What is start-up capital? Where can I get start-up capital to develop my business? Receiving subsidies from the state

Necessary for the formation of assets of a new enterprise and the start of its economic activities. Calculating the need for start-up capital for an entrepreneur when creating a new enterprise involves choosing the following alternative solutions:

  1. , construction or acquisition of buildings (premises);
  2. rental or purchase of machinery, mechanisms and equipment;
  3. the formation of a larger or smaller amount of inventories of inventory items;
  4. purchasing ready-made technological solutions (in the form) or developing them independently;
  5. the formation of a larger or smaller level, and, accordingly, the size of the stock of monetary assets, etc.

Therefore, it is advisable to calculate the need for start-up capital for the formation of assets of a new enterprise in three options:

  1. the minimum required amount of capital to start a business activity;
  2. the necessary amount of capital to allow starting business activities with sufficient amounts of insurance reserves for the main types of working capital (material and monetary assets);
  3. the maximum required amount of capital, allowing the acquisition of ownership of all used fixed assets and necessary intangible assets, as well as the creation of sufficient amounts of insurance reserves for all types of current assets required at the initial stage of activity.

In the calculation process, the indicators of the minimum and maximum options for the need for insurance capital are first determined, and then the required amount is formed within these boundaries. Calculation of the maximum variant of the need for start-up capital can be used subsequently for the first stage of enterprise expansion.

When determining the minimum required amount of start-up capital for creating a new enterprise, one should take into account the requirements of the current legislation for the formation of the authorized capital of enterprises in various fields of activity (banks, insurance companies, investment funds and companies, etc.), organizational and legal forms (, etc.) P.). The total amount of start-up capital for these enterprises cannot be lower than the minimum size of their authorized capital determined by law.

Sources of start-up capital for starting a business can be:

  1. Own funds:
    • for an individual entrepreneur - his personal funds and savings, his own property (premises, equipment, car);
    • for a legal entity - its authorized capital formed by the founders, most often this is equity financing.
  2. Attracting investments:
    • active participants in new projects are venture funds and business angels (private venture investors providing financial and expert support to companies in the early stages of development);
    • fundraising through crowdfunding. Funds can be accepted both in exchange for future products and as donations (which is especially true in the case of digital goods distributed under a free license).
  3. Loans from a bank or from individuals (debt financing).
  4. Free assistance (grants or

Any entrepreneur starting his journey knows that there is a whole list of different directions, the opening of which does not require large investments. However, this path takes a lot of time and effort and, moreover, is unlikely to provide you with stable, solid income. Therefore, you are unlikely to feel that the effort was worth it. This is especially true for production and stores.

Most entrepreneurs at the starting stage not only do not have the necessary amount of funds to start production, but they do not even know where they can get them. The ways to solve this fundamental issue are different and depend on your resourcefulness.

However, there are three, time-tested and proven by many entrepreneurs, ways to find the necessary capital.

Those who are ready to make the necessary financial impact are investment funds. But you can only interest them in a promising business. The requested amount will be issued in relation to the activities and sizes that are indicated in the business plan, previously approved.

Such collective investments have a dual character. A positive aspect with this type of project sponsorship is the presence of an experienced person who is also interested in the development of the activity.

By attracting professional investors, a businessman can get a balanced assessment of his future business. Plus, experts will help improve the direction of the idea that the entrepreneur proposes, making some amendments and increasing the effectiveness of the plan.

But in all options there are negative aspects. In such cooperation, among the disadvantages are the following:

  • investment companies will not offer money for a project just like that; you will need to agree on a certain percentage of the proceeds, which you will pay them throughout the life of the business. Thus, having returned in full the capital spent at the initial stage, the businessman will continue to need to feed the “creator”.

The current banking system is not very interested in linking its own activities with new businessmen. What is the reason for this? This is because such beginners do not have documented evidence of skills and abilities. The only reason they can provide to the bank is just the desire for easy money. This means that the possibility of “burning out” is quite high.

In this regard, the banker considers such loans only under certain conditions.

Requirements for an entrepreneur who has made a loan request:

  • First of all, there is a list of points that an individual must comply with:
  1. the borrower must be a resident of the country;
  2. the entrepreneur must have experience working in the field of organizations or in a niche that has a close connection with the currently chosen direction;
  3. no criminal record or any suspicion of fraud;
  4. The credit history of an individual must be impeccable.
  • A borrower who wishes to receive financial support from a bank is required to have a complete package of documents requested by this institution.
  • A novice businessman can confirm his competence with the help of a detailed business plan.

