The concept of organization of production in the enterprise. The purpose and objectives of the organization of the main production. Organization basics models and calculation methods

The main goal of organizing the main production is to increase production efficiency.

Sub Goals:

1. Ensuring operational regulation of the volume and range of production, which allows you to adapt to fluctuations in demand for products.

2. Ensuring high quality products.

The tasks of organizing the main production are:

1) the implementation of the interaction of all jobs and their rational organization;

2) the creation of continuous movement of objects of labor in jobs in accordance with demand, reducing the duration of the production cycle;

3) the rational organization of labor of workers in the workplace flow;

4) continuous improvement of the organization of the main production on the basis of new technology.

Currently, in conditions of economic instability, the organization of production and labor at enterprises is low. Many enterprises have significant reserves for increasing profits by improving the organization of primary and auxiliary production.

These are the so-called near reserves, the implementation of which becomes especially important for enterprises in the transition to market relations.

The main methods of organizing the main production are:

1) single;

2) batch;

3) in-line.

Methods of organizing production are a set of methods, techniques and rules for a rational combination of the basic elements of the production process in space and time at the stages of functioning, design and organization of production.

The single method is used in individual production, in the conditions of a single output or in small batches and involves the lack of specialization in the workplace, the use of widely universal equipment, the sequential movement of parts from operation to operation in batches.

In contrast to the single method of organizing production, the in-line method is used in the manufacture of products of the same name and involves the following methods of organizing the production process: the location of equipment along the process; specialization of each workplace for the implementation of one of the operations; the transfer of labor from operation to operation by piece or in small batches immediately after processing; rhythm of release, synchronization of operations; a detailed study of the organization of maintenance of workplaces.

The flow method of organizing production can be applied subject to the following conditions:

· The volume of output is large and does not change for a long time;

· Time costs can be set with sufficient accuracy, synchronized and reduced to one value;

· Provides a continuous supply to the workplace of raw materials in the required quantity.

The batch method of organizing production is used in the production of a serial type with a limited range of products.

The arrangement of equipment can be mixed, the use of special equipment and tools is limited. Specialization of personnel is wider than with the in-line method.

The most effective and common in the food industry is the flow method of organizing the main production.

Abroad, the organization of the main production is also carried out mainly by the flow method. At present, a tree-like production scheme is spreading (especially in the automotive industry of Japan, Sweden).

Non-flow (batch and single) methods of organizing production are used in the food industry only in combination with in-line and cover either initial or final operations. For example, the batch method is used in the production of margarine in the preparation of prescription components (milk, salt solution, sugar and fat mixtures).

Factors affecting the organization of the main production are the technological, organizational, technical and economic features of individual industries, which determine the type of production and specific methods of organizing the main production on the basis of combination, providing the most rational forms of organization of the main production.

The success of solving the problems of organizing the main production and their methods largely depend on level of specialization, cooperation and combination.

The whole scope of work on the organization of the main production can be divided into three large components:

1) technical preparation of production;

2) the organization of the production flow;

3) the organization of control and regulation of the processes of the main production.

Questions for mastering the material

21.1 The essence, structure and principles of the organization of the production process.

21.2 Types and methods of organization of production.

21.3 Forms of organization of production.

Key Terms

  manufacturing process

  production cycle

organization of production

types of production

forms of organization of production

The essence, structure and principles of the organization of the production process

Organization of production -   it is a set of measures aimed at a rational combination of labor processes with the material elements of production in space and time. The main goal of the organization of production is to increase production efficiency by achieving the objectives in the shortest possible time for the best use of production resources.

Organization of production is associated with the development, implementation and improvement of production systems, on the basis of which the main products are produced or services are provided to enterprises. It can be considered as a set of actions for the planning, coordination and implementation of the production and technological cycle to create products and services.

Organization of production covers all the components of the production system, aspects of its production and economic activities and includes:

Organization of labor of employees of the enterprise;

Organization of production processes in time and space;

Organization of auxiliary workshops and service enterprises of the enterprise;

Organization of product quality control;

Organization of technical regulation of labor;

Management organization.

Manufacturing process   - a set of interconnected actions of people, means of labor and nature, necessary for the manufacture of products. The main elements of the production process is the process of labor as a conscious human activity, objects and means of labor. Graphically, this is shown in Fig. 21.1

Fig. 21.1 Scheme of elements of the production process

Many industries use natural processes that are carried out under the influence of forces of nature (biological, chemical processes, cooling parts after heat treatment, etc.). Natural processes require time and resources, the latter only if they are intensified artificially.

Any production process consists of: preparatory; executive and final stages, which are fragmented into technological (production) operations.

Operation   - this is the finished part of the production process, performed at one workplace, on the same subject of labor without readjusting the equipment.

The enterprises carry out a variety of production processes. They are classified according to the following criteria:

1. By appointment

- Main processes   - these are the processes of direct manufacture of the main products of the enterprise, determine its production profile, specialization. All processes in a number of industries are divided into two stages: processing, final (assembly). Together they create the main production.

- Supporting processes   - the processes of manufacturing products that are used at the enterprise itself to ensure the correct course of the main processes. They are grouped according to their purpose, forming auxiliary industries, such as repair, tool, energy and other enterprises.

- Service Processes   provide normal conditions for the implementation of the main and auxiliary processes. These include warehouse, transport processes.

2. Adrift over time   production processes are divided into:

- Discrete (discontinuous)   - characteristic cyclicality associated with the manufacture of products of a certain shape, which are calculated in pieces (machines, appliances, clothes, etc.);

- Continuous   - the processes are inherent in the production of products that do not have a constant volume and shape (bulk, liquid and gaseous substances), so their progress does not require technological cyclicality.

3. Depending on stage   production cycle:

- Preparatory -   processes designed to perform the operations of preparing living labor, objects and means of labor for the transformation of objects of labor into a red (final) product;

- Transformative - the processes in which the processing of objects of labor (into the final product) occurs due to the implementation of the convertible function. The transformation of objects of labor is carried out by purposefully changing the shape, size, appearance, physical or chemical properties and the like;

- Final   - processes (final stage), which consist in preparing the results of the preliminary conversion into final products for further consumption.

4. By degree of automation   distinguish between:

- Manual processes   carried out directly by the worker, whose physical strength is the main source of energy;

mechanized processes   performed by a worker using machines. The worker controls the machines, and directly performs only auxiliary operations;

- Automated Processes   performed by machines under the supervision of a worker according to a previously developed program.

5. Depending on the nature of the impact on objects of labor   production processes are divided into:

- Preparatory   - processes, including operations for the delivery of blanks, tools, equipment and preparation of the workplace for work;

- Technological   - processes directly related to the conversion of resources into finished products;

- Control processes   - provide for the performance of control and measuring operations to achieve compliance with technical and other conditions and requirements;

- Transportation processes   and warehousing associated with the movement and storage of products throughout the entire production cycle, and also integrate the production process into a single whole and ensure the coherence of individual operations in time.

The production process and its individual operations should be rationally organized in space and time. To do this, adhere to certain of principles   during the design and organization of the production process, which include:

- Specialization principle   means limiting the diversity of elements of the production process, reducing the range of products at each site of the enterprise, as well as varieties of production operations, performed at workplaces.

