Where to buy an original flash drive. Wholesale online store of Chinese goods. Chinese goods wholesale

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Today, millions, if not billions, of flash drives are produced around the world, in all sorts of colors and shapes. Let's leave flash drives with their usual shapes out of the picture and look at what imaginative designers have given us.

10. iDuck

Our top ten is closed by a USB duck from the Japanese company Solid Alliance. Six different color options, backlighting and a fun appearance explain the high popularity of this option among the Japanese.

9. A bottle of sake

In our symbolic hit parade, Flash Drive in the form of a bottle of Japanese vodka occupies the penultimate place. Exclusively because they never poured real sake inside. Otherwise, this design option would have been a winner.

8. Sushi

Well, since we have sake, we need to have something to snack on. Sushi is best. Inedible, unfortunately, but undoubtedly pleasing to the eye. I'd like four with salmon and four with caviar, please. Thank you.

7. Mikan Seijin

Literally from Japanese this magical phrase is translated as “Alien Mandarin.” This is the name of a popular Japanese show (is anyone surprised that the most unusual flash drives come from Japan?). I believe that if this misunderstanding suddenly appeared on our shelves, he would have to change his name to “Kolobok”.

6. Big Tiki Storage

This idol swears that he flew to us from Hawaii (although I'm sure that at best from Malaysia). It is really big in length - as much as 4 inches. But since this is an idol, it will protect your data from viruses with the help of spells, dancing and beating the tom-toms.

5. Another sushi

Well, not exactly sushi, Dimsum is a Chinese dish that is somewhat reminiscent of dumplings. It looks much more appetizing and natural, which is why the place is much higher.


This miniature device amazes even with the instructions. It says that the device is so small that it will even fit in your ear. What should he do in his ear, I would like to know? However, the fact that it is unlikely to be possible to make a smaller flash drive is enough to take fourth place in our hit parade.

3. USB Shrimp

Time and time again we ask ourselves the question: who would want a shrimp sticking out of their computer? But they buy, and with the proceeds they create new ones. I think that by connecting USB spaghetti on a USB plate with a USB plug you can get a wonderful set. In the meantime, there is no such set - a bronze medal for the crazyness of the idea.

2. Finger

Better shrimp, that's right, than a finger sticking out of your laptop. You can even lead to a heart attack. Silver medal and our admiration for the realism of the work. The blood would still be slipping...

1. Barbie

And the winner is... the famous Barbie doll! But not because of her external data, not at all. Just to insert such a flash drive into the computer, the doll will have to tear off its head. Once you use it, put your head back. Many will never understand that what you have in your pocket is not a doll, but a real USB drive. True, this is a dubious success..


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