.


In paintball, 2 opposing teams carry out a task in a specially equipped area. The goal of the game can be to defeat the enemy or complete a quest. The player marked with paint leaves the game before it ends, or for a certain time - this is agreed in advance. Upon returning to the field, the player must remove all traces of paint from his clothing.

There are many scenarios:

  • The simplest one - the team that defeats all the members of the enemy team wins.
  • Capturing the fortress - one team is defending, the second is attacking the shelter.
  • Capture the Flag - the first team to bring the opponent's flag to their territory wins.
  • Single player game, in which there are no teams, participants try to impress all other players and remain unmarked by themselves.
  • The goal of the game is to capture a certain number of players from the opposing team.
  • Game with limited ammo and number of players.
  • Duel - two players shoot each other at the command of the referee, as in ancient duels.
  • Escort - one of the teams with a smaller number of players arranges ambushes on the site, and the second large team must lead the "important person" through the obstacle course safe and sound.
  • The Meat Grinder is a timed game of two teams in which the affected players rub off the paint and continue playing.

In Russia, sports paintball is supervised by DOSAAF, there are leagues and federations, competitions and tournaments are held.

Although paintball guns shoot gelatinous balls, you must strictly adhere to safety rules:

  1. You cannot be in the playing area without a protective mask.
  2. On the territory of a paintball club, it is advisable to protect your eyes with polycarbonate glasses, and your neck with a special pad or scarf.
  3. Outside the game, you must not aim weapons at people, while the marker must be on the safety catch.
  4. Hitting from a marker at close range is extremely painful, so it is undesirable to shoot at close range.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to play under the influence of intoxicating substances.

The peak of demand for paintball clubs falls on the warm season, in winter there are much fewer fans of extreme recreation. A businessman must take this into account when planning his business.

The nuances of the organization

Experienced entrepreneurs point out a few things that are common in the paintball business:

  • Pronounced seasonality. In Russia, winters are cold and snowy, in such conditions it is difficult to spend a long time outdoors. To support the business, it is necessary to create a cash reserve in advance or reorganize the playing areas into a covered polygon.
  • Care must be taken to ensure personal safety and equipment reliability. The markers are fired with compressed air and can cause significant damage if misused or malfunctioned. In order to avoid claims from visitors, it is advisable to develop instructions for handling weapons, and familiarize players with them against signature.
  • During the first year, you need to constantly engage in the promotion and development of the club: take into account the wishes and feedback of customers, introduce related services, and establish cooperation with city sports organizations. In the future, the acquired reputation will attract players to the club.
  • The main work with clients is carried out by instructors-trainers, therefore it is important to hire qualified specialists or provide vocational training for insufficiently experienced personnel.

Here you can download it for free with calculations as a sample.

Business plan

How to open a paintball club? Let's draw up an action plan:

  1. Develop a business strategy.
  2. Find suitable territory.
  3. Formally register a business.
  4. Purchase equipment and materials.
  5. Hire employees.
  6. Deploy an advertising campaign.
  7. Calculate the amount of investments, income and expenses.

It may be necessary to raise additional capital, then the plan will need to be provided to the lender.


Starting a paintball club from scratch begins with developing a concept and strategy for doing business. Such an undertaking makes sense in a million-plus city or nearby. Moreover, the level of employment of people in industry should be lower than in other areas.

The target audience of paintball is very diverse - it is played by completely untrained office workers and trained athletes, professionals and amateurs, men and women.

There are practically no restrictions, except perhaps a young age and diseases incompatible with high physical exertion. About half of the club's visitors are corporate clients who celebrate holidays and are focused on strengthening the team.

Opening a paintball club in or outside the city requires a different approach:

  • In nature, it is convenient to organize a country holiday with a picnic and other types of entertainment - billiards, volleyball court, shooting range, boat station, ATVs. The wider range of services the club provides, the more time visitors spend in it.
  • In the city, it is necessary to build a paintball court on the territory of already operating entertainment centers or nearby in order to attract tourists. Renting city squares will cost more than outside the city limits, but it will be easier to solve the transport issue.

Club area

A convenient place to open a paintball club is an abandoned recreation center or a children's camp. The rental price will be low, while the remaining buildings and communications can be used. Usually, such an object already has a fence and security, it will remain to prepare several zones for different game scenarios, to update sports grounds and barbecue gazebos.

Unused long-term construction projects, landfills, industrial buildings, warehouses and basements are also suitable for the club. At such sites, changing rooms with showers should be equipped for the convenience of the players. It is also necessary to think about how people will get to the club, equip, organize transport.