Distinguish the following types of specialization in   the enterprise

Functional - auxiliary and service industries are combined into separate independent units and perform certain functions;

Subject - provides for the consolidation of a certain range of products for individual shops;

Detail - consists in securing to certain departments of the enterprise the manufacture of technologically homogeneous parts;

Technological - means securing for each workshop and production site a certain part of the production process.

principle of proportionality   requires that in all parts of the production process and the entire interconnected system of units and machines, throughput, that is, the same ability to perform work and produce products, be agreed;

- Principle of parallelism   provides for the simultaneous execution of individual operations and processes. Parallelism is achieved by rational division of products into components, combining the time to perform various operations on them, and the simultaneous manufacture of various products;

- Directness principle   means that the objects of labor in the process of processing should have the shortest routes through all stages and operations of the production process, without counter and reverse movements. To comply with this principle, workshops, sections, workplaces, as far as possible, are located along the process. Auxiliary production, services, warehouses, in turn, are placed as close as possible to those units that they serve;

- Principle of continuity   requires that gaps between related technological operations be minimal or completely eliminated. To the greatest extent, this principle is implemented in continuous production - chemical, metallurgical, energy, etc .;

- Principle of rhythm   consists in the fact that the work of all departments of the enterprise and the production of products should be carried out according to a certain rhythm, systematic repeatability. Subject to the principle of rhythm at equal intervals of time, an identical or uniformly growing number of products is produced, and uniform loading of jobs is ensured. Rhythmic work allows the most complete use of the production capacity of the enterprise and its units;

- The principle of automatism   provides for economically justified release of a person from direct participation in the implementation of operations of the production process. The implementation of this principle in industries with difficult and harmful working conditions is especially relevant. Not only production processes are automated, but also other areas of human activity, including management;

- Principle of flexibility means that the production process must quickly adapt to changes in organizational and technical conditions associated with the transition to the manufacture of other products or their modification. The flexibility of the production process allows the development of new products in a short time with lower costs due to the universalization of tools, automation tools and processing methods, the introduction of CNC machines, flexible production systems;

- Standardization principle   requires that the production system is capable of stably performing its functions within the tolerance range. This is achieved by creating technical and organizational mechanisms of self-regulation and stabilization.

The principles of the rational organization of the production process are closely related, complement each other and, to varying degrees, are implemented in practice in specific conditions. When designing, you need to consider and choose the best organizational and technical solutions according to the criterion of economic efficiency.

The production process consists of production cycles. Production cycle -   it is a calendar period of time during which the product or a batch of products processed undergoes all operations of the production process or a certain part of it and turns into a completed product.

The interval of calendar time from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last is called the duration of the production cycle in time,   which is measured in days, hours, minutes, depending on the type of product and the processing stage.

The production cycle includes:

- Processing time   - the main component of the production cycle, which is necessary for the implementation of specific work operations of the conversion of the subject of labor into finished products.

- Preparatory closing time -   allocated by the worker for familiarization with the delivery and for the delivery of finished products.

Operating cycle duration   consists of the execution time of the technological operation and the preparatory-final time, that is, the duration of the operating cycle - this is the processing time of one batch of parts for a specific operation of the technological cycle.

The combination of all components of the production process forms its working period.

Part production cycle - these are breaks consisting of interoperational (breaks between parties, waiting breaks, staffing breaks) and inter-shift breaks (lunch breaks, weekends and holidays, between shifts.

The duration of the production cycle is a combination of time for: the operating cycle, the passage of natural processes, maintenance processes, between operating and inter-shift breaks.

The main component of the production cycle is the duration of the technological operations, which is the technological cycle. The technological cycle of processing a batch of items in one operation depends on the number of items in the batch, the duration of one item and the number of jobs in which the operation is performed.

When calculating the duration of the technological cycle, it is necessary to take into account the features of the movement of objects of labor in operations. The company uses one of the following types of movement:

- Consistent   - processing of a batch of parts for each subsequent operation begins only after the entire batch has undergone processing in a previous operation.

- Parallel -   after the end of the previous operation, each object of labor is immediately transferred to the next operation and processed. Details of one batch are processed in parallel in all operations. That is, the transfer of objects of labor for each subsequent operation occurs individually or in a transport lot immediately after processing in the previous operation;

- Parallel-consecutive (mixed, combined) movement   - the details are transferred to the next operation as they are processed in the previous operation, individually or in a transport batch. That is, the processing of parts occurs simultaneously in many operations and begins on the next operation before the end of processing the entire batch on the previous one, but provided that the batch is processed on each operation continuously.

Textbook / Korsakov M.N., Rebrin Yu.I., Fedosova T.V., Makarenya T.A., Shevchenko I.K. and etc.; Ed. M.A. Borovskoy. - Taganrog: TTI SFU, 2008 .-- 440s.

3. Organization and production planning

3.1. The concept of organization and production planning at the enterprise

3.1.1. The essence of the organization of production

The term "organization" is derived from the French word "organization" and means the device, the union of someone or something.

Organization   involves the internal ordering of the parts of the whole as a means of their logical interaction to achieve the desired result.

Man is a personal factor of production, and tools and objects of labor are a material factor. Combining these two factors of production into a single production process, the organization of production and performs its first, backbone function.

The next function of the organization of production is the establishment of specific relations between individual performers and production units that ensure the joint activity of people participating in a single production process.

Socio-economic relations express the relationship between people, determined by the nature, form and combination of public, collective and private property. Socio-economic relations are an important element in creating the unity of the economic interests of society, the collective and individual workers in achieving the highest production efficiency.

The organization of production at the same time fulfills its third function - the creation of organizational conditions that ensure the interaction on an economic basis of all production links as a single production and technical system.

Thus, the essence of the organization of production consists in combining and ensuring the interaction of personal and material elements of production, establishing the necessary connections and coordinated actions of participants in the production process, creating conditions for realizing the unity of the economic interests of society, collectives and each employee.

Organization of production   - this is the study and application of: theoretical and methodological issues of the organization of production in enterprises; conditions and factors of rational coordination of actions of enterprise workers when using objects and tools in the production process based on knowledge in the field of technology, economics and sociology, analytical techniques and best practices aimed at achieving the goals for the production of certain labor products of appropriate quality and quantity.

Machine-building enterprises are characterized by a very significant fragmentation of production in space. They, as a rule, have a relatively small number of large units of simultaneous action, but there are many units, machines and equipment of other types for the manufacture and processing of a large number of parts of various types, weights and sizes. Moreover, in relation to different parts, depending on the technical requirements, various technological processes are used: casting methods, pressure (cold or hot stamping), cutting are used for the manufacture of blanks; for processing parts - cutting, thermal, electrophysical and electrochemical processing, molding and pressing of plastics, casting and processing of ceramic materials; for the manufacture of assembly units - methods of make-up, jointing, welding, soldering, gluing; harness and printed wiring; engraving and carpentry; adjustment, tuning, etc.

The division of production in space, multi-unit, multi-product range, multi-operation and a wide variety of technological processes used in the manufacture of parts and assembly units distinguish machine-building enterprises from enterprises in other industries. These features determine the complexity of the flows of moving and processed workpieces and parts in enterprises, which is why production organization is very important, in particular, coordination and regulation of the movement of all diverse production flows in time and space.

