How much profit a cotton candy business can bring: a detailed calculation. Cotton candy business: history, cost, production and sales Calculate how much it costs to make cotton candy

Cotton candy or cotton candy is a sweet treat that comes from our childhood. Now there is not a single adult and not a single child who would not taste this delicacy. Even in the days of the USSR, even when popcorn (popcorn) was unknown and we replaced it with corn sticks, cotton candy already existed. And the cotton candy trade point (in cinemas, cafes, circus or amusement parks) has always been surrounded by children and adults. How old is this treat?

The history and names of cotton candy

Cotton candy is known all over the world, but under different names. So, in the USA it is known as Cotton candy (cotton candy). In Australia - Fairy floss (magic fluff). In England, the name turned out to be combined - Candy floss (sweet fluff). In Germany and Italy - sugar yarn (thread, wool) - Zuckerwolle and zucchero filato, respectively. And in France, cotton candy is even called - barbe a papa (father's beard).

Despite the differences in names, the process of making cotton wool is the same and, practically, has not changed since its first appearance - December 23, 1987, it was on this day that two inventors from the United States, William Morrison and John C. Wharton, filed a patent application for an apparatus for the production of cotton candy. The patented apparatus has become the grandfather of all modern cotton candy production devices. Despite the long period of time, the concept of cotton candy production has not changed.

Sugar is melted to the state of a liquid syrup, after which it is squeezed out through a special device with thin holes, the resulting threads of syrup are thrown from the centrifuge to the walls of the container due to centrifugal force, while cooling with forced air. Due to cooling, the threads quickly crystallize and the same sweet cotton wool is obtained from sugar. The threads are collected by the operator into a ball using a wooden, cardboard or plastic stick from the walls of the container. In the first apparatus of the inventors, heating was carried out using a gas burner, the centrifuge and air supply were mechanical due to a foot drive (like on sewing machines). With the spread of electricity, apparatus became simpler and almost modern.

To demonstrate their apparatus, the inventors chose the 1904 World Trade Fair in St. Louis (USA). In the reporting materials of this exhibition, it is recorded that the company of inventors Electric candy company earned $ 17,164 by selling 68,655 boxes of cotton candy at 25 cents a carton. For reference, you could buy a men's shirt for 25 cents then. From this fair, cotton candy began to develop as a popular and profitable niche for business.

Cotton candy commercials, mid 20th century

By the way, this 1904 fair (St. Louis, USA) distinguished itself not only with cotton candy. It was on it, for the first time, that sandwiches were demonstrated Hot dogs, cold tea Iced tea, waffle packaging for ice cream Roller and conical and peanut butter confectionery. In fact, most of today's fast food, sweets and gourmet business began with that fair.

Modern cotton candy business

Although the principle of cotton candy production has remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the 20th century, modern machines can do much more than just the production of cotton candy. The entire process of making cotton wool in commercial machines is automated. Now you can add food colors, flavorings and flavorings. Cotton candy from such machines has different tastes, smells and colors. Although the first cotton wool was sweet, it smelled absolutely nothing and did not have a pronounced taste.

To get started, you need to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The state does not impose any special requirements to open a point for the sale of cotton candy. Perhaps in your region the authorities will independently introduce any additional requirements, however, most often all requirements are reduced to compliance with sanitary conditions. That is, in addition to installation, you will need to purchase a protective cap on the bowl of the machine to prevent dust from entering the finished product.

Where to open a point of sale of cotton candy

Many sites with business ideas recommend opening an exit outlet for the sale of goodies. However, this approach has several significant disadvantages. The most important and irresistible is the seasonality of the business. Such a point can operate no more than 6-7 months a year, thereby violating the principle of any business - the equipment must work all year round... In addition to seasonality, the following disadvantages of the street point are not taken into account - the supply of electricity (additional purchase of a generator), cloudy days (it happens that the whole summer is cloudy, and on rainy days it will not work to make cotton wool, sugar takes moisture from the air).

the site recommends opening a point for the sale of cotton candy on the territory of shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas and other establishments with high traffic. In such establishments, demand will be stable all year round and even expensive rent will quickly pay off. Also, large institutions guarantee you compliance with sanitary conditions, which significantly saves you time for registering a business, since you will receive permits from the Fire Supervision and SES with the help of the administration. Then, having got used to it, for the summer period you can expand your business with street points.

