The highest paid professions in the world and in Russia. The highest paid professions in Russia Highly paid working professions for women

Who among us doesn’t dream of having the highest paid profession, and one that we really enjoy? Almost every person would like to earn more. Moreover, modern society dictates its own laws. The one who has more income is considered successful. Therefore, even a schoolboy tries to find a fashionable profession that will make him a wealthy person. But if teenagers still have to master the professions of tomorrow, then those who work today need to know which areas of work and in which positions will bring the greatest income.

  • How to choose a profession: 5 tips for children and their parents

What are we going to compare wages with?

However, before considering specialties with high salaries, let's analyze data from the Federal State Statistics Service to understand what salary we should focus on. Thus, in the first half of 2018, the average salary in the Russian Federation exceeded the previous year’s figure by as much as 11% and amounted to 42,550 rubles.

However, the joyful reports of Rosstat do not coincide with what is actually in the wallets of Russians. And the variation in average salary across regions is impressive.

The capital of Russia is considered the most highly profitable. Here the average salary is close to 80,000 rubles. This level is sometimes exceeded by wages in the northern regions. High salaries in St. Petersburg and many large cities. But when analyzing professions, we will proceed from the national average.

Of course, top managers, that is, people holding positions of great responsibility, have huge salaries. But, first of all, you need to have a good specialty, and you can “grow” over time to a high position. What do you need to know to make good money?

TOP 3 highest paid professions: who earns the most in 2018

Speaking about the highest paid professions, let's make something like a top list.

In third place is the profession of IT specialist. The big plus is that it is not only one of the highest paid, but also one of the most sought-after professions in our country and abroad. It is the responsibility of people in this specialty to ensure reliable operation of equipment in a company or enterprise, create databases, and protect information from unauthorized access. It is not surprising that their salaries are comparable to the level of responsibility. The national average is 70,000 rubles.

Second place goes to auditors. Basically, their salaries start from 100,000 rubles. The auditor analyzes how effective the company's work is, checks whether the accounting records themselves are maintained correctly, and provides consultations on financial issues. The big advantage of this type of work is that you can work both within the company itself and outsource.

And finally Collectors take first place. This profession cannot be obtained at a university, but collection agencies willingly teach it. The profits of successful debt collectors go beyond all imaginable salaries. If a person can force debtors to pay interest on loans, then his earnings are very high and amount to several hundred, or even a million rubles a month. But this kind of work is not suitable for everyone, since it requires a lot of stress resistance and pressure.

If you are confident that you can withstand, to put it mildly, “dislike” towards you from clients, and can demand, demand and demand money, then try your hand at this profession. But it’s a good idea to pay attention to other specialties. Who else can you realistically be to make good money?

You can become business consultant. This is not only a prestigious, but also a relatively new specialty. It is one of the most in-demand professions on the Russian labor market. The main task of a business consultant is to help a businessman overcome all obstacles and lead to the successful implementation of a business idea.

A very attractive professionmarket analytics. It is somewhat similar to the first one, but here you need to advise the employer on how best to promote the product on the market.

Not a bad idea to do, that is, delivering goods to point C from point B, finding the most cost-effective way for this.

MarketingIt can also bring a decent income if you know your business well and can advertise your product professionally.

Professions are becoming increasingly popularrisk manager And crisis manager, who are turned to when problems are brewing in the company.

It's not bad to be sales manager.If you like to work with people and prove that your product is the best, there is a chance to make good money.

There are many opportunities to earn a high salary andHR specialists. Good HR people are always in demand, as they can select personnel on whom the success of the company depends. Find out how and how much you can earn from this.

Good income dentists, especially those working in private clinics..

The minimum salary for specialists in all of the listed professions starts from 45 thousand rubles. Much will depend on the person himself, his skills and ability to present himself.

5 highly paid professions in 2018 or what men dream of

Although women in modern society have the same rights as men, most often representatives of the stronger half of humanity receive a higher income. What kind of job do modern men dream of getting?

Oil worker job. It is in the oil and gas industry that you can earn the most money, especially since Russia receives its main income thanks to these industries. The work here is not easy, but the earnings are appropriate. You can earn a high salary as a site foreman or even as an ordinary driller.

Work in aviation. Many boys dream of becoming pilots when they grow up. But being a passenger airliner pilot is not only prestigious and romantic. Usually, salaries here are a figure with five zeros, since this is a very responsible and risky job.

Chef jobnot as tempting as being a pilot. But this is also a male profession, since, as a rule, representatives of the stronger half of humanity work in the kitchens of luxury restaurants.

Work in the field of information technologyhas always been a male privilege. Many companies need programmers and webmasters. A good specialist is expensive, since in any company all work is done on computers, and the number of necessary operations is constantly increasing.

Work in the construction industryfor design engineers and architects, on the one hand, it is considered one of the “oldest” in the labor market. But on the other hand, it will not become obsolete for a long time, since people need new housing, shopping centers, sports complexes, etc. And those who work in the construction industry can earn good money.

And although women enter some of the listed professions, these are primarily male professions.

Only for the fair sex: highly paid professions 2018

Women hold the lead in the following professions.

PR specialist.To work in this field, you need to be a good psychologist, be able to present yourself and the company, and sometimes even charm your partners, which is something women do better. Nobody can beat them here.

Internal Communications Manager. His responsibilities include maintaining good relations within the company, communicating the company's strategy to each employee, and creating a corporate culture. Such a specialist can receive 120 - 150 thousand rubles or even more.

