A sample of filling out the stat form 1 travel agency. Statistical reporting: some forms have been updated. On the approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical observation of market services, tourism, transport and administration

Legal agency "Persona Grata" reminds travel companies that in accordance with the law 282-ФЗ dated 29.11.2007 "On official statistical accounting and the system of state statistics in the Russian Federation", travel companies, as well as other enterprises, are respondents, and every year, by April 1 of the current year, must provide primary statistical information to the statistics authorities.

Rosstat Order No. 564 of August 31, 2017 "On Approval of Statistical Tools for the Organization of Federal Statistical Observation of Market Services, Tourism, Transport and Administrative Offenses in the Sphere of the Economy" forms of statistical observation were approved for each type of activity, including for turfim.

Form of federal statistical observation N1-travel agency "Information on the activities of a travel company" is provided by legal entities, citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity (individual entrepreneurs), the type of economic activity of which is identified by codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED2)<1>: 79.1, 79.11, 79.12, 79.90.21, as well as other business entities engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities.

Federal statistical observation forms are put into effect: annual reports for 2017.

The Order contains detailed forms of statistical observation and contains instructions on how to fill it out. Tour operators and travel agents are required to complete the form. In particular, the form contains information on the number and cost of sold tour packages, the number of tourists served and detailed information on economic indicators - the amount of funds received from the sale of a tourist product, the amount of commission and agency fees, the amount of funds sent to suppliers, broken down by type of service and etc. The form also indicates the number of employees. Separate subdivisions and branches send the forms of statistical observation to their territorial bodies.

Changes have also been made to Form 1-DAC, filled in by hotels and other accommodation facilities. The form contains detailed information about the collective accommodation facility, its type (hotel, motel, hostel, sanatorium, etc.), category, health profile, room stock, information about accommodated persons, information about personnel, income and costs.

In 2015, an amendment to the Administrative Code was adopted, which toughens the liability of enterprises for failure to provide primary statistical data, the procedure for the provision of which is established by orders and regulations of Rosstat. If earlier the fine for failure to provide statistical forms was 5,000 rubles, now, with the changes made to Art. 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation the fine is for an official - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, on a legal entity - from 20 to 70 thousand rubles, in case of a repeated violation - a fine of up to 150 thousand rubles.

Subscriber services from the Legal Agency "Persona Grata" will help to effectively solve many problems of legal support of a travel agency.

SPECIAL OFFER! Until the end of 2017, there are special conditions for new subscribers from UA "Persona Grata": upon concluding a subscription service agreement, 1 month - IS FREE.


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    10,000 rubles / month

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    RUB 18,000 / month

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    RUB 25,000 / month
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    from 50,000 rubles / month

    In addition to accounting and tax reporting, travel agencies are also required to submit statistical reports. Otherwise, the head of the company may be fined ...

    Composition of statistical reporting
    Travel agencies submit to statistics bodies general forms (they are valid for organizations of different industries) and specific (provided specifically for companies and entrepreneurs engaged in tourism activities). Common forms include, for example, the following:

    1) No. 1-enterprise "Basic information about the activities of the organization", which was approved by order of Rosstat dated September 15, 2010 No. 316. It is annual, the deadline for its submission for 2010 - April 1, 2011;
    2) No. P-2 (invest) “Information on investment activities”. The form was approved by the order of Rosstat dated July 30, 2010 No. 262. It is annual, the deadline for its submission for the last year is April 1;
    3) No. P-5 (m) "Basic information about the activities of the organization." It is approved by the order of Rosstat dated July 28, 2009 No. 153. The quarterly form is submitted no later than the 30th day after the reporting period. True, only those firms with an average number of employees exceeding 15 people should take it over.

    Travel agencies that are small businesses (except microenterprises), instead of all the above forms, submit on a quarterly basis only form No. PM “Information on the main indicators of a small business”. It was approved by the order of the Federal State Statistics Service of October 14, 2009 No. 226.

    Please note: even if the travel agency applies the "simplified" code, it is obliged to submit statistical reports (clause 4 of article 346.11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Such travel agencies submit Form No. PM on a general basis. But micro-enterprises and entrepreneurs engaged in travel agency activities may not take it. Previously, microenterprises had to submit, instead of Form No. PM, Form No. MP (micro) "Information on the main indicators of microenterprise activity." However, this form has been canceled from 2010 reporting.