The paintball business near the entertainment center has its pros and cons:

  1. Expensive territory lease.
  2. It is necessary to ensure not only the safety of the paintball players, but also of all people in the vicinity.
  3. In the city, customers have higher requirements for convenience and comfort than in a country club, where Spartan conditions are quite acceptable.
  4. There are no problems with transport and parking.
  5. Customers can either come to play paintball from nearby entertainment venues, or continue their rest after the shooting.
  6. Less advertising costs, since the proximity of the mall will provide a constant influx of visitors.

In addition to holding games at the stationary base of a paintball club, you can organize outdoor events, for which you can rent an interesting object and transport for the delivery of players one-time.

check in

A paintball club must be registered as a limited liability company if there are several founders. If there is only one owner, then he or she draws up an individual business.

Business in this area does not require licenses and special permits. It is enough to register with the tax service, choose a taxation system, for example, UTII, submit reports and pay mandatory payments.

Equipment and materials

The business plan provides for the purchase of equipment and consumables for 4 teams of 5 people, plus 5 spare sets:

  • Marker (pneumatic gun) with spacers. There are many types and brands, the most inexpensive and reliable is the mechanical Tippmann "98".
  • To the marker - a compressed gas cylinder and a reducer.
  • Gas station for filling cylinders.
  • Cylinder for 350 atmospheres. At positive temperatures, carbon dioxide is used, at negative temperatures, nitrogen.
  • Outfit - suit, mask, vest, knee pads, helmet, glasses. You can buy a camouflage uniform ready-made, but it is better to sew to order the simplest style, different sizes. Consider teenage players, women, and two-meter giants.
  • Equipment for judges.
  • Ammunition from gelatin balls. Sold in bulk in boxes of 2000 pieces. There are summer, winter, rental, sports.
  • Net for fencing and protecting the playing area, approximately 300 m.
  • Materials for creating rough terrain in the play area. Both improvised items (tires, boards, pallets) and special inflatable figures can be used.

Weapons, balls, cylinders, protective devices can be purchased as a set in wholesale stores.


Starting a paintball business without hired workers will be problematic. At a minimum you will need:

  1. An instructor whose duties include knowing and explaining the rules of the paintball game to the players; monitor the safety on the site; perform the role of a judge; come up with options for the game.
  2. A visitor manager, who also distributes equipment, monitors the condition of the equipment and the availability of materials.
  3. Security guard at night.

At first, the owner of the club will perform the work of a manager and accountant, and with successful business development, the staff can be expanded.

Depending on the range of additional services provided, you will also need a driver, bartender-waiter, cook, and technician.

Since the target audience is divided into two large categories - youth and corporate clients, it is necessary to organize an advertising campaign taking into account different interests and motivations.

In the first case, the attractiveness of paintball is determined by a non-standard solution, fashion, the ability to play "war". In the second case, an important aspect is team building and creativity in corporate events.

  • website on the Internet;
  • groups on social networks;
  • holding promotions;
  • discounts for certain categories of players and regular customers;
  • announcements in the media;
  • distribution of business cards and brochures;
  • streamers, billboards and citylights;
  • information on transport.

Video: how to open a paintball club - building a site.

How much does it cost to open?

For example, the cost of launching a business idea with a small set of additional services in a recreation center with an area of \u200b\u200b2000 sq. m. are:

The monthly operating costs are approximately:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Rent 100 000
2 Communal expenses 20 000
3 Expendable materials 80 000
4 Repair of equipment 100 000
5 The salary 80 000
6 Advertising 30 000
7 Administrative costs 20 000
8 Tax 30 000
9 Other costs 40 000
Total 500 000

Pricing can be structured in several ways:

  1. A fixed rate for participation in the game, which includes standard equipment, uniforms and 200 pcs. balls; plus a separate fee for additional ammo and weapon attachments.
  2. Separate rental of weapons and equipment; entrance fee; sale of balls.

In any case, all services not directly related to paintball are paid in accordance with the price list.

If you count on holding 30 games a month, then the main activity will bring:

The implementation of additional services will amount to about 60,000 rubles. In total, monthly income will be 595,000 rubles, and the initial investment will pay off within a year.

One of the ways to make money in the war is to open a paintball club

The grown-up boys, having already got their own offspring, are still ready to play the "war" game. And girls who grew out of plaits and bows are often not averse to running around with weapons in search of a "live target". And enterprising people make very good money on this.

No license

A paintball marker, for all its resemblance to a weapon, is not. The Federal Law "On Weapons" states: " Weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that are structurally similar to weapons.". Markers in the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity belong to the group of goods called "Sports inventory and equipment". That is, no permission is required to acquire, store and carry them.

