What is a parrot. Types of parrots: photos, names. How to determine the type of parrot? Where do parrots live

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parrot species

Welcome to the section "Types of parrots"! Here you can quickly and comprehensively get acquainted with the varieties of these exotic birds, learn interesting facts about the breeds of parrots, study their behavior and relationships with humans. Everything from habitat, food preferences, to success in taming - you will find in this category. Bright and detailed photographs will help you remember the names of birds and orient yourself in the colorful splendor of our favorites.


There are parrots that feed on wild honey and pollen, others live in burrows and eat lizards. There are also species of parrots whose beak is so strong that it can easily bite a human finger, as well as the ability to hunt sheep, guard a house instead of a dog, imitate sounds and speech, and even insert phrases to the point - these are not all the secrets that possess these incredible birds.

Individual topics dedicated to the types of domestic parrots will be of particular interest to future and current owners. When a bird appears, we strive to learn as much as possible about it in order to create optimal conditions for living together with us. Pet parrots allow us to feel the interests of the bird, its daily rituals and observe the reaction to our behavior. If the owner knows the intricacies of communicating with a parrot, the bird will gladly make contact.

Our file cabinet contains the most diverse photographs of parrots of all kinds. Studying the life of these fabulous creatures, it becomes clear that parrots are able to bring the sun to any corner of the continent, country, city, apartment. Bright and hot plumage color, vigor and chirping - fill any space. Since there are more than 370 species of parrots in the world, this section is very dynamic, and information about their breeds will constantly expand.

In the list of the most popular and beloved birds, budgerigars occupy an honorable first place. Their cheerfulness, openness and desire for communication helped them become a true friend for humans. You will learn everything about wavy parrots by visiting this p …

This magical bird is native to Australia. Magical, because in addition to her popular Australian name Corella, she also has a second name given to her by European naturalists - Nymph (Nymphicus hollandicus). It was named so in honor of the ancient Greek ...

These birds got their so romantic name due to fidelity and extraordinary tenderness to each other. It is believed that in the wild, these individuals, choosing a pair, then remain faithful to her until the death of one of the partners. These little colorful birds...

We are used to the fact that a parrot is an exotic bird with very bright plumage. Jaco is a completely different matter. This rather large African parrot (30 - 35 cm) has, unlike its other counterparts, a modest gray color of feathers. Curved strong and massive ...

The macaw parrot is the brightest of exotic birds. The coloring of this feathered shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow: yellow, blue, blue, orange, red. It is undeniably mesmerizing, so you can admire such a handsome man for hours. In addition to the fact that this …

Cockatoo is a charming, incredibly beautiful and intelligent parrot. Looking at his majestic tuft and funny behavior, almost every lover flashed the thought of acquiring it. Cockatoos differ from other parrots not only in appearance, but also in specifics ...

A monk parrot can be exactly the friend you are looking for. They are responsive, friendly and can imitate human speech. In the wild, this is the only parrot species that builds huge nests. Birds are also well adapted to…

This is a large group of birds, numbering more than 300 species. Parrots are so peculiar and well isolated that they are isolated in a separate order of Parrots.

Hyacinth Macaws (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus).

These birds cannot be confused with any other. Their main distinguishing external feature is the beak. It is at the same time large in parrots, but ... short, because it is strongly bent. The upper part of the beak (mandible) is especially massive, the lower part (mandible) is much smaller and has the shape of a bucket. Often the mandible has a notch along the edge.

This structure of the beak allows parrots to hold large fruits and crack hard nuts.

In addition, the jaws of parrots move slightly in the horizontal plane, which makes their beak a universal manipulator tool. Above the beak is a cere - a thickening with nostrils. The tongue is very thick, fleshy, in some species it resembles a ball, in others it can be split at the end and resemble a brush. The head of parrots is rounded, in many species there are decorations on the head in the form of a movable crest of various shapes. The neck is short, the wings are of medium length, pointed. The paws of these birds are also very unusual, they have only four fingers, and two of them are directed forward, and two back, moreover, they rotate at the joints in different planes. This structure of the paws allows you to wrap around branches, hold on to vertical surfaces and hold all kinds of objects.