    Specific reporting includes Form No. 1-travel agency "Information on the activities of a travel company." For reporting for 2010, this form was approved by the order of Rosstat dated September 6, 2010 No. 306. The deadline for its submission is April 20, 2011. At the end of 2009, microenterprises might not have presented a similar form. The new form of indulgence does not provide for them.

    If the travel agency has collective accommodation facilities on its balance sheet or provides accommodation facilities services, it must submit, based on the results of 2010, Form No. 1-KSR "Information on the activities of the collective accommodation facility" (approved by Rosstat order No. 306). The deadline for its completion is April 1, 2011. True, it is not represented by micro-enterprises.

    At the same time, at the end of each quarter, a similar form No. 1-KSR (short) is submitted, also approved by order of Rosstat No. 306. It is submitted on the 20th day after the reporting period (quarter). Small businesses do not represent it.

    \u003e | The criteria that a small business must satisfy are given in article 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation." |<

    If reports are not submitted
    According to clause 3 of the Regulation on the conditions for the provision of mandatory primary statistical data ... (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 620), organizations are required to submit reports to subjects of official statistical accounting. Otherwise, the travel agency may be held liable. This is stated in paragraph 14 of the Regulations.

    So, according to article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles can be collected from an official of a travel agency.

    However, they will not be able to prosecute if the fact of a violation was discovered after two months from the date of its commission (part 1 of article 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    Important to remember

    Even if a travel agency applies a "simplified" code, it must submit statistical reports. An exception in some cases is provided for small firms and micro-enterprises.

    The article was published in the journal "Accounting for tourist activities" No. 3, March 2011

    The forms of statistical reporting on market services, tourism, transport and administrative offenses in the economic sphere have been updated, including:

      annual from the report for 2017 - No. 1-travel agency "Information on the activities of a travel company." The previous form, approved by order of Rosstat dated 04.08.2016 No. 388, has ceased to be valid;

      annual from the report for 2017 - No. 1-IP (services) "Information on the volume of paid services rendered to the population by an individual entrepreneur." The previous form from the order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2012 No. 422, canceled;

      monthly from the report for January 2018 - No. P (services) "Information on the volume of paid services to the population by type." The previous form, approved by order of Rosstat dated 04.08.2016 No. 388, has ceased to be valid.

    Form number 1-travel agency

    Legal entities, including branches, representative offices and subdivisions of foreign organizations operating in the Russian Federation, and individual entrepreneurs, the type of economic activity of which is identified by codes 79.1, 79.11, 79.12, must fill out and submit form No. 1-travel agency for 2017 no later than 01.04.2018 , 79.90.21 of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2), approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st, as well as other business entities engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities.

    It is necessary to hand over the form No. 1-travel agency to the territorial branch of Rosstat at the location of the organization or entrepreneur.

    If there are separate subdivisions * located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, form No. 1-travel agency should be submitted:

      at the location of a separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision);


    * For the purposes of statistical accounting, a separate subdivision of an organization means any subdivision geographically separate from it, at the location of which stationary workplaces are equipped - regardless of whether its creation is reflected in the constituent or other documents of the organization, and from the powers vested in this subdivision. A workplace is considered stationary if it is created for a period of more than one month (clause 2 of article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    If the actual address of the activity of an economic entity or a separate subdivision does not coincide with the legal address, then you must submit Form No. 1-travel agency at the place of actual implementation of the activity.

    If the organization or entrepreneur does not have relevant activities in 2017, you need to:

      or hand over the "zero" form number 1-travel agency;

      or send an official letter to the territorial branch of Rosstat about the absence of indicators in the reporting period.

    Form No. 1-IP (services)

    Form No. 1-IP (services) for 2017 must be completed and submitted no later than 03/02/2018 by individual entrepreneurs, including those temporarily not working, providing paid services to the population or possessing information about the volume of services rendered to the population by other organizations or entrepreneurs, except for entrepreneurs:

      carrying out agricultural activities (except for services for the protection of crops from diseases and pests);

      selling goods to the population;

      providing catering and insurance services.

