How much does one mining farm earn per day? How much can you earn from mining: the most common ways. What it is

Most network users first heard about mining (cryptocurrency extraction) quite recently – in the second half of 2015. It was then that this issue began to be covered in online publications, investment portals gave the first forecasts regarding Bitcoin. And already in 2017, interest in this type of earnings reached its peak: the top search engines were filled with queries “how to make money from mining?”, and GPUs and video cards practically disappeared from sale in Moscow stores.

Sellers explain such a sharp surge in demand for equipment by significant fluctuations in the exchange rate of popular digital currencies and, as a result, increased interest in mining. Thus, by the summer of this year, the BTC rate for the first time rose to $3 thousand, and the ether rate to $375. Let's look at how mining works technically, is it possible to make money on it and, if so, how much?

Farm instead of a regular computer

Let's try to divide this question into two sub-questions:

  • how much can you earn from mining with a regular computer by investing up to 60 thousand rubles. to the "farm";
  • how much you can earn by investing about 180-200 thousand rubles. in scarce equipment (processors, video cards).

In order not to inspire vain hopes, let’s say right away: in the current conditions, it is no longer realistic to mine cryptocurrency on a simple home computer; it will be a waste of effort and electricity. You may be able to make a small profit on some newly created currency while the process of mining it remains relatively easy. Further, cryptographic encryption, on which the movement of virtual coins is based, will become more complicated and will take users with home computers out of the game, just as miners of bitcoins, ether, litecoins and other popular currencies were previously taken out.

Why are specific amounts of mining profitability so rarely announced? Because here everything depends on the power of the equipment and the extraction method, and they can be very different. As an example, let's look at how much and how you can earn on the Nvidia Ge Force farm.

The monthly profit from mining on a GTX TI 1060-1070 with 6-10 video cards ranges from $700 to $900, and the payback period does not exceed 2-3 months. True, about 33-35% of electricity costs should still be deducted from this amount. Thus, the purchase of such equipment worth 200 thousand rubles. will fully pay for itself no later than four months, depending on the intensity of use and virtual currency.

More expensive farms and video cards pay for themselves in almost the same time. TITAN class cards are 2-3 times faster in performance than the GTX 1060 TI, but return the investment in the same 3.5-4 months, since they themselves are more expensive.

As can be seen from the above, the profitability of solo mining with your own farm depends mainly on computing power. The larger the investment, the greater the dividends. Daily profitability of farms worth up to 250 thousand rubles. is $15-30, at the same time farms cost 500 thousand rubles. and above during normal operation they can mine up to $50-70 daily.

Cloud mining

This term does not mean a type of income, but rather a tool for investing funds. All a novice crypto miner needs to do is register on one of the cloud services, invest money and, after a certain period, receive a profit in digital currency.

The way cloud portals work is as follows: the company buys and configures equipment, provides the required amount of electricity, and then rents out its capacity. It turns out collective mining on rental equipment. This organization of work relieves the miner of all technical issues, the solution of which is the competence of the company’s specialists. Tariffs and profitability are different, and the larger the investment, the higher the profit.

The average profitability of cloud mining is 1 percent daily of the invested funds, therefore, net profit will begin to flow within 100 days. True, the percentage of profitability will begin to decrease after this. The most popular services with cloud power today are Hash Flare, Genesis, Nice Hash.

Helpful advice: if you plan to make money from cloud mining, monitor changes in the ruble-dollar exchange rate. The higher the Russian currency exchange rate, the more capacity can be purchased for the same money.

Mining in pools

A pool is a community of miners working together to increase their total power. Such teams can unite people who do not have the equipment for solo mining. One of the most famous and convenient pools, MinerGate, supports Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ether and several other types of digital currency.

Trying your hand first in a pool, assessing your capabilities, and then boldly going on a solo swim is an excellent solution for beginners. In theory, to join the community you don’t need anything more than a home computer and Internet access. With such technical equipment, you can, of course, gain some experience in mining, but, most likely, all your earnings will be “eaten up” by electricity. The reason for this is lack of power. To earn real coins, you will need to upgrade your computer for mining, namely: install video cards; increase the power of the power supply; establish cooling; adjust energy consumption.