The Federal Law “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities” does not include the provision of sports and entertainment services in the list of activities requiring licenses. Namely, these include paintball games and competitions. That is, no license is needed.

Where do we put the "hot spot"?

To open a paintball club, firstly, you need to register an enterprise, LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Secondly, you need to decide which client you can count on and where the club will be located.

Considering that paintball is not a product of spontaneous demand, but a kind of tourism, you need to attend to a suitable infrastructure. Many experts advise locating clubs on the territory of recreation centers or former pioneer camps. It makes sense if the main focus is on the corporate client. It's no secret that many teambuildings are held just in the format "shoot your boss, and then strip off a glass with him."

Immediately it is worth considering what can be offered to "corporate parties" in order to favorably differ from other market participants: delivery of customers, lounges, cafes, sauna ...

Where did the boys most like to play "war"? At construction sites, in abandoned buildings, on wastelands littered with rubbish, that is, where there was always a place for a "headquarters" and ambushes. So let's look for something like this.

The best option is to rent a hangar or an old warehouse with an adjoining site. So that there was where to equip the playgrounds and there were engineering communications. It is better not to meddle in abandoned buildings: the playground must first of all be safe for customers, and no one is responsible for the reliability of abandoned buildings. So only rent. Within the city, such premises can be found in industrial areas.

But the price of the issue is difficult to name - it depends on many factors, including the greed of the owner of the building.

It is advisable to equip at least two playgrounds in the available areas. Taking into account the recommendations and observations, each area for a comfortable game should be approximately 50 m by 70 m. In this case, there is a place to turn around in a game rage, and clients will not get tired of running distance distance.

By the way, you don't have to spend money to clutter up the playground with obstacles and shelters. Car tires and carcasses are easy to find. All you need is transport to bring all this, and a few loaders.
You can spend money on materials and build simple objects for the assault. Do not forget: playgrounds must be fenced off with a special fine-mesh net so that paintballs do not fly in all directions.

Gun shopping

At the first stage, you will need twenty sets of equipment: markers, masks, protective vests, camouflage and more.

You can complete the kits yourself, but it is better to seek help from specialized stores. By the way, on the websites of manufacturers and sellers of paintball equipment, the section "Kits for clubs" is often placed. The price range of such kits is not particularly wide; on average, a set for ten markers costs about 80-90 thousand rubles... The kit includes ten markers, cylinders, face shields and a gas station. For a fee ( 30-35 thousand rubles) you can purchase an accompanying kit: spare parts, repair kits, spare feeders (a container where balls are filled for shooting), harnes and tubes (cartridge belts and additional "zinc"), ten boxes with balls, twenty sets of camouflage uniforms and protective vests. The set also usually includes referee equipment.

Another point that needs to be taken into account is what cylinders you need for the full operation of the club. CO2 cylinders function at temperatures above zero. To play at negative temperatures, you will need nitrogen cylinders, which is very important for our latitudes.

And who are the "judges"?

All this splendor should be served by someone. Who exactly?

Cashier-accountant - accounting for incoming funds, placing orders for equipment and consumables, accounting for the movement of goods.

Technician - maintenance and service of equipment.

Judges - they are, in fact, the administrators of the club. They conduct safety briefings, develop game scenarios, teach the use of weapons, make sure that each player is equipped with protective equipment and does not take them off during the game. They ensure the inviolability of fighters who have dropped out of the game (sometimes those who like to shoot strive to fire one more time at a figure already retiring from the battlefield), help fighters with equipment. They can also be obliged to put the playgrounds in order at the end of the working day.

It is advisable to have a small catering point in the club, where you can drink coffee or soft drinks and have a snack during honey breaks.

Money loves the bill

We believe how much it will cost to open a paintball club ( at the prices of Krasnoyarsk for autumn 2012).
Creation of a legal entity - 10 thousand rubles.
Rent and preparation of playgrounds (rent, cost of materials, nets, workers' services, etc.) - there is no firm fixed amount, but let's assume that everything will cost 50 thousand rubles. Save money is good, but not essential. More expensive - let's hope customers appreciate the investment.

Game kits - 120 thousand rubles for a set for ten players. We need two, which means we will spend about 250 thousand rubles.

The salary
accountant - from 15 thousand rubles (with full employment);
technician - from 15 thousand rubles;
judges (3-4 people) - piece-rate payment, only about 60,000 rubles per month
As a rule, judges are young people, students. Their remuneration can be fixed per work shift. There is an amount of 500 rubles per day on the market. For a comfortable game, one referee is required for every 6-8 players; when the playing court is fully loaded, 3-4 referees are required. Based on a certain maximum, the work of judges will cost 2 thousand rubles per day.