In addition, the organization of production involves coordinating the movement of labor elements across operations and jobs, due to which uniform, rhythmic work and high technical and economic indicators are achieved.

The objects of organization of production at the enterprise are production systems of various levels, which include people and the means of labor they use. Organization of production is designed to provide:

Firstly, the formation of the most rational composition of workers and labor means of the production system for the production of products of the required quality for consumers, customers and society in a timely manner and in a given volume;

Secondly, the establishment of the most rational relationships between all elements of the production system;

Thirdly, the continuous development of the production system in the direction of increasing its efficiency and the greatest compliance with the changing conditions of its interaction with the external environment.

Organization of production covers all components of the production system and all aspects of its production and economic activities. Therefore, as the most important components, it includes:

The organization of labor of employees of the enterprise as a process of establishing and improving methods of implementation and conditions for the flow of labor processes;

Organization of production processes in time and space as a process of functional, spatial and temporal combination and connection of material and personal factors of production;

The organization of in-line production methods as a process of the subject combination of workplaces on a site, uniting various groups of equipment for a complete cycle of processing parts or assembling products;

Organization of automatic and flexible automated production as a process of complex mechanization and automation of not only technological operations, but also auxiliary working methods (installation, control, maintenance, transport, command, that is, managers);

The organization of auxiliary workshops and service enterprises of the enterprise as a process of integrated servicing of the main shops of the enterprise for all functions that go beyond their main specialization;

Organization of product quality management and the processes of its creation in order to ensure the competitiveness of products and save public labor;

Organization of technical regulation of labor as a process of establishing a measure of labor costs for manufacturing a unit of production or performing a given amount of work for a certain period of time;

Organization and planning of innovations as a process of creating and mastering new equipment, technology and organization of production, taking into account technical, organizational, economic and social events;

Management organization as a process of creating and improving management systems and how they function.

The rational organization of production is to integrate the entire totality of heterogeneous components that implement the production process into an integrated and highly efficient production system, all of whose elements are harmoniously combined with each other in all aspects of their functioning and development.

Organization of production and its optimal management are the most important factors in accelerating scientific and technological progress. They provide the most complete and efficient use of labor, material and financial resources of the enterprise, reducing costs and improving product quality, increasing labor productivity and production efficiency, significantly reducing the duration of the cycle "research - design - production - sales" and increasing the rate of updating of products and technical development production.

The main goal of the organization of production   It is the creation of conditions under which the successful formation and implementation of planned targets is ensured by each production unit of the enterprise and the enterprise as a whole in all respects and with high production efficiency.

The goal set for the enterprise and its divisions is achieved by everyday solving many private problems aimed at finding and using opportunities:

Improving the efficiency of production, its intensification on the basis of scientific and technological progress and the most complete use of production reserves;

Increasing labor productivity and output on the basis of scientific and technological progress, improving the organization of labor, the use of progressive wage systems, raising the general educational level of workers, improving product quality and labor discipline;

Improving the efficiency of use of fixed assets and working capital of the enterprise on the basis of uniform loading of equipment, rational organization of operation and repair of equipment, maintenance of jobs;

Organization of the enterprise with minimal reserves of materials, semi-finished products, fuel, residues of finished products in warehouses; advanced training and cultural and technical level of personnel and improvement of working and living conditions on the basis of systematic training of personnel, improvement of working conditions and socio-psychological climate, mechanization and automation of labor-intensive and hard work, improvement of public services, economic incentives;

Creating personal and collective interest of employees in the effective use of material assets of the enterprise.

The optimal quantitative and qualitative dependencies of production processes, parameters and indicators of production are the source information for the development of work plans of enterprises and their units. Therefore, questions of the organization of production are considered in direct connection with in-plant planning, and the decisions recorded in the planning tasks are implemented with the help of management.

Any production involves the organization of enterprises of various sizes and complexity (firms, societies, etc.), their divisions and jobs, the interaction of labor resources with means and objects of labor, material incentives, planning and management of activities to achieve their goals.

In general, organizationrepresents the creation or ordering of any parts, elements into an expedient whole.

Organization of production   - This is the coordination and optimization of all material and labor elements of production in order to achieve the greatest production result with the lowest cost.

Like every science " Organization of production "has its own object and subject of study. The object course is an industrial enterprise, which is considered as a production system, subjectproduction organization - study ofmethods and means of the most rational organization of production.

The essence of the organization of production is:

    in combining and ensuring interaction in a single production process of personal and material elements of production (man is a personal factor of production, tools and objects of labor are material factors);

    in establishing the necessary connections and concerted actions of the participants in the production process (in the production process, workers - they are participants in the production process - are combined into teams, sections, workshops; this implies the establishment of relations and coordination of actions between workers);

    in creating organizational conditions for the realization of economic interests and social needs of workers in a manufacturing enterprise - creating conditions for improving the working life of workers and personal well-being.

In this way, the essence of the organization of production consists in combining and providing personal and material elements of production, establishing the necessary and sufficient ties and coordinated actions of all participants in the production process, creating organizational conditions for realizing the socio-economic needs of the enterprise’s employees.

Organization of production at enterprises performs the following tasks:

      selection and justification of the production program and capacity of the enterprise, its production and organizational structure, determining the composition and level of specialization, its subdivisions, establishing rational relationships between them (the enterprise consists of workshops, buildings, sections, departments, bureaus, industries, farms, etc. units that may be part of the production structure of the enterprise);

      design and ensuring the coordinated functioning of all the components of a single production process (preparation of production, logistical ensuring, improving the quality and competitiveness of products, technical and information services, production management systems, etc.).

      design and implementation in practice of organization of production infrastructure units of the enterprise (repair facilities, tool manufacturing, transport and storage facilities, etc.);

      a harmonious combination of elements of the production process in time and space, in establishing the order of the execution of certain types of work, rational combination of time and place of their implementation, in ensuring the continuous movement of objects of labor in the production process;

      organization of labor of workers, rational division of labor and cooperation, improvement of working conditions, organization of material and moral incentives for workers;

      a combination of rational organizational forms and production management methods; one or another form of organization should be consistent with adequate methods for creating employee interest and improving production efficiency;

      development of a system for the interaction of production units, the formation and development of the enterprise management structure, association.

Organization of production does not remain unchanged over time. The development of science and technology changes the technical basis of production, the professional, cultural and technical level of workers, the scale of production, and through it affects the forms and methods of organizing production.

The assimilation of knowledge and technological processes of the organization of production allows you to: rationally organize the efficient operation of the enterprise, competently perform analysis of production and economic activities, quickly use internal production reserves to increase the competitiveness of products, optimize the production process, make reasonable and competent management decisions in the production sector.

The science of organization is based on systems theory. Term "system"   (from Greek systema - a whole, made up of parts of a compound) as a set of interconnected elements forming a single whole to achieve a specific goal, is very common and used in different meanings. So, the system can be a set of economic units, institutions and enterprises of the industry that have common goals and objectives, or an enterprise (firm) as a set of its divisions (branches, workshops, sections, etc.), as well as the order due to the planned arrangement of parts in a certain connection, a strict sequence of actions, for example, a system in operation, an adopted routine of actions.

The enterprise as a system includes four subsystems - target providing, manager(apparatus for managing the enterprise, workshop, site) and managed   (workshops, sites). In turn, each of them consists of technical, technological, organizational, economic and other elements. The enterprise is an integral part of the industry, i.e. included in a higher order system.

