Double line transport company. Llc "double line". Every newbie who comes to Dota can hear this advice - "play with a friend, it's easier and more interesting." Laning with friends is not unusual, and if it's also fun, then there's nothing wrong with it.

I thank the transport company Double Line for a fruitful and long-term cooperation. For more than three years, they have been taking food to our small chain of stores in the Leningrad Region, always uninterruptedly. Refrigerators come with normal insulation and temperature control, well-trained drivers strictly observe ...

Regina Akhmetova

April 24, 2017

Flexible terms of cooperation

Since 2012, Double Line has been delivering our products to the retail chains with which we constantly work. She offers flexible conditions, during the period when the crisis hit our company she helped us a lot and helped optimize transportation costs. In addition, our clients ...

Andrey Moiseev

March 21, 2017

We have been cooperating with Double Line for a year and a half

The main direction is the storage of food products in their warehouses. The parties are large enough, so you can't do without outside help. Several companies have tried, but their prices do not correspond to the quality of the service provided. With Double Line you can be sure that your products will survive ...

Egor Tumanov

January 24, 2017

the firm is the best in its field

I am glad that we have finally managed to establish transport logistics. Food delivery for my trade is on time. The good news is that all the goods in their warehouses are stored in compliance with all the rules. I am grateful to Double Line for affordable prices and quality work. This firm ...

Tatiana F.

Every newbie who comes to Dota can hear this advice - "play with a friend, it's easier and more interesting." Laning with friends is not unusual, and if it's also fun, then there's nothing wrong with it.

If you do not look from the perspective of a novice doter, then a lot of ligaments that can help you bend enemies along with your friend are striking. There are well-known imperishable classics that most people know - for example, bundles with Tusk or Tiny. But this is only a fraction of the combinations that you can use.

Why double lines?

First, what is their advantage? In most cases, double is played on the safe lane. A classic carry and support that will defend this carry and at the same time drive away the offlaner. An alternative way is to take the double to the offlane. The main task in this case is to compete with the enemy safe lane and keep the enemy carry as much as possible.

Also, of course, let's not forget about the various variations of the double lane in the mid - the classic combo Tiny + Io, which is especially popular with pro players, immediately comes to mind. Here the concept is similar to the light lane - the support must ensure the safety of his comrade, while controlling the rune, and thanks to this, your lane will gain an advantage.

In addition, it should be noted that double lanes allow you to get a lot of experience in the early stages. In a triple, one support almost always suffers a lot, and sometimes even both. But in double, the support will be guaranteed to get more and do more good for their carry.

Double line kings

We discussed earlier that Dota has some very flexible heroes that fit different lanes. Some of them will be great choices in any play, and you can almost never go wrong with fest picking them. Bane is a great example of such a hero. He has everything that you would like to get from a support in double. He needs experience, he can zone an offlaner with Nightmare, he can hook and save, and Brain Sap allows him to always exchange profitably.

Io is very mobile and has a high attack range, plus he creates problems for the enemy with his spirits. It allows the carry to feel more confident and even aggressive on the lane.

Double eligible carries are heroes who can benefit from the XP boost and have a high kill potential. At the same time, they still need to be strong enough to last hit the creeps under their tower while the support is pulling.

Juggernaut is always a good option, and especially in double. His mobility, his damage and heal from the ward give opponents little chance of successful rivalry.

Slark is also a hero that shouldn't be underestimated in the laning stage. Unlike many other carries, he can open a fight and gives his support time to roll his stun / nuke.

Safe lane

What combo do you need to take to effectively play against an enemy offlaner? Do you need to spend nukes on him to effectively zoning? If it is too difficult to zone him, then maybe you are counting at least to prevent him from farming? Can it pull, and if so, how successful is it? Can you count on a potential kill? If you answer these questions, you will understand which double is worth choosing.

If the hardliner is weak and doesn't have a built-in escape ability, then use that. Slark feeds on offlaners who either can't get away from his Pounce or are just too thin. Combined with Dazzle's Dark Pact and Shadow Wave, you get an impressive amount of burst damage that can kill a hero. Grave allows Slark to be even more aggressive and is Plan B in case the enemy hard laner gets aggressive. And to all this, it must be added that this combo is strong not only at the laning stage.

Skywrath Mge +

If your goal is to zone the offlaner, then Skywrath Mage can do a good job with this - Arcane Bolt helps him a lot. He usually kicks the offlaner very far from the creep line. Phantom, on the other hand, with her Phantom Strike or Stifling Dagger, can either help harass or try to kill.


