Can I take pictures in the temple? Signs and superstitions about photography Is it possible to take pictures against the background of a destroyed church

Nowadays, in social networks you can find a great many pictures of people in mirror image. People strive in this way to show their success in achieving an ideal figure, brag about a recently acquired mobile phone, and so on. Discover, why you can't take pictures in front of a mirror, surely any of you who even comes up with this crazy idea will want.

In fact, there are many folk signs that require refraining from such acts.

What is a mirror

Most likely, you know that the camera is the same mirror surface. And, therefore, it contains our entire inner world with thoughts and experiences, reflections and fantasies. Looking at our reflection, we see an object in front of us, covered on one side with an ordinary amalgam with black paint applied to it.

What is so incredible and mystical about it? Why, since ancient times, this piece of glass has been prescribed some kind of mystery.

Mystery of mirror reflections

Most often, sorcerers and great healers used the mirror to carry out their magical actions and enchanting rituals. And even a lot of scientific research has come down to the fact that there is still some kind of “unique multilayer structure” in this thing.

There is no clear evidence and confirmation of these facts yet. But it all comes down to one thing – a mirror is more than just a plain glass surface.

Mirror in real life

Modern man cannot imagine his life without this attribute. We got used to the idea that this is a fairly necessary thing in the household. But still, sometimes consciousness reminds us that the properties of the mirror are definitely unique.

Repeatedly in various articles, we find confirmation that an unusual piece of glass is able to store the information that is reflected in it.

Mirror memory and negativity

And if the energy of paintings and images is powerful enough, then it “hides” in it for a sufficiently long time. However, its influence is not always positive.

Most likely, you paid attention to the fact that different mirrors “show” your reflection in different ways. Looking at yourself at home, you see a magnificent, flourishing, young person, the “working” version can show you a tired and drooping look.

All this is because the mirror can store in its memory not only the appearance of a person, but also his thoughts, feelings, experiences, energy emanating from him. Does your home embody tranquility, peace and comfort?

So, as a reflection, you will see a cheerful, attractive, interesting person. And in these objects that are in public places, people with a variety of thoughts and moods, not always joyful, can look. Just imagine that a person who has trouble, pain, resentment or sadness looked into the mirror in front of you. What energy did he leave? You can easily pick up this negativity, and you are guaranteed a bad mood for the whole day.

Why is it forbidden to take a photo in front of a mirror?

The mystical characteristics assigned to this ordinary thing are absolutely justified. Most likely, you are aware of the numerous signs that have come to us since ancient times. Most often they are of a warning nature. You may or may not believe. This is your own business. But sometimes the events taking place in our lives make us think that, most likely, all these warnings are not unfounded.

Other World Through the Looking Glass

Does the mirror open the door to another, otherworldly world.

As you already understood, the mirror surface is endowed with a certain energy. And it's quite varied. There is a lot of debate among scientists about this. They prove a certain “layeredness” of this subject.

At the same time, each layer is responsible for its specific function. It is not given to us to understand all the details in this phenomenon, but we have had to feel its effect on ourselves more than once, which is why it is impossible to take pictures in front of a mirror.

Mirrors remember sadness

Ordinary, from our point of view, glass is actually a real storehouse of information. It is able to store in itself all the actions that took place nearby: quarrels, insults, tears, sorrows, deaths, illnesses, good or bad memories, scandalous stories, and so on. Therefore, there is a certain risk of “trying on” the fate of the previous owner of the mirror if you take a picture in front of him.

What do your photos say in front of the mirror

Find all the photos of your reflection and look at them carefully. Most of the time they are good enough, right? Why? Yes, because mirror reflection removes an unnecessary layer, thereby protecting from external negativity.

Why you can not be photographed in front of the mirror of the bride

Very often, brides prefer to be photographed in a wedding dress in front of a mirror. But they either do not understand, or simply do not realize that this is not recommended. Do they really want to attract misfortune in the future? Because that's exactly what they can do.

Folk signs about the mirror

A large number of various folk signs and beliefs are associated with this simple and seemingly completely unremarkable well-known object of our life. The most famous of them are shown in the table.

Notes about the mirror Description
Crashed - expect trouble Breaking a mirror is an omen at home

Is this assumption important to you? In this case, certain actions should be taken.

First, never look at yourself in broken pieces. There is an opinion that this promises you grief.

Secondly, carefully collect the broken thing, wrap it in a dark and opaque cloth and bury it in the ground.

Returned to the house forgetting something, look into it If you crossed the threshold of the house and remembered that you forgot the necessary documents or thing, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror.

Thus, you will protect your home from various kinds of evil spirits, and you will ensure good luck in business.

Cannot be placed in the bedroom Why you shouldn't sleep in front of a mirror

In the event that you are unable to fulfill this mandate, install it where you will not be reflected in it sleeping.

You should move into a new house with your own or buy a new one If mirror surfaces from the old owners remain in the new home, it is better to get rid of them. You cannot be sure that they received positive energy.
A specific place in the bathroom While swimming, it is better not to see your reflection.

Therefore, it is better to hang this item in a place where you cannot see the whole process of taking a bath.

Otherwise, expect long illnesses.

You need to look in a good mood Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry

Beware of seeing your reflection when you are upset, scared, anxious, or crying.

As mentioned above, the surface remembers the mood of a person looking into it, and the accumulated such information is, of course, negative.

In the future, she may return to you.

You can not show children under one year old Babies are more receptive to the flow of energy emanating from them. And it is more difficult for them to resist the negative influence.

If he sees himself in the mirror, he may grow poorly and lag behind in development.

Don't watch while eating Why You Shouldn't Look in the Mirror While Eating

People say that in this way you can eat your happiness and good life.