It is believed that any production system consists of at least three main blocks (parts):

    receipt of source resources (login);

    the production process itself, which allows you to convert resources (the subject of labor) into a product (product);

    the result of the functioning of the system is the finished product (exit from the system).

Production system has both internaland external   Wednesday. Inner wednesdayformed under the influence of variables that have a direct impact on the production process of products (works, services). This is the structure of the enterprise, its means of production, personnel with its traditions, knowledge and skills, team relationships, production and information processes. External environment   characterized by a combination of variables outside the enterprise. This is the regulatory framework, standards, including quality standards, scientific, technical and patent information, consumers and suppliers, shareholders, creditors, education, medical services, communications, etc.

Turovets O.G., Rodionov V.B., Bukhalkov M.I.   Chapter from the book "Organization of Production and Enterprise Management"
  Publishing House "INFRA-M", 2007

10.1. The concept of the production process

Modern production is a complex process of turning raw materials, semi-finished products and other objects of labor into finished products that meet the needs of society.

The totality of all the actions of people and tools carried out at the enterprise for the manufacture of specific types of products is called production process.

The main part of the production process are technological processes that contain targeted actions to change and determine the state of objects of labor. During the implementation of technological processes there is a change in the geometric shapes, sizes and physico-chemical properties of objects of labor.

Along with technological processes, the production process also includes non-technological processes that do not aim at changing the geometric shapes, sizes or physico-chemical properties of objects of labor or checking their quality. Such processes include transport, storage, handling, picking and some other operations and processes.

In the production process, labor processes are combined with natural ones, in which the change in objects of labor occurs under the influence of forces of nature without human intervention (for example, drying painted parts in air, cooling castings, aging cast parts, etc.).

Varieties of production processes.   According to their purpose and role in production, processes are divided into main, auxiliary and service ones.

The main called production processes during which the manufacturing of the main products manufactured by the enterprise. The result of the main processes in mechanical engineering is the production of machines, apparatus and devices that make up the production program of the enterprise and corresponding to its specialization, as well as the manufacture of spare parts for them for delivery to the consumer.

TO auxiliary   processes that ensure uninterrupted flow of the main processes. Their result is products used in the enterprise itself. Supporting processes are equipment repair, tooling, steam and compressed air production, etc.

Attendants   processes are called, during the implementation of which the services necessary for the normal functioning of both the main and auxiliary processes are performed. These include, for example, the processes of transportation, warehousing, selection and acquisition of parts, etc.

In modern conditions, especially in automated production, there is a tendency to integrate basic and service processes. So, in flexible automated complexes the basic, picking, warehouse and transport operations are combined into a single process.

The set of basic processes forms the main production. At engineering enterprises, the main production consists of three stages: procurement, processing and assembly. Stage   the production process is called a complex of processes and works, the implementation of which characterizes the completion of a certain part of the production process and is associated with the transition of the subject of labor from one qualitative state to another.

TO procurement   stages include the processes of obtaining blanks - cutting materials, casting, stamping. Processing   the stage includes the processes of converting the workpieces into finished parts: machining, heat treatment, painting and galvanic coatings, etc. Assembly   stage - the final part of the production process. It includes assembly of units and finished products, adjustment and debugging of machines and devices, their testing.

The composition and mutual relations of the main, auxiliary and servicing processes form the structure of the production process.

Organizationally, production processes are divided into simple and complex. Simple called production processes, consisting of sequentially carried out actions on a simple subject of labor. For example, the manufacturing process of manufacturing one part or a batch of identical parts. Complicated   a process is a combination of simple processes carried out on many objects of labor. For example, the manufacturing process of an assembly unit or an entire product.

10.2. Scientific principles of the organization of production processes

Organization of production processes.   The diverse production processes, as a result of which industrial products are created, must be properly organized, ensuring their effective functioning in order to produce specific types of high-quality products and in quantities that satisfy the needs of the national economy and the country's population.

Organization of production processes consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process of production of material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and serving processes.

The spatial combination of elements of the production process and all its varieties is implemented on the basis of the formation of the production structure of the enterprise and its subdivisions. In this regard, the most important activities are the selection and justification of the production structure of the enterprise, i.e. determination of the composition and specialization of its units and the establishment of rational relationships between them.

During the development of the production structure, design calculations are carried out related to determining the composition of the equipment fleet, taking into account its productivity, interchangeability, and the possibility of efficient use. Rational planning of units, placement of equipment, and jobs are also being developed. Organizational conditions are created for the smooth operation of the equipment and the direct participants in the production process - workers.

One of the main aspects of the formation of the production structure is to ensure the interconnected functioning of all components of the production process: preparatory operations, basic production processes, maintenance. It is necessary to comprehensively justify the most rational for specific production and technical conditions organizational forms and methods of implementing certain processes.

An important element in the organization of production processes is the organization of labor of workers, specifically realizing the combination of labor with the means of production. The methods of labor organization are largely determined by the forms of the production process. In this regard, the focus should be on ensuring a rational division of labor and the determination on this basis of the vocational qualifications of workers, the scientific organization and optimal service of jobs, the comprehensive improvement and improvement of working conditions.

The organization of production processes also involves a combination of their elements in time, which determines a certain procedure for performing certain operations, rational combination of the time for performing various types of work, and the definition of calendar and planning standards for the movement of objects of labor. The normal course of processes in time is also ensured by the order of production start-up, the creation of necessary stocks (reserves) and production reserves, the uninterrupted supply of workplaces with tools, blanks, and materials. An important area of \u200b\u200bthis activity is the organization of the rational movement of material flows. These tasks are solved on the basis of the development and implementation of operational production planning systems taking into account the type of production and the technical and organizational features of production processes.

Finally, during the organization of production processes at the enterprise, an important place is given to the development of a system of interaction between individual production units.

The principles of the organization of the production process   represent the starting points on the basis of which the construction, operation and development of production processes are carried out.

Principle differentiation   involves the division of the production process into separate parts (processes, operations) and their assignment to the relevant departments of the enterprise. The principle of differentiation is opposed to the principle of combining, which means the unification of all or part of diverse processes for the production of certain types of products within a single site, workshop or production. Depending on the complexity of the product, the volume of production, the nature of the equipment used, the production process can be concentrated in any one production unit (workshop, site) or dispersed across several departments. So, at machine-building enterprises, with a significant release of similar products, independent mechanical and assembly plants, workshops are organized, and with small batches of manufactured products, single mechanical assembly shops can be created.

The principles of differentiation and combination apply to individual jobs. The production line, for example, is a differentiated set of jobs.

In practical activities for organizing production, priority in using the principles of differentiation or combination should be given to that principle that will ensure the best economic and social characteristics of the production process. So, in-line production, characterized by a high degree of differentiation of the production process, allows to simplify its organization, improve workers' skills, and increase labor productivity. However, excessive differentiation increases the fatigue of workers, a large number of operations increases the need for equipment and production facilities, leads to unnecessary costs for moving parts, etc.

