Copywriting work where and how to learn. Copywriting - where to start free training for a beginner. Think about your target audience

How to become a copywriter from scratch without education is an urgent question for those who have always dreamed of starting to make money on the Internet without investment, having a free schedule and independence from the employer. This type of work is one of the most demanded among. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, the growth in the number of websites, competition in the network, the need to fill resources with content, copywriting is gaining more and more popularity every year. This profession attracts newcomers with the possibility of remote earnings at any convenient time, decent pay, a chance to become famous among readers. The profession of a copywriter, despite its apparent simplicity, has its own nuances and pitfalls. Anyone can learn to write articles from scratch, (even) but become a good copywriter and there are only a few to achieve real success. For those who want to find the answer to the question - how to become a copywriter, step-by-step instructions will help you do it quickly and without unnecessary problems.

How to become a copywriter from scratch without education: a simple test for 7 irreplaceable personal qualities

How to become a copywriter from scratch - answering this question, first of all, it is worth touching on the irreplaceable qualities that an author should have. After taking a short test, you can see if the game is worth the candle for you.

If you seriously decide to become a copywriter from scratch, you must have the following personal qualities:

  • Literacy. A good level of Russian is half the battle in writing quality articles for a copywriter. Literacy tests have been introduced on many copywriting services, so if you cannot write without spelling and grammatical errors, then it will be extremely difficult for you to break into the copywriting profession.
  • Fast typing speed, the ability to find information on the Internet, generalize and analyze the data obtained. If you do not have such a skill, then you can definitely not cause difficulties.
  • Fast adaptation... A copywriter has to work with different topics. Today he describes the services of a bridal salon, and tomorrow - auto parts. A true professional should be able to quickly switch and "enter" any topic.
  • Perseverance... Be prepared for the fact that you have to stay at the computer all day, "clicking" the keys.
  • Iron self-discipline... Since the copywriter no longer has a boss behind his back and controlling every step, you will have to entrust this function to yourself. Just like in copywriting, only a high level of motivation and self-discipline will help you not to abandon what you have started, not to relax and achieve your goals.
  • Imagination, intuition, light syllable... A copywriter has to write about everything in the world, so a broad outlook, rich vocabulary, erudition will become your faithful companions.
  • Practice. For those who want to become a copywriter from scratch, 1 year of diligent practice will teach much more than 5 years of study at a university.

How to work as a copywriter without experience: exchanges for beginners

How to become a copywriter where to start? The main stumbling block that all novice copywriters face is lack of experience, rating, qualifications, portfolio, high competition, lack of trust from customers. For beginner copywriters, large open exchanges with a large number of customers are suitable:

How to start working as a copywriter without experience: step by step instructions

Copywriting exchanges offer the following types of assignments:

  • Rewrite (reformulation of someone else's article in your own words). The most important indicator of the quality of such work is its uniqueness and readability. This is the lowest paid type of income that is most suitable for beginners. The customer specifies the source text to be uniqueized in the terms of reference. To change the original source, you can use replacing words with synonyms, rearranging the order of words, dividing one sentence into several while maintaining the original meaning. This option is ideal for those who want to become a copywriter from scratch.
  • Copyright (completely unique text written by a copywriter from the head or based on several sources).
  • SEO copyright - compilation of SEO-optimized articles for promotion in search engines. The copywriter will have to learn concepts such as "nausea", "wateriness", indicators according to Zipf's law, "keyword density", etc. For such work, customers are willing to pay an order of magnitude higher than for a regular rewrite.
  • Advertising (selling) texts - this type of work requires the copywriter to know the principles of online sales, consumer behavior models, marketing tools.
  • Transfer. (As a rule, customers are asked to translate texts into Russian from foreign resources).
  • Editing - this type of income is suitable for philologists with higher education.

In addition, a copywriter can write orders not only according to the technical specification, but also for sale. To do this, you have to study the most popular queries, select keywords, hot topics and upload your finished work to the article store.

