Schedule a reception for visitors on personal matters. The role of the secretary in organizing the reception of visitors. Organization of reception of visitors and work with written appeals of citizens

3.4. Organization of the reception of visitors

When organizing the reception of visitors, the secretary should differentially approach three categories: the reception of representatives of other organizations, the reception of employees of his organization, the reception on personal issues. To clearly follow the procedures, the secretary must:

1) to develop, together with the manager, a reception schedule;

2) monitor the sequence of admission and the schedule of conversations;

3) keep a record of visitors;

4) to document the decisions made by the head during the reception of visitors.

A clear implementation of these procedures allows you to plan the current and future work of the head, quickly and reasonably make decisions in the course of personal decision-making.

Reception of representatives of other organizations

Reception of visitors is one of the most important tasks of the secretary. Further contacts with the company, conclusion of agreements, and consequently, commercial success largely depend on the secretary's ability to work correctly with visitors.

The secretary must remember that a visitor of any rank, without exception, can enter the office of the head only after the report of the secretary. The secretary reports personally on the representatives of higher organizations. By asking the visitor to wait, he enters the manager’s office and reports about the visitor awaiting reception. In this case, it is desirable to name the surname, first name, middle name, position of the visitor and the question on which he arrived. The secretary can report to the manager about the visitor using the intercom and, having received consent to the reception, invites the visitor to go to the office. It is unacceptable to invite a visitor in outerwear to the office of the leader.

When organizing the reception of visitors, it is desirable to take into account a number of features.

1. A visitor can enter the reception at any time, so keep your order in your workplace at all times. A cluttered table, unwashed cups, ashtrays with cigarette butts make an unpleasant impression.

2. The reception must have a place where visitors can wait for the reception. In this area you can place several chairs, a table with newspapers and magazines.

3. When receiving visitors who do not work in the organization, after greeting you need to find out their surname, name, patronymic; represented company and position; purpose of the visit; the availability of preliminary arrangements for a meeting with the leader. Now usually a visitor hands a secretary a business card. The secretary gets acquainted with its contents, addressing the visitor by name and patronymic, invites him to sit down.

4. Be nice, spotlessly polite to anyone who enters the reception. Break away from the papers, interrupt the telephone conversation in order to greet the visitor and find out about the purpose of his visit.

5. For successful planning of the manager’s working day, set the days and hours for the reception of employees, bring them to the public. Try to use the clock set for reception for this purpose.

6. Substantial logging can provide substantial assistance. It will help to immediately determine the time frame of the reception, the substance of the issue and the composition of the materials that may need to be prepared.

7. If the reception time has been agreed in advance, the secretary reports to the manager about the arrival of the visitor, if necessary, enters the office in order to transfer a business card, and then invites the guest to the office.

8. If the visitor came to the meeting unscheduled, and the manager cannot accept it for various reasons, the secretary may recommend contacting other competent employees of the company who can solve his problem. If the visitor insists on the need to meet with the manager, the secretary suggests making an appointment.

9. Do not allow the disruption of the appointment. The repeated call of the visitor can be regarded as disrespect for him personally and the company he represents. In extreme cases, the secretary should apologize, justify the reason for the absence of the leader and once again point out the possibility of resolving the issue with other executives.

10. If the reception is canceled for a good reason (illness of the leader, urgent business trip), the secretary must notify visitors in advance about the cancellation of the scheduled meeting. The secretary agrees to schedule an appointment at another time, which will be convenient for the visitor.

11. When recording visitors at the reception, the secretary should give his name, first name and patronymic, phone number for urgent inquiries and messages. Making an appointment is best done in advance.

12. Usually the visitor arrives at the reception in advance, or he has to wait a few minutes to receive. The secretary, politely greeting the visitor, invites him to sit down. You can exchange a few neutral phrases (for example, about the weather) to establish positive contact and eliminate tension. At the same time, the secretary is not recommended to involve the visitor in a long, even very entertaining, conversation. This can distract from the purpose of the visit, bring down a business spirit.

13. If the visitor is visibly nervous, there is no need to clearly reassure him. This may cause the opposite effect. It is better to distract the visitor with a light conversation on a neutral topic.

14. The secretary can help the visitor prepare for the reception: listen to his arguments, answer questions (within his competence and within confidentiality), see the materials brought. In this case, the main thing is to show maximum tact, not to impose your advice, but only to respond to the guest’s request.