Principle concentration   means the concentration of certain production operations for the production of technologically homogeneous products or the performance of functionally homogeneous work at individual workplaces, sections, in shops or enterprises of an enterprise. The feasibility of concentration of homogeneous work in individual production areas is due to the following factors: common technological methods that necessitate the use of the same equipment; equipment capabilities, such as machining centers; increase in output of certain types of products; economic feasibility of concentrating the production of certain types of products or performing homogeneous work.

When choosing one or another direction of concentration, it is necessary to take into account the advantages of each of them.

With a concentration of technologically homogeneous work in the division, fewer duplicate equipment is required, production flexibility is increased and there is the possibility of a quick transition to new products, equipment loading is increasing.

With the concentration of technologically homogeneous products, the cost of transporting materials and products is reduced, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, the management of the production process is simplified, and the need for production facilities is reduced.

Principle specializations   based on limiting the diversity of elements of the production process. The implementation of this principle involves securing for each workplace and each unit a strictly limited range of works, operations, parts or products. In contrast to the principle of specialization, the principle of universalization presupposes a production organization in which every workplace or production unit is engaged in the manufacture of parts and products of a wide range or in the performance of heterogeneous production operations.

The level of specialization of jobs is determined by a special indicator - the coefficient of consolidation of operations TO   zo, which is characterized by the number of detailed operations performed at the workplace for a certain period of time. So, with TO   z.o. \u003d 1 there is a narrow specialization of jobs, in which during the month, quarter at the workplace one detail operation is performed.

The nature of the specialization of divisions and jobs is largely determined by the volume of production of parts of the same name. Specialization reaches the highest level when producing one type of product. The most typical example of highly specialized productions are factories producing tractors, televisions, and cars. An increase in the range of production reduces the level of specialization.

A high degree of specialization of departments and workplaces contributes to the growth of labor productivity through the development of labor skills of workers, the possibilities of technical equipment of labor, and minimizing the costs of the re-adjustment of machines and lines. At the same time, narrow specialization reduces the required qualifications of workers, determines the monotony of labor and, as a result, leads to quick fatigue of workers, and limits their initiative.

In modern conditions, the trend toward universalization of production is intensifying, which is determined by the requirements of scientific and technological progress to expand the range of products, the advent of multifunctional equipment, and the tasks of improving the organization of labor in the direction of expanding the labor functions of the worker.

Principle proportionality   consists in a logical combination of the individual elements of the production process, which is expressed in a certain quantitative ratio of them with each other. Thus, the proportionality in production capacity implies the equality of the capacity of the sections or equipment load factors. In this case, the throughput capacity of the procurement workshops corresponds to the requirements for the blanks of the mechanical workshops, and the throughput of these workshops corresponds to the needs of the assembly shop in the necessary details. This implies the requirement to have in each workshop equipment, space, labor in such quantity that would ensure the normal operation of all departments of the enterprise. The same ratio of throughput should exist between the main production, on the one hand, and auxiliary and service units, on the other.

Violation of the principle of proportionality leads to imbalances, the appearance of bottlenecks in production, as a result of which the use of equipment and labor is worsening, the duration of the production cycle is increasing, and the backlogs are increasing.

The proportionality in the workforce, space, equipment is already established during the design of the enterprise, and then specified when developing annual production plans by conducting so-called volumetric calculations - when determining capacities, number of employees, and demand for materials. Proportions are established on the basis of a system of standards and norms that determine the number of mutual relations between various elements of the production process.

The principle of proportionality involves the simultaneous execution of individual operations or parts of the production process. It is based on the provision that parts of a dismembered production process must be combined in time and performed simultaneously.

The manufacturing process of a machine consists of a large number of operations. It is quite obvious that their implementation sequentially one after another would cause an increase in the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, individual parts of the manufacturing process must be carried out in parallel.

Parallelism   achieved: when processing one part on one machine with several tools; simultaneous processing of various parts of one batch for a given operation at several workplaces; simultaneous processing of the same parts for various operations at several workplaces; simultaneous manufacture of various parts of the same product at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the time spent lying down parts, to save working time.

Under directness   understand such a principle of organization of the production process, at which all stages and operations of the production process are carried out under the shortest path of the subject of labor from the beginning of the process to its end. The principle of straightforwardness requires ensuring the rectilinear movement of objects of labor in the technological process, eliminating various kinds of loops and return movements.

Full directness can be achieved by spatial arrangement of operations and parts of the production process in the order of technological operations. When designing enterprises, it is also necessary to achieve the location of shops and services in a sequence that provides for a minimum distance between adjacent units. It should strive to ensure that parts and assembly units of different products have the same or similar sequence of stages and operations of the production process. When implementing the directivity principle, the problem also arises of the optimal arrangement of equipment and workplaces.

The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of continuous production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Compliance with the requirements of direct flow leads to streamlining of cargo flows, reduction of cargo turnover, reduction of costs for transportation of materials, parts and finished products.

Principle rhythm   means that all the individual production processes and the single production process of a certain type of product are repeated after set periods of time. Distinguish the rhythm of production, work, production.

The rhythm of production is the production of an equal or evenly increasing (decreasing) quantity of production at equal time intervals. The rhythm of work is the implementation of equal volumes of work (in quantity and composition) for equal time intervals. The rhythm of production means compliance with the rhythmic release of products and the rhythm of work.

Rhythmic work without jerking and storming is the basis for the growth of labor productivity, optimal equipment utilization, full use of personnel and a guarantee of high-quality products. The uniform operation of the enterprise depends on a number of conditions. Ensuring rhythm is a complex task that requires improvement of the entire organization of production at the enterprise. Of paramount importance are the proper organization of operational planning of production, the observance of the proportionality of production capacities, the improvement of the structure of production, the proper organization of material and technical supply and maintenance of production processes.

Principle continuity   implemented in such forms of organization of the production process in which all its operations are carried out continuously, without interruption, and all objects of labor are continuously moving from operation to operation.

The principle of the continuity of the production process is fully implemented on automatic and continuous-flow lines, on which objects of labor are produced or assembled that have operations of the same or a multiple step of the duration line.

Discrete processes predominate in mechanical engineering, and therefore production with a high degree of synchronization of the duration of operations is not predominant here.

The intermittent movement of objects of labor is associated with interruptions that occur as a result of lying parts in each operation, between operations, sections, workshops. That is why the implementation of the principle of continuity requires the elimination or minimization of interruptions. A solution to this problem can be achieved on the basis of compliance with the principles of proportionality and rhythm; organization of parallel manufacturing of parts of one batch or various parts of one product; creating such forms of organization of production processes in which the time of the start of manufacturing parts for a given operation and the end time of the previous operation are synchronized, etc.

Violation of the principle of continuity, as a rule, causes interruptions in work (downtime of workers and equipment), leads to an increase in the duration of the production cycle and the size of work in progress.

The principles of the organization of production in practice do not operate in isolation, they are closely intertwined in each production process. When studying the principles of organization, attention should be paid to the paired nature of some of them, their relationship, the transition to its opposite (differentiation and combination, specialization and universalization). The principles of organization are developing unevenly: in a given period, a principle is highlighted or acquires a secondary importance. Thus, the narrow specialization of jobs is becoming a thing of the past; they are becoming more and more universal. The principle of differentiation is increasingly being replaced by the principle of combination, the application of which allows us to build the production process on the basis of a single stream. At the same time, in the context of automation, the importance of the principles of proportionality, continuity, and direct flow is increasing.