To become a copywriter today, you need to follow 8 steps:

      1. Register on the etxt copywriting exchange (the most optimal option for beginners), open a Webmoney wallet to withdraw the earned funds (minimum amount from 250 rubles).
      2. Download Antiplagiat program to check texts for uniqueness.
      3. Fill out the profile (here you can write a short resume about yourself: about education, work experience, which topics are preferable for you).
      4. Check out the mini-training on how to write your first copywriter work below.
      5. Apply for a tender to receive orders (due to lack of qualifications, rating, you may have to complete the first orders for 10-20 rubles / 1000 characters).
      6. After successful completion of the order, immediately go to the higher prices (from 30-40 rubles).
      7. Take a literacy test and advanced training to increase your order rates (even if it doesn't work the first time, don't give up and work hard towards your goal).
      8. Add orders to your portfolio as they go. This will help your customers create a good impression of your writing style, integrity, and literacy.
      9. After you have built up your first experience and portfolio from scratch (2-3 months), you can move on to a step higher - increasing prices. In the framework of the etxt exchange, the price ceiling reaches about 100-120 rubles / 1K characters, and there are very few such orders. Therefore, if you want your income to increase, you need to independently look for customers in all "fishy" places - social networks, private copywriting exchanges with higher prices, your own website or landing page, freelance exchanges, free classifieds boards, e-mail newsletters , forums, blogs. A copywriter will never be left without "bread", as he knows how to create content, which means that he will be able to develop and earn on his site, for example on.

How to write an article to a copywriter?

If you want to know how to become a copywriter, then first of all you need to master the algorithm for writing articles so that they are logical, with a complete thought and useful for the reader.

  • Explore several sources on the Internet on the proposed topic.
  • Select a title on the indicated topic. It should be original, vivid and memorable. Question marks, numbers, facts, quotes work great on the reader's attention.
  • Make a "frame" (short plan) of the text based on the required volume, break into semantic subheadings.
  • Write a short summary for each item, then expand it with more detailed facts and arguments.
  • Write an introduction that will address the feelings of the reader, the main key question that interests him.
  • Write a conclusion that is a short summary of the main conclusions of the story.

How to create a portfolio for a copywriter?

A portfolio for a copywriter is a business card that reflects his professionalism, experience, peculiarities of the style. That is why the creation of examples of work should be approached with special scrupulousness. Choose only your best articles and it is advisable that they be written for reputable and recognizable sites.

From my own experience, I can say that this is a very powerful psychological technique that instantly inspires confidence in customers. They think "Yeah, since Sberbank orders articles from this copywriter, then he is really cool and you can work with him." As soon as I added work for Tinkoff Bank, KupiViP, Eldorado to my portfolio, and “packaged” all this correctly, customers began to line up, began to find me themselves and offered orders. Now 80% of orders are offered to me by the customers themselves, of which 50% have become my regular customers.

If you are making a portfolio for placement on a copywriting exchange, then write the name of the site where the text is posted, give a link to it (for believability), briefly describe what it is about and what results you managed to achieve after its placement (the number of orders increased, the percentage of refusals decreased , the time spent on the site has increased, the profitability of the resource has increased, and the like).

If you are creating your own website, then add not only links to posted articles, but also skirnshots, reviews, infographics. For selling texts, it is advisable to design a portfolio in the form of cases, which usually indicate the goals set, the cost of work and results (cost per lead, number of attracted customers per month, conversion rate, ROI and other indicators that reflect the effectiveness of investing money in content).

Rewriting comes from English (rewriting), which literally means rewriting something. Typically, the customer provides the source code. It is necessary to make it unique for search engines, rewriting in other words while maintaining the same semantic load. The volume can remain the same, increase or decrease in accordance with the terms of reference.

There are several techniques for modifying the original text. Replacing some words with synonyms or changing the order of words in a sentence is not enough. It should be a completely different text. You can change the grammatical structure of sentences, transform direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa, omit phrases without semantic load. In this case, the text should be well read.

Over time, you can move on to a more complex format - SEO copywriting. This is the process of writing texts with so-called keywords or queries to be found by search engines. This is necessary to promote resources. A web copywriter will have to become familiar with the basic principles of writing SEO texts, learn how to determine the density of keywords and "nausea", master HTML formatting.

There are many types of SEO texts: selling, informational, advertising and informational ... Therefore, you need to constantly learn, master new skills and techniques of writing. These texts should be equally attractive for both search engine robots and people reading the articles.

How to become a copywriter - the algorithm of actions.

