Scenario for February 23 for a large company. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults. Video of fun competitions for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Scenario for February 23, 2016 1.

/music, everyone gathers in the hall/

1 led: Today is a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! - the day of brave, strong, resolute, courageous, persistent and enduring men, always ready to defend their homeland, their family, their friends and relatives from enemies and various troubles. We are lucky that such men work here. And we wish you to easily cope with any problems, and women appreciate and love you not only on February 23, but every day.

2 Vedas: February twenty-third - excellentA day to show gratitude!Happiness will be familiar to youIt will become more joyful to live from now on!

Happy holiday to male colleagues,To make dreams come true, make a wish -The best reason is hard to imagineTo wish immeasurable blessings!

1 led: With you, we are calm and safe,
You protect us from harm
We wish in your difficult life
Success bright and victories!

If necessary, you are capable without a trace,
Give yourself to your family, work,
We wish you health and prosperity,
And, of course, never give up!

2 Vedas: Today there is no one with us,

We know we can't get them back.

Only the memory would not fade away -

Let's remember those whose path has been passed!

/ a moment of silence is announced /

*Dance number "Revived legend"*

1 led: Police Officer – our fiery greetings!We wish that a worthy answer to crime!He was brave and courageous, never backed down,And all the villains, violators - as it should be, detained!

(!) And so that yourWORK – everyone respected!!!

2 Vedas: The word for congratulations is given to:2.

Police Colonel of the Intermunicipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Alapaevsky" - Konstantin Dmitrievich Kuznetsov;

To the Chairman of the Council of Veterans, a retired police major, Oleg Nikolaevich Yuzhakov.

1 led: The holiday is coming - February 23!
This day is a symbol of courage and honor,
We will congratulate you on this holiday,
And we will celebrate it together with you!

2 Vedas: In prose, we cannot convey all the emotions.
Let verses and songs sound today,
May a lucky star rise for you
Life will become much brighter, more interesting!

*on stage Break-studio "Street dances"*

2 Vedas: You have chosen a difficult profession -Cleanse the land from bandits.Happy holiday, success and health,We want to wish you all today!May this day pass peacefullyNo emergency trips.And we want everyone tocareer She was successful and worthy.

*song "Ay, it will be cool!"* (with backup dancers)

1 led: Good congratulations are accepted, and now it's time for games and fun!

/game block/

2 Vedas: I will not say beautifully like Carnegie -And I probably won't take much timeLet me just say Happy Holidays! I wish you colleaguesAlways live in peace and never know war!

1 led: I wish the military not to trample the fields to you,And to protect relatives only from worries,Let the matter argue in the hands and in the thoughts!And may the Lord keep you from adversity!

*song "Be Human!"*

*dance "Funny Hands"*

2 Vedas: Invited to the stage - assistant chief of dress - head of the 3rd group for work with personnel, major of the internal service Valery Aleksandrovich Sukhovykh. (order for award)

2 Vedas: Husbands, bosses, colleagues and fathers,
Friends, nephews and other men,
You are all heroes, supermen, well done!
And that means we have a reason to celebrate!

1 led: Let's celebrate together the holiday - February 23!
And let the snow melt from warm congratulations,
Let life help you make your dreams come true
And let every day be happy for you!

Once again, congratulations to YOU, dear men -

Together: - Happy Holidays!



*Warm-up (for correct answers, participants are given tokens with number)*

1 - What is a bullet? (Penalty in ice hockey)

2 - Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go on torn tights).

3 - Do you put yeast in shortcrust pastry? (Not)

4 - In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards you or away from you? (Push)

5 - What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

6 - What is a carburetor part of? (motor)

7 - When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? (Needle)
8 - Why might a woman need acetone? (Wash old nail polish off)

9 - The main equipment of the paratrooper? (parachute)

10 - What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk)

11 - Not a god, not a king - but you can’t disobey. (commander)

12 - She is traditionally in our troops -

larger than a platoon, but smaller than a battalion? (company)

13 - On the path, on the field, on the shore - blocks the path of the enemy? (border guard)4.

14 - My hearing is good - I'm friends with the walkie-talkie for a reason? (radio operator)

15 - I jumped with a parachute at night, the journey is sometimes a minute. (paratrooper)

Spare questions:

16- What is always on the shoulders of the military? (shoulder straps)

17 - A sad and happy holiday, beautiful fireworks in the evening? (May 9)

18 - Striped military clothes? (vest)

19 - A proverb on a military theme .... (one in the field is not a warrior / / seven do not wait for one / / war is war, but lunch is on schedule / / the soldier sleeps, but the service goes on)

* So that on the whole big earth, peace has come for mankind,

In February we celebrate...Defender of the Fatherland!*

1) Blind game (2 people No. 1, No. 2 - skittles, blindfolded)

The host calls two men and in front of themarranges two zigzag routes of empty bottles or skittles. After that, he asks the participantsremember the route and blindfolds them. Once the participants are blindfolded, the assistant facilitators silentlyclean up bottles. When everything is ready, the host talks about what men needovercome the route without hitting obstacles. In doing so, he must indicate thatspeed doesn't really matter .

The leader gives a start, and the men begin their movement in zigzags, causing a lot of laughter in the hall. When the men have completed the obstacle course blindly, their bandages are removed and they are given a look at which route they were following.