How much can you earn from pool mining per day?

Here everything depends only on the quality of the equipment. The fact is that even in pools, the power of a video card remains the only source of income, despite the existing myth about the synergy of the combined power of miners. Accordingly, in pools you will not be able to earn as much as in solo mining, because ordinary PCs cannot compete in power with farms equipped with special equipment. The payback time for funds spent on video cards (minus electricity costs) is about six months of round-the-clock mining.

Mining with a processor and video cards: which is more profitable?

The difference in income level when mining with a processor and a video card is obvious. If the maximum earnings on an i7 are no more than $0.1 per day, then a typical average-power GTX 1060 TI video card will bring its owner 20 times the amount ($2 per working day). With a good 1080TI video card, you can get five times more than with a powerful gaming laptop of the latest generation, which costs from 50 thousand rubles. and higher

How to choose a cryptocurrency?

Choosing the right cryptocurrency is another important component of success. Equipping your small farm and trying to mine bitcoins on it means dooming yourself to failure in advance. Maybe you can earn a small commission for completing transactions, that's all. Unlike popular virtual currencies, new ones (which appeared after the ICO) are not so demanding in terms of power. But can their popularity be predicted in the future? The question remains open.

The conclusion from the above is simple: you can make money on weak equipment only by mining lesser-known cryptocurrencies. Today, Leather coins are one of the most promising, as long as they can be mined even on an ordinary high-power computer.

How much can you earn from mining per day: profitability in numbers

The profitability of cryptocurrency mining is influenced by many factors: from the market value of virtual banknotes and equipment power to the number of miners, and all these positions change every second. Therefore, it is not possible to make accurate calculations. Below we present average What to Mine data at the end of 2017, as well as some forecasts for the near future.

Bitcoin (on ASIC). According to forecasts, earnings on the most popular cryptocurrency will gradually decrease and will soon amount to 12.6 dollars. per day (minus electricity costs - 9.3 dollars). With such income, the cost of building a farm will pay off in about 250 days, the net annual profit will be 900 dollars. or more than 53 thousand rubles.

Ether (on GPU). Income per day – 24.4, net profit – $23.1. The cost of the farm pays off much faster - in 140 days, the annual profit is about 5,240 dollars. or 315 thousand rubles.

Litecoin (on ASIC). Profitability per day is 12.4 dollars, net profit minus electricity costs is 9.2 dollars. With such indicators, investments in the farm will pay off in 190 days, the profit for the year will be 1,547 dollars. or more than 91 thousand rubles.

Expanse (on GPU). Profitability per bitch - 23.5 dollars, net profit per day - 22.2 dollars, payback of equipment - 145 days, annual profit - 4,910 dollars. or more than 291 thousand rubles.

Ether Classic (on GPU). The average income per day is 22.8 dollars, net profit is 21.5 dollars. Payback period for the farm is 150 days, annual income is $4,660. or over 267 thousand rubles.

Hush (on GPU). Profit per day - 25.2, net profit - 23.9 dollars, farm payback - about 130 days, annual profit 5,527 dollars. or over 328 thousand rubles.

Z-cache (on GPU). Income per day – 24.6 dollars. net profit -23.3 dollars, farm payback - 140 days, annual income - 5,304 dollars. or about 314 thousand rubles.

Sibcoin (on GPU). Income per day - 22.6 dollars, net profit per day - 21.3 dollars, payback of the farm - 151 days, annual income - 4,574, which is equal to 271 thousand rubles.

Zencash (on GPU). Income per day - 23.3 dollars, net profit - 22 dollars, payback of the farm - about 150 days, annual profit - 4,819, which is equal to 285 thousand rubles.

Tinkoff Bank: - 15,430 rubles. in a year.

"LocoBank", deposit "Income Strategy" - 19,250 rubles. in 400 days.

"Promsvyazbank", deposit "Interest in growth" - 17,800 rubles. in 450 days. "Rosselkhozbank", deposit "Investment" - 17,520 rubles. in 395 days.

Trust", deposit "Optimal" - 16,460 rubles. in a year.