A beginner copywriter needs:

  • study the basic rules of writing texts (independently or with the help of courses, free mailings);
  • register on several exchanges - this is necessary to search for orders, find the most optimal interface with which it will be comfortable to work;
  • open an electronic wallet for withdrawing money using WebMoney - a system for payments on the Internet;
  • create a high-quality portfolio (examples of completed work), ideally, these are articles already posted on the network with attribution.

The rest will depend on the punctuality, efficiency and learning ability of the novice author. It is not at all necessary to immediately fulfill serious orders. You can start by writing posts, comments on blogs and forums. There are many copywriter and freelance exchanges on the internet. On some, you can register as an executor only after completing the test task, but there are many resources with free access. It is with the help of specialized exchanges that most authors find their customers. As a rule, the administration of the resource guarantees payment for the work performed. It is best to fill orders on familiar topics, but you can write articles yourself and put them up for sale.

A real author is not just a person who once read the recommendations on how to become a good copywriter and decided to make money on the Internet. Top authors will definitely enjoy the creative process itself. They strive to do the work outside the box, with a soul, thereby attracting the attention of potential website visitors.


Want to learn how to literally print money? Then you have a direct path to copywriting. And in this article, I will tell you how to start a beginner in copywriting to quickly start making money.

Today I earn about 8 rubles for each printed word (out of curiosity I somehow counted). Considering that most copywriters only get 25-35 kopecks per word printed, I think I've gotten pretty good. Do you want to learn the same? Then read on carefully.

Important! Be sure to check out our free training (opens in a new tab).

And there is one step you can take right now towards a successful copywriting career. Let's do it right away.

What do you need to do right now?

You need to start by setting a clear goal. You have to decide - who do you want to become? An ordinary copywriter who earns 10-15 thousand rubles a month? Or an elite copywriter, whose earnings can go up to 100-200 thousand rubles for one text?

A trick question, I understand. Who will choose beggarly earnings if you can earn 20 times more? But in practice, the majority stops at the first option. Because the second option will take more effort and more time from you.

Conventional copywriting is writing texts for other people's sites to order. The path here is very simple - you come to the freelance exchange and get involved in the general work. Write some texts for 40 - 70 rubles per 1000 characters. Then you get regular customers, and you raise your rates a little. Let's say up to the level of 90 - 100 rubles per thousand characters. But this is the ceiling.

So that you are not told by the "monsters" of seo-copywriting on the forums, no matter how loudly they shout that you need to respect your profession and not agree to rates below a certain level, your earnings will still be very low.

In order to earn the same 15,000 rubles per month, you will have to write about 300,000 characters (without spaces). That is, it is about 10 pages a day, seven days a week. By the end of the first month, your eyes will bleed. By the end of the second, you will never be able to straighten your back. By the end of the third month, you will have grown into a chair in front of your computer.

Why you can never make money from copywriting

Low earnings on SEO copywriting will always remain low for one simple reason - there are a lot of such copywriters. And if there is a lot of someone, then prices in such a labor market are always minimal. Because it is unskilled, black work. Almost anyone can do it.

Loaders can also talk as much as they want about the prestige of their profession and that you have to pay well for it. But this will never happen.

Therefore, the very first and most important thing you need to do right now is to understand that you need to move towards expensive copywriting. And this is already writing sales texts. If you learn to convince people of something with the help of your text, then your income will grow 20 - 30 times. And you will have to work 20-30 times less.

You can start with SEO copywriting, there is nothing wrong with that. But always keep in mind that you need to gradually go out to selling texts. And in this article we will look at the path from scratch to expensive orders.

Even at the very beginning of this path, there are pitfalls that can immediately put an end to your career.

Why 90% of newbies leave the market without a single order

The reason many aspiring copywriters never get started is very simple. They read too many articles about copywriting. Such as the one you are reading right now, for example. In all these articles, they want to show them that copywriting can earn a lot. And they speak correctly, but beginners often make wrong conclusions.

For some reason they decide that it is possible and necessary to earn a lot right away. Here, the old-timers of the forums are also connected, and they begin to spread rot on the unfortunate newcomers. They say they came running / came in large numbers, agree to work for food, and because of this, the market falls. We must immediately demand a high salary, worthy of a real professional. Those who offer less than a thousand rubles per thousand characters are immediately sent to the black list, and so on.

If you listen to these eternally embittered old-timers, then most likely you will not receive a single order. First, you need to work your flight hours, for any money. Yes, this is very important - at any price. If you are offered 20 - 30 rubles per thousand characters - so be it. For a start it will go. You need to at least learn how to type quickly. So let it be better for you to pay a little for it than you will train for free.

