What does the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works produce? Brief description of OJSC MMK. The main strategic goal of OJSC MMK

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 30, 1943, for the exemplary fulfillment of the tasks of the State Defense Committee to provide the military industry with high-quality metal, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after. Stalin of the People's Commissariat of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR was awarded the Order of Lenin
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of March 31, 1945, for the successful fulfillment of the tasks of the State Defense Committee to provide the military industry with high-quality and high-quality metal, the Magnitogorsk Order of Lenin Metallurgical Plant named after Stalin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 4, 1971, for the exemplary performance by the team of the plant of tasks to provide the national economy with metal and the achievement of high technical and economic indicators, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after V. I. Lenin of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR was awarded the Order of Lenin
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 28, 1982, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after V.I. Lenin of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR was awarded the Order of the October Revolution
By the Decree of the Russian Public Commission No. 7 dated December 17, 2001, for outstanding services and achievements in the development of the economy, contributing to the prosperity, glory and greatness of Russia, OJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works" was awarded the Order of Peter the Great

History and activities

Today, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is a modern highly profitable enterprise, one of the 20 largest steel companies in the world. It is the largest metallurgical complex in Russia with a full production cycle.

OJSC MMK produces the widest range of steel products among the enterprises of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. Magnitka is the only Russian manufacturer of high-quality cold-rolled strip and tinplate. In terms of sales volumes, OAO MMK has the best performance among Russian metallurgical enterprises.

June 1743. On the banks of the Yaik River, now the Urals, the Magnitnaya fortress was founded.

1747. Miners of the industrialist I. B. Tverdyshev carried out a pit pit on Mount Magnitnaya, as a result of which the breeder announces that he has found a mine “near the Yaik River, following the example of a distance of eight versts from it, also from the mouth of the Upper Kizilu River, eight versts to a mountain called Atichi three places."

1759. Ore mining began on Mount Magnitnaya for a plant built on the Tirlyanka River. 1912 After laying the first 12 wells and new research, Professor A. I. Zavaritsky reveals 87 million tons of high-quality iron ore on Mount Magnitnaya.

1917 The first magnetometric survey of Magnetic Mountain.

January 1929. At a joint meeting of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Council of Labor and Defense, a decision was made to start construction of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant. By order of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, Magnitostroy was created - the largest construction site in the Soviet Union. March 10, 1929. The first builders arrived at Magnetic Mountain. June 30, 1929. The first train arrived at Magnitogorskaya station. From now on, this date is considered the birthday of the city of Magnitogorsk. July 1, 1930. 14 thousand workers at the construction site of the Magnitogorsk metallurgical giant laid the foundation stone for the 1st blast furnace.

November 1, 1930. The construction of the dam is completed. The workers laid over 30,000 cubic meters of concrete in a short period of time and built a kilometer-long overpass. October 23, 1931. The central power plant with a final capacity of 248,000 kilowatts provided the first electrical energy to Magnitogorsk. The construction of Magnitogorsk rallied 40 thousand people who created the flagship of the domestic metallurgy. December 28, 1931. Battery No. 3 of the coking plant produced the first coke. Contrary to the calculations of American specialists, who tried to prove that the construction of this production facility would require more than two years, the construction took less than a year.

February 1, 1932. Blast furnace No. 1 produced the first cast iron. This day went down in history as the birthday of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. June 1932. The first cast iron was produced by Domna No. 2, the legendary "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The annual output of the first stage of Magnitogorsk was to be about 4 million tons of metal - three times more than what was produced in the Urals in 1930. The number of inhabitants of Magnitogorsk exceeded 200 thousand people.

August 26, 1532 - One of the first sound cinemas in the Urals, Magnit, was opened in Magnitogorsk. September 1, 1932. The first classes at the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. The blacksmith shop was put into operation. A crushing plant was put into operation at the mine of Mount Magnitnaya. July 5, 1933. The first steel smelting was produced at the open-hearth furnace No. 1. 1933 Three open-hearth furnaces were put into operation, the 4th blast furnace was blown out, blooming No. 2 began to work. August 5, 1934. The first section rolling mill "500" was put into operation in Magnitogorsk. With the launch of this unit, MMK became a major supplier of long products and turned into a metallurgical enterprise with a complete metallurgical cycle.

1934 The first heats were issued at three new open-hearth furnaces. By the end of the year, 32,000 people studied at universities, technical schools and evening schools in Magnitogorsk. 1935 Three more open-hearth furnaces were put into operation. The master plan of the city on the right bank of the Ural River was approved. 1936 - 1940s. Five open-hearth furnaces were put into operation. The construction of heavy-duty blast furnace No. 5 has begun.

