Take care of your health presentation. Take care of your health from a young age. Class hour Let's preserve health from the youth Class hour with a presentation

When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, forces do not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot bloom, forces do not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless Herodotus Herodotus

Blitz tournament Do you agree that exercise is a source of vitality and health? Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? Do bananas really cheer you up?

Blitz tournament Is it true that there are harmless drugs? Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for a whole year? Is it true that you need to drink two glasses of milk every day? Is it true that a child needs 8 hours of sleep at night?

Blitz tournament Do you need to eat a lot of sweets to keep your teeth healthy? Do you have to brush twice a day to keep your teeth healthy? Is it true that a contrast shower contributes to hardening the body? Is it true that the use of ice water contributes to hardening on a hot day?

Currently, new types of psychoactive substances are being distributed - smoking mixtures - SPICE, containing one of the new types of drugs (modifications of synthetic cannabinoid). Medical workers, psychotherapists and psychologists are sounding the alarm: in Russia there is a clear tendency towards an increase in the consumption of so-called smoking mixtures by young people. They started talking about the dangers of SPICE for a long time: addiction to them develops much faster than to heroin or marijuana, and the "withdrawal syndrome" is much more severe, they have a serious psychotropic effect and long-term toxic effect.

Spice is one of the brands of synthetic smoking blends marketed as a herb with a chemical applied. Spice is any dried plant impregnated with JWH-018 (synthetic cannabinoid). Spice is chemistry, and chemistry can be attributed to hard drugs. Chemistry getting into the blood is carried throughout the body instantly. Found in smoking blends, synthetic cannabinoid JWH 018 is five times stronger than marijuana, five times stronger than marijuana

Convincing buyers of the harmlessness of the mix, sellers focus on its vegetable composition. We are used to thinking that there are no herbs harmful to humans in nature, but the plants that make up the mixture are by no means useful yarrow or chamomile. The mix contains a lion's tail, pink and blue lotus, babyin, dwarf skullcap and other plants. Buying for beautiful and sonorous names, people do not suspect that all these plants contain very strong hallucinogenic substances.

Sellers by death assure that SPICE is absolutely harmless and legal. Distributors of smoking mixtures have created many myths focused on involving young people in the drug addiction process. Here are some of them: "Spice" is not a drug and addiction does not develop "Spice" is a safe aromatic mixture These myths are being brought to the mind by drug dealers in various ways: through retail outlets, including remotely, using such a popular means communications like the Internet, "outdoor advertising" (fences, entrance doors, etc.), as well as by individuals in crowded places (train stations, airports, markets) and in the adjacent territories.

Consider whether a harmless and certified product will be advertised with inscriptions on dirty fences, garages, etc., when the entire civilized world uses the media for these purposes. Of course not. But in order to place an advertisement on TV or radio, it is necessary to provide quality certificates, a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, which, as you understand, drug dealers do not have. Manufacturers and distributors of smoking mixtures have launched an aggressive information campaign aimed at involving young people in the drug addiction process.

The effect that occurs after smoking Spice is terrifying: with eyes closed, images are observed, visual effects appear, voices can be heard, a person is not aware of the presence of a body. Being under the influence of "smoking mixture" completely loses touch with reality. Some begin to perform involuntary actions: walking in circles, bumping into objects. A smoker can fall, lie still, rush about as in an epileptic seizure, no pain is felt, the instinct of self-preservation fails. After "waking up" a person cannot remember what he was doing.

Many people who smoke spice all the time, sometimes under the "high" thought to kill themselves. In this state, people can do anything just to get rid of those sensations that spice brings them, they can go and jump from a balcony or roof without hesitation, and they can step under the wheels of a truck without a drop of doubt. They do not need suicide as such, they do not want their own death. They just have the strongest hallucinations, and the fear of such hallucinations forces them to take extreme measures. To get rid of fear, they are ready to do anything.

REMEMBER! In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2009 1186 "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Russian Federation on Issues Related to the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs", the use, acquisition, storage, distribution and sale of smoking mixtures containing narcotic and psychotropic substances is prohibited in the Russian Federation and is prosecuted.

