The most unusual interest clubs. Interest clubs Interest club for youth

It is difficult to find a hobby club for women, especially when it comes to middle-aged women. Most believe that hobby clubs exist only for retirees, and not every woman can recognize herself as an old woman. As a result, a middle-aged woman is left on the sidelines of life, she has nowhere to go, and nowhere to communicate. After all, not everyone loves sports, and can go to fitness clubs, and women become depressed.

Recently, it is depression that has become the scourge of our time. At 40-50 years old, a woman is already written off, she has no future and all active life in the past. The woman remains truly completely isolated from life. One could go alone to a museum, to the theater, or to the cinema, but a lonely woman in such places immediately catches the eye. She catches sympathetic, or judgmental looks on herself, and the good mood immediately disappears. Everyone needs company, and hobby clubs in the women's library are a way to make friends, brighten up your leisure time, or learn something new.

Although Moscow lags behind in terms of cultural leisure for adults, the clubs of interest at libraries are growing every day. And in them not only the biography of Pasternak is discussed, or creative evenings of novice poets are held (although not without it), real centers of creativity are created on the basis of libraries. Women, and men too, can learn to dance, sing, work on a PC, or cross-stitch here. Let's review what the library-based clubs offer in the capital.

Library named after F.M. Dostoevsky

  • Chistoprudny Boulevard, 23
The Dostoevsky Library was considered modern at all times, and it remains so today. Meetings with interesting people, trainings, seminars and travel in the footsteps of the heroes of the books. A good place to discover something new and find like-minded people. Take a fresh look at old things. Basically, Dostoevsky's library will be of interest to lovers of classical literature.

For connoisseurs of photography, it is worth taking a look at the Photo Library in Artplay, at:

  • Lower Syromyatnicheskaya 10, building 8, floor 2.
In addition to exhibitions, the library offers courses on teaching the art of photography, seminars and meetings with famous photographers. Or, you can just look at photo albums, have a cup of tea, and chat with like-minded people.

If you are not interested in photography and you love movies, you simply have to go to their library. Eisenstein, at:

  • st. Carriage row, 5/10, building 2
In addition to a huge collection of films, the library contains a lot of interesting literature related to cinema, actors and everything that at least somehow relates to cinema. Creative evenings with interesting guests are regularly held.

Music lovers settled in the former house of the merchant Nosov

  • on the street Electrozavodskaya st., 12, building 1.
Have you listened to music recorded on gramophone records for a long time? Go to the music library, and surely among the 60 thousand records you will find what you like. In the Music Library, you can not only listen to music, but also play musical instruments, learn their history, and even get to a mini-concert that takes place in the library regularly.

There are people who love to tell stories, only nobody listens to them. If you are a storyteller or listener, write down the address:

  • Shooting lane, 5, bldg. 3
The Urban History Library is located here. You can tell stories about the past, come up with the present, and fantasize about the future. Each story becomes a topic of discussion, and this place is ideal for visionaries and storytellers.

Can't you talk? Do you want to learn? Go to the Russian State Library.

  • on the street B. Cherkizovskaya, 4/1.
for those wishing to learn to speak fluently not only in Russian, but also in a foreign language. It is casual conversations that help to better understand the culture of another country, and facilitate the learning of languages.

There are clubs for board game lovers or those who want to explore the world of finance. These are clubs for men and women of any age and social status. You just need to find an interesting place.

By the way, fans of board games live in the library of M. A. Svetlov.

  • on the street Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 23.
Tournaments on various board games are regularly held there, and I have not even heard the names of some of them.

If we proceed from the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a hobby club for middle-aged women means, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a knitting circle, or a choral singing of ditties to the accordion.

There are some, too, and a detailed list of these library clubs can be obtained from the Social Security Directorate in your area. The authorities are seriously concerned about leisure for pensioners, and such clubs are arranged in almost every library. Finding a hobby club for middle-aged women is a little more difficult, but I sketched a rough list.

If you're bored at the weekend, or dreary in the evening, don't stay at home. After all, in these clubs the same women and men, like you, are waiting for you. Perhaps there you will find your kindred spirit, and a simple acquaintance will continue far beyond the club. You just need to drop the blues and leave the house.

We all know that selling something is much more difficult than giving it away for free. So maybe it's better to give it away for free?

He made more money from distributing his book for free than selling it directly. And why? But because instead of single sales, he received a thousand downloads of his book, on the pages of which he placed, in addition to the text of the book itself, advertisements for various casinos. And readers, clicking on the banners, increased his income in the affiliate programs of these casinos.