    The entrepreneur should hand over the form No. 1-IP (services) to the territorial branch of Rosstat at the place of his location or at the place of actual implementation of the activity if it is not conducted at the location of the entrepreneur.

    If the entrepreneur does not have the relevant activities in 2017, it is necessary to send an official letter to the territorial branch of Rosstat about the absence of indicators in the reporting period.

    Form No. P (services)

    Form No. P (services) must be filled out and submitted by legal entities, including lawyers' formations, providing paid services to the population, except for:

      small businesses;

      housing cooperatives (LCD);

      housing construction cooperatives (HCC);

      homeowners' associations (HOA);

      real Estate Owners Associations (TSN),

    in the following terms:

      for January 2018 (no later than 02/04/2018) if the average number of employees exceeds 15 people;

      for the I quarter of 2018 (no later than April 15, 2018) - if the average number of employees does not exceed 15 people.

    It is necessary to submit form No. P (services) to the territorial branch of Rosstat:

      at the location of a separate subdivision in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for a separate subdivision);

      at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions).

    If a legal entity (its subdivision) does not carry out activities at the place of its location, the form is provided at the place of actual implementation of activities.

    In the absence of relevant activities, it is necessary to send an official letter to the territorial branch of Rosstat on the absence of indicators in the reporting period.

    Expert "NA" T. N. Tochkina

    Order of the Federal State Statistics Service
    No 564 of 08/31/2017


    In accordance with subparagraph 5.5 of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 N 420, and in pursuance of the Federal plan of statistical work, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 N 671-r, I order:

    1. To approve the attached forms of federal statistical observation with instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:

    annual from 2017 report:

    N 1-travel agency "Information on the activities of a travel company" (Appendix N 1);

    No. 1-KSR "Information on the activities of the collective accommodation facility" (Appendix No. 2);

    N 1-AE "Information on administrative offenses in the economic sphere" (Appendix N 3);

    N 1-IP (services) "Information on the volume of paid services rendered to the population by an individual entrepreneur" (Appendix N 4);

    No. 1-TR (motor transport) "Information on freight vehicles and the length of non-public roads" (Appendix No. 5);

    N 65-ETR "Information about urban electric transport" (Appendix N 6);

    N 1-services "Information on the volume of paid services to the population" (Appendix N 7);

    N 2-TR (zhel) "Information on the availability of railway rolling stock for transportation on the network of public railways and the main indicators of industrial railway transport" (Appendix N 8);

    N 3-DG (MO) "Information on public highways of local importance and artificial structures on them, owned by municipalities" (Appendix N 9);

    monthly from January 2018 report:

    N 1-river "Information on the carriage of goods and passengers by inland water transport" (Appendix N 10);

    No. 1-sea "Information on the carriage of goods and passengers by sea" (Appendix No. 11);

    N P (services) "Information on the volume of paid services to the population by type" (Appendix N 12);

    quarterly from the report for the first quarter of 2018:

    N 1-DA (services) "Survey of business activity in the service sector" (Appendix N 13);

    quarterly from the report for January - March 2018:

    No. 1-KSR (short) "Information on the activities of the collective accommodation facility" (Appendix No. 14).

    2. Establish the provision of data on the forms of federal statistical observation specified in clause 1 of this order at the addresses and within the time limits established in the forms.

    3.With the introduction of the statistical tools specified in clause 1 of this order, the following shall be declared invalid:

    appendix No. 1 "Form of federal statistical observation N 1-travel agency" Information on the activities of a travel company ", Appendix N 2" Form of federal statistical observation N 1-KSR "Information on the activities of a collective accommodation facility", Appendix N 3 "Form of federal statistical observation N 1-AE "Information on administrative offenses in the economic sphere", Appendix No. 4 "Form of federal statistical observation N P (services)" Information on the volume of paid services to the population by type ", Appendix No. 5" Form of federal statistical observation N 1-DA ( services) "Survey of business activity in the service sector", Appendix No. 6 "Form of federal statistical observation No. 1-KSR (short)" Information on the activities of the collective accommodation facility ", approved by order of Rosstat dated August 4, 2016 No. 388;