Lawyer. Recently, this specialty has been mastered by women as actively as by representatives of the stronger sex. But to earn a good income, education alone is not enough. You must have high qualifications and experience. Considering that there is quite strong competition in this niche, finding a prestigious job is not so easy. But good specialists can earn an average of 100-200 thousand rubles per month.

Accounting employee. This profession is more female than male, as it requires great perseverance and patience, although sometimes men also work as chief accountants. The job of a chief accountant can be compared in terms of responsibility to the position of a financial director. It is associated with certain risks, which is why salaries in this area are quite high.

Makeup artist or hairdresser- a good profession for girls. Any professional working in the beauty industry can sometimes earn no less than a financial director. But provided that he is a real ace in his field. Women always want to be beautiful and will not skimp on their appearance. A stylish hairstyle or manicure is not cheap and allows a good master to earn 150 thousand rubles or more.

If you don't have a diploma: where you can make good money without higher education

Higher education and a diploma with honors, unfortunately, are not always a reliable platform for obtaining a well-paid job. And although many people in Russia have two or even three higher educations, this does not guarantee them high earnings. There are cases when yesterday's poor students occupy higher positions and move up the career ladder faster than excellent students. Believing in yourself, thinking outside the box, and the ability to get along with people can sometimes be a good alternative to higher education.

Where can you make good money with only a certificate of graduation from a vocational school, driving courses or other specialties that do not provide for higher education?

At the security service.A personal bodyguard or head of the security service can receive several hundred rubles a month, as he is paid by very rich people. Representatives of this profession need not only to be in good physical shape, but also to be able to wield a weapon. In addition, the profession is directly related to the risk of life. However, it is quite popular among men, and there is a lot of competition in this field.

Personal driverthe head of a large company or a successful businessman. It's not easy to get a job like this. Usually, personal drivers become “acquaintances” or recommendations. But even in this case, the person is checked and rechecked. And not only because he is entrusted with driving an expensive car, and he must adjust his schedule to the employer’s schedule. The personal driver hears all the conversations taking place in the car, and, therefore, gets access to information that competitors are hunting for.

In big sports.Although most athletes still try to get a higher education, a diploma is not so important for sports achievements. It is needed for the future, when the sports career is completed. The main thing in sports is talent, perseverance, and the ability to show your best side. A beautifully scored goal that fans admire means much more than the notorious scabs. But only a select few can earn several million a month. These are those who get to the top division and participate in international competitions. The rest have to be content with little.

But if you don’t get hung up on professions “for the elite,” then you can consider other opportunities for making good money.

The most promising professions for people without a diploma: bricklayer, electrician, electric and gas welder, repairman. A good plumber or finisher can ideally earn much more than a sales manager.

The blue-collar crisis that began about 20 years ago has significantly reduced competition. And if today ten people can apply for the position of an ordinary manager, then, as a rule, no more than two can apply for the position of a bricklayer. So it is much easier for workers to get a well-paid job, especially if they have the most in-demand professions.

When mathematics doesn't work: how to get a high salary for a humanities student

Many people think that having received the profession of a philologist, psychologist or designer, one cannot count on a high income. But it is not so. Although representatives of technical specialties really have a better chance of leading a wealthy lifestyle, people in the humanities also have the opportunity to “get out into the world.” What can you expect and where to go?

In politics.Modern politicians, for the most part, received not a technical, but a humanitarian education and the skills that were useful to them in their activities. But the main thing is that it is politicians who receive high salaries.

To diplomats. It’s not easy to get into MGIMO, but those who graduate have every chance of getting an interesting, well-paid job. A diplomat does not need to be able to count or know the intricacies of physics. He needs to “resolve” conflicts and solve humanitarian problems.

To brand managers.Every modern person is familiar with the word “brand,” but not everyone knows about the profession of a brand manager. But this is an excellent specialty for a humanities student. Many companies are interested in brand managers who help promote products by making an ordinary brand famous.

There are other professions in demand, for example, etiquette specialist. The profession is becoming increasingly popular and can generate good income.

Who gets paid more abroad?

The highest paid professions in Russia and abroad differ. If we talk about profitable professions abroad, then in different countries you can create a different top list of specialties. Of course, corporate executives have the highest income everywhere, but as for other professions, you can observe a certain difference.

In the USA, for example, the highest salaries are paid to doctors: surgeons, psychiatrists, dentists. It reaches $180,000 per year. In general, in the English-speaking segment, system architects receive fairly high salaries - $112,000, as well as medical assistants and nurses - more than $100,000 per year.

Who makes good money in the capital of Russia?

The labor market in Moscow is not much different from the national one, although salaries here are somewhat higher. As elsewhere, Moscow companies require IT specialists and employees in the field of jurisprudence. Accountants and auditors are in great demand. You can also make good money in marketing.

Salaries in Moscow, as a rule, are 2-3 times higher than in the provinces. There are also more vacancies here, but the competition is much higher, especially for highly paid positions.

Step into the future: the most in-demand professions of tomorrow

Life accelerates its pace, the world around us is undergoing constant changes, including the labor market. If for 10 years there were some specialties at the top, today they are completely different. It is likely that the picture will change in a few years and today’s fifth- and sixth-graders will begin to choose completely different specialties.

There is a possibility that the high-tech sector will be promoted first. Here you can get very promising professions. Today there is talk of including in the curriculum of some universities an introduction to blockchain technologies, which underlie the creation of cryptocurrencies. It’s too early to say what salaries blockchain specialists will earn, but they should be quite high.

Experts have already made a forecast: what professions will be in demand in the next ten years. Therefore, schoolchildren can think about working:

  • in the field of tourism;
  • in construction;
  • in shipbuilding and aircraft construction;
  • in biology and microbiology;

Specialists in the chemical industry, nuclear physicists, geneticists, and pilots will continue to be needed.