Place in the kitchen so that the dining table is visible When the reflection shows an abundance of food on the table, the hosts can be calm. They will have enough money.
You don't have to look at yourself naked A person can lose health, both individual organs and the body as a whole.

How to take pictures to attract good luck

Why is it still impossible to take pictures in front of the mirror:

  • They say that then you will not be happy.
  • If you really want to do this, then try not to put the picture on public display.
  • It is better to hide it in an album or book. At the same time, make sure that people around you do not accidentally stumble upon it.
  • An ordinary piece of glass is able to "suck out" our intellect.
  • Every photo you take can make you dumber, take away your memory. You will forget the important things you wanted to do. And writing in notebooks can't help you.

Contact with dark forces

You have repeatedly come across assumptions that a mirror is a kind of door leading to another world unknown to us. The moment you take a picture in front of him, you unwittingly enter into invisible contact with dark forces.

Everyone knows that when a person dies, all the mirrors in his house are hung. This custom has been around for a long time. And, most likely, it is not unreasonable.

Death is able to open a passage through this secret door, and mystical forces that are completely unnecessary to us will penetrate into the room. We will be haunted by failures, illnesses, partings. And, out of ignorance, we will prescribe it to evil fate. But in fact, the reason may lie in the fact that the mirror surfaces were not covered with bedspreads.

How to take a picture close to a mirror

Our great-grandparents were convinced that the reflection that we can observe is our inner self. An attribute that is firmly entrenched in our lives remembers and stores information about the events that it sees for a long time. They can be both sad and funny. The surface, remembering these events, gives us them in portions in the future. Therefore, very carefully perform certain actions in front of all objects that are somehow connected with the mirror.

Why You Shouldn't Take a Photo of Yourself in a Mirror

  1. You already know that the mirror is the keeper of priceless events associated with those who look into it. And our photographed mirror image is vulnerable, because through it you can harm the owner of the photo. For example, if an evil person looks at the image and wishes something bad, then this can come true. This can be done, even if not, without setting such a goal.
  2. A simple statement (good or bad) about the depicted person can be a prerequisite for the action of damage.
  3. If such a picture still exists, then it should definitely not be kept at home. It will be a magnet to attract grief and misfortune to your family nest.

Why you can not take pictures in front of the mirror or how to do it right. Remember that the emotional state of a person, his mood, thoughts and feelings can be very accurately conveyed by a simple photograph. Therefore, if you have no desire or any troubles, then it is better not to shoot, postponing it for another day.

Your appearance before the upcoming process should be on the level. Most likely, a snapshot taken in a hurry will not bring you such joy in the future as the one in which you are beautiful and happy, enjoying life.

The world behind the mirror - what is dangerous

Perhaps some people do the right thing, ignoring bad omens. Earlier we told you why you shouldn’t sleep in front of a mirror. One has only to remember the saying that if you constantly think that everything is bad, then it will be so. For many, the ban on holding a photo shoot next to mirror objects is not serious. Although, most likely, our ancestors were wise people, and it is worth at least occasionally listening to their advice and recommendations.

In order not to invite trouble

By taking all of the above in all seriousness, you may protect yourself from many troubles in the future, and you will not have to regret anything.

No need to try to open the door to the world of otherworldly forces. And when you take a photo in front of a mirror, you do just that. Meaningless, as you are sure, the image draws evil spirits towards itself, directing them to the one who is depicted on it. The risk is great, you can lose your destiny in this way.

How not to lose happiness

Waking up from sleep after many years, you will feel that you have lost something most important and priceless. Gone are the days when princes could wake a sleeping beauty with a single kiss and bring her back to life. Do not waste your precious years while in the realm of dreams. Draw some conclusions!

Our ancestors personified the mirror with an evil, unclean, demonic creature. It is able to engender in a person the most bad character traits, such as pride, selfishness, boasting. The prisoner of the mirror demon ceases to be himself, becomes an arrogant egoist, ceases to pay attention to his surroundings. Nowadays, many laugh at such a belief. But in vain!

How to protect yourself from such pictures

Your friend took a snapshot of you while you comb or make up. Give her a lot of reasons why you can not be photographed in front of the mirror. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will quarrel over a man and be completely disappointed in people.

Not only people are subject to negative influence after a photo in front of a mirror. Scientists conducted one very interesting experiment. They took four chickens and photographed one of them near the mirror. The resulting image was distributed among a large number of people. They were asked to take out the photo when they were upset, sad or depressed. The chick from the picture after a certain time began to develop worse and almost died. Have you now imagined the true danger posed by your actions if you suddenly decided to take a photo of your reflection?

What can a mirror photo threaten:

  • A broken mirror, in front of which the picture was taken, will immediately affect your well-being or bring bad luck. Shards begin to act at the same moment! They are fraught with evil and all the worst that can be.
  • Gradually energy starts to leave you, you become depressed, apathy begins to control you.
  • Many magicians can predict everything that you had, have or will have, using your photo. And, if it is a photo of your reflection, then with its help you can begin to manipulate its owner as you like. You can become just a puppet in the hands of an experienced puppeteer.

Is it possible to hang a mirror in front of the front door

What does Feng Shui say about mirrors? First of all, the followers of this direction insist that the presence of any mirror object in the bedroom is absolutely not necessary. The ideal place for them is the bathroom. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can be calm, their small mirror in a cosmetic bag does not carry anything bad.

Feng Shui warns against taking nude photos while near this household item. So you will attract a long streak of failures and troubles. You don’t need an accident, injuries and other unpleasant incidents, right? So take care of your body.