15. When should tea or coffee be offered to visitors? Then, when the leader is delayed, and a high-ranking visitor awaits at the reception. In this case, drinks should be offered to all visitors present at the reception. The secretary pours coffee and tea into cups and offers visitors, starting with women. If the manager asks to bring tea and coffee to the office during the reception, drinks can also be poured into cups in the reception, placed on a tray. The secretary brings the tray to the head office. In addition to cups, sugar bowls, napkins, cookies are placed on a tray. Another option is also possible. On a tray put a kettle or coffee pot with ready-made drinks, cups, sugar bowl, napkins, refreshments. The secretary brings the tray into the office, pours the drinks into cups or leaves the tray at the request of the manager, and the manager serves himself and the guest.

16. At the time of reception, the secretary must transfer all incoming phone calls. It is possible to tear off the leader from the conversation only in extreme, urgent cases.

17. If the secretary still has to contact the head during the reception or to break the order of visitors, you can only refer to the urgency of the issue, but not to its importance, since for each visitor his question is the most important.

18. When receiving visitors, the secretary should not forget about the need to maintain confidentiality. Do not leave the computer turned on with a monitor facing visitors. Do not leave documents readable on the desktop, even if the information contained in them seems unclassified to you.

If the visitor came without prior agreement, the secretary has the right to independently decide whether to report to the head immediately or make an appointment.

Reception staff of your organization

Organizing the reception of employees of his institution on current issues, the secretary is obliged:

2) bring to the attention of all employees of the institution hours of reception on current issues;

4) inform the manager about the visitor using a selector or telephone.

Often visitors go to the reception with a manager with a question that can be resolved by another employee. The secretary must know very well the structure of the enterprise, the functions of the departments, the distribution of responsibilities between senior employees. In this case, he can determine with whom the manager should meet himself, and whom to send to another competent official to quickly resolve the issue.

Organizing the reception of business travelers and enterprises, the secretary is obliged:

1) find out the question on which the visitor arrived;

2) mark a travel certificate;

3) to assist in the selection of the necessary materials;

4) find out whether the traveled specialist is provided with a hotel; if not, then help in resolving this issue, explain the most convenient transport route from the hotel to the institution.

TIP.If a delegation arrives at the reception, then care should be taken in advance to select an employee of the organization who will accompany the delegation. If a foreign delegation arrives, you should take care of providing an interpreter and souvenirs for members of the delegation.

Personal Reception

The secretary should pay particular attention to the organization of the reception by the head of visitors on personal matters.

When arranging a reception for employees of his institution on personal matters, the secretary is obliged:

1) know the circle of people who have access to the leader at any time, and let them pass freely;

2) to inform all employees of the institution hours of reception on personal matters;

3) determine the regulation of the duration of the visit and warn the visitor about it;

4) inform the manager about the visitor using the selector or local phone.

When planning work on receiving visitors, it is determined how often the manager will conduct a reception on personal issues, on what days and hours. Depending on this, the secretary can record the appropriate number of people. So, for example, if the manager holds a reception on personal matters once a week, then there will be much fewer people at the weekly reception compared to the number of people who sign up if the reception is only once a month. In direct proportion to the number of visitors is the time allotted for reception.

Often during the reception of employees on personal matters there is a secretary who keeps a record in the journal. If a senior employee enters the office during the reception, the secretary must stand up and leave the table to meet him, apologizing to the visitor. Having greeted the person who entered, you should tell him that you have a reception of employees on personal issues, to inquire when, after the end of the conversation, the senior officer will be able to receive you. If it’s an urgent matter, then after receiving the visitor the secretary will have to urgently approach the employee.

During the reception on personal matters, the secretary keeps a journal where the date of reception, last name, first name, middle name, essence of the issue, last name of the host, and the results of the consideration are recorded. Control over the implementation of decisions made by the head is carried out by the secretary.

In the job description of the secretary, in the section of duties, there is certainly a clause which states that the secretary should receive visitors. Thus, regardless of the sphere of activity of the institution, organization, form, their form of ownership, subordination, etc. each secretary is associated with a specified type of activity. The duties of the secretary include scheduling admission.

In each organization, the leader determines the days and hours of receiving visitors. Before making an appointment, the secretary needs to make sure that the visitor has come to the address. Find out on what issue, and try to resolve the issue in one visit. Appointments are usually made in advance, while filling out the relevant sections in the visitor reception journal, which has the following sections:

· Date of section

· Last name, first name and patronymic of the visitor;

· his address;

· essence of the question;

· Last name of the host;

· The results of the consideration of the issue.

Along with the journal form, visitors are often kept on registration and control cards. Technically, this form is more convenient: it is easy to change the sequence of reception, during analysis to identify the most common questions and forms of their solution. Currently, registration of visitors is conducted more often in electronic form. It is recommended to divide the reception time into arbitrary intervals, with some margin.

The secretary has the right, stipulated in the job description, to determine also who the manager should meet with and who can be referred to his deputies or other responsible employees. In addition, the secretary regulates the reception of visitors, taking into account the importance of the issues on which they came: some of the issues need a priority solution, while others may not be solved as urgently as possible.