If you think that it is easy for me to argue, because you yourself have never worked for that kind of money, then you are mistaken.

How I started to make money on texts

True, my "flying hours" I have earned not as a copywriter, but as a translator. But otherwise it was very similar. The only work I could find in the beginning was translating hundreds of pages of technical literature. They paid me 70 rubles for 1800 signs. That is, it is about 40 rubles per thousand characters without spaces.

But it was a job as a translator, I studied at the institute for five years in order to become a professional, to get a diploma. I learned two foreign languages \u200b\u200band a bunch of translation sciences. And you don't need to study for a copywriter for five years. Can you imagine how the same “old-timers” and translators who “respect themselves” treated me?

But he gradually grew, raised the rates, went to direct customers, and as a result achieved the level of payment that he wanted. Then he even opened his own translation bureau, because there were too many expensive and high-quality orders for one person. But those "self-respecting" could not start working as translators. They went to other professions, to tutoring, but they could not resist translating.

It will be the same with you if you want to start making a lot at once. The first step is to register for as many freelance exchanges as possible and start receiving orders for at least some money.

Yes, you will get very tired and earn very little, but gaining quantity is a necessary step. Therefore, I recommend not to listen to anyone, and not to dream of millions at once - just print and print. Then sleep a little and print again. Eating is optional.

To grow quickly, you have to study a lot. And the best learning is practice. But besides practice, there are other options.

How to learn copywriting for free

As I said above, money is only in writing sales texts. But this must be studied separately. While you are doing SEO copywriting, earning money to feed yourself, you need to make sure to take the time to learn how to write convincing copy.

You can study such copywriting for free or for a fee. And let's look at free ways first.

The Most Effective Copywriting Exercise

There is one surprisingly simple exercise to get you started quickly writing good sales copy. This exercise is called rewriting. That is, you literally rewrite good sales copy. You don't invent anything yourself, you just open the text and start rewriting it.

Only an important point - you need to rewrite it by hand (do not print), and at least 10 times. While you are writing, you are passing this text through yourself, and it is absorbed into your subconsciousness. And when you need to write something of your own, you will unconsciously model the strongest techniques.

The only question is where to find such texts. I recommend that you take the best - texts that have earned hundreds of millions (and even billions) of dollars. Unfortunately they are all in English. But I have translated several of these texts for you so that you can practice even if you don't know English.

You can also, of course, read special literature. It is not necessary to buy books from the store. For example, you can download my book for free , where I give copywriting tips in different formats - texts, emails, webinars, etc.

You can and should study for free. But I would still recommend that you go through good paid training. Here are the criteria by which you should look for copywriting training.

How to learn copywriting correctly for a fee

I am in favor of a practical approach to learning, even for money. For example, two trainings, which one do you choose? The first training is a three-month course where you will be taught the most secret tips for writing convincing texts, the most powerful working techniques. And it will cost, say, five thousand rubles.

The second training lasts only one day, and there you will not be told anything. You will be forced to write, and then they will take your text, read it, and tell you where to write better, where to add and where to remove. And it will cost ten thousand rubles.

So, I will no doubt choose the second option. Because you grow only when there is a more experienced commercial writer who personally looks at your texts and points out mistakes. Even if it costs more and takes less time. You will get a hundred times more benefits than the most secret "chips" in the world.

Therefore, be sure to only look for courses where your work will be tested and improved. Don't settle for learning by listening. And yet - don't look for the coolest and most famous specialists. They usually have too little time to check each student's work. A queue of people wishing to find out something so secret is already lining up to them, which made this famous person so famous.

But he still cannot reveal any secrets to you, because they are not there. There is only practice. And then there is practice under the supervision of an experienced mentor. And there is nothing else. Therefore, I would recommend that you look not for the coolest, but simply for the strong. And those who do not mind your time and energy for you. In addition, training from such specialists is likely to be cheaper than from a guru.

This is such a difficult path of a copywriter - long, difficult, without guarantees of success. Do you want a formula on how to become an elite copywriter in six months, with a 100% guaranteed result? I have it.

How to Become an Elite Copywriter in Six Months

If you want to grow really fast, then you don't have to rely on freelance exchanges. There you will always be one of so many. You need to take your career into your own hands.