July 1941. The first armored steel of Magnitogorsk was smelted at open-hearth furnace No. 3. For the first time in the history of world metallurgy, an armor plate was rolled on blooming No. 3. 1941 The most powerful thick-walled armored camp "4500" in the USSR, evacuated from Mariupol, was put into operation. By the end of the year, 3,638 women had replaced husbands, brothers, and fathers at the plant who had gone to the front. The first such was smelted in open-hearth furnace No. 18. 1943 Open-hearth workers of Magnitogorsk have mastered the production of high-quality, armor-piercing steel. The country's largest blast furnace No. 6 was put into operation. 1947 The Magnitogorsk rolling mill "300" became the first complex-automated unit of this type in the country.

1951 The broadband rolling plant "1450" was put into operation, consisting of two mills: hot-rolling mill-2 and cold-rolling mill-2. 1954 - Three open-hearth furnaces were put into operation. 1956 - The shop for galvanized sewing utensils was put into operation. The five-stand mill was put into operation. Sheet-rolling shop No. 3 is ready for launch. 1959 A slab was put into operation, one of the largest in the world in terms of its capacity. Two open-hearth furnaces were put into operation.

1960 The first sheet was produced at the "2500" hot rolling mill. The first open-hearth steel was smelted in two new furnaces. 1961 - 1963 years. A new blast-furnace slag granulation plant was put into operation. The mold shop was put into operation. Two open-hearth furnaces and Domna No. 9 were built - built taking into account the latest achievements of science and technology. 1969 Sheet-rolling shop No. 5 was put into operation.

1972 The first stage of the new mine of the Maly Kuzbass plant with a capacity of 1,700,000 tons of ore per year has been put into operation. 1979 LPTs-6 gave the country the first million of electrolytic tin plate. 1981 The 8-bis coke oven battery with a capacity of 1 million tons of coke per year was put into operation. 1982 On Victory Square there is a monument "Tank" with the inscription: "During the war years, every second tank and every third shell was made of Magnitogorsk steel." November 14, 1985. The first group of envoys from the regional Komsomol arrived at the All-Union shock Komsomol construction site - an oxygen-converter shop. April 17, 1986 The first cubic meter of concrete was laid into the foundation of the oxygen-converter shop. But MMK began the last construction, carried out with state budget money. 1987 The MMK team switched to full cost accounting and self-financing. The construction of hot-rolling mill "2000" LPTs-10 has begun.

November 2, 1990 The first steel was welded in MMK's oxygen-converter shop. May 21, 1994. The group of rough flares of the hot rolling mill "2000" produced the first steel paste. Sheet-rolling shop No. 10 began work. October 14, 1994. The "2000" mill was put into operation. August 15, 1995. CJSC "Yuzhuralavtoban" is being created, which carries out complex repairs and construction of roads both in the Chelyabinsk region and beyond its borders. September 12, 1995. CJSC "Complex of New Technologies" was created, the main task of which is the production of products of the fifth and sixth stages. June 15, 1996. The first rolling rolls for the shops of the metallurgical complex were cast in the mold shop on the new EAF-12 electric furnace.

August 1997 For the first time in the world practice, Magnitogorsk steelmakers smelted armored steel in a converter. 1998 At MMK's by-product by-product plant, the first phase of the coke oven gas capture and processing shop was put into operation. The largest in the world in terms of gas processing - 240 cubic meters per hour. Emissions into the atmosphere decreased by 20 thousand tons per year. The most harmful emissions will be reduced by three-quarters. After reconstruction, blast furnace No. 1 was put into operation, the productivity of which increased to 3,000 tons of pig iron per day. May 14, 1999. A ceremonial commissioning of the second stage of the KHP capture shop took place. The technological process of this workshop is fully automated. November 6, 1999 The first steel was smelted at converter No. 3 of an oxygen-converter Czech MMK. The N-1 coke oven battery was launched, which was stopped for repairs in 1992 and subjected to "cold" conservation.

January 2000 CJSC Complex of Deep Processing is being created, which produces road barriers, bent profiles, oil and gas pipelines and water pipes, cold-rolled galvanized steel strip and much more. March 5, 2000 Presentation of the first issue of OJSC MMK's bonds took place in the "President Hotel" in Moscow. Magnitka entered the stock market. June 2000 Rotary kiln No. 4 IDI, the first stage of the shop for the production of magnesia-dolomite refractories, completely renovated, with improved metal heating technology, blast furnace No. 2, the famous Komsomolka, the ladle furnace of the oxygen-converter shop were put into operation. September 1, 2000. The obsolete shaft furnaces No. 1 and No. 2 of lime-dolomite production, which had been operating since 1934, were decommissioned. With the closure of these furnaces, the gross emission of harmful substances into the environment has decreased by 6,000 tons annually. November 2000 A new wire hot rolling mill No. 3 "Kacks" is being built in the section shop. April 2001 The construction of a two-stand reversing steel sheet cold rolling mill has begun.

