What to do commission for employment. Passing a medical examination when applying for a job according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Medical examination of persons working in hazardous and hazardous industries

Medical checkup- this is a mandatory procedure not only for those who are already employees of a company or enterprise, but also for those who are just planning to get a job.

The main purpose of this event is to find out whether the work performed will harm the employee, and whether the employee will harm other colleagues or clients.

Also, a medical examination is designed to identify early signs of occupational diseases or a predisposition to them.

This procedure allows employers to keep statistics and control the level of health of the team as a whole. In addition, morbidity rates help to plan preventive measures, the ultimate goal of which is to improve the quality of working conditions.

According to the current legislation, a person who does not have all the necessary certificates does not have the right to start work. Failure to fulfill this obligation should be punished both by the employee and, in particular, by the employer, who endangers three groups of people at once: employees, potential employees, customers.

A person cannot arbitrarily refuse to undergo a medical examination.

Choosing a medical facility: list of powers

Everyone knows firsthand that an examination in a state clinic can not only take up to 10 days of your life, but also have a very bad effect on the nervous system and attitude towards budgetary organizations in general.

Private clinic

It is because of all the above inconveniences that more and more private clinics are opening up at such a speed. There are usually no queues, the staff is always polite and courteous, the instruments are sterile and disposable, the results can be ready on the day of delivery, but ... you will have to pay a tidy sum for all this.

Many agree to this in order to save their time and nerve cells, but there is one more catch: not all private medical institutions are authorized to issue fitness certificates.

But there is good news, the ban applies only to tests that are taken at the state sanitary station, and there are not so many of them, and not everyone needs to take them (food industry, work with children).

A mental health certificate (rarely required, usually for working with children) can only be obtained from a government agency.

All blood tests, including tests for antibodies to HIV and hepatitis B and C, can be taken at any clinic that has official registration and certifies all its answers with a seal.

State polyclinic

The state polyclinic has the right to take almost any analysis and issue any kind of professional suitability opinion (except for a certificate from a psychiatrist). The advantage of public hospitals is the relatively low cost of examinations.

The downside is that not all clinics have stationary laboratories that accept and process blood and biomaterials. Usually, all sampling is carried out on site, and the same private laboratories carry out the verification. It takes more time.

The procedure for passing a medical examination

Since a medical examination is the responsibility of both future and current employees (Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the employer, the latter should instruct the former in such a way that the potential employee has a complete understanding of which doctors he needs to go to, which clinic he should go to apply, and what tests are mandatory for delivery in order to obtain the desired position.

The procedure for passing a medical examination when applying for a job is as follows:

  1. Applicant for a position receives all the necessary information and full instruction.
  2. Further, he acquires or receives at the enterprise or organization a form for passing a medical examination(Different organizations may require different forms to be completed).
  3. Having received everything you need, you need to take your passport and a referral for a medical examination with you.
  4. Further, you need to contact the reception of the polyclinic and get your outpatient card.
  5. How to visit doctors, you can also ask at the reception, but according to the law, your local therapist should be the first and last doctor. He will tell you how best to organize the passage of the commission and after, certify all the results and issue an opinion on whether your health level is suitable for working in the position you are interested in.
  6. If the survey includes tank crops, then pay attention to the fact that the results must be stamped not only in the medical book, but also in the template form. In the absence of at least one such seal, the therapist does not have the right to issue a conclusion and work permit.
  7. After receiving the conclusion you can go to the one who sent you to the examination (nurse or personnel department) and hand over all the documents received. It is best to make a copy of the health book and certificate.

List of required doctors and tests

As mentioned above, each profession has a certain list of mandatory tests and doctors that a future employee must visit. But there are those items that are mandatory and, therefore, the same for all positions and ages.

This is a basic list of specialists that everyone should visit when applying for a job.