The popularity of mining as a type of income today is growing day by day, because daily profits range from 15 dollars. and higher with a relatively small investment (200 thousand) is a very good investment. As of the end of 2017, mining is included in the global TOP 10 in terms of investment attractiveness. And if you consider that the cryptocurrency itself is constantly rising in price, mining it becomes doubly profitable.

Summarizing what has been written

In conclusion, a small life hack especially for those who are not ready to invest a significant amount in equipment: wait until 2018. According to forecasts, the rush demand for video cards is expected to drop soon, since manufacturing companies have already managed to make changes to programs and are actively increasing production. Already next year, the shelves will be filled again, and prices will drop to the level at which they were before the start of the mining era. At the same time, interest in cryptocurrency will only increase, and earnings will at least remain at the same level.

Today in our country there are only a few dozen professional miners who earn substantial money from this. The overwhelming majority of ordinary “miners” remain at the level of amateurs, since they do not set themselves any far-reaching goals other than to quickly “get cash” and then resell the equipment to newcomers. And those few who are not used to stopping halfway have every chance to succeed and make crypto mining a solid source of permanent income. After all, each of the top miners was also once a beginner.

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How much can you earn by mining on a video card?

What it is

Mining is extraction. Surely you have heard about cryptocurrencies, for example Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zikesh, etc. Their main feature is that they are decentralized. Those. they work using a huge network of computers around the world. And in order to be able to send money from one computer to another, you need someone to confirm this exchange. To do this, you need to select a hash, i.e. carry out certain calculations. It is the miners who carry out such calculations on their computers and receive a reward for this in the form of the cryptocurrency that they mine.

How much can you earn

I can tell you an approximate figure 1-5 dollars per day from one video card (August 10, $1.9 per day at 28.5 MHz). This figure depends on several factors. 1. Cryptocurrency rate. He jumps a lot. For example, in May ether cost 90 dollars, in June 370, and now 190. 2. Mining difficulty. The more miners in the network, the more complex the mining algorithm and the less your earnings. By and large, this complexity is constantly growing. 3. Power and energy consumption of your video card. For example, my older sapphire rx480 produces a higher hashrate compared to my newer asus rx580 while using less power and running cooler.

What is needed for that:

Video cards, if you want to mine ether or other altcoins or asic if you want to mine bitcoin. The best models for mining: AMD RX 470, 480, 570, 580. Video cards in stock are the most important problem, because... Now there is a mining boom and they are simply swept off the shelves. You simply won't find them anywhere. Even abroad it is very problematic to do this. But the situation may change. If there is demand, then there will be supply. There have even been several announcements of video cards specifically designed for mining. So wait or search on the Internet.

Other components. Of course, it’s easier with them, but you may also have to look. If you are going to make a farm, then you need to find a motherboard with the required number of PCI-E slots. Particular attention should be paid to the power supply. Is it powerful enough for your video cards? Does it have suitable connectors?

Electricity. Farms consume a considerable amount of electricity. According to my calculations, about 700-800 rubles from one video device per month at a price of 3.77 per kW.

Computer program. It's not a problem. You simply download it from the Internet.
Well, the fifth point is the wallet where you will receive the mined cryptocurrency. There are no problems with this either. You can start one directly on the exchange.
That's all.

Eventually. What are the pros and cons of mining?

The plus is quite clear. Passive income.
But the downside is the risks:
1. The price of cryptocurrencies may fall
2. The video card may burn out if used continuously.
3. The difficulty may increase so much that mining becomes unprofitable.

In general, decide for yourself whether to do this or not.

While mining, which at first glance seems like an opportunity for endless earnings, is actually a very energy-intensive process.

First, you need to understand what the essence of mining is. From English mining is translated as “mining”. Indeed, miners literally mine valuable currency, they just use software and special computers for this. By solving complex mathematical problems with computers, miners receive bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.

The process of mining cryptocurrencies puts a lot of stress on processors, which leads to high electricity consumption and high heat generation. Electricity is the main resource needed for cryptocurrency mining - all equipment consumes a huge amount of electricity.