Some religions consider it wrong to keep photographs, especially "behind the looking glass". You most likely noticed that the monks do not take pictures. The servants of God, who strictly honor their values ​​and views, should be respected and accepted.

It so happened that you still have a photo near the mirror? Better get rid of it. Or resort to the help of Photoshop and other computer programs that can make you less vulnerable to various kinds of problems on it.

Why you can not take pictures in front of the mirror, also because there are many different other places for this purpose. And this household item, which has firmly entered our daily life, is better to use for its intended purpose - admire yourself, correct and correct your appearance, so you will definitely save yourself from unnecessary problems.

The article talks about why it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person, a baby. The history of the emergence of some prohibitions on photography is revealed.

A digital “soap box”, a SLR camera or a mirrorless camera are not always around, which means that wonderful moments are destined to become only a moment in someone’s eyes and memory. But things are different with phone cameras and tablets: gadgets are our constant companions.

Just put your hand in your pocket or bag and an interesting shot is captured! Going for a walk around the city or a meeting with friends, another event, we check in advance whether there is enough memory in the phone and whether the battery is charged. But in what cases is it better to abandon the idea of ​​photographing what is happening?

Why can't you take pictures of a sleeping child, a person?

Superstitions, signs came to us from ancient times. But despite technological progress and the acquisition of human power to influence many natural phenomena, change the course of events, the piggy bank of superstitions and signs is constantly replenished. A person is inclined to believe in the other world, and signs help him gain a modicum of power over fate. One such superstition is photographing sleeping people.

What is the sign of photographing sleeping people?

  • a person with unclean thoughts reads hidden information from a photograph and uses it to perform black magic rites (evil eye, spells)
  • It has long been believed that the soul leaves the body of a sleeping person for a while and walks away from him. The sleeper becomes vulnerable to evil and "sorcerers". Hence the prohibition to abruptly wake up a sleeping person, since the walking soul will not be able to return in time0, and the person risks dying in a dream; that is why it is not advisable to photograph a sleeping person: in fact, from a loud shutter click or flash, a person has every chance of becoming a stutterer or getting a strong fright
  • the face of the sleeping person does not look attractive, therefore, having decided to photograph a person sleeping, you need to obtain consent from him to shoot
  • photographing a sleeping person, you can steal his fate or hasten the approach of death
  • when shooting, the guardian angel may get scared and stop protecting the sleeping person
  • the sleeper resembles the dead. During the Victorian era in Europe, there was a tradition of photographing the dead, especially children. A person was dressed up and seated next to living relatives, sometimes pretending that the deceased had simply fallen asleep or opening his eyes and tinting so that it was difficult to distinguish the dead from the living.
  • Photographing the last time the deceased was considered the only way to preserve the memory of the deceased, albeit in such a terrible way. Looking through old photographs, it is not easy to determine who is dead on it and who is alive. Therefore, it is believed that closed eyes in the photo -
    a sign that the person is not alive. Agree, few people like that they take him for a dead man.

Can I take pictures of a newborn baby?

Superstitious people say that taking pictures of a newborn baby (up to 40 days old) will cause the baby to be weak and sickly. Another thing is connected with this superstition: photos of babies should not be shown to either acquaintances or strangers until the child grows up.

A photograph can cause the evil eye of an unbaptized baby who does not have the protection of a guardian angel. The rite of baptism is held after 40 days, since until that time the mother is forbidden to take part in worship and visit the temple.

But how cute are the sleeping angels depicted on the icons, or little Jesus! When the photographer decided to ask the priest a question about shooting babies, he received a blessing to carry out this kind of shooting.

A young mother wants to keep the memory of the first days of her little miracle's life, so do not let superstitions interfere with the shooting of the baby in the first days of life. At a year old, mom will be able to enjoy plenty of cute and wonderful photographs taken when she wanted only one thing - to sleep and relax.

Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

  • The mystery of birth from time immemorial gave rise to superstition. In the old days, long 9 months of waiting for a baby, the absence of an ultrasound scan forced us to look for answers to emerging questions.
  • This is how the myth arose about why it is impossible to photograph pregnant women: if you capture a pregnant woman in a photograph or portrait, then the child will stop developing at this stage
  • Another reason for the taboo on photographing pregnant women is hidden in the low level of medicine: the impotence of doctors of that time forced people to look for explanations for the frequent deaths of babies, women in labor, and various postpartum complications.

The pregnant woman in the photographs is healthy and happy. With a child under her heart, she gains peace, learns to accept herself. Do not refuse to participate in a photo shoot because of pregnancy.

Why can't you take a picture in the mirror?

Fortune-telling is not complete without mirrors, with their help they induce damage and the evil eye. Some daredevils are still trying today to penetrate through the looking glass or find out the future, because the mirrors store the energy of the owner.

Smooth glass, covered with dark paint from the inside, carries something mystical. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the devil looks at a person from the mirror depth, and those who like to look in the mirror, their own image takes away the soul and takes life.

Photographing your reflection in the mirror, according to esotericists, is dangerous. And here is how their ban is explained:

  • when photographed in a mirror, a person leaves in the photo, in addition to his image, a part of the soul: the picture becomes an excellent assistant to the magician when inducing damage and the evil eye, because he absorbed the maximum information and energy of the person depicted on it
  • mirror image affects fate, as if turning it over
  • reflection in an old mirror carries the burden of entire eras: the people who looked in them were not always happy and carried positive emotions; therefore, other people's troubles and misfortunes can pass through the mirror to the person being photographed after clicking the shutter of the camera, which provokes the beginning of the process of information exchange

Why can't you take pictures before the wedding?

For lovers preparing for a wedding, old people are advised to avoid joint photographs. Having photographed together, lovers incur a long separation or parting.