Modern apparatus for the production of cotton candy have additional equipment that will allow you to draw attention to your point. It is about sound and light signaling. You can "twist" the music at your point (after coordinating this with the administration), and the bright illumination will attract children and adults. By choosing the right cotton wool fragrance, you get the third attraction element - smell.

Figures in cotton candy business

The cost of modern devices ranges from 13-40 thousand rubles. The approximate productivity is 2-3 kg of sugar per hour. One portion of cotton candy requires 20 grams of sugar, therefore, 150 portions of cotton candy can be made in an hour of continuous operation. The average price of a portion is 100-150 rubles. The wholesale price for 1 kg of sugar is 35-40 rubles (for 2016).

For the calculation example, we will assume that you work in a shopping center. 8 hours a day. You sell 50 servings of cotton wool a day at a price of 100 rubles per serving. Excluding holidays, where the number of sales is significantly higher.

In 30 days you will sell 1,500 servings. The total profit will be 150 thousand rubles.

Costs... Costs for 1 serving - 20 grams of sugar, package + stick.

  • Sugar: 0.02 kg * 1,500 \u003d 30 kg, 40 * 30 \u003d 1,200 rubles;
  • Sticks and packages: 2 rubles per serving * 1,500 \u003d 3,000 rubles;
  • The salary of 1 operator, but 2 operators working in shifts will be required - 15-20 thousand rubles. 40 thousand rubles for 2 operators.
  • Various expenses for consumables and point maintenance - 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • The rent is 20 thousand rubles.

Total costs will be 74,200 rubles... Monthly profit net of expenses and excluding taxes - 75 800 rubles... Taking into account the holidays and the right marketing, profits can be doubled. Additional income can be obtained using various equipment: mechanical vending machines, a popcorn machine, or the sale of freshly squeezed juices. The cost of entering this business is 100-150 thousand rubles. Payback is achieved in 1-5 months.

Video: the main marketing secret of profitable cotton candy sales

After watching the video, you will understand that in the cotton candy trade, demand is stimulated (mainly by children) by a colorful product presentation. Having studied the simple technique of making such beautiful and bright delicacies, you can increase profits without any additional types of income.

Since sugar cotton wool is not a perishable product, it can be produced for future use on an industrial scale by packaging cotton wool using a vacuum. This will require a workshop and special equipment. The scale of such a business is different from retail outlets. So, for example, you will need several tens of tons of sugar only a month. And the cost of entering this business will be in the millions.

Today it is one of the most sought after treats for adults and children, and making it can be a very profitable business for those interested in it.

If you have a question how to do cotton candy, then, first of all, you need to understand what kind of product it is and get acquainted with the main technological points of its manufacture. So, cotton candy represents the finest sugar threads, which are obtained from granulated sugar preheated to a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Filaments are formed from molten raw materials under the influence of centrifugal force. To impart vitamin value, improve the taste and appearance of the product, fortified natural additives and dyes are sprayed onto cooled fibers by spraying. Currently, there are a large number of such additives that allow you to establish the production of cotton candy with a wide variety of tastes.

The most common production of roll-type cotton wool, in which the fibers are wound on a plastic or wooden stick or in the form of rolls are stacked in layers in special containers. It is such a product that is familiar to the consumer and is widely available on the market.

The basic equipment for the implementation of all these technological processes are special apparatus for cotton candy. Their design is based on a metal box, on which a stainless steel bowl is installed to collect sugar threads. To protect against product loss, most manufacturers equip bowls with a special protective mesh or plastic cap. Such devices work from an electrical network, with a nominal voltage of 220V. It takes about 1 minute to warm them up to start work, and about 15-30 seconds to make one portion of cotton wool. The consumption of sugar in this case is on average about 20 grams per serving. The operator's actions do not require special preparation and are reduced to pouring the required amount of raw materials into the container and collecting the finished dessert after the time has elapsed.

