Synopsis of the lesson “How a goat built a hut. Scenario of the theatrical production “How a goat built a hut Russian folk tale how a goat built a hut

Integrated leisure

in the younger group

"How a goat built a hut"


educator GBOU

Child Development Center -

kindergarten number 183 in Moscow

L. V. Terkunova

Software content:


Educational: to form the ability to distinguish between trees and shrubs in appearance, to distinguish between fruits;

Developing: develop ZKR, imagination, memory, speech, attention, fine motor skills;

Educational: foster a kind, respectful attitude to nature, politeness, self-confidence.

Materials: costumes, masks, a basket for a goat, handkerchiefs for dancing, toys: a pig, a squirrel, a hedgehog, acorns, cones, apples.

Methodical techniques:

Games: a game-dramatization of the fairy tale "How a goat built a hut", a finger game "Let's build a hut", a surprise moment (a treat);

Musical: a round dance "There was a birch in the field", the song "Beetle";

Verbal: making riddles, d / and "Who eats what?";

Integration of educational areas: "Socialization", "Communication", "Music", "Cognition".

Course of the lesson

Educator: Among the trees at the edge,

The goat lived in her hut.

In the summer I walked through the fields

In the mountains, in the meadows.

But then autumn has come

The goat's hut is leaking.

What to do, how to be here?

The house needs to be repaired.

The goat thought, thought, and decided not to repair, but to build a new hut. I said goodbye to the kids and went to look for a place to build a hut.

The goat came up to the apple tree and said.

Goat: Apple tree, apple tree! Can I build a hut under your branches?

Apple tree: Don't build a hut under me. The apples will fall off me - they will hurt your kids. Go somewhere else.

Educator: The goat went to the tree.

Goat: Christmas tree, Christmas tree! Can I build a hut under you?

Yolka: Don't build a hut under me! The bumps will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. Find a better place!

Educator: The goat went further. I saw an oak tree.

Goat: Oak, oak! Can I build a hut under you?

Oak: Don't build a hut under me. In the fall, the acorns will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. You yourself will grieve.

Educator: The goat went to the aspen.

Goat: Osinka, Osinka! Can I build a hut under you?

Educator: The aspen rustled.

Aspen: My leaves make noise both day and night. Your kids won't be allowed to sleep. Find a better place.

Educator: The goat came to the dog rose.

Goat: Rosehip, Rosehip! Can I build a hut under you?

Rosehip: What are you, what are you a goat! Or don't you see? There are sharp thorns on me! If your kids will jump, jump - they will pull out all their fur. Go, goat, further, look for a better place.

Educator: The goat went to the birch.

Goat: Birch, birch! Can I build a hut under you?

Birch: I will save your kids from the heat, I will hide from the rain, I will hide from the wind. Build a hut under me.

Educator: The goat was delighted.

Goat: Thank! Educator: Guys, you heard that the birch will cover, protect from heat and wind. Are we going to take care of the birch?

Children: Yes.

Educator: How?

Children: We will water. Let's not break branches and pluck leaves.

Educator: Our children, birch, will protect you. And they really want to dance with you.

Round dance "There was a birch in the field"

Educator: Danced, now you can get to work. Guys, let's help the goat with the kids.

Finger game "Build a hut"

All day long knock and knock

a resounding knock is heard.

Hammers knock -

building a house for kids.

Knocking fist on fist.

Show me which house we built.

With such a roof.

Handles above the head "house".

With these walls.

Straight palms are connected.

With such a window.

Hands with a "visor".

Let's close the door with such a lock.

Clasp your fingers.

Educator: This is what a hut was built!

Goat with kids : Thank.

Educator: Tired, let's rest. Sit in the clearing.

(children sit on the carpet)

Educator: Hear, someone is buzzing.

Children: Well

Educator: Who is it?

Children: Bug.

Educator: Only you can't see him. Sing a song and he will appear.

Song "Beetle"

Beetle, beetle, buzz,

Where are you hiding, tell me.


I'm sitting in a tree.

Beetle, beetle, show yourself

Spin over me.


I fly and buzz.

(teacher and children put their hands up)

Educator: A beetle sat on my palm. And to you? I have a black beetle? And you?

Children: Red, green, golden ...

Educator: I have a beetle on my palm buzzing like this: well And David? And Lena?

Educator: We admired the beetles, what should we do now?