    appendix No. 1 "Form of federal statistical observation N 1-TR (motor transport)" Information on freight vehicles and the length of non-public roads ", Appendix N 3" Form of federal statistical observation N 65-ETR "Information on urban electric transport", Appendix N 5 "Form of federal statistical observation N 3-DG (MO)" Information on public highways of local importance and artificial structures on them owned by municipalities ", approved by order of Rosstat dated August 3, 2016 N 385;

    appendix No. 2 "Form of federal statistical observation No. 2-TP (zhel)" Information on the availability of railway rolling stock ", approved by order of Rosstat dated August 7, 2013 No. 312;

    rosstat order of August 18, 2015 N 378 "On the approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of activities in the field of transport";

    rosstat order of July 27, 2012 N 422 "On the approval of statistical tools for the organization of federal statistical observation of market services, administrative offenses in the field of economy and tourism."

    4. To recognize as invalid Appendix No. 1 "Form of Federal Statistical Observation No. 1-TP (zhel)" Information on Industrial Railway Transport "approved by order of Rosstat No. 312 dated August 7, 2013, from the report for January 2017.

    Acting Head of the Federal State Statistics Service G.K. OXENOIT

    It does not work Edition from 22.06.2007

    Type of documentdecree, order
    Host bodyrosstat
    Document Number49
    Date of adoption01.01.1970
    Date of revision22.06.2007
    Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
    Statusit does not work
    • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published


    The procedure for filling out and submitting form N 1-travel agency

    Form N 1-travel agency is filled out by legal entities, their separate divisions, entrepreneurs without a legal entity, engaged in tourism activities.

    The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

    For a legal entity, information is provided including its separate subdivisions (including branches) located on the same territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and separate subdivisions located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit this form to the statistical authorities at their location.

    The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with a postal code.

    The reporting organization puts down the OKPO code in the address part of the form on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code by the state statistics authorities, as well as the type of organization and affiliation with the Russian Union of Travel Industry.

    The tour operator company (circled code 01), which has its own travel agencies, allocated to a separate balance, in order to avoid repeated invoices, provides information without taking into account data on these agencies. If travel agencies are not allocated to a separate balance sheet, then the parent company must include data on them in its report.

    Travel agencies with a seasonal nature of work (working not a full calendar year) submit the form on a general basis.

    All cost indicators in the form are given in thousands of rubles, with one decimal place, the rest of the indicators - in whole units.

    The basic concepts used in the form are consistent with the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activity in the Russian Federation" N 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 (as amended on January 10, 2003), as well as with Methodological Recommendations

    Tour operator activity - activity on the formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product, carried out on the basis of a license by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

    Travel agency activities are activities to promote and sell (sell to the public) a tourist product, carried out on the basis of a license by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

    Tour - a set of services for accommodation, transportation, meals for tourists, excursion services, as well as the services of guide-translators and other services provided depending on the purpose of the trip.

    Code 01 is enclosed by travel agencies that are engaged either only in tour operator activities, or in tour operator and travel agency activities at the same time, as well as travel agencies that sell vouchers that provide only certain types of services (travel, accommodation), but are registered as a tour operator.

    Code 02 - only travel agency activities.

    Code 03 is circled by travel agencies that only promote a tourist product without selling it, for example, they write out a receipt for a tourist, according to which he buys a tour package in another city from another travel agency.

    Code 04 is circled by travel agencies that only issue a visa, a foreign passport, book rooms in a hotel, etc. they do not sell vouchers, but are registered as a tour operator or travel agent.

    Code 05 is circled by travel agencies that were engaged in only excursion activities in the reporting year. And if travel agencies were involved in organizing excursions at the same time as tourist activities, then they should circle one of the codes 01 - 04.

    In the event that the parent organization and its structural subdivisions, which are on its balance sheet, occupy their own and rented premises, then the reporting travel agency also circles the code 06 and 07.

    Section 1. Travel agencies that were engaged in other (except for tourism) activities, in line 12, show the number of personnel without employees performing work related to other activities.

    Line 14 of line 13 identifies the number of employees with vocational education in tourism.

    On line 16 of line 13, employees up to 30 years old are allocated.

