Interesting facts about glass presentation. Open integrated GCD with elements of experimentation in the preparatory group on the topic "Two steps to a miracle. Acquaintance with glass". glass products

Tatyana Horunzhaya

Synopsis of GCD

on cognitive development in preparatory group

"Everything about glass»

Educator of the highest category:

Horunzhaya Tatyana Andreevna

Tasks and goals.

1. Tasks:

Introduce children to the history glass;

expand and systematize knowledge about production glass

and products from it, features glass and glassware.

2. Purpose:

To develop in children a cognitive interest in the subject world,

Learn to establish cause and effect relationships on the basis of

Develop children's ability to make inferences,

analyze, compare, classify,

Raising respect in children

work, respect for everything glass,

Cultivate emotional responsiveness to the beauty of products

from glass.

3. Material and equipment:

Various products from glass, 3 cups: glass

transparent, glass colored, ceramic, plastic;

transparent glass, 4 wine glasses of various shapes; tubes, a multimedia board, a vessel with sand, a vessel with soda.

4. Preliminary work:

Examination of products from glass reading a poem

J. Rodari « glass» ;viewing an exhibition from

glass products, Giving help.

vocabulary work: new words: fragile, transparent, melodic, waterproof. Reading poetry with expression and on the topic.


The lesson takes place in a group. Going into group, children discover that the group is dark.

caregiver: Guys, what happened? Why in the group became

Children: We closed the windows, the light does not penetrate ....

caregiver: Why was it light before?

Children: Because through glass penetrates light.

caregiver: Today we will talk about glass. (children sit on chairs)

Yes guys through glass penetrates light because it

transparent. Let's, say: « transparent glass Tell me, Nikita, what glass?

Nikita: « Glass transparent

caregiver: This will be the first property glass and to this

make sure we experiment. Come to me Anya and Ksyusha. Here we have two mugs on the table. Now we will determine which mug from glass. Children put colored balls into circles. Guys, what color is the ball in this mug (from glass) right red, but in this mug? Certainly not visible. So which mug glass say Daniel?

Danya: Transparent mug from glass.

caregiver: What do we conclude?

Children: Glass transparent.

First property glass - transparency, transparent glass.

caregiver: First property glass - transparency. Glass transparent. Tell me where this property is used glass?

Children: For making dishes, windows, lenses for glasses, etc.. d.

caregiver: Why do you think transparent dishes are needed? (children's answers) Let's repeat the first property again glass.

Children: Glass transparent.

caregiver: I have two glasses. What is it? (shows glass cup)

Children: glass cup.

caregiver: I pour water into it. What glass is this (shows a paper cup).

Children: Paper cup.

caregiver: I pour water into it. Oh what's going on?

Children: Water from a paper cup starts to flow.

caregiver: Why does water flow from a paper cup?

Children: Because the paper cup is permeable to water.

caregiver: Why out glass glass does not flow water?

Children: Because glass the glass does not let water through.

caregiver: That's right, so what conclusion can we draw?

Children: Glass does not let water through.

caregiver: Well, of course, this is the second property glass- waterproof or in other words glass does not let water through.

Second property glass- waterproof, glass does not let water through.

I have three cups on the table, what are they made of? (out of three transparent cups, one is plastic).

Children: All cups glass.

caregiver: Let's test the cups using properties glass.

(Educator with children, using the properties glasses define that all the cups glass.)

caregiver: So it turns out - all these cups glass?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Now I, with this wand, lightly hit on glass products(the teacher hits glass products

that are on the table). Guys what do you hear?

Children: Melodious sound, sound like music.

caregiver: And if you run a wet finger along the edge of the wine glass (the teacher runs a finger along the edge of the glass, the glass makes a sound) you can hear a different melody - the glass will sing. Third property glass - melody. Let's say glass


Third property glass - melody

caregiver: But I have three cups on the table. How are you

what do you think they are made of? (There is a transparent cup on the table, partly colored, strongly colored.)

Children: (children's answers)

caregiver A: Let's check it out.

(Educator with children, using familiar properties glass examine the cups and prove that they are glass.)

Fourth property glass- the ability to be colored.

caregiver: Guys, what do they make from colored glass?

Children: (children's answers)

caregiver: Let's repeat the fourth property glass.