Golden aratingas (Aratinga guarouba) deftly move along the branches.

The tail of these birds is of two types: either short with a blunt cut, or long and pointed.

The blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) displays its plumage in flight.

Parrots are characterized by a very bright and multi-colored color. Even those few species that are uniformly colored have small brightly colored areas of plumage. Sexual dimorphism in parrots is weakly expressed - males and females are colored the same. A special exception is the noble parrot, in which the difference in color of the sexes is so great that earlier males and females of this species were mistaken for different birds. The size of different species varies over a very wide range: the smallest species (wavy parrot) is slightly larger than a sparrow, and the largest (red macaw) reaches a length of 1 m!

Red Macaw (Ara macao).

Parrots inhabit Australia, Africa, South and Central America and South Asia. Numerous species of parrots have adapted to live in various landscapes - in tropical rainforests, dry eucalyptus groves, savannahs and even semi-deserts. Although these birds are southern, some species tolerate temperature drops well.

Soldier's Macaw (Ara ambigua) in the rainforest.

All parrots are flocking birds, but flocks can differ in size and constancy in different species. So, large species nest in separate pairs, and gather in flocks only during the non-breeding period, other species form permanent flocks and colonial nesting sites.

A flock of solar aratinga (Aratinga solstitialis) perched on a branch.

Parrot nests are always located on trees or plants that replace them (for example, huge cacti). The only species of parrot that nests on the ground is the owl parrot. This is due to the fact that the owl parrot is the only flightless species in the detachment; these birds settle in burrows.

The owl parrot or kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) has a protective coloration that protects it from predators.

The nests themselves may look different. Most parrots prefer to nest in hollows, since a powerful beak helps them to equip such a dwelling, but some species can arrange nests from twigs. For example, Kalita parrots arrange collective nests, up to 3 m in diameter! Such a nest consists of separate nesting chambers, original apartments. Parrots are sedentary birds. They live in the same patch of forest for years, and only species inhabiting the arid regions of Australia can make short migrations in search of food and water. For this reason, although parrots are capable of fast flight, they are not hardy.

Indian ringed parrot (Psittacula krameri) in flight.

Due to the pronounced social nature of life, parrots have developed high intelligence. Numerous studies have established that parrots not only learn quickly and remember commands, but also have analytical thinking. In terms of logic, parrots share the palm among birds along with crows, but in terms of the ability to communicate they are far superior not only to birds, but also to many mammals.

They use a rich language of sounds and body movements to communicate with each other. The voice of parrots is loud, sharp, noise always reigns in their flock. It is characteristic that parrots use for communication not only their own sounds, but also those borrowed from the environment. The ability to imitate different species is different: some parrots rarely include extraneous sounds in their speech (cockatoo, macaw), others use them constantly (jaco). However, the main feature of parrots is that they do not just repeat the sounds they hear (this is done, for example, by many songbirds), but endow them with meaning. That is, parrots use certain sounds to indicate certain situations and objects. In other words, these birds practice real speech! For example, a Jaco parrot brought up in captivity not only learned the names of more than a hundred objects, but also learned to express requests like “I want it - I don’t want it”, was able to make comparisons like “this object is more than that” and even expressed the absence of an object. That is, the bird has mastered abstract concepts, and in fact it was previously believed that abstract thinking is inherent only to man! It took Zhako 15 years to complete this training.

Jaco, or gray parrots (Psittacus erithacus).

In addition to sounds, parrots express their mood by turning their heads, opening their tufts, and similar actions. Interestingly, the language of movements is better developed in those species that do not speak well (cockatoos are the record holders for antics).

The Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) unfurls its topknot to show its interest in the photographer.