Therefore, before you start mining cryptocurrency, you need to find out how much electricity the mining farm consumes.

How much does the mining farm consume in kW?

Let's take as an example a farm of 6 video cards. Such a farm consumes approximately 500W, and the price for electricity is on average 4 rubles. With a Bitcoin price of $15,000 at the time of writing, the farm will generate 92.9 BTC per hour, which is 2,229.63 rubles per day. When calculating electricity consumption of 2.5 kilowatts, we subtract 240 rubles for electricity per day. Thus, the net income of the farm per day will be 1989.63 rubles. With this calculation, the farm will bring in 59,689.15 rubles per month. But you need to remember that the electricity may go out and the computer may break down. In addition, mining processes are constantly being improved, which means the process of mining coins is slowing down.

How much electricity does a single miner consume?

For example, let's take a single-type miner Antminer T9. This is one of the most popular miners in the crypto world. This miner is used to mine Bitcoin. It requires up to 1690 W of energy. It will consume 40.56 kWh per day. With an average price of electricity of 4 rubles per kilowatt-hour, a miner will spend 141 rubles per day, which will be 4259 rubles per month, and 51815 rubles per year. With the current difficulty of bitcoin mining, Antminer T9 produces 0.0023 BTC per hour, which at the current exchange rate (the date of writing this article is December 7, 2017) is $34.48 or 2042 rubles. Thus, the miner’s monthly income will be 57,001 rubles.

How much does a mining farm consume per month in different countries?

The founder of many projects, mathematician Moritz Strube from Berlin, calculated the electricity consumption of the entire network. The mathematician estimates that worldwide, mining equipment consumes 1.17 terawatt-hours of electricity per month. For example, Slovenia consumes 1.08 terawatt-hours of electricity per month.

Bitcoin mining requires an amount of energy approximately equal to the emission of 7.6 million tons of carbon dioxide into the environment. According to mathematician calculations, this is the amount of exhaust gas emitted by a middle-class car after 43.6 billion km.

The scientist calculated that in Germany mining will not pay for itself due to the too high price of electricity. There, 1 kWh costs 29 euro cents (20.6 rubles). If all mining equipment was located in Germany, then 4.22 billion euros would have to be paid for electricity per year. Considering that only 657,000 new bitcoins are mined per year, mining in this country would be unprofitable.

Due to the high price of electricity in Europe, mining farms are usually located in exotic countries. For example, in Iceland, kWh costs 10 euro cents (7.1 rubles). The country is cold, so you don't need to spend any effort on cooling.

Another profitable location for a mining farm is Venezuela. Electricity there is even cheaper than in Iceland. Local residents are actively purchasing video cards and making up to $3,000 net per month.

But, of course, the power in the mining market belongs to the Chinese. There are 6 of the largest mining pools there and more than half of the world’s bitcoins are mined in the Middle Kingdom.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about mining farms.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is a mining farm?
  2. How it works.
  3. How to build your own farm.

What is a mining farm

Let's start, as always, with a little theory.

In simple words mining farm – a set of components interconnected and producing virtual currency.

Cryptocurrency farms can consist of completely different components: video cards, processors, hard drives, special equipment created exclusively for mining. Initially, the concept of “farm” did not exist. Especially at a time when you could only use your home PC for mining.

But over time, the complexity of mining increased, algorithms improved and became more complex, and therefore mining on a home PC became simply unprofitable. Then people started looking for components and the right combination of them. Initially these were processors, then hard drives were added, and then video cards.

True, now most miners mean by the concept of “farm” several video cards interconnected. Such a design can perform only one task - to mine cryptocurrency using its computing power.

Farms on video cards have become popular thanks to ether, which has a mining algorithm that is not as complex as Bitcoin, but has already gained great popularity. That is why many remembered that earlier, back in the 12-13s, cunning gamers used their video cards to mine bitcoins. And they did it quite successfully.

And in order to mine bitcoins now, just a farm on video cards will not be enough. You need special equipment - ASIC processors, which cost a lot of money (from 5 thousand dollars), but have colossal computing power, ideally suited for mining.

The first cryptocurrency mining farms have come a long way from home PCs to full-fledged installations that cost several million rubles.