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works exports about 60% of its products. Outside the country, the products of the oxygen-converter shop, section mills and almost all sheet shops are sold.

The geography of exports includes the states of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and the CIS (the largest consumers of MMK's metal in the near abroad are Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan). MMK has long-standing partnerships with enterprises and companies from the USA, Canada, Finland and Italy. The structure of exports is constantly changing in the direction of increasing sales of finished products.

MMK has been and remains a socially oriented enterprise, where concern is constantly shown not only for the material well-being of employees, but also for improving the recreation industry and improving the health of workers. At the disposal of metallurgists and their families are sports and recreation complexes, comfortable sanatoriums and boarding houses located in the corners of nature that are unique in their beauty, four children's health camps.

Thanks to OJSC MMK, in recent years, an athletics arena, an Ice Palace, a children's Ice Palace, a sports and recreation complex, a children's pool, and an Abzakovo ski center have been built in Magnitogorsk, which significantly contributed not only to the popularization of physical culture and sports, but also made a significant contribution to the development of the city's infrastructure.

Over the past decade, the hockey club has been one of the leaders in domestic hockey.

JSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works"- the largest manufacturer in the field of ferrous metallurgy in our country. The Company owns the largest metallurgical plant in Russia, located in the Chelyabinsk Region.

The company is controlled by structures close to the top management. As of July 1, 2009, 87.26% of OJSC MMK's shares are in the possession of the nominee Investment Company Settlement and Fund Center LLC, 9.71% - ING BANK (Eurasia) CJSC, and slightly more three percent - in the hands of minority shareholders.

The main production enterprise of the group is the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, which, together with a number of related companies, provides a full range of operations from the extraction and preparation of iron ores to the deep processing of steel and pig iron. Meanwhile, the enterprises of the group are provided with raw materials by the forces of companies not included in the Holding. Raw materials are purchased, among other things, from OAO Mechel.

The group of companies traces its history back to 1932, when the first blast furnace was launched at the plant in Magnitogorsk.

A) enterprises providing the technological process at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works:

LLC NPO Avtomatika;
. LLC "Motor transport management";
. LLC "Bakal Mining Administration";
. LLC "Magnitogorsk Service Center";
. JSC "Magnitogorsk cement-refractory plant";
. ZAO "Mekhanoremontny complex";
. LLC "Minimax";
. OOO "MMK Trading Stroy";
. LLC "MRK-Remont";
. OOO "Ogneupor";
. LLC "Remput";
. CJSC "Russian Metallurgical Company";
. CJSC "Construction complex";
. LLC "Shlakservis";
. LLC "Electroremont";

B) enterprises for deep processing of ferrous metals:

ZAO "Interkos-IV";
. JSC "Magnitogorsk Hardware and Calibration Plant "MMK-METIZ";
. JSC "MMK-Profil-Moscow";

C) companies that ensure the sale of the holding's products:

JSC "Bashmetalloptorg";
. OOO "Trading House MMK";
. LLC "Trading House MMK-Moscow";
. LLC "Trading House MMK-Ural";

D) financial investment companies:

LLC "Region";
. LLC "Investment company "RFTS";
. LLC "Management company "RFTS-Capital".

The main types of products manufactured by the company:

Development strategy JSC "MMK" is aimed at increasing the provision of the group's production enterprises with their own raw materials through the acquisition of rights to develop new deposits and the construction of extractive enterprises, as well as through the acquisition of mining companies; on the constant introduction of new technologies and the modernization of existing facilities. In 2007, the plant adopted an investment program, according to which by 2013 it is planned to allocate more than 10 billion dollars for the modernization of production. In addition, the MMK Group seeks closer cooperation among the Holding's enterprises in order to increase efficiency.
In 2008, the gross proceeds of the OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works group amounted to 225,972.4 million rubles, and profit before tax - 15,602,800 thousand rubles. The enterprise produced in 2008 12 million tons of steel and 11 million tons of metal products.

The story about Magnitogorsk is divided into two parts. In the first part, we will talk about the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) - the city-forming enterprise of the city, the dramatic history of the first years of the construction of the plant and its current situation, illustrated by photographs; in the second part there will be a history of the construction of a relatively young city, houses from the Stalinist period will be included, it was at this time that the city and the plant were built.