These are the doctors whom we are obliged to visit 1-2 times a year without reminders, but, unfortunately, we do this only forcibly:

  1. Therapist. He will direct you to the necessary specialists and write his expert opinion on the compliance or non-compliance of the level of physical and mental (if necessary) health of the position.
  2. Gynecologist and surgeon (for women and men respectively). It is highly desirable to visit these doctors with preventive visits twice a year, but before hiring - this trip is not voluntary, it is mandatory. Identification of diseases in the "male" or "female" part in the early stages allows you to cope with them in 87% of cases.
  3. Fluorography is a must for everyone. This requirement has a solid basis, given the current statistics on the incidence of tuberculosis. The Ministry of Health monitors the record keeping of fluorographic examinations very carefully, therefore, both you and the doctor (nurse) risk incurring criminal liability for trying to buy the results.

The nuances of issuing a conclusion

It should be noted that not all employers are used to cooperating with private clinics yet, therefore, they are reluctant to accept certificates from “private workers” for fear of unreliable information.

The best way out for someone who is about to start undergoing an examination is to immediately ask the employer directly about whether he will accept opinions from a doctor from a private medical institution.

It should be noted that mere tests that have not been reviewed by the therapist are not grounds for admission. That is, if you use the services of a private clinic, then you have two options for obtaining an opinion: contact a doctor in the same clinic or bring the results to your therapist at the registration address.

Who should pay and how much?

According to the Labor Code, the employer must pay for the mandatory items in the survey. In addition, he does not have the right to choose additional tests without paying for them.

Even if the enterprise agrees to pay the costs, the employee has the full right to refuse those examinations that are not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As for the cases when the employer is a private entrepreneur, then, most likely, he will not pay for the inspection procedure. This is usually due to the fact that the standard list of studies is free.

An applicant for a job should remember that all additional tests must be paid by the employer in full. The refusal of the employer to conclude an agreement without passing optional examinations is a direct violation of the Law.

Consequences and liability for the lack of a medical examination

According to article 5.27.1. 3., the lack of a sanitary book or medical examination (as well as an overdue medical examination) among employees entails an administrative penalty. The fine imposed on the violator, who is an individual, is 15-25 thousand rubles, while the legal entity is obliged to pay it in the amount of 110-130 thousand rubles.

Category of persons who must undergo a medical examination

Some professions require only the presence of fluorography and the conclusion of a therapist based on a superficial collection of the patient's history. But there are a number of work positions that can only be occupied by people who have passed a full examination. This category includes all those who work with children and food.

Children's institutions employees

Educators, nannies, teachers, and even technical staff of children's institutions must undergo a full medical examination. even if they are not in direct contact with children. This is due to the fact that children are at risk of various viral and respiratory diseases.

transport workers

Public transport is a place of accumulation of large masses of people. During the day, several thousand different people can visit one fixed-route taxi. And, unfortunately, not all of them are healthy.

Medical examination of the driver or other attendants serves to ensure that he does not infect any of the passengers and that his health is strong enough to withstand the constant impact of microorganisms and viruses that are spread by airborne droplets.

Catering workers

The fastest and surest way to infect a person with some kind of disease is to place bacteria on his mucous membrane. In this case, penetration and spread occurs almost instantly, and it is very difficult to stop this process.

It is for this reason that catering employees must undergo mandatory medical examinations. In addition, they include not only a standard list of tests and examinations, but also a conclusion from the laboratory tank about the absence of Escherichia coli or other viruses that can be transmitted through tactile contact.

A person who does not have certificates and conclusions should not be allowed not only to cook, but also to serve food.

Trade employees

Again, working with people requires special care, therefore, a medical examination, which includes a complete check-up of the body (a laboratory tank is not a mandatory criterion), must be carried out before going to work and beyond, within the time limits specified by law.

This segment includes both employees of the food industry and the seller of manufactured goods and services. Any human contact is associated with a certain level of harm to health. Yes, in some areas it is lower, while in others it is over the top.

food industry

Employees of the food industry (absolutely everyone, from technical staff to managers) undergo a full medical examination, including tests for hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, salmonellosis and other infectious diseases, an examination by a dermatologist, gynecologist and surgeon (for women and men respectively).

Each employee is required to have a sanitary book with seals from the sanitary station and bacteriological laboratory.