Illegal production, sale or transfer of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues is punishable by imprisonment for a term of four to eight years with or without restraint of liberty for a term of up to one year. (Article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) Induction to the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances is punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years. (Article 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Signs of using smoking mixtures: Perceptual disorders: - auditory and visual hallucinations; - distortion of the sense of time (more often the feeling that time intervals are repeated, there is a feeling of stopping, slowing down time); - a feeling of loss of control over body movements; - fear of death, panic; - somatic manifestations (fluctuations in blood pressure and pulse in a very wide range from 70/40 mm Hg to 200/150 mm Hg).

Signs of external intoxication with smoking mixtures - anxiety; - impaired coordination of movements, or motor activity is chaotic; - drowsiness, lethargy; - the pupil is more often dilated, difficulty in focusing the gaze; - attention is attracted with difficulty; - slurred speech; - weakness, pallor of the skin, nausea, vomiting; - hallucinatory disorders

Signs of poisoning with smoking mixtures: vomiting, convulsions, rise in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, hallucinations, psychosis, lack of reaction to external stimuli, coma, When the first signs of poisoning appear, an ambulance must be called urgently

"Harmlessness" of smoking mixtures because from the lungs the poison penetrates directly into the bloodstream, the blow falls on the entire body as a whole: - the liver absorbs most of the poison like a sponge; - the capillaries of the brain are sharply narrowed, trying not to let the drug through to the "central processor", as a result of which the brain is poorly supplied with oxygen and nerve cells begin to die off (this process is accompanied by a feeling of lightness that adolescents like so much); - mental and physical dependence develops; - the central nervous system is affected: memory, intellectual abilities, sleep patterns decrease;

Psychoses; - mental disorders of varying severity up to the complete disintegration of the personality (similar to schizophrenia); - depression; - change in the genetic code (as a result, a negative impact on the reproductive system: congenital anomalies in offspring); - decreased immunity; - violation of hormonal levels; - the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, lung cancer; - the cardiovascular system is affected; - there is a loss of emotional control (sudden mood swings)

Socio-psychological consequences of the use of smoking mixtures, characteristic of drug addiction: - destruction of personality: indifference to oneself, one's future and loved ones, the prevalence of a single value named "drug", loss of meaning in life, emptiness, loneliness; - destruction of social ties: loss of family, friends; - restrictions on obtaining a specialty, the inability to drive vehicles, a ban on some types of professional activity; - communication with criminal circles, the risk of involvement in drug trafficking and prosecution, theft and other crimes

When organizing pedagogical prevention, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: - communication with peers, their opinion and assessment is of great importance for adolescents; - children often mistrust information about various aspects of substance abuse that they receive from adult teachers, parents. They believe that the views of adults are outdated, do not correspond to reality, teachers exaggerate a lot; - due to age characteristics, children do not understand health as a prerequisite for achieving success in life, self-realization, they cannot predict the possible consequences of their behavior for health

In this regard, it is recommended: - to avoid imposing on students ready-made assessments and norms related to aspects of the problem of psychoactive substances use; - the main attention should be paid to creating conditions that stimulate an active exchange of views between children and adults (teachers, parents); - do not evaluate the statements of students as correct and incorrect, but implicitly guide the discussion, drawing the attention of adolescents to significant circumstances and facts; - to use forms of work that provide the teenagers themselves with the role of leaders, organizers. Preventive information "Peer-to-peer" has a more effective effect than the information provided by the teacher;

When explaining the negative consequences of substance abuse, the main emphasis should be on the discussion of how possible exposure to these substances will affect the factors most significant for adolescents: appearance, sports achievements, relationships with others, indicate what restrictions may arise when choosing a profession; - in order to prevent the consumption of surfactants, spice, it is recommended to regularly hold parental meetings, at which to bring to the attention of parents information about the dangers of consuming these substances; - in order to increase the level of culture of health of society, in the development of positive motivation of students in activities for healthy lifestyle, actively use the potential of the volunteer team