Brief information about the plant

The Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK, previously bore the names: Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after I. V. Stalin, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after V. I. Lenin) is the largest full-cycle metallurgical enterprise in Russia (production of cast iron, steel and rolled products). Magnitka is one of the most powerful symbols of industrialization and one of the main symbols of the Stalin era. Magnitogorsk was built by the whole country, specialists from America took part in the construction. At the moment, the plant employs about 55 thousand people. MMK is included in the list of backbone organizations in Russia, the stability of society depends on the work of these enterprises. The total area of ​​the plant is 11834.9 hectares. If you calculate, then the territory of the plant can accommodate most of Moscow inside the third transport ring and there will still be free space.

Magnitka always surprised. It surprised American engineers who did not believe that industrial facilities could be built in such record time. She surprised the whole world when, in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, she managed in just a month to launch the production of armor steel, which the country needed so much, rolling it on a blooming machine, which no one had ever done before. It surprised skeptics of all kinds, giving out record after record and constantly increasing the production of metal, which still serves people at various industrial facilities, building structures of Baikonur, gas pipelines and oil pipelines. The main domestic consumers of the plant's products are: the pipe industry, the automotive industry (KamAZ, MAZ, GAZ, BelAZ, etc.), enterprises of railway engineering and shipbuilding, and many others.

History of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works

Sergo Ordzhonikidze explained what the products of Magnitogorsk meant for the country during his visit to Magnitostroy in 1934: about 40 million rubles. A lot of bread and meat must be taken out of the country in order to pay for the metal and the machines we need. And if we press on and start up mill-500 as soon as possible, then we will be able to order metal from abroad much less. This means that we will export fewer goods and products that we lack in our country.”

Metallurgist Avraamiy Pavlovich Zavenyagin, one of the first directors of the plant, said: “Magnitogorsk was erected, in essence, by three heroes: Ya. D. Valerius - head of the Magnitostroy trust in 1936." All three were shot in the late thirties. In addition to them, the military builder V. A. Saprykin, who was under investigation earlier and escaped this fate, was in the position of chief engineer ...
Speaking about the three heroes of Magnitogorsk, Zavenyagin was obviously modest, without mentioning himself.
The significant iron ore reserves of Magnitnaya Mountain have been known since the 18th century, but they were not developed, largely due to the fact that there were no large forests nearby (charcoal was used as fuel in metallurgy at that time). The development of Magnitogorsk deposits became possible after the start of development of high-quality coking coals in Kuzbass.
At the end of the 19th century, on the instructions of the Ministry of Finance, the Urals were examined by a government commission led by Professor D. I. Mendeleev. In July 1899, its representatives arrived in the area of ​​Mount Magnitnaya. Summing up the results of the survey, the commission wrote: "The probable minimum of the ore wealth of the Magnitnaya Mountain is expressed in a round number of three billion pounds."
Since 1899, the laying of the correct cuts began, which were used mainly for the development of placer ores. Production volumes in the best years amounted to no more than 3 million poods (this is about 48,000 tons, for comparison, by 1936, 5.5 million tons of ore were produced at the Magnitogorsk mine).
After the revolution of 1917, the country took a course towards increased industrialization.
In the winter of 1918, at the direction of Lenin, the mining and metallurgical department of the Supreme Council of National Economy announced a competition for a project to create a single economic organization covering the region of the mining and metallurgical industry of the Urals and the Kuznetsk coal basin. The Ural-Kuznetsk problem was discussed in detail at the First All-Russian Congress of Councils of the National Economy, held in May-June 1918. The congress pointed out that the main way out of the difficult situation with metal in the country was to move the center of industry to the East, to create a powerful coal and metallurgical base in the Urals and Western Siberia. Although even then quite a few congress participants spoke out against the idea of ​​the Ural-Kuzbass. Much has been said about the expediency of developing ferrous metallurgy in the south of the country - in the Donbass and Krivoy Rog, and not in the bare, uninhabited places of the Urals and Siberia.
The transportation of coal from Kuzbass to the Urals, as well as the transportation of ore from the Urals to Kuzbass in the mid-20s, was recognized by authoritative scientists as a project in all respects unprofitable and clearly utopian. According to the calculations of these scientists, the transportation of Kuznetsk coal to the Urals over a distance of more than 2,000 km will be ruinous for the state, making the Urals, in particular Magnitogorsk metal, more expensive at cost than Ukrainian. The Ural-Kuznetsk project was a big question mark.
Still, the skeptics remained in the minority. Specialists and expert commissions offered a counterargument that, despite the significant transport "shoulder" in the transportation of coal, the extraction of ore located almost on the surface will compensate for the cost of the metal obtained.

