Job description of a technical support manager. Job description of the operator of technical support. Knowledge is power

2. Work experience from one year in a similar position.

2. The user support specialist should:

Know and understand the operating systems of the Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7 family (at the local system administrator level). Know Microsoft MS Office 2003,2010 products, standard programs approved by company policy. Understand the principles of network equipment and the internal structure of the network. Know the device of a personal computer and peripheral devices. Have experience in building constructive interaction with people, be able to clearly express your thoughts. Know the procedure for maintaining and processing technical documentation. Have basic knowledge of English sufficient to read technical literature. Know and follow the internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

II. Job responsibilities.

The Customer Support Specialist should:

Provide support, training and advice to company employees on issues related to computers and software. Provide prompt assistance to employees in troubleshooting, identify, localize and eliminate errors (failures). Accept and record applications from users, control the process of their elimination. Provide assistance in choosing the software that the company needs to maximize its needs. Perform work on installing and configuring programs and software approved by the company's policy. Establish new jobs and transfer existing ones. Configure PC and PDA, test, identify and troubleshoot computers and copiers. Create and configure telephone numbers. Keep records of the acceptance / issue of equipment belonging to the IT department. Carry out the purchase and accounting of consumables to ensure the smooth operation of printers and copiers. Maintain orders for the supply of equipment in an automated accounting system. Carry out paperwork (income / expense) and accounting of equipment in the IT warehouse. Keep records of licensed software. Conduct an inventory of IT equipment. Provide information to company employees on general IT issues. Perform service assignments, assignments and instructions of the immediate supervisor and one-time service assignments of the director of the information technology department.

III... A user support specialist has the right to:

1. Demand the provision of normal working conditions (workplace, means of labor, etc.).
2. Use of Instructions, orders, orders, rules and other documents, approved by the President of the company, regulating the work of a user technical support specialist.
3. Inform the direct management of the identified malfunctions in the work, the hardware and software entrusted to it, and shortcomings in the work.

IV... Relationships:

The user technical support specialist interacts with all functional divisions (departments) and company officials within the limits of his competence. A user technical support specialist works in the technical support team to achieve an overall result, maintains a friendly atmosphere in the team.

V. Customer support specialist is responsible for:

1. For poor quality and untimely fulfillment of tasks and obligations stipulated by this Instruction.
2. For not using and / or unlawful use of the rights granted by this Instruction.
3. For non-compliance with Instructions, orders, orders, Rules and other documents regulating the work of a user technical support specialist.
4. For non-observance of internal labor regulations, safety measures and fire safety.
5. For damage or negligence in storage and use, theft of company property.
6. For a rude, tactless attitude (behavior) when communicating with the staff and visitors of the company.
7. For the safety of documentation and non-observance of the interests of the company, issuance of confidential information, documentation (trade secrets) about the company and its clients to third parties.
8. For providing the direct management with false or distorted reporting and other documentation (information).

Vi. Working hours:

1. The working hours of the user technical support specialist are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Company.

Vii. Final provisions:

1. This job description has been drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

2. The tasks, duties, rights and responsibilities of the employee can be clarified in accordance with changes in the structure, tasks and functions of the Company.

3. Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the President of the Company.

Head of structural

divisions _____________________ _____________________________________

(signature) (surname, initials)



familiarization with the job description

P / p No.

Surname, name, patronymic of the employee to be appointed to the position

Date and signature of the employee after reading the instructions and receiving a copy

Date and number of the appointment order

Date and number of the order for dismissal

The required level of technical preparation of industries, increasing production efficiency and labor productivity, reducing costs (material, financial and labor), rational use of production resources, high quality work or services, in accordance with technical conditions; efficiency of decisions, timely and efficiently; preparation for technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment, ensuring high quality; provides technical support to customers for the smooth operation of hardware and software. 2.2. Analyzes the reasons for customer requests for technical support, makes suggestions for changing user instructions and capabilities of hardware and software products. 2.3. Prepares equipment for launch, checks the operation of individual devices and nodes, monitors the parameters and reliability of connections.

Job instructions

The technical support engineer must know: - provisions, instructions that determine the interaction of organizations involved in the development, implementation and operation of the system; - information processing technology in the system; - information support of the system; - functional complexes of tasks solved in the system; - a set of system automation tools ; - the procedure for filling out applications for the purchase (replenishment) of consumables necessary to ensure the operation of the system; - rules for the storage and operation of the automation system, communication facilities, labor rules and regulations, safety, fire protection and regime rules; - the operation of all operating systems and application software used on equipment in the network 1.7.