There is a wide variety of equipment on the market today for the production of cotton candy, both from domestic and foreign manufacturers. AIRHOT devices have been gaining the greatest popularity in recent years, presented in several modifications of different performance. They are valued for their relatively low cost, as well as compactness, lightness and design mobility. STARFOOD equipment has similar advantages. The line of these devices is considered very economical and quickly pays off in the process. On request and depending on the expected production volumes, it is possible to purchase units made in a tabletop or floor-standing version, as well as equipped with a trolley. Carts, safety nets and plastic domes of various diameters are also available separately.

The production and sale of cotton candy is an excellent and inexpensive business idea for many start-up entrepreneurs with little capital. One of the main benefits of cotton candy is that children, teenagers and many adults love it.

Opening a point of sale of cotton candy: requirements

To date, there are no special requirements for the premises where cotton candy can be sold. Trade can be easily organized even outdoors.

But regulatory bodies require that the equipment, as well as the raw materials used, meet all quality requirements and have the appropriate certificates.

If the sale of cotton candy will take place indoors, it must be dry, so that the finished product does not start to stick together, and also have ventilation. Spaces such as a buffet, cafeteria or dining room are suitable choices.

One of the advantages of using public catering facilities is that there is no need to issue permits.

One of the requirements for a retail outlet is a source of running water, as well as a small storage room in which the equipment could fit.

To the point of sale of cotton candy, it is necessary to conduct paths for supplying electricity or, if possible, buy an autonomous generator.

Point of sale of cotton candy

As stated above, cotton candy is the most popular summer treat for children, youth and many adults. Therefore, it is advantageous to locate a retail outlet in places with high traffic, for example: planetariums, parks, cinemas and playgrounds.

In the case of placing a retail outlet in the open air, sanitary services require a tent or a dome.


To effectively and profitably organize a cotton candy business, you will need to buy the following equipment:

  • apparatus for making cotton candy;
  • raw materials from which cotton candy will be created;
  • tent or dome to protect the device from dust and light product "leakage".

If the business will be organized mainly in the open air, a mobile cart for the apparatus for making cotton candy will be needed. The apparatus for the production of cotton candy can be purchased for a price ranging from eight to thirty-five thousand rubles.

Cotton candy making

Cotton candy is produced from ordinary refined granulated sugar. Perfect for both beetroot and cane.

To create one serving of cotton wool, you need two teaspoons of granulated sugar (about twenty grams of sugar).

Spoons of sugar are poured deep into the drum into a special small-sized depression.

After that, the apparatus starts up, and the granulated sugar begins to melt, forming at this time a small cobweb gathering next to the sides of the groove.

While the cobweb obtained from granulated sugar is being sprayed, it must be collected on a wooden or plastic stick.

To remove the remains of cotton candy, the device should be periodically warmed up.

It should be noted that cotton candy can be produced not only "at the request of the buyer", but also in reserve, selling it through small retail stores.

To attract more customers, you can use a variety of color dyes or flavors approved by the sanitary authorities.

Required documentation

Based on the fact that cotton candy is a food product, its implementation will require a number of documents and obtaining permits from regulatory bodies.

In particular:

  1. The seller must have a health book.
  2. The presence of an agreement with the organization supplying electricity.
  3. Conclusion of a garbage collection agreement.

You will also need to obtain permits from local authorities for the sale of cotton candy. A document is issued for one year with the possibility of extension.

Business plan: expenses and income from the sale of cotton candy

The successful development of any business idea requires an accurate calculation of the ratio of flow costs and revenue.

Cost of one portion of cotton candy

After calculating the cost of one serving of cotton candy, you can calculate the possible level of revenue.

Gross proceeds

Name Resort Playgrounds and parks (weekend) Transport interchanges (close to attractions)
Sales volumes 2 400 pieces 243 pieces 1 120 pieces
Cost price 6.3 rubles 6.3 rubles 6.3 rubles
Working hours 8 ocloc'k 9 o'clock 8 ocloc'k
Sales rate per hour 10 pieces 3 pieces 7 pieces
Working days per month 30 days 9 days 20 days
The cost 40 rubles 40 rubles 40 rubles
Revenue RUB 96,000 RUB 9 720 RUB 44 800
Waste 15 120 rubles 1,530.9 rubles 7 056 rubles

Based on the above presented system of income and expenses, it is possible to determine the possible level of net profit.