Parrots eat a variety of plant foods. Some species specialize in feeding on seeds and grains of cereals (lovebirds), while others prefer large fruits and nuts (cockatoos). There are also very highly specialized species (lorises) that feed exclusively on pollen and nectar from flowers. Large species (macaws) may include small animals in their diet, and the kea parrot from New Zealand is actively predatory. Moreover, kea parrots switched to eating meat not without human participation. The fact is that earlier these parrots ate plant food, but with the arrival of people in New Zealand, they were forced out of the forests. In place of tree thickets, there are endless pastures for grazing sheep. The parrots were forced to adapt and began to eat meat from the corpses of recently fallen animals. Thanks to the collective support, flocks of parrots have learned to… kill sheep! Of course, birds cannot defeat a healthy animal, but a flock of parrots can finish off a weak and sick sheep.

Kea (Nestor notabilis).

Parrots are monogamous birds, they form permanent pairs and remain faithful to each other all their lives (it’s not for nothing that several species are called lovebirds). True, in small species living in large flocks, pairs can break up under the influence of adverse factors (death of one of the partners, failed nesting, disproportionate sex ratio).

Pair of rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus).

Violent mating behavior is not characteristic of parrots, their pairs are formed as a result of long courtship, and simple contact of birds of different sexes is not enough to create a pair. For example, in captivity, many large parrots do not form pairs when kept together, obviously, when choosing a partner, the birds are guided by some kind of personal sympathy. Mating behavior is expressed in joint chirping, sorting out each other's feathers on the head and feeding the female by the male. Large species breed once a year, small ones can have 2-4 clutches per season. There are 3-5 eggs in a clutch. The chicks hatch naked and helpless. Parrots do not have developed chick fluff; grown chicks immediately begin to become covered with feathers. All types of parrots have a long lifespan. Even the smallest species can live in captivity for 10-15 years, and the age of large parrots can reach 50-60 years (for comparison, elephants and whales have the same life expectancy).

Eggs and newborn chicks of the lovebird.

In nature, parrots become victims of birds of prey, it is to protect themselves from feathered enemies that they gather in large flocks. Sometimes their nests are destroyed by snakes. In general, predatory animals do not pose a great danger to them, since the powerful beak of parrots is a formidable weapon, suffice it to say that a large macaw can bite a person’s little finger with one bite. At the same time, the number of most species is declining under the influence of anthropogenic factors - deforestation, poaching. The number of endemic, narrow-range species (owl parrot, Amazons of the Caribbean) is especially strongly reduced.

Hyacinth macaw in nature is on the verge of destruction.

On the other hand, the numbers of some small African and Australian species have increased greatly in recent years. This is due to successful farming and rich grain crops, which attract many thousands of flocks of parrots. In captivity, they take root well, but they do not always breed. With their beauty and intelligence, parrots attract animal lovers, but one must understand that these birds require a responsible attitude. For example, parrots have peculiar diseases of a mental nature (another proof of a subtle intellect). With prolonged maintenance in adverse conditions (improper feeding of human food, loneliness, crowding, prolonged stress), parrots begin to pluck their feathers. In severe cases, the bird can completely expose itself, self-plucking is very difficult to treat, sometimes it takes years to complete a cure. Some species of parrots in captivity are undemanding (budgerigar, lovebirds, cockatiels), many new color variations of these species, unknown in nature, have been bred by selection.

The yellow form of the pink-cheeked lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) is artificially bred.

Budgerigars, bright, cheerful and quick-witted, are able to brighten up the monotonous life of a lonely person and bring revival to the everyday life of a friendly family. It is not surprising that those who like to communicate with talkative parrots most often give birth to “wavy ones”.

Description of the budgerigar

The stepped tail, which grows up to 10 cm, visually enlarges the bird, whose body usually reaches 17-23 cm, by about a third. An adult parrot weighs from 40 to 45 grams.

The dominant plumage of birds living in the wild is emerald green, but the neck and head (front) are bright yellow. Three neat black spots are visible on both sides of the throat.

On the back of the head, on the back of the head and on the yellow back, dark waves descend, whose lines thicken as they pass to the back. The younger the bird, the more blurred the pattern.

Modern varieties of "wavy", bred by breeders, have a variety of variegated colors and even the absence of an obvious wavy pattern.

A strong curved beak, at the base of which there is a cere with nostrils, is covered with a stratum corneum. A horny coating is also present at the tip of a thick short tongue.