Job description of a user technical support specialist

Carries out the organization of the user's workplace. 369.2.9 Carries out the transfer of user information from one media to other media (copying information to media that can be taken out of XXX territory is carried out only after agreement with the security department). 369.2.10 Builds the PC. 369.2.11 Draws up regulatory documents within his competence. 2.2.12 Carries out notification of the problems encountered by the responsible employees of DIT; 2.2.13 Participates in the work of the AWG, within the limits of its competence. 2.2.14 Submits proposals for optimizing IT service delivery processes to the team leader. 2.2.15 Carries out the instructions of the group leader within his competence. 2.2.16 Records the work performed in the HP Open View Service Desk system.

Ensures the functioning of the complex of automation tools entrusted to it in all modes of the system operation in accordance with the established regulations, including: - functioning of software and hardware; - the functioning of the local area network; - functioning of telecommunication and communication facilities; - functioning of the video surveillance system; - functioning of fire and security alarm systems; - analysis and elimination (within the established authority) of emergencies in the operation of a complex of automation equipment, video surveillance systems, fire and security alarm systems; - formation and maintenance of information arrays and databases; - protection of information from unauthorized access; - formation and maintenance of archives of backup copies of system-wide and special software and data. 2.2.

Technical Support Engineer Job Description


Require the creation of all conditions for the performance of official duties provided for in this instruction. 3.9. To get acquainted with the decisions of the management of the Company concerning its activities, and make proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

4. RESPONSIBILITY The technical support engineer is responsible for: 4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For violations committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3.

Technical Support Engineer Job Description

Fixes and (or) eliminates detected deviations. 2.4. Corrects equipment operation. 2.5. Monitors the operating conditions of the equipment, technical maintenance of it.
2.6. Consults managers and specialists of the Company, clients. 2.7. Provides conclusions on the features of expanding the capabilities of the equipment. 2.8.


Keeps all the necessary reporting on technical support. Prepares all the necessary documentation. 2.9. Carries out individual service assignments of the head of the commercial department.

3. RIGHTS Technical support engineer has the right to: 3.1. Get acquainted with the design decisions of the Company's management concerning its activities. 3.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

Example of a job description for a technical support specialist

The Technical Support Engineer is responsible for: 4.1. Operation and development of computing and organizational technology in terms of system and application software. 4.2.

Safety and non-proliferation of the official information provided to him. 4.3. Qualitative and timely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by this job description. 4.4.


Failure to fulfill their functional duties 4.5. Inaccurate information about the status of the work performed by him. 4.6. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise. 4.7.

Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise, its employees. 4.8. Failure to comply with labor and performance discipline. 5. WORKING CONDITIONS. 5.1.

Chief accountant-info

For non-observance of the rules of internal labor regulations, safety measures and fire safety. 5. For damage or negligence in storage and use, theft of company property.

6. For a rude, tactless attitude (behavior) when communicating with the staff and visitors of the company. 7. For the safety of documentation and non-observance of the interests of the company, issuance of confidential information, documentation (trade secrets) about the company and its clients to third parties. 8. For providing the direct management with false or distorted reporting and other documentation (information). Vi. Working hours: 1. The working hours of the user technical support specialist are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Company.

2. This job description is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee. 3.
Rights The Technical Support Engineer has the right to: 3.1. Check compliance with the rules for storage and operation of the complex of automation tools, monitor their use as intended. 3.2. To demand from the higher management to ensure the necessary conditions for the performance of the assigned duties, as well as the information necessary to perform the assigned functions. 3.3. Make independent decisions on issues of their competence. 3.4. To take part at any level in the discussion and resolution of any issues related to the planned, functional and job responsibilities of the engineer. 3.5. Visify all documents related to the planned, functional and job responsibilities of the engineer. 4.

Technical Support Engineer Job Description Sample

Receive from the management of the enterprise, the heads of functional departments and the IT manager all the information necessary for the performance of official duties (decisions, orders, orders, methodological, regulatory and other management materials, database files) and require the provision of the necessary technical means (computers, communication facilities, etc.) .p.) 3.2. Take part in meetings and seminars on issues within its competence 3.3. Prepare and submit to the management for consideration proposals for improving the means of computing and organizational technology. 3.4. Give the management proposals for the purchase (revision) of software. 3.4. Enter into relationships with third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities. 4. RESPONSIBILITY.
Carries out modernization of IT equipment, including: · increase in the amount of RAM; · Installation and / or replacement of a hard drive; · Installation and / or replacement of the motherboard; · Installation and / or replacement of the processor; · Installation and / or replacement of a network card; · Installation and / or replacement of a video card; · Installation and / or replacement of a sound card; · Replacement of the power supply unit; · Replacement of the battery in the UPS; · Installation and / or replacement of the drive. 369.2.5 Carries out maintenance of SCS, including: · switching of network outlets; · Network configuration; · Creating a computer account in the domain; · E-mail settings; · Setting up Intranet and Internet. 369.2.6 Carries out the installation of new PCs and other IT equipment (projectors, shredders, scanners, radio terminals, cash registers, printers, UPS), as well as their reconnection. 369.2.7 Replaces faulty equipment.