Find out what else there are and which positions will disappear in the near future as unclaimed.

Students in grades 10-11 often cannot decide on their future profession. Modern educational institutions offer such a wide selection of specialties that it is difficult for a teenager to figure out where exactly to go to study. Therefore, parents often make choices for their children based on their own experience and preferences.

As a result, a child, having completed three courses in economics, reports: “This is not mine. I will work in the tourism sector." As a result, parents, who have spent a lot of money and effort, find themselves with nothing, and everything has to start all over again. To minimize risks, it is better to think through everything in advance. To do this you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Try to analyze your abilities and preferencesby prioritizing. Are you a natural leader or not? Do you like to work in a team or alone? Are you sociable or not? Are you a humanist or do you gravitate more toward the exact sciences? If you answer all questions honestly, then some professions will be eliminated by themselves.
  • Take the test. This can be done with school psychologists or simply on a website on the Internet. The test results will show what you are more inclined to do and what you should not take on. You may also be offered a list of professions that would suit you.
  • Don't rush to go to university. If you are undecided about your choice after school, try working a little. It is possible that after this it will be easier for you to decide on a profession.
  • Focus on your needs and abilities. Is your chosen profession not on the list of in-demand or highly paid ones? No need to be upset. It is possible that the market situation will change, or you will be able to realize yourself 100% and achieve unprecedented results.
  • Try to become a professional. It’s better if you choose not the highest-paid and most in-demand profession, but the one you like and are passionate about. True professionals always love the work to which they devote their lives.

No matter how unexpected and strange the choice may seem to your parents, if you are confident in yourself, you should not agree to persuasion. Remember the millionaire Nick Vucic, who gathers audiences of millions without having arms or legs. But once upon a time his choice amazed his parents, who did not believe in him as a speaker. A true professional will always achieve success. And even if he doesn’t earn millions, he can lead a comfortable life.

6 rules for those who want to get a profitable position

A university graduate, unless his father owns a company and is not engaged in serious business, cannot immediately count on getting a well-paid job. But, over time, any person can apply for a good position, provided that he:

  • has work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
  • has appropriate education;
  • knows at least one foreign language(preference is given to English);
  • stress-resistant;
  • knows how to work with people;
  • ready to improve and learn.

In addition, it is better to always maintain a good relationship with management, since a review from a previous employer is important when applying for another job. If you follow all the rules, chances are you will have the highest paying job.

We live in a world of fierce competition, where, on the one hand, all specialties are important, on the other hand, you need to pass a selection process in order to have a good, well-paid job. But it is impossible to earn a high income if you are an average specialist and your work annoys you. It is impossible to make good money if you are burnt out professionally. But maybe this is just the moment when you need to rethink everything and start from scratch?

Watch an interesting video about what professions are the future in Russia:

The list of highly paid professions includes quite unpredictable positions that, as many people think, are not so in demand at first glance. Familiarity with such information is important, first of all, for graduates, but it may also happen that in five years a profession in demand today will lose its popularity. However, it is realistic to predict the approximate situation on the labor market.

So, what are the highest paid professions in the world these days and why?
How much money can you earn if you are lucky enough to become one of those who heads the top ten most “expensive” employees?

Where to work is profitable and prestigious

The pages of Forbes periodically publish information highlighting the highest paid professions in the world. We invite you to find out what professions these are and who tops the list. However, first of all, it is necessary to clarify that this information applies to developed countries in Europe and the USA.

10th place. Technical supervisor. Today, the demand for specialists in this field is growing every day, and all because new technologies are constantly emerging. The average annual salary for technical managers is $140,000. You need to study for 6 to 7 years. Responsibilities include coordination, planning, design, and development of new projects.

9th place. Chief executive officer, whose salary is slightly higher than the technical manager. Since he is the chief officer of the company, he has a huge number of duties and responsibilities. He is elected by the shareholders as the head of the board of directors. Earns $141,000 annually.

8th place. Psychiatrist. It must be said that the in-demand professions on the list are the majority of narrow specialists in the field of medicine. Psychiatrists earn slightly more than $151,000 per year.

7th place. Orthodontist. From childhood to old age, people need his services, and the latter have never been cheap. Receives $153,000 annually.

6th place. Dental prosthetist. Just like an orthodontist, he is in demand and relevant. A professional prosthetist can “set” teeth for $156,000 per year.

5th place. Therapist. Earning a little more than a dental prosthetist in Europe and America, the therapist confidently occupies the central position of the list.

4th place. Maxillofacial surgeon. 169,000 is the approximate amount that a doctor in this category can receive in a year.

3rd place. Obstetrician-gynecologist. These doctors give lives to new people in the amount of 174,000.

2nd place. Anesthetist. There are countries where anesthesiologists earn even more than those in the first position of the TOP 10.

1st place. So, the highest paid profession is surgeon. Worthy and justifiably at the top of the list, the surgeon earns no less than $181,000 a year. To become one, you need to study from 10 to 15 years. Complex surgeries (such as those on the heart and brain) command higher fees, but even seemingly simple procedures require years of training and practice.

If we list the highest paid professions in Russia, the list will not be slightly different, but completely different. Unfortunately, such an important and responsible job as a doctor - no matter what specialty - is not paid as decently in the CIS countries as in Europe and the USA.

Recently, professions of completely different formats and directions have confidently entered the TOP 10. Highly paid professions for girls are, first of all, nannies, tutors, realtors, web designers and network marketing managers. Naturally, men also work in these areas, but a larger percentage are representatives of the fair sex. Average salaries range from $500 to $2,000 per month depending on experience, employment and, of course, country.