What areas must be considered in it?

  1. the exact amount of funds required to enter the market;
  2. gradual development of the case;
  3. expenses associated with business;
  4. depreciation;
  5. calculations to calculate potential income, as well as identifying opportunities for future development of the enterprise.
  • Since no loan is complete without its collateral, the bank will never offer a client finance without collateral.

This means that it will not be possible to obtain the required amount, the size of which exceeds the average loan, without the procedure of mortgaging the property. Its cost must be more than twice the requested loan.

Subsequently, this loan will be prohibited. This is done in order to avoid the borrower from reselling the collateral.

*One of the obvious disadvantages of the loan is the extremely inflated interest rate. Because of it, such a procedure becomes not a help, but a tedious and time-consuming return of borrowed money.

State support

Among the possible sources of obtaining initial capital, government subsidies can be identified as the most optimal and gentle. Such provision of the required amount of money is made with the aim of providing assistance to unemployed citizens by involving them in their own business.

Thus, if you find yourself without work and have been registered with the employment center for more than a year, you have the opportunity to request in one payment the full required amount of state assistance within a month from the date of submitting such a request.

It should be taken into account that this option is valid only if during the year the unemployed person has not been offered vacancies suitable for his specialization.

Since the amount of money issued by the government does not need to be returned, it can safely be called “easy pickings.” So, you can start production at your own expense, without making monthly payments to the investor or to repay the loan.

But there is also a pitfall here. Typically, such subsidies do not exceed the state standard, which is no more than fifty-nine thousand rubles.

This significantly limits the entrepreneur’s capabilities, narrowing the scope of possible activities. Here we can hardly talk about the implementation of a grandiose plan, but still, this type of investment should not be underestimated. After all, there are many famous people who have made a fortune without having huge amounts of money, but having an interesting idea. The main thing is desire and, of course, enthusiasm; only with their help can you achieve heights and success.

Watch also the video about where to get start-up capital

Necessary for starting your own business, creating an enterprise.

Economics and law: dictionary-reference book. - M.: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .

See what "STARTING CAPITAL" is in other dictionaries:

    Start-up capital- (primary capital) capital collected to form the assets of a new enterprise and begin its economic activities ...

    initial savings (initial, starting capital)- the initial capital necessary for an entrepreneur to open his own business, create an enterprise, a company for the production and sale of goods, services... Dictionary of economic terms

    - (see STARTING CAPITAL) ...

    - (see STARTING CAPITAL) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    STARTER, oh, oh. 1. see start. 2. transfer In certain combinations: initial, initial. C. capital. Starting prices. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (English Venture Capital) investor capital intended to finance new, growing or struggling for a place in the market enterprises and firms (startups) and therefore associated with a high or relatively high degree of risk;... ... Wikipedia

    - (see STARTING CAPITAL) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

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“The main benefit of capital is not to make more money, but to make money to improve life,” these words were once said by the famous and successful man Henry Ford. And now, you already have a business idea, all that remains is to bring it to life, which is not always so easy. The main problem is finding start-up capital. If you have initial capital, you can safely move on to creating your own business, and if you don’t have it, we recommend that you read this article and become familiar with the five most common ways to obtain initial capital.

There are many ways to find start-up capital for a business. All available methods can be divided into five types - free government subsidies, debt start-up capital, equity participation, self-earned start-up capital, sale of valuables. Well, let's look at all the ways to obtain initial capital in detail.

The first way is to earn start-up capital yourself. Not the easiest, but the most reliable and hassle-free way to find money to start your business. In this case, you will only lose time; in all other respects, you can be calm, since you do not owe anything to anyone and are not obligated to do anything. This method is especially suitable for those people who have not yet finally decided what they are going to do. Start small, just start with your own strength. So, if you want to open your own beauty salon, start by providing similar services at home. And if you have always dreamed of opening your own electronics store, sell goods through auctions or create a small online store. If you start with the little things, you can get to know this area, test the waters, gain experience and find connections. By making money on your own to implement your business idea, you risk nothing except time. And at the same time, the time will undoubtedly pay off with interest, because experience and knowledge will be acquired. Therefore, earning money on your own is the best option: you don’t owe anything to anyone and you invest your own money in your business.