Purpose of the study

  • Find out if chewing gum is good or bad
Research objectives
  • analyze scientific literature on the topic;
  • determine the consequences of the use of gum;
  • establish that the use of gum is harmful to health;
  • to reveal the attitude of adults towards the use of gum.
Our research. When do you use gum? Which chewing gum is preferred? How long does one chewing gum last? Student Answers Trident Gum Chewing gum, what is it?
  • A culinary product that consists of an inedible elastic base and various flavors and aromas. In the process of use, the chewing gum practically does not decrease in volume, but all the fillers gradually dissolve, after which the base becomes tasteless and is usually thrown away.
Types of gum:
  • Padded Plate
  • The main component of the gum is the gum base. In the latter case, the gum is specially treated to make it soft. Other ingredients in chewing gum include various refreshing substances such as menthol or peppermint extract, glucose or sweeteners (sorbitol, xylitol, aspartame), and preservatives.
  • Modern chewing gum consists primarily of a gum base (predominantly synthetic polymers), which is sometimes supplemented with components derived from the sap of the Sapodilla tree or from the resin of conifers.
  • The gum also contains flavorings, flavors, preservatives, and other food additives. Recently, gums containing sweeteners and anti-carious substances, for example, fluorine compounds, xylitol, and carbamide, have become popular.
Benefit and harm.
  • When chewing, salivation increases, which contributes to remineralization and cleaning of the teeth; the chewing muscles receive a uniform, balanced load due to the plastic and physical and mechanical properties of the chewing gum itself; gum massage is to some extent the prevention of periodontal disease.
  • Experts recommend using chewing gum only immediately after meals and for no more than five minutes a day. Otherwise, it promotes the secretion of gastric juice into an empty stomach, which can contribute to the development of stomach ulcers and gastritis. However, after eating, for people with heartburn, chewing gum can help relieve symptoms.
Benefit and harm.
  • The saliva that is released, which has an alkaline reaction, is swallowed. The acidic content of the lower third of the esophagus is neutralized. At the same time, a constant flow of saliva ensures the clearance of the lower third of the esophagus.
Benefit and harm
  • With a weakness of the dental ligament, with periodontal disease, gum can contribute to the loss of teeth. Another chewing gum myth is that chewing gum can cause the filling to fall out. Correctly installed seals will not fall out from the chewing gum. If the filling falls out, this indicates either a poorly installed filling, or ongoing caries or tooth decay. There is also a danger to the jaw joints
Benefit and harm
  • Some of the soluble components of chewing gum are harmful to the body if they enter it in large quantities. For example, sorbitol, a widely used sugar substitute in chewing gum, has a laxative effect, which manufacturers warn about on the packaging.
Interesting Facts:
  • The largest bubble from chewing gum was recorded in July 1994 at the ABC television studio in New York. It was inflated by Susan Mantgomery from the USA, the diameter of the bladder was 58.5 centimeters (this is more than the size in the shoulders of an adult male of average build).
Interesting Facts
  • The harm caused by chewing gum to street exteriors when it hits sidewalks, walls of houses, benches, etc. is called gumfitti... Scientists around the world have been struggling for years to develop chemicals that would dissolve chewing gum without harming the environment. For harmless disposal, they come up with very unusual methods.
  • So, in the city of San Luis Obispo (California), for forty years there has been a wall on which anyone can stick their chewing gum. This is a local landmark. The wall is covered with an elastic band in several layers.
In Boscholt, Germany, tree branches are used for the same purposes. In less than 100 years, chewing gum has become one of the most widespread food products in the world and a phenomenon of mass culture. Today, in the homeland of chewing gum, the United States, more than 100 varieties of gum are sold, which are produced by 10 multinational corporations and an unspecified number of small producers. Every year, Americans spend $ 2 billion on its purchase, about a quarter of this amount is accounted for by children and adolescents. The average US resident consumes 300 gummies per year.
  • In less than 100 years, gum has become one of the world's most widely distributed food products and a popular culture phenomenon. Today, in the homeland of chewing gum, the United States, more than 100 varieties of gum are sold, which are produced by 10 multinational corporations and an unspecified number of small producers. Every year, Americans spend $ 2 billion on its purchase, about a quarter of this amount is accounted for by children and adolescents. The average US resident consumes 300 gummies per year.
  • Chewing gum should not be chewed on one side only, as this can lead to an asymmetric face. Chewing gum should not be consumed while smoking. The gum draws carcinogenic substances out of cigarettes, which enter the stomach with saliva. It is best to chew after smoking to eliminate unpleasant tobacco odor from the mouth.
  • Chewing gum will not replace a toothbrush!
  • Manufacturers often put pictures, stickers, and transferable tattoos under the wrapper of the chewing gum, which children call “inserts”. They depict scenes and characters from cartoons, comics, cars. In the early 1990s, on the territory of the former USSR, candy wrappers from chewing gums and especially "inserts" were collectibles and a gambling object among schoolchildren.
Whether chewing gum is useful or not is up to you.