Children: Let go of the bugs.


Children: Beetles are alive. They want to go home (let go)

Didactic game "Who eats what?"

Educator: Guys, our goat is so hospitable, invited guests to the housewarming. Guess who. This is the goat's neighbor. "Piglet nose, crochet tail, goes sideways"

Children: Pig.

Educator: This is Nenilla the pig, the one that my son praised. How will we treat her?

Children: Acorns from oak.

Educator: Other guests came from the forest

"She has fluffy fur and loves to gnaw on a nut."

Children: Squirrel.

Educator: What can you treat to a squirrel?

Children: Cones from the tree.

Educator: “He walked through the forest and picked mushrooms,

even the wolves were afraid of his sharp needles "

Children: Hedgehog.

Educator: How can we treat a hedgehog?

Children: Apples from the apple tree.

A treat with apples.

Anna Laryushina
Summary of the lesson in the early age group “Trees. Russian folk tale "How the Goat built a hut"

Topic lessons: « Trees. Russian folktale"How the goat built a hut» »

1. Greetings

purpose: establishing an emotional connection, memorizing the sequence of actions, marking the beginning of the lesson.

Music: Track 1 "Greeting" Zheleznova's music

Well, everyone - stood in a circle,

Everyone suddenly joined hands,

We will stand next to you - wave our handles

We begin to study, we will try the whole lesson,

Repeat, do not yawn, remember everything.

We walk in a circle holding hands, first in one direction, then in the other.

Let's wish friend friend: GOOD MORNING!

2. Rhythmic part

purpose: Orientation in one's own body.

The teacher with children and parents are standing in a circle. Parents stand behind the children, performing this exercise with the hands of the children over the body of the child.

Music: Track "Orientation" Zheleznova's music

3. Cognitive block. Getting to know trees.

purpose: introduce trees, development of attention, memory

Material: Lesovichok, pictures: birch, oak, maple, spruce

We will visit today fairy tale... Everything will be fabulous... Lesovichok has come to visit us! Let's say hello and listen to what he tells us.

Guys, Lesovichok brought you pictures.

(I show a picture of a birch) - this is tree-BIRCH... And what are the leaves of the birch called? (Birch)

(showing a picture of a maple tree) - this is the tree is called MAPLE... And what are its leaves called? (Maple)

(showing a picture of an oak tree) - this is OAK. And the leaves are oak.

(showing a picture of a spruce) -What is this wood? Spruce (tree)... And the tree has not leaves, but needles.

4. Respiratory gymnastics.

purpose: development of the respiratory system

Material: small paper leaves

The teacher distributes a piece of paper to each.

Let us turn into the wind and blow off the leaves from our palm.

Well done!

5. Cognitive block. Graphic skills

purpose: to clarify knowledge about the structure wood; developing mindfulness

Material: puzzles wood-6 pieces... ; pictures with tree and leaves, the pencils

1) -Guys, the wind blew so hard that the pictures crumbled. Let's collect. (In the course we pronounce the name of the parts wood: root, trunk, branches, leaves)

2) -And now let's connect and show how the leaves fall from wood!

Finger gymnastics.

One two three four five! (Curl your fingers one by one)

We will collect leaves (Clench and unclench fists)

Rowan, oak.

Birch, maple, willow (Curl your fingers one by one)

We will collect all the leaves (Clench and unclench fists)

And then let's go home (Fingers "Run" on the table)

6. Dance moves to music

Music: Track "Music with Mom" Zheleznova's music

And now exercise with mom!

7. Cognitive block. Story p... n. fairy tales"How the goat built a hut» (puppet show)

Material: characters, trees: apple, oak, spruce, aspen, birch

Music: Track "Calm"

Text fairy tales"How the goat built a hut".

Once upon a time there lived an old talker woman, and she had goat with kids... In the morning people will get up, get to work, and the old woman is still lying on the stove. Only by lunchtime he will rise, eat, drink and let's talk. She speaks, speaks, speaks - with her neighbors, with passers-by, and with herself!

AND goat they are locked in the barn with the kids - they don't need to pinch grass, drink water, or run ...

One day he says goat to his kids:

Goat kids, we can't live with the old talker woman! Let's go to the forest we will build ourselves a hut and live in it.

As the old woman-talker released the goat with the kids from the barn, they ran. Only the old woman saw them!

They ran into the forest and began to look for a place where build a hut.