In this article we will talk mainly about farms on video cards, because:

  • They have a fairly simple design;
  • Do not require huge financial investments;
  • They pay for themselves quickly (150-180 days including electricity).

Bitcoin mining farm

Before we talk about farm work and how to do it at home, you should immediately understand one thing:

A bitcoin mining farm will now be practically unprofitable.

Due to the high difficulties in mining this cryptocurrency and the entry of large Asian companies into mining, a single farm simply cannot cope and will work with much lower profits than if it were mining, for example, ether or z-cash.

This does not mean that you will not be able to mine bitcoins. Not at all, you are guaranteed to receive your income.

But another question is what you need for this:

  • Use third-party services, lending them your power;
  • Share profits with other participants;
  • Depend on complete strangers.

And this all means that such production turns out to be too risky and less profitable.

How does a mining farm work?

Let's pay attention to video cards. The “red” representatives of Radeon are best suited for mining. They are more adaptable, have more computing power, and therefore produce a lot of currency.

But since there are almost no Radeon video cards in Russia, and those that exist cost a lot of money, you have to be content with green analogues from GTX. Their later models have average mining performance, but demand for them has not yet reached the point where the price becomes disproportionately high.

Now let's talk about how the mining farm works.

To put it quite simply, then mining farm - an installation that directs its computing power to solve one problem - cryptocurrency mining. That is, you build a small analogue of a PC (very conditional), connect all the necessary equipment, configure it, and after that all resources at the maximum level will be directed to the extraction of cryptocurrency.

The power of one farm is approximately 26 times higher than that of an average home PC costing 40-50 thousand rubles. Moreover, unlike a computer, power is not distributed to work programs, maintaining the system, or carrying out any operations. It is clearly focused on one thing - currency extraction.

Now that you roughly understand how a mining rig works, let's figure out what it takes to assemble a rig.

What is needed for a mining farm

In order to assemble a mining farm, you will need:

  1. Motherboard. An ordinary motherboard with the required number of connectors for a video card will be sufficient.
  2. HDD. 60 gigabytes may be enough, but it’s better to take 100-160. One wallet with Ethereum weighs only 25 GB, and with Bitcoin - from 50 and above.
  3. Video cards. No special advice here. Choose a suitable video card for mining, and then, based on this, assemble the remaining parts.
  4. Power unit. Farms with 4+ video cards often require more than one power supply. They basically buy several 750-watt units and simply connect them together to work.
  5. Adapters for mounting video cards (preferably Razer).
  6. Equipment start button.
  7. It would be advisable to buy 1-2 more coolers for better cooling.

Another important detail is the frame for the truss.

Its approximate dimensions:

  • Width: 42 cm;
  • Length: 55-60 cm;
  • Height: 35 cm;
  • Height of the video card bracket: 23 cm.

It is best to make the frame from wood or aluminum. The size of the mining rig will be slightly larger than its frame due to protruding parts, adapters and the cooling system.

In total, the average truss will be approximately half a meter in height, 70 cm in length and 50 cm in width. A large mining rig can reach length and height parameters of one meter.

Now some tips regarding equipment:

  • Don't buy ASRock motherboards. Although the developers claim that they created their product solely for cryptocurrency mining, experienced miners actively discourage inserting them into farms, citing overloads and overheating solely due to the design of the motherboard.
  • Buying video cards in Russia is becoming increasingly unprofitable. Those models that literally a year ago cost 10-11 thousand rubles are now sold in leading stores for 18 thousand. If you decide to assemble a farm yourself, pay attention to stores in Western Europe and America.
  • Don't spend a lot on a motherboard and hard drives. The cost of all related equipment should not exceed 10-15% of the price of the farm itself.

Now to more detailed instructions on how to assemble your farm.

How to build a mining farm

Assembling a farm yourself is not an easy task. However, if you know a little about computer hardware, this will not be difficult for you.

Video on creating a mining farm:

Farm setup

Once you have assembled the basic structure, you need to set up the truss. In fact, setting up a farm comes down to completely tearing down the system, installing new drivers and then working with programs.