The degree of implementation of the principles of organization of production has a quantitative measurement. Therefore, in addition to the existing methods of production analysis, forms and methods of analyzing the state of the organization of production and the implementation of its scientific principles should be developed and put into practice. Methods for calculating the degree of implementation of certain principles of the organization of production processes will be given in chap. twenty.

Compliance with the principles of organization of production processes is of great practical importance. The implementation of these principles is the business of all parts of production management.

10.3. Spatial organization of production processes

The production structure of the enterprise.   The combination of parts of the production process in space is provided by the production structure of the enterprise. Under the production structure refers to the totality of the production units of the enterprise, included in its composition, as well as forms of interconnections between them. In modern conditions, the production process can be considered in two of its varieties:

  • as a process of material production with an end result - marketable products;
  • as a process of design production with an end result - a scientific and technical product.

The nature of the production structure of the enterprise depends on the types of its activities, the main of which are the following: research, production, research and production, production and technical, management and business.

The priority of the respective activities determines the structure of the enterprise, the share of scientific, technical and production units, the ratio of the number of workers and engineers.

The composition of the divisions of an enterprise specializing in industrial activity is determined by the design features of manufactured products and their manufacturing technology, scale of production, specialization of the enterprise and established cooperative ties. In fig. 10.1 presents a diagram of the relationship of factors determining the production structure of the enterprise.

Fig. 10.1. Scheme of interconnections of factors determining the production structure of the enterprise

In modern conditions, a great influence on the structure of the enterprise has a form of ownership. The transition from state to other forms of ownership - private, joint-stock, rental - usually leads to a reduction in unnecessary links and structures, the number of control apparatus, and reduces duplication of work.

Currently, various forms of organization of enterprises are widespread; there are small, medium and large enterprises, the production structure of each of them has the corresponding features.

The production structure of a small enterprise is simple. As a rule, it has a minimum or no internal structural production units at all. At small enterprises, the management apparatus is insignificant; a combination of managerial functions is widely used.

The structure of medium-sized enterprises involves the allocation of workshops in their composition, and sections with a non-shop structure. It already creates its own minimum support and service units, departments and services of the management apparatus, which are necessary to ensure the functioning of the enterprise.

Large enterprises in the manufacturing industry comprise a whole set of production, service and management units.

On the basis of the production structure, a master plan of the enterprise is developed. Under the master plan refers to the spatial location of all shops and services, as well as transport routes and communications on the territory of the enterprise. When developing the master plan, the directness of material flows is ensured. Workshops should be located according to the sequence of the production process. Services and workshops related to each other must be located in close proximity.

Development of the production structure of associations.   Production structures of associations in modern conditions are undergoing significant changes. For industrial associations in the manufacturing industry, in particular in mechanical engineering, the following areas of improvement of production structures are characteristic:

  • concentration of the production of homogeneous products or the performance of similar work in uniform specialized units of the association;
  • deepening the specialization of structural divisions of enterprises - production, workshops, branches;
  • integration in a single research and production complexes of work on the creation of new types of products, their development in production and organization of production in quantities necessary for the consumer;
  • the dispersal of production through the creation of highly specialized enterprises of various sizes as part of an association;
  • overcoming segmentation in the construction of production processes and the creation of uniform production flows without allocation of workshops, sections;
  • universalization of production, consisting in the production of products of different purposes, completed from units and parts homogeneous in design and technology, as well as in the organization of the production of related products;
  • widespread development of horizontal cooperation between enterprises belonging to different associations in order to reduce production costs by increasing the scale of production of the same type of products and full capacity utilization.

The creation and development of large associations brought to life a new form of production structure, characterized by the allocation in their composition of specialized industries of optimal size, built on the principle of technological and subject specialization. Such a structure also provides for the maximum concentration of procurement, auxiliary and servicing processes. A new form of production structure was called multi-production. In the 80s, it was widely used in enterprises in the automotive, electrical and other industries.

The Nizhny Novgorod automobile manufacturing association, for example, includes a parent company and seven branch plants. The parent company has ten specialized manufactures: trucks, cars, engines, truck bridges, metallurgical, forging, spring, tool, etc. Each of these industries combines a group of main and auxiliary workshops, has a certain independence, maintains close ties with other divisions of the enterprise and enjoys the rights established for structural units of the association. A typical production structure is shown in Fig. 10.2.

At a higher quality level, a multi-production structure at the Volga Automobile Plant was implemented. Automobile manufacturing here is concentrated in four main industries: metallurgical, press, mechanical assembly and assembly-forging. In addition, auxiliary production facilities have been singled out. Each of them is an independent factory with a closed production cycle. The production facilities include workshops. But the workshops at the VAZ have undergone significant changes. They are relieved of the worries of ensuring the production, repair and maintenance of equipment, maintenance and cleaning of premises, etc. The only task left to the VAZ production workshop is to produce the products assigned to it efficiently and on time. Workshop management structure is maximally simplified. This is the head of the workshop, his two shift deputies, site managers, foremen, foremen. All tasks of providing, preparing production and servicing are solved centrally by the production management apparatus.

Fig. 10.2. Typical production structure

Departments were created in each production: design and technological, design, for tools and tooling, analysis and planning of equipment repairs. Unified services for operational and planning planning and dispatching, logistics, organization of labor and wages are also formed here.

The structure of production includes large specialized workshops: repair, manufacturing and repair of equipment, transport and storage operations, cleaning of premises and others. The creation of powerful engineering services and production divisions in production, each of which completely solves the tasks assigned to them in its own field, made it possible on a fundamentally new basis to create normal conditions for the efficient operation of the main production departments.

The organization of workshops and sections is based on the principles of concentration and specialization. Specialization of workshops and production sites can be carried out by type of work - technological specialization or by type of manufactured product - subject specialization. Examples of manufacturing units of technological specialization at a machine-building enterprise are foundry, thermal or galvanic shops, turning and grinding sections in a mechanical workshop; Subject specialization - the workshop of body parts, the shaft section, the workshop for the manufacture of gearboxes, etc.

If a complete cycle of manufacturing a product or part is carried out within the workshop or section, this unit is called subject-closed.

When organizing workshops and sections, it is necessary to carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages of all types of specialization. With technological specialization, high load of equipment is ensured, high flexibility of production is achieved when developing new products and changing production facilities. At the same time, operational and production planning is hindered, the production cycle is lengthened, and responsibility for product quality is reduced.

The use of subject specialization, allowing you to concentrate all the work on the production of a part or product within one workshop, site, increases the responsibility of performers for product quality and task performance. Subject specialization creates the prerequisites for the organization of in-line and automated production, ensures the implementation of the principle of direct flow, simplifies planning and accounting. However, it is not always possible to achieve a full load of equipment, large costs require restructuring of production to release new products.

Substantially closed workshops and sections also have significant economic advantages, the organization of which allows to reduce the length of the production cycle of manufacturing products as a result of the complete or partial elimination of oncoming or age-related movements, and to simplify the planning and operational management of the production process. The practical experience of domestic and foreign enterprises allows us to give the following grouping of rules that should be followed when deciding on the application of the substantive or technological principle of building workshops and sections.