The second method is seed capital provided by the state. Government programs that are aimed at supporting and developing young entrepreneurs are the most reliable source for quickly starting a small business today. It goes without saying that not everyone can receive a free subsidy from the state, since there are a number of requirements that a beginning businessman must fulfill before and after receiving a grant. Perhaps this is the most significant drawback of this method of finding initial capital. According to existing requirements, the recipient of the subsidy must be officially registered as unemployed, he will certainly need to take a business training course, develop and defend a business plan for his own business. In addition, in the first stages of setting up a business, a novice entrepreneur will have to report regularly to the employment center. It is worth noting that full-time students and those who previously registered as individual entrepreneurs cannot be recipients of grants.

The third method is borrowed starting capital. There are many options for borrowing money, which can give a good start to your business. But you need to understand that the debt will need to be repaid, and if the business fails, you can remain in a debt hole. Borrowing money for a business is a huge risk, and never take this risk unless you have the appropriate experience and understanding of what you are going to do and how to repay debts. On the other hand, there is simply no risk in business, and if you have one hundred percent confidence in the business idea, then it’s worth a try. Assessing the viability of an idea will require niche testing, and this is the only real method of testing. And theoretical reasoning and numbers on paper are not at all suitable for assessment. Try and test at low speeds, less risk - less problems.

If possible, you can borrow money for initial capital from relatives and friends. If you are confident in the effectiveness of your business idea and enjoy the trust of your relatives and friends, they will probably agree to lend you money, perhaps without interest at all. You will have to repay the debt anyway, and if you fail to do this, you risk losing trust and ruining your relationship. Therefore, think carefully about everything and decide whether you are ready to take such a risk.

A bank loan is a real way to borrow money, but a loan involves considerable interest and, in most cases, property is secured as collateral. So, if you fail, you can simply lose everything, and the court’s decision is unlikely to be in your favor. When the creditor is unable to pay the debt, then he is declared bankrupt. And if in the future you want to get a loan, then even with good solvency, with such a fad in your biography, obtaining a loan from a bank becomes almost impossible.

A good way to borrow start-up capital is to attract investments. In fact, investors are the same creditors interested in getting their deposit back, even if the entrepreneur’s business failed and he lost all his money. And if you can always agree with your relatives and friends, for example, on an installment plan, then owners of capital, as a rule, are not particularly averse to seeking help from collection agencies that specialize in collecting various overdue debts. Based on this, you need to be confident in your abilities before approaching investors. Think seven times and only then make a decision. It is important to work through everything to the smallest detail and test every step in practice. Be prepared to provide a working business plan and answer any questions posed by investors. The most important thing is to convince the investor that investing money in your project will allow him to increase his capital, and not throw it away and get a lot of problems.

The fourth method is equity participation. This option for obtaining initial capital is reliable and convenient, primarily because it is much easier to start a business and solve problems not alone. As they say, one head is good, but two are better. Expenses and possible losses in the case of equity participation in the first stages are divided between the partners, and this greatly facilitates starting a business if there is not enough money to start a business alone. You must share both expenses and income with your partner. Therefore, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a business partner. Nowadays, partnership relations are regulated by law, but the risk of being deceived always exists. Choose a partner with a good reputation, so to speak, from trusted people; you should not focus only on the thickness of your wallet. Be sure to work through the partnership agreement, especially the clause on the possibility of partners leaving the business; it is also recommended to indicate in this clause the right to buy out a share of the business by other partners.

The fifth way is to sell valuables to obtain start-up capital. And the last method, which is suitable for those who have, figuratively speaking, an extra apartment, car, equipment, jewelry and the like. Just like Prostokvashino - in order to sell something unnecessary, you first need to buy something unnecessary.

In short, there are options for obtaining initial capital, although they are few, but they exist. You need to think through everything carefully, analyze the situation and find a suitable way to obtain start-up capital for the successful start of your own business.

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Today we will touch on one serious question that every aspiring entrepreneur asks himself: “Where can I get start-up capital?” But without it, it will not be possible to organize a single business, since you need to immediately spend a certain amount of money on its opening in order for the business to work and begin to bear its first fruits.

Of course, you may think that it is possible to open a serious business without investment, but this is far from the case. Without investments, you can only earn money from writing articles, programming and other freelance services. But there is a catch, you will have to invest a lot of time to become a professional in this field. This is where you have to choose: either you will spend money on organizing a business, and it will be faster, or you will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves to start making decent money on the Internet or on handmade goods. Unfortunately, now there is probably not a single type of business where you won’t have to invest money. An entrepreneur always incurs some costs, it all depends on the chosen direction of his activity.