The color of the cere tells about the field of the parrot: in an adult male it is bright blue, in a young one it is purple; in an adult female it is brown or blue, in a young female it is blue.

The beak of a parrot is not the same as that of other birds: it retains mobility due to the fact that the longer upper jaw is connected to the skull by a tendon. A dark beak is observed in chicks, and a pale yellow, with a greenish tint, in adult parrots.

The beak of a budgerigar performs several important functions:

  • With its help, birds capture and carry objects.
  • It is used for crushing small branches, fruits, seeds and leaves.
  • It is used for climbing trees, cage bars and aviary netting.
  • Sometimes serves as a weapon of defense.

The horny denticles inside the beak also help the parrots to pick / gnaw the fruits and peel off the husk from the grains. These teeth also act as a file, honing the anterior area of ​​the mandible.

It is interesting! The feathers of males, located on the forehead, glow when exposed to ultraviolet rays. The more intense the fluorescent glow, the more attractive the partner for the female.

The paws of a parrot, consisting of 4 long, bent fingers, can be grayish blue or pink. Two fingers point forward and two backwards, making them excellent tree climbers and walkers on horizontal surfaces. With its paw, the parrot grabs and lifts the desired object, including food, and holds it next to the beak.

Range, habitat in the wild

Australia is not only the birthplace of budgerigars (the most common parrots on the mainland), but also their main habitat.

Birds nest along the southwestern and eastern coasts (avoiding the northern territories with dense forests), as well as on the nearest islands, including about. Tasmania.

Looking for areas for nesting, parrots opt for steppe and semi-desert areas with sparse trees.

In the north of the mainland, the breeding of the "wavy" offspring does not depend on the time of year (only the rainy season is excluded), in the south it usually falls on November-December.

Parrots live in flocks of 20 to several hundred birds. Flocks fly from place to place, looking for food and water, sometimes stopping in the middle of green plains, where they eat grass seeds.

Birds easily cover great distances due to the high speed of flight, similar to the flight of a swallow. When landing, the parrot bends its wings down like a quail.

Now the number of the wild population of budgerigars has significantly decreased. Ornithologists are sure that these are the consequences of human intervention in the landscape of Australia.

It is interesting! Aboriginal tribes may also have been involved in the process of decreasing birds, giving the budgerigar the name “bedgerigas”, which translates as “fit for food”.

Wavy parrot at home

To keep your parrots comfortable, set the cage on a raised platform (level with your height) in a well-lit area. Birds need a long daylight hours: 10-12 hours in winter and 12-14 hours in summer. With the onset of late autumn, additional light sources must be used. Do not place the cage on a windowsill, as parrots catch cold easily.

Cell device

The minimum size of the cage for the free fluttering of a bird is 25 * 40 * 40 cm. If the bird is not alone, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits housing is increased. It is better to take a rectangular cage, to the flat top of which it is easier to attach toys.

The bottom of the cage should be solid so that the claws do not get stuck between the bars.

A comfortable cage for "wavy" looks like this:

  • at least 2 horizontal perches;
  • glass / porcelain drinkers (they are washed daily with hot water and soda);
  • two feeders: one for grains, the second for soft food.
  • baths with warm water (they are usually put in the summer, cleaning after water procedures);
  • if the bird lives alone, a mirror is hung from the "ceiling".

Important! The purchased cage and accessories are immediately disinfected, for which they are poured with boiling water and wiped dry.

Moving to a new place of residence for a parrot will be stressful, so keep it calm for 2-3 weeks: exclude loud sounds, increased attention from children and pets. Talk to the bird kindly, but do not pick it up: it will decide for itself when you can trust you.

Before going to bed, cover the cage with a cloth, leaving the front wall open: this way the parrot will calm down faster and will not chirp while everyone is sleeping.

The sun contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body, so when it gets warm, take the cage with the pet to an open balcony, slightly shading it from the sheer rays of the sun.

The budgerigar sheds twice a year. At this time, the bird does not fly. Try to disturb her less and feed her with vitamins.

Despite the fact that the wavy drink little, access to water should be constant. It should not be boiled, but it should be passed through a filter, occasionally adding lemon juice (a few drops). You can buy tested bottled water.