    According to lines 17-20 of line 13 of the travel agency, in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 17, 1999 N 8 "On Qualification Requirements (Professional Standards) for the main positions of workers in the tourism industry" (as amended on October 10, 2002), give the average number of employees in the distribution according to the positions held.

    All travel agencies in line 21 show revenue (net) from tourism activities (excluding value added tax, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments). The data of this line must correspond to the data of accounting form No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement". For small businesses that maintain accounting in a simplified form, these data are contained in the form N B-6 (payment) "Statement of sales accounting" or in the form N K-1 "Book (journal) accounting for the facts of economic activity." For travel agencies that have circled the code 02, the amount on line 21 does not include the cost of the voucher (tour), but only the amount of commission is reflected.

    If travel agencies also provide excursion services that are not part of the tour, then on line 22 from line 21, revenue is allocated only from excursion activities. Moreover, for those travel agencies that have circled code 05, the data in line 21 will be equal to the data in line 22.

    Travel agencies that have circled codes 01 - 04, on line 23 of line 21, allocate the amounts of commissions, agency and other fees received. At the same time, for those travel agencies that circled codes 02 - 04 and did not engage in excursion activities, the data in line 23 must be greater than or equal to the data in line 21 due to VAT.

    Travel agencies that have circled the code 01 show their commissions on line 23 if they also act as travel agents, i.e. buy tours from other travel agencies and sell them.

    Travel agencies that, in addition to tourist activities, are also engaged in the sale of air or railway tickets, should not show their commissions for their sale in lines 21 and 22 and, accordingly, should not show in lines 23 - 27 and in section 2 the costs associated with this type activities.

    Line 24 shows the costs associated with tourism activities. The basis for filling out line 24 is an appendix to the balance sheet (section "Expenses for ordinary activities (by cost elements)"), for small businesses keeping accounting in a simplified form - Form N B-3 "Statement of production costs" or form N K-1.

    In lines 25 to 28, the expenditures on tourism activities are allocated by element. Line 24 for travel agencies that circled 11 should be equal to the sum of lines 25 through 28.

    When filling out lines 24 to 29, one should be guided by the Methodological Recommendations for planning, accounting and calculating the cost of a tourist product and the formation of financial results for organizations engaged in tourist activities, approved by Order b. Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Tourism of December 4, 1998 N 402.

    If it is impossible to fill in lines 25, 27, 28 (if the company maintains accounting without using accounting registers) using a direct account, they can be determined by calculation (as a percentage of revenue, as indirect costs, by the share of people employed in tourism activities, etc.). etc.).

    If tour operators have travel agencies on their balance sheets that are engaged in the implementation of tour packages, then they allocate expenses for their maintenance on line 29 of line 24 (for the maintenance of premises, payment of employees, etc.).

    Organizations applying the simplified taxation system and choosing income as the object of taxation do not fill in lines 24-29. And organizations that have chosen income reduced by the amount of expenses as an object of taxation fill out lines 24 - 26 on the basis of the "Book of Income and Expenses" and in accordance with Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part II). In this case, the data of line 24 can be greater than or equal to the sum of the data of lines 25, 26.

    Line 30 shows the amount of mandatory payments to the budget and off-budget funds.

    Section 2. Fill in travel agencies that have circled code 01 and have completed line 24. Line 31 shows all the costs of acquiring rights to third-party services used in the production of a tourism product (line 31 is equal to the sum of lines 32 to 45). Line 31 must be less than or equal to line 24.

    Column 4 shows the costs of purchasing services from organizations that are residents. A resident is any Russian organization established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation with a seat in the Russian Federation, including branches, offices and representative offices of residents who are not legal entities and located outside of Russia. Column 5 - for non-resident organizations. A non-resident is any organization established in accordance with the laws of a foreign state with a location outside the Russian Federation, including branches, offices and representative offices of non-residents that are not legal entities and located in Russia. Column 3 is equal to the sum of columns 4 and 5 for all lines.

    Section 3. Fill in travel agencies that have circled the code 01 or 02.