The employer has the right to allow a person to work only after the final medical examination and the entry of all test results in the employee's sanitary book.


Workers of water utilities, pumping stations, and reservoirs have a huge responsibility to water consumers. Therefore, the admission of an employee without a medical examination is strictly prohibited and criminally punishable.

A virus that gets into the water can cause an epidemic in a matter of days, therefore, each employee is required to undergo a full examination and listen to a lecture at the station's sanitation.


There are no special exceptions in the order of medical examination for minors. The only difference is that they usually do not need to be examined by a cardiologist. In all other respects, they have the same obligations to society.

A medical board for work is an integral tool in the personnel policy of the vast majority of employers who want to make sure that a candidate for concluding an employment contract has no serious illnesses that prevent him from successfully fulfilling his official duties. Medical examination - for whom it is mandatory, which doctors will have to visit and what are the consequences of refusing to pass it, read in this article.

When is a pre-employment health screening required?

The requirement to undergo a medical examination during employment may be due to the provisions of the law or established by local regulations of a particular organization. In any case, the refusal of a medical examination entails the impossibility of concluding an employment contract.

In accordance with Art. 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, minor applicants must pass a medical examination when applying for a job. The law provides for similar conditions for citizens applying for a number of positions or for employment in certain types of institutions:

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  • in the organization of public catering, food industry, trade;
  • children's and medical institutions;
  • to work in organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetology services;
  • positions involving the performance of work with a source of increased danger, as well as with dangerous, extreme or harmful working conditions;
  • work related to transport management;
  • work on a rotational basis;
  • any positions providing for residence and performance of official duties in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them;
  • positions related to the implementation of sports training and participation in competitions in certain sports (athletes and coaches).

This list is far from complete - the obligation to undergo a medical examination when hiring is enshrined in many departmental laws and regulations. For example, the laws “On the Status of Judges” dated June 26, 1992 No. 3132-1, “On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies” dated November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ, etc.

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At the same time, each department has its own list of medical contraindications for admission to work. In particular, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Medical Examination…” dated August 26, 2013 No. 733, citizens suffering from active forms of tuberculosis, various types of mental disorders, epilepsy, etc. will not be able to become employees of the prosecutor’s office.

List of doctors to visit when applying for a job

The medical board for work involves visiting at least the following specialists:

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  • therapist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist (ENT doctor);
  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon
  • neuropathologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • narcologist.

In addition, for women, an examination by a gynecologist and a mammologist is mandatory (in some cases, a surgeon or gynecologist can give a conclusion about the absence of pathology of the mammary glands).

In addition to a medical examination, the medical board includes a fluorographic study, a general blood and urine test, determination of blood sugar and cholesterol levels, an ECG, for applicants over 40 years old - blood pressure measurement, for women of this age category - mammography.

IMPORTANT! Based on the results of the examination and analyzes, additional examinations may be prescribed, including those related to visits to other narrow specialists.

In cases when it comes to employment in positions in the organization of the state or municipal service and similar institutions, the list of doctors for the medical commission is determined by departmental regulations.

Where and how can I get a medical examination

The answer to the question of where to undergo a medical examination for work depends on the financial capabilities of the applicant and the amount of free time he has. To speed up the procedure, it makes sense to contact a specialized clinic - the prices for their services vary on average from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. depending on the region and the number of surveys.

If there is no extra money, but, on the contrary, there is enough time, you can get by with a visit to the clinic at the place of residence. In this case, medical examinations and primary tests are free of charge, as they are provided for by compulsory health insurance.

An exception can only be examinations by a psychiatrist and a narcologist, and then on the condition that such specialists are not available in the district clinic, and in order to obtain certificates from them, it is necessary to contact centralized specialized institutions (for example, the regional neuropsychiatric dispensary, etc.).