Make your own copywriting website. And make it so that he brings you customers every day. It's that simple. You create a website and write articles on it every day to attract seo traffic. In addition, you write selling texts (after all, you need to sell your services from this site).

Thus, you learn and earn at the same time. Of course, this is the hardcore mode. Because no one will pay you in the beginning. Only after six months your site will come out of the search engine filters that they impose on all new sites (such as "sandbox"), and only then will the first serious traffic go to you.

And before that, you will have to write "into the void." And it will take you a lot of time. But in six months you will have a wonderful resource of your own, from where the best customers come to you every day.

Do you understand the difference? On the one hand, you are the face on the avatar among thousands of the same avatars on the freelance exchange. On the other hand, you are a person whose articles Yandex and Google put in first place in search results. You have your own website that proves that you really understand what you do. In the second case, you can immediately ask for your texts as much as you want, and you will be paid.

Yes, even if it will take you not six months to promote your site, but a year or a year and a half - in my opinion, this is still better than living a half-starved existence on the stock exchanges all your life.

I hope you now have a more complete and objective understanding of what copywriting is, and where to start for a beginner who wants to make money by writing texts. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience for 10 years \u003d)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

There is a stereotype that freelancers are people who just write texts. On all kinds of courses such as "Copywriting for beginners", "How to make money on copywriting", etc., they say about millions in earnings. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Today we'll talk about what copywriting and rewriting are, how you can make money on freelancing, and discuss the main mistakes of beginners.

I. What is copywriting

Many have heard about copywriting, but few know about its essence. In the classical version, the definition of "copywriting" can be formulated as follows:

The relevance of the profession of a copywriter is associated with the rapid increase in the need for people to use the World Wide Web to obtain information. Accordingly, each site owner for the successful promotion of his resource should regularly publish new interesting articles that must be useful.

Not everyone has enough time to complete the site on their own. Copywriters come to the rescue - specialists with a writing talent who know the basics of copywriting.

There are many sites, and there are even more freelancers who want to make money on copywriting. The competition among specialists is growing, which means that the texts themselves are improving.

1.1 How to write copywriting

To write high-quality copywriting, we recommend using the following algorithm:

    Decide on the topic (if not specified by the customer).

    Study 10-20 texts in the search engine according to the topic.

    Create the structure of the future text. The article must fully answer the topic and disclose all the questions. It is advisable to use lists.

    Informativeness, usefulness, relevance, literacy of the text are the main requirements in copywriting. For an article to become interesting to readers, it must be better than those already published on the net.

    Check the texts for uniqueness, preferably for several services. Non-unique articles will never appear on the first pages of search engines.

1.2 How to write SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting is used to increase website traffic. It differs from ordinary copywriting by the presence of key phrases and words evenly distributed throughout the text.

The algorithm for writing seo-copywriting is similar to regular copywriting, only in the first case there are keywords.

If the customer does not provide a list of keywords, the copywriter must find them himself.

There are paid programs such as "SlovoEB", Key Collector, Yandex wordstat and Google AdWords are available free of charge.

To find keywords through Google AdWords, you need to go to the Google service and select the "Start" button.

To get a selection of keywords for copywriting, you need to enter the main word, phrase (name of a product or service), focusing on which the search will be carried out, and also select a category.

After that, all that remains is “Get options”.

As you can see, the tool shows a lot of key phrases, the number of queries per month, the level of competition, etc.

If you don't have a Google account, it's easier to use the Yandex tool. The functionality is quite simple.

First, you need to go to the tool page, enter the phrase that interests you, type “Pick up”. In this example, the search contains only mid-range and low-frequency keywords. It is on them that you should bet. If the number of requests per month, for example, is more than 20 thousand, it will be very difficult to get ahead of the competition.

You can check the competitiveness of key queries by specifying the main keyword in the search engine.

As you can see, the top 5 has already been formed, but getting to the first page is still possible.

Next, you need to study information on the topic from the top pages, choose the most interesting, create the structure of the text, decide where it is better to start submitting the material and how to end it. The text size should be in the range of 3-5 thousand characters without spaces.

It is worth paying special attention to the first 200 characters of the article. It is recommended to use the main keyword in them. Further, their location should be uniform.

You can write the optimized text right away or enter keywords after the main material has been presented. The main thing is to stick to common sense and not oversaturate several paragraphs with a dozen keywords. ...