After installing the operating system, we immediately update the hardware drivers to the latest versions. Then download MSI Afterburner from the official website to overclock your video cards. Next, install Teamviewer to work with the farm remotely, set the swap file to 20 GB and install.

We go to the site through which you will mine, select the pool (the network through which we will mine) and download the program itself. Then we open it like a notepad and write in it our wallet number, the name of the farm and the email to which notifications will be sent. We close it, click start, and the mining farm starts working.

Add the miner program to the autostart of your farm so that immediately after turning it on, it starts mining cryptocurrency.

This is roughly how a mining farm is set up from scratch. Almost all of the setup time will be spent installing the operating system.

To understand this better, watch the video:

Where to buy a ready-made farm for mining

If you don’t want to bother yourself with finding the necessary components, assembling, installing and configuring equipment, then it will be much easier to buy a farm. But there is one important detail.

There is no point in buying ready-made mining rigs on the secondary market or message boards. Firstly, people do not know the real cost of their structures and often inflate the price (up to 2 times), and secondly, you may encounter incorrect settings or low-quality equipment.

If you are in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then in your cities there are several companies that sell already configured turnkey mining farms.

In the provinces this is more difficult. It’s rare that anyone engages in mining in principle, and sells a finished farm either for a lot of money, or one that has already been killed.

Speaking about the ready purchase of farms, we cannot fail to mention special equipment for mining. It is created by manufacturers in order to make maximum use of hardware with minimal investment.

The most popular special equipment is ASIC processors. These are designs made specifically for working with bitcoins. They produce maximum power precisely in terms of production, but are completely unsuitable for everything else.

If we compare the cost of special ASIC equipment with the price of one average farm, it turns out that a mining farm will cost much less, even if you buy a ready-made one.

The capacity of farms at the same costs will be approximately 1.5 times less. But when buying special equipment for mining, there is a high risk that, if the threshold for entering the system increases greatly, you will not be able to mine anything on it, and there will be no one to sell it to, since the designs are not suitable for anything else.

Therefore, if you only want to engage in mining with maximum profitability, then it is better to buy a ready-made installation that will mine cryptocurrency. Prices: from 3 thousand dollars for the minimum configuration.

What cryptocurrency to mine on your farm

The question of which cryptocurrency to mine is quite interesting and controversial. On the one hand, there is a clear answer - ether. On the other hand, the complexity of mining and small rumors about changes in mining algorithms force us to look for backup options.

These options can be divided into two groups:

  • Famous cryptocurrencies;
  • Altcoins that are gaining popularity.

It’s up to you to decide, but dealing with popular cryptocurrencies is much safer and more profitable, and more profitable with those that are gaining popularity.

If you want to mine new altcoins, it is recommended not only to mine this cryptocurrency, but also to buy it. So, as the value increases, you will receive more money from the farm and have stability from your investment.

But dealing with altcoins is now very unsafe. You can easily go broke and lose several days/weeks, or even months of your farm’s work. Therefore, if this is your only farm and one of the few sources of income, then it is better to limit yourself to popular cryptocurrencies like Ether, Z-Cash, etc.

There you need to select a mining algorithm, set the power, and after that you will be given a list of options with the profitability of each of them.

How much does a mining farm earn?

The most interesting question is, of course, “How much does one mining farm earn?”

It will not be possible to answer this unequivocally due to the fact that, firstly, there are different farms, and secondly, the cryptocurrency rate has been actively jumping in recent months, and it will no longer be possible to talk about exact figures.

The only reliable figures that can be obtained are the payback of video cards. If we consider the most popular model in Russia now - NVIDIA GTX 1060, then the payback period varies from 140 days to 200, depending on the cost of cryptocurrency and electricity. Well, from setting up the farm, of course. Other video cards take a little longer to pay for themselves.

By overclocking the video card, you can significantly reduce the payback rate of the farm, by about 20-40 days. True, such a farm will heat up more, consume more electricity, require a better cooling system and, in principle, will last less.

Therefore, miners are forced to balance between income right now and the prospect of stable earnings for several years. But since the future is still vague, despite the increasing interest in cryptocurrency, experts still advise overclocking your video cards, if, of course, you know how to do it.