To make claw care easier, the perches in the cage are made of wood: if they are plastic, the claws will not wear down naturally.

The cage is cleaned daily, and once a month they arrange a general cleaning. A clean cage can be wiped with a decoction of chamomile / wormwood.

Budgerigar food

It corresponds to the energy consumption of the bird. You can take ready-made mixtures consisting of oats, millet, canary grass, meadow grasses and sunflower seeds. Make sure that the factory product is fresh, without dyes and chemical additives.

Sometimes give germinated food: oats (1 tablespoon) are brewed with boiling water, filtered after half an hour. Such food spoils quickly, so the leftovers (after 1-2 hours) are thrown away.

If you are interested in feathered longevity, do not keep it on grain mixtures only. The diet should include:

  • apple, pumpkin, plums, pears, mango, kiwi, strawberries, peaches, grated beets/carrots;
  • lettuce, dandelion, dill and spinach (in winter, grated dry nettles are added to the feed);
  • washed sprigs of willow and fruit trees;
  • chopped cottage cheese and boiled eggs, flavored with grated carrots or beets;
  • honey crackers and parrot sticks (carefully) so that the bird does not gain excess weight.

Fresh food provided every day. When pouring the grain mixture, get rid of the scales of yesterday's portion. Vitamin supplements are needed only for molting, severe stress, illness and feeding chicks.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • raw potatoes and rhubarb;
  • chocolate and alcohol;
  • milk.

It is interesting! The budgerigar can be poisoned by houseplants, including delphinium, diefenbachia, snowdrop, oleander, milkweed, azalea, daffodil, amarylis bulbs, lily of the valley, and asparagus berries.

For normal digestion, the parrot will need sand, which is bought at a pet store and poured into the bottom of the cage.

How long do budgerigars live

Rare specimens in nature reach up to 8 years: usually the life span of parrots is half as long. Birds perish from hunger, in the teeth of predators and from natural disasters.

It is natural that, against the background of their wild counterparts, domestic budgerigars look like Methuselahs, living up to 10-15 and even up to 20 years.

Parrot diseases, prevention

The most common diseases of "wavy" are:

Remember that females rush even in the absence of a male. A stuck egg can paralyze a bird's leg and cause death. Drop a little vaseline oil into the cloaca, put a warm cloth on the bottom of the cage, and a heating pad under the bottom. If the egg doesn't come out, go to the vet's office.

Important! Ticks are destroyed with ointments (novertin or aversectin), smearing the beak, cere, paws and cloaca with a brush. Vegetable oil will work too.

Birds with a cold are treated by irradiating several times a day with a desktop (not quartz!), 40-60 W lamp. They are given vitamins, chamomile decoction is placed at the bottom of the cage.

Parrot breeding

Budgerigars fully mature for breeding at 1-1.5 years. Couples are provided with a long daylight hours, temperature regime, a special diet and vitamins.

For mating, which takes place in summer and autumn, birds need a nest box:

  • With internal dimensions - height no more than 15 cm, bottom 25 * 15 cm.
  • Flip top to keep the brood healthy and crate clean.
  • With wood shavings on the bottom.
  • With a recess where the eggs are located.
  • With a perch, along which the female and her chicks descend/climb.

Especially for chicks, food (with calcium powder necessary for the growth of the skeleton) is not poured into the feeder, but at the bottom of the nesting box.

As soon as they start eating on their own, separate the children from their mother, otherwise she will bite them. Remove shells and dead chicks. To prevent the female from being exhausted by frequent births, do not allow her to give birth more than twice in a row. Just remove the nest box.

Parrots are social creatures. If in nature they are always surrounded by a flock of relatives, then in an apartment or house they often lack communication. A tamed bird considers a person a member of its flock, and therefore emotional and verbal contact is necessary. Even if you are a very busy person, give your feathered pet 5-10 minutes at least 2 times a day. If this is not the case, then you will significantly reduce the parrot.

It is necessary to distinguish between the average and maximum life span of birds.