Subject the principle is recommended to be applied in the following cases: with the production of one or two standard products, with a large volume and a high degree of stability in the production of products, with the possibility of a good balance of equipment and labor, with a minimum of control operations and a small number of readjustments; technological   - when releasing a large range of products, with their relatively low seriality, when it is impossible to balance equipment and labor, with a large number of control operations and a significant number of readjustments.

Organization of production sites.   The organization of the plots is determined by the type of specialization. It involves solving a large number of tasks, including the selection of production facilities; calculation of the necessary equipment and its layout; determination of the sizes of batches (series) of parts and the frequency of their launch-release; assignment of work and operations to each workplace, construction of schedules; calculation of the need for personnel; design of a service system for jobs. Recently, research and production complexes have begun to form in associations that integrate all the stages of the Research - Development - Production cycle.

For the first time in the country, four research and production complexes were created in the St. Petersburg association Svetlana. The complex is a single unit specializing in the development and production of products of a certain profile. It is created on the basis of the design bureaus of the head plant. In addition to design bureaus, it includes workshops of the main production and specialized branches. The scientific and industrial activity of the complexes is carried out on the basis of on-farm calculation.

Research and production complexes conduct design and technological preparation of production, attracting the relevant units of the association to perform work related to the development of new products. The head of the design bureau has been given the right to end-to-end planning of all stages of production preparation - from research to the organization of serial production. He is responsible not only for the quality and timing of development, but also for the development of serial production of new products and production activities of workshops and branches included in the complex.

In the context of the transition of enterprises to a market economy, there is a further development of the production structure of associations on the basis of increasing the economic independence of their subdivisions.

As an example of the creation and implementation of a new organizational form in the context of the transition to the market, we can cite the creation of a joint-stock company - a research and production concern in the Energy Association (Voronezh). More than 100 independent research and production complexes, first-level associations and enterprises having full legal independence and settlement accounts in a commercial bank have been created on the basis of the divisions of the concern. When creating independent associations and enterprises, the following were used: a variety of forms of ownership (state, rental, mixed, joint-stock, cooperative); the variety of organizational structures of independent enterprises and associations, the number of which varies from 3 to 2350 people; variety of activities (scientific-industrial, organizational-economic, industrial-technical).

The concern has 20 subject and functional research and production complexes, combining research, design, technological units and production, specializing in the development and production of certain types of products or the implementation of technologically similar work. These complexes were created by reforming the pilot and serial plants and on the basis of a research institute. Depending on the number and volume of work, they function as first-level associations, enterprises or small enterprises.

Research and production complexes have fully demonstrated their advantages during the conversion period under the conditions of a sharp change in the product range. After gaining independence, enterprises voluntarily organized first-level associations - scientific-production complexes or firms - and established a concern, centralizing 10 basic functions in accordance with the Charter. The supreme governing body of the concern is the meeting of shareholders. The coordination of centralized functions is performed by the board of directors and functional units of the concern, operating on a fully self-sustaining basis. Units performing service and support functions also work on a contractual basis and have full legal and economic independence.

Depicted in fig. 10.3 and the so-called “circular” group management structure meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Board of Directors coordinates the centralized functions of the concern within the framework of the Charter in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200ba round table.

The circular (in contrast to the existing vertical) system of organization and production management is based on the following principles:

Fig. 10.3. The circular management structure of the Energia concern

  • on the voluntariness of the association of shareholder enterprises for joint activities in order to obtain maximum and stable profits through the sale of products and services in a competitive market to meet the social and economic interests of shareholders;
  • voluntary centralization of part of the functions of enterprises in organizing and managing production, as enshrined in the Charter of the joint-stock company;
  • a combination of the advantages of a large company due to specialization, cooperation and the scale of production, with the advantages of small business forms and the motivation of employees through ownership of property;
  • a system of subject and functional research and production complexes, interconnected by technological features, taking into account the advantages of specialization and cooperation;
  • a system of contractual relations between research and production complexes and firms, backed by a system for satisfying self-supporting claims, including the regulation of the wage fund;
  • shifting the center of current work on the organization and management of production from the highest level vertically to the level of scientific and production complexes and independent enterprises horizontally on a contractual basis with the focus of senior management on promising issues;
  • the implementation of economic relations between enterprises through a commercial bank and the center of internal settlements in the relevant areas;
  • increasing guarantees for resolving social issues and security of both independent enterprises and all shareholders;
  • combination and development of various forms of ownership at the level of the concern and independent associations and enterprises;
  • the rejection of the dominant role of supreme management bodies with the transformation of management and production coordination functions into one of the varieties of shareholder activity;
  • working out a mechanism for combining the mutual interests of independent enterprises and the group as a whole and preventing the risk of a gap due to the centrifugal forces of the technological principle of constructing production organization.

The circular structure provides for a fundamental change in the activity of subject research and production complexes, which take a leading role in planning and ensuring the horizontal relationship of functional scientific and production complexes and firms on a contractual basis according to their nomenclature, taking into account changes in the market.

The planning and dispatch department within the framework of the Profit company has been transformed, and a significant part of its functions and staff has been transferred to subject research and production complexes. The attention of this service is focused on strategic tasks and coordination of the work of complexes and firms.

Concern Energia went through the process of privatization through leasing and corporatization and received a certificate of ownership of property, it was given the status of the Federal Research and Production Center.

10.4. Organization of production processes in time

To ensure the rational interaction of all elements of the production process and the streamlining of work performed in time and space, it is necessary to form a product’s production cycle.

The production cycle is called a complex in a certain way organized in time by the main, auxiliary and service processes necessary for the manufacture of a certain type of product.   The most important characteristic of the production cycle is its duration.

Production cycle duration   - this is a calendar period of time during which the material, procurement or other processed item go through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and turn into finished products. The duration of a cycle is expressed in calendar days or hours. Production cycle structure   includes working time and breaks. During the working period, the actual technological operations and preparatory-final work are carried out. The working period also includes the duration of control and transport operations and the time of natural processes. The time of breaks is due to the mode of work, interoperational bedding of details and deficiencies in the organization of labor and production.

The time of interoperational lay-out is determined by interruptions in partionism, expectation and acquisition. Breaks in batchiness occur during the manufacture of products in batches and are due to the fact that the processed products lie until the entire batch passes through this operation. At the same time, it is assumed that a production batch is a group of products of the same name and size, put into production over a certain period of time with the same preparatory-final period. Interruptions in waiting are caused by the inconsistent duration of two adjacent operations of the technological process, and interruptions in picking are caused by the need to wait for the time when all the workpieces, parts or assembly units included in one set of products will be manufactured. Acquisition breaks occur during the transition from one stage of the production process to another.

In the most general form, the duration of the production cycle T   q is expressed by the formula

T   c \u003d T   t + T n –3 + T   e + T   to + T   mp + T   mo + T   pr, (10.1)

where T   t is the time of technological operations; T n   –3 - time of preparatory and final work; T   e is the time of natural processes; T   k is the time of control operations; T   tr - the time of transportation of objects of labor; T   mo - the time of interoperative bedding (intra-shift breaks); T   pr - time breaks due to the mode of work.

The duration of technological operations and preparatory work together forms an operational cycle T   c.op.

Operation cycle   - this is the duration of the completed part of the technological process carried out at one workplace.