Technical specialists provide a range of services, thanks to which companies and organizations help their own customers to understand the rules for using the sold product, its repair, and elimination of various problems. For example, this is especially true when it comes to household appliances or software, electronics, mechanics.


A technical support specialist helps the client solve a problem or question that he might have while using the product. In many companies, it is considered to be their trump card that this mechanism is well-adjusted. After all, it is important not only to sell the product to the client, but also to serve it so well that he wants to contact this organization again.

The customer feels that they really care about their comfort, and not just want to sell the product. In organizations, such a service is provided on a paid or free basis. A specialist of the technical department works via the Internet, answers phone calls, e-mail, help services that work online on the company's website. Special tools are also used to register applications and track their processing. In large companies, they create their own support services, with the help of which they solve problems not only of customers, but also of all personnel.


Each company will have a different organization of support services. Still, a lot here depends on the field of activity and the characteristics of the goods provided. The methods of rendering assistance may be different, but the ultimate goal is always the same - to eliminate emerging problems, to provide clients with the required information. There are centralized, virtual and local support options. External and internal (which is especially typical for large companies) clients are discussed. In our time, consumers should be able to quickly resolve all the issues that arise. Otherwise, the product may be considered defective, and the customer will no longer go to a store that is unable to provide normal support for their product. Users prefer exactly those providers who provide the best possible comfort for them.

Scheme of work

At the first stage, the registration of received applications is carried out. Call-center is often used for this purpose. Making a phone call is pretty easy and doesn't take long. Large enterprises have several levels of assistance.

To begin with, the user contacts the technical service by calling or e-mail. The technical support specialist registers the request, provides the necessary services, provides information, or, in case of lack of knowledge or skills for this, transfers the application to the second line workers, controlling the process of its implementation. If they do not find a solution to the problem there, they involve system administrators, specialists working with special equipment, etc. Although, ideally, a specialist himself should possess such a range of skills and abilities that will allow serving a client in a minimum period of time.

Assistance methods

The technical equipment specialist provides advice and assistance in a variety of ways. For example, on call. In this case, the client pays for the materials used during the work and for the time spent by the master. Also, many are familiar with the guarantee that is issued when buying equipment in stores. This document demonstrates the ability to provide free troubleshooting assistance for a specified, predefined time frame. The concept is also applied, according to which the services provided in the future are negotiated and paid in advance. For example, a support worker can conduct regular monitoring, provide information, go to the site to solve problems that have arisen there.

Support during the exam

With the development of technology, new computer systems for assessing knowledge began to be used. To control their correct and efficient work, support service workers are involved. Each PPE (exam site) technician is trained. This person takes up his duties by order of the Ministry of Education. Also, regarding its appointment, an agreement is made with the head of the commission that controls the assessment of knowledge. The technicians are subordinate in the hierarchy to the leaders of specific sites and members of the commission.

Selection criteria

In order to take this position, you need to meet a number of requirements. To begin with, this is knowledge of the regulatory legal framework in accordance with which the Unified State Exam is conducted, fire safety techniques. Skills are also required to work with the software used during the exam. Technicians know thoroughly how to use video surveillance devices, antivirus programs on a computer. They know how to install application software. They are entrusted with the task of providing technical and informational assistance to organizers and heads of the knowledge assessment point. They check the software two hours before the start of the exam. After its completion, a technical support specialist must stop the operation of CCTV cameras, copy the materials recorded in the corridors and near the entrance. He maintains a special journal that reflects data on access to the PAK.

Providing safety information

An important point in the work of each enterprise is training in labor protection and fire safety. The acquired skills will help to avoid victims in the event of an emergency. Fire-technical specialist - a person conducting briefings, as a result of which the management and employees will receive the necessary amount of knowledge to ensure the ability to prevent danger or to behave correctly in a situation where the life of people will be threatened. He explains how to use a fire extinguisher, what to do in case of fire and other emergencies, and talks about which materials are highly flammable. Technicians can conduct training without interrupting personnel from production processes or separately, focusing all their attention on the questions posed. But, as a rule, according to the second scheme, information is presented only to managers and persons responsible for fire safety in the organization. They, in turn, pass on knowledge to the rest of the workers.