In the work related to the reception of visitors, such qualities of the secretary as benevolence, courtesy, and courtesy are especially important. All experienced secretaries, as a rule, at the stage of compiling a list of visitors proceeding from the information available in it, are largely able to anticipate tense situations associated with the appearance of a person. Secretaries are trying to plan their work in detail at this moment, to apply the existing experience.

For example, an excited visitor does not need to be reassured, as this can only increase tension. It is recommended in such a situation to give him genuine attention, sincere respect. Seeking advice, a hidden compliment will help reassure the visitor. The reasons for openly conflict situations during the reception of visitors may be disrespectful attitude towards him, neglect of his interests, rude behavior, long wait.

Considering the technology of receiving visitors, it must be emphasized that the secretary must remember an important rule for him: all visitors can enter the manager’s office only after the secretary’s report.

Important visitors must be personally reported by the secretary. By asking the visitor to wait, he enters the manager’s office, half-closing the door, and informs about the visitor who is waiting for the reception. When reporting on the visitor, you must clearly state:

· Surname, name, patronymic;

· Position or address;

· The question on which the visitor arrived.

If the manager is ready to receive the visitor, the secretary invites the visitor to enter. At the same time, the cabinet door opens wide and the secretary, holding it, gives way to a passage. After the visitor entered the office, the secretary closes the door tightly, but without knocking.

Organizing the reception of employees of his institution on current issues, the secretary is obliged:

Know the circle of people who have access to the leader at any time, and skip them unhindered;

To bring to the attention of all employees of the institution hours of reception on current issues;

Define the regulation of the duration of the visit and warn the visitor about it;

Inform the manager about the visitor using the selector or local phone.

Information about the reception is in a prominent place: in the form of a small announcement or the secretary makes sure that a table with the days and times of receiving visitors is posted on the doors of the reception. At the request of the head, the secretary should be able to prepare and serve tea and coffee to the head and visitors, members of the delegation.

In this case, the dishes should be perfectly clean, tea or coffee should be prepared in the reception room, then poured into cups and brought into the manager’s office on a tray. Usually visitors take cups from a tray independently.

You can arrange the cups according to the number of visitors on the table before they arrive if coffee and tea are brought into the office in coffee pots after visitors arrive and poured in their presence. On the table should certainly be napkins.

As a rule, cakes, cookies, and sweets are served with coffee and tea. You can also put on the table bottles of mineral water and glasses according to the number of visitors, a key to open the bottles.

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Good afternoon friends!

One way or another, we all have to contact the government. Take a certificate, register, deregister, register, etc. And each time you have to stand for many hours to queue for one or two treasured pieces of paper or seals. In today's article, I would like to talk about how personally we fight with queuing problem   (in our Office [UFRS in the Kurgan region] there is a rather large flow of visitors, so the task is quite relevant).

I want to make a reservation about the goals of the article:

First, I would like to show how to solve complex problems in simple ways. It is not necessary to buy sophisticated software, install, configure, etc. Some things can be solved quite elegantly, as they say, would have a head and hands.

Secondly, I would like to shake the conviction that government agencies are a kind of soulless bureaucratic machine using outdated technologies and working methods. Of course, not everyone keeps up with the times, but there is a positive experience. I would be glad if after reading someone could take a different look at our work.


So, for starters, I will describe the problem that we are solving. When visitors are received, the main problem is, of course, the turn. One of the departments accepts just on our floor, so 10-15 people are constantly sitting in the corridor. Such, alas, is the real picture. The ideal picture should look like this: each visitor knows the exact time when they should receive it, and comes 5-10 minutes before this time. The entire reception schedule is clearly scheduled, 2-3 people are waiting in the corridor, no noise. This approach is called "Electronic queue"   and already applied in some places (in banks, private medical clinics, etc.)

Ideally, recording in an “electronic queue” should be accessible from anywhere.

Option one: a person calls by phone, names his name, a specialist writes it down at the right time.
  Option two: through the information and reference terminal.
  Option Three: via the web interface (directly on the official website)

Plus, of course, all this should be implemented in a convenient way, so that everything is immediately visible, and the person was added with a minimum of mouse movements.


The whole system was written in PHP and runs on a local web server. To enter the system, a specialist just needs to open a browser (click on the shortcut on the desktop) and log in.

By default, the record for the current date is displayed (images are clickable):

You can watch any other day:

A little explanation:
  The entire working day (from 8 am to 8 pm (this is with a margin)) is divided into 4 intervals of 3 hours. Each interval is still divided into “quanta” of time (10, 12, 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes) - the time of reception of one visitor.