If we talk about the capital of Russia, then the list of “expensive” employees includes mainly those who are related to management positions: development directors, heads of internal control services, general, executive, technical and commercial directors, managers in the construction industry. It is these professions in Moscow that pay the best - from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

If we talk about more “simple and vital”, but at the same time well-paid jobs, these are design engineers, sales agents, programmers, system analysts and, oddly enough, taxi drivers.

You can be among those included in the list of highly paid professions in the world in any country, the only question is whether this country pays this position at the proper level.

  • 3 highest paying professions of 2019
  • TOP 5: highest paid professions for men
  • What are the highest paying professions for people without higher education?
  • The highest paying professions for humanists
  • What are the highest paid professions in the world?
  • The highest paid professions of the future

Everyone dreams of having a job where they can work less and get more - there is a fair amount of truth in this humorous statement. In a world where everything costs money, the winner is the one who has more of it - and therefore even schoolchildren who have not yet really decided on their choice of profession are in no hurry to consider unfashionable and not very highly paid professions. So who gets the highest salary in the labor market? We will talk about this now.

First of all, you need to decide which profession is considered highly paid. According to Rosstat, in 2018 the average salary in Russia was 35,843 rubles, but this figure varied greatly depending on the region - for example, in the Volgograd, Ivanovo, and Tver regions it is significantly lower.

Traditionally, high salaries are in Moscow (66 thousand rubles for the same period), St. Petersburg, in the north of Russia (Magadan region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, etc.), as well as in megacities. But we will focus on the average for Russia and consider those professions where salaries are higher.

We will also make a reservation that “profession” and “position” are not exactly the same thing. Of course, top managers and senior executives, directors of banks and large enterprises receive the largest salaries and bonuses. But this is a position that not everyone can rise to. We also do not take into account the income of businessmen in the ranking, which can be very significant (or can be very modest and even negative). So,?

3 the highest paid professions of 2019

This is what it looks likelist of highest paid professions Nowadays:

Other in-demand specialties can be identified:

  • Market analyst - conducts market analysis and gives advice on the implementation and promotion of products.
  • Business consultant - helps the manager build the right business model and get around the rough edges in the harsh world of entrepreneurship and free trade.
  • A logistician is a specialist responsible for delivering goods from point A to point B in the fastest and cheapest possible way.
  • A marketer is a person who prepares and implements an advertising campaign.
  • HR specialist. Personnel are a key resource for any company, so competent HR is always valuable.
  • A risk manager and a crisis manager is the one who can lead the company out of the deepest crisis.
  • Sales Manager. In a world where everyone sells something, the profession of a sales manager will never lose relevance.
  • Dentist. The only medical specialty that is officially considered highly profitable. Close on the heels of dentists are obstetricians-gynecologists, psychologists and surgeons.

The range of salary levels can be quite significant, but, as a rule, the minimum wage for these positions is 40-50 thousand rubles, and then everything depends on the size and capabilities of the company, as well as on the skill level of the specialist.

TOP 5: for men

Despite all the achievements of emancipation, in some areas men still earn more than the fair half of humanity.

These harsh male professions were and remain the domain of the strongest half of humanity.

The highest paying professions for women

Women hold strong positions in the following professions:

  • PR specialist (optionally, public relations specialist). Most often these positions are occupied by women. For such work, it is important to be able to competently build relationships with partners and make a good impression - exactly what the fair half of humanity does very well (of course, when they need it).
  • Internal communications specialist. This position involves building relationships within the team and monitoring compliance with the principles of corporate ethics, as well as maintaining employee loyalty to management and the company as a whole. The salary of such a specialist can be 100-300 thousand rubles.

  • Accountant. This profession has long been considered purely female. Although exceptions do occur, they are not very common. The chief accountant of a large company or enterprise is close in status to the general or financial director - it is not surprising that this position is paid so well. But do not forget that the chief accountant, as a rule, is a financially responsible person, so he bears certain risks.
  • Lawyer. Unlike an accountant, this profession is not considered purely female. but still, representatives of the fair half of humanity have noticeably displaced men in the field of jurisprudence. But we should not forget that 10-15 years ago the profession of a lawyer was considered very fashionable, and universities graduated a huge number of specialists every year. Not all of them are well employed and work in their specialty - having a diploma is not enough, experience and qualifications are important. Only highly qualified lawyers receive good money (from 150,000 and above).

  • A master in the field of beauty (make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist, manicurist) is a purely female profession, and good masters with an established clientele are always worth their weight in gold - they can earn very decent money, because women are not ready to save on their beauty.

In these areas, women occupy leading positions, and it is unlikely that men will be able to displace them in the near future.

What are the highest paying professions?for people without higher education

As you know, “learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.” However, this statement can be disputed, because even among people who do not have the coveted certificate of graduation from a university there are successful and very wealthy people. Moreover, sometimes former school C-grade students who graduated from vocational schools with difficulty take on former excellent students and medalists to work for them. However, you should not take this as advice to “give up on studying” - this does happen, but this is not the rule, but rather an exception to the rule.

So, how can you make money without a diploma?

  1. Personal bodyguard/head of security. This is a fairly popular profession for men who have good physical training and are proficient in martial arts techniques, as well as weapons. As a rule, their employers are very serious and rich people, so the reward for the person who ensures their safety is a very significant amount.
  2. Personal driver. This is a person who is trusted with a premium class car, but also - involuntarily - with access to serious information, for which many competitors are willing to pay serious money, because in this car, in the presence of the driver, many important conversations are held. In addition, a personal driver must adapt to the often irregular rhythm of life of his employer. All this makes the profession of a personal driver so highly paid. To get to this position, it is not enough to drive a car well - people do not get here “from the street”, and all candidates undergo a thorough check and selection.