Another example. The cool business lady decided at her leisure to organize a health group of her friends, colleagues and acquaintances. They gathered once a week in the park, jogged, did physical education, in general, had an interesting time. This lady, besides her business, was also fond of Herbalife. And with her hobby she infected her health group.

Now she has not only a health group, but also a huge structure of Herbalife distributors, and her monthly income from sales of this company's products and from leadership commissions is comparable to her income from her main business (which, by the way, is obtained by sweat and blood).

Third example. While looking for knitting courses on the Internet, I came across these in Israel. I was amazed at the price of the courses - something about $ 5 per month (the courses were conducted not via the Internet, but in an Israeli city). "What's so cheap?" - I was surprised. A forum participant (and also a resident of Israel) Rabinovich explained everything to me: the organizers of the courses do not have income from teaching courses, but from the sale of consumables to the cadets: yarn, knitting needles, knitting books, etc.

Here is an example of a business for you: organize a club according to your interests, and when you bring together a lot of lovers of one business (knitting, fitness, dogs), you will always find what to sell them.

For example, in 2002 I attended Norbekov's courses. From those who went to them, a small group of amateurs was organized to learn more about their capabilities. How much money did we then spend on educational literature, which the course organizer brought us from Moscow ...

This is a fairly easy business (I think). Because:

1. Lovers of something are easy to collect (enthusiastic people like to communicate with their own kind).

2. They buy easily (amateurs are the nicest buyers, they don't look at the price tag, they buy because they are very interested or really need it).

3. They themselves will tell you what they need (if you don't immediately realize). That is, even marketing research is not necessary.

4. This is a business without much investment. The most you need is a meeting room (or just a lot). There are options here (own apartment, rent of premises, local park).

5. If the business takes place, but you can't pull it (or you get bored with it), there will always be one of your amateur colleagues who will pick up your idea (amateurs are enthusiasts). Your club will be able to continue life without your participation.

From this material you will learn:

Not just a gathering, but a good time

Three years ago I went on maternity leave as the press secretary of the head of the city and the city council of the city of Sarov. I also worked in journalism, was the chief editor of a political newspaper and a political consultant - in a word, my work has always been connected with people. When I went on maternity leave - I moved to Nizhny Novgorod, I began to isolate myself from society. I really missed cultural leisure - before that I managed to visit 35 countries in three years and write a dissertation on the topic of religion, go to study abroad, and win several grants. And on maternity leave, my life completely changed. She became very happy, but calm and lonely. My husband is at work all the time, I am alone with the child!

I decided to change something, but with an obligatory condition: if I am taking time off from my beloved long-awaited child, I must spend this time to the maximum. Not just gatherings with girlfriends in a cafe, but useful leisure. I began to study interesting women's communities, the local forum. She analyzed and came to the conclusion: there are many events in the city, but they are scattered - there is no place for meetings, there is no system. In December 2015, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a women's hobby club was born. I started looking for like-minded people: the opening of the exhibition was just taking place in the city, and I threw a cry in social networks. The girls came - the most diverse, from the assistant to the governor to the same desperate housewives like me. In 2016, our club began to actively develop. I thought of a promotion plan and work with sponsors. The goals were finally determined - communication and development, the search for like-minded people by interests, the exchange of experience and knowledge. Where we have not been, with whom we have not met! We started with trips to exhibitions and museums, then began to expand the format. The best stylists, makeup artists, nutritionists, psychologists, the most creative needlewomen of the city came to my club with trainings and master classes, we organized holidays, theme parties, went to exhibitions and quests, even created our own in talk shows about the relationship between men and women ... And, of course, they just talked heart to heart over a cup of coffee or tea. My own private project “Club of anonymous housewives” is in special demand, where girls come and share their innermost problems. This is a psychological support club that meets every two months.

"Not just gatherings with girlfriends in a cafe, but useful leisure"

But that's not all. The maternity leave was coming to an end, and I had already fully formed a business that brings good income - the author's first in Nizhny Novgorod “School of Bloggers”, courses and lectures on writing texts for social networks and promoting my own brand. Thereby many members of our club got the opportunity to promote themselves and their business. I provide them with comfortable conditions for the development of their hobbies, help with advertising and promotion, and teach them how to properly position themselves on the Internet.