Methods for calculating the duration of the production cycle.   It is necessary to distinguish between the production cycle of individual parts and the manufacturing cycle of an assembly unit or product as a whole. The production cycle of a part is usually called simple, and the product or assembly unit is called complex. The cycle can be single-operation and multi-operation. The duration of the multi-operation process cycle depends on the method of transferring parts from operation to operation. There are three types of movement of objects of labor in the process of their manufacture: sequential, parallel and parallel-serial.

At sequential motion the entire batch of parts is transferred to the subsequent operation after the completion of processing of all parts in the previous operation. The advantages of this method are the absence of interruptions in the operation of the equipment and the worker in each operation, the possibility of their high load during the shift. But the production cycle with such an organization of work is the largest, which negatively affects the technical and economic performance of the workshop, enterprise.

At parallel form of movement   the details are transferred to the next operation by the transport lot immediately after its processing at the previous operation. In this case, the shortest cycle is provided. But the possibilities of using the parallel type of movement are limited, since the prerequisite for its implementation is the equality or multiplicity of the duration of the operations. Otherwise, interruptions in the operation of equipment and workers are inevitable.

At parallel-serial motion   parts from operation to operation, they are transferred in batches or individually. In this case, a partial combination of the execution time of related operations occurs, and the entire batch is processed on each operation without interruptions. Workers and equipment work without interruption. The production cycle is longer in comparison with parallel, but shorter than with the sequential movement of objects of labor.

The calculation of the cycle of a simple production process.   The operational production cycle of a batch of parts in a sequential form of movement is calculated as follows:


where n   - the number of parts in the production batch, pcs .; r   op - the number of operations of the process; t   PC i   - the rate of time to complete each operation, min; WITH   rm i   - the number of jobs involved in the manufacture of a batch of parts for each operation.

A diagram of the sequential type of motion is shown in Fig. 10.4, and. According to the data given in the diagram, the batch operation cycle is calculated, consisting of three parts processed at four workplaces:

T c. After \u003d 3 (t pcs 1 + t pcs 2 + t pcs 3 + t pcs 4) \u003d 3 (2 + 1 + 4 + 1.5) \u003d 25.5 min.

The formula for calculating the duration of the operating cycle with a parallel type of movement:


where - the time of the operation, the longest in the process, min.

Fig. 10.4 a. The schedule of production cycles in the sequential movement of batches of parts

The motion schedule of a batch of parts in parallel movement is shown in Fig. 10.4, b. According to the schedule, you can determine the duration of the operating cycle with parallel movement:

T c.pair \u003d ( t   pcs 1 + t   pcs 2 + t   pcs 3+ t   pcs 4) + (3 - 1) t   pcs 3 \u003d 8.5 + (3 - 1) 4 \u003d 16.5 min.

Fig. 10.4, b. The schedule of production cycles in parallel-sequential movement of batches of parts

In the parallel-sequential form of movement, partial overlap occurs in the execution time of related operations. There are two types of combinations of related operations over time. If the execution time of the subsequent operation is longer than the execution time of the previous operation, then you can apply a parallel view of the movement of parts. If the execution time of the subsequent operation is less than the execution time of the previous one, then a parallel-sequential type of movement with the maximum possible combination of both operations in time is acceptable. The maximum combined operations in this case differ from each other at the time of manufacture of the last part (or the last transport batch) in the subsequent operation.

Scheme of parallel-sequential type of movement is shown in Fig. 10.4, at. In this case, the operating cycle will be less than the sequential type of movement, by the amount of combination of each adjacent pair of operations: the first and second operations - AB - (3 - l) t   pcs2; second and third operations - VG \u003d A ¢ B ¢ - (3 –1) t   pcs 3; the third and fourth operations - DE - (3 - 1) t   pcs 4 (where t   pcs 3 and t   pcs 4 have a shorter time t   pcs.cor from each pair of operations).

Formulas for calculating


When performing operations on parallel workstations:

Fig. 10.4, c. Schedule of production cycles with parallel movement of parts

When transferring products in batches:


where is the time to complete the shortest operation.

An example of calculating the duration of a cycle using the formula (10.5):

T   c.p-n \u003d 25.5 - 2 (1 + 1 + 1.5) \u003d 18.5 min.

The production cycle for the production of a batch of parts includes not only the operating cycle, but also the natural processes and interruptions associated with the operating mode, and other components. In this case, the cycle duration for the considered types of movement is determined by the formulas:

where r   op - the number of technological operations; WITH   m - the number of parallel jobs occupied by the manufacture of a batch of parts for each operation; t   mo - the time of interoperative bedding between two operations, h; T   cm - the duration of one shift, h; d   cm is the number of shifts; TO   vn - the planned rate of compliance with operations; TO   lane - conversion factor of working time into calendar; T   e - the duration of natural processes.

Calculation of the cycle time of a complex process

The production cycle of a product includes the cycles of manufacturing parts, assembly of assemblies and finished products, and testing operations. It is generally believed that various parts are manufactured at the same time. Therefore, the cycle of the most labor-intensive (leading) part from the number of those supplied to the first operations of the assembly shop is included in the product’s production cycle. The duration of the production cycle of the product can be calculated by the formula

T   tsp \u003d T   cd + T   cb, (10.9)

where T   c.d - the duration of the production cycle of manufacturing the leading parts, calendars. days; T   cb - the duration of the production cycle of assembly and testing, calendars. days

Fig. 10.5. Complex process cycle

To determine the cycle time of a complex production process, a graphical method can be used. For this, a cyclic schedule is drawn up. The production cycles of simple processes included in the complex are pre-installed. According to the cyclic schedule, the lead time of some processes by others is analyzed and the total cycle time of a complex process of manufacturing an item or a batch of products is determined as the largest sum of cycles of related simple processes and interoperational breaks. In fig. 10.5 shows a cyclic graph of a complex process. On the graph from right to left in the time scale, the cycles of partial processes are postponed, from testing to manufacturing parts.

Ways and importance of ensuring the continuity of the production process and reducing the duration of the cycle

A high degree of continuity of production processes and a reduction in the duration of the production cycle is of great economic importance: the size of work in progress is reduced and the turnover of working capital is accelerated, the use of equipment and production facilities is improved, and the cost of production is reduced. Studies carried out at a number of enterprises in Kharkov showed that where the average duration of the production cycle does not exceed 18 days, each ruble spent provides production 12% more than in factories where the cycle duration is 19–36 days, and 61% more than in a factory where products have a cycle above 36 days.

Increasing the level of continuity of the production process and reducing the duration of the cycle are achieved, firstly, by increasing the technical level of production, and secondly, by organizational measures. Both ways are interconnected and complement each other.

Technical improvement of production is in the direction of introducing new technology, advanced equipment and new vehicles. This leads to a reduction in the production cycle by reducing the complexity of the actual technological and control operations, reducing the time to move objects of labor.

Organizational arrangements should include:

  • minimizing interruptions caused by interoperational lodging, and interruptions of partyness through the use of parallel and parallel-sequential methods of moving objects of labor and improving the planning system;
  • construction of schedules for combining various production processes, providing partial combination in time of the execution of related work and operations;
  • reduction of waiting interruptions based on the construction of optimized production production schedules and the rational launch of parts into production;
  • the introduction of subject-closed and part-specialized workshops and sections, the creation of which reduces the length of intra-shop and inter-shop routes, reduces the time spent on transportation.


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