In 1925, designing began, and in 1929, the construction of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant began. The Magnetic Plant, which was being built near the mountain, was designed as the largest enterprise of the country's ferrous metallurgy, which it has remained to this day. On March 10, 1929, the first builders arrived at Magnetic Mountain, and in May, more than 300 people were already working at the construction site.
The construction mainly used the hard manual labor of thousands of people who came from all over the Union. Magnitka was built in record time. Already in August 1929, ore development began, and Magnitnaya ore began to be sent to the factories of the Urals.

In 1930, in the presence of 14,000, the laying of the first blast furnace of the future giant of ferrous metallurgy takes place. Then earthworks begin on the dam, which was supposed to provide the plant with water. This structure (without spillway) was built in just 74 days. In September 1930, the foundation of the first blast furnace was completed. The launch of the first Magnitogorsk metal was approaching every day.

In early 1931, Magnitostroy was headed by Yakov Semenovich Gugel, who had previously had extensive experience in the metallurgical industry. He managed to reorganize the construction sites in the shortest possible time, introducing the workshop principle. Blast furnace, open-hearth and rolling shops were created and, accordingly, builders and future operators were united. In the second half of 1931, several important start-up facilities of the future plant were put into operation: on July 17, a refractories workshop was launched; on October 9, specialists put the 1st blast furnace for drying; first, gave out the first coke.

On January 31, 1932, despite the protests of American engineers, who considered it necessary to postpone the launch until spring, the first blast furnace was blown out, and on February 1, the first cast iron was produced. The birth of Magnitogorsk took place. In the summer of 1932, blast furnace No. 2 "Komsomolskaya Pravda" produced its first cast iron.

Many large facilities were launched in Magnitogorsk in 1933: blast furnaces No. 3 and 4, four open-hearth furnaces - the plant began to smelt steel. And in August 1934, the first section rolling mill "500" was put into operation in Magnitogorsk. With the launch of this facility, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works became a major supplier of long products and turned into an enterprise with a complete metallurgical cycle.
The record short time from construction, which began in the summer of 1930 to the receipt of the first cast iron in February 1932, was given for a reason. In 1932, Ordzhonikidze came to inspect the construction of the MMK, and he did not like what he saw. Not only was construction far behind schedule, but mismanagement was evident. With an annual volume of work of 200 million rubles, equipment and material worth 108 million were lying on the construction site. As a result, the director of Magnitogorsk Myshkov lost his position, and Abraham Zavenyagin took his place.

In many ways, the fate of Zavenyagin was determined by a meeting with the head of the All-Union Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) Sergo Ordzhonikidze in 1930.
Sergo was one of the romantic revolutionaries, despite the fact that on his account there were both the fight against Denikin, the establishment of Soviet power in the Transcaucasus, and decossackization. Avraamiy Zavenyagin became a happy find for Ordzhonikidze: young, with an impeccable social origin, smart, educated - a graduate of the Mining Academy, a student of Academician Ivan Mikhailovich Gubkin, a famous oilman, but also a chief explorer.
Sergo attached Zavenyagin to the Gipromez design institute, but this was only a temporary appointment.

The new director quickly understood the main problem - the plant needed a radical expansion of the raw material base, the mine. Zavenyagin decided to organize open pit mining. In domestic practice, this approach was new, so a specialist was needed who could bring it to life. Such a person was Professor Boris Bogolyubov, the country's greatest expert in mining, who at one time supervised the design of the Magnitogorsk mine. But back in 1931 Bogolyubov was arrested as a pest and sentenced to ten years in exile. Zavenyagin, through Ordzhonikidze, began to seek his release and succeeded. Soon Boris Bogolyubov came to Magnitogorsk. Zavenyagin settled Bogolyubov in his apartment. By this act, he incurred the dislike of the head of the Magnitogorsk NKVD.

Bogolyubov fully justified Zavenyagin's expectations. In 1936, the Magnitogorsk mine produced 5.5 million tons of finished ore, while, for example, the entire iron ore industry in Germany produced 4.7 million tons. In the same year, the Magnitogorsk Combine smelted more iron than Italy and Canada combined. In 1937, the production of MMK increased in comparison with the pre-Zavenyagin period by one and a half to two times (for different types of products). “True, in the United States, only 128 people are employed to service a furnace similar to the Magnitogorsk one, but at our plant, more than 200 people work on each furnace,” Zavenyagin lamented. “These figures testify to the large reserves for increasing labor productivity.”