Children: Fourth property glass- the ability to be colored.

caregiver: What happens if I miss glass product?

Children: Will break.

caregiver: Correctly, it will break, so you can say

what glass is fragile.

Fifth property glass - fragile glass.

caregiver: Dasha name the fifth property glass.

Dasha: Fifth property glass - fragile glass.

caregiver: Shall we conduct an experiment?

Children: No.

caregiver: Of course not, it will be very disappointing and a pity if the beautiful ones break glass products. Guys, did something break at your house? glass?

Children: children's answers

caregiver: Let's repeat the fifth property again glass.

Children: Glass is fragile

caregiver: How do you deal with glass products.

Children: Products from glass cannot be thrown, in glass window

you can not throw a stone, a ball.

caregiver: How to collect the broken glass?

Children: Sweep with a broom on a scoop, collect with gloves.

caregiver: And if a person is wearing glasses, what will happen if it breaks glass in glasses?

Children: May hurt the eye.

caregiver: That's right guys from glass products

handle very carefully. Therefore, in the kindergarten they are not allowed to use glass products

caregiver: Let's name all the properties glass.

Children: - transparent glass, transparency.

- glass does not let water through, waterproof.

- melodic glass

- glass is stained

- glass is fragile

caregiver: That's right guys, you are great and remember well

properties glass. Knowing properties glass can be guessed


Sounding, transparent, I'm not afraid of water, but if I hit, I'll break.

Children: Glass.

caregiver: Now you can answer my question: what

make out glass?

Children: (children's answers). From glasses make dishes....

Phys. Minute. "Reflection in glass» (performed standing)

(The teacher shows various figures, the children repeat them as a reflection.) (children sit down)

caregiver: Well done guys, you remember the properties well glass. Glass very widely used in everyday life human:

-glass used in the food industry

- glass used in medicine

-glass used in the construction industry

-glass used in perfumery

caregiver: (shows a jar of sand. What is in the jar?

Children: Sand.

caregiver: Why do you need sand?

Children: children's answers

caregiver: Today I want to tell you the story of how glass and you will find out why sand is needed.

"Everything about glass» - presentation

caregiver: Well guys, now you know why you need sand?

Children: Made from sand glass.

caregiver: But this is soda, which is added to the sand for

receiving glass. (teacher shows soda)

caregiver: I know that you have learned poems about let's glass

we'll tell them.

Nikita For a long time we are no longer a stone age,

All the best for life is invented by man.

He builds houses, builds cities,

And new technologies bring us.

Anya But without glass no one will manage,

And despite the fact that it often beats.

We always need dishes for everyone,

And we need windows, of course, for good.

Karina If it weren't for glass would,

Life would be very boring

Without glasses, we would be blind.

house without glass - would become a crypt ...

Sadly, time would go by.

Dasha A. What kind of life would we have,

Today it is difficult to imagine.

Such a feeling without glass

And life would be impossible!

caregiver: And I propose to consider

Exhibition glass products. (while the children are looking at the exhibition, the teacher opens the windows.)

caregiver: Guys, what happened, why did it become light?

Children: Because glass lets light through.

caregiver: And why glass lets light through?

Children: Because transparent glass.

caregiver: Well done, you remember the properties well glass.

Target: To acquaint children with the method of obtaining glass.


1. To develop cognitive interest in children, mental activity: to be able to reason, draw conclusions;

2. Learn to conduct elementary experiments and experiments with glass;

3. Expand the vocabulary of children;

4. Cultivate accuracy when working with glass.

Course progress.

Guys, listen to my riddles, guess them and then you will know what we will work with today.

Sounding, transparent,

I'm not afraid of water

And hit - I'll break.

Very fragile and transparent

Designed for the benefit of the people

On the windows is simple,

And in bottles of color.

Do not run, do not pour,

And if you hit it, it will break.

Guessed, well done.

The teacher brings the children to the table, where small glass objects are placed and asks to name them. (Children call, and the teacher generalizes the objects, saying that they are made of glass, that is, how they can be called in one word.)

Educator: Guys, what objects made of colored and transparent glass do you know? And now I will tell you how glass is made.

