Roofing bitumen - gost. Bituminous materials Oil construction roofing grades bnk 45 190

Price: from 16 rubles / kg


It is used for construction, road construction and roofing works.


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The material is able to combine mineral grains of fillers into a monolith. Its excellent adhesion should be noted.

The viscosity of BNK 40/180 or 45/190 depends on the group composition and temperature. It indicates the resistance of the inner layers of bitumen when moving relative to each other.

Bitumen grades

Depending on the main characteristics, plasticity, viscosity, softening point, petroleum bitumens are divided into grades:

  • for road construction. According to GOST, there are 5 grades of oil road bitumen - from 200/300 to 40/60, where the digital designation indicates the permissible penetration change limits for this composition at + 25 ° C. This also includes four types of BN from 200/300 to 60/90;
  • for construction work. According to GOST, there are three brands, they are designated BN and are 50/50, 70/30, 90/10. The upper fraction indicates the softening point, and the denominator indicates the penetration rate at + 25 ° C;
  • for roofing works. In accordance with GOST, there are such brands of bitumen: BNK 40/180 or 45/190, as well as 90/30. The numerator indicates the average melting point and the denominator indicates the penetration value at + 25 ° C.

In addition to viscoplastic and solid bitumen compositions, there are liquid ones. They have a low viscosity at room temperature and are used cold or slightly warmed up.

Petroleum bitumen (BNK 40/180) and other viscoplastic, solid and liquid refined products are supplied to all regions of Russia.

Bitumen (lat.bitumen - mountain resin) - a substance that is a solidified or viscous mixture of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, a kind of mix. This product is insoluble in water, complete dissolution or partial possible solvents such as benzene, chloroform, ethyl alcohol, acetone, turpentine and others, the density of which is from 0.95 to 1.5 g / cc. cm.

The properties of bitumen are influenced by:

  • bitumen production method
  • quality of raw materials
  • production parameters

The production of high-class bitumen is influenced by the component composition of oil, the sequence of the general technological scheme of production.


There are differences in the areas of application of roofing bitumen:

  • BNK-40/180 - roofing bitumen used for impregnation;
  • BNK-45/190- roofing bitumen used for impregnation and formation of a covering layer;
  • BNK-90/30 - roofing bitumen used only for the top layer.

The production of high-class construction bitumen is influenced by the components that make up the oil and the sequence of the production process.

Technical requirements

To comply with the norms for the production of bitumen, it is necessary to comply with standard technical requirements:

Standardization for BNK-40/180 grade:

Standardization for BNK-45/190 grade:

  • softening temperature - 40 - 50 ° С.
  • the depth of penetration of the needle at 25 ° C - 160-220 mm.
  • discrepancy after heating the mass - 0.80%.
  • flash point - 240 ° C.
  • mass fraction of water - traces.
  • mass fraction of paraffin - 5.0%

Standardization for grade BNK-90/30:

  • softening temperature - 70 - 95 ° С.
  • the depth of penetration of the needle at 25 ° C - 25 - 35 mm.
  • brittleness temperature - -10 ° С.
  • solubility with organic solvents - 99.5%.
  • discrepancy after heating the mass - 0.50%.
  • flash point - 240 ° C.

Test methods

The generally accepted test methods for oil roofing bitumen include the following physical and chemical indicators:

  • penetration;
  • softening;
  • fragility;
  • discrepancy after heating the mass;
  • penetration from the original;
  • flash point;
  • wax content.

Samples are taken from each batch of bitumen in the amount of 0.5 kilograms.

Acceptance rules

After the whole party oil roofing bitumen will be prepared for shipment, a quality certificate is issued for it. Only one quality certificate is issued for each batch. A batch can be recognized as a different amount of bitumen, homogeneous in terms of quality.

Getting unsatisfactory results tests on one or more indicators will result in repeated tests, but the sample volume must be doubled. The conclusion of repeated test results is valid for the entire batch.

The manufacturer checks for the presence of water (mass fraction) at least once every six months. Once every three months, the solubility and the proportion of paraffin (mass) are determined.

Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

For delivery with subsequent storage
in warehouses or on bitumen facilities under construction, there is a packaging container that serves as protection against dust and dirt, ensures the compactness of the location of the cargo on vehicles.

Basic packaging methods are applied, such as cloverteners, euro barrels (metal), big bags and craft bags. Bitumen trucks are used to transport bitumen ready for use.

  • the clovertainer is cube-shaped... The pallet and the lid are made of plywood, the walls are made of coreboard. Unpacking takes a couple of minutes using a grinder.
  • metal euro barrel easy to use in that the cover has a metal clamp. There is no need to unpack, just open the barrel, heat the bitumen, pour out the required amount and close it again. Preservation of quality is ensured by a cover with a clamp.
  • big-run - the packaging is a universal polypropylene bag that can take the shape of the container that is designed for unloading by loading mechanisms.
  • craft - bags - the most impractical container, both during transportation and when opening the package.
  • bitumen carrier - tank truck with double walls and wall heating. Due to heating, bitumen does not need long-term heating at the facilities under construction.