In the spring of 1936, the NKVD fabricated a case “On the activities of the sabotage Trotskyist organization at Uralvagonstroy, Uralvagonzavod”, during which about two thousand people were arrested, including construction and plant managers. Stalin demands from Ordzhonikidze to speak at the February-March (1937) plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks with a report "On the lessons of sabotage, sabotage and espionage of Japanese-German-Trotskyist agents." Ordzhonikidze prepared a draft of his report, which practically did not mention sabotage in heavy industry, and the emphasis was on the need to eliminate the shortcomings in the work. Shortly before the plenum, Sergo calls Zavenyagin to Moscow, to the post of deputy people's commissar of heavy industry.

In February 1937, Nikolai Bukharin met Ordzhonikidze, who said that he was going to Stalin to discuss the report prepared for the plenum. “He was in a fighting mood,” Bukharin noted. The next day, February 18, Zavenyagin arrives in Moscow, calls the People's Commissariat, and is informed that Ordzhonikidze has died of a heart attack. Zavenyagin loses his patron.

He has to speak at the plenum of the Central Committee instead of Ordzhonikidze. “The well-known Maryasin worked at Magnitogorsk, he built a coking plant and built it obviously wreckingly,” said Avraamy Pavlovich. - For the most profitable transfer of coke, coke ovens had to be built against blast furnaces: the first battery, the second battery, the third and fourth battery. However, the pest began to build from the eighth battery. And thus, it turned out that blast furnaces are at one end, and coke oven batteries are at the other. They connected both with a temporary conveyor almost a kilometer long. This conveyor has become a hotbed of constant accidents, large downtimes of coke and blast furnaces, and huge losses in production. The railroad tracks and cables were laid in temporary huts, all the land remained, the units of the workshop ended up in ditches and pits. We then had to take out and take out this land on the move, to shift cables and tracks, which was extremely expensive.

An important point: the former head of the Magnitogorsk Koksokhimstroy, Lazar Maryasin, was transferred to Nizhny Tagil in 1935, where he became one of the main defendants in the Uralvagonzavod case. He was arrested back in April 1936, which Zavenyagin could not have been unaware of. He probably understood that Maryasin was waiting for execution, so he openly blamed all the problems of Magnitogorsk on him. However, it is quite possible that Zavenyagin sincerely considered Maryasin a pest - it took too much effort to correct what the former head of Koksokhimstroy had done.

However, the main topic of Zavenyagin's report was not sabotage. He formulated the main problems of the planned economy, which he encountered at the MMK. These problems have not been solved during the years of Soviet power.

The report was approved by the plenum of the Central Committee, and Avraamiy Pavlovich was approved as deputy commissar of heavy industry.

In 1938, the new people's commissar, Lazar Kaganovich, arranged for Zavenyagin to test his loyalty, demanding that on behalf of the people's commissariat, consent to the arrest of Academician Gubkin be signed on charges of squandering public funds. Avraamy Pavlovich reacted outside the box: he violated the chain of command, called Stalin on the turntable and stood up for his teacher. Gubkin was left alone, but Kaganovich did not forgive his deputy for the demarche: "You can hand over your affairs, you can no longer go to work."

Further, the story of Zavenyagin is no longer connected with the plant. He leaves to work in Norilsk to supervise the construction of the Norilsk Combine (now owned by Norilsk Nickel), he also took part in leading the development of the atomic bomb.

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works today

1. Magnitogorsk CHPP. Electrical power 300MW. For the most part, it covers MMK's electricity needs, although the plant has its own independent substations. The thermal power plant also provides energy to the left-bank part of the city and part of the right bank. The station was commissioned in 1954. Over the years, the CHP has been completed. MMK's CHP was built by the whole country, supplies of equipment for CHP were carried out by 30 cities of the USSR (Moscow, Leningrad, Barnaul, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Taganrog, Yaroslavl, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, and many others). Specialists from the socialist countries took part in the construction.

2. Sector for the supply of iron ore and concentrates.

5. Very dirty production. By the way, I am at the point that is not fenced. Following sound logic, I thought that I was outside the plant. But it was not there. Another half a kilometer from the GOK and I get to the checkpoint, where the guards catch me. I write an explanatory note, then the police come for me and this story drags on for the whole day. A conversation with the colonel, then with an FSB officer. Although the territory of the plant is not clearly marked, nevertheless I was on the territory. And being with a camera on the territory of MMK is equated with industrial espionage. In addition, behind the fence, where people can safely walk, there is a testing ground where steel produced for the defense industry is tested for strength. The shooting location is essentially a classified object. It was very difficult for our police and the FSB to explain their interest in industrial architecture. Very difficult.

6. 2/5 of Magnitogorsk's iron ore reserves have already been depleted. This part of the quarry has exhausted almost its entire resource. There are still some stocks, but they are left in case of war.