Man has long learned to make objects from glass. Glass was invented many years ago. Sand, ashes, a little paint were poured into a clay pot, and all this was boiled for a long time on fire until a brilliant “dough” was obtained. The clay stick helped the master glazier a lot. With one end of the stick, he shaved the molten mass, and blew into the hole of the other end and blew a glass bubble, as you blew soap bubbles. Blowing bubbles, the master gave them different shapes (vases, vessels, flacons, beads were obtained). In ancient times, window glass was not yet made. Houses, castles and even royal palaces had small windows. Instead of glass, they inserted paper impregnated with wax or oil so that it would not get wet from the rain. In Russia, a film of a bull bubble was stretched over the windows. But one day the master glazier blew out a large glass ball, cut off the ends on both sides, a pipe was formed, and while it was warm, he cut it and unfolded it on the table. The result is a sheet of glass. The first glass was uneven, cloudy, but it was also very much appreciated. At first, glass windows were only in the homes of wealthy people. Time passed, and people came up with a machine that pulled liquid glass mass from a melting furnace in the form of a wide ribbon. The frozen, hardened glass tape was cut into pieces, a sheet of glass was obtained. Modern enterprises for the manufacture of glass have now been built. Look again at the table and name the item you like. .

Guys, name more glass items in our group that are not on the table. (window, light bulbs). Well, now let's go to our laboratory and experiment a bit to learn more about the properties of glass. But first, we must remember and learn one of the most important rules for handling glass.

Be careful with glass

After all, it can break.

And it crashed - it doesn't matter,

After all, there are true friends:

Nimble broom, brother - scoop

And a trash can

In a moment, the fragments will be collected,

Our hands will be saved.

Let's make sure this rule is correct. (The teacher in a special box drops a glass cup, and it breaks.) If the glass breaks, then it is fragile. Remember that glass must be handled carefully and carefully. Now take your seats.

Experience #1

Children put colored pebbles in a transparent glass, thereby showing that glass has the property of transparency.

Experiment #2

The teacher offers to pick up glass objects lying on the tables and touch them. Asks what kind of touch glass objects. (Children answer that | smooth, cold, ribbed.)

Experiment #3

Children, together with the teacher, demonstrate the water resistance of glass, for which they pour water into the glass, make sure that the glass does not let water through, i.e. it is waterproof.

Experiment #4

The teacher offers days to lightly hit a glass object with a pencil and listen to how it sounds. (The glass makes a ringing sound.) They compare a simple glass and a crystal one.

Educator: Well done guys, they got the job done. So what did we do today? (Children's answers.) What should you always remember when working with glass? (Children's answers.) This rule will always be in our laboratory, like many others. Thank you all for your work.

Imagine that you are returning from school, and there are no glasses in the windows of your apartment. Missing in the house and glassware.
You want to look at your surprised face in the mirror, but he is not in the apartment either. Yes, and you would not have discovered many other useful things if glass had not been invented at one time. In this story, I will tell you how the history of glass began.

But what about the name of the inventor of glass? But no way. The fact is that it was created by nature itself. Long ago, many millions of years before the appearance of the first man, glass already existed. And it was formed from first red-hot, and then cooled lava, which escaped to the surface from volcanoes.

This natural glass is now called obsidian. But they could not glaze, for example, windows, not only because there were no windows then, but also because natural glass is dirty gray, through which absolutely nothing can be seen.

So how did glass fit for consumption come about? Maybe people have learned to wash it? Alas, natural glass is dirty not from the outside, but from the inside, so even the most modern detergents will not help here.

There are several legends about how people first made glass close to modern glass. All of them are very monotonous and say that travelers, having no stones for the hearth at hand, used pieces of natural soda instead. Moreover, this happened in the desert or on the shore of a reservoir, where there was necessarily sand. And under the influence of fire, soda and sand melted, forming glass. People believed in these legends for a long time. But quite recently it turned out that all this is not true, because the heat from the fire is not enough for such an alloy.

People started making glass with their own hands more than 5000 years ago, in Egypt. True, even then it was not transparent, but due to the fact that foreign impurities came across in the sand, it had a green or blue tint. Gradually, the East learned to get rid of it. Judging by the excavations, the first glass items were beads. A little later, glass began to cover the dishes. And it took another 2000 years to learn how to make it from glass.

In order to find out the secret of glass production, the government of Venice at the beginning of the 13th century sent special people to the east. By bribery and threats, the Venetians obtained this secret.

They set up their own production and were able to make the glass even more transparent, guessing to add a little lead to its composition.