Moreover, judging by numerous articles on the Internet, investments in a farm pay off in 100-110 days. But if you explore the topic a little deeper and look at reliable forums, the figure will increase to 140-150 days at best. Based on our realities, we can talk about semi-annual investments, and in some cases, annual ones.

That is, video cards pay for themselves in an average of 150 days + equipment from the cooling system, motherboard and electricity will take another month. In total we get 5 - 6 months of payback.

For those who like specific numbers, it will all sound something like this:

  • A GTX 1060 farm brings in 90 rubles per day x number of video cards;
  • A GTX 1070 farm brings in 120 rubles per day x number of video cards;
  • A GTX 1080 farm brings in 130 rubles per day x number of video cards;
  • A GTX 1080 TI farm brings in 180 rubles per day x number of video cards.

Data valid for September-October 2017. What will happen next is still unknown.

If we compare prices with profitability and payback period, it turns out that the more expensive the video card (from those presented in the list above), the greater the profit and payback period will be.

That is, in the long run, it may turn out that the nominal income from 1 farm with 1080 TI will be higher, but for the same money that was spent on 4 TI video cards, you can buy 3 farms with 1060.

It is now difficult to find real data on how much farms bring in per day. And it’s even more difficult to predict its income, because due to its great popularity, mining algorithms are becoming more and more complex, prices are still jumping, and cryptocurrency sellers at any moment risk simply collapsing the market with their actions.

To see if mining is worth it at all, do some research with hardware suppliers. This is called cloud mining. It will allow you to understand whether there is money in cryptocurrency, whether it is profitable to invest in it, and generally get a “taste of money” in it.

While you are testing cloud mining, you need to watch training materials on:

  • Creating a mining farm at home;
  • Overclocking video cards;
  • Correct setup of equipment.

This is done so that you simply do not lose your investment. And now you will have to spend 100-110 thousand rubles on the first farm, which is quite a lot, taking into account the unstable economic situation.

Once you've tried cloud mining, compared all the costs and watched the training video, it's time to start building your own farm.

This is done quite simply, we even told you how. But one important point is still worth remembering: you need a normal cooling system. Overclocked video cards get very hot, and overheating is one of the most common causes of breakdowns of gaming video cards, not to mention mining, in which poor cards work even harder.

And now about acceleration. As they said on one of the forums: “If you can’t overclock your video card for mining, then it’s better to find yourself a stable job.” No matter how harsh it may sound, it is true.

Overclocking a video card from scratch is not an easy task, especially when you have absolutely no experience in it. But YouTube is one big instruction on how to overclock video cards, including for mining.

To understand how to overclock video cards, watch the video:

And one more, but very important note. If you are assembling a mining farm at home, then you need to live either with very peaceful neighbors, or in a house with very good noise insulation, since the farms hum quite loudly.

What to do with the farm if cryptocurrency goes to the bottom

Frankly speaking, the situation in which the cryptocurrency breaks the bottom is almost unrealistic. Demand for bitcoins, the flagship virtual currency, has been growing steadily for more than eight years. This is a pretty good indicator.

Another question is that there were periods when it sank significantly, and lost up to 50% of the positions earned for the year within 1-2 weeks.

It is in light of this uncertainty that people are wondering what to do when “mining ends.” This is especially true with the government’s statements that it seems to want to regulate the circulation of biktions and cryptocurrency in general, but continues to firmly tighten the screws on money laundering.

The easiest option that comes to mind is to sell components. And this is the most correct option. You will have nowhere else to use your computing power except to mine another cryptocurrency.

Those who are seriously thinking about assembling PCs from mining rigs can be safely advised to forget about this idea. You will have to spend an amount comparable to the cost of a farm on components for 3-6 PCs (depending on the number of video cards). At the same time, you will also need to understand that a used video card will cost much less than a new one.

All that remains is to closely monitor the video card market, and immediately after the equipment becomes obsolete, throw it onto the secondary market, within a week at most.