To determine whetherwhat type of material, its characteristics, characteristics of storage and transportation, volume or weight, lot number and certification (if any) there is a marking, information that is applied to each commodity unit.

For oil roofing bitumen - this is BNK, numbers 40/180; 45/190; 90/30 in the numerator is the temperature at which the bitumen becomes soft, and in the denominator is the assumed temperature of the solid state.

Ensuring the safety of bitumen oil in containers is produced using racks or pallets. When stored in stacks in closed warehouses, under sheds or in planned industrial sites with concrete or asphalt surfaces, which ensures their protection from the effects of sunlight and precipitation.

In cases of bitumen transportation in a solid state, transportation is carried out on specially equipped collapsible forms. Transportation of products from hydrocarbons requires the provision of all necessary fire safety requirements due to spontaneous combustion. Compliance with basic safety rules excludes the possibility of emergencies and emergencies.

Manufacturer's warranty

The plant for the produced oil roofing bitumen in the product passport is indicated in accordance with GOST, the material produced, the shelf life and use is not more than one year from the date of production. You can buy construction bitumen for a price of 50 rubles per 1 kg.

Safety requirements

Oil roofing bitumen for roofing mastic belong to the fourth hazard class. This class represents low hazardous flammable substances. For them, the flash point is at least 240 degrees Celsius. Self-ignition possible at 300 degrees Celsius.

Like any other building material, bituminous waterproofing has its own marking system (symbols), which greatly simplifies the selection and classification of finished products. Thanks to a set of established abbreviations and generally accepted abbreviations, the title of the material can be as short as possible, but at the same time, contain the bulk of the necessary information.

For marking bituminous waterproofing materials, letters (Cyrillic, rarely Latin) and numbers (Arabic and Roman) are used. But, unfortunately, in the variety of designations, as a rule, only experienced people, professionally or often involved in construction, are easily guided. To simplify the task for those who make the choice of waterproofing bituminous materials less often or for the first time, we have prepared the following information below.

Hot mastics marking

Unlike construction and road bitumen, bitumen roofing hot mastic is a more plastic (in "working" condition), homogeneous mass, consisting of a bitumen binder and a special filler. Its use is possible only when the material is heated to high temperatures. It is designed for roll and mastic (glass-reinforced) roofs.

The marking of bituminous roofing hot mastics is diverse due to the possible combinations of the combination of characteristics and composition of the substance.

Roofing mastic (MBK) hot (G) can have various heat resistance indicators, measured in degrees Celsius (° C) and displayed in the name of the material, as a natural equivalent of this indicator. According to this, hot roofing mastic has 5 brands:


Thus, brands of hot mastic have heat resistance for 5 hours, not less than 55, 65, 75, 85 and 100 degrees Celsius, respectively.

An additional symbol in the marking of the mastic may be the designation of special additives introduced into the composition of the substance of antiseptics (A) or herbicides (D).

Hot roofing mastic with heat resistance of 65 ° C and the addition of an antiseptic has the MBK-G-65A brand;
... hot roofing mastic with heat resistance of 55 ° C with the addition of herbicides - brand MBK-G-55G.

The generally accepted abbreviations and indices make it possible to significantly simplify the process of naming and classifying bituminous products, to make the perception of names as simple, clear and accessible as possible.

We offer roofing bitumen BNK 45/180... The number 45 in the index means that the softening of bitumen begins to occur at a temperature of +45 o C. The number 180 is an indicator of penetration. Considering these indicators, we can say that this bitumen is the best option for use as an impregnation.

The popularity of this material during construction, repair and other types of work is due to the following factors:

  • the relatively low cost of the material itself, as well as the performance of work with its use;
  • roofing bitumen 45/180 is characterized by absolute moisture resistance. Due to this, when using it, it is possible to provide reliable protection of buildings and structures from the harmful effects of moisture on them.
  • the porosity of the material is practically zero. In addition to water resistance, this affects such an indicator as bitumen frost resistance.

Working with bitumen BNK 45/180

To ensure high-quality waterproofing when using this material, you must first prepare the surface to be treated. If necessary, chiselled areas must be chiselled to a hard layer. The chamfering points, as well as areas where there are too deep grooves, must be leveled using special tools.

After that, the surface is cleaned from a variety of debris, mastics and special products. Then the bitumen is applied using the selected method.

If you are interested in the price of BNK 45/180 bitumen, contact the managers of our company. We work with any volume of this material. Deliveries are organized as soon as possible.


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