But for two young people who truly love each other,
taking pictures together before marriage will only bring them together and increase their mutual attraction. Parting comes when a couple in love is not ready to compromise, or in the absence of sincerity in a relationship.

Why can't you take pictures at the cemetery?

A cemetery is a place with negative energy, which through photography can subsequently negatively affect life. But there are many admirers of photographs against the background of crosses and graves all over the world. Brilliant pictures sometimes even become the calling card of the photographer.

What can turn into a passion for photography in places shrouded in grief, sorrow and mysticism? A photographer can bring illness and suffering upon himself, and by disturbing the dead and stepping on the dead earth, you can simply sign your own death warrant:

  • the dead will drive the unfortunate man crazy, constantly appearing in dreams or in reality. Hang photos from the cemetery in a conspicuous place
  • esotericists also do not recommend: the negative will gradually move into real life, and spoil the fate of everyone who lives in

Why can't you take pictures without a head?

  • It is believed that if a person in the photo turned out without a head, then he did not have long to live. But for some reason, the inattention or handlessness of the photographer is not taken into account
  • The ominous prediction of imminent death also serves as an excuse for unsuccessful photos in which the image of a person is blurred or parts of the body are cut off. In addition to well-known signs, the process of photography gives rise to more and more taboos. For example, you can not photograph the floor of the face
  • The sign about why it is impossible to photograph the floor of the face has the same roots. A clear image in the photo speaks of good health and a long life of a person, and blurry photos in which it is difficult to see the face indicate that the person depicted is not feeling well and that problems are approaching.
  • To believe in bad omens or not is a personal matter for everyone, but it is better to get rid of bad photos. Statistics show that the signs associated with photographs are groundless if you choose places with positive energy for the background, radiate joy and happiness in the pictures

Video: Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

My name is Pavel Potashnikov, I am a professional photographer and videographer. In my team, proven people are ready to organize photography and video shooting of any complexity for you, to solve even non-standard tasks. For more than 9 years of work, we have been winning international photo contests, cooperating with both individuals and major corporate customers. My team and I work in Belarus and other countries in the genre of individual and corporate photo shoots, video shooting, portfolio and portraits, wedding and advertising, staged and reportage shooting. Photo-video filming from air and ground.

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Own comfortable photo studio with professional equipment suitable for video filming, make-up and hairdressing room, bathroom - not far from the center of Minsk. I shoot video and take pictures both in the studio and on the road with studio lighting. In the "portfolio" section you can see examples of work, in the "about the photographer" section you can find detailed information about the photographer and customers. Me and my team look forward to working with you!
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Each country has its own laws that regulate photography in public places. There are also some nuances for shooting in places of national importance. A building that accidentally fell into the frame may turn out to be a military-strategic facility; and you may face an unpleasant trial or even a charge of espionage.

In addition to legislation, certain prohibitions are dictated by the traditions and beliefs of the local population. If you like to travel, then you should know about these prohibitions in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

What can not be photographed in European countries?

Let's start with Europe, as Belarusians often travel to European countries. There are not as many prohibitions in the fears of Europe as in other countries, and those that are, as a rule, are understandable to us. For example, you can not shoot military and strategic facilities, as well as police stations and the police themselves.

Portraits of people can only be photographed with their consent. If a person does not show disagreement in any way (does not turn away, does not wave his hands, does not leave), then he, by definition, agrees to be filmed. Children can be photographed only with the permission of their parents or caregivers (in Austria, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, France, only the consent of the child is sufficient). A child can give independent consent to photography upon reaching the age of eighteen (in some countries from sixteen or fourteen years).

In no country in Europe can a private person take away your camera, memory card or other equipment, or force you to erase pictures or expose film. These actions are regarded as a crime.

What can not be photographed in Austria?

In Austria, taking pictures of people without their consent is prohibited. This prohibition applies to photography in portrait mode, when the person is the main character of the frame. When shooting a landmark, you do not need to take the consent of all the people in the frame.

Children may be photographed with their consent without parental consent unless the photo is used for commercial purposes. However, the use of their photographs in photo exhibitions, photo stocks or for advertising purposes requires the written consent of the adult in the photo or the consent of the parents of the photographed child.

In public places, you can take pictures of the facades of buildings, palaces, castles, even if they are privately owned. If these buildings are located in a private area with no free access, permission from the owner must be taken to take photographs.

In museums and galleries, photography with a flash and a tripod is prohibited (this prohibition does not apply to a monopod). True, no one prevents the museums themselves from violating this ban by selling permission to take photographs at the price of a water ticket.

What can not be photographed in England?

Photography is strictly prohibited on the London Underground without special permission. It is a crime to take pictures of pounds sterling without the permission of the Central Bank of England.

In public places, you can take pictures of everything that is within your reach. On private property, you can only shoot with the consent of the owner. Moreover, you can get a fine even if you try to remove private property by leaning the camera on the fence. If private properties (parks, clubs, business centers) are in the public domain, then you can still take pictures only with the permission of the owner.

Royal Parks, Trafalgar and Parliament Square are allowed to photograph only tourists. For commercial photography, you need to obtain permission from the Greater London Authority and pay a round sum: for an hour of photography on Trafalgar Square you will have to pay three hundred pounds, on Parliament Square - a thousand pounds. You must cancel the paid shooting no later than two days before it, otherwise the money will not be returned. Commercial photography is considered shooting from a tripod.

In England, you can get a fine for taking pictures in private galleries, as this violates the copyright of the owner of the collection. To shoot, you just have to buy an entrance ticket with a photography permit.