IMPORTANT! For those who are wondering how to pass a medical examination when applying for a job in connection with employment in government agencies, there is no alternative to a “district or specialized clinic”. Examinations preceding the military medical (for future military personnel, policemen, etc.) or other departmental medical commission are carried out exclusively at the place of residence. Such a restriction is due, first of all, to the need to obtain a conclusion on the absence of the applicant in the dispensary records - third-party doctors cannot provide it.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons under the age of eighteen, as well as other persons in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, are subject to mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations. Thus, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation to undergo a preliminary and periodic medical examination also for:
- workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (part one of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- employees employed directly related to the movement of vehicles (part one, Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- workers employed in underground works (part one, Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- athletes (Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- persons involved in work in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them from other areas (Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
- employees of food industry organizations, public catering and trade, water supply facilities, medical organizations and children's institutions, as well as some other employers (part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The obligation of the employer to organize preliminary and periodic medical examinations for specific categories of employees may also follow from other federal laws. Such inspections are mandatory in particular for:
- teaching staff (Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ);
- personnel of facilities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons (Federal Law of 02.05.1997 N 76-FZ);
- certain categories of employees of nuclear facilities (Federal Law of November 21, 1995 N 170-FZ);
- persons employed directly related to the movement of trains and shunting work (Federal Law of 10.01.2003 N 17-FZ).
In accordance with part four of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, the procedure for conducting such examinations is determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. Most of these factors and types of work, during the performance of which employees are subject to mandatory medical examination, are listed in the relevant lists approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n. At the same time, it does not follow from the wording of part four of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that these lists establish an exhaustive list of categories of workers who are subject to mandatory medical examination. Therefore, such categories may be provided for by other normative acts, for example:
- The list of professions and positions of employees who ensure the movement of trains, subject to mandatory preliminary, upon admission to work, and periodic medical examinations, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.09.1999 N 1020;
- The list of positions of employees of nuclear facilities that are subject to medical contraindications, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.03.1997 N 233.
From persons for whom such an examination is not mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer cannot require a preliminary medical examination (determination of the Primorsky Regional Court dated 06.10. -2581/2012).

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Mazukhina Anna

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A referral for an initial medical examination upon employment is issued to a future employee by the employer. This document indicates information about the employee and the name of the medical institution in which the examination by doctors will take place.

When passing the survey, the future employee must have a referral issued by the employer and a passport.

A card is being created in the medical institution, where conclusions will be recorded during the examination by specialists.

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The list of specialists of the medical institution that you need to go through varies depending on the position held by the future employee.

Also, the list differs depending on the gender of the employee.

The standard list of doctors during a professional examination when applying for a job:

  1. ophthalmologist;
  2. otolaryngologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. psychiatrist;
  5. therapist.

Women usually have an appointment with a gynecologist. A medical examination by a gynecologist upon employment is mandatory according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1996 (as amended on February 06, 2001).

The specialist examines the woman, takes bacteriological and cytological tests. If an examination by a gynecologist is mandatory due to a profession that requires an annual examination, the woman cannot refuse this procedure.

In case of refusal from a physical examination by a gynecologist, the employer can not hire.

For some vacancies, it is obligatory to undergo a psychiatric examination when applying for a job.

What tests are taken when applying for a job? A future employee during a preliminary medical examination must take a blood test and a urine test, as well as undergo a fluorography and an electrocardiogram.

After passing the examination by all specialists and passing the tests, the employee should obtain a conclusion from the general practitioner. How long is a medical board valid for employment? The certificate-conclusion is valid from six months to a year, depending on the form.

If during this period a person was seriously ill or had an operation, then the certificate is considered canceled. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a new medical examination.


For a preliminary medical examination during employment, the employer issues a referral indicating the name and address of the medical institution for undergoing this procedure.

Between an employer and a medical institution licensed to conduct medical examinations, most often contracts are concluded.

If an agreement has not been concluded between the employer and the medical institution, then the future employee undergoes a preliminary examination by specialists in any medical institution licensed to carry out these procedures.

City, district, republican, settlement clinics have such a license. When contacting private medical centers and clinics, it is necessary to clarify the availability of such a document.

Forms of medical certificates

No. 086/y

This form of medical certificate is two-sided, has 12 points. It is filled in by the therapist of the medical institution indicating the personal data of the employee with a list of previously transferred diseases, information about vaccinations.