  1. Income from the sale of goods in parks: 78 570 rubles. - 11 688.3 rubles. - 3,000 rubles. (rent) \u003d 63 881.7 rubles.
  2. Net profit from the sale of cotton candy in the area of \u200b\u200battractions: 92 800 rubles. - 14,272 rubles. - 4,000 rubles. (rent) \u003d 74 528 rubles.
  3. Profit at the resorts: 264,000 rubles. - 40 464 rubles. - 30,000 rubles. (rent) \u003d 193 536 rubles.

Summing up, we can conclude that a business is capable of generating considerable profits, and is capable of providing one hundred percent return in the first month. The total cost of starting a business is on average twenty-five to fifty thousand Russian rubles, depending on the personal preferences of the businessman, as well as the level of the initial capital.

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One of the best ways to build up a larger customer base is the seller's pay system - using a bonus program.

In other words, a minimum monthly salary is established, to which a certain percentage of profit is accrued in the form of a bonus.

Another equally effective way to attract customers is to create cotton candy using all kinds of dyes and geometric shapes. For example, you can create cotton candy in the form of all sorts of colors, and with sufficient dexterity of the hands and silhouettes, recognizable animals and hearts. It all depends solely on the imagination and personal desire of the seller.


In conclusion, there are many advantages to starting a cotton candy business. Such a business idea is a great opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have significant funds and do not have highly specialized knowledge.

The device for creating products is easily carried (transported) from place to place, which makes it possible to choose any convenient location. The only drawback of this type of business is seasonality. However, it can also be “bypassed” by arranging small retail outlets in parks, playgrounds and near places of interest in the case of a resort town.

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Video on the topic

One investor decided to retire after 15 years. Every month he invests 20 thousand rubles.

The purpose of the experiment is to live off dividends in the amount of 50 thousand rubles a month. A public portfolio will allow you to follow the movements and, if desired, join it. @dividendslife

One of the options for a mini-business with a small investment is a cotton candy outlet. To start, you will need about 34 thousand rubles. Monthly income from one small point can be 120-150 thousand rubles. You can officially register a business by registering an individual entrepreneur on the STS 6% or by registering as a self-employed person. The key to successful sales is the right choice of location for a retail outlet: children's entertainment centers, amusement parks, etc.

Selling cotton candy is considered a seasonal business and not particularly serious in terms of income. However, this is not so: the right choice of location for a retail outlet can provide a year-round flow of buyers and a stable income for its owner. The advantages of this type of business are:

  • product recognition;
  • the minimum amount of cash investments;
  • simplicity of the technological process;
  • lack of requirements for the qualifications of personnel;
  • point of sale mobility;
  • fast payback.

Features of the cotton candy business

Cotton candy is a unique, from a business point of view, product that attracts buyers of different age groups, requires little investment, and the points of sale are mobile and can move following the flow of potential buyers.

The main consumers of the sweet product are, of course, children. However, with appropriate presentation and design, it is easy to attract romantic youth too. Therefore, it is quite realistic to cover the age group from 2 to 20 years old.

As a rule, points of sale of this product are compact, mobile, do not require complex installation, and equipment for the production of cotton candy is inexpensive.

Such a business as a stand-alone point of sale is unlikely to bring much profit. But cotton wool as a related product, if the point is located in a children's entertainment center or an amusement park, will allow you to recoup your investment very quickly. The main task of an entrepreneur is to find a pool of potential buyers.

But stationary points are not the only option on which you can make money. Mobile carts can be rolled out onto the street, installed in a city park, rented out for children's social events and private birthdays, and given master classes on how to make it. It is also possible to manufacture the product and ship it packaged to retail outlets.

One of the advantages of this type of activity is the absence of the need for hired workers - one person is quite capable of serving the point.

It is interesting: the average cost of a cotton candy workshop at private children's birthdays in Moscow is 15-25 thousand rubles. for a two-hour event.

What is required to formalize a sweet business

As in any type of business, you should start by registering an individual entrepreneur or registering as a self-employed person and registering with the tax service.