Came up goat to the apple tree and is talking:

Apple tree, apple tree! Can I under your branches build a hut?

Do not build under me hut, - the apple tree answers. - The apples will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. Go somewhere else.

Has gone goat to the tree:

Christmas tree, tree! Can I under you build a hut?

Do not build under me hut, - the tree answers.

The bumps will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. Find a better place!

Oak, oak! Can I under you build a hut?

Do not build under me hut, - the oak answers. - In the fall, the acorns will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. You yourself will grieve.

Has gone goat to aspen:

Aspen, aspen! Can I under you build a hut?

The aspen shook its branches, everyone leaves:

My leaves make noise day and night - they won't let your kids sleep. Find a better place!

Nothing to do, set off goat with kids further... Came to rose hips:

Rosehip, Rosehip! Can I under you build a hut?

Rose hips:

What are you, what are you, goat! Or don't you see? Look what sharp thorns I have. If your little kids will jump and jump, they will pull out all their fur. Go goat, then, look for a better place!

Has gone goat to birch:

Birch, birch! Can I under you build a hut?

The birch swayed with twigs, said:

I will save your kids from the heat, I will hide from the rain, I will hide from the wind. Build under me hut.

Delighted goat. Built a hut under a birch tree and began to live in it with her kids.

8. Productive activity.

purpose: development of fine motor skills, attention, imagination, creative thinking

Material: blanks, corrugated paper or green napkins, scissors, glue

Music: Classics Mozart "Fantasy"

Guys, let's do it with you tree!

9. Motor gymnastics

purpose: development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, to form the ability to perform tasks in turn.

Material: massage track, puzzles with numbers up to 3 x., shop, "log".

Music: Track 3 "Gymnastics"

Let's rest now. Let's walk along our paths. We start all with number 1, then two, three (number puzzles) walk along the path, tunnel.

10. Cognitive activity. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

purpose: improve the ability to correlate the number of objects with the number, develop fine motor skills, speech.

Material: cards with numbers up to 4, sheets of 10 pcs. to each

Music: Track 12 "Background"

Guys, help Lesovich to spread the leaves. What is the number, we put so many leaves.

Mothers speak with their child the name of the number and the number of leaves.

Well done!

11. Productive block. Drawing with fingers on a decoy.

purpose: development of fine motor skills, speech, imagination, creative thinking

Material: trays with semolina (thin layer)

Track: "Background"

Guys, the forester wants to teach you magic drawing! Look what he brought us. (I distribute trays with semolina)

First, draw two lines vertically, then wavy in different directions. It turns out wood... The kids themselves try to draw different options.

Trawl-wali, trawl-wali, we trees painted.

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we drew poplars.

Have the tree has kids: leaves and branches.

12. Massage

purpose: development of general motor skills.

Material: pillows, massage balls - "Hedgehogs".

We sit on pillows, turn on relaxing music, first the parent strokes the baby on the head, then on the back, etc. (also names body parts).

Then we ride "Hedgehogs" on the arms, legs, stomach, back (mother - to the child, child - to mother, to themselves)

13. Farewell

purpose: establishing an emotional connection, marking the end of the lesson.

Material: Track 5 "Parting"

Well, everyone - stood in a circle,

Everyone suddenly joined hands,

For an hour we studied and played a little,

And now, kids, it's time for everyone to go home!

The farewell is similar to the greeting version of the song.

Integrated lesson based on the rn tale of the same name "How a goat built a hut" (Junior group)

Prepared by the teacher

MBDOU No. 2 Art. Leningrad

A. V. Piunova

Purpose: To acquaint children with a new fairy tale, to teach how to listen and understand a fairy tale, accompanied by a show on a flannelegraph, acquaintance with nature.

Tasks: Continue to form in kids the idea of \u200b\u200ba birch, a Christmas tree, an aspen (highlight the trunk, branches, leaves, needles) and the concept of "one", "many"; to consolidate the ability to create a finished building from building material and beat it; activate the dictionary, enter the words "goat", "kids", "tree", "trunk", "branches", "leaves", "needles", "small", "big", "thick", "thin" , "One", "many".

Material: Toys: goat, kids, a cat, small animal figures to play around with buildings; a set of necessary building materials (for each child); pictures with the image of a Christmas tree, birch, aspen.

Course of the lesson:

The teacher brings a toy to the group - a cat.