Lovebirds in captivity live for about 10-12 years, but with proper maintenance and care, they will be able to please their owners for 15 and 18 years. Long-livers among small parrots are considered aratingas. In captivity, they live up to 40 years, unless, of course, they are eaten by predators or they die of hunger before. At home, aratingas accompany their owners through life for 15-20 years.

Canaries do not belong to the class of parrots, but people often keep these birds at home. Canaries tirelessly sing in a cage for 10-12 years, but sometimes they live to the advanced age of 20.

The life expectancy of average parrots is about 20-30 years. The blue-headed ones can live for more than three decades, but the long-tailed ones are only 17-18. Very common among feathered cockatiels, cockatiels amuse and surprise their owners for an average of 20 years. Jaco is classified as a medium parrot, although its level of intelligence is approaching large. In captivity, Jacos live 25-30 years, although stories of 50-year-old centenarians are also known. However, the lack of communication for Zhako is like death in the truest sense of the word. If left unattended, these parrots will begin to pluck their feathers, then comb their skin, and eventually die from bacteria in their bloodstream.

Large species of parrots live the longest. Starting such a pet, it is worth remembering that he is with you for life. And if you can't take care of it, you'll have to sell it. A change of residence is a huge stress for any bird and can lead to death. On average, macaws live 30-50 years, but facts are known when macaws lived longer. The macaw lived in the Copenhagen Zoo for 43 years, in London for 46 years. The Kea parrot was brought to the Antwerp Zoo in 1950. In 1998, the people who cared for him began to notice that the bird was less active and significantly weakened. Elderly Kea was placed in a separate enclosure, where he lived for several more years.

Amazons live in captivity for about 50 years, but do not be surprised when you hear that one of these birds celebrated its 70th anniversary. The reason for the early death of Amazons is most often obesity. For the first 20 years of their lives, they gain excess weight due to malnutrition and lack of physical activity. The main condition for keeping an Amazon is a spacious enclosure and the ability to fly freely around the room from time to time.

The Moluccan cockatoo at the San Diego Zoo has lived for many decades. Experts estimate that he was about 4 years old when he was brought to the zoo in 1925. The bird died on December 30, 1990. On average, in captivity, cockatoos live 40-50 years. Approximately the same life expectancy for eclectus.

Parrots are the oldest representatives of the animal world, which have retained their appearance to this day. They are strikingly different from other birds, and within the detachment they are united by characteristic features. If you are wondering what types of parrots are, and which of them adapts better to a person’s lifestyle, this article will provide the information you need.

The parrot order includes two families: parrots and cockatoos. In total, there are about 350 varieties and genera of parrots, many of them are markedly different from other relatives. Obvious features for most representatives of the order: a curved or crossed beak, four toes on the paws, two of which are directed forward, two backwards. Some birds have bright, contrasting plumage, while others have camouflage colors. The sizes of individuals vary from 8 centimeters to a meter.

People's ideas about parrots are sometimes limited to two or three species of domesticated birds, but there are so many of them in nature that one can only admire the diversity. To learn more about what kind of parrots are, you first need to get acquainted with the most famous species.


Small talking parrots are most suitable for home keeping. You can buy them in the nursery from the breeder or in the bird market at a price of about one and a half thousand rubles. They are unpretentious in care, consume little food, and the noise from them is small. To all the advantages of birds of this species, high intelligence, learning ability and the ability to imitate people's speech are added.

Attractive in appearance: they are small in size, their main color is green, the color of the grass. On the head, back and wings, the feathers have dark stripes in the form of a wave, thanks to which the birds got their name. Natural grass plumage is not the only color; as a result of selection transformations, many mutations and shades have been obtained. There are white, yellow, blue birds, but the most extravagant species is a multi-colored parrot, in which two colors of feathers are distributed evenly:

  • penguins, chest and tummy are separated by color from the back;
  • harlequins, belly and sternum of different shades;
  • motley, on their feathers they have uneven spots.

The average lifespan in captivity is ten years. Fragile wavy rarely live to old age, often their death is associated with the negligent attitude of the owner. With proper and responsible maintenance, the budgerigar lives 15 years or more.