  3. Athlete. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that most athletes still have a diploma - as a rule, they study by correspondence, because they simply do not have time for full-time study. But strictly speaking, the diploma itself is not so necessary or important for a career - if you have potential and real sporting achievements, you can earn very decent money by scoring goals or pucks, and at the same time remaining a person without a higher education. But it is important to understand that only top division athletes have high earnings, amounting to hundreds of thousands (and even millions) of dollars a year.

There are other professions for people without higher education, because back in the 2000s, a personnel crisis began in the market for blue-collar professions. And it’s no longer a secret that a good plumber can earn more than an ordinary office clerk. Here are some in-demand job specialties.

  • builders;
  • masons;
  • electricians;
  • carpenters and plasterers
  • electric and gas welders;
  • repairmen.

The highest paying professionsfor humanists

It is believed that in the labor market, technical specialists are more likely to find high-paying jobs than humanities specialists, but this is not always the case. These are the directions in which people who had a solid “D” in mathematics and other exact sciences at school can develop.

  • Brand manager. A person who helps turn a name or trademark into a recognizable brand. It is thanks to these people that we buy shampoos, shoes or candies of a certain brand.
  • Politician. Oddly enough, among politicians there are more humanitarians, and this profession provides an excellent opportunity to earn money.
  • Diplomat - Anyone who can resolve any conflict at the negotiating table must have a humanitarian mindset.

Also in recent years, the profession of etiquette specialist has been gaining popularity.

Watch the video on the topic:

What are the highest paying professions? in the world

This list may differ depending on which country you are talking about. Top managers and company executives are in the TOP in any state, but other positions on the list may vary.

In America and in the West in general, doctors are on the list of in-demand and highly paid professions, in addition to high-level managers. Here is a list of medical specialties with salaries ranging from $150,000 to $180,000 per year:

  • Surgeon (including plastic and maxillofacial);
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Orthodontist;
  • Dental prosthetist;
  • Anesthetist;
  • Pathologist;
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist.

It is obvious that in the West, the medical profession is much more promising and highly paid than in Russia and the CIS.

The highest paid professions in Moscow

Moscow is considered a separate state - it is logical to assume that the labor market here has its own characteristics. But in fact, the entire list of in-demand professions in the Russian capital is not much different from the one given above. Most in demand:

  • IT specialists;
  • Lawyers;
  • Accountants;
  • Marketers;
  • Auditors

The only difference with the regions is the number of vacancies and the amount of salary - on average 2 times higher than in other regions. Sometimes the gap can be significantly higher.

The highest paying professions future

We live in a rapidly changing world - some professions are becoming a thing of the past, and new ones are immediately appearing in their place. The list of highly paid professions in 2019 differs significantly from a similar list in 2010, and even more from the list in 2000. There is every reason to believe that in 5-10 years the situation will change again.

What professions are gaining popularity? Basically, these are professions in high-tech fields. Don’t forget that our world has finally entered the digital era: for example, German Gref recently proposed including blockchain, which underlies smart contracts and cryptocurrencies, in the curriculum of technical universities. Surely, the first specialists who have received such an education will be in great demand and will be able to qualify for excellent salaries.

Experts believe that the demand for engineers, IT and technical specialists will not decrease in the near future, so you can safely master these specialties.

Will also be in demand

  • biologists and microbiologists;
  • chemists and physicists;
  • specialists in the field of genetic engineering;
  • rocketry industry engineers;
  • designers and test pilots;
  • builders and railway workers;
  • all professions related to shipbuilding;
  • specialists in the field of hotel and tourism business.

Advice on choosing a profession for future specialists and their parents

Schoolchildren at the age of 16-17 are not always able to make an informed choice that will determine their entire future life - where to go to study. Often their parents make the choice for them, which is also not entirely correct. If you are not sure which major to choose, use the following tips.

  • write down on paper everything you love and get pleasure from, and try to analyze this list. Try to understand: do you have a humanitarian or technical mindset? Do you want to manage or work under someone's guidance? Do you like to work alone or in a team? Do you like to communicate with people - or will you be comfortable sitting quietly all working day somewhere in a corner, burying your face in a computer? Try to give as honest answers as possible. Focus on your desires, not on the opinions of your parents or peers.
  • take a test that will help determine your strengths and weaknesses - after that you can also get a list of professions that suit you. This testing can be done both online and offline. In addition, some schools offer career guidance programs for middle and high school students.

There is nothing shameful or terrible if you do not go to university in the first year after school - first, you can try to work without a specialty. Perhaps this experience will give you an impetus and help you navigate the choice of your future profession.

If you haven’t found your current or future profession on the list of the highest paid ones, don’t rush to get upset. Remember that you need to focus not only on the needs of the market, but also on your abilities, desires and dreams - this is the only way you can achieve a lot.

It is better to choose an ordinary profession, but become an extra-class professional, than, at the insistence of your parents, to go to study to become an accountant, “because it is a good profession that will always feed you” - and as a result, spend your whole life as a second-rate accountant in a third-rate company, quietly hating your job and counting the minutes to six. Remember that real professionals get good money in any field - and to become a real professional, you need to do what you love!

What does it take to get a high-paying position?

This list may be adjusted depending on the position you are applying for. And yet, we can highlight the basic requirements for specialists who dream of occupying a highly paid position:

  • 5-10 years of work experience in the industry;
  • good knowledge of foreign languages ​​(at least English);
  • specialized education (large foreign universities are especially valued);
  • completing MBA courses;
  • high stress resistance;
  • HR management skills.