The system takes into account all work schedules, lunch breaks and holidays. Inactive cells are grayed out.

White empty cells are active. After clicking on it, a form opens to enter the name of the visitor. One visitor can occupy several cells (if he needs to draw up several documents).

The yellow cells are busy. Green - the visitor came, red - did not come (needed to collect statistics). In the event of a visitor’s refusal, our specialist can remove it and record a new person on the vacated cells on top.

In general, the interface is quite understandable and after a couple of explanations everyone began to use it confidently.

Technical implementation.

As I mentioned above, everything is written in PHP. It turned out that everything wasn’t as scary as it was thought at the beginning - everything fit into two main scripts + several auxiliary ones responsible for asynchronous updating of information every minute (I actively used AJAX requests). All the work took about two weeks.


The benefit is obvious - already according to the results of the first week, you can see how visitors quite densely occupy all cells (rarely remain free). That is, the system really works! Now recording is only by telephone and so far only in one department. Our specialists are also unloading - before, it’s a shame to admit, we made a preliminary record in the Excel file. Plus, of course, a uniform reception of citizens during the day (it happens that everyone will run in the morning, and after lunch, on the contrary, there is already nobody).

We will expand further. To be honest, it will be harder and more interesting at the same time.
  Firstly, we will introduce it in the second department (there two windows work by appointment).
  Secondly, you need to write an algorithm that will automatically calculate how much time it takes to receive a visitor - depending on the number of documents, type of design, etc.
  Thirdly, we will introduce a pre-registration system on the information terminal and on the official website. That is, it will be possible to independently (!!!) go to the site, see free cells, select the appropriate ones and sign up for this time. Agree, this is much more convenient than sitting in lines. Or come and find out that, it turns out, there is no reception today.

I would be grateful for comments, ready to answer questions.

Reception of visitors. It can be divided into three types: reception of employees of their institution on current affairs; reception of representatives of other organizations, including delegations; Reception of visitors on personal matters.

The secretary is obliged: to make sure that a plate with the days and times is indicated on the front desk doors - the reception of visitors; keep a record of visitors and monitor the implementation of decisions made during the adoption of decisions; monitor the order of reception and the time of the conversation. It is better to make an appointment in advance by making appropriate entries in the visitors' reception journal.

The secretary must remember that a visitor of any rank, without exception, can enter the office of the head only after the report of the secretary. The secretary reports personally on the representatives of higher organizations. By asking the visitor to wait, he enters the manager’s office and reports about the visitor awaiting reception. In this case, it is desirable to name the surname, first name, middle name, position of the visitor and the question on which he arrived. The secretary can report to the manager about the visitor using the intercom and, having received consent to the reception, invites the visitor to go to the office. It is unacceptable to invite a visitor in outerwear to the office of the leader.

If the visitor came without prior agreement, the secretary has the right to independently decide whether to report to the head immediately or make an appointment. In case of refusal, the secretary gives the visitor the exact date and time when he will be accepted.

Organizing the reception of employees of his institution on current issues, the secretary is obliged:

  • know the circle of people who have access to the leader at any time, and let them pass freely;
  • to inform all employees of the institution hours of reception on current issues;
  • determine the regulation of the duration of the visit and warn the visitor about it;
  • inform the manager about the visitor using a selector or telephone.

Often visitors go to the reception with a manager with a question that can be resolved by another employee. The secretary must know the distribution of duties between the executives of the institution in order to direct the visitor to a competent employee.

Organizing the reception of business travelers at the enterprise, the secretary must:

  • find out the question on which the visitor arrived;
  • mark the travel certificate;
  • assist in the selection of the necessary materials;
  • to find out if the traveled specialist is provided with a hotel; if not, then help in resolving this issue.

If a delegation arrives at the reception, then care should be taken in advance to select an employee of the organization who will accompany the delegation. If a foreign delegation arrives, care should be taken to select an interpreter and souvenirs for members of the delegation.

If necessary, at the request of the head, the secretary should be able to prepare and serve tea or coffee to the head and the visitor (members of the delegation).

Disruption of reception should not be allowed for disrespectful reasons. If the manager to whom the visitor was invited is absent, it is necessary that the visitor be received by another competent employee. The secretary should in this situation apologize for the absence of the leader and explain the reason for his absence.

The secretary should pay particular attention to the organization of reception by the head of visitors on personal matters. For this type of reception, the manager usually assigns certain days.

During all types of reception, the secretary himself receives all telephone calls, forwards the deputy heads of the issues requiring immediate resolution.

At the end of the conversation and decision-making, the leader writes down himself or instructs the secretary to record the results of the conversation in the appropriate accounting forms. Monitoring the implementation of decisions made by the head is carried out by the secretary-referent.


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