Not spending money on advertising is my principle

The most interesting thing is that I have not invested a single penny in the creation and promotion of the club. This is my principled position, as an experienced journalist and political strategist I understood that if my club is unique and interesting, then people themselves will reach out to it, including sponsors and partners. Everything was done on a barter basis, even we rented the premises by agreement. Now we have an agreement with a well-known chain of restaurants in the city, where most of our club's meetings take place. The sponsors of the events that we attended helped a lot - after all, the flow of new clients, members of our club, is beneficial first of all to themselves. All clients learned about me exclusively from my pages in social networks. First, they subscribed to me as an interesting blogger, read my articles, then came to the club to get acquainted, and then went to study for courses or consultations. From the very beginning I had two ways: either to invest in advertising - to buy banners, to pay for publications in magazines, or to promote myself as a person, as a brand. For me, as a person whose main profession for many years was associated with the positioning of the city's top officials and deputies, it was simply unthinkable to spend money on image articles in the magazine. This is a principled position - not to invest in advertising and PR, to promote only through your texts, the correct positioning of yourself and your clients who come to the Women's Club. As a result, they began to invite me myself to television, large Internet portals, radio - and all this is free! Conclusion - you need to create a unique unusual product, and then you will be interesting. There was no such format in Nizhny Novgorod, so it became very popular, even clones of my club began to appear. Of course, the experience of my past work helped me to advance - all my adult life I have been creating an image for the deputies through texts. And believe me, the methods of brand promotion are absolutely the same both for a girl who sews well and dreams of opening her own showroom, and for a deputy who wants to win the elections. PR - it's PR everywhere, I just used electoral technologies for ordinary women and helped them in promotion. Now I teach this in my courses.

You ask, what do I earn on?

Everyone really likes the idea of \u200b\u200bwomen's gatherings. Many people think: now I will gather like-minded people, we will hang out and go to events, and they will also pay me money for it. But not everything is so simple: it is easy to organize a women's club, but it is very difficult to make money on it, especially if it is a large city where many events take place every day. I lead the “School of Bloggers” in Nizhny, trainings, consultations. The main flow of clients comes from the same “Women's Club”: girls come, communicate, and if they want to develop further, they come to my “School of Bloggers”, where I teach them how to position themselves, promote a brand.

Now the second wave has begun: my students themselves can teach beginners what they have achieved themselves. I have a student whom I am very proud of. She dreamed of opening courses on cutting and sewing, she did it, and now she herself teaches those who wish to cut and sew. And all this is according to my methods of promotion. In general, everything is connected! Moreover, I do not impose my services on the members of the club: many simply want to chat, hang out in a good company, learn something new for themselves. In this case, membership in the club is paid, it is 2000 rubles per month. If you sign up for my courses, attend events for free. Participation in any of my training costs 2,000 rubles, courses 15,000 rubles - I recruit them several times a year. The consultation depends on the time and starts from 6,000 rubles. In addition, since I have become quite recognizable in the city, I often receive invitations and tickets to interesting events. I get paid to visit some, and I also get paid to shoot in advertising. Advertising from my social media pages brings a stable income, there were even several months when I was preparing a new course, did not conduct paid events and lived entirely on the income from blog advertising. In general, blogging is a unique thing, you are paid for sharing your knowledge and sincerely telling your subscribers about yourself and your business. The only negative is the club and blogging take up all my free time from the child, but it's worth it. The main channel for promoting my brand is texts in social networks. How to get promoted through your personal page? I would like to point out three points. 1. I have no negative - even if I don’t like something, I don’t write about it. And no politics, God forbid. Only positive, only optimism! I myself am an optimistic person and I convey this to people through the text. I also write a lot about girls - fitness trainers, stylists, weight loss experts, who help to raise self-esteem for my readers. The world is becoming more positive, and people want to communicate, support each other! 2. My page motivates, inspires people to new things, changes in life. I read Zoe's post - and I want to immediately write a text about business, learn something new, sign up for an excursion - at least something! And when you inspire people, you yourself are inspired from them, and you all live together on the same wavelength.

3. Yes, we are really on the same wavelength with my clients, and they feel it from my texts! The best customer is a loyal customer. I have regular clients who attend every course, every training - they just like the atmosphere. Z and a year and a half of work, several thousand women passed through my club, and I myself found friends, partners, just good people among them! Come to my page

Business can be based not only on satisfying people's material needs, but also on spiritual or social ones. But if a lot has already been said about those designed to ensure the most diverse material needs of citizens, then there are not enough business ideas designed to provide spiritual, and even more so psychological needs.