Knowledge is power

Helpdesk is an important building block of any organization. It is thanks to the work of its employees that the impression of the company's service level is created. Training technical specialists is an important task for every manager, since they will then work on his behalf and create a reputation for the entire enterprise. Of course, employees must have tremendous knowledge and excellent skills to solve problems of varying complexity. Situations should not be created when it is simply not possible to provide assistance. Due to such insoluble problems, the prestige of the enterprise is significantly reduced. Science does not stand still, it is important that the training of technicians provides them with all the necessary troubleshooting techniques. For this, regular training seminars are held. Such events are useful in businesses of different sizes and industries. They allow you to maintain high qualifications of employees.

Learning process

When it comes to technology, the skills of correct assembly and installation of the tool, and its repair are acquired. Information on operating modes is provided. The knowledge of more experienced workers is transferred to beginners. Typical problems arising during the operation of equipment are considered, the most rational ways to eliminate them are provided. It is important to note that work in the support service is not limited to fixing and installing various mechanisms. It is also communication with people, which is considered to be no less delicate skill. It is important to make sure that the client feels that he can rely on the experience and professionalism of the technician.

All this is taught in the course of special lectures. A program for their implementation is being created. It includes the most important topics covered during the training. The head of the enterprise must familiarize himself with the program and put his signature under it. Special hours are allocated for classes and seminars. Thanks to such events, the qualifications of technical specialists are being increased. The acquired knowledge becomes a reliable foundation for further work. It becomes possible to process applications more quickly, spending less time on identifying the causes of the problem, proceeding directly to its elimination. The same employees who are engaged in the provision of information find out fresh and useful data in time.

I. General provisions

This instruction applies to the technical specialist of the information technology department of the enterprise and is developed in accordance with:

A qualification guide to the positions of managers, specialists and other employees.

resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on 02.01.00).

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a technical support specialist.

1.2. A person with at least 2 years of experience in a similar position is appointed to the position of a technical support specialist.

1.3. A technical support specialist is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4 The technical support specialist reports directly to the supervisor

information technology support department.

1.5. The main performance indicators are:

1.5.1. organization of uninterrupted operability of peripheral equipment:

printers, multifunctional devices, print servers, faxes, telephones,

scanners, copiers, monitors, keyboards, mouse, etc .;

1.5.2. Restoring the operability of IT hardware and equipment within the terms specified in the Access Level Agreement;

1.5.4. Organization of warranty repair of computer equipment;

1.5.5. timely replenishment of the reserve of consumables and equipment;

1.5.6. Formation of the procurement budget for a month, no later than the 25th day of each month;

1.5.7. Formation of the procurement budget for the week, no later than Wednesday of each week.

II. Job responsibilities

Technical Support Specialist:

2.1. Supports the functioning of the user's workstations.

2.2. Carries out routine maintenance of equipment.

2.3. Monitors the performance of the software of the user's workstations.

2.4. Organizes the purchase and receipt of equipment with the preparation of the necessary documents.

2.5. Monitors the presence and operational status of anti-virus systems.

2.6. Plans and implements a security strategy to protect data and network shares, including folders, files, and printers.

2.7. Plans and implements a network event audit strategy to detect and remediate security breaches. Manages resources and controls their use.

2.8. Schedules and performs regular backups to ensure fast recovery of important data.

2.9. Plans, creates, and maintains user and group accounts to ensure that each user can log on to the network and access the resources they need.

2.10. Monitors the standardization of software and equipment of user workstations. Removes software that is not approved by the IT department. Develop a standard set of software together with the system administration group. Conduct preliminary testing.

2.11. Accepts requests for maintenance of services (Help Desk). Performs them in accordance with the established regulations.

2.12. Keeps records of equipment in 1C in accordance with the established regulations. Carries out an inventory according to the orders of the department.

2.13. Carries out the movement of equipment between employees, warehouses and branches.

2.14. Accepts applications for the purchase of equipment (“Application in IT”). Checks the correctness of their filling and the availability of the necessary approvals

2.15. Installs, configures, maintains all software products used in the branch.

2.16. Performs other work of varying degrees of complexity related to the functioning of a computer system and applied mat. securing

2.17. He brings his innovations, comments and suggestions on the work of the IT department to the head of the IT support department.