Important fact. The Russian secondary market is now reacting very sharply to everything that happens to the economy. But despite this, computer components have always stood apart, because there are always gamers, and they need hardware. Therefore, if you carefully consider the moment, dismantle the farm and sell the video cards, then you can easily recoup the cost of the farm in a week, if you have time.

But everything is not so sad. Blockchain technology is very interesting for businesses and entrepreneurs. Therefore, cryptocurrencies will continue to be created quite actively.

True, these are often hype and made in order to collect money into the owner’s wallet. But in some cases, worthy and interesting projects emerge. So, the same ETH in 2014 was “another alternative to Bitcoin,” and now it is already the second cryptocurrency in the world.

The world of currencies is developing very quickly and in the near future, perhaps we will get two or three more worthy replacements for the old cue balls.

Therefore, do not rush to part with mining farms and think about what to do after Bitcoin or Ether loses value. You will be able to mine and trade altcoins that are just starting to appear. With proper investments in trade and equipment, you can.


To summarize, we can say that a mining farm is now the only way to adequately invest in cryptocurrency earnings. If for some reason renting a mining farm is inconvenient for you, then assembling your own installation in your apartment will not be difficult. This will require only a monetary investment (100+ thousand rubles) and a little time to completely figure it out.

Don't expect your investment to pay off instantly. Most people who talk about 2-2.5 months are simply far from cryptocurrency and modern farming realities. Time passes, the algorithms become more complex, the price rises, but the payback still remains in the region of 120+ days (at best). If you want to start mining, it's a little late, but it's still profitable.

Let's imagine that you are a complete beginner in cryptocurrencies and are looking for an answer to your question: “How much can you earn on a mining farm in 2018?” At the same time, you understand a little how to install Windows, how to connect a power supply to a computer, etc. Of course, you can learn this, you just have to be interested.

Mining farm cost

First, assemble one mining rig to understand how it works and see the first money on your card. You can take popular cards and then choose a cryptocurrency, but you can connect to the most popular coins, Ethash coins, for mining and not worry about what to dig.

The choice of components also depends on your financial situation. You can start with a simple gaming computer with a good video card, preferably an AMD rx 550 or GTX 1050. For example, a friend of mine heard about mining in the summer of 2017, and quite by chance he had an Nvidia 1060 6Gb on his computer; he had played games before. He connected NiceHash or Claymore, I don’t remember exactly, and a week later he earned 1200 rubles, then it was very profitable to mine. Now it has already expanded a little.

Therefore, we will take 1060 3GB, if we look at models with six gigabyte memory, then for this price it is better to take Amdash 570-580 cards. By the way, I noticed that you can take the cheapest ones, most importantly graphics processors (GPUs). For example, if you want to buy ten sixty, then take Palit or Inno3d, the main thing is that the video memory is Samsung.

I once made a video about this:

New components for Nvidia.

Rig with a power of 115 mh/s.
  1. 5*1060 = 95 000
  2. CPU = 3,000
  3. RAM 4GB = 1,800
  4. Power supply or two = from 8,000
  5. Hard drive = from 2,500
  6. Raisers*5 = 1500-2000

As a result, let’s round it up a little -115 thousand.


Rig with a power of 145-150 mh/s.

  1. Five video cards 470-570-580 = 110,000
  2. Mother = 5,000
  3. Percent = 3,000
  4. Memory 4Gb = 1800
  5. BP = from 10,000
  6. HHD or SSD = 2,500
  7. Raisers = 2,000

It turns out 135 thousand.

Income and payback in 2018

You can see the profitability of online mining today on the Whattomine website, while it is the first calculator of its kind where you can calculate the profitability of your investments.

Let's start with the first option on GTX, which produces 115 megahash. As of May 10, income up to 6$ (360 rubles) per day, it is better to count from 5, since we cannot mine Ethereum on three gig cards.

Payback is 10 - 11 months, but this is not certain. After all, the difficulty is constantly growing, and the price of Ether is unpredictable. If the price rises, you will get back your investment in five to six months.

Second assembly option from AMD at 145 mx. You will earn per day with ETH - 8$(480 rubles). It will pay for itself in 9 months and one week. The difference is better by 40 days when compared with Nvidia.


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