    On line 46, all tourist vouchers sold by the travel agency are shown, including vouchers sold to another travel agency, to other organizations for resale. In line 47, the number and cost of travel packages sold only to the population, including travel packages sold to organizations that purchased them for their employees, and not for resale, is highlighted (equal to the sum of lines 48, 49, 51, 52 for all columns). Column 4 reflects the sales value of the vouchers. The cost of vouchers sold to foreign citizens through foreign representative offices of the company for foreign currency is converted into rubles at the official exchange rate established by the Bank of Russia at the time of the transaction.

    Section 4. Fill in travel agencies that have circled the code 01 or 02.

    Line 53 shows the total number of serviced tourists who have purchased tourist vouchers accounted for in line 47, column 3 of section 3. In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the basics of tourist activity in the Russian Federation", a tourist is understood as a citizen visiting a country (place) of temporary staying in recreational, educational, professional-business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities for a period from 24 hours to 6 months in a row or carrying out at least one overnight stay. Column 3 reflects the number of all served tourists, of which in column 4 the citizens of Russia are allocated, and in column 5 - citizens of other states. Line 53 for all columns is equal to the sum of lines 54, 56 -: - 86. Line 55 of line 54, column 4 shows the number of Russian tourists sent on tours to the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the reporting travel agency operates, and line 86 - column 4 - in complex tours with a visit to two or more countries.

    "REFERENCE". Line 87 shows the number of one-day excursion visitors served, i.e. visitors who do not spend the night in a collective or private accommodation in the visited place or country, foreign citizens are allocated from it on line 88. On line 89, travel agencies that circled code 03 or 04 show the number of citizens served.

    In the free lines of the travel agencies that completed section 4, they provide a decoding of the number of tourists sent on tours across Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where the reporting travel agency operates. If a tourist is sent on a comprehensive tour of Russia, with a visit to several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where he spends the night, then all constituent entities of the Russian Federation must be listed in the free lines. In this case, the sum of all free lines in column 4 will be greater than the data in line 54 of column 4 of section 4, and the sum of all free lines in column 5 is greater than the data in line 53 of column 5 of section 4. If a tourist visits several subjects of the Russian Federation only for excursion purposes, i.e. e. without an overnight stay (for example, on bus tours, cruises), then only the final point where the tourist spends the night is indicated in the free lines. Column 3 is not filled in.

    "Tourist voucher" (hereinafter referred to as the tour voucher) is an integral part of the agreement, contains travel conditions and is, along with the agreement, a document confirming the travel conditions, is drawn up and issued to the tourist together with the agreement, regardless of the form of payment. In addition, a tourist voucher is a document confirming the fact of payment for a tourist product, a form of strict reporting.

    The tour package is used by tour operators and travel agents that provide services for the sale of a tourist product.

    The tour voucher is equated to a cashier's check and is intended for making cash payments and (or) settlements using payment cards.

    Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs keep records of travel voucher forms. Registration of travel voucher forms by series and numbers is kept in the book on the registration of forms.

    The sheets of such a book must be numbered, bound and signed by the head and chief accountant (accountant) of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, and also sealed (stamped).

    The form of the strict reporting form "Tourist voucher" was approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2007 N 60n "On the approval of the form of the strict reporting".

    The tour voucher form approved by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 1996 N 16-00-30-19 "On the approval of the forms of strict reporting documents" was declared invalid.
    Download "Old form of a tourist voucher, TOUR-1" (Word, 105 kb).

    Description of the form of strict reporting "Tourist voucher":

    The form of the strict reporting form "Tourist voucher" contains two sheets (the first sheet is self-copying). The first sheet of the form is issued to the customer of the tourist product (tourist), the second sheet remains with the legal entity or individual entrepreneur who is issuing the tour voucher.

    The tour voucher is printed on a sheet of any format. Measures are applied to the tour package to ensure protection against counterfeiting.

    The following information is indicated at the top of the tour voucher: information on the approval of the form "Approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation" with skipping lines to fill in the date, month and year of approval, "Code according to OKUD" with a skip of the line for filling in the codes of the form according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation.

    The form contains a six-digit number and a letter series, which are affixed by the form manufacturer.