The choice between individual entrepreneurs and self-employment depends on whether the entrepreneur is going to scale the business in the future. If you plan to open more than one retail outlet and hire sellers, then you should immediately issue an IP. The most optimal tax regime for individual entrepreneurs will be In addition, insurance premiums will also have to be paid.

For information: for 2019 the minimum amount of insurance premiums that.

When choosing the NAP (self-employed) regime, the tax will be 4%, and no additional contributions will be required. However, the annual income is limited to the amount of 2.4 million rubles, and it is prohibited to use the services of employees. On the plus side, there are no reporting requirements, all reports are submitted using the My Tax mobile application. But in 2019, only residents of Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions, and the Republic of Tatarstan can use this regime.

When you open an individual entrepreneur with the aim of making cotton candy, you can select the following OKVED codes:

You will also need the following documents:

  • trade permit (if the sale will be conducted outside city parks);
  • medical book for the seller;
  • lease agreement for retail space;
  • garbage collection agreement;
  • permission to connect to power grids;
  • certificate of conformity for the apparatus for the production of cotton wool;
  • sES conclusion on the compliance of products with safety standards;
  • certificates for raw materials and consumables (sugar and sticks).

What expenses need to be foreseen

The initial investment will depend on whether a fixed or mobile site is planned to open. Nevertheless, when deciding to open a point of sale of cotton wool, you need to consider the following costs:

Table 2. The main list of raw materials and equipment for the production of cotton candy.



average cost

RUB 14,000-70,000

Mobile cart

5,000-42,000 rubles.

Sun protection umbrella

Protective dome for the device

RUB 4,500-7,000

Power generator

Beet or cane sugar

15-20 grams per serving

36-38 rubles. for 1 kg.

Plastic or wooden winding sticks

1 PC. per serving

RUB 700-1,500 for 1,000 pcs.

Assorted food colors

450 grams per 50 kg. Sahara

RUB 1,250 per package 450 gr.

Uniform for the seller-distributor (headdress, arm ruffles, apron, gloves)

2 sets (replaceable)

Bottled water for wetting sticks

5 l. in a day

RUB 100 for a 5 liter bottle

When choosing devices, you should give preference to devices of Russian or American production. They are distinguished by higher performance and reliability in comparison with their Chinese counterparts. However, their cost is higher.

You should also decide on the type of construction: machines with horizontal sugar supply are inexpensive, but they only allow standard "classic" winding of cotton wool. The improved machines with vertical sugar feeding make it possible to produce shaped and multi-colored cotton wool.

Table 3. Overview of the Russian market for popular cotton candy machines.


The country of manufacture

Productivity per hour

3 kg (200 servings)

Source: website for the sale of professional food equipment

How much money is required at the start

Let's calculate the minimum investment required to open the simplest retail outlet: one mobile cart, which will be serviced by the owner of the mini-business, who is registered as a self-employed person.

The production of one portion of the treat will cost the following:

38 rubles / 1000 gr * 20 gr \u003d 0.76 rubles. (sugar)

1 250 rub. / 50 kg. / 1000 gr. * 20 gr \u003d 0.5 rubles. (dye)

RUB 1,500 / 1000 pcs. \u003d RUB 1.5 (winding stick)

In total, 1 portion of cotton wool will cost the manufacturer: 0.76 + 0.5 + 1.5 \u003d 2.76 rubles.

If it is assumed that the traffic of a future outlet will allow selling 30 portions daily, then to start a business at the first stage, the following minimum investment will be required for the first month of work:

Table 4. Amount of expenses for starting a mini-business from one mobile cart.



Product making machine

Mobile cart

Sun protection umbrella

Protective dome for the device

Production costs of 1 serving of treats

2.76 RUB * 30 pcs. * 30 days

A uniform

1 kit

Bottled water

5 l per day * 30 days

Energy Cost Compensation

1 kW / hour * 8 hours a day * 30 days * 5.47 rubles.

Total for the start:

Total for the start will require about 34,000 rubles, of which equipment - 25,500 rubles. Because the apparatus for the production of cotton wool works from the mains, it is necessary either to agree with the nearest shops and kiosks on the use of their network, or to purchase your own generator.