2.18. He plans his work and reports in a timely manner to the head of the IT support department.

2.19. Fulfills orders of the Head of the IT Department, Head of the IT Support Department.

2.20. Coordinates work plans with the head of the IT support department.

2.22.Improves the computer literacy of the company's employees. Participates in the development of instructions, training of company employees.

A technical support specialist has the right to:

3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;

3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration;

3.3. Require and receive information and documents from all structural divisions of the enterprise on issues within its competence;

3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.5. Make suggestions for improving the quality management system;

3.6. Participate in activities aimed at correcting and preventing inconsistencies in the quality management system.

IV. Responsibility

The technical support specialist is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of his official duties, provided for by these job descriptions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For untimely and poor-quality execution of documents on behalf of the director of the enterprise, improper record keeping in accordance with the current rules and instructions, as well as the use of information by department employees for non-official purposes.

I. General provisions

This instruction applies to the technical specialist of the information technology department of the enterprise and is developed in accordance with:
- A qualification guide to the positions of managers, specialists and other employees.
resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on 02.01.00).
1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a technical support specialist.
1.2. A person with at least 2 years of experience in a similar position is appointed to the position of a technical support specialist.
1.3. A technical support specialist is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.4 The technical support specialist reports directly to the supervisor
information technology support department.
1.5. The main performance indicators are:
1.5.1. organization of uninterrupted operability of peripheral equipment:
printers, multifunctional devices, print servers, faxes, telephones,
scanners, copiers, monitors, keyboards, mouse, etc .;
1.5.2. Restoring the operability of IT hardware and equipment within the terms specified in the Access Level Agreement;
1.5.3. Maintaining the cable network system (SCS) of its branch;
1.5.4. Organization of warranty repair of computer equipment;
1.5.5. timely replenishment of the reserve of consumables and equipment;
1.5.6. Formation of the procurement budget for a month, no later than the 25th day of each month;
1.5.7. Formation of the procurement budget for the week, no later than Wednesday of each week.

II. Job responsibilities

Technical Support Specialist:
2.1. Supports the functioning of the user's workstations.
2.2. Carries out routine maintenance of equipment.
2.3. Monitors the performance of the software of the user's workstations.
2.4. Organizes the purchase and receipt of equipment with the preparation of the necessary documents.
2.5. Monitors the presence and operational status of anti-virus systems.
2.6. Plans and implements a security strategy to protect data and network shares, including folders, files, and printers.
2.7. Plans and implements a network event audit strategy to detect and remediate security breaches. Manages resources and controls their use.
2.8. Schedules and performs regular backups to ensure fast recovery of important data.
2.9. Plans, creates, and maintains user and group accounts to ensure that each user can log on to the network and access the resources they need.
2.10. Monitors the standardization of software and equipment of user workstations. Removes software that is not approved by the IT department. Develop a standard set of software together with the system administration group. Conduct preliminary testing.
2.11. Accepts requests for maintenance of services (Help Desk). Performs them in accordance with the established regulations.
2.12. Keeps records of equipment in 1C in accordance with the established regulations. Carries out an inventory according to the orders of the department.
2.13. Carries out the movement of equipment between employees, warehouses and branches.
2.14. Accepts applications for the purchase of equipment (“Application in IT”). Checks the correctness of their filling and the availability of the necessary approvals
2.15. Installs, configures, maintains all software products used in the branch.
2.16. Performs other work of varying degrees of complexity related to the functioning of a computer system and applied mat. securing
2.17. He brings his innovations, comments and suggestions on the work of the IT department to the head of the IT support department.
2.18. He plans his work and reports in a timely manner to the head of the IT support department.
2.19. Fulfills orders of the Head of the IT Department, Head of the IT Support Department.
2.20. Coordinates work plans with the head of the IT support department.
2.21. Improves his professional level with the help of special courses, senior system administrator, as well as self-study.
2.22.Improves the computer literacy of the company's employees. Participates in the development of instructions, training of company employees.

A technical support specialist has the right to:
3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;
3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration;
3.3. Require and receive information and documents from all structural divisions of the enterprise on issues within its competence;
3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.
3.5. Make suggestions for improving the quality management system;
3.6. Participate in activities aimed at correcting and preventing inconsistencies in the quality management system.

IV. Responsibility

The technical support specialist is responsible for:
4.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of his official duties, provided for by these job descriptions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. For untimely and poor-quality execution of documents on behalf of the director of the enterprise, improper record keeping in accordance with the current rules and instructions, as well as the use of information by department employees for non-official purposes.

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