The ideal option would be your own funds, which you either saved in your stocking or withdrew from a bank deposit. However, this option is extremely rare in our lives, so we will not consider it. As long-term practice shows, not a single entrepreneur, even a large one, has his own free funds to invest in his projects. All available money continues to work on other projects that are already generating some income.

And in this case, what can we say about ordinary people who decide to open their own business? It will be very helpful if you have all the required amount in your bank account. And if she is not there, what then? Where can we get the notorious start-up capital or get the missing amount? The simplest answer to this question is to look for third-party sources of funding.

Saving money

The simplest and most harmless way to obtain start-up capital is to save money yourself for a future business. Start small and make it a rule to save 10% of the total amount from each salary into a separate bank account. No matter how trivial it may sound, this method is time-tested, and many successful businessmen recommend this method of saving money.

You can also start making money at home by repairing and restoring cars, making various crafts from beads and other tinsel, knitting children's clothes or doing manicures at home. Designer souvenirs have proven themselves to be quite good, and they are widely distributed on the Internet to different parts of the country. In general, you understand the essence, the main thing is to find yourself in any business. And if it goes like clockwork for you, then it’s time to expand and enlarge your business.

Borrow money

If you don’t want to wait or you don’t have time for this, then it’s better to borrow the missing amount:

  • Apply for a loan at a low interest rate from a bank;
  • Borrow from friends or colleagues, but only stipulate the terms of repayment of the debt and the availability of interest;
  • Receive money against a receipt in which you stipulate the terms of repayment of debt and interest;
  • The lender's investment in your business, in which you will give him a share or distribute profits.

Each of the above methods has its own disadvantages and advantages. Let's start with a bank loan... After all, not every businessman can afford to pay high interest on a loan while his business does not bring in a penny. You will have to pay the debt a fixed amount every month, and it doesn’t matter whether you earned anything this month or not.

In addition, not every bank will issue a loan for the development of small businesses due to high risks. Therefore, for a novice entrepreneur with such a status, getting money from a bank is very problematic, and sometimes even impossible. And if you do not have a permanent job and a stable income, then obtaining a loan from a bank generally becomes an impossible task. No self-respecting bank will lend money due to the high risks of loan non-repayment.

Obtaining a loan against receipt also has its disadvantages, since you will have to pay the agreed amount strictly on time. If you fail to comply with the agreements on the receipt, the creditor will simply terminate the contract with you, which may lead to legal action in the future.

The option of attracting an investor to the project with his equity participation in the business looks quite attractive. But there is one BUT... There is a high chance that as the scale of the project and earnings from it increase, the investor partner’s appetite may increase. And you will soon get tired of working for yourself and this guy and you will start looking for ways to get rid of your investor. Often, investor partners are entitled to the bulk of the income, and this despite the fact that they do not strain at all. And at this time, the creator of the business is trying his best to promote the business and try to earn more.

But of all the above means of obtaining a loan, the most optimal, and, perhaps, safest, is to obtain a loan from friends, family and friends. Only here you must take into account that you are unlikely to be given a second chance to show your entrepreneurial spirit, therefore, you will have to try your best. If you once do not live up to the hopes of your comrades and family, you may not be given a second chance. And in this case, you will 100% not be able to convince anyone that the new idea will be implemented to the maximum.

In addition to the above methods of acquiring start-up capital, there are several more options that have the right to exist:

Receiving subsidies from the state

Receiving a subsidy from the state is a fairly real chance to acquire start-up capital for the development of your business free of charge. As a rule, the bulk of such subsidies are issued targeted, and they are aimed at supporting businesses in a certain sector of the economy or a specific region/region.

Selling your own property

Just don’t think about selling your last apartment to open a beauty salon, or selling your first car to open a stall. But you can optimize your expenses a little by selling your second family car or unused property. In rare cases, people worsen their living conditions by selling or exchanging their three-room apartment for a one-room apartment, but with an additional payment. This step allows you to receive a certain amount of funds that can be used as start-up capital for a future business.

And finally, participation in various investment programs

If you search properly, you can find a lot of areas of entrepreneurial activity where large businessmen are ready to invest their money in new projects that are promising for them. In this case, aspiring entrepreneurs can receive start-up capital free of charge. The only caveat is that the funds will have to be spent strictly for their intended purpose and the investor will have to provide reporting documentation on where and for what the money was spent.


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