Take, for example, such primary needs of every person as the need for communication and the need for self-realization. It is difficult to overestimate their importance.

If a person lacks communication with his own kind, then first changes in his behavior and character come. He becomes irritable, sometimes aggressive. If hunger for communication, and this phenomenon is precisely what is called in psychology, is not satisfied in a timely manner, then persistent changes occur in the human psyche. And what is interesting, monotonous communication, i.e. communication with the same people brings very little benefit, as well as, for example, and monotonous food. Communication should be a lot of vectorial, as it allows a person to realize his various interests.

Who loves to communicate the most? Well, of course, women. And who is most limited in the social circle? The answer is repeated again: these are women. And why? And because during maternity leave, they are forced to spend most of the day with the child and communicate with those who are in one way or another associated with caring for him (doctor in the clinic, nurse) or with those who are in the same position (mothers of others children). Also, because many women do not go to work after the decree, but stay at home to care for their grown-up children and run a large troublesome household.

How to make business on this woman's difficulty? We offer to provide women with the opportunity to get together and communicate on topics of interest to them. And this can be done with the help of the most ordinary women's club.

The women's club is not an analogue of the hobby group, familiar to us from the pioneer past. The idea of \u200b\u200ba women's club is much broader: this is the place where a woman can fully communicate, receive advice or support if necessary, learn something new for herself, and also realize her truly feminine need - the need to look good, which, by the way, is necessary constantly stimulate.

Women's clubs are a new phenomenon for the countries of the post-Soviet space, but it is very common in non-CIS countries. The clubs there have many female fans, although membership is not free. But the amount of membership fees is not large and is available to the bulk of women in one country or another.

The most important thing in the work of the club is to find that “zest” in its activities, to form an idea that would be able to gather people and keep them together. Various options are possible here. For example, on the basis of the club, it is possible to organize master classes in cooking, dancing, shaping, meetings with famous dentists, plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, etc.

All these people, in turn, will be interested in meeting with such an audience, since for them it is a good advertisement for their services, self-affirmation. Such meetings can be both one-time and systematic (a course of lectures, a system of trainings, group and practical sessions). The choice of this or that form of their conduct entirely depends on the interest of the audience and on its desires.

In order for the club life to be varied, it is necessary, of course, the subject matter, as well as the leaders of such meetings periodically revised. And for this you will have to devote enough time to searching for new topics and persons who are able to present them in an accessible and exciting way to a female audience.

Psychological counseling has become a very fashionable trend in the activities of women's clubs. Women always have a lot of problems, because a heavy burden is placed on their shoulders - children, their studies, preservation of the family hearth, and many also have work. Whirling in the endless cycle of these affairs, women have no time to stop and think about themselves. Women do everything for everyone, but for themselves - nothing or very little. How to maintain your psychological health? Practical psychologists can help them find the answer to this question, providing advice to members of the women's club.

There are other ways to attract customers. For example, to provide the services of a beauty salon, sauna or bath for club members. Another option. Every woman who has attracted a friend to the ranks of the club members gets a discount or bonus. Thus, the audience of the club will expand, and, consequently, the business will also expand.

A visit to the club can be organized with one-time tickets or with subscriptions or special club cards that provide certain benefits for their owners.

Of course, in such a business as a women's club, advertising is indispensable. But unlike other businesses, where advertising is aimed at the mass consumer, advertising for a women's club should be accurately targeted at the target audience, as they say, hit not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. It is good to reflect the theme of the club opening in the media and on Internet forums. This approach will give the event a certain weight and significance.

Undoubtedly, a women's club as a business is a very specific thing. And to ensure the success of such a business, you need to apply a lot of imagination and creativity, and the "promotion" of such a project may take more than one year, but several years.

Therefore, you can try to buy a ready-made women's club that already has an image. On the one hand, it is easier - no need to look for ideas, create a client base, puzzle over how to keep it. Everything has already been established - from the very concept of the club to the worked out directions of cash flows.

But on the other hand, it may be difficult to maintain the idea underlying the club's activities. It may not be very suitable for the new owner on a purely psychological level. Then you will have to make a difficult choice: either to continue to implement the old concept of the club, although it may not seem very attractive, or to invent something new.

Whichever option of opening a women's club is chosen - starting from scratch or buying, one must remember that a women's club is far from simple, but very interesting business.


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