Feedback from previous employers is also important, so it is important for a highly paid specialist to maintain good relations with his superiors even after leaving.

We reviewed the highest paid professions in 2019 in Russia and the world. Of course, this list is incomplete - businessmen, civil servants, as well as representatives of the creative sphere and show business, where you can also earn very decent money, were left behind.

As they say, “all professions are needed, all professions are important,” but if you compare the level of salaries, it turns out that this is not entirely true. Approach your choice of profession responsibly: of course, it is important for any person to realize their potential, but we live in a material world and cannot ignore the size of the monthly remuneration for your work.

Recently, many opportunities have appeared to work and earn income online. If you are interested in the topic of making money on the Internet, all the most complete and up-to-date information is collected here:


Hello! In this article we will talk about the highest paying professions in freelancing.

Many people who are just starting to work on the Internet do not yet know what profession to choose. For most, the main indicators are income, speed of learning and complexity of work. Today I will tell you about the 10 highest paying and most promising freelance positions. Let's talk about how much specialists earn, how to study and what prospects the profession will bring. I hope this helps you choose a good major.

Top 10 highest paid freelancing professions in 2018

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 most in-demand professions that provide good prospects for earning money in Russia in the long term.


Programmers still remain a highly paid remote profession in Russia and abroad. Developers, testers, and the IT sector in general are now extremely highly valued. You can find a job in your specialty in just a few clicks.

European and American companies often come to Russia in search of good IT specialists. They issue you a work visa, provide you with housing, and now you can leave the country and work abroad for big money.

Average salary per month: from 60 to 120 thousand rubles depending on the specialty.

Education: Programming is very difficult and takes a long time to learn. Specialists with specialized education are welcome.

Growth Opportunities: not limited. The higher your experience in programming, the more opportunities open up - from working in large companies with higher salaries to moving abroad and working in Europe/America.


Designer is now also a profession in demand. There are a lot of directions, opportunities for earning money and prospects.

Specialization works best in design. Even in Russia there are many different directions: company websites, blogs, regular information sites. And in each there are 5 - 10 best specialists who work exclusively in their niche.

Average salary per month: 30 - 40 thousand rubles.

Education: Learning design in your chosen field is quite simple. It is important that you have your sense of taste and your hands from the right place. After training, most skills are acquired on the job.

Growth Opportunities: The growth opportunities are virtually unlimited. Just look at the studio of Artemy Lebedev, who has gathered talented designers under his wing and charges huge amounts of money for projects. It is quite possible to achieve an income of 100 - 200 thousand rubles per project.



Arbitrage is the resale of traffic. Advertising materials are purchased, advertising campaigns are set up and, as a result, profit is made from the difference between costs and income. A very promising, interesting, but difficult niche.

Good traffic arbitrage specialists are valued in any sector. People who can bring clients from the Internet and know how to do it at the lowest cost will always be able to find work.

Average salary per month: I can’t say anything specific here. Most specialists do not talk about how much they actually earn. But top teams of arbitrators who work directly with businesses draw up multimillion-dollar contracts.

Education: Arbitration in terms of training can be compared with. Until you spend your budget on your own and see your stupid mistakes, you won’t understand how bad everything is.

An arbitrator constantly learns throughout the entire process of work. Learns something new, applies new tricks and marketing knowledge. If you stop improving, you lose your income.

Growth Opportunities: not limited. Everything depends solely on you: on your performance, talent and desire to earn money.

Tutors and psychologists

I have combined tutors and psychologists here because they operate according to the same scheme: - provision of services in 1 - 2 hours, repetition until the client is “ready”. They have similar incomes, prices, prospects and problems.

The niches of tutoring and psychology are already occupied. Any person who has read some fiction book on psychology or a brochure on languages ​​considers himself a cool specialist who can teach something. And at the same time desperately dumping.

Average income: An hour of a good specialist costs 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles. It is physically impossible to have more than 5-6 hours of such a load per day. In the best scenario, you can receive 6 - 7 thousand rubles per day or 70 - 80 thousand rubles per month.

Education: everything is quite complicated here. It is advisable to have a specialized education, good knowledge in the chosen field and the ability to learn. You cannot become a good specialist in 1–2 years. The training will take 3 - 4 years or 1 - 2 if you give it your all.

Growth Opportunities: Tutors have a price ceiling - 2.5 - 3 thousand rubles per hour. This is what teachers at MGIMO and Moscow State University ask for when they prepare their students to become students. This is the approximate maximum in this niche. Psychologists don’t have such a ceiling, but sometimes it’s difficult to develop and raise prices, even if you’re a specialist.

Video editors

It is very complex, requires painstaking work, and is therefore highly valued in the world. In the real sector of the economy, there are mainly non-professionals who make some kind of wedding videos and cuts using Paint, so official salaries in the country are quite low. But in freelancing the situation is different.

Video editing is a very popular profession both in Russia and abroad.

Average salary per month: remotely and in freelancing, the average income is 30 - 40 thousand rubles per month.

Education: It is not difficult to learn how to use editing programs. But most skills and developments come with experience.

Growth Opportunities: virtually unlimited opportunity for growth.

Sales people

Sales professionals are highly valued in all companies. Now in Russia, even large companies lack intelligent specialists who can bring clients.

Most companies, such as Tinkoff Bank, offer their employees as a start. As you achieve success, your salary, position and income will increase. Read more about working at Tinkoff from home.