7. Mount Magnetic. Gave life to MMK.

8. Minor work in progress.

9. There is an active quarry on the left side, but getting to the shooting site is not realistic.

The first-born of the five-year plans, the armored shield of the country, the giant of the Soviet industry, the flagship of the domestic metallurgy, the "trendsetter" in the metallurgical industry - this is all about MMK. His records conquered the whole world: his very appearance from scratch in the shortest possible time was the main achievement.

Reference Information:

  • Legal form of activity: public joint stock company since May 26, 2017;
  • Kind of activity: production and sale of ferrous metallurgy products;
  • Revenue for 2016:$5,630 million;
  • Beneficiary: Viktor Rashnikov, Chairman of the Board of Directors;
  • Number of employees for 2016: 18,077 people;
  • The site of the company: http://mmk.ru/

In the February days of this year, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the city-forming enterprise of Magnitogorsk, one of the most famous, constituting the industrial heritage of the USSR, accepted congratulations in connection with the anniversary. Exactly 85 years ago, on February 1, 1932, the first blast furnace produced the first cast iron. It was this day that began to be considered MMK's birthday. There was not a single person in the Soviet Union who did not know about this firstborn of the first five-year plans and a symbol of Soviet industrialization.

The history of MMK (Magnitka is a more familiar name) is a real "phenomenon" in the history of the country. The deaf Ural steppe - and the giant of the Soviet industry, which rose from scratch in record time, solely thanks to the dedication of thousands of first builders. That was incredible. No one in the world believed that this was possible. As they did not believe later, when the plant took only a month to start producing armored steel for the country at war with the Nazis.

“Since the launch of the first blast furnace in Magnitogorsk until today, MMK has mined over 430 million tons of ore, produced more than 700 million tons of sinter, 614 million tons of pig iron, 791 million tons of steel and 633 million tons of marketable metal products. If all the steel smelted in Magnitogorsk over 85 years is presented in the form of a sheet 0.5 mm thick, then it could cover an area of ​​​​about 200 thousand square meters. km. This is more than the territory of such countries as Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland put together.”

Metal from Magnitogorsk still serves in DneproGES, Baikonur, gas pipelines and oil pipelines. MMK has always been and remains the flagship of the domestic ferrous metallurgy and is proud of the people who have repeatedly demonstrated their unbending character throughout the history of the plant.

How Mount Magnetic was conquered

Both the city of Magnitogorsk itself and the plant owe their birth to that mountain (and the name too). The unique accumulation of iron ores in a small area, according to the first estimates of experts, amounted to about half a billion tons of iron ore, high-grade with an iron content of up to 70%, and most importantly, not deep, and in some places came to the surface.

They say that the Magnitnaya fortress Orenburg governor I.I. Neplyuev founded in 1743 solely for the purpose of protecting the mountain from unauthorized attempts to extract ore. In the vicinity of the mountain, Pugachev fought with the tsarist army, and the fortress itself, by the way, even served as a base for the Pugachev rebels.

When, a century later, the government commission headed by D.I. Mendeleev, explored the mountain in 1899 and made the necessary calculations, the estimated ore reserves amounted to 1 billion pounds, although a little later, more detailed calculations made it possible to triple this value.

The same Dmitry Ivanovich repeatedly pointed out that it is much more expedient to organize the production of pig iron using coal as the main fuel for metallurgical production. He said that it was very important to build large blast furnaces capable of smelting pig iron much cheaper, using mineral fuel delivered from Western Siberia, where coal deposits were discovered. The Siberian railway passed very close by. For the iron business in the Urals, this could be a real impetus.

Only now the ineradicable Russian bureaucracy did not allow this idea to be implemented. Until the October Revolution, it was not possible to combine Siberian coal and Ural iron ore.

In May 1925, in Sverdlovsk, they began designing the Magnitogorsk plant near Magnitnaya Mountain, which, according to the plans of the young Soviet government, was destined to become the largest metallurgical plant in the country. Four years later, construction began on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region.

Even the most difficult conditions in which the first builders of Magnitogorsk had to work did not prevent them from starting mining in August 1929. Ore from Mount Magnitnaya was sent to the Ural factories.

By the beginning of 1931, blast-furnace, open-hearth and rolling shops had already been erected, a little later a refractory shop was put into operation, the 1st blast furnace was set up for drying, the central power plant gave the first current, and on February 1, 1931, Magnitogorsk gave the first cast iron. Her birth took place. Already in the summer, blast furnace No. 2 produced cast iron.

The plant developed rapidly. Only one year has passed, and two more blast furnaces, four open-hearth furnaces have already been launched. Steel is smelted at Magnitka. And with the launch of the section rolling mill 500 in 1934, the plant became an enterprise with a complete metallurgical cycle.