At first, glass was made in Venice itself. The local authorities were very afraid that someone would find out the secret of production, so the area where these workshops were located was always cordoned off by soldiers. None of the workers dared to leave the city. For any attempt to do this, not only the glassmaker himself, but also his entire family was sentenced to death.

In the end, it was decided to move the workshops to the island of Murano. It was more difficult to escape from there, and it was difficult to get there.

In 1271, Venetian grinders learned how to make glass lenses, which at first were not in great demand. But in 1281 they guessed to insert them into specially designed frames.

This is how the first glasses appeared. At first they cost so much that they were a wonderful gift even for kings and emperors.

At the end of the 15th century, when they learned how to make dishes from glass in Venice, Murano products became so popular all over the world that additional ships had to be built to deliver them.

But the improvement of glass continued later. The time has come, and people came up with the idea of ​​covering it with a special composition - an amalgam, so mirrors appeared.

In our country, glass production began a thousand years ago, in small workshops. And in 1634, the first glass factory was built near Moscow.

Today we cannot imagine life without the use of glass.
Wherever you look, everywhere we are surrounded by glass products - dishes, bottles, vials. The most important thing in our life is the windows!
Glass can be colored and transparent, breakable and bulletproof.
But the main thing for which people have appreciated it since ancient times is transparency, the ability to transmit light. After all, there was a time when windows in houses were hung with bull bubbles or mica was inserted into them - a lamellar mineral capable of transmitting light to some extent. It turns out that this is as important for humans as it is for most animals and plants on Earth.
But for a long time glass - both glass windows and glass products - was considered a luxury item. After all, getting glass is not so easy!

This is ordinary glass.

From the history of glass

Glass is a solidified liquid. Glass liquid is obtained in special glass melting furnaces, and then cooled.
The blue amulet found by archaeologists in Egypt is considered the most ancient glass product. This amulet is 12 thousand years old.

The first description of the production of glass is found in the notes of the ancient Greek historian Pliny. Pliny tells how, many years before the advent of our era, Phoenician navigators sailed on ships from Africa home to Phoenicia. They brought natural soda. For the night, the sailors landed on a deserted shore, completely covered with sand. The Phoenicians needed to build a hearth to cook their own food. But there were no large stones around - nothing but sand. Then the quick-witted sailors took several pieces of soda, resembling stones in hardness, made a hearth out of them and lit a fire. And a cauldron of water was placed on large pieces of soda. They cooked food, ate and went to bed. And in the morning they found a strange substance under the cauldron: it was thin and let light through. It was glass, formed from sand and soda, heated by a cauldron standing on top of them. As if the first glass had been received.

Soda is now an essential component of glass production.

In the ancient world, glass products were highly valued. The ancient Egyptians made glass bottles for incense, beads for jewelry. The ancient Greeks and ancient Romans began to use glass to make vessels from which to drink.

But then, with the invasion of the barbarians, glass production fell into decline.

A new stage in the development of glass production began in medieval Europe. The Venetians are considered to be the founders of glass products. Venice was famous for its glass not only by right of primacy, but also for its quality. Venetian glass was especially transparent. The Venetian masters had their own secret.

They learned how to make glass from the Syrians. After all, Venice was a trading city. Venetian merchants, risking their lives, went for outlandish goods to distant eastern countries - for carpets, spices. And for glassware. Syria was famous for them. However, glass is a fragile material. Storms and bumpy roads did not always make it possible to deliver it intact. However, the Venetians learned how to properly use broken things: they melted them in furnaces and added them to glass mortar.
The already transparent glass acquired due to this a special purity and brilliance.

The Venetians made thin-walled, very refined vessels from glass and decorated them with stucco flowers, figurines of fantastic animals and birds. Each of these things cost a small fortune.

However, the secrets of glass production in Venice were kept strictly secret. Glass makers were called glassblowers: with the help of special tubes, they blew various shapes from molten glass solution. Glassblowers in the city were very appreciated and respected, but they were not allowed to leave Venice, and the death penalty was due for divulging a secret.

Nevertheless, glass production began to develop in other cities of Europe and in Russia.

The first glass factory in Russia was founded by Peter the Great. The plant was built on Sparrow Hills. The scientist Mikhail Lomonosov made a great contribution to the development of the domestic glass business. He founded a factory near St. Petersburg and personally supervised the production of colored glass for making mosaics.