Also, the expenses for the first month do not include the 4% tax. However, one should not forget about the relying self-employed lump sum deduction of 10,000 rubles. Those. with proceeds up to 90,000 rubles. per month for about 3 months (90,000 * 4% \u003d 3,600 rubles), it will be possible to avoid paying tax. In the future, this amount should be taken into account when planning your monthly expenses.

If the future entrepreneur has the means, you can buy a franchise of an already well-known brand of delicacies. As a rule, these are franchises for the production of figures of recognizable cartoon characters, which are in high demand among the children's audience.

For reference: the average cost of a figure is about 7 rubles. at a selling price of 150-200 rubles.

How much can you earn on cotton candy and how quickly the investment will pay off

Cotton wool sales largely depend on the season and day of the week. For stationary points located indoors (for example, shopping centers), summer is not the season. A drop in traffic directly affects daily revenue. However, for mobile carts that can be taken out into the street, to playgrounds or to the park, the summer season is, on the contrary, a favorable time.

The average cost of a serving of a treat is 100 rubles. Consider the monthly income that one self-service mobile cart can generate.

If the daily sales are 30 servings, you can earn from one point every month:

RUB 100 * 30 pcs. * 30 days \u003d 90,000 rubles.

On weekends, in comparison with weekdays, revenue can increase 3-8 times. So, if on average on a weekday a point brings 2-3 thousand rubles, then on a weekend you can earn 7-15 thousand rubles. On average, the total revenue of one outlet is about 120-150 thousand rubles. monthly.

Let's consider how long it takes to pay off the cost of opening one mobile point from the example above.

Table 6. Calculation of the annual net profit of the point for the production of cotton candy.

Article title

Annual revenue from sales of 30 servings per day

RUB 90,000 * 12 months \u003d 1,080,000 rubles.

Rent a seat

RUB 10,000 * 12 months \u003d 120,000 rubles.

2.76 * 30 * 30 * 12 \u003d 29 808 rubles.

Other expenses (uniforms, water, electricity)

1,500 + (3,000 * 12) + (1,313 * 12) \u003d 53,256 rubles.

Depreciation of equipment (based on 3 years of service)

25,500 / 3 \u003d 8,500 rubles.

Profit before tax

1,080,000 - 120,000 - 29,808 - 53,256 - 8,500 \u003d 868,436 rubles.

Tax 4% (NAP regime)

868 436 * 4% \u003d 34 737 rubles.

Net profit for the year

868 436 - 34 737 \u003d 833 699 rubles.

Thus, every month the point is able to bring an entrepreneur up to 70,000 rubles. net profit (833 699/12 \u003d 69 475 rubles) with the initial investment in equipment 25 500 rubles. Under favorable conditions, the investment will pay off in the first month.

If, at first, it is not possible to gain profit due to low demand, it is necessary to attract buyers with the help of advertising:

  • cooperation with organizations dealing with children's parties;
  • advertising in social networks of services for conducting master classes at birthdays;
  • contextual advertising on the Internet.

As a niche for a mini-business, cotton candy is a good option that requires a small investment and can quickly recoup the money spent. The main component of success is the correct choice of the location of the point of sale.

In order for the sale of cotton candy to bring a stable profit, you must initially choose the right apparatus. Our catalog contains a large selection of universal electrical models that can be used in shopping centers and on the road. Choose the right typewriter depending on your goals and order with home delivery (we deliver all over Russia).

When choosing an apparatus for making cotton candy, determine the basic parameters:

  • Delivery of the finished product. The machine with horizontal feed only allows you to wind cotton candy on a stick, with the vertical one - to create beautiful figures, multi-colored compositions from it.
  • Performance. For places with good traffic should be from 300 servings per hour.
  • Warm-up time. The lower this indicator, the faster you can start making treats after turning on the device. For advanced models, the launch time does not exceed 20-30 seconds.

Most of the cars are produced by China, the USA and Russia. Chinese models are inexpensive, but take a long time to heat up and have low performance. Russian equipment is more efficient and reliable, but more expensive. The most reliable and, accordingly, expensive are American devices.

The KofeBoutik company in Moscow offers to buy a cotton candy machine that will make your sweet business successful. We will tell you about the features of the equipment presented and help you with the choice. You may also need a dome and a cotton candy trolley to work effectively - everything you need at affordable prices can also be found in our range.


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