Average salary per month: Rostrud says that the average salary of a sales specialist is 35,000 rubles per month. But, as far as I understand, about half of the bonuses for product sales are not taken into account, so the real income is much higher.

Education: This is one of the areas where you can come unprepared, and after a year or two you can leave as a good specialist. The main training is practice with a minimum of theory.

Growth Opportunities: not limited. When working for a company, you may be promoted to project manager, or you may simply increase sales on your own. It doesn’t matter which development option you choose, in any case, you will receive more over time.

Infobusinessmen and coaches

Information businessmen and coaches are no longer young, but still a new phenomenon for the Russian market. These experts share their knowledge on certain issues for money, which is convenient for people who value time and want to get practical information here and now.

At first glance, it seems that the niche is overheated. There are too many specialists who teach anything. But in reality this is not the case. Finding a knowledgeable coach or information product worth paying money for is a lot of work. This is the most popular niche for “student businessmen”.

Average salary per month: Information businessmen and coaches collect the main flow of money from trainings and launches of their projects. They are held every few months - six months. Then you can earn up to 1 - 2 million rubles for a good launch of a quality product. In normal times, income from recorded products is 30 - 150 thousand rubles.

Education: assumes that you have already become an expert in some niche. Therefore, you need to improve to a high level. Usually this is 1 - 3 years of active practice.

Growth Opportunities: not limited. No one dictates food prices either. You can easily improve the quality of your products, increase your audience, and improve your approach to customers.

How to choose a future profession

When choosing a future profession, most people pay attention to their own capabilities and set of initial skills. Of course, this is important, but choosing translations simply because you studied English at school and don’t know anything else will be, at the very least, stupid. There are other factors to think about when choosing a freelancing career.

What we pay attention to:

  • Interest in the profession.
  • Profitability.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Prospects for further growth.

The first thing is still interest. Since freelancing is a purely voluntary field of activity, without constant interest you will quickly begin to burn out. This will happen more and more often, your work will decrease, you will lose stable customers and in the end you will be left without money, morally devastated, and with the desire to return to the office.

Profitability, complexity of development and prospects should fade into the background. Yes, they are really important, but only if you choose between two directions, for example, between a copywriter and a translator. You know languages ​​well, and you can also write great: choose what will give you more prospects and income in a shorter period of time.

Choosing a profession is actually very simple. The first desire after reading the TOP will most likely turn out to be correct.

How to learn a profession

The first thing to do is decide on a profession. If you like it, the learning process will go smoothly. You can easily find blogs, sites and channels on a specific topic from which you can gain practical knowledge.

First, you will have to spend 2/3 of your working time on training: watch how the pros do it and improve the main points. But then things will get easier. You will reach the average level within 1 - 5 months and will already be able to earn good money.

Further development in the profession occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. You find people who understand some things better than you.
  2. Learn from them.
  3. You create your own methods, test them, and improve.
  4. Become an expert.

Let's look at an example of actions in the case of arbitration:

You choose the direction you will work with: attracting customers for a product, for infobusiness, partnership with large companies, etc. Then you choose a tool and study it as much as possible. After you make your first profit, you can contact a specialist to upgrade individual skills. If you choose a target and mass sales on social networks, you can contact Andrey Zakharyan.

Instead of the name of the niche, directions and specialist, you can substitute anything. It is important to see the directions of development, to clearly understand your desires and aspirations. Then you can not only gain basic knowledge about the profession and some minimum income, but also an excellent opportunity for further development.

Without developing, you risk easily getting stuck at an income level of 25 - 30 thousand rubles per month, with full employment. It’s better to spend one to two months, 2 to 3 hours each, on training and work half as much for the same money.


The TOP professions in freelancing have remained virtually unchanged for many years. With the exception of the latest interest in social networks and the wave of info-businessmen, everything remains the same. At the top are the same designers, translators, programmers, and copywriters. If you are looking for stability, choose a good specialty, study and develop. Then you can easily achieve a high income, spending much less effort and nerves than at a real job.

In this article you will learn about the most basic types of income for women, and we will start by listing the leading areas of employment:

  • Social sphere. Sociability is a distinctive feature of women.
  • Accounting, finance. Here such feminine qualities as perseverance and monotony of work are manifested.
  • Sales manager, seller. This is quite a difficult job, however, many girls choose this particular field of work.
  • The field of fashion and beauty.
  • Tourism.
  • Office work.
  • Coach.
  • Cooking.

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Criteria for choosing women's professions

The areas of employment listed above are very different. The general characteristics of choice can be assessed using the following criteria:

  • Working hours. Not every girl wants to work overtime, especially if there is a family and a child.
  • Patience, perseverance. These qualities are inherent in the beautiful half of humanity.
  • Hobby. Turning your favorite activity into work and getting paid for it is perhaps every girl’s dream.
  • Interest. This criterion differs from the previous one in that a hobby is a favorite activity, that is, something that a person is already doing, and an interest is something attractive that one would like to do.
  • The desire to look after, to keep an eye on someone. This criterion is manifested in social professions - educator, teacher, nurse, nurse, nanny.

Hobby as work

It has long been known that doing something you love as a business improves your mood and improves your well-being. Basically, interests in something appear already in childhood and are forgotten in adulthood.

  • Women on maternity leave.
  • Pensioners.
  • Suffering from illnesses (not too serious, but preventing normal work).

What kind of hobby could this be?

  • Hand-made products.
  • Sewing, knitting.
  • Beauty services (manicurist, hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist).
  • Clothing, cosmetics.
  • Cooking (cakes, pastries).
  • Photo.

