Blogger: On the tricks of Yandex.Taxi taxi drivers to extract money from clients. Among them are a leisurely driver and unproven services. How to Make Money in Taxi Service Best Taxi Hours

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In the 21st century, everyone is constantly exploring and looking for new sources of income. Remains relevant and interesting question, how. After all, for this method of receiving money, you do not need a higher education, and the work itself does not look too difficult. Only driving skills and the presence of a car are important (and even then, in the case of working for an uncle, the latter is not necessary). And to feed and even more with this occupation is quite real.

Ways to make money in a taxi

There are no special semantic tricks here. There are two options for earning money.

The first is to earn money as an individual taxi driver, drive around the city on your own and look for clients. The legality of this activity can be different: depending on whether you have any rights at all, whether you went through the simplest registration, whether you received a license, etc. Which of this you need is entirely at your discretion. Theoretically, any person who, in one way or another, and every citizen who agrees, will use them, and if everyone is happy with everything, then the likelihood of problems (especially for the passenger) is unlikely. But, of course, it is better to register legally, get a special checkerboard and identification marks and only then tax - problems with the law are excluded with its further observance. Otherwise, for illegal work, you can still get fines - for a taxi without a license, the servants of the law will have to pay 2,500 rubles.

Another option is to join an existing firm. That is, to become an employee in a company or. Here you will not have to draw up a significant part of the documents, it will be easier with the search for clients - the company will take on a significant part of the tasks, because it is more profitable for it. What is required of you for sure is driving and driving skills, and sometimes you also have to undergo a medical examination. Everything, it will be possible to start working - take the car from the parking lot, approve its condition (so that it is clear that you will give it in the same form as you took it) and go out to carry out tasks. The salary is paid according to the agreement with the employer, and money or payment when traveling - by card.

Anna Sudak


# Business ideas

The size of earnings and the nuances of work

According to official statistics, the average daily number of passengers transported by taxi in the capital exceeds 582 thousand people. More than 85% of all orders were placed through mobile applications.

Navigating the article

  • Earnings in a taxi
  • How to get started right? Secrets of Big Earnings
  • Mistakes of novice taxi drivers
  • Working in a taxi on your car
  • How much can you earn in a taxi
  • How and how much they earn in a taxi in Moscow

While some complain about the crisis, sanctions and politicians, others are opening up new prospects for growth and development. In this article we will talk about how to make money in a taxi and turn from a taxi driver into a businessman with a steadily growing income.

Earnings in a taxi

Surely you can guess what is the essence of making money in a taxi. The client needs a service, you provide it and receive a monetary reward for it. So it is quite logical to consider a taxi as a business where you can earn a lot.

Start earning

How to get started right? Secrets of Big Earnings

Experienced taxi drivers are happy to "dedicate" newcomers to how to behave correctly in this business. Now get ready to jot down the secrets of making big money in a taxi.

Cleanliness outside and inside

It doesn't matter whose machine you are working on - your own or your company. The "carriage" must always be clean, tidy and comfortable, first of all for the client. Put yourself in his place. Would you like to sit on a dirty seat in a smoky interior?

Neat appearance

Even if you work day and night, remember the golden rule: "Appearance is a calling card." Take time to get yourself and your clothes in order. And don't forget about smile and goodwill. Customers do not return to a dirty, angry and bad-smelling driver.


Experienced taxi drivers never "drive on fire", do not make sudden movements and always drive smoothly at an average speed.

First, it reduces maintenance costs. The car "lives longer", which means it brings more money. Secondly, few people like to be a "log", rolling and twitching while driving. Remember, customer comfort comes first. If you are asked to go faster, do not forget about the rules. They are designed to protect all road users.

"Real nibble"

In this business, only beginners work until they lose consciousness 24/7. Experienced taxi drivers, like fishermen, wait for the right time, pull the rod and catch the "fat fish".

How? Working at the best time of day when you can make more money, namely:

  • Early morning on weekdays. People rush to work. Many white-collar workers (and others) oversleep, are late and have to use a taxi. There are not enough cars in cities (especially in large ones). Orders are pouring in like a cornucopia.
  • Weekday evening. The same people are returning from work. And again the excitement. But here you need to be far-sighted and calculate the route in advance, since traffic jams in metropolitan areas are a common occurrence.
  • Friday and Saturday nights and nights. Everything is clear here. People are resting. The nightlife is in full swing. Many orders. There are not enough cars. You can get more than usual.
  • Monday. After a hectic weekend, Monday is a hard day for many. The more you work that day, the higher your earnings will be.
  • But from 11 to 16 hours it is unprofitable to tax. Everyone at work or school. At this time, the passenger flow decreases and the taxi is "occupied" by elderly people. You won't earn much on them and serving them you need to be loyal and tolerant. After all, an elderly person, not wanting it, can cause you inconvenience: financial (damage the threshold or scratch the door), moral.

For reference. Why it happened so, we did not understand, but the majority of "experienced" drivers take a full day off on Tuesdays. As they themselves say, there is no work on this day. And nobody wants to drive a car idle. It is not cost effective.