In public places, people can be photographed as much as they like, if the photos will not be used for commercial purposes in the future. However, if in the future you are going to publish, sell or use them in advertising, you must obtain the written consent of the person being portrayed. This does not apply to filming for creative, journalistic or literary purposes. Children under the age of sixteen may only be photographed with the consent of their parents. In order to combat the paparazzi, it is forbidden to film people on their private property from a public place with a telephoto lens.

What can not be photographed in Belgium?

In addition to this, the usual pan-European prohibitions, you can’t take pictures of the Manneken Pis fountain here. On the "Manneken Pis", which is located in the same place in Brussels, this ban does not apply yet.

What can not be photographed in the Vatican?

In the Sistine Chapel, you can not only take pictures, but also talk loudly. In other places, in the absence of prohibition signs, you can shoot, but without a flash and a tripod.

What can not be photographed in Hungary?

In Hungary it is forbidden to take pictures of people without their consent if they can be recognized in the photo. At the same time, it does not matter whether the person is the main subject of photography or accidentally got into the frame. Imagine how difficult it is for a tourist to get a beautiful shot absolutely legally.

What can not be photographed in Venice?

Filming is prohibited in the Doge's Palace. Photographing shop windows or goods in shops and shops is possible only with the permission of the owners.

What can not be photographed in Germany?

In Germany, the same prohibitions apply as in Austria. In addition, it is forbidden to photograph the bust of Nefertiti and the statue of the "Tired Bear" (Der Spiegel). The ban aims to boost sales of postcards featuring these landmarks.

Photographing a person, his house, garden, car or animals is possible only with his consent. If in the future you plan to publish photos or use them for commercial purposes, you must obtain written consent from the person depicted in the photo and notify them each time the photo is published in any context in order to obtain their permission. In Hamburg, it is forbidden to take pictures of prostitutes, as tourists interfere with their work, distracting customers with photography.

Photographing and publishing pictures of children under 7 years old is allowed only with the consent of the parents. For children from 7 to 18 years old, only the consent of the child is required.

What can not be photographed in Holland?

In addition to pan-European rules, photography is prohibited on the Red Light District. Don't be surprised if a prostitute in Amsterdam snatches your camera out of your hands and throws it into the nearest body of water.

Photography is also prohibited in museums.

What can not be photographed in Greece?

In Greece, it is forbidden to photograph military installations, even if they are perfectly visible from a public area. In 2002, 14 tourists were sentenced to probation and deported from the country for filming military aircraft. You can also get charged with espionage when filming military personnel.

In museums, exhibits can be photographed without a flash and a tripod, but photographing against their background is prohibited.

What can not be photographed in Denmark?

In addition to the rules common to Europe, photography is prohibited in the "red light districts" of Copenhagen and in Christiania, where you can not only take pictures, but also run.

What can not be photographed in Spain?

You can photograph people only with their consent, and children - only with the consent of their parents or people replacing them. With consent, you can even take pictures of the police.

What can not be photographed in Italy?

In Italy, you can take pictures of people without permission, but their further use for any purpose must be previously agreed with the person caught in the frame.

What can not be photographed in Latvia?

In Latvia, it is forbidden to photograph critical infrastructure buildings, that is, important for the life of society and potentially interesting to terrorists: hydroelectric power plants, gas pipelines, transport systems, as well as the government building, military installations, and the border area. The building of the Cabinet of Ministers in Riga also belongs to this list. But shooting in stores is not legally prohibited, but you should pay attention to the prohibition signs at the entrance so as not to have problems with security. And near the objects of critical infrastructure there are signs "It is forbidden to take pictures and shoot without permission."

People can be photographed only with their consent, and children - with the consent of their parents. At public events, you can take pictures of the event itself, but individual people - only with permission. There were cases of detention of persons who filmed sunbathing on the beach. This is regarded as an invasion of privacy.

What can not be photographed in Lithuania?

Photography is strictly prohibited at the border. It is also forbidden to photograph military installations.

What can not be photographed in Poland?

In Poland, it is forbidden to take pictures in churches during services. At other times, photography is allowed, but without the use of a flash.

What can not be photographed in Portugal?

In Portugal, adults can be photographed with their consent, but it is better to refrain from photographing children: this threatens to be charged with pedophilia and deportation.

What can not be photographed in Ukraine?

In Kiev, you can not take pictures without special permission, as this creates potentially life-threatening situations. There is a known case when a man tried to photograph his wife at the station, stumbled and died under the wheels of a train. Therefore, shooting in the subway is not recommended.

What can not be photographed in Finland?

You should not take pictures of people in the windows, the ban is based on superstition.

What can not be photographed in France?

France bans flash photography in museums and galleries. But some exhibits are forbidden to be photographed: a special sign warns about this. You can't take photos of the Holy Grail without permission. It turns out that in Paris it is forbidden to take pictures of the Eiffel Tower at night without the permission of the service company, since the lighting of the tower is a work of art and is protected by copyright. But during the day, take pictures as much as you like.

It is not forbidden to take pictures of police officers, some even pose.

What can not be photographed in Christiania?

In Christiania (Copenhagen, Denmark) on Pusher Street, where drugs are freely sold, filming is prohibited.

What can not be photographed in the Czech Republic?

You are not allowed to take pictures of the police and police stations. You can take pictures in museums.

What can't be photographed in Sweden?

In addition to the usual prohibitions, in Sweden the law prohibits photographing people in baths, fitting rooms, toilets and similar places without their consent.

What can't be photographed in Scotland?

In Scotland, you can be on private property if it does not have a fence, but photography is prohibited without the permission of the owner. Also, without special permission, it is forbidden to be and take pictures on the territory where the railway, airfield, warehouse, factory or field for sports games passes.