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"When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, forces do not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless." Herodotus "Health is the only treasure." Montaigne Health is the summit that a person must climb on their own. "

What is health?

H - exercise D - movement O - dousing P - daily routine O - organism B - endurance L - E - cycling Game "Health".

To live purely - to be healthy. Cleanliness is the key to health. Sick - get well, but be healthy. If you want to be healthy, get hot. Dirt and slovenliness are the path to disease. Health Proverbs Competition

So that you are not frail, lethargic, Do not lie under the covers, Do not get sick and be fine, Do exercises every day!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CROSSWORD

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Air, water, sun harden ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A set of exercises that are carried out in the morning.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Football, hockey is ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The right combination of work and rest.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Physical activity in the open air.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A nutrient found in vegetables and fruits.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Heart rate.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Compliance with the cleanliness of the body, clothing, home.

Factors affecting human health.

Everyone must know for sure: Health must be maintained. You need to eat right, You need to play sports, Wash your hands before eating, Brush your teeth, temper, And always be friends with water. And then all the people in the world will live for a long, long time. And remember, health is not in store. The whole ABC of health You need to know well, And in life this knowledge Everywhere to carry out.

Health is the pinnacle to which a person must climb independently. I wish you to reach this peak!


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Mind and health are the most precious thing

Health is an invaluable gift that nature presents to man. It is very difficult to make life interesting and happy without it. But how often do we waste this gift in vain, forgetting that it is easy to lose health, but to return it is very, very difficult.

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Harmful constituents of tobacco smoke The main component of tobacco smoke is nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive.

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Tobacco tar contains substances that cause cancer (carcinogenic). One cigarette contains on average about 15 carcinogenic substances

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Passive smoking

A non-smoker's stay in a smoky room for an hour corresponds to smoking four cigarettes. It has long been established: 25% of harmful substances of tobacco smoke burn out, 25% - absorbs the smoker, 50% - poison the air of the room where they smoke.

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Mathematics on the guard of health

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    It has been established that alcoholism has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. Pathological changes in the personality of an alcoholic. The nervous system and personality degradation are the most vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. The defeat of internal organs in alcoholism: alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic heart disease, diseases of the digestive system, damage to the pancreas, has a damaging effect on the fetus in women alcoholics.

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    Drug addiction is a terrible disaster that has befallen humanity.

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    Many weak-willed people think: "Once I try, if I don't like it, I'll give it up." But they get used to it quickly, often the first time

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    Lost, without a job, without a family, without a future, an outcast for society and for himself.

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    it is pain, grief, suffering of parents and loved ones a potential criminal for the police a candidate for a risk group for contracting HIV infections, hepatitis A source of enrichment for a bunch of careless zombie dealers for drug dealers, ready to fulfill someone else's will for a dose of drugs

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    According to WHO experts

    The number of drug users in Russia ranges from 3 to 4 million The incidence of drug addiction among young people is 2.5 times higher than among adults

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    In 2004, about 2.5 million people died per 1.5 million births; - the male population is rapidly decreasing; - The incidence of drug addiction among young people is 2.5 times higher than among adults; - More than 700,000 children are orphans; - More than 6 million minors are in socially disadvantaged conditions - 2 million adolescents are illiterate;


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