It should be borne in mind that in bad weather the demand for services grows significantly. But in the sun, on the contrary, it falls.


Of course, it comes only in the course of work, and not after one thousand kilometers. A thorough knowledge of the streets allows you to efficiently use resources, cut costs and earn more.

Agree, a driver who knows where and at what time the traffic jams, how best to bypass them without losing time and nerves, quickly finding your home in a residential area on the outskirts of the city, is worth its weight in gold. To achieve this skill, beginners should complete as many orders as possible.

Business cards

Do not be lazy to make yourself business cards, indicating your name and contacts. After all, the larger your "client base", the higher your income.

Pareto's law

Becoming a part of this business, remember the important thing: 20% of your customers are 80% of the profits. This means that 20% of "elite customers" will give you the same amount as 80% of "problematic and annoying" passengers. But don't take everything literally. To identify this very elite, you will have to work hard. But your work will pay off in full.

Mistakes of novice taxi drivers

  • Greed. Many newcomers to the business try to grab as many orders as possible. At the same time, they are in a hurry and do not get enough sleep. And fatigue sometimes leads to tragedies. Think well, life is more important, and you still can't earn all the money. And if you are greedy and in a hurry, things will decline. And this is the best case.
  • Inefficient use of resources. Do not seek to intercept orders far from you. You will lose more than you earn. If you don’t mind losing 3-5 thousand rubles a month for the “rolled a couple of kilometers”, you have the right to do whatever you want. Still, it will not be superfluous to learn how to calculate costs.
  • Rudeness. It so happened that on our roads it is in the order of things. But he turns away clients from such drivers once and for all. Do you want to lose your money in large quantities? Remain rude and boorish. Well, if you came into business to make money, take the trouble to control yourself and do your job efficiently.

Working in a taxi on your car

Having your own car, you can make money in two ways: "bomb" yourself and receive a stable, but not a million income, or organize your own taxi service, connect your colleagues and earn money by managing the process.

Few can cope with the second. Those who have succeeded feel more than comfortable. The money in this business is spinning huge, the main thing is to be able to effectively distribute and use it. Not only for entertainment, but also for business development and scaling.

Before starting an entrepreneurial activity, first be in the "shoes" of a taxi driver in order to feel all the subtleties, understand the cost items and see "real" money with your own eyes. This is important because no theory can replace practical experience for you, which is the best helper for building your own business. Moreover, “working in the field” you will see how your competitors are doing business and understand what you need to do to become better and more successful than them.

And you can start now. Many companies providing passenger transportation services need drivers with their own car, offering them favorable terms of cooperation. Also pay attention to online services such as Yandex.Taxi and Uber.

How much can you earn in a taxi

So we got to the fun part, the numbers. Now let's see how much you can actually earn in a taxi. So, if you decide not to mess with the official taxi companies, your earnings per day can be as much as two hundred or two thousand rubles, and this is from 4 thousand 800 rubles to 40 thousand rubles a month. Take money for gas and car maintenance. All that remains is your net income.

It all depends on you, your organizational skills and the ability to effectively use all available resources to find clients. Often, independent work does not bring the desired result due to the inability to competently conduct business and the drivers remain at a loss.

Private traders do not have the right to transport people, unlike taxi drivers working in organizations, so be prepared for fines for unauthorized activities. And this is another item of expenses.

How and how much they earn in a taxi in Moscow

The capital is an unplowed field for such a business. Here the cost of one trip is from two hundred to five hundred rubles. On executive cars it is 3-5 times higher.

Earnings in Moscow without tension and obligations (for "bombing") starts at 15 thousand rubles a month. But if you develop a system using the above rules, you can earn from 2 to 4 thousand rubles per day, which is 45-100 thousand per month. There is no limit to this earnings. Everything depends on you.

If you work with a dispatch company, there are three types of earnings available to you.

Fixed rate. The company provides you with a car, sets a daily salary. All that you earn from above is yours. Opening hours - 12/6 (12 hours 6 days a week). Official monthly earnings - 35-55 thousand rubles.

Rent. You rent a car with the prospect of working out its value and "dispatching commission". Usually, the landlord draws up a 6/1 schedule, that is, one day a week you can operate the transport for free and put real 100% of your earnings in your pocket. Average monthly income, taking into account costs - 45-85 thousand rubles. There are downsides. You may be left without profit due to a small number of orders or traffic jams.

Own vehicles. In this case, you, as a driver with your car, conclude an agreement with the dispatch service and receive your commission on orders. The company pays for gasoline and repairs. But there are also conditions. A car (regular) must be no older than five years old, an executive car must not be older than ten years. The owners of the latter earn more. The average salary of a taxi driver for a luxury car starts at 55 thousand per month. There is no limit. Business taxi earnings are not bad. What are the costs here? It all depends on the company you work with.

Are there any special Yandex taxi tricks, thanks to which you can earn more: advice from experienced drivers. What determines the size of the taxi driver's earnings.

What determines the amount of earnings in Yandex taxi

It is clear that each driver wants to earn more per shift. But for this, first of all, you need to understand on what points the amount of earnings will depend:

  • the number of orders processed per shift;
  • rating indicators;
  • additional bonus surcharges;
  • whether the car is branded or not;
  • strict adherence to all company rules.