What can not be photographed in Estonia?

It is possible to photograph objects in public places, and the procedure for photographing in private objects is established by the owner of this object. The owner has the right to prohibit taking photographs, but does not have the right to demand the erasure of photographs already taken, just as he does not have the right to confiscate photographic equipment.

What can not be photographed in Asian countries?

Before going on a trip to Asian countries, it is better to at least superficially familiarize yourself with local customs and traditions, as well as prohibitions on photography.

What can not be photographed in Vietnam?

It is forbidden to take pictures of people without their consent. Permission is required to film inside the temple. It is forbidden to take pictures of the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh City.

It is forbidden to film military installations and military equipment, including airports. It is considered bad luck to photograph pregnant women and cemeteries.

What can not be photographed in China?

China recently banned taking pictures with pandas ($150 fine) because it could make the animals sick. You cannot take pictures of people without their consent, which can cost you either free of charge or cost 1-2 dollars per photo. In Beijing, you cannot shoot with a professional camera, especially on a tripod, in Tiananmen Square, in front of government and military installations.

You can take pictures only where there is a special permit for this. It is especially forbidden to photograph the premises inside the temples.

What can not be photographed in North Korea?

It is forbidden to photograph any military installations and military personnel. You can not shoot airports, bridges, tunnels, highways, ports, as well as the mausoleum of Kim Il Sung. It is forbidden to film people without their consent. Photographs of poverty, beggars, child labor, etc. are not allowed. It threatens with deportation.

You can not photograph the statue of Kim Il Sung from the back, it is considered an insult.

What can not be photographed in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, you can't take pictures of Buddha statues. Temples can only be removed from the outside, inside is prohibited.

In Malaysia, women are not allowed to be photographed. Taking a picture of a woman without the permission of her father, husband or brother is perceived as an insult. , there is a superstition that when taking a photo, a photographer can steal a person's soul.

What can not be photographed in India?

It is forbidden to desecrate or photograph Buddha statues. In India, one cannot enter temples reserved for Indians only. You can not shoot in temples or the facade of the temple with open doors, if this is not allowed. It is better to find out from the ministers whether it is possible to shoot in the temple and how much it costs. Photographing clergy is allowed only with their consent. Local residents and their children can be photographed with their permission, however, it is strictly forbidden to photograph representatives of some ethical groups and castes. You can not film the process of funeral processions and the process of cremation.

It is forbidden to take pictures of military installations, railway stations, airports, subways, bridges. Some temples, monasteries, historical monuments, fortresses, palaces, tombs, tribal residences.

What can not be photographed in Thailand?

As in all Asian countries, it is forbidden to take pictures of Buddha statues. Permission is required to film inside the temple. There are prejudices about photographing in a cemetery.

You can not take pictures near the image of the king and the royal family, this is considered a direct insult and threatens with a fine.

What can not be photographed in Turkey?

You can't take pictures of people without their permission. It is forbidden to photograph women and people in black clothes.

On the beach it is forbidden to photograph women in swimsuits: this is regarded as an invasion of privacy.

What can't be photographed in Japan?

In Japan, it is illegal to take pictures of the contents of books and magazines in bookstores due to copyright protection.

Photographs of cemeteries and Buddha statues are not allowed. Against the background of a statue, you can, but one statue without people is impossible.

The locals do not like to be photographed in threes: there is a superstition that the person who stands in the center will soon die. This is explained quite simply: old cameras focused worst of all on the center of the picture, so the face of the person standing in the middle turned out to be blurry. Also, the emergence of superstition is due to the fact that the person standing in the middle is considered as if dominant. As a result, evil spirits choose him for their machinations.

What can not be photographed in the Middle East?

Before you go to a Muslim country, read a little about local customs. Sharia law is strict and mandatory, especially during Muslim holidays. Visitors to the country in the month of Ramadan should also refrain from smoking, eating and drinking any drinks in public places.

It is forbidden to take pictures of government institutions, sheikhs' palaces, military installations and structures. Women may not be photographed, walked behind or let in front. Men may be photographed only with their permission.

What can not be photographed in Israel?

In Israel, the entire territory from which the Ministry of Defense can get into the frame is considered a closed zone, inside which photography is regarded as terrorism. Refrain from photographing military installations, as well as power plants, port facilities, airports. Cameras must be handed in at the entrance to the concert halls.

You can not photograph other people's children, in particular the children of Orthodox Jews. You risk getting in trouble photographing Orthodox Jews on Shabbat.

What can not be photographed in Saudi Arabia?

In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal to use phones with built-in cameras. Recently, the Saudi Arabian government lifted a ban on taking photographs in public places. But filming private property or people still requires the permission of property owners and people.

What is forbidden to photograph in Kuwait?

Digital SLR cameras are banned in Kuwait. At the same time, film cameras and soap dishes are formally allowed.

Smartphones with a camera are prohibited by law, their use is punishable by a prison term of 2 to 5 years. Camera phones are considered immoral, since they are often used for covert filming, including in locker rooms, which is regarded as an encroachment on a person's privacy.

What can not be photographed in the United Arab Emirates?

In the UAE, you can not photograph military installations, oil refineries, sheikhs' palaces. Photographing women, especially bareheaded women, is a serious offence. Men usually pose with pleasure. You can’t take pictures where prohibition signs are hanging: in nightclubs, at exhibitions, in jewelry stores.

In places specially designed for visiting tourists, there are usually no restrictions on photographing. For example, in the Heritage Village, both Arab women in veils and “Bedouins” will be happy to take pictures with you. And on a safari, you can capture the belly dance.

What is forbidden to photograph in Australia and New Zealand?