2) The strongest (3 participants - No. 3,4,5 - crush newspapers)

Participants are given pre-prepared newspapers. The task of the players: with one left hand extended forward (without helping with the right!), Holding the newspaper by the corner, collect it into a fist at the command of the presenter. The fastest and most agile wins.

3) savvy (3 participants - No. 6,7,8 - answers for the moderator)

2 participants :

Name the types of troops of the Russian Federation, which you know;

List the military ranks that you remember.

1 participant- Gourmet :

Name dishes from the popular, famous, beloved "potato" or it is at least a component of the dish.

4) Salute, colleagues, for you! (7 participants - No. 9,10,11,12,13,14,15 - balls)

Let's play with the number of the holiday - "23".

2+3=5 and 2*3=6,

5*6=30, 5.

The 23rd falls on Tuesday-2 and 30:2=15,

Total:7 members . (To the music)

We stretch the balls, inflate and tie;

We throw the balls into the air, hold so that they do not fall to the floor (the hall SLAMS);

Pop the balloons as you wish - it turns out "SALUT" in honor of your holiday!


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Scenario - February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day

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When a person gets a job, he begins to spend most of his time on it. And therefore, he already meets all the holidays at work, in the company of his friendly team. And February 23 is a holiday that must be celebrated. That is why, to help all workers, we wrote a script for February 23 at work. This scenario will allow you to save time preparing for the holiday and spend this evening bright and memorable.

Presenter 1: Dear friends, comrades and colleagues!
Host 2: We are pleased to congratulate you on the holiday of February 23. And especially we congratulate our men, whom we have enough.
Presenter 1: Let's all applaud our smart, handsome and courageous defenders.

Everyone is applauding, shouting, congratulations and so on. You can also open crackers.

Host 2: We are all working in the same team. And our team has a leader. And therefore the right of the first congratulations, so to speak, we give him.

Presenter 1: And after such beautiful and wonderful words, I propose to raise glasses and drink for congratulations and for men!

Everyone raises their glasses and drinks for the men.

Host 2: And you know that there would be no men without us, without women. Therefore, while they are still holding glasses in their hands, I propose to raise them again, but only for women.

Everyone again raises their glasses and drinks for the women.

Presenter 1: So we drank to everyone who is with us today.

Host 2: And so imperceptibly for men, we women again made ourselves the main ones even on men's day.

Presenter 1: Don't you want to play? Remember childhood? Ah, men?

Host 2: Then I invite two men who have a driver's license to join us. Let's go.

Two men come out and they are given remote controls from cars to the control panel. And they must compete in the patency of the track. The track can be made from chairs. Arrange chairs in a row and go around them. Or you can do whatever you want. Whoever goes the whole distance ahead wins.

Presenter 1: Now it is clear who passed on the rights himself, and who bought them.

Host 2: Let's continue. And now we will hold a competition for the best actor. And who are our best actors?

Presenter 1: Naturally, men. Only they can come home drunk in the morning and tell such a story about the boss, about the workload at work, that everyone will believe them and even sympathize.

Host 2: Therefore, those who invented stories come out to us.

Men come out and are invited to recite a well-known verse. For example, about Tanya, who is crying loudly because she dropped a ball into the river. First they tell it with expression, as it should be. And then they are invited to tell it with other intonations. For example, you need to tell it as if you are a guest worker and came to work. That is, with an accent. You can also suggest a Chinese accent. You can also offer to tell it as if you were very offended by someone or you are very fun and funny. There are many options, so you can come up with a lot of options.

Presenter 1: Yes, real actors. I really believed them all.

Host 2: Yes, actors! Will our men be able to beat me in one dispute?

Presenter 1: Oh, intrigue! And in what?

Host 2: I want to bet men that they can't step over a pencil I put on the floor. Who agrees to such an argument?

The men agree. You can bet on something, like a bottle of champagne. And it's very easy to win. It is necessary to put the pencil on the floor against the wall, so that there is no place to step, because there is a wall. And the dispute and the champagne are yours.

Presenter 1: Okay, this is a really good argument. Therefore, I propose to raise glasses for women's ingenuity.

Everyone raises their glasses and drinks.

Host 2: And now, our dear women, I want to ask you how well you know our men. Many have been working here for a very long time.

The women answer. And you can check all this as follows. It is necessary to prepare in advance photographs of men from childhood. It is also necessary to photograph all the men at the present time. But not completely, but for example the right cheek, forehead, back, bare knee, and so on. And the women take turns coming to the leaders and they offer them to say whose photo it is. Give the first woman photographs of childhood. The second woman photographs the right cheek of all men and so on. Whoever can guess the most men and their photos wins.

Presenter 1: It turns out that we do not know our men so well. Therefore, I propose to raise glasses for a new acquaintance, so to speak, and dance.

Everyone raises their glasses to the acquaintance and dances.

Host 2: Well, did you dance? Let's play a little. I propose to arrange a competition between women and men.

Presenter 1: Fine. And what is this competition?

Host 2: So, let's split into two teams: men and women.

Everyone is divided into two teams: the men's team and the women's team. And since men are the strong sex, and women are weak, then they will compete in what is understandable for a woman. Each team is given one shirt without buttons, one needle and thread. At the command of the leader, the first team members put a thread on a needle, the second sew the first button, the third the second button, and so on. Whichever team sews all the buttons first wins.

Presenter 1: Great, so we found out who is still stronger in our team. And now I invite everyone to the festive table to continue the evening.

Everyone goes and sits at the table. At the table you can play contests, dance and sing karaoke.

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