Educator: Guys, look who came to us? Who is it? That's right, cat. What is he like? (Big, fluffy, gray, etc.)

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazing beauty

White teeth

The eyes are bold.

The cat will come out of the gate -

All the people will be alarmed.

They will call the cat for a visit,

They will treat the cat.

Educator: Will we invite the cat to visit? Of course, let's call: "Kitty, come to us!" And what are we going to treat the cat? Yes, milk (children imitate treating a cat with milk from a palm - plates). The cat says thank you for the treat and wants to tell you a story. Sit back and listen.

Once upon a time there was a goat. Here's what: white, long horns, sharp hooves. And she had who?(Shows toys to kids). That's right, kids. How many kids were there? That's right, a lot. What about goats? Of course, one. The goat decided to build a house for her kids and went into the forest to look for a place. She walked, walked and saw a Christmas tree... (Picture display). What is it? (Herringbone). On the branches of the Christmas tree what? Yes, the needles are prickly. The goat says to the Christmas tree: “Can I build a house for my kids near you? And the tree answers: “What are you! Spiny needles grow on my twigs. They can prick your kids. You don't have to build a house near me. "

The goat went further. Looks, there is an aspen.(Picture display). Does the aspen have needles? (not). So the goat says: "Osinka, can I build a house for my kids near you?" Osinka replies: “What are you! My leaves make a noise day and night, they will disturb your kids' sleep. "

The goat went further. He sees a white birch tree.(Picture display) What is the trunk of a birch tree?(White). The branches are long, but are there needles?(Not). The goat asks: "Birch, can I build a house for my kids near you?" Berezka answers: “Of course you can. Build a house near me. And I'll hide your kids from the sun, hide them from the rain, save them from the cold. "

The goat began to build a house for her kids. First I took thick blocks and made the walls.(The teacher shows how a wall is made from thick bars).Then she took thin pieces and made a ceiling, a window and a door. I put a roof on top of the ceiling and a pipe. Here's the house!

The forest animals looked at this house and also wanted to build such houses for themselves. Only they don't know how. Let's help. We will build houses for all the animals. What do we do first? Right, the walls. Then the ceiling, window, door, roof, chimney.

Children build houses. Then they beat the building, inhabiting it with small figures of animals.

The lesson can be finished by reading to the children an excerpt from their poem by G. Sapgir "Forests are miracles":

... Each animal has its own house there,

With a warm stove, a tall chimney.

In it they receive guests,

It's more fun to live with friends in the world.

The animals will not let you get bored

You can play tag with them

And if you want, then play hide and seek -

After all, this is such an amazing land!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group based on the Russian folk tale "How a goat built a hut"

This lesson can be used as entertainment, but in such an unusual way we introduced children to a new work of oral folk art - the fairy tale "How a goat built a hut" ...

Lesson "How a goat built a hut"

An integrated lesson in the second junior group based on the fairy tale of the same name - acquaintance with nature, development of speech, construction from ...

Theatrical speech development lesson "How a goat built a hut" (2 ml. Gr.)

Purpose: Encourage play and speech interaction with adults and peers; develop phonemic hearing, speech attention.

Material. Pictures depicting an apple tree (a branch with an apple, a Christmas tree, an oak, an aspen, a rosehip bush, a birch; white caps-rims (for children and a teacher).

Pictures are placed on the stand.

Game progress.

Educator (addresses children). Did you recognize these plants? Here,., Apple tree, this… tree, oak, aspen; this is a briar bush ... (Intonation encourages children to name images). Who can tell in what fairy tale all these trees are "gathered"? That's right, in the fairy tale "how a goat built a hut." Can we play this fairy tale? Sit down. I will play the role of mom-goat, and you - my kids. (Children wear headbands on their heads). I'll tell you what, my dear kids. Our hostess is very lazy. He does not give us grass, does not give us key water. Let's get away from her. Let's go look for a place where we can build a new hut. (He takes pictures from the stand and places them in different places in the group room). Here is an apple tree growing. Let's go to her, let's say all together: “Apple tree, apple tree! Can we build a hut under your branches? "

Educator. Children-goats and a mother-goat came up to the tree.

The teacher and children come up to the picture "Christmas tree".

Educator and children (together). Christmas tree, tree! Can we build a hut under your branches-paws?

Christmas tree. Don't build a hut under me. The bumps will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. Find a better place.