    Concepts used in the strict reporting form:
    Tourist voucher - a document containing travel conditions, confirming the fact of payment for a tourist product and being a strict accountability form;
    Tour operator- a legal entity engaged in the formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product;
    Travel agent - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur carrying out activities to promote and sell a tourist product;
    Tourist - a person visiting the country (place) of temporary stay in medical and health-improving, recreational, cognitive, physical culture and sports, professional business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to receiving income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay, in for a period from 24 hours to 6 consecutive months or carrying out at least one overnight stay;
    Tourist product - a set of services for transportation and accommodation provided for the total price (regardless of the inclusion in the total price of the cost of excursion services and (or) other services) under an agreement on the sale of a tourist product;
    Tourist product customer- a tourist or other person ordering a tourist product on behalf of a tourist, including a legal representative of a minor tourist.

    The form contains:
    details of the tour operator / travel agent, indicate the full and abbreviated name, postal address, telephone, the register number of the tour operator in the unified federal register of tour operators, TIN, OKPO code;
    travel agent details, for a legal entity are indicated:
    full and abbreviated name, postal address, TIN, OKPO code of the legal entity;
    details of the customer of the tourist product are indicated
    for an individual: surname, name, patronymic of an individual ordering a tourist product, passport details, and in its absence - another identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, place of residence;
    for a legal entity: full and abbreviated name, postal address, TIN, OKPO code of the legal entity;
    details of the tourist, the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual, passport data, and in its absence - other identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, place of residence.

    The form contains an indication that the tour voucher is an integral part of the contract for the sale of a tourist product with missing lines for the subsequent filling of the date and contract number.

    The form contains information about the manufacturer (abbreviated name, TIN, location), order number and year of its execution, circulation of strict reporting forms.

    The procedure for filling out the form of strict reporting "Tourist voucher":

    This instruction was developed in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2005 No. 171 "On approval of the Regulation on the implementation of cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without the use of cash registers".

    All fields of the tour are subject to mandatory filling. The field "Tour Operator / Travel Agent" is filled in by the tour operator or travel agent. The field is filled in by the travel agent in case of concluding an agreement on the sale of a tourist product between the travel agent and the customer of the tourist product. The tour voucher can be filled in by hand in block letters, as well as in print, including using computer technology (except for the fields where the tour operator / travel agent and the tourist / customer of the tourist product put their signatures).

    The tour voucher is filled in after signing an agreement on the sale of a tourist product.

    The tour package contains the form code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD).

    In the field "Tour operator / Travel agent" indicate the full and abbreviated name, address (location), TIN, OKPO code, the register number of the tour operator in the unified federal register of tour operators.

    In the field "Customer of the tourist product" are indicated for an individual: surname, name, patronymic of an individual ordering a tourist product, passport data, and in its absence - other identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, place of residence; for a legal entity: full and abbreviated name, address (location), TIN, OKPO code.

    In the field "Tourist" the last name, first name, patronymic of an individual, passport data, and in its absence - another identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, place of residence are indicated.

    The field "Type of tourist product (travel)" indicates the name of the tourist product (travel) in accordance with OKUN.

    The field "Unit of measurement of the tourist product (travel)" indicates the number of days per person.

    In the field "Total price of the tourist product" the amount in rubles is indicated, including in words.

    The form is filled in by the person responsible for the operation and the correctness of its execution.

    Damaged or incorrectly completed forms are not destroyed, but crossed out and attached to the cash statement (statement, register) for the day on which they were issued.

    The production of travel voucher forms is carried out in printing houses that have a special permit (license) for the production of strict reporting forms.

    Accounting, storage and destruction of strict reporting forms is carried out in accordance with applicable law.

    Proposals to ensure the protection of the form of strict reporting "Tourist voucher" from counterfeiting:

    The purpose of these proposals is to establish a unified manufacturing procedure, including the choice of the document format and detailing of the seal, applied to the form of the strict reporting form "Tourist voucher" (hereinafter - the form).

    To reliably provide protection against counterfeiting of the letterhead, the printed image, as well as inks must carry security elements. Each form must be printed with at least two types of printing. In the manufacture of letterhead, traditional printing methods are used. The number and series are made in a high way of printing. Be sure to overlay at least one background grid with a variable pitch.

    The print should be clear, of the same tone, without overlapping or ink-filled gaps. The tone of the paint, the size of the margins in all copies belonging to the same print run must be the same. The production of forms with visible differences in the above parameters is not allowed.


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