Do not forget that you will constantly have to buy large quantities of "ammunition". One box (2000 balls) costs about 1,500 rubles. With an optimal load and a decent number of customers, up to 3-5 boxes of balls (6-10 thousand pieces) can go a day. Add the cost of repair kits and equipment parts. With intensive use, even the highest quality products fail and every month you will have to spend about 10 thousand rubles on this expense item.

Initial spending:

Registration of a legal entity - 10,000 rubles
Rent and arrangement of playgrounds - 50,000 rubles
Sets of equipment and uniforms - 250,000 rubles

TOTAL: 600 thousand rubles

Monthly expenses:

120 boxes of balloons per month - 180,000 rubles
Accountant's salary - 15,000 rubles
Technician's salary - 15,000 rubles
Salary of judges - 60,000 rubles
Repair kits - 10,000 rubles
TOTAL: about 300 thousand rubles

How much can a paintball club bring?

Taking into account the fact that the main income of such clubs is based on trading balls, the more the client shoots, the more the club earns. So sniper shooters are not the most profitable customers. But one who sprinkles the neighborhood with balls "from the hip" should be the favorite of the club and enjoy a lot of privileges.

On average, one fighter shoots from 200 to 500 balls per game. He receives the first 200 balls along with the equipment. Renting a kit usually costs 500 rubles. Additional balls are purchased for a separate and rather considerable price. One ball in a box costs 75 kopecks, and buying it on the battlefield costs an average of 2.5 rubles.

Let's take as a daily norm two game segments with a full load of 10 people per team. That is, two times twenty. First, we get 500 rubles from each player at once. Total 20 thousand rubles. Some of the fighters save ammunition, some enjoy the very process of shooting. But on average, we will be able to sell each soldier a hundred more balls. That's 4,000 marbles, or two boxes a day on side sales only. 6 boxes per day.
6 boxes of 1,500 rubles - 9,000 rubles
6 boxes (2,000 balls each) 2.5 rubles each - 30,000 rubles

Even if there are only 15 full-fledged playing days in the club in a month, the proceeds of the institution will be about 450-500 thousand rubles, which fully covers the operating costs and will pay off the investment soon enough (6-8 months).

But no one limits you only to paintball fights. Squares should be used in a variety of ways. You can equip paintball, pneumatic and crossbow shooting ranges. You can rent bicycles or install simple exercise equipment. And you can equip a platform for the now popular crossfit.

Crossfit: additional income

This system of complex gymnastics does not require any special delights. Gym equipment, treadmill, multiple power plants. As the site becomes more popular, new shells can be mounted. By the way, in CrossFit there is something of paintball fights: the outcome of the fight often depends on the physical form. So the arrangement of the crossfit site will attract the attention of those who go in for sports. And they, in turn, can become your clients already on the paintball battlefield.

To equip the simplest crossfit platform, a minimum investment is required. On such a site, there must be:

Horizontal bar
collapsible dumbbells
weights of different weights
treadmill or exercise machine

Let's calculate the equipment costs. A factory wall horizontal bar in sports stores can be purchased for 2000-3000 rubles, horizontal bars - from 3500 to 4000. You can build a horizontal bar and bars “from scrap materials” yourself, the cost of materials will not exceed the cost of store shells.

A telescopic bar in Krasnoyarsk costs from 1000 rubles, dumbbells - from 500 rubles per pair (cast iron). Naturally, it is better to purchase not one or two pairs of shells, but at least five sets, so that those who want to leave the weights do not have to stand in line for them.

A treadmill exercise machine can be purchased for 30-40 thousand rubles. But, having at your disposal the site of a paintball club, you can not spend money, but simply cover the path of the required length with coarse sand.

To offer customers more variety of exercises, you can stock up on other "equipment" such as heavy balls, sledge hammers, oversized tires, ropes, etc.

Ideally, it would be good to "attach" a shower and a relaxation room to such a site, individual and group sessions with a coach, etc. And there it is not far from the franchise and the status of "CrossFit Affiliate" ...

But for a start, just a playground is quite suitable - as an additional service to a paintball club.

A crossfit platform for a budget option will cost a maximum of 50,000 rubles. Its arrangement does not imply any additional expenses.

Pricing in this area is very vague. In Moscow, for example, group lessons in a gym with a coach cost from 500 rubles per hour. But since we do not yet have a gym, a coach and group classes, it is worthwhile to start with a much more modest amount - at the discretion of the owner.


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