As for the mid lane, it is important to take mobile heroes and / or heroes who can reliably control the runes. They need to be taken every 2 minutes, so having a good slowdown, disable or escape is very important.

It is also worth noting that the double on the mid lane has the biggest disadvantages among all possible double lane options, because the mid lane will lose a significant part of the experience. Thus, a double on the middle lane is often placed simply in order to farm decently in cases where the enemy has a mid hero who can counter yours well. Well, or in those cases when the enemies themselves are double in the mid and you need to prevent their domination.

Bane + Lina

Lina is a strong laner in her own right, but Baine can hit enemies so well that together they can count on light kills in the early game. At the same time, both heroes can perfectly harrash and at the same time remain safe thanks to Bane's Nightmare End.

Lich is another hero who performs well on double. If he can use his nuke aggressively, then he is just doing great. And Leshrac can do huge damage in the early stages, provided that he gets stunned. This is where the Lich nuke helps him. Sacrifice helps to push the line back and allows Leshrac to hit the last hit more relaxedly without overshadowing his bad hand damage. It should also be said that the lane pushes a lot with any attempt of harrasing from Leshrac's side, because his skills have a rather high AoE. In light of this, having the ability to balance the lane with Sacrifice is a lifesaver.


This is where the concept of double lane becomes more tricky. You need to try to compete with your opponents in farming, in pulls, and at the same time not be too “soft” to prevent feed. There are various popular combinations with Undying, the essence of which is high survivability and a fair amount of annoyance. But there are other interesting options, which at the same time have good potential in the later stages of the game.

With Chilling Touch and Geminate Attack, you can do tons of damage early on in a match. At the same time, both heroes are range and can perfectly harass enemies. Also, don't underestimate the vision from Ice Vortex. Shukuchi and The Swarm are good at pulling. However, this bundle is very "thin" and suffers greatly from disables, although it can confidently dominate over weak lines almost always.

Lifestealer is one of the most popular options for aggressive strategy, it is just born for fighting. Rage protects him from any counter-initiation, and Open Wounds and high moving speed are the real nightmares of enemy supports. Together with Lyon's disables, he knocks out a bunch of regen-consumables from enemies and makes them spend all their save abilities.

The essence of the idea

We have written only a few options for bundles, in reality there are many more. Some of the heroes presented can be replaced by others. To come up with a good combo, you need to understand what you want to achieve with it and how you are going to do it. Break your plan down into small details. Need slow, need stun - how about Krystal? Set plans for the laning stage and discuss with your partner how you can make them happen.

Simple goals such as “Let's try to get an off-laner and not let him get exp until the fourth level” can help you with choosing a hero. However, be sure that you can objectively assess the strength of enemies at one minute or another. This will help you understand when to play aggressively and when not.

And to summarize, I will say that Dota is still needed for fun. If you love playing the Tiny + Centaur combo because it's more fun, then who are we to judge? :)

0 Many noobs who are just beginning to learn all the delights of the Dota 2 game are trying to learn all sorts of nuances and tips in order to quickly start "bending over". The simplest but most powerful piece of advice the Nubas gets is " start playing with a friend, it's much easier and more interesting". After all," laning "with a friend is a rather unusual, but very fun pastime, and if you manage to win over and over again, then there is definitely nothing wrong with that. Read some useful articles, for example, what is Cutting out, which means abbreviation WTF, how to understand the word Winrate,
The term "Double Line" comes from the English word "Double-Line", which can be translated as " Double line".

Double Line is a situation where two heroes in a lane are located on the same side. As a rule, Double Line is best done with a friend, as it is much easier to destroy enemy characters.

Professional dotercan tell you a lot of ligaments that will help you start bending your opponents along with your comrade. Even at the dawn of Dota 2, the first players groped for convenient bundles that most Dota 2 gamers already know, for example, these are TinyTiny or TuskTusk bundles. However, such bundles "lie on the surface", there are many more tricks that you can use. What is the advantage of Double Line? As a rule, most players prefer to play double on the safe lane. Everyone knows the approach when the support protects the carry and at the same time repel the offlane's attacks.

Another option is to take an offlane double. The main task in this situation is to try to contain the opponent's carry and compete with the opponent with the safe lane.

Also, you shouldn't forget about different variants of Double Lane in the mid. For example, try using the common WispIo + TinyTiny combo. This classic is popular with professional gamers in Dota 2. In this case, this concept is very similar to the easy lane - the support of his friend must ensure the safety, in addition, he must control the rune. And only thanks to this arrangement, your line will receive an incomparable advantage.

For beginner players, it will be helpful to know that Double Lane you will be helped to get enough experience points in the early stages.