At first, people made jewelry and dishes from glass. Over time, they learned not only to blow molds from glass liquid, but also to cool it into sheets. From such sheets they began to make window panes and later mirrors.

crystal time

The time of crystal begins in the 18th century. The masters of the ancient world knew nothing about him. It was invented in England.

At this time, European glassmakers are fond of various experiments in the production of glass: they are trying to get opaque, frosted glass, glass of various color shades. The British took a different path: they began to add salts of molten lead to the glass and found that the glass from this becomes especially bright, especially transparent, hard. Such glass can be cut like a precious stone.

Before that, there were products made from a natural mineral - rock crystal. But glass crystal is brighter, more transparent.

It is very difficult to make crystal products. And although we can find Czech crystal in stores, crystal of domestic production, the highest quality crystal is still produced in England.

Nevertheless, in Russia there is even a city with a glass name - Gus-Khrustalny, in which there is a specialized plant.

Crystal is also produced in the city of Dyatkovo. And there, at the factory, a museum of crystal products was created.

The crystal is processed with the help of special rotating circles made of diamond and painted with the help of small wheels called facets.

Crystal products were considered a special chic and enjoyed success with the Russian tsars.

Thus, tables were served with crystal glasses and other items during the reign of Alexander II. Loved crystal glasses and Tsar Nicholas II.

Today, crystal is available not only to kings. And in many houses you can find exquisite glass items that refract sunlight in a special way and create a rainbow effect, as well as emit a wonderful ringing when lightly touching each other.


Exhibition of "magic" glass

Organize an exhibition of glassware with the children. You can localize the task and collect, for example, only glass vials and bottles of different sizes, colors and textures.

Let the children, as a result of their observations, try to say what is common between all the exhibits in the exhibition and how they differ; the various properties of glass will be named: transparency, ability to break, hold liquid, etc. Keep in mind that the first two properties do not apply to all glass products.

Show the kids soda. Tell that this substance was not always known to people, but it was it that led to the discovery of the secret of glass production.

Try to make a list of areas where glass objects are used.

Watch how the crystal refracts light. Invite the children to draw a crystal vase that “has caught a ray of sunshine.”

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Elena Krasavina
Summary of the lesson "History of the creation of glass"


Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Tasks: introduce children to glass the plant and its products; expand and systematize children's knowledge about production glass, features glass and glassware; to form the ability to see the inconsistency of phenomena and solve problem situations; develop auditory attention.

Preschool targets education: expresses positive emotions, knows how to maintain a conversation, express his point of view; actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers during games and experiments.

Dictionary: glass manufacture, master glass blower, painter glassware; glass; thin glass, transparent, colored, light, easily breaking, brittle, broken.

Materials and equipment: glass products, plastic cup, paper cup. Pebbles, a metal stick, soapy water and straws.

organized activities of children

1. Organizational moment.

Music sounds. The Queen enters.

2. Meeting the Queen glass country.

Queen glass country:

- I am the queen glass country. Do you want to know what country I live in?

caregiver: Guys, for this we need to solve riddles.

(Queen glass countries riddles).

Sounding, transparent,

I'm not afraid of water

And hit - I'll break.


Very fragile and transparent

Intended for the benefit of the people.


On the windows is simple,

And in bottles of color.

Do not run, do not pour,

And if you hit it, it will break.


Queen glass:

-Right! This glass. Today I invite you to my glass country and tell you about glass and glassware. What items from glass you know? Where can you meet glass and glass products? Consider glass objects on the table. What words can you say about glass and glass objects? (glass, transparent, thin, fragile, colored glass, breaks, easily beats, beating.)

"Say the opposite": light - heavy, transparent - dark, sonorous - deaf, beats - does not break, glass - wooden, brittle - hard.

Queen glass country:

- All residents glass countries have one beautiful secret. They will open it if glass hit the object lightly. And then glass will ring.

"Recognize the subject by ringing".

At first, the children listen to how each object rings, then the teacher hits the object behind the screen. Children guess which item is ringing. After that, the teacher and the children discuss why the object is ringing. (From hit glass begins to tremble and tremble frequently. These vibrations are transmitted to the air near the object. In the end, the trembling of the air reaches our ears and we hear: "Ding!")