What can not be photographed in Australia?

In Australia, it is illegal to take photos of strangers on the beach. Photographing is prohibited at initiation sites on Mount Uluru in central Australia. On Penguin Island, it is forbidden to photograph these birds on the trail and on the beach so as not to disturb them.

In Melbourne, photography is prohibited inside the cathedral.

What can not be photographed in New Zealand?

In New Zealand, it is forbidden to photograph live kiwi birds: dummies and stuffed animals are specially made for this. It frightens night birds and negatively affects reproduction.

Photography is prohibited in the Parliament, Art Gallery and University Observatory.

What can not be photographed in Africa?

On the African continent, it is forbidden to take pictures of government buildings, bridges, overpasses, military, police.

In countries such as Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Somalia, you will need a filming permit. Therefore, fraud on this basis is developed in these countries: if a fraudster notices that you are filming, he may require accreditation, which you, of course, do not have. Then he will offer to resolve the issue on the spot, so as not to call the police. It seems that everything is transparent, but many fall for this divorce.

You can take pictures of people with their permission, but you will often have to pay a couple of dollars for this.

What can not be photographed in Algiers?

Men can be photographed only with their consent. Women can be photographed only with the consent of the man accompanying them.

What can not be photographed in Angola?

Pan-African bans are widespread here, the north-eastern province of the country Lunda Norte is closed to foreigners.

What can not be photographed in Botswana?

What can not be photographed in Burkina Faso?

Do not take pictures or interfere with the actions of the police of this country, no matter how immoral they may seem to you: you risk paying.

What can not be photographed in Gabon?

It is forbidden to photograph military and police facilities, as well as the police and military personnel themselves. You risk being left without a fotik.

What can not be photographed in Zaire?

What can not be photographed in Zambia?

Photographing any military facilities is fraught with accusations of spying for South Africa.

What can not be photographed in Zimbabwe?

In this poor country, theft and robbery are common, it is better not to shine with your camera or phone here, especially Harare and Bulawayo.

What can not be photographed in Egypt?

It is forbidden to take pictures of military and strategic facilities of Egypt, and it is also forbidden to take pictures in the national museum in Cairo: photographic equipment will be confiscated from you at the entrance.

What can not be photographed in Kenya?

In Kenya, it is forbidden to photograph military, strategic and police installations, as well as military and police personnel. The strategic buildings include banks, post offices, railway stations, shopping centers and some of the churches. And for some reason, buses at the bus station, as well as pedestrian crossings across the road.

Getting out of the car on a safari is possible only with the permission of the guide. In Kenya, most people don't get attacked by lions, crocodiles, or snakes. The largest number of injuries received by people from wild animals falls precisely on the proportion of hippos.

What can not be photographed in the Congo?

All African prohibitions apply here.

What can not be photographed in Libya?

Be careful when photographing people, they are suspicious of this.

What can not be photographed in Malawi?

Pan-African bans are in place. Men with long hair and shorts will simply not be allowed into the country; there are also strict requirements for the appearance of female tourists.

What can not be photographed in Morocco?

It is forbidden to photograph the Moroccan king and his motorcade without permission. You cannot take pictures of buildings on which the national flag hangs, and it hangs even on the building of the opera house.

People can be photographed with their consent.

What can not be photographed in Namibia?

Once at the presidential residence in Swakopmund, stay away from the summer palace. Spurgebeit is a closed area where diamonds are mined. In these places, not only to shoot, it is forbidden to be.

What can not be photographed in Nigeria?

Smoking in public places is universally prohibited, and the death penalty is imposed for the transportation and use of drugs. Filming a smoker or drug dealer is life-threatening.

What can not be photographed in Sierra Leone?

There are general rules that apply to most African countries.

What can not be photographed in Sudan?

Do not import anything expensive (radio equipment, cameras, video equipment): all this will either be stolen or confiscated under the most plausible pretext.

In Sudan, you cannot shoot bridges, government buildings, any objects that may turn out to be strategic.

You can't take pictures of people without their consent. Even just seeing the camera, the locals start shouting, waving their arms, they may try to take the camera away.

What can not be photographed in Tunisia?

Photographing people is allowed only with their consent. In no case should you take pictures of those praying. Do not stare at women in veils. And don't take pictures, of course.

Do not take pictures of objects with the national flag, presidential apartments, police officers. It is strictly forbidden to shoot the Presidential Palace!

What can not be photographed in South Africa?

It is forbidden to photograph military, strategic and police facilities, as well as military and police personnel.

What can not be photographed in North America?

What can not be photographed in Mexico?

In Mexico, you can not photograph military installations, military personnel, regardless of rank and type of troops, police stations and the police themselves. It is forbidden to shoot objects that are under the protection of the state.

People can be photographed only with consent. Don't try to photograph Indians. The Indians are convinced that the camera "can steal a part of the soul." There are animators who pose for money in Indian national costumes, you can take pictures of them as much as you like. Although nothing stands still in large cities, children (when their parents are not around) and modern girls are absolutely calm about photography. Photographing people, mansions, and even more so services in churches is possible only with permission. For all occasions, it is enough to remember only the question: “Can I take a picture?” (se puede photos?).

What is forbidden to photograph in the USA?

Americans are very fond of litigation for various reasons. Do not take pictures of people without their consent: this may be regarded as sexual harassment. And it does not matter what gender, age and nationality this person is. Of course, they don’t think anything like that, just a good reason to sue you for money. Even for accidentally getting a child into the frame, you can get a charge of pedophilia. In America, the law prohibits single men from even being near the playground.