How to Raise MMR? Double Line. Playing with a Friend.

Have you decided to stay with the Double Line Transport Company? Great choice! On our website you will find complete information about the company. You will receive detailed contacts about each of the 228630 companies in the Intercity Trucking Services section, including the address (Sverdlovskaya embankment, 44, office 308; 3rd floor; BC Winter), telephone (+78123193017, +79633031270), a link to the website )

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Vladimir Toretsky

We managed to take our products to the capital market with the help of Double Line, a logistics company from the Leningrad region. They took our concerns on a turnkey basis, we just had to prepare the cargo for shipment. This is a way out for our starting farm from Tula - no need to keep a fleet of cars and a staff of truckers, we only need several trucks. For services Double Line takes no more than others, but professionalism is manifested in every little detail and this is very encouraging.

Daria Kuznetsova

Sofia Kireeva

The first time I worked with the transport company "Double Line", their services were needed for refrigerated transportation of food products from Moscow to St. Petersburg. I drew attention to this company because of the optimal tariffs and good reviews. Surprisingly, there seem to be so many companies, and the range of tasks they perform is very narrow. I liked that every moment I noted was noted and executed exactly. Loads arrive at their best, the drivers also make a good impression. As a result, I established constant contact with Double Line LLC.

Svetlana Gennadievna

I work as the head of the supply department of a large Sochi boarding house. In the summer season, the main load falls on the timely delivery of quality food products ordered by Swedish line chefs. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the company Double Line LLC, which promptly and fully fulfilled its obligations last season. It is very convenient and pleasant to work with such a partner, we will consider cooperation in the current season as well. The prices are quite reasonable, considering that you have to order small batches of food for individual events.

Ilya Samokhvalov

We have been transporting products across St. Petersburg and Leningrad region with Double Line for a long time, a normal company, it performs high-quality transportation. We did not have any serious complaints about it, the temperature regime is always observed. Over time, there are no overlaps either, deliveries are usually made on time. This company has a good car fleet, all cars are kept clean, inside the refrigerators there is always complete order. We are quite satisfied with this cooperation.

Double Line Address

Leningrad region., Vsevolozhsky district, named after Sverdlov town, st. Ovtsinskaya, 89/90 Show map

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Double Line website

In the face of tough market competition, it is quite difficult to take a leading position. Naturally, the main role in the successful development of a business is played by the quality of goods or services provided. The second place is taken by logistics.

Transport company "Double Line" is ready to take on the task of developing your business, providing a full range of transport and logistics services in the chain from supplier to recipient. Our company specializes in the transportation of goods, a significant part of which is food, from various regions of Russia to St. Petersburg and further along the city networks.

Our company is heading for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with large factories, suppliers and distributors from Russian cities that supply their products to the northern capital of Russia or transit in this direction.

Reviews Double Line

  • Third party logistics providers are our best option today. After the staff reduction, one employee is enough to manage the logistics, and with the help of professional managers of Double Line, the work goes faster than during the days when the department was working. For a year of working with them, we have minimized the time and effort spent on delivering the products of the pasta factory to the Moscow Region and the Leningrad Region.
  • We do not use the services of the transport company Double Line very often, but with urgent delivery they helped out a lot. A couple of times we worked with government tenders. There, the deadlines are so unrealistic that we ourselves do not pull, only through the Double Line. Faster than they work, and it is no longer possible to comply with all requirements. And the cost is quite satisfactory.
  • I will share my positive experience of working with the transport company "Double Line". Due to its activity, it is necessary to provide a whole network of small stores with fresh products. In order not to dissipate forces, I decided to study the reviews first and work with one company, it is often more profitable according to the terms. Double Line LLC worked beyond praise by delivering products from door to door. It is immediately evident that the carrier values \u200b\u200bits reputation and tries not to let down even in the smallest detail. Prices don't bite too much, operators are responsive!
  • We order warehouse storage of products from Double Line, we started to cooperate with it two years ago. It has good storage facilities that fully meet the stated conditions. We store different products on them, we took a separate warehouse for perishable ones, there is enough space on it. The lease calculation is done correctly, all the warehouses are guarded, nothing has ever been lost from them. In addition, Double Line specialists themselves control the storage conditions and food intake. Weighing is also performed by themselves, this company offers a full range of services.
  • Our company has been using Double Line services for a year and a half. We store our products in their warehouses as we run out of space. A big plus for us is that they have refrigerators with a mode of + 2-4 degrees, and this is the best option for storing fruits and vegetables. The terms of cooperation are personally acceptable for our company, so in the near future we will not look for another contractor.


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