1.3 How to write rewriting

Rewriting is a lexical processing of already written text (copywriting), the main purpose of which is its uniqueness.

Clients, ordering rewriting, receive an interesting unique text to promote their resource, and performers do not have to spend a lot of time looking for useful information, since there is a primary source.

More and more often, you can see orders in which the client asks to completely change the structure of the original source or to rewrite 2-3 texts. At the same time, the lexical transformation of primary sources must fully comply with the customer's requirements and reflect the main essence of the sample article.

There is a fine line between copywriting and rewriting, which some site owners do not notice and, accordingly, pay the performer for copywriting at the price of rewriting. If it is required to achieve 100% uniqueness, then the performer needs to do a deep rewriting, not a superficial one (80-90% uniqueness). There are no unique requirements for this indicator, the resource owners themselves determine which texts are suitable, taking into account the specifics of the sites.

Some customers place TK, placing an order as a rewriting, but in fact, when all the requirements are fulfilled, the contractor needs to write copywriting. For example: "Send the text to the main page of the children's toys store. The source code is attached. But there are only 1,000 characters, and we need 4,000. You should also add about the benefits of working with our company, add information about products, suppliers, and a variety of assortments. Search the Internet for our photo, posted on the site. Since the source code does not have any structure, but a solid text, compose your article so that it is nicely structured, easy to read, use lists, subheadings. Since this is a rewriting, not copywriting, the price is for 1 000 characters without spaces is 15 UAH ".

Experienced freelancers will never pay attention to such an order. First, copywriting is disguised under rewriting, and the customer just wants to save money. Secondly, it will take a long time to write the text, and the payment is too low. Of course, everyone decides for himself whether to cooperate with such a customer or not. Rewriting for newbies is not that difficult if you really do it and not copywriter.

II. How to make a copywriter (rewriter)

It's better to start working with copywriting exchanges. First of all, you need to register. It is worth paying attention to filling out the profile information. Photo, information about yourself, nice nickname, full name, portfolio, availability of test work - these nuances play an important role.

Agree, between two copywriters, the first of which has a beautiful photo, nickname kopi, there are 20 texts in the portfolio, it is indicated that there are 2 higher educations, and the second has a photo of a kitten, nickname is also appropriate (kotik), there is no information about himself and references to examples of work, the customer will certainly choose the first one. Nobody wants to buy a pig in a poke. The contractor needs to prove his competence.

It is better for a beginner to take simple orders with clear technical specifications.

"Spelling" and "" will help to correct mistakes and learn the basic rules. You can remove excess ("water") using the popular Glavred service. Of course, they will not help you write an interesting and useful text, but they “poke your nose” where there are extra spaces, a dot is missing, words are misspelled, etc.

2.1 How much can you earn from copywriting

All novice copywriters are interested in the question of how much you can earn from copywriting. It all depends on the price for services and the amount of time that the performer will spend on copywriting. In this case, everyone makes a decision independently. You can write 10,000 characters per day at a price of 10 UAH per 1,000, or you can create masterpieces, for 1,000 characters of which customers will be willing to pay 100 UAH.

With 4-5 hours of work per day, a copywriter working in the price category of 20-50 UAH for 1,000 characters without spaces can easily earn 1,000-1,500 UAH per week, respectively, for a month - 4,000-6,000. Factors such as:

    typing speed;

    complexity of orders and compliance with payment for such tasks;

    performer's pricing policy;

    his ability to work;

    availability of orders.

A beginner copywriter should focus on long-term cooperation in order to provide himself with orders and stable income.

2.2 How to get an expensive order

A beginner should not search for customers on his own through the World Wide Web. Better to use the services of the exchange. It is enough to select “Orders / projects” in the menu and start choosing the order of interest.

The customer chooses one contractor from numerous applications. To receive an order for work, you must correctly draw up an application. Standard phrases like “Ready to fulfill”, “I'll hand over tomorrow” or even empty applications cannot tell about skills, knowledge, experience in the field of copywriting.

The main goal of the performer in copywriting is to convince the customer of his professionalism and serious approach to work. Moreover, this must correspond to reality.

Irresponsible performers who do not hand over orders for no reason, write low-quality texts, will never be able to achieve the heights of copywriting and make money on it.