The main thing is to keep track of your rating. It is recommended to keep it at a mark of at least 4.5 to receive frequent orders. The lower the rating, the less often orders from customers will come. Accordingly, the lower the earnings will be.

At the same time, there are no ways to cheat the rating dishonestly!

To get more profitable orders, it makes sense to "hunt" in places of maximum concentration of potential customers. These traditionally include railway stations, large shopping and entertainment centers, sports facilities. It is especially beneficial to taxis during mass festivities.

Moreover, on such days, increased coefficients are included in Yandex taxi. By the way, the size of the coefficients is indicated in the Taximeter - for each district of the city separately.

It is better not to shirk orders in general. Even if it seems that the order came not too "fat", it should be processed. Yandex pays extra for taxi drivers working on such calls. In addition, real prize money follows a certain number of completed orders.

It is worth working in different areas to determine the most profitable for yourself.

You should not neglect all the capabilities of such a wonderful tool as Taximeter. For drivers, the developers have provided special schedules for the most profitable working hours. In addition, so-called software robots can be configured in the Taximeter. Thanks to them, you can filter orders by many filters. This includes travel time, fares, and many other criteria.

It doesn't hurt to take care of business cards that you can give out to your clients after the trip. As practice shows, passengers prefer to refer to already tested and familiar drivers. Thus, over time, you can put together a fairly stable customer base.

If you have knowledge of a foreign language and a desire to learn a little, then you can take special courses in Yandex - and try to work at more profitable rates - Comfort, Business or Premium. The volume of travel is somewhat lower, therefore, the work is less stressful. However, the cost of services is much higher.

Nightly rates are always the highest. Of course, having another permanent job, you won't be skating all the time at night, but you can try it for additional earning.

More profitable and priority orders are issued to the so-called Yandex Official Drivers. To get such a title in your status, you need to brand your car. That is, cover the car with Yandex branded logos. At the same time, this will make the car stand out from the general traffic, which will also attract additional customers.

Many taxi drivers go for the trick to increase their income. As an experienced Yandex Taxi driver, I will give you some tips on how to increase your earnings.

What influences a taxi driver's earnings?

It's no secret that the goal of any taxi driver is to generate income. It consists of the following criteria:
The number of requests completed per work shift;
- average work score for the last 60 days;
Compliance with the rules set by Yandex Taxi.

Rating is the main indicator of the taxi driver's performance. Much depends on him. However, for it to affect income, the final grade must be at least 4.5. Otherwise, the program temporarily blocks the receipt of orders. Then you can be left completely without earnings.

Important! If you want to start working as a Yandex Taxi driver, you just need to follow the link, fill out a mini-questionnaire (name and phone number). All. We are waiting for the manager's call and expect to be connected to the service as a driver. We'll take a closer look at this process below.

Over the years of my work, I managed to find out little tricks that allow you to earn more.

The best assistant in Yandex Taxi driver's work is Taximeter. Allows you to determine which area has the most applications. Based on this information, it will not be difficult to determine where to follow the client. In my experience, most of the calls come from public places such as train stations, airports, shopping and entertainment centers, etc.

Many people think that small orders do not generate much revenue. However, the service pays extra for trips with a low cost so that the driver does not go into the red. It is better to go for a full work shift with a break per day than every day for a couple or three hours. In addition, points are awarded for small orders. This means the rating will increase.

Holidays are quite laborious shifts. However, there is an opportunity to earn more. Two main benefits of working on a holiday:
1) The passenger traffic increases, which means the number of applications;
2) An additional coefficient is calculated.

Most avoid night shifts. But it is at night that there is an increased tariff. At the same time, the number of trips may be less than during the day, and the income is higher.

To get more orders, you can try to work in different areas and determine the most profitable. Although the Taximeter allows you to see them. All information is available on the application screen.

Yandex Taxi has developed a schedule in which it has combined statistics on the most advantageous hours and days, when is the best time to go online. The schedule depends on the specific region.

The Comfort, Business and Premium fares allow the driver to get a higher cost of travel. To receive such tariffs, you must undergo training from Yandex, as well as have a car that meets the requirements of the service. If there is a desire to work with foreigners, the company offers courses in English.

Business cards that experienced taxi drivers give out to their passengers indicate that reorders are often received. Of course, provided that the trip was successful.

Don't ignore the rules of driving etiquette. Read comments to the application and personal messages on the Taximeter screen. Be sure to go through the photo control in a timely manner. During the trip, the passenger evaluates not only the driver's communication, but the external and internal appearance of the car. After graduation, he gives a mark, which affects the rating. Satisfied customer is highly appreciated.

You can get the status of an official partner after branding the car - pasting with Yandex Taxi corporate logos. At the same time, a number of advantages appear, namely, priority in the distribution of orders and a reduced percentage of commission payments.

How to increase the driver's earnings?

To summarize in one phrase: the more you work, the more you earn. Actually, this applies not only to working in the taxi service.


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