4. Talk about glass.

Queen. My country unusual: all items in it glass. Think to be glass- Is this good or bad? Let's play a game "Good bad". "Good": good to drink from glassware(it is transparent, you can see that you are drinking); smooth (washes well, does not prick, beautiful, light; "poorly": glass objects break easily, you can get hurt, you can’t put on fire, they crack from frost.

- Do you know how they do it? glass?

The teacher tells the legend of the birth glass, at this moment the Queen glass country sits down to the children.

A long time ago, weary travelers walked along the sands of the desert. They lit a fire at a halt, and so that the wind would not blow out the flame, they overlaid it with pieces of natural salt, which they brought for sale. All night the fire blazed in the wind, and in his heart the mystery of the fusion of salt and sand took place. And a miracle was born! Hard as a stone, transparent as the cool waters of a stream, an ingot sparkling in the sun lay in the morning on a burnt fire. People first saw glass…

- Of what "boil" glass? Where do glass and glassware? What is the name of the person who creates glass products? Why is it called that? Speak slowly: glass blower. What are the parts of this word? What tool does the master use? glass blower for blowing glass? What releases glass manufacture?

"Would you like to become masters-" glassblowers?

The teacher distributes straws and soapy water. Children blow bubbles.

5. Physical education:

Here in the cold winter (children wave their hands)

An icy wind blows

And raises a cloud of snow (children make circular movements with their hands)

He is tough and powerful

Hares hide in the bushes (children sit down in a deep sitting for a few minutes and get up)

Even the cunning fox

She crouched and sits

Well, the snow is flying, flying, (children wave their hands)

But the evil blizzard subsided

The sun is shining in the sky (sipping - arms to the sides)

Fox galloping across the field (jumping)

Well, we'll walk a little (walking)

And we will return home. (sit down in their seats)

6. And now we will find out the properties glass:

1 experiment. Guys, through glass penetrates light, so what is it? (transparent glass) .

Let's say: « Glass transparent» . This will be the first property glass Let's do an experiment to verify this. Come to me 2 girls. You have 2 mugs on the table. Now we will determine which mug from glass. Children put colored balls into circles. Guys, what color is the ball in this mug (from glass, right, but in the other? Can not see. So which mug glass say Karina? What do we conclude? Glass transparent.

Where is transparent used? glass? For the manufacture of dishes, windows, eyeglass lenses...

2 experiment. I have two glasses. What is this (showing glass cup? I pour water into it. And what kind of glass is this (showing a paper cup? I pour water into it. Oh, what is happening (water starts to flow from a paper cup? Why does water flow from a paper cup (because paper passes water? Why from glass glass does not flow water (because it does not let water through? That's right, what can we conclude? The second property glass water resistance, glass does not let water through.

3 experiment. I have 3 cups on the table, what are they made of? (out of 3 transparent cups 1 is plastic). Let's check the cups using properties glass. (Educator with children, using the properties glasses define that all the cups glass). So it turns out that all the cups glass(yes? Now I’ll lightly hit this wand on glass products. Guys, what do you hear (melodic sound, sound like music? So property 3 glass is melody.

4 experiment. And here I have 3 cups on the table. What do you think they are made of? (there is a transparent cup on the table, partially painted, fully painted). Now let's check (the teacher with the children, using the familiar properties glass, examine the cups and prove that they glass).4 property glass- the ability to be colored. Guys, what do they make from colored glass?

5 experiment. What happens if I drop glass object(will it break? Right, so we can say what it is (brittle? 5 property glass is fragile. Shall we experiment? Of course not, it will be a pity and a shame if a beautiful product breaks. Guys, something broke at your house glass? Let's repeat property 5 again glass(glass is fragile) . How to deal with glass products? How to collect broken glass(sweep with a broom on a scoop, collect with gloves? And if a person is wearing glasses, what will happen if it breaks glass in glasses(may hurt the eye? That's right guys, so glass products must be handled with great care. Therefore, in kindergarten it is not allowed to use glass products.

Let's remember all the properties glass.

Queen glass country: Guys, what good fellows you are! How many interesting things I learned! Here is a magic bag for you, I want to treat you to a good job. Thank you! Goodbye.

7. Reflection.

- Who did you meet? lesson?

- What did you learn about glass?


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