After the customer has confirmed the application, it is necessary to clarify all the details of cooperation.

2.3 How to make money selling texts

If there are no orders on a suitable topic or the payment is not satisfied, you can write texts for sale. Key points to look out for:

    topic of the article. It must be relevant. It is unlikely that the buyer needs an article on skin care in the winter, if it is spring outside;

    demand for text. Newbies often make the mistake of selling articles about little-known people or highly specialized texts. To find popular topics, just go to the most visited sites. For example, women's magazines (LJ), men's resources, sites about tourism, diseases, etc. That is, you need to write about what is interesting to many, and not 1 person in a million;

    title. Only catchy titles in copywriting arouse interest in further reading;

    material structure, literacy, usefulness. The article should be interesting, the sentences should be small, stylistically correct, well-written. For ease of reading, you should make paragraphs, lists, subheadings, highlight the main information;

    after writing it is better to postpone the article for a few hours, and then check again for errors;

    when publishing, it is important to correctly write the keywords in the appropriate field, description, choose the appropriate category;

    price. Inflated prices will result in no sales. Analyze customer proposals. For example, rewriting (not copywriting) a text on women's topics can cost from 10 UAH per 1,000 characters without spaces. Better to set such a price, and after receiving positive feedback, raise the prices.

2.4 Why not buy articles

All newbies are looking for instant sales. But what if it doesn't work out the way you want? There can be many reasons why articles are not bought:

    errors in the description, title of the text. If a copywriter cannot write several sentences correctly, then the customer will doubt the quality of the article;

    an unclaimed topic that will not bring material benefits to the client;

    uninteresting and illogical title;

    incorrect description;

    selection of irrelevant keywords;

    presentation of information from the first person. Most often, texts written from a third person are in demand, that is, neutral;

    article size. Optimal texts are between 2 and 3 thousand characters;

    uselessness. For example, an article titled "How to Make Soup" should contain a step-by-step recipe, recommendations, possible variations in replacing ingredients. That is, comprehensive information has been submitted. Continuous "water" is not interesting to either the client or visitors to his site.

III. How to withdraw earned money

We figured out how to make a newbie on copywriting. It's time to talk about the withdrawal of earned money.

The most popular and convenient are withdrawals:

    to the WebMoney wallet;

    privatBank card;

    through the payment system "Interkassa".

Having chosen a convenient option for receiving money, it is enough to create an application for withdrawal. Within 5 days, the money will be credited to the specified account.

IV. Conclusion

A lot of text has been written, but I hope these tips will help novice copywriters learn the basics of copywriting and create true masterpieces!

Do not stop at the achieved goals, study, develop and you will certainly become a demanded specialist.

Almost every person who knows how to use a computer and a keyboard dreams of becoming a copywriter "on free bread" today. If you can also boast of a "sense of language" and literacy, then you have every chance of becoming a good, in-demand author and writing selling texts.

How to become a copywriter and where to start?

Step 1. Register

You do not need to pass any strict exams to work and register on the eTXT Content Exchange. You don't even need to know the principles of the site initially. The main thing is to know what copywriting is and what an author does, and how to become a copywriter from scratch, creating selling texts and getting money for them, we will teach you further!

The main and most simple, the first steps - fill in all the fields of the registration form and select the desired status for further work - the performer. In the additional fields, select what types of work you want to perform (copywriting, rewriting, translations, SEO copywriting) and for what price. If you don't even know who the copywriter is and how to get started, leave these fields blank. You can always change their value in your account settings.

Next, select the topics on which you would like to write expert articles and selling texts (no more than five). A list of topics is displayed on your profile, and customers can see what areas you know best.

After filling out the form, click "Register" and wait for a letter from the administration of the eTXT Content Exchange with confirmation of registration: in a few seconds it should come to the mailbox specified when filling out the form. After that, you will receive a letter in which we briefly talk about what you need to know in the first stages of work, how a copywriter works and how to start your work on the exchange.

Step 2. Profile configuration

Your profile is your face on the Exchange. At the same time, in order to become a good copywriter and a successful author on the Exchange, you need to take your profile as seriously as possible at first. The more, more detailed and better the profile is filled in, the more professional you look. A good copywriter must first of all be able to correctly describe and “sell” himself.

Profile editing and settings are available in the user's personal account by clicking on the name:

Fill in all the fields to the maximum. In the field "Additional information" in a free form, indicate your strengths for the job. What it can be: skills, training, experience, why the customer should entrust the work to you.