Then each specialist who conducts the inspection puts a note in the certificate. The results of the analyzes and possible limitations are also recorded here. The conclusion about the professional suitability of the employee is made by the medical board.

This form of certificate is signed by the doctor who issues it, the signature of the head physician and the seal of the medical institution are also put. The certificate (form No. 086/y) is valid for six months from the date of issue.

Medical certificate form No. 086 / y :

No. 001-GS/u

This form of certificate contains a conclusion, which indicates that a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have diseases that prevent the civil or municipal service of the Russian Federation.

Also, this certificate is used to examine the presence of a disease in a person undergoing examination, in which the passage of these types of services is impossible. The certificate is signed by the doctor who issued it. The signature of the head physician and the seal of the medical institution are also put.

The certificate (form No. 001-ГС/у) is valid for twelve months from the date of issue.

So, before employment, a future employee is given a referral for a preliminary medical examination. When passing the examination, it is necessary to go through all the doctors indicated in the certificate issued by the therapist.

This procedure is necessary to assess the health status of the future employee and the suitability of the future position.

The services of this specialist may be needed not only for routine examinations, but also if a worker employed in a high-risk area feels unwell. The occupational therapist provides the following services:

  • Conducts medical examinations for work at height;
  • Provides medical and advisory assistance to patients whose work is associated with a harmful environment and risks;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of patients with suspected occupational disease;
  • Conducts examinations on the professional suitability of an employee for a specific position;
  • Carries out clinical examination of patients who have already been diagnosed with occupational diseases;
  • Engaged in the organization of measures to prevent the loss of working capacity for workers.

The specialist also organizes events designed to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases. An occupational pathologist monitors working conditions at enterprises, inspects workplaces.

Who needs to undergo a medical examination by an occupational pathologist

Typically, visiting this specialist and obtaining the appropriate medical clearance response is necessary for representatives of the following professions:

  • Transport workers;
  • High-altitude fitters;
  • Industrial climbers;
  • Athletes;
  • food industry workers;
  • Beauty workers;
  • Medical staff of various categories;
  • Public utilities, etc.

Help for work in the Far North 302n

People working in the harsh conditions of the Far North are also forced to undergo periodic and preliminary examinations by this specialist. Permanent stay in severe climatic conditions, the negative impact of magnetic fields, low temperatures and other dangerous factors require good health from the people working here. Human acclimatization in the conditions of the Far North lasts 2-3 years. Throughout this period, the occupational pathologist should regularly check the state of the employee's body.

What other specialists need to visit for help

In order to obtain a work permit in the conditions of the Far North, in addition to an occupational pathologist, it is also necessary to visit such specialists: a dermatovenereologist, a therapist, a psychiatrist, a neurologist, a narcologist, a surgeon, an otorhinolaryngologist. It is also necessary to pass a series of tests, undergo ultrasound and fluorography.

Access to work at height by an occupational pathologist

High-altitude work is divided into two categories: climbing - performed from ladders, ladders, lifts and other structures; work at height - performed at a height of 1.3 m or more. will receivecertificate of admission to work at a height of 405you can in the clinic "Medprofi 24". We employ experienced occupational pathologists who will carry out all diagnostic and therapeutic measures at a high professional level. Here you can also getcertificate for electric and gas welders 302and representatives of other potentially dangerous professions.

What diseases does an occupational pathologist treat?

The specialist treats only occupational pathologies. These include:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system caused by excessive physical exertion;
  • Respiratory tract diseases caused by the negative impact of the environment at the enterprise;
  • Vibrational disease;
  • Diseases caused by permanent exposure to toxic substances at the enterprise.

The occupational pathologist also deals with the treatment of allergic and oncological diseases caused by difficult working conditions.

Where can o buy a certificate from an occupational pathologist

Clinic MedProfi 24 offers its services in the preparation of almost any medical documentation. We employ specialists of various profiles, we have our own laboratory, modern diagnostic equipment. To make an appointment with an occupational pathologist, call the registry. The clinic is open from 8.00 to 23.00.


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