World history has never known examples of the construction of such a grandiose industrial facility in such a short time, when technical capabilities are minimal.

This largest domestic metallurgical enterprise was destined to become a real armor shield during the Great Patriotic War. This was also facilitated by the geographical distance from the hostilities.

From the first days of the war, MMK lived and worked for the front, for victory.

To fulfill complex military orders, a radical restructuring of production was required. Metallurgists had to adapt furnaces for smelting armored steel. All over the world, this was done in low-tonnage open-hearth open-hearths, so that this technology was now being urgently mastered at MMK. A month after the start of the war, they were able to get the first armored steel. Moreover, the Magnitogorsk people created a new technology for its smelting in large open-hearth furnaces with a main hearth, which literally made a revolution in high-quality steel metallurgy.

A workshop for the heat treatment of armor was also being built at an accelerated pace; it received the first armor plates already in September of the 41st.

Magnitka became the country's military arsenal, also producing shells, hand grenades, parts for rockets and other defense products.

New production units were built and put into operation:

  • open-hearth furnace No. 19;
  • mill "2350" from Zaporozhye;
  • coke battery;
  • blast furnaces No. 5 and No. 6.

We can safely say that over the years, a whole plant with a complete metallurgical cycle has been built and mastered in Magnitogorsk. During the war years, every third shell was produced from Magnitogorsk steel, the armor of every second Soviet tank.

And in the post-war years ... a "trendsetter" in the iron and steel industry

Steel production continued to grow at a rapid pace. During the first twenty post-war years, MMK put into operation 14 open-hearth and 4 blast furnaces, 6 rolling shops and the same number of coke batteries.

Magnitka even in many ways was a "trendsetter" in the industry:

In the mid-70s, the plant produced 15 million tons of steel and 12 million tons of finished rolled products per year. Production remained at about the same level for several more years. And in 1989 Magnitka reached a record figure - 16 million tons of steel per year.

into a market economy

The collapse of the Union, entry into the market for the plant could not but have negative consequences. In 1992, the Magnitogorsk Combine becomes a joint stock company. The main goal that stands before him is the reconstruction and modernization of production. There is no other way. Fixed assets are worn out, technologies are already outdated by that time. The converter complex alone fully met the requirements of modern metallurgical technologies. And still, production volumes by the mid-90s were far from record-breaking. Why is there MMK, there is an economic recession throughout the country, and most of the large consumers of metal are on the verge of stopping. First of all, this concerned the machine-building and defense complexes.

From the end of the nineties, a grandiose restoration began at MMK.

  1. A large-scale investment program aimed at technical re-equipment was developed.

    It took fifteen whole years until modern production complexes were put into operation at the plant, which made it possible to ensure the production of products that could compete in the domestic and foreign markets.

    During this time, metallurgists have abandoned the open-hearth method of steel smelting, all steelmaking capacities have been updated, section rolling production has been completely reconstructed, galvanized rolled products and rolled metal with a polymer coating are produced on high-performance modern units.

    The measures taken have significantly improved the ecological situation in the city.

    The year 1997 was a turning point for Magnitogorsk. The plant achieved an increase in steel production, and in subsequent years the volume of production gradually increased.

  2. The implementation of the integration policy has become another direction in which the plant has developed. Since 2002, MMK has owned controlling stakes in the calibration and hardware-metallurgical Magnitogorsk plants. Due to their merger, the hardware industry of the country acquired a large JSC "Magnitogorsk Hardware and Calibration Plant" MMK-METIZ ".

MMK continues to expand and create its own resource base by joining the Belon coal company and the Profit company specializing in the supply of scrap metal.

In addition, the plant implements part of the projects outside Magnitka. A plant for stamped auto components was built in Kolpino, and a metallurgical complex "MMK Metalurji" was built in the Republic of Turkey.

Any of the projects implemented by MMK is another step towards strengthening competitiveness and sustainable development.

“In accordance with the new version of the Articles of Association, from June 5, 2017, the full corporate name of MMK in Russian is the Public Joint Stock Company Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the abbreviated corporate name is PJSC MMK; the full corporate name of the joint stock company in English is Public Joint Stock Company Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, the abbreviated corporate name is PJSC MMK.

The MMK Group is a highly efficient Russian metallurgical company, which occupies a leading position among the industry. It is one of the 30 largest steel producers in the world, ensuring compliance with high standards in the field of ecology and labor protection. MMK does not give up its positions in the domestic market of metal-roll manufacturers, all the last years it has been steadily remaining in the top three with a production volume of 17.5% in the company with NMLK (17.5) and Severstal (15.3). It is the only manufacturer of tinplate in the country.


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