A fabulously beautiful bird native to South America. Spectacular multi-colored parrot as if painted with bright watercolors in all shades of the rainbow. Birds of this species grow up to a meter in length, and live 30 to 90 years. They study well and can perform complex tricks, speak in phrases and according to the situation, their brain is very well developed. The voice is shrill, unpleasant. It is inconvenient and inhumane to keep such a stately bird at home, therefore, macaws are mainly found in circuses, zoos, and nature reserves.

The difference in the color of the plumage gives reason to divide these parrots into four groups:

  1. the macaw genus, in which there are 13 species;
  2. blue-fronted small;
  3. , the largest and most expensive parrot on the planet;
  4. - a rare species, under the threat of extinction.

In relation to a person, the macaw is friendly, waiting for constant communication and care, like a small child. The remarkable abilities and colorful plumage of colorful parrots make people go to crime. Poachers catch bright macaws for the purpose of profit, aborigines - for food, and also to use feathers as decoration.


A small cute bird in Australia is called cockatiel, and in Europe - a nymph. The natural gray color of the parrot perfectly camouflages it in natural conditions. - A common type of parrot for home breeding, along with budgies. Corella can live next to people for 18 - 20 years, if you surround her with care and communicate daily with friends. This talkative bird can become ill and depressed when alone.

The size of the parrot is average: the length of the body along with the tail is 33 - 35 cm. Breeders brought out several color variations:

  • lutino;
  • cinnamon;
  • albino;
  • motley;
  • pearl and others.

A common feature of any mutation of the gray parrot breed is orange cheeks, as well as a funny forelock on the head, similar to the distinguishing attribute of a cockatoo. A cute crest gives a friendly bird originality and charisma.

It cannot be said that the nymph has an outstanding talent for learning, but she can speak after hard work. In addition, the crested bird loves to sing, imitate the sounds of the surrounding world: it mimics the barking of a dog, the noise of household appliances, car alarms. Despite its pleasant appearance, Corella is quite noisy, her voice is harsh, you need to get used to it.


It is known that the name of this species of parrot is associated with its powerful beak - in Malay "kakatua" means "nippers". The structure of the beak allows you to chop the strongest nuts, gnaw thick branches, bite the bars of the cage and even open locks. Another noticeable feature of the bird is a high crest of pink or yellow feathers on the crown. Cockatoo is considered a large species: its body with a tail reaches a length of 70 cm. The wingspan of an average individual is 80 cm. They live in captivity for more than 40 years under favorable circumstances.

The family is divided into several species: yellow-crested, Moluccan, pink, black and others. The most chic is the breed of the Solomon white parrot. He has a spectacular appearance with a predominance of snow-white feathers, on his head a large crest of the same shade.

They are perfectly adapted to the wild conditions of life: they fly perfectly, deftly climb trees and move quickly on the ground. A domestic parrot has nowhere to apply these skills, so he has fun by any available means:

  • with the help of a bent beak, breaks the locking mechanism of the door, pushes the bolt and gets out of the cage;
  • pursues small domestic animals, treats them unceremoniously and mimics;
  • destroys furniture, gnaws wires, tears books and flowers;
  • dances to the music and amuses others, enjoying their reaction.

The cockatoo is vindictive and aggressive, and can bite hard if it feels threatened. To direct the unbridled energy of the parrot in a peaceful direction, you need to transfer his attention to various puzzles, overcoming obstacles. Training and learning to imitate is very interesting for cockatoos, as these birds are very smart and resourceful.


In the African tropics and on the island of Madagascar, impudent birds live -. Their name comes from a beautiful legend: a pair of parrots in love is so tightly connected by a romantic relationship that after the death of one of the partners, the second one deeply yearns and no longer starts a family.