Educator. Let's go goat with kids further. (All fit the picture "Oak"). Here is a tall oak, we ask in chorus: “Oak, oak! Can we build a hut under you? "

Oak. Don't build, goat, a hut under me. In the fall, acorns will fall from me - your kids will be hurt. You yourself will grieve.

Educator. Let's go, kids, to the aspen. (Suitable for the picture).

Educator and children. Aspen, aspen! Can we build a hut under you?

Educator. The aspen shook with all the twigs, all the leaves.

Osinka. My leaves make noise day and night - your kids, goat, will not be allowed to sleep. Find a better place!

Educator. Nothing to do, the goat with the kids went further, to the rose hip bush.

They come up to the picture and ask in unison: “Rosehip, Rosehip! Can I build a hut under you? "

Rosehip. What are you, what are you, goat! Or don't you see? There are sharp thorns on me! If your little kids will jump and jump, they will pull out all their fur. Move on, look for a better place!

Educator. Let's go goat with little kids to the birch.

Educator and children. Birch, birch! Can I build a hut under you?

Educator. The birch swayed with twigs.

Birch. I will save your kids from the heat, I will hide from the rain, I will hide from the wind. Build a hut under me.

Goat. Little kids, let's build a house together? Take the big hammer, knock, knock, knock, knock. (Show; all children repeat the sound combination 5-6 times, imitating movements). Now we need small hammers. Listen to the hammer knocking: bale-bale-bale. Now let's put it all together. (Children pronounce the sound combination 5-6 times, imitating the movements of a hammer). But we also have big nails. We will hammer them with big hammers ... How do we say? Together.

Now close your eyes and listen to the hammer knocking. (Without adhering to the system, the teacher pronounces the sound combinations 4-5 times, the children guess which hammer is knocking).

We have built a house! We will live, live. Hungry? Then let's cook porridge: shuh-shuh-shuh. How does the porridge hiss? Please repeat. (Children pronounce the sound combination 5-6 times, imitating movements). The porridge is delicious, sweet! Well, we take spoons, and…. At the table (Children imitate movements). So, ate porridge, and milk? Substitute the mugs, I'll pour you some milk ... Drink! (Children imitate movement). Are you full? Then let's go to the lawn, jump, run, spin.

Once upon a time there lived an old talker woman, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people will get up, get to work, and the old woman is lying on the stove. Only by lunchtime he will rise, eat, drink - and let's talk. She speaks, speaks, speaks - with her neighbors, with passers-by, and with herself!
And the goat and the kids are locked up in the barn - they can't pinch grass, drink water, or run ...
Once the goat says to its kids:
- Little kids, kids, we can't live with the old talker! Let's go into the forest, build ourselves a hut and live in it.
As the old woman-talker released the goat with the kids from the barn, they ran. Only the old woman saw them!
They ran into the forest and began to look for a place where they could build a hut.

A goat came up to a forest apple tree and said:
- Apple tree, apple tree! Can I build a hut under your branches?
- Don't build a hut under me, - the apple tree answers. - The apples will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. Go somewhere else.

The goat went to the tree:
- Christmas tree, Christmas tree! Can I build a hut under you?
- Don't build a hut under me, - the tree answers. - The bumps will fall off me - your kids will be hurt. Find a better place!

The goat went with the kids further. I saw a tall oak tree and said to him:
- Oak, oak! Can I build a hut under you?
“Don't build a hut under me,” the oak answers. - In the fall, the acorns will fall off me — they will hurt your kids. You yourself will grieve.

The goat went to the aspen:
- Aspen, aspen! Can I build a hut under you?
The aspen shook with all the branches, with all the leaves:
- My leaves make noise day and night - they won't let your kids sleep. Find a better place!
Nothing to do, the goat went with the kids further.

I came to the rosehip:
- Rosehip, Rosehip! Can I build a hut under you?
Rosehip has started to swing:
- What are you, what are you, goat! Or don't you see?
Look what sharp thorns I have! If your little kids will jump and jump, they will pull out all their fur. Go, goat, go ahead, look for a better place!

The goat went to the birch:
- Birch, birch! Can I build a hut under you?
The birch swayed with twigs, said:
- I will save your kids from the heat, I will hide from the rain, I will cover from the wind. Build your hut under me!
The goat was delighted. She built a hut under a birch tree and began to live in it with her kids.


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