The ban applies to covert photography at federal property. These include federal buildings, public parks, plazas, airports, and train stations. It is forbidden to take pictures of police stations, court buildings. Photography of highways, tunnels and bridges is prohibited in North America. In the United States, there have been cases when the country was expelled for attempting to photograph attractions located near the freeway. There is a ban on photographing individual buildings that make up the cultural heritage of America. Special permission is required for such photography.

In addition, some states of America have their own prohibitions:

  • Alaska - it is forbidden to wake a sleeping bear in order to take a picture.
  • Wyoming - you can not photograph rabbits from January to April.

What can't be photographed in Canada?

The restriction is imposed on military and strategic facilities. You can photograph the police and the National Guard as much as you like.

Children under 14 can only be photographed with parental consent. It is strictly forbidden to take photographs in stores without the consent of the owner. In museums, galleries, and exhibitions, the situation depends on whether it is private or state property. In some places you can shoot without restrictions, in others you need to buy a photography permit, which also serves as an entrance ticket.

What can not be photographed in Cuba?

Photographing of any military installations and military equipment is prohibited in Cuba. It is forbidden to photograph military personnel. Photographs of industrial enterprises are not allowed. Although the Cubans themselves willingly pose and love to be photographed with tourists.

What can not be photographed in South America?

What can not be photographed in Argentina?

In Argentina, it is forbidden to film both military and police facilities and the police themselves.

What can not be photographed in Bolivia?

As in most countries, it is forbidden to film military installations. You can not photograph the Indians without their consent.

What can not be photographed in Venezuela?

Avoid public protests and demonstrations as they pose a threat to your life and health. Yes, by the way, there is a tourist police in Venezuela. In the event of any situation, you can always ask for help from an officer in a police uniform with a red beret.

There are many superstitions and signs associated with photographs. Knowing what or who cannot be photographed will help you avoid serious problems in the future. Do not endanger yourself and your loved ones.

We recently wrote about . You might think that these signs have no power and rational explanation, but this is not at all the case. There are things that are dangerous for energy, and with weak protection, they can harm your health, well-being and luck. With photographs, the situation is absolutely similar.

Why photos can be dangerous

Many of you have probably watched horror films or documentaries about how ghosts are displayed in photographs. There are many scientific theories about this. The main one says that at the moment of photographing, for a split second, the world of the dead and the world of the living lose their border. It is not entirely known whether ghosts can influence us in this way.

Here the opinions of experts are divided: someone says that the ghosts in the photographs are just a reflection of the invisible, otherworldly, and someone claims that this is the very moment when evil spirits can burst into our world. This moment is enough to get sick or bind negative energy to yourself.

Church ministers and esotericists had a negative attitude towards photography immediately after the advent of cameras. It seemed strange to people that some kind of box makes an instant picture of what is happening. After some time, strange photographs began to appear with incomprehensible faces and figures. Then people realized that they had invented a kind of bridge between the worlds of good and the world of evil.

Of course, today few people are ready to give up memorable pictures because of simple superstition. However, some things are better to be aware of before taking up the camera.

Signs with photos

Always remember who and what should not be photographed, so as not to bring trouble on yourself and your loved ones:

  • Sleeping people are not allowed to be photographed. This is especially true for infants and young children in general, as they are the most vulnerable. Their souls are pure and immaculate, so they will be the best place for a haven for evil spirits. Open eyes can always protect you from demons, because you can see them, and they are almost powerless if you look at them. It is better for these entities to remain in the shadows, to be invisible, so they live next to sleeping people, but cannot influence them. At the time of taking a photo, you erase the line, giving demons and ghosts access to human energy. Of course, few of them are aggressive, but why risk it?
  • You can not photograph the reflection in the mirror. In most cultures and religions, the mirror is described as a magnet for evil spirits. This is a kind of negative accumulator, a portal between us and the ghosts. This is especially true of two mirrors that create an infinite reflection. In no case should you take pictures of this, because at this moment you are in close proximity to everything related to spirits and their world. It is important to remember here that not only the moment itself is dangerous, but also photography, since this portal between worlds can be transferred. It retains its power, so throw away such photos without hesitation.
  • You can't take pictures of the dead. This is a very common sign that says that this way you can make the soul of the deceased lose peace forever. His spirit will live in the place where the body was. If it was an angry soul, then strange things will happen in the house. If you do take such a photo, keep it separate from other photos.
  • You can't take pictures of black cats. Yes, cats clean the energy of the house. They are our friends and very sweet creatures, but they can be easily possessed. Photographing sleeping black cats and cats is doubly dangerous, because, as we have already explained, demons interact better with the sleeping body during photography. Cats are not protected, so they are easily influenced by otherworldly forces.
  • You can not take pictures against the background of the ruins, ruins and abandoned houses. There energy is negative. It is transmitted in the photo and infects the whole house with failures. It is advisable not to take such photos, but if you still decide, then store them in a non-residential area such as a garage, attic and do not put them in plain sight.

Finally, remember a few important rules: do not give your photos to those who are in a bad relationship with you, or to those who are associated with these people, so that you will not be spoiled. In this regard, it is better to hide your photos on social networks, giving access only to relatives and friends. Also, do not have photos of those who hate you or whom you hate at home. Your enemies will take your mood away.

Everyone has seen photographs in which someone turns out to be blurry. This may indicate that a person is sick or suffering from an excess of negative energy. This sign is relevant not only for the elderly, but also for the young. You can be treated for diseases and increase your energy with the power of thought. We told you about this earlier. Do not forget about the signs associated with photographs, so as not to deprive yourself of positive and good health, attracting goodness and driving away adversity from yourself. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.06.2016 06:11

The interior of the house is difficult to imagine without decorative elements. The most popular of them are paintings and photographs. ...


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