There are several types of "inseparable" parrots:

  1. , he is most loved by breeders. He has a green body plumage, a blue tail, and a pink mask on his head. New artificial colors are in high demand;
  2. mask - a very beautiful bird, in which a characteristic feature appears in the form of white rings around the eyes and dark feathers on the front;
  3. Fischer's lovebird, a bright and agile bird with an orange head. Lives very well in captivity, quickly adapts to new conditions. This species does not have conversational abilities;
  4. Liliana's lovebird, a very small and rare species outside its natural range. The body color is dark green, the head is colored in a shade of strawberry;
  5. black-winged, differs from other counterparts in large size - from the beak to the tail is about 17 cm. The lower part of the wings is painted black. The male has a red forehead, the plumage of the female's head is completely green.

In nature, there is also a black-cheeked lovebird, gray-headed, collared and red-faced - they are extremely difficult to adapt to life in captivity, therefore they are rarely found in a tamed state. Among the bright and colorful species of parrots, lovebirds are one of the most interesting, characteristic and sociable birds.


Perhaps the most intelligent parrot, easily trainable and able to learn several hundred words. The modest gray color of Jaco is more than offset by a phenomenal talent for onomatopoeia. The ashen plumage of the body is diluted with a red or brown color of the tail, a whitish mask on the head, the beak is black and very impressive.

- a long-liver, there are cases when the age of the bird was 50 years. On average, a hand parrot of this species lives 35 - 40 years, in nature this period is much less due to many dangers. If you intend to get yourself such a pet, get ready for the difficulties of keeping a large bird. Not only is the cost of a Jaco in bird markets and nurseries simply off scale, but home improvement and high-quality feed will cost a lot.

For a smart bird, a person should become a friend, now not a single lesson can do without the participation of a feathered bird. Maintaining a positive mood for Jaco will be successful if you provide him with new toys, teach tricks, and offer various tasks. A parrot, left to itself, will begin to harm and destroy furniture, scatter garbage. A yearning bird from idleness will engage in self-plucking, which will lead to a serious illness.


An unusual and rare parrot from New Zealand resembles an owl in its head structure, hence its second name is owl. This is a very interesting, even unique species of parrots: it does not fly due to weak wings, it is nocturnal, females are half the size of males. The voice of the kakapo is reminiscent of the cawing of an owl and the grunting of a pig at the same time.

The inability to fly does not mean that this parrot cannot climb trees: a heavy beak and dexterous wide paws with claws help it to get food and escape from predators. They descend from a tree in a jump, balancing with the help of wings. To minimize threats, kakapo sits in a hole during the day, and goes out in search of food at night. In the dark, he is perfectly oriented by smell, vision is not so important to him.

Feather colors created by nature for better camouflage: dark green with brown and black speckles.

Now this species is disappearing, kakapo parrots are under protection, so zoos cannot boast of having a rare individual. The conditions in the apartment are completely unsuitable for such an exotic bird. In captivity, birds do not breed, so the chicks are bred on farms, raised and released on the islands. Scientists are trying to increase the population without allowing the species to reach complete extinction.


Another peculiar parrot that lives in New Zealand is the Kea or Nestor. The main place of residence is beech forests and thickets of shrubs in the mountainous terrain of the South Island. The size and appearance of the nestor is similar to a crow. Sometimes an individual grows up to half a meter in length and gains a mass of more than a kilogram. Ripe olive-colored feathers cover the body from above, and in flight the bright hues of the inner side of the wings are revealed.

What is interesting about this view? Kea are famous for their sharp mind and mischievous character, they play pranks on the verge of crime:

  • get close to tourist bases and damage property;
  • steal food, accessories and equipment;
  • overturning trash cans.

The curiosity of parrots knows no bounds, for entertainment they even gather in groups and watch for people, beg for treats. In bad weather, when the wind blows, kea love to demonstrate the wonders of acrobatics, again, for this they need spectators.

The unpleasant activity of these brown pests previously also consisted in the fact that they attacked sick and stray sheep. An animal that had strayed from the herd was subjected to a cruel attack by birds of prey, which sat on its back and pecked at the subcutaneous fat. In a fit of revenge, the farmers began to exterminate the vandal birds, which almost led to the extinction of the species. Now ornithologists are intensively restoring the number of kea, these parrots are protected by law.

Before buying a bird that you want to tame, it is common for a person to think about what breeds of parrots are. A description of all existing species can take several volumes of a book, but here is a summary of popular parrots.


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