So, you have a hobby and time, now you need to follow some steps to turn your favorite thing into work:

  1. Market research. First, we determine the target audience, that is, who to target when selling goods or offering services.
  2. Explore the area of ​​interest. Find out the main competitors, all new fashion trends, technologies and materials.
  3. Create your own office on the Internet. Create a website, add personal master classes or photos.
  4. Determine ways to sell your own products or services. Perhaps a website on the Internet will serve as a good starting point, but in reality you also need to take care of the sales market. It’s worth taking care of this important point - offering your products, for example, in souvenir shops (or other products that match the theme of your hobby), or opening your own store or salon.

Jobs for the talented

If you have talent and are a creative person, you can turn this feature into your own business, and here's how to do it:

  • First, decide what you do best and what kind of activity you enjoy.
  • Find out whether this talent can become a business.
  • Find financial opportunities to implement the idea.
  • Decide on the sales market (online platform or regular store).

Main areas of work for talented women:

  • Art.
  • Music.
  • Writing talent.
  • Cooking.
  • Making products with your own hands (there are a lot of options here, from dolls to artificial flowers and toys).
  • Sewing, knitting.

In fact, there are much more talents than “vacancies”. Talent can manifest itself in any profession; you can often hear the phrase “a doctor (teacher, cook, director, etc.) is from God.”

The best domestic professions for women: choosing work from home

If you decide not to go to work every morning or go on maternity leave, but still want to earn money, you can find a home job.

  • Tutor (you can prepare schoolchildren to pass exams, or teach English to adults, of course, if you have the skills).
  • Translator (for those who know a foreign language).
  • Hairdresser, manicurist.
  • Accountant (simple accounting, individual entrepreneur, can be done at home).
  • Network marketing (many girls like to distribute catalogs with cosmetic products to their friends and make money by selling cosmetics).
  • Hand-made work.
  • Open your own store, your own business.
  • Photographer (do photo shoots and process photos at home on the computer).
  • Work by profession (for example, you are a lawyer or a seamstress - almost any profession can be practiced at home).
  • Working on the Internet.

If you decide to work from home, study in advance all the “pros and cons” of your chosen profession so that there are no problems with your performance. After all, if you are on maternity leave, household chores and the child will take up a lot of your time.

The most popular professions for women

Despite the huge number of unemployed girls, there remains a fairly high demand for the following specialties:

  • Sales manager (the profession is more focused on finding potential buyers and offering them products or services).
  • Sales consultant (offer and sale only).
  • Secretary (qualified specialist with knowledge of English).
  • Stewardess.
  • Medical worker (doctor, nurse).
  • Educator.
  • Waitress.
  • Housemaid.
  • Dancer.
  • Accountant.
  • Tourism manager.
  • Brand manager.

These professions are the most in demand among the female population. They require increased attention and responsibility, as well as the presence of certain skills and talents.

If you do not have specific skills, but have the desire and determination, you can try yourself in one of the listed vacancies.

Work for women on the Internet

The Internet is a place where both men and women can earn money. But there are much more opportunities for girls and here’s why:

  • Working on the Internet requires perseverance, and this trait is characteristic of girls
  • Housewives and girls on maternity leave have more free time than men working their main jobs.
  • There is more space on the Internet for the creative expression of female nature.

If you decide to find employment on the Internet, first determine which category of users you belong to:

  • Beginning
  • Advanced.

If you are at the entry level, the earnings will be small, but this is a good opportunity to gain experience.

Types of earning money on the Internet for inexperienced users:

  • Paid surveys.
  • Clicks.
  • Advertising groups on social networks.
  • Posting (make posts on social networks for money).
  • Surfing (the essence is to view specified pages on the Internet for a certain time).

You can earn pennies on such services. But by clicking the mouse and gaining certain skills in surfing the Internet, you become a more experienced user and Here are the types of work on the Internet that become available to you:

  • Web design.
  • Content manager (filling thematic sites with information).
  • Writing articles (copywriting, rewriting).
  • Online auctions.
  • Trading on the currency exchange.
  • Website promotion.
  • Own blog or YouTube channel.

Freelancing on the Internet can become the main type of income for a woman sitting at home.

The highest paying professions

To understand this topic, it is worth dividing all highly paid professions into categories:

  • Business career.
  • Own business.
  • Fashion and show business.
  • Beauty and service industry.
  • The sphere of professions related to education.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. With some skills, education and personal qualities, any representative of the fairer sex can make a successful business career, despite the fact that it is quite hard work.
  2. To create your own business, you do not need to have any special education, but you will need business acumen. Having your own business means being aware of all the latest news and events in your field. Women mostly open their own businesses based on their interests - a beauty salon, a cosmetics or jewelry store, a wedding salon, a development center for children and others.
  3. This area requires the following personal qualities:
    • stress resistance
    • communication skills
    • sociability
    • determination.
  4. In the beauty industry, creative qualities are manifested; there are also quite a lot of directions: stylist, hairdresser, manicurist. With a lot of experience and skills, the salaries are quite decent. The profession of a fitness trainer also falls into this category.
  5. A competent teacher who prepares high school students for the Unified State Exam, a governess with knowledge of English, a nanny with special skills and knowledge of development methods - these professions are very valuable and highly paid.

Which job should you choose in the end?

The following technique will help you decide on a profession: analyze which 5 topics you mainly look for information on the Internet about. The method is quite simple, but very effective. It is based on only 1 main selection criterion – interest. It is based on your interests that you should choose your profession.

You cannot be guided only by wages, unless you are the only breadwinner in the family. Your work should bring you pleasure and joy.

Difficult situations happen at any job, and if the work you love, then you will be able to more easily overcome any crisis and rise to the desired heights.


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