If you already have articles or selling texts in your arsenal that can be shown to customers as an example of your work, place them in your portfolio. This is important in order to become more competitive when applying for an order fulfillment. At the same time, both the texts themselves and links to the resources where they are published can be added to the portfolio. Showcase the best work, not all in a row: the client must make sure that you are a professional.

A copywriter's portfolio is the most important profile information. It reflects your experience and skills. But if you don't have a portfolio, what should you do?

If you do not have any developments at all, do not despair: you can write a work for advanced training (by type of work). This will kill two birds with one stone: you can add a qualifying article to your portfolio and earn stars of excellence for it. In addition, you will try writing texts and thus, over time, you will understand how to learn copywriting and subsequently how to become a copywriter from scratch on your own without any cost for additional courses.

You can also register on the partner project and place the text there, and from the portfolio give a link to a colorfully designed article.

Do not be lazy to fill out your portfolio - it is easy to become a copywriter on the Internet today, and in order to prove your skills, customers need to show their work.

The "Portfolio" tab is available in your personal account in the "My Profile" section. You can read more about the rules for filling out a copywriter's portfolio in the section.

Step 3. Working with orders

After filling out the profile, proceed to the selection of the first orders. If you are at a loss and still do not know how to write articles or doubt what the author and, in general, the copywriter who is doing, - you can read the step-by-step instructions for training again for yourself in our.

How to choose an order?

If, when registering or editing your profile, you did not specify the minimum prices for your services, you will be able to view all orders of the system.

In your personal account, open the "View all orders" section - you will see the order feed of the exchange. Those orders with which it will be most interesting for you to work, you can find in the search by selecting the necessary parameters.

Newbie copywriters, whose rating is less than 300 units, need to pass a literacy test in order to get access to more expensive orders (from 15 rubles / 1000 characters for rewriting and from 25 rubles / 1000 characters for copywriting). This is important because you first need to show your abilities.

How do I apply?

Did you like the topic of the order, the task is clear, and the working conditions are fine?

Fine! Click the "Submit Application" button and wait for the customer to accept it, choose you as a contractor and you will receive your first orders. You can also cancel the reply to the job there. If your candidacy is approved, you will receive a system message and the order status will change to "In Progress". The statuses of orders and applications are displayed in the personal account at the top:

Work on the order

Having taken the first orders to work, carefully read all the conditions. You must complete the work in accordance with the requirements of the customer - only then will he accept the material and pay you money.

All requirements for copywriters are indicated on the order card: minimum number of characters, deadline for work, percentage of uniqueness, etc.

Don't forget that your article should be literate and of high quality by default. They will help to test themselves, as well as regular updating of their knowledge - read books on copywriting, thematic and related blogs on how to write texts, about Internet and content marketing, and also subscribe to our channels on social networks. All this will help you in how to become a copywriter from scratch.

When the work is ready, send it for review: upload the finished work through the order form or attach a file with text. If the customer has accepted the order, you will receive a system notification and the article will change to the "Completed" status.

For copywriters, payment is credited to the account approximately 3-4 hours after the work is accepted.

The main thing is to work for pleasure.

Once you've decided “Yes, I can be a copywriter,” you need to try yourself. If you already have a portfolio, great. If not, then the easiest way to understand in which direction you are developing is to take, perhaps, the simplest order to work and understand whether it is really “yours”.

Work should be fun. It's not about making money, it's about figuring out if you enjoy your job.

Believe in yourself

It may sound trivial, but 100 percent belief in yourself is essential for success. For example, many children are taught from a young age that a career in the creative field is a low-paying job and the impossibility of career growth. Subsequently, they work in the office and do not feel satisfaction from what they do in life.

Show patience and perseverance

Most importantly, if you are serious about becoming a copywriter, stick to your desire and don't give up on it!

It will be very difficult to succeed right away. In the early stages of work, most likely, you will have rejected applications - all newbies face this. But remember, competition is okay. Don't give up just because you weren't chosen at first.

The first orders will be inexpensive, but once you understand how to write quickly and a lot, you will gradually raise the price of your work, you will develop and get better.

Successful work on the project! Read our blog to learn how to copy and learn more about how to become a copywriter from scratch.
And join if you are not with us yet!


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